Do I need to add sour cream to the sweet dough. Test products. Ingredients for the recipe "Yeast dough on sour cream".

Ingredients for the recipe "Yeast dough on sour cream":

How to cook yeast dough with sour cream

Sour cream is a versatile ingredient for dough, but not everyone uses this product for such purposes. If there is sour cream of any fat content in the refrigerator, especially if it is not the first freshness, you should not throw it away. cook butter air dough for pie, for buns, for bagels or for pizza - this is the best thing to do with it.

A delicious way to share food with friends and people you love. Grease a pan with a hole in the middle. Try to make a thin, even layer, preferably using a brush. Sprinkle with flour and shake well to remove excess. Sift flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl. Place butter on mixer room temperature and make it fluffy. Add sugar and beat just to mix. Add eggs, one by one, beating well between each addition. If the dough looks sharp, don't panic, it is.

Reduce mixer speed and gradually add sifted ingredients, alternating with milk. For each addition, beat just to blend. When the dough is very smooth, turn off the mixer. Add lemon peel, mix with spatula. Transfer the dough to the prepared bowl. To level out, the trick is to quickly turn the mold into a table. Bake in preheated oven for about 45 minutes. Sprinkle a toothpick on the cake to test the point: if it comes out dirty, let it bake some more - if it comes out clean, it's in place.

Here we will tell you how to cook delicious yeast dough on sour cream. The recipe is simple, it will not take longer to cook it than any other sponge dough for any home baking.

What gives sour cream in yeast dough

Due to its high fat content, sour cream can replace two important ingredients at once - butter and milk. Fat is used to make dough as a softener. It is fats that will make baking tender and give the desired structure. For example, if the fat is gradually rolled into the dough, it will be flaky. And if you grind the sour cream with sugar first and then mix it with the rest of the ingredients, you get an excellent dough with an airy, finely porous structure for muffins and pies.

How to make dough for fried pies

Remove cake from oven and let cool for ten minutes before turning. A very hot cake will usually crack. When turning, place a dish towel under the pan - place the dish to be used on the cake - with the cloth turn the pan at the same time. Put in a bowl icing sugar through a sieve so that it is well dissolved. mix lemon juice quickly and spread over the pie. After a while, the icing hardens.

Cream of fresh milk hits faster when it's very cold. If you like, bring it to the freezer for a few minutes before putting it in the mixer. Stir in the cream and sugar and beat on the mixer until they thicken. The gastronomy of this corner of France, located between Lyon and Burgundy, is not only a question of poultry.

Sour cream retains gases and promotes the fermentation process in the dough, for yeast dough this is especially important. Do you still doubt whether it is possible to add sour cream to the dough? Try making sour cream yeast dough for pies, pizza, muffins and other baked goods using this recipe. Make sure that any dough with the addition of sour cream is the basis of delicious tender baking.

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Carp, pike, crayfish, frog, diot, bleu de gex, ramequin du bougie are part of this culinary heritage with peasant and bourgeois influences. Famous people such as Brillat-Savarin or Georges Blanc also helped establish La Bresse's hedonistic reputation. The Bressen Galaxy is very good! It is very similar to the French kotuata Gatau, from which here is the recipe.

Housekeeping Franc-Comtois cake. Ingredients: for the dough: - 230 g milk - 20 g fresh baker's yeast- 50 g butter - 50 g margarine - 500 g flour - 4 tbsp. Orange colored water For cream: - cream with butter 25 cl - 2 egg yolks - 4 tablespoons of sugar - 1 tsp. orange colored water - a little powdered sugar. Heat milk in a saucepan; When it's warm, pour 2 tablespoons into a cup over the yeast to dilute it; Heat the remaining milk a little, melt the butter and margarine, and then cool.

How to cook a dish step by step with a photo at home

Step 1

For work we need Wheat flour, eggs, sour cream, butter, live yeast, sugar.

March 25, 2017 2120

Sour cream is a product that can be part of different types dough: sand, biscuit, yeast and unleavened. This ingredient can replace both butter and milk at the same time. On sour cream, you can bake a cake, pizza, various buns, cookies and wind or fried pies.

Pour the flour into a large bowl; Make a fountain, put sugar, a pinch of salt and beaten eggs into an omelet; Mix well with a spatula and add milk and fat mixture; Pour in yeast and orange water; Mix thoroughly with a spatula, then work the dough by hand, raise it to air, cover and leave for at least 2 hours at room temperature: the dough should triple in volume, knead the dough again and divide it into two On a striped work surface, spread each a piece of dough with a rolling pin to get two doughs about 1 cm thick; Place each dough into a 28 cm diameter circular plate, making it stand up around the edges like you would for a pie; leave at least 1 hour at room temperature.

