Recipe for fruit brew for moonshine. Recipes for fruit mash from fresh raw materials and dried fruits

Fruits and berries are a traditional component of mash. With the use of such raw materials, it is possible to create fruit moonshine By own recipes. Properly Cooked alcoholic drink will have a pronounced fruity aroma. The process of preparing fruit mash is not easy, but this business is worth your efforts - the soft, fruity distillate obtained as a result is much healthier and tastier than its sugar counterpart.

Fruit mash has its own characteristics. After choosing raw materials, find out how much sugar is contained in fruits, for this, use a special table. Usually, grapes, apples, plums, pears, cherries, raspberries and other fruits are taken for mash from fruits and berries, as long as they are sweet. The sweeter the fruits, the tastier the mash and the yield of the finished product will turn out.

Ingredients and tools for mash

  • fruits or berries
  • sugar as desired
  • wine or fruit yeast
  • meat grinder, press, juicer or blender for grinding or squeezing juice
  • large spoon for stirring the wort
  • fermentation container of the right size

Algorithm for making fruit mash

  1. Wash the fruits under running water if they are very dirty.
  2. From fruits with large pits, remove them
  3. Grind fruit with a meat grinder, blender, or in any other way available to resemble mashed potatoes. Or you can squeeze pure juice with a juicer or press

    The red fermentation scheme is when the mash is put together with fruit cake. The white fermentation scheme is when only pure juice is fermented without cake.

  4. Put the mass in a fermentation tank, if the wort is too thick, add a little water, but the total volume should not fill three quarters of the tank

    To increase the yield or if the fruit contains little sugar, say less than 7%, the addition of sugar is allowed. But keep in mind the more sugar you add, the less flavor and aroma will remain from the initial raw materials in the final product.

  5. Calculate the amount of yeast needed for the resulting wort
  6. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount warm water, add to the wort and mix thoroughly. Yeast for fruit brews should be wine or specialized fruit yeast to ensure maximum fermentation and prevent off-flavours.
  7. In order to prevent air from entering the fermentation tank, seal tightly and install a water seal. When exposed to air, oxidation occurs, which will ultimately affect the quality of the product.
  8. Put in a dark room with a temperature of 18-25 degrees
  9. If you ferment according to the red scheme (with cake), mix the mash for the first 3-4 days, a cap will rise that must be upset and prevent sourness
  10. If everything is done correctly, then after 7-14 days of fermentation, the mash will be ready for distillation. Fermentation time will depend on many factors, the amount of sugar, the yeast chosen, and the ambient temperature.
  11. Before distillation, the mash must be filtered through several layers of gauze (if it was fermented with cake) in order to get rid of impurities that can burn and give bitterness during distillation.
  12. If you used a white scheme, you only need to remove it from the sediment and this will be enough, but you can also lighten the mash in addition. Our opinion is that additional clarification for fruit brews is not necessary.

    Gentle clarification is carried out using hibiscus tea, gelatin or natural white clay. Under their influence, the yeast precipitates, and the mash becomes light. Clarification with bentonite (white clay) cleans impurities well and saves time.

Moonshine from berries and fruits is a drink that requires a creative approach. You can focus on the main recipe, but at the same time improvise a little, making fruit mash for future moonshine.

  1. Removing the bones takes a lot of time, but fruit drink in the end it won't hurt
  2. We do not recommend washing fruits that are not very dirty, there are wild yeasts on the surface of any fruits and they are washed off when washed. Brazhka from some fruits and berries can be put without yeast, such as grapes.
  3. Use a press or juicer and ferment pure juice. According to the white scheme without cake, the highest quality product is obtained.
  4. For berry or fruit mash, use only wine or fruit yeast
  5. If you still decide to use sugar, then it is better to replace it with glucose, fructose or dextrose.
  6. Do not allow temperature fluctuations - this will negatively affect the fermentation process
  7. Clarification of mash improves the quality of moonshine
  8. During fermentation, fruit mash will smell specific. Therefore, it is better to put it in a separate room.

