Bird cherry in folk medicine. Useful properties and application

dried bird cherry

Cherry is spread on a flat surface and dried in air or in dryers (ovens, ovens) at a temperature not higher than 40-50 ° C. During the drying process, the berries are mixed. Dried fruits have a wrinkled surface of dark color. The bird cherry is sorted out, separated from the stalks and removing the burnt fruits, left to dry for a while on a glazed loggia or in a shed, after which they are put in bags or boxes and stored in a ventilated dry room for no longer than five years.

Bird cherry flour

Berries dried in the above way are ground into flour (for example, using a coffee grinder) and stored in a dry and well-ventilated area. Use this product when baking bread or bakery products(The introduction of 25-50% of such flour is acceptable). In addition, kissels are boiled from bird cherry flour, it is brewed as tea or fillings for pies are made.

Frozen bird cherry

Bird cherry is washed, sorted, removing damaged berries, dried on fabrics, laid out in portioned bags, sealed (tied) and frozen.

Bird cherry jam

Sugar - 1.3 kg Water - 3 tbsp. Bird cherry - 1 kg Intact ripe berries are kept in boiling water for two minutes, put in a cooking basin and poured with syrup (it is cooked in water in which the berries were blanched, and then filtered through several layers of gauze). Jam is boiled in one step, removing the foam. The thickened product is laid out in prepared jars and sealed.

Cherry syrup

Sugar - 1 kg Water - 1 l Bird cherry (mashed potatoes) - 1 kg Berries are kept at room temperature exactly a day, after which they are poured with a small amount of water, heated to 90º C and boiled for 5-7 minutes with active stirring (the pulp should separate from the seeds). Then the mass is rubbed through a fine sieve, sugar, water are added, boiled until cooked, poured into prepared bottles and corked.

Bird cherry mashed with sugar

Sugar - 300 g Bird cherry (puree) - 1 kg Pure and sorted bird cherry fruits are boiled with the addition of a small amount of water, rubbed through a metal sieve, sugar is added, mixed, put in half-liter jars and pasteurized for twenty minutes.

Bird cherry compote

Sugar - 300 g Water - 1.3 l Bird cherry - 1 kg Berries are washed warm water, blanch for a couple of minutes, place in enamelware, pour hot syrup and leave for 5 hours (without closing the lid). After that, the berries are removed, transferred to sterile jars, filling them a quarter, poured with boiling syrup and rolled up. Banks are turned over, wrapped and left for at least 8 hours.

Pouring of bird cherry (an old recipe)

Ripe bird cherry is washed, scattered on a spread cloth and left for 3 days. After that, the berries are laid out on a sieve or on a board and placed in a heated oven (oven). Shriveled, but not completely dried fruits are crushed, poured into a bottle (filling it up to the very neck) and poured with vodka. After 6 weeks, the liqueur is drained, sugar is added (to taste) and mixed. After that, the product is completely ready for use.

Bird cherry can lead to poisoning only if it is used together with bones in fresh. Otherwise, this berry is absolutely safe and very useful. .


Coffee drink made from bird cherry flour.
Grind bird cherry flour (2 teaspoons) with sugar (to taste). Brew like coffee. Drink with milk, cream.

Compote from the fruits of bird cherry and wild rose.
Rose hips (1 cup) clear of seeds, rinse thoroughly, add sugar (50 g), bird cherry fruits (1 cup) and boil in water (800 ml) until tender.

Kissel bird cherry
200 g of bird cherry berries, 20 g of sugar, 5 g of starch, 300 g of water Pour bird cherry berries with water and boil for 20 minutes. Mix thoroughly and separate the pulp of the berries from the seeds through a sieve. Add sugar and starch diluted in a small amount of water, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Serve hot or chilled.

Kissel bird cherry from flour.
To do this, 0.5 cups of bird cherry flour brew 0.5 liters of boiling water and mix thoroughly. Pour this mass into a saucepan with 1 liter of boiling water, add 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide) starch, diluted in a small amount of water. Bring the jelly to a boil and remove from heat.

Kvass from bird cherry
1 option. fresh fruits rinse the bird cherry cold water, put in enamel pan, cover with sugar, cover with a napkin and keep at room temperature for 12 hours. Then mix everything, pour warm water, add yeast, sugar and leave for 12 hours to ferment. Strain, pour into a three-liter glass jar, leave for 2 days in a room, then store in a cold place. To prepare kvass, you need: 600 g of bird cherry fruits (3 tablespoons), 3 liters of water, 300 g of sugar, 10 g of yeast.

