How to make vanilla sugar from vanillin. Vanilla sugar at home. What is vanillin?

Vanilla sugar is used in the preparation of various sweets. It is easy to use, durable, does not lose its taste under the influence of high temperature and gives the baking a unique flavor. To save time, a modern hostess always needs to have a bag on hand. vanilla sugar. Let's find out how it is prepared and what can replace vanilla sugar.

But there is also a difference between natural flavor and authentic vanilla. As you can see, most sugars contain the chemical flavor of vanillin. You can already see them by name - vanilla sugar. The best thing you can do is have your own vanilla sugar. Simply add the vanilla pods simply to the sugar and let the sugar cook.

My favorite vanilla desserts include. Vanilla is a Mexican origin, growing elsewhere, very demanding and cannot do without human handiwork. The only bees that can pollinate the flowers are the Mexicans, and elsewhere the vanilla must be pollinated by hand. Its flowers bloom for only 24 hours, and that is when the farmers who have been artificially pollinated must flee. Do you or your kids like dairy products but don't want to give your kids store-bought ones that are often full of chemicals and other weird ingredients?

Most wanted spice

Vanilla sugar is a product that is a mixture of granulated sugar and vanilla powder. Vanilla is considered one of the most sought-after spicy substances and belongs to the category of expensive spices. It turns out that vanilla is a sprawling long vine. Vanilla powder is obtained from its fruits. But extracting vanilla is not so easy: an exotic plant is very capricious in its care. The biggest difficulty in growing a "fragrant" vine is the pollination of its flowers. To get vanilla, you need to go to Madagascar, Mexico, Central America, China or Indonesia. It is there that this exotic plant grows.

There is a simple solution: after 5 minutes, make yourself a delicacy that you and your children will love - home link. You are only 5 minutes walk and you can enjoy it. Children can help you with production or send them to the garden to pick up edible flowers to decorate this delicious appetizer.

You can even improve your home path a little.

The basic recipe is simple. We will need 1 cottage cheese, 1 sour cream, 2 tablespoons of honey, vanilla pod or vanilla sugar. Then add cottage cheese, then beat for a moment, then add honey, vanilla sugar or crushed vanilla. If you need to, you can put on, for example, maple syrup to be great. We put in the mistletoe and decorate with edible flowers that we find in the garden or on a walk. As edible flowers we can use, for example, daisies, marigold petals, begonias, cucumbers, dandelions, lilacs and many others.

  • If we use whipped cream, we scratch it first.
  • Together we whine as everything blends into a smooth mixture.
If you like cinnamon, add it, just sprinkle it on, I like it a lot.

Vanillin types

Often housewives try to replace vanilla sugar with vanilla. However, in Food Industry, in order to save money, a spicy product is often replaced by a cheaper analogue. It's called vanillin. In terms of aromatic properties, it practically does not differ from vanilla. But taste qualities baking, in which real vanilla sticks are added, is much higher than that of buns with the addition of vanillin. In addition to the food industry, vanilla is widely used in the production of perfumes, cosmetics and many other products. medicines. Vanillin is used specifically in cooking. There are 3 types: powder, liquid, crystalline. The first kind, vanilla powder, is used to make vanilla sugar; it is also used in the manufacture of chocolate. Liquid vanillin is widely used in confectionery industry: it is added to sweets. The third type of spicy product is used in baking.

If you want a cocoa or chocolate option, you can add raw cocoa or chocolate chocolate. We all perceive how it looks, smells, tastes and benefits the body if we offer children a "general" pudding or other "delicacy", and then the difference when everything is ready at home, from high quality raw materials, with love, Still beautifully decorated .

How to cook more health or use when cooking?

Let me know if you have tried this recipe, how it has tried you and want to share this recipe with your friends. Click on the nearest collection point. You don't need more time, or you don't have to worry about enjoying your dinners. Just go to your nearest health food store and buy "other" flavors. Organic farming - it comes exclusively from eco-brand, it does not contain residues of harmful chemical sprays or fertilizers. No artificial fragrance enhancers can be added to it.

Vanillin in cooking

For cooking bakery products use more often vanillin or sugar based on it. A sachet of vanilla sugar usually contains 2 g of the product. It should be remembered that in large volumes the spicy substance gives the dish bitterness. 4-9 grams of vanillin are usually added to 1 kg of dough. In dairy products, to improve their taste, add 0.5-2 grams of vanilla sugar. Spices are added to dishes and pastries at the very end of their preparation so that the aroma does not disappear too quickly. Vanilla powder is used not only to enhance flavor, but also to soften unwanted flavors in dishes. Vanillin is highly soluble in hot water, ether, alcohol, and it gives soft taste and incomparable aroma to drinks.

