The most effective diets for losing weight by 20 kg. Body contouring workout after rapid weight loss. Exit from the diet.

Excess weight is not only a factor that spoils our beauty, provokes the occurrence of serious diseases, but also delivers a lot of psychological discomfort. Any woman strives, if not to allow the addition of extra pounds, then at least as soon as possible to get rid of unnecessary ballast.

Rapid weight loss has many supporters and opponents. But when it comes to a practically guaranteed way to lose weight by 20 kg per month, even ardent opponents subside.

First of all, it is recommended to take fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, soft margarines, whole wheat bread and other unrefined flour products for the prevention of coronary heart disease. Weight loss is not an end in itself, it is aimed at improving health and quality of life and prolonging it. In many cases, before the devastating effects of the miracle diet, defend the fact that they are not strictly followed. The task of doctors is to adhere to patients against the consequences of diets that have no scientifically proven efficacy and safety.


Fast diets simply provide maximum weight loss when followed. This is their main difference from express diets, which are limited in time and cannot last more than 7 days.

Properly selected fast diet allows you to increase the tone of the whole body, improve the functioning of internal organs.

Its main purpose is to consume large amounts of protein, a small amount of fat and exclusion of carbohydrates. Opinions about this diet vary, often extreme. This leads to ketosis because the body is forced to produce energy from adipose tissue. Also, the brain, which naturally feeds glucose, in this case is forced to draw energy from keto compounds. This leads to malnutrition.

Ammonia, a by-product of amino acid metabolism, has an acidifying effect on the body. To neutralize it, calcium is released from the bones, which in turn can lead to osteoporosis. Excess protein encapsulates the liver, which is responsible for detoxifying the body. Too little carbs for that leads to kidney failure because carbs are the main fuel for them to work.

Such a diet becomes the basis for the development of proper eating habits.

Often, fast diets include mono-diets or their cycle (a meal plan consisting of several mono-diets). It is difficult to say how correct this is, but there is no doubt that large plumb lines can be obtained from their output.

The main benefits of this diet are:

Remember, though, that this is largely due to water loss, not fat. If not, then you can always choose a different diet. 🙂 It's not good for the body when certain ingredients are limited to a minimum and other substances to beat the kilos. I think it's just weight loss. After the end of the water shortage, of course, the effect is not so good. You have to call things by name, and water loss is not healthy for the body. This is the fat we just have to get rid of. First of all, with wild diets like the dukat diet, we must be under the strict supervision of a doctor and do it with a large share. But the truth is that no one does, they end the diet between stages or in the middle of a stage, and the effects are worse than we started. And that's not the point. My mother was on the Dikkan diet a couple of years ago and actually shed weight very quickly and dropped 2 sizes, the effects were visible to the naked eye. Only then she couldn't look at the protein, so summing up the diet is really effective, but for people with a strong will who really want to change. My colleague weighed a lot and now she looks great, she said she felt bad at first. I think you should think about it. My job requires 8 hours of concentration, concentration, logical and analytical thinking. Will the dikan diet not cause my work at work? The diet is very restrictive and she is always hungry in the early days. The person is still hungry and irritable, and the following days are no better, because once your body gets used to such a diet, there is an aversion to eggs. And eggs are the basis of this diet. It should not be used by overweight people, but it is a very good solution for people who are struggling with high overweight. Too much body weight in itself is a huge threat, which, unfortunately, is not taken into account. However, for those who are obese, this is a great solution! Of course, not everyone will feel this way. Negative consequences. It all depends on the specific organism, so it is better to discuss this issue individually with a nutritionist. The dukan diet was somehow used for a month. The effect was not impressive, although it was possible to get rid of a few kilograms. . And additional physical activity 1.5 hours per week.

  • rapid weight loss;
  • it can be built depending on taste preferences;
  • the menu usually includes products available to everyone;
  • fairly cheap power supply scheme;
  • helps to reduce the volume of the stomach.

A balanced fast diet has significantly more benefits than a mono diet. Her diet is reduced, but quite varied. And, therefore, a person will not have an acute desire to eat something forbidden.

The answer to the question is below. On a centimeter grid, this corresponds to 90 centimeters. You are light, so a 20 kg weight loss is too much. The exact needs of your body can be calculated using the Harris-Benedict formula. The value that you must multiply by 1 is the factor that corresponds to your physical activity. You will receive your request. This will result in a weight loss of 1 kg per week.