Option 2. Dried fruits bird cherry (500 g) pour water (4 l), heat to a boil, cook for 20 minutes, cool (in air), add 300-400 g of sugar and leave for 12 hours, then add 2 l warm water, add 200 g of sugar and 10 g of yeast and leave for 12 hours to ferment. Strain and pour into bottles. After 2-3 days kvass is ready.

Stuffing for bird cherry pies.
1 option. Grind bird cherry flour (250 g) with sugar (15 g), add malt (25 g) and, adding water, bring to the consistency of the filling.
Option 2. Bird cherry fruits (500 g) blanch for 2 minutes, drain the water. Rub the fruits through a sieve (to remove the seeds), add sugar (50 g), grind.

Pies, cakes, etc.

Pie with cherry filling
cook butter dough on yeast. Sort the bird cherry, grind in a mortar, put in a saucepan, add a little water, sugar and boil for 5-7 minutes, let cool. Roll out the dough into round cakes, put the prepared filling in the middle, bend the edges, brush with egg. Bake in the oven or in the Russian oven. Bird cherry berries can be boiled and passed through a meat grinder.

Cake "Negro's smile" from ground bird cherry
To prepare the dough, pour 1 cup of ground bird cherry with 1 cup of sour cream and leave for 2 hours. Pound a couple of eggs with 1 cup of sugar, then gently mix with bird cherry. Add baking soda 1 teaspoon slaked with vinegar 3%, wheat flour 1.5-2 cups and knead not too thick dough. Bake the cake, pouring the dough into a greased form, until the aroma of bird cherry appears.
Cut the baked cake in half horizontally, layer with cream of 0.5 kg whipped sour cream with 1 glass of sugar.

Cake "Uralsky" with bird cherry
Dough: 2 eggs, 1.5 tbsp sugar, 100 g butter, 1 tbsp kefir, 0.5 tbsp bird cherry, 0.5 tbsp semolina, 1 tbsp flour, 1 tsp soda, lemon acid. Cream: sour cream 1 tbsp, sugar 0.5 tbsp.

Grind eggs with sugar, add melted butter, kefir, bird cherry, semolina, soda, citric acid, add flour. Knead the dough, bake a few cakes. Spread the cooled cakes with sour cream, decorate the top with fresh or canned berries.

Compote of bird cherry and apples
[show] 200 g of bird cherry berries and 150 g of sliced ​​apples pour a liter cold water, add 60 g of sugar and cook until tender, until the fruits become soft.

Shangi with bird cherry

Filling: 250 g dried bird cherry, 50 g sugar.
Boil dried bird cherry and pass through a meat grinder, add sugar or grind in a mortar, adding sugar and water, and boil for 5-7 minutes, cool.
Roll out the dough with yeast into cakes, put the prepared filling in the middle, bend the edges and brush with egg. Bake in the oven.

As part of many healing fees and funds, you can often find dried bird cherry. Due to its amazing beneficial properties, this plant has long been successfully used in the field of pharmaceuticals.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the bird cherry plant grows everywhere. In addition, it is often found in many neighboring countries, as well as in Europe and Asia. Bird cherry is planted mainly in parks and gardens, as this plant is able to endure frosty winters very well and steadfastly. Bird cherry usually reaches no more than eight meters in height, so it belongs to shrubs, not trees. And the aroma of its snow-white flowers, which cannot be confused with anything else, does not leave anyone indifferent!

In addition to their amazing beauty and unforgettable aroma, bird cherry flowers are famous for their excellent bactericidal and antiseptic properties. That is why bird cherry flowers are often included in the composition of medicines designed specifically for the treatment of a number of diseases that are viral in nature. Bird cherry berries are no less widespread in the field of medicine. Proponents of traditional medicine know great amount recipes medicinal decoctions and infusions, an obligatory component of which are dried berries or flowers of bird cherry.

Drying bird cherry berries is one of the most better ways prepare useful raw materials in such a way that all useful properties are fully preserved in it. The industrial method of harvesting dried bird cherry berries involves the use of special ovens for these purposes. To do this, it is necessary to lay out the pre-selected bird cherry berries in a thin scrap on special baking sheets. The oven temperature must be at least 60ºС. When the fruits are completely dry, they must be carefully sifted in order to free them from debris.

for storage dried berries bird cherry, it is recommended to use special bags made of canvas - this method allows you to save all the beneficial properties of these fruits for five years. It should be borne in mind that berries that are stored longer do not contain any vitamins and other valuable components.

Dried bird cherry berries are characterized by a very dark, sometimes even black color. Over time, they may become covered with a white coating. However, you should not be afraid of this plaque - it's just sugar protruding outward.

