The technology of making cottage cheese casseroles point by point. Cottage cheese casserole like in a kindergarten


The beauty and taste of this casserole can compete with any cake.

For the base of the casserole you will need

For the top:

  • 1 cup pitted cherries
  • 5-6 small apples
  • 3-4 st. spoons of sour cream
  • sugar and cinnamon to taste

Note: Casserole it works great with any berries or fruits, and the cottage cheese should be homogeneous, without grains and not very dry. It is best to use not too wet curd mass.
The ingredients are calculated for a form with a diameter of 22 cm.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour semolina with warm water (about 40 ° C) so that the water covers the cereal, and leave to swell for 1 hour.
  2. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  3. Rub the yolks with half the sugar until white foam, and then with the swollen semolina and the remaining sugar.
  4. Dilute cottage cheese with 3/4 of milk. If the cottage cheese is completely homogeneous, just mix it well with milk. Otherwise, rub the diluted cottage cheese through a sieve 1-2 times. Received cottage cheese the mass should be the consistency of very thick sour cream. If needed, add more milk.
  5. Add the prepared cottage cheese to the yolk-semolina mass, season with vanilla, mix well.
  6. Grate the lemon zest into the bowl with the dough, add the lemon juice, mix.
  7. Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt into a stiff foam (a small amount of salt makes the walls of the protein bubbles more elastic and stronger), add to the dough, mixing with gentle movements from top to bottom.
  8. Add starch to the mass, mix thoroughly, but gently.
  9. Pour the mass for the casserole into a detachable form greased with oil and sprinkled with semolina.
  10. Peel the apples, cut into small pieces, put on the dough, sprinkle thickly with cinnamon.
  11. Pour sour cream mixed with sugar over the surface of the casserole. It will keep the juiciness of the apples and hold them together.
  12. Arrange the cherries not very densely on top of the sour cream.
  13. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for 40-50 minutes. If the top starts to burn, cover with paper. cooled down casserole settles a little, but it is almost impossible to avoid this.
  14. Let the casserole cool completely and only then remove from the mold and cut into portions.
Lesson topic: "Cooking cottage cheese casserole"
Time: 6 hours
The date of the:
Venue: Teaching Lab
Type of lesson: Lesson the formation and improvement of skills and abilities.
The purpose of the lesson: Educational: To develop skills in cooking dishes from cottage cheese.
Developing: Develop skills in cooking dishes from cottage cheese in various ways of heat treatment
Educational: To cultivate the desire for knowledge of the profession and achieve high performance.
By the end of the lesson, each student will know:
- technology of cooking dishes from cottage cheese,
- safety precautions when preparing dishes from cottage cheese;
- sanitary requirements for the preparation of dishes from cottage cheese;
- quality requirements for cottage cheese dishes.
- rules for serving dishes from cottage cheese.
Lesson method:
Training of labor techniques and skills
Material and technical equipment of the lesson:
electric stove; oven cabinet; scales, pans of various capacities; frying pans, knives and cutting boards; sieve; rolling pins; skimmers; veselka; plates; bowls; gravy boats.
posters; scheme; cards for various purposes; tasting sheets; natural samples, dummies.
raw materials: cottage cheese, eggs, butter and vegetable oil, flour, sugar, etc.
1. Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson.
Helpful Hints
Cottage cheese products will be tastier if they are first passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve.
- So that the cottage cheese is not sour, mix it with an equal amount of milk, and after an hour, fold it into a colander or cheesecloth.
- The cottage cheese may be raw. Wrap it in gauze or a napkin, put it on a plank, press down with a load. Excess moisture will drain out.
- At the first sign of curd souring, it should be processed into cottage cheese pancakes, casseroles, etc.
- Ordinary milk is absorbed by the body an hour after consumption by 32%, and kefir, curdled milk by 91%, cottage cheese by 75%.
- Cottage cheese is best stored wrapped in a cloth moistened with salted water.

We advise you to remember
Milk for insomnia. The British drink a cup of warm milk before going to bed. Doctors have found that after drinking milk before going to bed, a person moves less in sleep and sleeps more calmly. Especially in the second half of the night. Scientists have noticed that older people rarely wake up at night and sleep longer in the morning, if at 20 o'clock, i.e. in the evening, drink a glass of warm milk.
It is interesting
Milk is quite high in calories. In 100 gr it is more than 60 kcal. Half a liter of milk is enough to satisfy 1/3 of the body's daily energy needs. One liter of whole milk replaces 370 grams of beef or 700 grams of potatoes. And the calorie content of different types of milk is different, 1 kg of milk of a female deer is 272 Kcal, a cow is 700, and a rabbit is already 1700 Kcal. The fat milk of a female hippopotamus, about 2000 Kcal, and the fattest milk of a female whale.