Unlike regular spices, it is full of vitamins because it cannot be irradiated during production. Sea salt. The human body requires a sufficient amount of salt. So try reducing the salinity a bit and use high quality unrefined, preferably sea ​​salt. Some bio-shops also offer hand-picked salt. Also avoid as much as possible more plates. Salt that is exposed heat treatment during cooking, it is better absorbed.

Gradually, you will definitely learn how to evaluate the correct amount of salt at the beginning of cooking. They guarantee no harmful glutamate and are made from dried bio vegetable, high quality oil and organic. If you don't have Biopan, the typical yellowish color of a strong soup will add spice to the turmeric, which will also enhance digestion and protect the liver. Add vegetable cubes as a classic masox during cooking.

How is vanilla sugar made?

You can easily make vanilla sugar at home. The recipe for its preparation is as follows. You need to take 2 vanilla pods and 1 kg of granulated sugar. It is better to buy long vanilla pods, as they are considered the most valuable. Sugar must be poured into a deep container, and vanilla cut into small pieces. The two ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and tightly closed with a lid. The container must be placed in a cool dark place (you can in a closet). It is necessary to “infuse” sugar for at least 3 weeks, after which it can be used as needed.

Available at online pharmacies, supermarkets and healthy eating. Umeocet has a great salty taste - salads, so you don't even have to sort it out. They are produced by natural fermentation and contain enzymes that beneficial effect on digestion and help best use nutrients from food. Add them to your food during the last few minutes of cooking. If you cook them longer, they delicious taste will be lost.

It is best to cook food a little at the beginning of cooking and absorb soy sauce to end. Bio-wood - as you might guess, it contains no preservatives, artificial flavors or sugar. If you buy quality natural mustard, it's not just a flavor, it's a medicine. It supports the absorption of minerals in the body, enhances the activity of the colon and respiratory organs. You have already read that during grilling and smoking, various barbaric and carcinogenic substances are formed.

Vanilla sugar recipe: method number 2

If there is no bag of vanilla sugar at home, and there is no time to cook it, you can use its substitutes. So, how to replace vanilla sugar? For these purposes, ordinary vanillin is usually used. A pinch of vanilla can replace 2 small spoons of vanilla sugar. But in order not to always look for the answer to the question of what can replace vanilla sugar, it is better to cook it yourself and use it as needed in the future. In the 1st recipe, sugar and vanilla must be infused for 3-4 weeks. Next method does not require such time.

Need to buy a long pod natural vanilla, a bag of powdered sugar and granulated sugar (1 kg). Remove all the seeds from the vanilla pod and crush them thoroughly. After that, you need to add to them powdered sugar and mix everything well. The resulting mixture must be poured into granulated sugar and put a vanilla pod there. The container must be well closed and stored in a dark place for 4 days, after which you can enjoy fragrant vanilla sugar.

Don't forget to light them up! Honey - best honey in bio quality. They most often come from protected areas or ecosystems. Only honey or sugar syrup from organic production it is allowed to feed ecovel. It is forbidden to use antibiotics and synthetic chemicals to treat ecovil.

Cereal syrups and malted grain syrups are good alternatives to white sugar, which weakens both the immune system and nervous system. If they are in bio quality, you are sure they are only cereals converted using temperature and pressure. Licorices differ in taste, color, price and structure. For health and taste, the most interesting grain sweetener is liquid rice or bio-grade wheat syrup. Whenever you use syrup instead of sugar, you need to take some of the liquid from the recipe.

What can replace vanilla sugar?

Baking with the addition of vanillin always turns out fragrant. But often the spicy substance is not at hand. What can replace vanilla sugar? For these purposes, you can use vanilla essence: 12.5 grams replaces 20 grams of vanilla sugar. You can add a unique flavor to pastries by adding 1 small spoonful of vanilla extract to the dough. But more often, housewives use ordinary vanillin for cooking. Some people add cinnamon or cardamom instead of vanilla sugar. But in this case, the resulting dish will not please the owners of the house with an incomparable vanilla flavor.

Barley sweetener is cheaper, but it doesn't do much, and for most fancy borders, it has a certain taste. Maple syrup- this is concentrated juice maples. It contains sucrose, fructose, vitamins and minerals. It is used mainly for pancakes, puddings and porridge, which we can decorate with its brown color. Maple syrup greatly sweetens the dough, for example, on a doll, muffin or biscuit. You just have to lose some liquid.