In the culinary field, dried bird cherry berries are widely used. As a rule, flour is made from them, which is subsequently added to the dough when creating numerous bakery and confectionery. In addition, flour obtained from dried bird cherry can be mixed with other types of flour - for example, wheat, oatmeal or rye - and used to make delicious pancakes, fritters, as well as homemade cakes. AT homemade cakes you can add whole dried bird cherry berries, only for this they must first be soaked.

Dried bird cherry berries are ideal for making tasty and healthy drinks - for example, compotes or kvass. In addition, wonderful kissels, mousses, jelly are obtained on their basis. The benefits of dried bird cherry fruits are due to the fact that they are rich in magnesium, copper, iron, zinc and some other minerals.

The beauty bird cherry is familiar to everyone. But not everyone knows that this amazing plant has the ability of a natural healer. It is very important to apply these qualities correctly: otherwise, bird cherry therapy can bring not good, but harm to the body.

Bird cherry: flowers-berries

Bird cherry blossoms... How many wonderful poetic images are inspired by the lush lacy flowering of this wonderful tree! But the wonderful fragrant flowers of bird cherry are by no means the only advantage of the plant, to which people have paid close attention for a very long time.

Fragrant flowers - the first thing they remember when talking about bird cherry

Archaeologists found petrified bird cherry seeds at one of the sites of primitive man. Consequently, the fruits of this tree were used by our distant ancestors as early as the Stone Age - earlier than the vast majority of currently known cultivated plants.

People enjoyed the same bird cherry in the Stone Age

Tradition and modernity

Recently, the undeservedly forgotten good traditions of the Slavs have been revived, in which the use of bird cherry was everyday - both in culinary and in medicinal purposes. Almost all parts of the plant were used: its fruits, berries, leaves and bark.

Bird cherry flour was in the old days a mandatory preparation for the winter

From dried bird cherry berries, for example, flour was made at special mills, which was mixed with rye and wheat and baked incredibly delicious bread. And bird cherry pies cooked according to old recipes, and now become an original decoration of any holiday table.

Until recently, the botanical classification for some reason defined the bird cherry as the closest relatives ... to the plum. Now, scientists have revised this position: indeed, in many of its qualities, the bird cherry is much closer to the cherry. Breeders have already managed to develop viable and very promising hybrids, which received names by adding parental Latin names: padocerus (cherry cherry) and cerapadus (cherry cherry).

A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry cerapadus combined the best parental qualities

Bouquet of bird cherry

In the genus of bird cherry, there are two dozen species that hybridize with each other. The most famous and widespread species is the common bird cherry. Its properties are well studied and widely used in traditional medicine.

Common bird cherry is well studied as medicinal plant

At the next most popular stage are two types of American origin: virgin and late; they are also quite common in our gardens. In the Far East, for medicinal purposes, a local species is sometimes also used - bird cherry Maaka.

The main types of plants - gallery

Common bird cherry - the most popular species among the people

Bird cherry siori - the healing properties of the species are little studied

Bird cherry can have both red and yellow or black berries

Cheryomukha Maaka - fruits are inedible

Late bird cherry has large, up to a centimeter in diameter, tasty fruits

Everyone in the garden!

Harvesting bird cherry is a responsible business. Its berries are harvested fully ripe: the riper, the tastier they become. The bird cherry season begins in mid-August, when they are harvested, plucked in whole bunches.

It is important to properly prepare the flowers and berries of bird cherry

It is very important to choose the right moment for picking berries: the weather should be clear, and the morning dew on the fruits should be completely evaporated. Cherry berries are dried along with the stalks, which are removed after the raw material has completely dried.

Before laying for storage, the berries must be freed from the stalks

Fragrant clusters of flowers are harvested in May, and even before that - tree bark and young twigs: they are most healing in early spring, at the peak of sap flow. Bird cherry leaves are usually not harvested for future use, but are used only fresh throughout the warm season, from spring to autumn.

Branches and bark of bird cherry are cut or broken into small pieces. This raw material is dried at low temperature regime in the oven, electric dryer or naturally. Without losing their useful properties, the bark and berries are stored in thick paper or linen bags for a long time - up to five years. The shelf life of delicate inflorescences of bird cherry is significantly less - no more than a year (subject to good ventilation).

Delicate bird cherry flowers do not last longer than a year

Composition and benefits

In addition to organic acids and bitterness, which give bird cherry berries a unique taste, this plant contains in its various parts a huge amount of other biologically active compounds, including:

  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins C, A, E, P;
  • routine;
  • coloring matter - anthocyanins;
  • Sahara;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil.

Acids and bitterness give the berries a characteristic bird cherry taste.