2. Conducting an introductory safety briefing during
carrying out technological operations in the preparation of cottage cheese, heat treatment.
Safety precautions when working with an electric stove
Safety precautions when working with cookware
Oven Safety
3. Familiarization of students with costing, technological maps, with the Collection of recipes.
4. Explanation of the technological sequence, drawing up a technological scheme for preparing a dish.
5. Oral survey on the material covered with a presentation.

Card 1
Questions Answers
1. What should be done if the curd contains a lot of moisture?
2. How do you take dumplings out of boiling water?

3. What is used to grease the casserole before baking?
4. What breading is used for cheesecakes?

What thickness is rolled out dough for dumplings with cottage cheese?

What disease occurs when using unprocessed eggs Squeeze under pressure.


Sour cream or egg.

White flour.

1.5 - 2 cm.


Card 2
Questions Answers
1. How are cottage cheese dishes classified according to serving temperature?

2. What are cottage cheese dishes served with?

3. What utensils and utensils are used for frying syrniki?

4. What thickness is the curd mass rolled out for lazy dumplings?

5. For what kind of cottage cheese dishes is cooking used?
7. What is added to the curd mass for flavoring? Cold 12-14 0 С.
Hot 65 0 С.
Sour cream, jam, butter,
sweet sauce

Frying pan, spatula


grated zest

Card 3
Questions Answers
1. What dishes use low-fat cottage cheese?

3. What is the difference between lazy dumplings and dumplings with cottage cheese?

5. What shape do syrniki have?

6. Cooking time for dumplings?

7. Spread the mass for the casserole in a layer ...

8. According to the type of heat treatment, cottage cheese dishes are divided into ...

Lazy dumplings are prepared without dough.

Round flattened.


6. Current briefing:
– preparation of jobs and start of work;
– observance of technology of preparation of dishes;
– compliance with safety requirements;
– intermediate control of work performed;
- quality of execution;

– warning of possible errors;

Compliance with heat treatment;

- assistance to students in the performance of work;

- cleaning of workplaces.
7. Final briefing:
- a message about the achievement of the goal of the lesson;
- table setting;
- analysis of the lesson (analysis of typical mistakes, causes of marriage, ways to eliminate them, what to look for);
- analysis of students' compliance with the rules of labor organization and workplace safety;
– evaluation of works in accordance with quality requirements (publication in the journal)
- homework.

If you are a rice lover, then you probably know that this is a versatile and healthy product. It allows you to diversify the menu not only with side dishes, pilaf and sushi, but also with various desserts. Rice casserole is an example of this. The recipe may include various fruits and berries, both fresh and canned or dried. However, the option with meat, fish or vegetables also has every chance of becoming one of your favorites, so without delay, let's try to cook this unusual, hearty and tasty dish.

Sweet rice casserole recipe

This rice casserole is made with raisins, but you can substitute any berries or fruits like banana, currants, or dried apricots. By the way, dried apricots go well with rice! You just need to pre-soak it and cut into pieces. So, let's begin! We will need:

Half a kilo of cottage cheese;
- 180 grams of round-grain rice;
- two eggs;
- five tablespoons of sour cream and sugar;
- 60 grams of light pitted raisins.

Cooking technology

Pour the raisins with water and set aside to soak. Boil the rice in lightly salted water until almost cooked and rinse it with warm boiled water. Beat cottage cheese and sour cream in a blender until creamy. Separate the egg into white and yolk. We set aside the protein for now, it will come in handy for us, and beat the yolk and another egg with sugar until smooth and combine with the curd mass. Add raisins, add rice and transfer everything to a baking dish. We bake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 0 C for about an hour. We spread it on a beautiful dish, let it cool and enjoy! If you are not a fan of sweets, you can experiment. Replace raisins in the recipe with minced meat, vegetables and greens, because rice casserole with cottage cheese does not have to be sweet!