Agave syrup - agave syrup - thickened natural juice cactus. It contains a high proportion of fruit sugar and a very low amount of sucrose. Therefore, it is a suitable sweetener for overweight and over-the-counter diets. After eating, it does not raise blood sugar levels as quickly as honey or white sugar. Agave syrup is widely used in Germany for the production of sugar-free biodiesel. It doesn't have much taste. If you like strawberries or blueberries with cream, it's just agave syrup instead of sugar.

What is the benefit of vanilla sugar?

Many people say that vanilla sugar is vanillin. But this is wrong. Vanilla only forms the basis of sugar and thanks to this it has a lot of useful properties. First of all, vanilla aroma has a calming effect on human body. The spicy smell can help get rid of many diseases. Vanillin helps with insomnia, convulsions, allergies, arthritis, fever, hysteria. Vanilla aroma tames anger, reduces feelings of anxiety, irritation, helps to relax. Vanilla stimulates the body and uplifts the mood. It is also an antioxidant, antidepressant, helps to activate brain activity and normalize digestion. Few people know that vanilla is also an aphrodisiac. From all of the above, it can be seen that it not only gives an incomparable flavor to dishes, but also benefits a person. But in order for the taste of the cooked food to be on high level, it is better to use natural vanilla and sugar based on it.

Carob - used as an alternative to cocoa. It comes from a tree that grows in the Middle East, has long pods with seeds that are dried and melted. Compared to cocoa, the cone has 3 times more calcium, fewer calories and less fat. It contains pectin fiber, which regulates digestion. Carob has a sweeter taste than cocoa. There are people who don't like the taste of cocoa and carob in love, but there are many people who like it.

"Genuine" Vanilla Sugar - Regular vanilla sugar contains white sugar and an artificial vanilla flavor. Try making your own vanilla sugar. You need a real vanilla pallet. It loses its flavor easily, so it should always be stored in a tightly closed container. Put it in a jar of natural cane sugar and close well.

"Vanilla Muffins"

This delicious fragrant dessert can be cooked in 20 minutes. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 125 gr. butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 gr. flour;
  • 1.5 small spoons of baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 75 ml of milk.

First you need to mix sugar and butter. The oil needs to be at room temperature. Next add the eggs and mix well. After that, add flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar, salt to the mixture and mix it all. AT last turn pour milk. You should have a thick, sticky dough. We prepare baking dishes and put paper baskets there. Fill each basket halfway with dough. Next, put any filling (chocolate, pieces of fruit or berries) and fill it with dough. Bake Vanilla Muffins at 175°C. When the pastry is browned, it can be removed from the oven. "Vanilla muffins" are elastic, and the filling goes well with the dough. The pastries are really fragrant and very tasty. And if you put Vanilla Muffins in an airtight container and leave them overnight, then the next day they will be even tastier. Vanilla dessert is great for a family holiday or a children's party.

Immortal Jam - must always have the largest number fruits. Does not contain preservatives, dyes and fragrances. The basis is always corn starch, and then various flavors, artificial flavors and colors. Contains only corn starch and a natural source of flavor - such as cocoa extract or white.

It is now customary to buy vanilla and chocolate organic products on the Czech market. When you have a fruity pudding flavor, simmer vanilla and add mixed banana, strawberry or jam to your taste. Product name, nutritional information, expiration date or minimum expiration date, allergens - all this can be found on the packaging for food products. But some of them also boast quality labels. Logos that symbolize a product deserve recognition for its quality or exclusivity.

Vanillin and vanilla sugar are a powder that is made up of many ingredients. The main aroma and taste are given to them by the small quantities natural vanilla. Vanilla itself is a very expensive seasoning, but in order to be able to use it beneficial features, smell and taste, which improve the aroma of rich dishes, vanillin and vanilla sugar were made available for our table. Vanilla sugar can be made with your own hands.

Therefore, if you prefer honest and nutritious foods, quality brands make your purchase much easier. But be careful - each of them guarantees different benefits. To be sure about these logos, we provide a short and clear guide.

Eggs are among the most balanced foods. They supply our body with high quality protein with a great capacity to feed us. But did you think that eggs help protect our eyes? It doesn't matter when we eat what really tastes good and is good for our body. This product category includes our favorite and traditional breads.