But special attention should be paid to the high concentration of substances that make bird cherry both uniquely useful and potentially dangerous if used incorrectly. We are talking about phytoncides and glycosides.

Volatile phytoncides give us an amazing aroma of bird cherry

It is thanks to phytoncides that flowering bird cherry smells so magical. But one should not stay alone with a fragrant bouquet for a long time in a closed room: a shock dose of these compounds can be harmful to both the cardiovascular and nervous systems. At the same time, in small doses, phytoncides are healing: they destroy pathogenic microbes.

Significant harm can also be caused by the glycoside amygdalin, which is especially abundant in the seeds of bird cherry fruits. When broken down in the body, amygdalin releases the infamous hydrocyanic acid.

These cute berries contain hydrocyanic acid

Hence the signature taste of bitter almonds, and the accompanying very unpleasant consequences. Heat treatment fixes the problem, but you still need to be aware of it.

In the bird cherry, especially in its berries, the content of valuable for human body minerals, especially trace elements such as cobalt and manganese.

Cherry berries are a storehouse of valuable trace elements

Chemical composition of bird cherry berries - table

The effectiveness of folk remedies

Since ancient times, the astringent property of bird cherry berries has been known, which has been successfully used in folk medicine to this day for the treatment of diarrhea and dysbacteriosis. In addition, the medicinal plant has a number of useful qualities for humans, including:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotic;
  • hemostatic;
  • urine and diaphoretic;
  • sedative;
  • antiscorbutic.

Tender and fragrant bird cherry boldly fights with many ailments

The benefits of bird cherry flowers and fruits - video

Use in traditional medicine

The benefits of bird cherry are recognized not only by non-traditional, but also by official medicine. For the preparation of medicinal products, usually only one type of plant is used - the bird cherry. The properties of other species, unfortunately, are still studied too little.

Common bird cherry - the "head doctor" of a kind

homemade recipes

Quantity folk recipes from the leaves, flowers, bark and berries of bird cherry is very large. Their value, among other things, lies in interchangeability: for the treatment of the same ailments, you can use different forms and different parts of the plant.

For medicinal preparations, various parts of the bird cherry are used.

Infusion of flowers

Well heals purulent and other wounds, burns; treats eye diseases, as well as stomatitis in the oral cavity.



  1. Rub dry bird cherry flowers in your palms and pour them into warm boiled water.
  2. Infusion lasts 6-7 hours, after which the drink should be filtered.

Ready infusion is used for washings, lotions and rinses; inside use a third of a glass on an empty stomach and at bedtime.

leaf infusion

Take with beriberi, accumulated fatigue and loss of strength; the drug improves metabolism.


  • bird cherry leaves - 2 teaspoons;
  • boiling water - 0.5 liters.
Bird cherry leaves are usually used fresh, not dried.


  1. Pour the leaves into teapot and boil with boiling water.
  2. The infusion is prepared within a quarter of an hour, it can not be filtered.

Drink two glasses throughout the day healthy tea in which you can, if desired, stir a little honey.

Infusion with leaves and flowers

Stops inflammation, restores damaged tissues.



  1. Grind medicinal raw materials in the evening and pour it with boiled cool water.
  2. In the morning, drain the infusion through 4-5 layers of gauze.

Use for washes, compresses and lotions.

Berry tea

Improves digestion and male potency, tones.


  • bird cherry fruits, fresh or dried, - 2 teaspoons;
  • boiling water - 0.3 liters.

Tea with bird cherry berries is called the drink of love


  1. Fresh fruits can be crushed, dry fruits can be crushed.
  2. Brew the prepared berries with freshly boiled water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Drink during the day in small doses.

bark decoction

Successfully used as a douche for the treatment of gynecological inflammation; when taken internally, it supports the work of the heart.


  • bird cherry bark - 1 tablespoon;
  • hot water - 1 glass.

Bird cherry bark - the basis for universal medicinal preparations


  1. Grind the bark and steam it with boiling water.
  2. Simmer on low heat for at least half an hour with the lid closed.
  3. Filter the decoction that has cooled completely.

Take a tablespoon half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Decoction of berries

Strengthens the immune system, is used to prevent and treat colds; contributes to the improvement of vision.


  • bird cherry fruits - 1 tablespoon;
  • hot water - 1 glass.


  1. Boil dried fruits and keep covered in a water bath for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Cool naturally, then filter.

The finished broth is divided into three equal doses and consumed throughout the day.

Decoction of leaves and twigs

An excellent drug for relieving joint and muscle pain, treating rheumatism.


  • thin branches and green leaves bird cherry - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiling water - 0.5 liters.