French casserole with cherries

Even if you have never been to France, having tried this dish, you can safely consider yourself a little French. After all, from now on, a sweet, cherry-smelling piece of Paris will always be on your table - a wonderful rice casserole, the recipe of which was invented by real Frenchmen! Let's get started. We will need:

Half a cup of round-grain rice;
- half a liter of milk;
- four eggs;
- 75 grams of brown sugar (regular sugar is also suitable);
- about twenty cherries;
- ½ teaspoon of salt;
- vanilla;
- Butter for greasing the mold.

Cooking technology

Boil the rice in water for five minutes and discard it in a colander. In the meantime, bring to a boil a mixture of a glass of water and one and a half glasses of milk. Once it boils, reduce the heat to medium and add the rice. Cook it for about twenty minutes, stirring constantly, until the contents of the pan thicken and become viscous. Take the porridge off the heat and let it cool down a bit. While you can remove the stones from the cherries. When the mixture has cooled, beat in eggs one at a time, stirring thoroughly. Grease a baking dish with oil, pour the rice mixture into it and place the cherries on top. Sprinkle evenly with powdered sugar and bake for about 45 minutes at a temperature of 180 0 C. It remains only to cool our masterpiece. If you like this rice casserole, you can change the recipe to include different fruits and berries, such as figs, for variety. It will turn out unusual and very tasty!

Low-fat cottage cheese is wiped and combined with wheat flour or semolina (or thick semolina), sugar, eggs, salt are introduced and the mass is mixed. On a baking sheet, greased and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs, spread the mass with a layer of 3-4 cm. The surface is leveled, smeared with eggs or sour cream, whipped with sour cream. And baked in an oven at a temperature of 250C.

The finished casserole is cut into portioned pieces of a square or rectangular shape. Released hot with sour cream, sour cream or sweet sauce.

Ticket number 15

1. Cooking technology: "Home pickle"

White cabbage, cut into strips, is put into the boiling broth, brought to a boil, potatoes are laid, cooked until half cooked, browned vegetables are put, after a while, poached cucumbers, spices are added, cucumber pickle, salt are added and boiled until tender.

When on vacation, put meat on a plate, pour pickle, put sour cream and greens.

2. Cooking technology: "Fish baked in sour cream sauce"

Whole fish or cut into pieces, sprinkled with salt, breaded in flour, fried in the main way. A side dish is prepared - crumbly buckwheat porridge or potatoes in the skin, which are peeled, cut into circles and fried. Buckwheat porridge is seasoned with table margarine. On the broth, cooked from fish food waste, sour cream sauce is prepared.

Buckwheat porridge is placed on a greased portioned frying pan, a recess is made in the middle and fish is placed, poured with sour cream sauce, sprinkled with cheese, poured with melted fat and baked in an oven. Bream, perch, carp are baked with this side dish. The dish can be prepared with potatoes, which are placed around the fried fish before baking. Released in a portion pan.

3. Cooking technology: "Milk Kissel"

To prepare milk jelly, use whole milk or with the addition of water, which is heated to a boil. Cornstarch is diluted with cold boiled milk and filtered through a fine sieve. Sugar is introduced into the boiling liquid, it is dissolved, stirring, the prepared starch is poured. Kissel is boiled, constantly stirring, with low heating for 10 minutes, then vanillin is added, slightly cooled, poured into glasses, finally cooled and released.

Thick milk jelly is prepared from whole milk, served in a bowl or on a dessert plate, poured over with sweet fruit and berry syrup (50g) or put jam, jam (20g)

Ticket number 16

1. Cooking technology: "Mushroom Sauce"

Boiled mushrooms and onions are cut into strips or finely chopped. Onions are sautéed, combined with mushrooms and fried for 5 minutes. White fat sauté is prepared, diluted with hot mushroom broth and boiled with stirring for 10-15 minutes, salt is added. Then the sauce is filtered, fried onions and mushrooms are put in it and boiled for another 10 minutes. To improve the taste, butter or margarine can be added to the sauce.

The sauce is served with cutlets, zrazy, rolls, potato casserole, rice and meat cutlets, used to prepare derivative sauces.

Whoever went to kindergarten definitely loves cottage cheese casserole cooked according to a traditional recipe since childhood. But do not neglect other equally delicious casseroles, both with sweet fillings and without them.

When preparing a cottage cheese casserole, you should not be limited and you can show your imagination - add candied fruits or greens. A lot depends on your taste preferences here. If rustic cottage cheese has appeared in your house, then immediately start cooking a casserole - after all, it is from such cottage cheese that the most delicious casserole is made.