It's about various options dough on sour cream for pies will be described in this article: how to knead it for wind or fried pies, with or without yeast.

Recipe for dough for pies on sour cream without yeast

At yeast-free dough There are many benefits to sour cream.

  1. First, baking from it turns out soft and tender.
  2. Secondly, the kneading process is very simple and requires regular products, which can be found, if not in every kitchen, then in the nearest store for sure.
  3. Thirdly, from such a base you can cook pastries with any sweet or not. sweet stuffing.
  4. And most importantly, the dough does not need time to distance and approach, immediately after kneading, you can start molding pies for baking in the oven.

For the test, you will need the following list of ingredients:

Prepare the cream by mixing in a bowl fresh cream, egg yolks, sugar and orange water. When the dough has risen on each pan, gently flatten. Put the cake on the bottom of the cake, boil the cakes one by one for 10-15 minutes each, and after leaving the oven, dust with powdered sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for making yeast dough with sour cream

Freezes very well. Suggestion: This dessert is particularly well suited for an individual presentation; then use some tart forms. The cake is round, yellow and gold in the middle with a dark brown rim, and the cake is made from sweetened or creamy dough. This is a simple galetta, now known as a homemade galetta, and made from bread dough that has been baked ahead of time. On the occasion of Epiphany, it is covered with gumo.

  • 300 g of fat sour cream;
  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 30 g baking powder;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • 25 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 3 g of table salt;
  • 450-500 g flour.

The mixing time will be only 10-15 minutes.

The calorie content of this component of future pies is 250.6 kcal / 100 g.

Course of action:

Yeast dough on sour cream

Braised dough: 125 g flour brewing yeast salt 15 g sugar 3 cl milk 1.5 cl water 1 egg 40 g cream sugar sugar 1 egg yolk sugar to taste. Cream garnish: 1 egg yolk 30 g sugar 12.5 g milk 15 g cream. For the bun dough, mix flour, yeast, milk and water. Add the whole egg, salt, softened butter and sugar until the dough is smooth, let it rise for 3 hours in a warm place, spread the dough on a baking sheet until very thin.

Start cooking chestnuts by combining flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar and yeast, salt, softened butter and knead together even with white wine to get a medium soft paste. Work the dough for about 10 minutes and then cut it into pieces by rolling to get more cylinders more or less like a middle finger. Once the balls are well inflated, remove them from the oil and strain through absorbent paper, sprinkle over them. vanilla sugar and, if desired, sprinkle with a little rum. Carnival chestnuts are ready to serve!

This is a variant of the airy thanks to the yeast and the tender base for the patties thanks to the sour cream, but in order to bake something on this dough, you need to have enough time for it to rise.

Ingredients for yeast dough on sour cream:

  • 420 ml sour cream;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 75 g of granulated sugar;
  • 85 ml of water;
  • 15 g of dry fast-acting yeast;
  • 820 g flour.

The time from the start of mixing all the ingredients to the moment when it will be possible to start forming the pies will be 1 hour 20 minutes.

Prepare yellow polenta poured into a pot in a pot with one liter of boiling water: mix thoroughly and continue cooking for at least 30 minutes. The consistency of polenta should not be too thick, but it should be a bulky compound and easy to work with: let it cool.

Then combine all the other ingredients with the polenta and mix the dough with a wooden spoon to mix everything: you will get a dense mixture, which you will pour into a grated and cloudy pan. Then bend the pliers for 1 hour and 30 minutes at 170 degrees. Serve warm sweet dust with velvet sugar. Adults will be able to accompany a piece of sweet sweet wine, with which it is especially resplendent!

The calorie content of this component in finished product equal to 264.6 kcal / 100 g.

Mixing algorithm:

  1. Heat the water to a comfortable temperature so that its drop does not cause a burning sensation on the back of the hand, and dilute the yeast in it;
  2. While the yeast is activated, beat eggs with sugar in a separate bowl, then add sour cream to them;
  3. Activated yeast and flour are sent to the dough next;
  4. elastic and very soft dough, which should be obtained as a result of kneading, must be placed for 1 hour in a warmer place, it should come up and become larger in volume.

How to make dough for fried pies

Fried pies can be made from yeast and yeast-free dough on sour cream. In the first case, you can use the previous option, but if baking is planned without yeast, then it is better to use the following recipe.