A decoction of bird cherry leaves and twigs is an excellent drug for relieving joint and muscle pain, treating rheumatism


  1. Cut medicinal raw materials into pieces, steam with boiling water.
  2. Simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour the cooled broth through a sieve.

Take orally 50 milliliters two or three times a day.

Leaf decoction

It has a positive effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation and eliminates infections.


  • fresh bird cherry leaves - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 0.3 liters.

A decoction with bird cherry leaves is good for digestion


  1. Boil the pre-cut leaves with boiled water.
  2. Keep on low heat for no longer than five minutes.
  3. Cool, strain, refrigerate.

Drink a ready-made broth in three doses, each half an hour before meals; single serving - a quarter cup.

Tincture on the bark

Effective antimicrobial and restorative agent; recommended for digestive disorders.


  • crushed bird cherry bark - 0.5 cups;
  • high-quality vodka - 0.5 liters.

Alcohol extract concentrates useful material bird cherry bark


  1. Pour the bird cherry bark into the vodka and shake well.
  2. Insist in a warm and dark place for 12-14 days, then decant the finished extract.

Use externally as a rub for sore joints or inside a teaspoon once or twice a day.

Tincture on flowers

A good remedy for the normalization of the pulse and the prevention of heart disease.


  • dry inflorescences of bird cherry - 1 cup;
  • medical alcohol - 0.5 liters.

Bird cherry flowers - support for the heart


  1. Bird cherry flowers drenched in alcohol are infused away from light for two weeks, shaking occasionally.
  2. After this period finished product filter and clean in a dark cold place.

Take 2-3 times a day, 20 drops, mixing them with a small amount water or a teaspoon of sugar.

Berry tincture

It normalizes the heart rhythm, treats neurosis, improves the functioning of the digestive tract.


  • fresh bird cherry berries - 1 cup;
  • vodka - 0.5 liters.
Bird cherry tincture in small doses normalizes heart rhythm, treats neuroses, improves the functioning of the digestive tract


  1. Scatter ripe bird cherry in an even thin layer on a clean napkin and dry for two days.
  2. Mash the berries a little in a non-metallic mortar and pour vodka.
  3. After three weeks of infusion, filter.

Drink one to two teaspoons before meals twice a day.


An old way of harvesting bird cherry berries; It is used both in cooking and in healing - to mobilize the reserves of the body, treat infectious diseases and as a semi-finished product for other medicinal preparations.


  1. It is good to dry the ripe fruits of the bird cherry.
  2. Grind the dried berries in a coffee grinder in small portions to a state of flour.
  3. Sift the resulting powder through a sieve to get rid of large pieces of seeds.

AT pure form taken orally in a teaspoon three times a day between meals.


A strong energy drink, powerfully saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, restores metabolism.


  • ripe bird cherry - 1 kilogram;
  • boiled water - 0.5 liters.
Cherry juice saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, restores metabolism


  1. Squeeze the juice from freshly picked cherry fruits using a juicer.
  2. Cake pour an equal volume with it boiled water, stir, squeeze and combine with fresh juice.
  3. Put in the refrigerator, for better preservation, you can pour a tablespoon of vodka or alcohol.

Juice is consumed one - two times a day for half a glass.

Treatment regimens

When taking preparations of bird cherry, one should remember that this plant is poisonous and an overdose in the treatment of them is dangerous. It is necessary to strictly adhere to proven measures of application and regimens of therapy, and in difficult cases - be sure to seek medical care.

Caution: useful bird cherry is dangerous in case of overdose!

Therapy with bird cherry preparations - table

Application features

The practice of using a natural healing agent has existed for a very long time, so some features of the use of bird cherry preparations stand out in it.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the old days, herbalists successfully used bird cherry as a contraceptive. This should be kept in mind if you are planning to have a child. The active substances of the plant tend to accumulate in female body it will take some time to get them out. For this reason, the use of bird cherry in any form should be completely stopped at least three months before the planned conception.

Cannot be consumed during pregnancy

You can not use this folk remedy for women also during the period of bearing a child and after childbirth, while the baby is on breastfeeding. Usually useful for women's health bird cherry at the indicated time intervals can become dangerous for the health of mother and baby.

For kids

Cherry, rich in valuable substances, can be very useful for the full development of a fast-growing child's body. But before giving the child this folk remedy, the risks from its use should be completely eliminated.

Of all parts of the plant, its leaves are the least toxic, so children are usually prescribed drugs based on them. But even these sparing drugs are not recommended for babies under the age of two.