And believe me, no one will remain indifferent, unless, of course, everything is cooked according to the recipe and do not forget to put a little heat into the cooking process. Preparing such a dish is easy, just follow the recipe, prepare a good baking dish and have an oven, microwave or slow cooker on hand. In short, we are moving, using recipes for cottage cheese casserole, from classics to modern technologies.

The casserole can be served both warm (only cooked) and already cooled. To emphasize the taste of the casserole, sour cream, jam or honey are usually served in parallel - it all depends on preferences.

Traditional cottage cheese casserole

This recipe is easy to prepare, but the recipe dish turns out to be very tender and incredibly tasty. Don't believe? Try to cook and you will see for yourself!

For cooking, we need cottage cheese 400g. But if you want to get a more tender version, then replace the cottage cheese with the curd mass.

Also don't forget to add:

- sugar 3 tablespoons,

- semolina - 2 tablespoons,

- two eggs,

- sour cream - 2 tablespoons,

- vanillin to taste.

We mix all the ingredients (it is better to mix with a mixer or a blender) - we get a mass, which we will bake.

But first, let's prepare the form: grease it with vegetable oil and sprinkle with semolina. And only after that carefully pour the resulting mass into the mold.

We level our mass with a spoon and grease a little sour cream on top.

Now we put our casserole in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

When the cottage cheese casserole prepared according to this recipe is ready, do not rush to pull it out, but turn off the oven and slightly open the lid from the oven - thus the casserole will not lose its splendor.

When the dish is a little cold and has not changed its shape, feel free to take it out and treat your guests with a delicious sweet dessert.

Recipe in a slow cooker

Every girl dreams of eating sweets and not getting fat. You can also try . There is a way out of this situation, namely, prepare a dietary steamed curd casserole according to this recipe. This is not only a healthy dish, but also delicious. Thus, you will pamper yourself without harming your kilograms.

So, to create a dietary masterpiece called cottage cheese casserole, we need the following ingredients:

- this is low-fat cottage cheese gram 400,

- two eggs,

- semolina - 3 tablespoons,

- low-fat kefir - 200 ml (but here you need to be especially careful - the amount of kefir depends on the consistency of the cottage cheese),

- sugar - 3 tablespoons

- and if you wish, you can add any filler to your taste (nuts, raisins, dried apricots, fruits).

To begin with, mix kefir and semolina so that the cereal has time to swell. Prepare the filler: wash, cut. Now beat eggs with sugar and add this mixture to kefir with semolina. Mix well. Next, add cottage cheese (it is better if you pass it through a sieve - then the casserole will turn out without lumps and very tender in structure). When everything has been carefully moved, the next step is to add filler.

Now we pour everything into the steam container and turn on the “Baking” mode.

After our cottage cheese casserole is ready, do not write it off to get it - give it time to brew with the lid closed. It is best to cook such a dish in the evening and leave the diet casserole all night in a slow cooker. And in the morning enjoy a delicious breakfast without extra calories.

Recipe in the microwave

We live in the age of technology, and the microwave has already become a common word for us. Every day we heat something or cook something in it. Therefore, this recipe for cottage cheese casserole was created.

It is prepared quickly, and the result (curd casserole) is very tasty. To create this miracle - a dish you need:

- cottage cheese (9% fat) - 250 gr.,

- one egg,

- semolina - 1.5 tablespoons,

- sugar - 2 tablespoons,

- vanillin to taste and any filler to taste (it is best to use raisins).

To lubricate the form and the casserole itself, you must also:

- butter - 2 tablespoons,

- sour cream - 2 tablespoons.

Mix all the ingredients and put them to infuse for 5-10 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare a baking dish in the microwave. Lubricate it with butter. Now carefully pour the mass into the mold and spread sour cream on top. Don't forget to drizzle some more butter over it. Now you can put the mold with the mass in the microwave and our curd casserole is cooked for 10 - 15 minutes.

You should get a golden crust, which gives us a sign that the dish is ready and you can get it. Now call the guests to the table, the cottage cheese casserole can be poured over with sour cream and served.

Cottage cheese casserole like in a kindergarten:

We wish you bon appetit and creative ideas when preparing cottage cheese casseroles! Enjoy the cooking process itself and delight friends and family with delicious curd casseroles.

Most importantly, when cooking, put your love and a little bit of warmth. Then no one can resist your cottage cheese casseroles and will definitely try them. And believe me, everyone will be happy! Good luck!