You will have to give up fast food, sweets, sugar. fruit juices well diluted with water. It is advisable to stop sweetening tea. Soups should not be bleached. You must choose fatty sauces. good ideas there may be salads and lettuces. However, keep in mind a large number of high-calorie supplements: avocados, toast, sauces, nuts.

A balanced fast diet depresses the psychological state of a person less and allows you to do without breakdowns (if you show a little willpower).

Dangers and cons

No matter how positive and effective the diet is, it has its drawbacks. Emergency weight loss must be approved by a doctor. Your chronic diseases may worsen if you follow a fast diet to lose weight by 20 kg.

At least 1 meal should be warm. You can't forget about breakfast. Places should be consumed calmly, slowly. You must chew every chew. It is good to leave the table - a feeling of satiety appears only after a while. Adjust your body weight through physical activity and avoid junk food.

The Health Food Pyramid is on the website of the Institute of Nutrition and Nutrition. We have collected additional information on the topics covered in the question. Use the links below to find out more. Losing weight seems to be a well-known topic, especially for women, but still many people make basic mistakes.

  • Fashion for weight loss appears with the advent of each spring.
  • Until the summer, there is a growing number of people who want a slimmer silhouette.
Our doctors have also answered some similar questions from other users.

The main dangers of a fast diet can be considered:

  • high probability of return excess weight;
  • fast diets are bad for metabolism;
  • emergency weight loss is always stressful for the body, which can manifest itself as hair loss, skin and teeth problems.

It should be noted that the dangers of a fast diet have not been proven. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and general health. The fast diet has many disadvantages.

A weight loss diet requires you to return to a normal diet after the weight loss period has elapsed. An effective weight loss diet is based primarily on developing healthy eating habits, not just rapid weight loss. Recently, more and more new diets have appeared, and their use has become fashionable.

Mistakes during weight loss mean that several weeks of fasting, restrictive dieting, and constant calorie counting may not bring the desired effects. Body weight and weight loss are the main cause of weight loss. Healthy weight loss or proper treatment under the guidance of a specialist usually results in weight loss success.

They are the following:

  • most, if such a diet is followed, will feel hungry;
  • the diet is not poor, but it cannot be called completely balanced;
  • despite the simplicity, it requires compliance with the diet and the preparation of certain dishes;
  • weight loss is not due to adipose tissue, but due to the removal of fluid and loss of muscle mass.

From the point of view of cosmetology, fast diets are harmful. The skin does not have time to recover and sags. There are rashes, stretch marks and other cosmetic defects.

Losing weight has recently become a fashion. Everywhere you come across information about diets and methods of dealing with extra pounds. See what rules should be for those who want to lose weight. Regular meals are part of healthy eating only a small group of Poles.

It is generally agreed that several factors cause fatigue and other weight loss, such as sports, low-fat and light foods, smoking cessation, menopause, birth control pills. Everyone knows the basic rules for losing weight: less fat, sugar and meat, more fruits and vegetables and no snacking. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done.

That is why, adhering to such a diet, it is necessary to drink plenty of water. It helps to remove toxins, decay products and prevents the development of dryness of our upper integuments.

Some may call the main disadvantage of such a diet, the fact that there is no guarantee for everyone in the final loss of 20 kg per month. The result is not guaranteed with other diets. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

After a busy day, evening plans are usually strictly specified. We try to release the stress accumulated during the day and relax with a cup of our favorite tea in our hands. Trying to answer this question, we are still trying to use different diets, exercises and cosmetics for weight loss, wanting to find correct method, which will allow us to throw away those extra pounds.

We live in a world where everything has to be fast. We eat fast, we browse the Internet quickly, we do everything quickly, we shop quickly, best with a courier, because we don't want to wait. We also want to lose weight or change our body. But how quickly can you see the effects of exercise? And how much weight can you lose in a month?

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Fast diet menu for weight loss by 20 kg

The menu for losing weight by 20 kg for all three weeks will be the same. It is important to keep order and not change daily rations places.