Bird cherry tea before two years should not be given to children

Most often, children are prescribed bird cherry for the treatment of intestinal disorders and helminthic invasions. Consult with the attending pediatrician - he will help you choose the right dosage for the child in each case.

In cosmetology

Regular consumption of bird cherry helps to normalize digestion, metabolism and cleanse the body. Thanks to this alone, the skin of the face and body becomes fresher, younger and healthier. However, external use folk remedy gives such clear and convincing results that you should definitely use it.

Cherry will help with skin problems

In home cosmetology, bird cherry is most often used to get rid of acne and other dermatological problems. In addition, the active compounds of infusions and decoctions contribute to the acceleration of metabolic and regenerative processes - the skin is renewed, gets rid of wrinkles, sagging and age spots.

Fresh berry juice helps a lot with acne and dermatitis - they need to lubricate problem areas several times a day. To strengthen and consolidate the positive effect, add morning washing with fragrant infusion of bird cherry flowers into your daily face care practice or make cosmetic ice out of it. It will invigorate you and your skin.


Since bird cherry contains toxic components, the use of its preparations should be taken with special responsibility. There are a number of contraindications for this folk remedy, including:

Take responsibility for the use of these berries

The wonderful aroma of bird cherry can also cause health troubles, for example, if you decorate an unventilated bedroom with flowers.

A bouquet of bird cherry, if you stay close to it for a long time, can ruin your well-being and mood

As in this, and in any other case associated with the use of bird cherry, any manifestations of discomfort should become a danger signal for you and a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor.

January 9, 2012

Bird cherry has proven itself in folk medicine and cooking, not only its berries are harvested, but also flowers, leaves, shoots and bark. But the greatest use is found for the fruits of bird cherry - round black drupes, tart and astringent in taste.

There are several ways to dry the bird cherry. The quickest way to dry the berries is in the oven. To do this, the berries are laid out in a thin layer on a baking sheet or on a special sieve and placed in the oven. At the beginning of the drying process, the temperature in the oven should not be higher than 45 - 50 degrees. As the berries dry, the temperature is slightly increased, but at the same time, be sure to periodically mix it for even drying. It is better not to leave the berries unattended, they can burn even at low temperatures. After three to four hours, the temperature is increased to 60 - 65 degrees and drying is completed in this temperature regime.

Bird cherry berries can also be dried outdoors. To do this, choose a sunny, quiet place, protected from wind and drafts, scatter the berries in a thin layer on clean paper, on pallets or on fabric and dry in the sun. If the weather is cool and there is no sun, then the berries can be dried in a room with good ventilation. They usually dry out within a few days.
Bird cherry is stored for three to five years. If a whitish coating appeared on the surface of the berries, this does not mean spoilage, a white coating is traces of crystallized sugar.

Now if you are asked

The content of the article:

Bird cherry is a plant from the Rosaceae family, genus Plum. Currently, some botanists classify the culture as part of the Cherry genus. The fruits are small, with a thin layer of pulp and a large stone. The color of the berry is black, the taste is tart, sweet, astringent. It is found everywhere in the zone of temperate and temperate continental climate, grows in North Africa, throughout Europe, in Transcaucasia, in the Far East, in Central and East Asia. Dried bird cherry is used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. For harvesting, special blowing ovens are used, where the manually collected and cleaned product is laid out in a thin layer. Drying is carried out at a temperature of 60°C. Then the chilled berries are packaged in packages protected from air access or ground into flour. The pulp is not separated from the stone during drying.

The composition and calorie content of dried bird cherry

The nutritional value of dried berries is higher than fresh ones.

Calorie content of dried bird cherry - 108 kcal per 100 g of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 8.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 16.8 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 68 g;
  • Ash - 1 g;
  • Water - 5.8 g.
Dietary fiber is pectin - an analogue of fiber, lighter.

Macro- and microelements per 100 g:

  • Magnesium - 0.9 mg;
  • Copper - 100 mg;
  • Manganese - 1 mg;
  • Cobalt - 10 mg;
  • Zinc - 0.3 mg;
  • Iron - 0.2 mg.
Dried bird cherry also contains vitamins A, C and E, complex B - B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP. In addition, the pulp contains tannins, flavonoids and phytonicides, glycosides, essential oils, fruit sugar. Of the acids, malic and citric acids should be distinguished.

Some components of the pulp of bird cherry, when overeating, can lead to poor health, these are alkaloids and hydrocyanic acid. The last one in minimal amount, but dried bird cherry is often consumed along with the bone, where it accumulates.

Dried bird cherry is less tart and not as astringent in the mouth as fresh berry. If it is soaked in water, the beneficial properties are preserved, and the soreness does not appear after use.