Sugar 125 gr plus a spoon. The implementation of the Pandoro recipe begins with the preparation of the so-called yeast or the basis for the formation of subsequent dough. In a bowl, dissolve 15 g of brewer's yeast in 60 ml of warm milk, add one tablespoon of sugar, egg yolk, add 50 g of flour and knead to mix everything well. Cover this first dough and let it rise until it doubles in size. When the volume of the dough doubles, melt three grams of milk for 3 grams of yeast and pour into the mixture, add 100 grams of sugar, eggs, mix everything and pour this dough into a bowl with 200 mu of flour and knead together with your hands or a wooden spoon.

Products that will be needed in the cooking process:

  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 20 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 5 g of soda;
  • 400 g flour.

The mixing time will be about 40 minutes.

The calorie content of 100 g of this test will be 287.7 kcal.


  1. Put all the ingredients, except flour, in a deep bowl and mix using a mixer or immersion blender. This will take literally one minute;
  2. Then pour flour in small portions and knead the dough. At first, this can be done with a spoon, and when the dough becomes thick, transfer it to a floured table and continue the process with your hands;
  3. Wrap the finished dough cling film Or put in a bowl and cover with a towel. In this form, leave it like this for 30 minutes so that the gluten swells well. After this time, the dough is ready to use.

Then add 30 g butter at room temperature and knead until blended into the dough, thus obtaining a smooth mixture. Cover and cut out in a warm place, this will take about an hour. Then move on to the second test. Eggs, sugar, salt, seeds extracted from the vanilla berry, and knead again. Crush the dough, fold it in and put it in a bowl of butter and let it rise until it doubles.

After spending time in the refrigerator, pour the pasta onto the table, sprinkle it with a rolling finger forming a square centered with 140 g of softened butter, bring the four corners of the square to the center to close the sheet. Any time you put the dough in the fridge, you can put it in plastic bag for food, so that it does not take on any other odors. After the last rest, place the dough in last time, fold the edges towards the center and continue forming a ball, turning the edges inward.

Before kneading the dough, sour cream does not require any pre-training just take it out of the fridge and let it warm up in vivo up to room temperature.

If you plan to cook pies with a sweet filling, then you also need to add more sugar to the base.

The filling for such baking can be varied, but for each there are little secrets:

Products for the test

When the ball is formed, wrap your hands in butter and turn the dough onto the table, rounding the dough again. Then grind a special pandora T-shirt 20 cm high, 1 kg capacity and spit it out with oil. Place the dough into the grated mold, cover the mold and let it rise until the dome comes out of the board. Place the pastry on the bottom of the bowl of water and bake the pandora by baking it in a static oven that is hot at 170 degrees for 15 minutes, then lower it to 160 degrees and let it cook for another 50 minutes.

Then pour the pandora and sprinkle it with vanilla sugar. For faeces 500 g ricotta 1 whole egg 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons sour cream or freckle cream 1 egg yolk for cleaning. Dissolve yeast and 1 pinch of sugar in warm milk. Leave it on for a few minutes until foam forms.

  • to pies with mushroom stuffing did not turn out to be dry inside, mushrooms must be fried together with onions;
  • for the same reason, a small piece of butter should be put in each pie with potato and egg-onion filling;
  • for pies with berry filling, another problem is characteristic - they often burst from excessive juiciness of the filling. A pinch of starch added inside each product can fix this.

No matter how tasty and soft pies on sour cream in the oven would be, and a beautiful shiny (almost glossy) crust will immediately make them more appetizing. You can get such a crust in several ways:

Sift flour into a large bowl. Make a hole in the center and pour the yeast into the milk, melted butter, 1 pinch of salt, vanilla extract, egg and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Stir gently with a wooden spoon or paper towel, then move to the mealy plantation and work by hand for about 5 minutes until it is elastic and sticky.

Ingredients for the recipe "Yeast dough on sour cream"

Transfer the panel to a lightly oiled bowl, cover with canvas, and let it rise in a warm, dry place for 1.5 to 2 hours. After defrosting, bleed the air out of the panel using a few pins. Then let him get up for another hour. At the end of fermentation, the panel should be doubled in volume.

  1. Lubricate the pies before baking with whipped chicken egg. This method is universal for pies with any filling;
  2. Lubricate the pies before sending them to the oven with melted butter. This method is more suitable for products with unsweetened filling;
  3. A few minutes before taking the pastry out of the oven, grease it with sweet syrup. This option of giving an appetizing crust is suitable for products with berry, cottage cheese and other sweet fillings.