1st day 0.5 l milk0.5 l milk1 glass tomato juice, 100 g black bread
2nd day 2 boiled eggs
3rd day
4th day A glass of low-fat kefir
5th day 100 g black bread, 20 g butter, 1 tsp. honey, coffee with milk without sugar100 g ham (meat) with broth, 100 g hard cheese, 100 g black bread2 boiled eggs
6th day 2 apples (orange or peach)Vegetable soup with 1 tsp. vegetable oilSalad of 3 cucumbers and 2 tomatoes without oil, a glass of tea with 1 tsp. honey
7th day Coffee with milk without sugar, 100g Dutch cheese100 g ham (meat, fish), 100 g black bread, 2 boiled eggsA glass of low-fat kefir

It is very important to go through three preparatory days before starting the diet, eating light, dietary foods.

This is the question that scrolls all over the place. Tomorrow? How much can you lose the most in a month? We all want fast results. That's why they're still popular strict diets, fasting, cleansing, drinking juice instead of food, and so on. If only as quickly and easily as possible.

Theoretically, the first effects of exercise can be seen after the first week. But they will not be fireworks, and it is not known how impressive things are, but it is possible that the body will become more compact and the stomach will be less flat. Theoretically, weight can also drop, but this is probably the effect of water and light, not fat being burned.

It is not bad to make an enema with a decoction of herbs: in this way it will be easier to tolerate the first period of the diet. It is characterized by headaches and depressed mood, and all because in the first three days accumulated toxins will come out.

The most important thing is to hold out for this time, and then the body will get used to it, rebuild itself and start the “weight loss” mode.

After two weeks, we can observe a decrease in chains and weight. After three weeks, the body will become slimmer, thinner will become more visible. Remember that despite all this, effects and weight loss are very individual! After four weeks, you will already see a significant difference compared to the beginning, but this also depends on the starting weight. People with heavy skin and overweight are faster, people who need to lose 2-5 kilograms are slower.

In the case of body sculpting or strengthening, my first effects will be between 3-4 weeks. However, they may be visible later - at the turn of 5-6 weeks. A drop of 1 kilogram per week is considered safe enough for our body. According to a large number of experts, even better - weight loss at a rate of 0.5 kg per week.

First week

In the first week, you will have to endure the feeling of hunger and drowsiness. The body will get used to the new diet. The diet consists of a series of mono-diets that alternate every other day. So if you set yourself up for a result of 20 kg, you need to follow the diet of every day and not change the order.

The first day must be hungry.

Exit from mono-diets

Leaving more than 4 kilos a week is too fast. Losing that much weight in such a short amount of time could be a hint that we're on a too restrictive diet. Of course, everyone has their own weight loss ratio. If after four to five weeks the weight loss settles and the level is up to 0.5-1 kg per week - no problem.

However, if you continue to lose weight at such a blistering pace, you should take care of your diet immediately and take the appropriate steps to increase your calorie balance before waking up hand in pot. You see, there is no philosophy here. Only patience is important.

Instead of breakfast and lunch, a liter of milk is drunk in small cups.

For dinner, you can drink some tomato juice and eat 100 g of bread. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, sweet juices, sugar-containing products, bakery products. Cheese is allowed to eat only Dutch. cottage cheese and processed cheese excluded from the diet. It is advisable to buy fitness cheese with a low percentage of fat content.

Freestyle world champion against factory training plans. Make changes gradually. One of the most common reasons for your failure is the simultaneous use of too a large number incentives. You have never exercised before, have not followed any diet, have not restricted simple sugars and consumed alcohol? Use a small step technique and make changes gradually but regularly. Your unmodified exercise body responds quickly to small stimuli.

Therefore, there is no need to rush into "deep water", where the probability of failure is much greater. Boost your metabolism. Long-term fasting is the easiest way to slow down your metabolism. Another way to boost your metabolism is to consume protein at every meal. It's also good to make a cheat meal from time to time in exchange for a week's diet.

Vegetable soup must be prepared from grated tomatoes, bell peppers and onions. In its composition and consistency, it should resemble Bonn soup.

Second week

The second week will be more pleasant in terms of sensations. The first crisis period is over. But the regime and products cannot be changed. Most active weight loss and the breakdown of fats begins precisely from the 2nd week. An acute feeling of hunger will occur less and less often, saturation will begin to come even after a glass of plain water.

The menu for the second week of the diet is similar to the first.

The week should start with a fast day. Some nutritionists believe that with such a diet, for greater effectiveness of the diet, you can skip certain meals. For example, on Monday - refuse breakfast, and on Tuesday - from lunch.

Video: How to lose weight by 20 kg

This method is effective, as there will be a gradual decrease in the amount of calories consumed, and a change in the time of nutrient intake will help to accelerate the metabolism.