Vanillin types

  1. There are several types of vanillin. One of them is crystalline. It has a real vanilla flavor. Crystal Vanillinlong time retains its useful properties, even after high processing temperatures. Used for baking, making confectionery and ice cream.
  2. There is a view powdered vanillin. It is smaller, contains more various reinforcing additives in its composition and has a sharper smell. This type of vanillin is suitable for making chocolate. The aroma of such vanillin is already felt when room temperature. It dissolves more easily in water. Such vanillin can have a variety of berry and fruit flavors.
  3. liquid vanillin is a mixture of vanillin dissolved in alcohol. It is used to make beverages, confectionery and dairy products.

How is vanillin used?

Vanillin is used in perfumery, liquor making and cooking.

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Homemade lemonade is a real hit in many restaurants, so why not just make it at home? It looks beautiful, tasty and healthy. If you add it to a larger lemonade, it will be practical for your time and save the whole drunken family. It's also great if you're expecting a larger company.

In cooking, vanillin should be used in an amount that depends on the cooking time of the dish, the cooking temperature, and the consistency of the dish being cooked. Too much a large number of vanillin can add bitterness to the dish. In the preparation of rich flour dishes, vanillin is usually chosen with high temperature resistance. Vanillin is added to these dishes while mixing all the dry ingredients of the dish. Or they can be added at any stage of preparation, having previously been dissolved in fat. Usually, 4 to 9 grams of vanillin is added per 1 kilogram of dough. In the manufacture of chocolate, vanillin is usually used in the form of crystals or powder. If you want to enhance the flavor of milk-based products, use vanillin in liquid or powder form. Here, 0.5 to 2 grams of vanillin and vanilla sugar should be used per 1 liter of products.

The action of vanillin

  • Vanillin dissolves well in alcohol, hot water and ether.
  • Vanillin is used to enhance the flavors of dishes, flavoring ingredients. It helps to hide or soften unwanted flavors in a dish.
  • Vanilla aroma remains on the hair and skin for a long time, acting soothingly.
  • Vanillin gives drinks a mild taste and pleasant aroma. With it, you can improve the aroma in the house.

What is vanilla sugar?

Vanilla sugar is nothing but vanilla pods mixed with sugar or powdered sugar. Sugar takes over all the smell of vanilla on itself, and then the vanilla is removed from it. It is more convenient for use in culinary production, as it contains practically no additives.. If vanilla sugar is stored for too long, the vanilla flavor may evaporate. It is used for the preparation of cream, creams, fruit compotes, dairy dishes. Vanilla sugar is very suitable for muffins, cocktails, coffee. It must be added at the very end of cooking so that its aroma does not disappear too quickly.

How to make vanilla sugar with your own hands?

You can make your own vanilla sugar. To do this, take 1 kg of sugar, powdered sugar and 1 natural vanilla pod. Try to buy only the longest pods. They are considered the most valuable. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise. Take out all the seeds, they must be crushed in a mortar and add powdered sugar there. After mixing, pour the mixture into granulated sugar, mix again and put the pod in the same place. Vanilla seeds can be added directly to cream or cream, and only the pod can be used to make vanilla sugar. Store the resulting sugar in a carefully closed jar in a dark cool place. Leave to infuse for 4 days and you can enjoy real vanilla sugar.

How to make Vanilla Muffins?

Take 400 g of flour for pancakes, 1 teaspoon of soda, 250 g of sugar, 150 g of butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of vanilla sugar, 2 eggs and 0.5 sour cream. Mix flour, soda and sugar. Melt the butter and pour in the same. Add eggs, vanilla sugar and sour cream. Mix all this gently. The dough must be divided paper forms, you will get about 14 pieces. Bake them at 180C for 15 minutes until they are golden brown.

What are the benefits of vanillin and vanilla sugar?

Vanillin with its smell has a calming effect on the body. The smell of vanilla will help in the treatment of some serious diseases. It will tame anger, eliminate feelings of anxiety and irritation. The smell of vanillin can relax, help with insomnia, relieve anxiety, have a stimulating effect on the body and cheer you up. Vanilla, which is the main component of vanillin and vanilla sugar, is an antioxidant, antidepressant and anti-carcinogen.

That is why vanillin is able to reduce pressure, help with cramps, fever, allergies, inflammation, arthritis and hysteria. He will be able to activate the activity of the brain, and even creative abilities. Vanilla sugar helps in the normalization of the digestion process. Vanillin is also an aphrodisiac.