Fruit moonshine has the taste and aroma of fruits or berries from which mash was made: tart and fragrant moonshine is obtained on the basis of cherries. From plums, an alcoholic drink is obtained not too sweet with a pleasant plum smell. Moonshine from pears is very fragrant and tasty. Except fresh berries and fruits, you can use juice, jam, dried fruits and even aromatic herbs. Unusual taste have fruit distillates from raisins, dates, dried apricots.

Moonshine based on fruit mash turns out to be softer, more aromatic and more palatable. In pursuit of the ideal, many moonshiners refuse to use yeast and sugar (fermentation in this case takes place on wild yeast), experimenting with proportions and raw materials. We will introduce you to the best recipes fruit mash, and also tell you about the technology of their preparation and distillation into moonshine.

Needless to say, cooking fruit mash takes more time and effort compared to. The breakdown of sugar in fruits is much more difficult, which is why fermentation takes longer and is less intense. But the main "trick" of this work is to obtain moonshine of exceptional quality, which is very difficult to make from ordinary sugar and yeast.

Any fruit can be used as a raw material, but the yield of alcohol per 1 kg will be different for everyone.

In terms of taste, there is no difference. Almost all fruits equally give their aroma, it remains only to choose the most pleasant taste for you, after which you can immediately put the mash.

Another question - "exhaust" of alcohol per kilogram of raw materials. It depends on the amount of sugar in the product and can vary greatly. The more sugar, the more alcohol the yeast can process. The table of fruit raw alcohol yield is presented below.

As you can see, against the background of sugar, most fruits are 10 times less effective. This suggests that in order to obtain the same amount of alcohol as with 1 kg of sugar, approximately 10 kg of fruit raw materials will be needed.

Due to the large volumes, fruit mash is put in the season when an excess of raw materials appears in the villages.

Recipes and proportions

With yeast and sugar

The most popular approach among moonshiners is the use of yeast and sugar, which can be used to increase alcohol yield and improve fermentation. Taste in this case worsens a little, but for moonshine it is completely uncritical.

Wine yeast Lalvin EC-1118 ( a good option for fruit brew)

  • Fruit - 6 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.
  • Alcohol (15 grams) or wine (5 grams) yeast.
  • Water - 12 liters.

For fruit distillates try to use wine yeast, For example, Lalvin EC-1118.

But alcohol is quite enough, they do not interrupt the aroma of fruits so much, so you can safely use them.

No yeast and sugar

If you decide to get the highest quality moonshine, then it is best to refuse any additional ingredients. Fermentation in this case is started with the help of wild yeast. that are on the surface of the fruit.

That is why during the cleaning of raw materials it is forbidden to wash it, so as not to wash off the same fungi!

Approximate wort consistency

  • Fruit - 3 kg.
  • Water - 1 liter.

When preparing the wort, all fruits are ground with a blender or meat grinder, so you should not have problems with mixing.

Near 25–30% it is advisable to leave the fermentation tank under the foam.

Examples of recipes on different fruits

Below is a list of links to brags that we have already analyzed on our site. When you go to any of the pages presented, you will have complete instructions and proportions for preparing the wort and distilling into moonshine.

Both berries and fruits can be used as a base.

Fermentation and distillation into moonshine

There is no fundamental difference between yeast and yeast-free fermentation. They are distinguished only fungal activity And mash maturation time. The whole technology looks like this:

The variety of fruits is not of fundamental importance. Any will do.