Third week

The third week can upset plumb lines. But do not forget about the “plateau” effect and that it is normal for the human body to stop emergency weight loss at certain points.

The menu this week is similar to the first two. The third week can also be characterized by emergency weight loss, if at first the indicators were insignificant.

It will also be necessary to properly exit the diet. Fast 20 day diet provides 1 week to consolidate the results. Throughout it, you can expand the existing menu every day by adding prohibited foods.

Another and less correct way out is to replace diet menu regular, but with limited portions.


fast diet for fast weight loss 20 kg has the following contraindications:

  • diseases of the heart, kidneys and excretory system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • anemia, exhaustion;
  • metabolic disorders, endocrinological diseases;
  • obesity.

Contraindications in this diet is a very controversial thing. Fast diets are used even by doctors in preparation for surgery and in general. medicinal purposes. But with obesity of the 3rd and 4th degree, endocrinologists usually do not prescribe them. The question of the admissibility of the diet should be decided by a personal doctor. Contraindications also depend on chronic diseases person.

If a person suffers from a stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, esophagitis or gastritis, such a diet is categorically unacceptable. Nursing mothers should also choose a more sparing diet.

Cosmetologists consider the majority fast diets harmful and destroying the beauty of the skin and hair. In their opinion, such diets are always big restrictions that can provoke metabolic disorders. They are the most common cause of hair loss, hair breakage, dullness, and skin imperfections.

For most girls, the goal of losing weight comes first. There are times when you need to lose weight not by three or five kg, but by as much as 20. It is important to understand that the desire to lose great amount excess weight in a short time is not only difficult, but also dangerous to health. However, if you stick to a special diet and follow all the recommendations, be sure that you will succeed.

Most effective diets for weight loss by 20 kg per month can be varied. We bring to your attention one of the best diets.

"Diet minus 20 kg per month." The name of the diet is promising.

The menu of this diet.

Monday (fast day). Throughout the day, you need to drink 1 liter of milk (skimmed). Milk should be consumed in small portions. For dinner, you are supposed to drink a glass of tomato juice and eat 150 grams of black bread.

Tuesday (protein day).

Breakfast: 100 grams of black bread, you can spread with honey and butter(but not more than 20 g). One cup of coffee, optionally fresh milk can be added.

At lunch, 100 g of ham (lean), light chicken broth, 150 grams. black bread and a slice hard cheese.

Dinner: 2 boiled eggs.

Wednesday (vegetable day)

Breakfast: Two oranges, apples, peaches, a glass of mineral water.

Dinner: vegetable soup(broccoli will do, bell pepper, cabbage, asparagus, tomatoes). Can be seasoned with olive or sunflower oil.

Dinner: vegetable salad(two tomatoes, two cucumbers). A cup of green or herbal tea with honey.

Thursday (special day)

For breakfast, drink 1 cup of coffee without sugar, you can with milk, and eat 100 grams of hard cheese.

For lunch, 100 grams of black bread and the same amount of low-fat ham.

Dinner: a glass of kefir (fat-free).

From the fifth day the diet is repeated. So for three weeks, in order: hungry, protein, vegetable, special days.

Only with the onset of the fourth week, the menu changes.

Monday (apple day) - you need to eat one and a half kilograms of apples (green varieties).

Tuesday (meat day) - 1.5 kg chicken breast(it is important that there is no skin).

Wednesday (vegetable day) - 750 grams of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Thursday (meat day) - you can eat a kilogram boiled meat lean varieties (beef, rabbit, chicken).

Friday - half a kilo of hard cheese, and a bottle of still mineral water.

Saturday (fish and milk day) - drink a liter of fat-free kefir or yogurt and eat a kilogram of fish (boiled or steamed).

Sunday (nourishing day) - 1 kg of hard cheese and 150 ml of red wine.

While dieting, your body requires additional vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Therefore, buy a multivitamin complex at the pharmacy, and take it for a month.

This diet has shown excellent results, the girls' reviews say that it is easy to follow. The best result was seen in the first and fourth weeks. However, you should not skip the second and third week, because the body will not have time to get used to the drastic change in the menu. A sharp breakdown of the diet or its violation will also not lead to anything good.

And yet, perhaps, one of the most important rules, before you decide to go on a diet, consult a nutritionist. He will definitely help you choose the diet that is right for your body.

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