Useful properties of dried bird cherry

The benefits of dried bird cherry have been recognized by official medicine. Thanks to healing properties crushed powder from berries is introduced into natural preparations intended primarily for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract.

The beneficial effect of bird cherry on the body

  1. Treatment of chronic diarrhea, including infectious nature, tannins in dried bird cherry are no less than in freshly picked ones;
  2. Stops the vital activity of putrefactive bacteria due to high content pectin;
  3. Has an adsorbing effect;
  4. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and tones the micromuscles in the upper layer of the endometrium;
  5. Prevents the absorption of harmful cholesterol into the bloodstream;
  6. It has an antioxidant effect, isolates free radicals in the intestines, cleanses the liver of toxins;
  7. Increases local and general immunity;
  8. It has a diuretic effect, bird cherry tea eliminates the inflammatory process in the urinary system;
  9. Reduces swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the larynx with colds;
  10. Increases sweating, has antipyretic properties;
  11. Strengthens nervous system, increases stress resistance, prevents the development of depression.
The use of bird cherry is useful for men. Thanks to unique composition peripheral blood supply is accelerated, which means that potency increases. Noted also positive influence on libido.

If a layer of soaked bird cherry is applied to open wounds, the development of a purulent-inflammatory process can be prevented. If lotions from the soaked berry are regularly applied to the face, you can restore skin tone and stop the manifestation of age-related changes.

Harm and contraindications to the use of dried bird cherry

Not everyone can introduce dishes from healthy berries into the diet.

The contraindications for the use of dried bird cherry are as follows:

  • Individual intolerance to the product;
  • Chronic constipation caused by dysbiosis or diseases of the digestive tract, not associated with a change in the rate of peristalsis;
  • Diabetes mellitus, since dried berries contain so many sugars that a white sweet coating appears on the surface;
  • Lactation, because the pulp contains alkaloids, which are released along with breast milk and can provide Negative influence on the baby and provoke intoxication.
Bird cherry is also prohibited during pregnancy. Constipation is typical for pregnant women, and berries have a pronounced fixing effect. Dried bird cherry is dangerous for them, in which hydrocyanic acid remains, because the berries are crushed together with the bones. The harm of bird cherry for pregnant women is so pronounced that in an “interesting” position it is undesirable to breathe the aroma of a flowering plant - intoxication of the body can be provoked, which will lead to termination of pregnancy.

It is undesirable to cook dishes with dried bird cherry for small children. Berries are first soaked, and at the same time alkaloids and hydrocyanic acid are absorbed into the pulp. Even if children know how to spit out the bones, the risk of intoxication remains.

Dried bird cherry recipes

At home, bird cherry can be dried different ways. Preference should be given to the simplest. The berries are laid out on baking sheets covered with white paper or parchment, and left in the sun. The twigs are removed during the drying process, all the same, the fruits need to be periodically turned over and mixed. At night, the baking sheets are removed into the room so that they do not absorb the falling dew. On average, the process takes 2-3 weeks. If the trays are replaced with stretched mesh frames, drying is accelerated.

When drying in the oven, maintain the temperature at 70°C and open the door slightly to allow air to circulate. In this case, the process takes 8-15 hours.

The readiness of the product is determined by the “touch”: the berries should not secrete juice under mechanical pressure, and when poured, make a characteristic knock and rustle, like peas. It is allowed to change the color of the skin to reddish. You can cook a lot of dishes from dried bird cherry.