  1. The fruits are cleaned with a towel. Stems, twigs and seeds are removed. Fruits should not be washed, as extremely valuable wild yeast will be washed off them.
  2. All raw materials are ground with a blender and fall out into a fermentation tank.
  3. If you are using the first recipe, then in addition to water, add sugar and yeast according to the proportions. If not, then just add water.
  4. For about a day, the wort should breathe through gauze, after which it is necessary to put a water seal and take the container to a dark place.
  5. Yeast fermentation will end in 5-10 days, and yeast-free will gurgle for 3-5 weeks.
  6. When the mash subsides and brightens, it will be necessary to drain it from the sediment and filter through cheesecloth. After that, pour the liquid into the distillation cube.
  7. We recommend you double distillation, and for the first time it is done without separating fractions. We make distillation until the fortress in the jet drops to 30 degrees. After that, stir the moonshine with water to 20 degrees of strength and send it to the second distillation.
  8. The second time we select the "heads", "body" and "tails". Remember that for every 1 kg of sugar you need to separate 50 ml of heads and only after that you should start collecting the main product. Distillation goes on until the fortress falls to 40 degrees.
  9. Try to infuse the moonshine for a day to stabilize the taste, although most often the tasting begins immediately after turning off the moonshine still 🙂.

As an illustrative example, I want to give you a video on Youtube from Antonych and Alexey Podolyak. A professional and experienced moonshiner will tell you about all the intricacies of fruit distillates, from harvesting to the economics of raw materials.

  • puree + syrup
  • juice + syrup
  • compote + syrup
  • juice + compote + syrup, etc.

It is important that the wort be sufficiently sugary (at least 20 g/dm3) and fragrant initially. I often prefer to use compote (highly concentrated decoction) of fruits and berries with low moisture content (dense apples, rose hips, blackthorn, quince, mountain ash, honeysuckle, some types of pears, etc.), in combination with other fractions to facilitate work with Braga during her preparation for the transfer. Of course, there will be losses in aroma, but in any case it is desirable to make up for them. aromatization. To do this, immediately, it is desirable to set aside some of the raw materials for the secondary flavoring of moonshine (it is possible to freeze). Making compote is very easy. Put portions of fruit into boiling water for 10-15 minutes, then discard them in a colander (drain the drained liquid back into the concentrate). With this method, almost all sugar (glucose and fructose) will fall into the compote, respectively, into the wort.

So, in accordance with our ideas and wishes, we made a must, which consists of a fruit component and syrup invert sugar. Be sure to measure its sugar content and acidity, and again think deeply. We decide to bring our complex solution to the correct indicators: sugar - 18-24 g / dm3, acidity 4-5 units. RN. We prepare invert sugar syrup in the right amount. But its concentration can be different, depending on the sugar content of the wort itself. If the sugars in the wort are 6-12 g/dm3, prepare a solution at the rate of 1/3; 12-15 g/dm3 - 1/4; 15-23 g/dm3 - 1/5. Finally, we have mixed the wort and its sugar content suits us (16-24 g/dm3). HOORAY!!!

Let's get back to slicing. We will bring the pH of the solution to 4-4.5 units. using the above method. The must is waiting to be added. We will not test it for strength, we will add wine yeast in full accordance with the instructions for it and make the mash container work with our unicellular fungi.

The question arises: is there a need to feed the yeast? Our experience tells us that it is not worth it. Correct modern alcohol yeast contain in their composition a full range of vitamins and trace elements for the normal functioning of yeast. In addition, excessive protein feeding can release ammonia compounds into the wash, formed as a result of putrefactive fermentation of amino acids. This problem is solved by removing (draining) a layer of dead fungi, for which correct fermentation tanks there are bottom taps for draining the sediment at the final stages of fermentation.

So, sooner or later, the mash is ripe for driving. If everything was done correctly, it should taste like dry fruit wine. How tastier than mash, so, accordingly, moonshine will be tastier. We're getting ready for the chase. We collect the remains of fruit floating on the surface, carefully decant the rest of the liquid. READY!!!

Cooking alcohol mashine to work. In this situation, be sure to use a 3-fold stage.

Collecting the configuration "straight run" and simply distill all the enemy to the primary distillate without fractional selection up to 15-20% alcohol content in the jet. Let's try distillate. We draw conclusions and again think for a long time what to do next.

In our noble cause, nothing is ever unambiguous, as in any other business with the use of the human mind and hands. Again we bow our heads, only this time over the receiving container, we sniff for a long time, lick the drops and think. Sometimes you have to pour everything into a canal, for example melon distillate. And sometimes some kind of masterpiece is obtained at the first chase (more often on wild yeast, with long-term fermentation (up to 4 weeks) of the wort). In any case, with the use of the Favorit-Exclusive distiller, it is not necessary to use carbonization, cleaning with milk, potassium permanganate. Although I would like to talk about potassium permanganate separately.

In a very low dilution (8-10 crystals per 1 liter of water), a solution of potassium permanganate, when added to the distillate from above, is able to solve the problem of odors. In this case, the released atomic oxygen neutralizes (oxidizes) the esters of foreign compounds and tail alcohols. At the same time, one should not forget that potassium permanganate reacts with ethyl alcohol, forming a compound that falls to the bottom in the form of white flakes. After straining this sediment, you can add potassium permanganate again and again get this sediment. The process can be repeated until all the alcohol has settled in the form of flakes, and a weak solution of acetone remains in the container.

More often and most likely, we will have to overtake the resulting fruit distillate again, but already with separation into fractions. In this situation, we can not do without the magic . We collect it in the configuration "complete without MFP" in the version with a 50 cm side, or with a 30 cm side. We fill the sides with nozzles. The options are as follows: the lower nozzle is always .

From above, at your discretion, any combination of copper tap-changers, steel and copper SPN Selivanenko(3-3.5mm). Copper nozzles should be used in case of a doubtful smell of distillate, or one layer prophylactically.

Dilute the distillate with prepared water to a strength of 30%.

We heat up the cube, wait for the first drops, immediately after they appear, we significantly reduce the heating of the system, increase the water pressure. Let the system think for about 15 minutes about how to behave further (just kidding). Everything is ready for selection "head faction".

We increase the heating along with the increase in cooling of both refrigerators. Starting very slowly . It is not difficult to achieve this selection rate (1-1.5 drops per second), it is enough to adjust the heating by reducing it; and cooling the reflux condenser by slightly opening the cold water supply valve.

We will select the heads in the volume that will be 6-10% of the volume .

For example: in a cube there are 20 liters of distillate with a strength of 40%. This means that pure (absolute) alcohol in the distillate is 8 liters. Heads will be selected 480-800 ml. at the same time, sniff the drops from time to time, rubbing them in dry and clean palms. As soon as the smell of acetone in drops disappears, you need to change the receiving container and begin to select the “body”. Increase the heat and adjust the water supply. Alcohol will flow in a thin stream. We select it until its strength in the stream drops to 60%. Again we change the container and select the so-called "pre-tails" up to a strength in the jet of 40%. On this shoulder strap, you can stop, or you can change the container again and select all the remaining alcohols for incomprehensible purposes. The selection in this case is carried out until the temperature in the cube reaches 99 degrees. We disassemble and wash the device.

So we got 4 containers. The first fraction - in the toilet, or leave to light fires. The second faction is the most valuable. It must be evaluated for strength, taste and smell. If everything was done correctly, then it will turn out delicious moonshine 65-85%. It can be consumed, although the smell of the raw material may be partially or completely absent. We take the third bank. Again we try and smell. The usual fortress of this faction is 45-50%. It can taste better and more fragrant than the second, and it may not work. In general - again think and make a decision. If the aroma has disappeared altogether, mix the 2nd and 3rd fractions, dilute with water and distill using a gin basket. We put the necessary fruits for flavoring in it. We carry out the distillation without connecting a reflux condenser and without nozzles, up to a temperature in the cube of 98 degrees. All is ready.

In any case, no additional purification (coal, oil, milk, potassium permanganate) is required.

IN fresh fruits contains fructose, which affects the smell and taste, giving the homemade drink a sweet aftertaste. Therefore, fruit mash for moonshine can be made from different fruits and berries with a high content of it. But to get quality drink from such raw materials, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of preparation and observe the ingredients of the recipe.

For getting high level percentage of alcohol is recommended in mash from fruit puree add some sugar and better fermentation- alcohol yeast. The process of preparing the mash itself is different from the usual one, since it will take longer to tinker with the fruits. If you follow the cooking technology, then the output will be flavored drink with slightly perceptible fruity notes.

Even moldy and rotten fruits are suitable for raw materials, and in one batch you can combine them different types, which will give the drink an original aroma with delicate shades of taste.

To prepare the mash you will need the following ingredients and tools:

  • fruit chopper, it can be a juicer or meat grinder;
  • fermentation tank;
  • press;
  • fruits;
  • sugar;
  • yeast;
  • lemon juice or acid;
  • distilled water.

Unwashed fruits are used to prepare the mash, as they live on the peel, which accelerate the breakdown of sugars and improve the fermentation process. The fruits are crushed, the rot is cut off, the bones and stalks are removed, so they add bitterness to the drink, and are placed in a fermentation container.

Proportions of fruit mash

For a 20 liter container you need:

  • 5–10 kg of fruit;
  • one or two kg of sugar;
  • 50 g dry yeast;
  • 100 g lemon juice or 30 g citric acid;
  • water on the basis that the entire mixture should fill 3/4 of the container.

Lemon juice or acid helps break down sugar molecules, which helps speed up the mash process and reduce fusel oils.

Fruit preparation

Clean fruits from rot, mold, remove seeds and stalks. Cut into small pieces and scroll through a meat grinder. Place prepared fruits in large saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers their surface.

Bring chopped fruit to a boil, add required amount sugar, lemon juice or acid and mix. Sugar must be allowed to dissolve well, holding on low heat for three to five minutes. Using a special press, grind the fruit to a kind of puree and let it cool down to about room temperature.

Pour the puree into a mash container and top up with distilled water so that three-quarters of the bottle is filled with the mixture.

How to make fruit mash?

Add the yeast to the fruit puree and mix thoroughly with a large spoon. Cover container plastic wrap while making several small holes in it so that carbon dioxide escapes. Let the fruit mixture brew for three days.

After a few days, remove the film and remove the puree on the surface with a wooden spoon (do not use metal objects, as oxidation may occur). The rest is thoroughly mixed, again tightly covered with a film and left for three days.

Later due time remove the film, remove the fruit puree floating on the surface, mix thoroughly. Wrap with a new film, while not forgetting to make holes for quick exit carbon dioxide, and leave for a few days.

10 days after mixing the fruit puree, the mash is ready for further moonshine production. It is recommended to distill it to improve the quality of the drink twice.

  1. For fruit mash, you can use any yeast, but it is preferable to use those specially designed for making homemade drinks. Alcoholic or are best suited.
  2. A bottle of mash should be kept in a warm room and try to maintain the temperature, as its fluctuations can negatively affect the very process of mash operation. Therefore, it is recommended to wrap the container with an old blanket or fur coat.
  3. During intense fermentation, bad smell, which can negatively affect others, so it should be placed away from living rooms.
  4. Make sure that the mash fills three quarters in the container, and if the liquid evaporates noticeably, add water.
  5. To prevent air and harmful bacteria from entering the bottle, which can significantly degrade the quality house drink the bottle must be tightly covered.
  6. For cooking homemade alcohol you can take any fruit or berries, as they all contain sugar. You can not be afraid to experiment and even combine from different fruits. And the output will be a great drink with a pronounced aroma of fruity notes.

By following all the rules, you can make wonderful moonshine in the summer with a new, mild taste.

Most often used fruit, which can be made from any berries and fruits. This is very beneficial, since almost every owner of a private house has a whole garden of free fruits at his disposal. How is fruit mash prepared? That's what we'll talk about today.

Fruit mash - great way dispose of excess fruits and berries from your own garden

Everyone knows that alcohol is becoming more expensive on store shelves every day, and it is not always possible to buy an extra bottle of drink even for a very big holiday. Some people have long abandoned store-bought products and make alcoholic beverages on their own. Modern people can do almost any alcoholic drinks at home (cognac, rum, liquor, wines and other equally delicious drinks).

How to make fruit mash at home on your own?

You can make mash not only from ordinary sugar and yeast, but also from fruits. You can absolutely take as a basis different fruits. Any berry is also ideal for the subsequent production of mash and moonshine, respectively. In the process of fermentation, they will turn into real alcohol.

For mash you will need yeast, sugar and fruit

To get a higher level of alcohol, you should add a little sugar to the fruit. Thanks to the resulting fermented mixture, you can get not only a simple brew, but also high-quality liquor, wine, and even enough strong moonshine. In order for the fermentation process to begin, yeast must be added to the mixture. Nowadays, there is a huge variety of yeast, which can be bought at any grocery store or on the Internet.

The recipe for fruit mash is very simple. To prepare it, you should take about 3 kg of fruits or berries, half a kilogram of sugar, about 30 g of lemon juice or a few tablespoons of citric acid and yeast. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed and placed in a fairly large bucket.

It is very important to cover the container with a lid in such a way that the fruits are under the so-called press. It is for this that it is worth putting something very heavy on the lid, for example, bricks or filled three-liter jars.

For more details see this video:

Before placing all the ingredients of the future mash in a container, you should prepare the fruit well. To begin with, experts recommend washing them very carefully and cleaning them from bones and damaged areas. It is also very important to cut large components, such as apples, into slices, because it is chopped fruits that can contribute to accelerated process fermentation.

Sliced ​​fruit must be placed at the very bottom of the container and pour cold water so that the liquid completely covers the fruit.

After that, you can boil this mixture and add sugar and lemon juice there. All this should be constantly stirred in order to get a puree.

After that, remove the pan from the heat and stir the mixture again. For the perfect consistency, you can use a blender, but in this case it will take a lot of time.

After that, it is necessary to allow the fruit mixture to cool to room temperature. Then the puree is moved to a regular bucket and filled with water almost halfway.

How to make mash from fruit puree?

As everyone already understood, this was not the final result of obtaining an alcoholic mixture, which is necessary for the preparation of alcoholic fruit drinks.

The next step is to add yeast to the resulting puree. It is very important to stir the puree so that the yeast is almost completely dissolved in the mixture. After that, cover the bucket cling film. This must be done as tightly as possible so that excess oxygen does not enter the container. Nevertheless, for the release of carbon dioxide, 5-10 small holes should be made in the film. An example of making fruit mash based on apples, see this video:

Fruit puree should be infused under such conditions for at least 3 days. After a few days, it is necessary to remove the film and eliminate all the liquid that has formed on the surface of the press. A large spoon or ladle is ideal for this process. After that, it is worth mixing the puree again and again cover with the same sequence. In no case should you forget about the holes, otherwise the brew for moonshine will not appear. Then you need to wait at least another 2 - 3 days.

The same procedure should be repeated again. Already on the 9th day, the mash will be completely ready. The resulting product can be processed to produce almost any alcoholic beverage.

Most often, of course, fruit mash is processed into liqueurs and moonshine, since their preparation does not require a lot of sugar and other components.

Sometimes the mash is left in this position for at least 2 weeks, and then the real liquor comes out without distillation.

If you leave the mash for 2 weeks, you get a real fruit liqueur

Still, do not think that cooking mash is a very simple process. First, you should carefully prepare the fruit. As a rule, it takes a lot of free time. Secondly, it is very important to constantly monitor the state of the mash. The fact is that sometimes, for unknown reasons, the fermentation process does not occur, and fruit puree becomes simply dangerous for further use. And, of course, we must not forget about the press, which should be sufficient to compress a certain amount of fruit puree. An example of making mash on apple pomace see in this video:

Braga on fruit is really a salvation for the current population. Thanks to her, we have the opportunity to independently prepare delicious fruit alcoholic drinks that cost a lot of money in stores.