Recipes with dried bird cherry

  1. Bird cherry tincture. Used to boost immunity and as table wine. Purchase a bottle of vodka with a screw cap. Half of the bottle is poured, 6 tablespoons of dried berries and 4 tablespoons of sugar are added, vodka is added as much as possible so that the bottle is closed, and cleaned in a dark place. After 10 days you can taste. The astringent taste disappears, and the tincture turns out to be very soft, it can be characterized as “delicate”.
  2. Cherry syrup. The berries are poured with boiling water and allowed to stand so that they are soaked. Periodically change the water. Then the bones are separated from the pulp by vigorous rubbing, covered with sugar and boiled until the contents of the pan thicken. Stored as regular jam. The recipe is laborious, but the taste is worth it. The syrup is added as a flavor enhancer to baked goods, used as an astringent, and beverages are bred on its basis. Proportions of ingredients: bird cherry, sugar, water - 1:1:1.
  3. Shangi with bird cherry. Shangi is a half-forgotten dish of Russian cuisine, which is open pies cheesecake type, but with various fillings. Sift half a kilogram of flour, add 1 teaspoon of salt, dry yeast and 2 teaspoons of sugar, 300 ml of warm milk and knead the dough. teaspoon butter completely melt, pour into the palm of your hand and knead the dough again for 5-7 minutes. Then it is rolled into a ball, cleaned in a warm place under a towel to fit. In the process of lifting, they push through 2-3 times. The bird cherry is laid out in a saucepan, crushed, poured with boiling water and boiled for about 5-10 minutes, poured into sugar. The proportions of berries and sugar are 5:1. Then the filling is cooled, the water is drained. The dough is rolled out in small circles, the filling is laid out, the edges are folded over, like on whites. Let the shangams stand for 5-7 minutes to come up. At this time, beat the egg and grease the products. Bake at a temperature of 220 ° C until the dough is browned. Ready-made shangs increase in size, so they are not placed close to the baking sheet, otherwise they will stick together. You can eat with sour cream. Delicious both warm and cold. Classic shangi is prepared with a filling of crushed bird cherry, but if grains of seeds bother you, you can pass the berries through a meat grinder.
  4. Siberian cake. This dish is a table decoration in traditional Siberian cuisine. Approximately 100 g of dry bird cherry should be prepared in advance, a little less than a glass of milk, 4 large or 5 small chicken eggs, a tablespoon of butter, a little flour - about 125 g, but more may be needed. Baking powder is added to the dough - approximately 2 teaspoons or less, fresh lemon juice from half a lemon. Cream ingredients: 400 g sour cream, 100 g sugar. For decoration - chocolate, preferably white, in drops. Siberians prefer to slightly crush the berries and steam them well with milk - boiling, for 3 hours, periodically reheating to a boil. It is convenient to infuse berries in a slow cooker; earlier, a Russian oven was used for this. The yolks and proteins are separated by whipping the yolks with a third of sugar. When the foam has already turned out, they are mixed with bird cherry, getting rid of excess milk with a sieve. Careful straining is not required. It is convenient to use a food processor or a blender with a large bowl to prepare bird cherry dough. Mix the bird cherry dough, butter, flour, lemon juice in a food processor. Separately, beat the egg whites with the remaining sugar until peaks, gradually add to the dough, stirring at low speed. Post it in silicone mold or a frying pan greased sunflower oil, baked for about 40 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C. If the top is very baked, cover with parchment. While the cake is baking, knead the sour cream. The biscuit can be cut lengthwise and smeared with cream on both sides or smeared with it just on top. Sprinkle generously over the cream chocolate chips. Minus dessert - a little crunchy on the teeth.
Dried bird cherry is stored for no more than 3 years, the product does not lose nutritional properties. However, useful substances are stored no longer than 1.5 years. If you plan to prepare a drink for immunity, then the “old” bird cherry is not good.

You should not get rid of the workpiece if a white coating appears on the dried fruits, but there is no change in smell. It's just crystallized sugar.

Bird cherry among the ancient Slavs was associated with spiritual purity and innocence. According to legend, a young girl turned into a tree, who did not wait for the attention of the guy she loved with all her heart. At first, she silently suffered and cried so that no one would see, and then her heart turned to ice, and her tears turned black and became tart from hatred for a happy rival. The pagan Gods preferred to turn the maiden into a tree so that she would not harm the newlyweds. Since then, when bird cherry blossoms, colds come.

Bird cherry does not bear fruit every year. Even if they enjoyed the spring delicate aroma flowering, fruits can not wait. The plant responds to adverse weather conditions and pest activity.

Bird cherry is not planted in gardens, a grown tree takes up a lot of space and obscures the usable area with its crown. But it is often planted as an ornamental plant in urban areas, and it takes root very well.

When you sit in a park under a bird cherry, you can not be afraid of being bitten by flies or mosquitoes. Phytoncides are also preserved by dry pulp. If you put a saucer of dried bird cherry, filled with water, next to you at home, as long as the smell persists, insects will not annoy.

In total, there are 20 species of bird cherry, and almost all fruits are edible. For consumers who have not come across botanical descriptions, plants differ in stem height, flower shape and fruit color. They can be either black or reddish. Berries of all kinds can be harvested for the winter in dried form.

Only maaki bird cherry berries are inedible for humans, but this is “not scary”. The tree grows in the subtropics of South America and reaches a height of 16 m. It would be problematic for a person to collect bitter fruits. But they are adored by bears and birds.

Bird cherry, traditional for the Central European region, is also not easy to collect. Trees grow up to 8 m high. But since the trunk is thick, it is not difficult to climb a tree and get comfortable to pick berries. Harvest is then harvested for the winter and enjoyed fragrant pies with cherry.

Watch a video about dried bird cherry: