How long does it take to boil tomato juice? Homemade tomato juice for the winter: recipes

Tomato juice is very popular in Russia and the countries of the former CIS, and this is not surprising, because it has great benefits. In it you can find great amount organic matter and inorganics, which helps to strengthen the general condition of the body. It is primarily about natural sugar contained in fructose and glucose.

This drink is not cheap in stores, so many are wondering how and how much to cook tomato juice. This topic is especially relevant for gardeners who every year do not know what to do with the tomato crop. This is not only about fresh juice, it can also be prepared with a margin to drink in the winter.

Tomato juice and its benefits for the body


At home, as already mentioned, it is quite simple to prepare it. For 200 milliliters of water, you need to take 3 spoons tomato paste and a quarter teaspoon of salt, if necessary and desired, you can add pepper. The juice should not be transparent or too thick, this is a prerequisite. It is impossible to prepare tomato juice for the winter in this way, but it can be made at any time of the year and consumed immediately.

It is necessary to use high-quality and natural paste, only then it will be possible to get delicious juice. Remember: even if it is too expensive, there is no guarantee that it is really of high quality. Therefore, be careful when buying. Sometimes you can find starch in it, which gives additional density to the paste, you should not be afraid of it.

Juice from own harvest

Avid gardeners who annually harvest tomatoes are constantly wondering how much to cook tomato juice in order to get a tasty and natural product. To create a drink, it is best to use ripe fruits that have just been plucked from the bush. If this is not possible, tomatoes that have been harvested recently, but have not yet had time to overripe, will do.

First you need to rinse the tomatoes, and then cut out all the existing stalks, as well as damaged places. After that, it is necessary to cut the tomatoes into several slices and slightly squeeze the juice out of them, pour it into the pan. Cover the container with gauze on top, and put tomato slices on it.

How much to cook tomato juice? Only five minutes, then the pan must be removed from the stove. Steamed tomato slices will need to be wiped with a large sieve, and then mixed with juice. The puree will need to be heated to 85 degrees on the stove, and then poured into hot jars. The containers must then be sterilized in boiling water for 30-40 minutes. After that, the jars should be turned over, covered with a warm blanket, kept in this position until cool.

Another option

Which is suitable for any hostess, very useful and tasty. For this method, you will need to use ripe tomatoes, which must be washed and then crushed with a wooden pestle. The resulting mass must be put in an enamel pan, then, stirring, bring to a boil.

The resulting mass will need to be rubbed through a large sieve, then it will be possible to easily separate the peel and seeds of tomatoes from the pulp. Then you will need to grind it again, but this time through a very fine sieve or cheesecloth, folded in several layers. If desired, you can add sugar and salt, the main thing is not to overdo it. The heated drink will need to be poured into pre-prepared containers and the jars sterilized.

Tomato juice with garlic

It is not so important to know how much to cook tomato juice, it is more important to know the most interesting recipes for its preparation. One of the most delicious is a drink with garlic and spices. To create it, you will need 11 kilograms of red tomatoes, from 400 to 700 grams of sugar (to taste), 150-200 grams of salt (to taste), allspice peas, a tablespoon of vinegar essence, 0.5 teaspoon of red pepper, garlic cloves ( to taste), up to 10 cloves, a little nutmeg and three teaspoons of cinnamon.

You will need to thoroughly wash the tomatoes, why peel them from all the stalks, and then cut them into several pieces. All pieces must be passed through a juicer to get juice without seeds and skins. The drink will need to be poured into a saucepan, and then put on fire. If we talk about how much to cook tomato juice, then we are talking about thirty minutes. After this time, you need to reduce the fire, and then boil the drink for ten minutes, adding spices, vinegar and garlic. Then you still need to boil the drink for 10-20 minutes, pour into jars and roll up.

Diets and tomato juice

If you know how to cook tomato juice correctly, you can successfully lose those extra pounds with it. The essence of the diet using this drink is to drink a glass before each meal. You can also drink it between meals. Be sure to limit the use of pastries, sweet foods, it is recommended to completely eliminate sugar.

Salt intake should be kept to a minimum fried foods replaced with boiled ones. With the help of such a diet, you can lose up to 5 kilograms in a couple of weeks, it is not recommended to continue such a diet. Only a freshly made drink can give the maximum effect, so if you know how long to boil tomato juice and how to do it, you can get the same result for much less money by making it yourself at home.


Now that you know how much to cook tomato juice, you can easily please your family and friends with it. However, it should be remembered that this drink can cause heaviness in the stomach. Drink it should be measured, with pleasure, then the body will be able to better absorb it.

Various seamings for the winter are very popular among different segments of the population. Many of us prefer to carry out this process with our own hands, since store products contain a lot of preservatives and their quality leaves much to be desired. Sunsets made in the summer-autumn period delight all members of the family cold winter becoming an excellent addition to different dishes, as well as sweetness for tea. One of the most popular preparations of this type is tomato juice. It is very easy to prepare, the minimum amount financial investment, and has excellent taste properties. So, let's talk about how to preserve tomato juice for the winter.

First recipe

To make tasty and high-quality tomato juice, you should pay attention to red ripe and at the same time intact tomatoes. Before processing them directly into juice, you should thoroughly rinse the fruits in running water, carefully sharp knife remove the stalks and cut into two to four pieces, depending on the original size. After that, you need to squeeze the juice using a special juicer. In the event that you simply do not have such equipment, turn the tomatoes through a conventional meat grinder, then pass the resulting mass through a colander to remove the skins.

Prepared juice should be poured inside enamel pan, bring to a boil over medium heat, then reduce heat and simmer for about ten to twelve minutes, until the foam completely disappears. Pour the resulting liquid hot into sterilized jars or bottles.

Banks filled with tomato juice should be rolled up, and then sterilized at a temperature of seventy degrees. Half-liter containers should be processed within ten minutes after boiling water, one-liter containers must be processed for twelve minutes, and three-liter containers must be sterilized for eighteen minutes.

Tomato juice is preserved by many hot-packed without further sterilization. To do this, wrap a heated jar with a dry towel, then pour boiling tomato juice into it with a pouring spoon to the very top. The filled container must be closed with a boiled lid, immediately rolled up and turned upside down until complete air cooling. If you choose this canning option, it is worthwhile to carry out all the activities for the preparation of raw materials and the processing of containers with particular care.

Second recipe

For one liter of this juice, you will need about one and a half kilograms of tomatoes. Also, for this amount of raw materials, it is worth taking a couple of teaspoons of salt and the same number of spoons of sugar, and the spoons should be used without a slide. When using this amount of additives, you will get a slightly salty drink. If you do not like salty tomato juice, you should take half the amount of salt and sugar. If you use especially tasty and ripe fruits, then you can not salt the product at all and do not add sugar to it.

Cut the tomatoes into arbitrary slices and heat in an enameled container almost to a boil. Then wipe the resulting mass through a sieve with sufficiently large holes. The last droplets should be wiped with special care, because in such a tomato paste all the benefits of tomatoes are concentrated.

To make the juice more fragrant, you can add quite a bit of cinnamon or a couple of teaspoons of freshly squeezed parsley juice to it. Boil the resulting liquid and immediately pour it into hot, only sterilized jars. Immediately roll up the jars with boiled lids. After turning the containers over, wrap them with a blanket and leave until completely cooled. Store this composition at room temperature.

Third recipe

A very good option for juice would also be the addition of salt, sugar and garlic to it. You can pour these ingredients into each jar before pouring the boiling juice. So for a three-liter container, you will need one and a half tablespoons of ordinary non-iodized salt, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, and a couple of cloves of garlic squeezed through a press. After seaming tomato juice happens as described in the previous version of its harvesting for the future.

Fourth recipe

To prepare such a composition, you will need eleven kilograms of tomatoes, rinse them and cut them, removing the stalks. Squeeze the juice from the resulting raw material, then pour it into an enamel saucepan. Put the container with the composition on the fire and boil for half an hour. After that, reduce the power of the fire to the minimum, but leave the juice to boil. Pour half a kilogram of sugar, one hundred and seventy-five grams of salt into it and cook for another ten minutes. After mixing in the composition of two hundred and seventy-five milliliters table vinegar, add a few cloves of garlic, half a teaspoon of ground red pepper, three and a half teaspoons of cinnamon, about six to eight cloves, and thirty peas of allspice. You can also use a pinch of nutmeg. Boil the juice with all the spices for another ten minutes, then pour into sterile jars and roll up.

Such drinks will delight your whole family on cold and long winter days. They are an excellent source of useful elements and will definitely be much more useful than store-bought counterparts.

Tomato recipes for the winter are not limited to cooking tomato sauce, pasta or ketchup, agree? Homemade tomato juice is great way preservation of a rich harvest, as well as tasty and healthy drink for the whole family. Today I offer a recipe for tomato juice without sterilization: everything is quite simple, fast and affordable.

Many hostesses know how to make tomato juice at home and save it for the winter, and there are many ways. For example, you can get juice from tomatoes the old fashioned way - using a meat grinder. Some people like to use a juicer, but for me personally, it is most convenient to prepare tomato juice through a juicer.

In addition, variants of this vegetable harvesting differ in composition. So, for example, you can roll up exclusively natural tomato juice without any additives. However, before drinking such a drink, I really want to at least salt it, so I advise you to season it when cooking. In addition, tomato juice is often flavored with spices and spices: allspice or black pepper, clove buds, cinnamon sticks are used ... In general, whatever your heart desires - the main thing is that you like the finished product.

A few words about tomatoes. It is clear that it is best to process those fruits that you have grown yourself or bought from a trusted seller. The amount of tomato juice directly depends on the variety, degree of maturity and juiciness of vegetables. I don’t know what kind of tomatoes I have (unfortunately, I didn’t ask my parents who are the direct sponsors of this recipe), but exactly 4 liters of homemade juice came out of 5 kilograms of fruits. If desired, it was probably possible to squeeze out even 4.5 liters, but the unbearable heat in the kitchen and fatigue did their job ...


Cooking step by step with photos:

According to this recipe, we will prepare homemade tomato juice for the winter from tomatoes with the addition of salt and sugar. It is clear that each housewife uses her own amount of salt-sugar, and I offer the layout of products that our family likes. Ready tomato juice is balanced in taste.

Wash the large tomatoes, cut the large ones into pieces, leave the small ones as they are. We pass vegetables through a juicer - we get such a heterogeneous pink juice, the amount of which depends on the juiciness of the fruits and the power of the electric assistant. Out of 5 kilograms of vegetables, I immediately got a little more than 2.5 liters of freshly squeezed tomato juice - something my juicer did not really try.

Even if you have a very powerful juicer, there is a lot of juice left in the cake, which must be obtained. To do this, rub the tomato mass in portions through a fine sieve, helping yourself with a spoon or spatula.

As a result of simple manipulations and about 15 minutes of relatively active work, I got about 1 liter 250 milliliters of thick tomato juice. If you try, you can wipe the cake almost to dryness.

We combine freshly squeezed juice (from a juicer) and the second batch, which was obtained using a sieve. I have a large 4-liter pot, which turned out to be almost full. If desired, you can use 2 pans if you are afraid that the juice will run away during cooking.

Immediately add salt (not iodized!) And granulated sugar. For 4 liters of tomato juice, I use 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of coarse salt - both without a slide, that is, under the knife. For 1 liter of juice, for example, take 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt.

We put the pan on a strong fire and, stirring, bring the tomato juice to a boil. During the cooking process, quite a lot of light foam will appear on the surface - you do not need to remove it. In general, the foam is removed so that the finished product (for example, jam) turns out to be transparent, and we have juice with pulp, so there can be no talk of transparency.

On medium heat, boil the tomato juice for about 5-6 minutes after boiling - during this time the foam will disappear by itself, and the drink will turn from pinkish to rich red. At this stage, it is advisable to taste the tomato juice and adjust it according to your preferences (add salt-sugar if necessary). It is not necessary to boil tomato juice longer - this time is enough for the pulp to boil.

Beforehand, it was necessary to sterilize the dishes - I do this in the microwave, but you can use any method convenient for you (in the oven or on the stove). Thoroughly wash cans of soda or detergent, then rinse in cold water and pour about 100 milliliters of water on the bottom of each. We put it in the microwave and steam it on the highest power. Since I never make blanks in bulk containers (I don’t like it when an open product stays in the refrigerator for more than 1-2 days), I roll up tomato juice in liter jars. I steam 4 pieces at once in the microwave for 10-11 minutes. I just wash the lids, put them in a saucepan, pour water (to completely cover the lids) and boil for about 5 minutes. Pour boiling tomato juice into prepared jars, not reaching the edge of the dishes a couple of centimeters.

Seal the jars with lids immediately. You can use both simple tins (rolled up with a key) and screw ones (they just twist). By the way, in last years I don’t close the workpieces with screw caps: my husband does this, because I simply don’t have enough strength and the caps do not twist tightly. Girls, if you have the same problem, always ask for help from your strong half! And one more thing: never reuse screw caps, even if they look like new, as this is fraught with damage to the precious workpiece.

Tomato juice for the winter at home is much tastier than store-bought, even if you just add a little salt. And if you mix spices in jars and bottles with tomato juice or create a blend of tomato juice with other vegetables? This is such a delicious treat, trust me!

But, before you start harvesting tomato juice, you need to meet several conditions.

  • When choosing tomatoes for juice, pay attention to the ripeness of the fruit. Tomatoes should be soft, you can even use slightly dented, substandard or slightly spoiled. Just try especially carefully to remove everything superfluous and unnecessary;
  • Tomatoes for juice should be fleshy. Choose the appropriate varieties when planning to plant tomato beds on your precious piece of land. Hard tomatoes are good for pickling, but not for juice;
  • Particular attention should be paid to cleanliness. Juice jars and bottles should be thoroughly washed. hot water with laundry soap or soda and warm well. Sterilization of containers can be carried out both in the oven and over steam. In both cases, sterile jars should be slightly cooled before bottling;
  • Roll-up lids must be acid-resistant - in other words, coated with a special compound. As for screw caps, there are no problems with them;
  • Do not reuse screw caps to seal juice. It is better to close them with jars of jam. Tomato juice (and not only it) requires complete sealing, and second-hand lids may have damage on the inside that is not visible to the eye, which can lead to air penetration and product damage.

Tomato juice for the winter at home can be obtained in several ways. Culinary Eden offers you all these ways, and you already choose what is more convenient for you.

The easiest way to extract juice from tomatoes is with a juicer. But do not expect branded foreign beauty juicers to help you in this matter. You are tormented with them, since the machine will work for 10 minutes, and rest for half an hour. Most the best choice- a nozzle for separation of juice from soft fruits. It is screwed onto a regular cast-iron meat grinder. You can use an electric meat grinder, things will go more fun. Waste is small, but it exists.

The old-fashioned way of taking juice from tomatoes is by boiling and rubbing. Prepared tomatoes are cut, put in a saucepan or cast iron and boiled until soft on the stove or in the oven. The resulting mass is rubbed through a sieve. It is easier to use metal, but if you do not want to lose the vitamins remaining after heating, wipe through nylon. This is perhaps the most waste-free method in which all the juice is squeezed out almost dry. Only skins and seeds fly into the bucket. But he is also the hardest.

You can simplify your task and pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, heat them in a saucepan or bowl and also rub through a sieve. Just do not use aluminum containers to heat the tomato mass, aluminum does not like an acidic environment.

Juicing in a juicer will undoubtedly make your life much easier. The only concern will be only periodic stirring of the tomato mass so that the skins do not interfere with the flow of juice into the container. But this problem is easily solved if you spend a little time removing the skin from the tomatoes. Add spices immediately to the juicer along with the tomatoes. There is a lot of waste left, but they can be used for cooking homemade ketchup, blanks winter salads or cooking spicy snack with garlic and horseradish, which for some reason everyone calls adjika.

Now let's get to the recipes.

Classic tomato juice

1.5 kg ripe tomatoes,
10 g salt
1-2 tbsp Sahara,
spices (black ground pepper, ground coriander, sweet paprika, etc.) - to taste and desire.

Squeeze the juice in any way, heat it to a boil, adding all the spices to taste, pour hot into jars and roll up. Turn over and wrap for a couple of days.

Exit finished product approximately 1 litre. If you squeeze the juice through a sieve, it will come out more.

Tomato juice with vinegar

2 kg tomatoes,
1 kg of sugar
50 g salt
50 ml 9% vinegar,
30-50 peas of allspice,
10-15 cloves,
5-7 tsp ground cinnamon,
1-2 tsp red ground pepper,
garlic - to taste
a pinch of nutmeg.

Squeeze the juice in any way and pour into an enamel container. Put on fire, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook at a low boil for 30 minutes. Add salt and sugar, boil for 10 minutes, then put the rest of the spices and garlic, passed through the press, keep on fire for another 10 minutes and pour into sterilized jars. Roll up, turn over, wrap up.

The taste of the resulting juice is rich, spicy, and if you add hot pepper, then it will work perfect ingredient for Bloody Mary.

Tomato juice with sweet pepper and garlic

5 kg ripe tomatoes,
2-3 pods of sweet pepper,
1 onion
1 tbsp salt,
1-3 tbsp Sahara.

Squeeze out the juice from the tomatoes. Bell pepper peel and mince together with onion and garlic. Mix with tomato juice, heat to a boil, hold on fire for 10 minutes and pour into jars. Roll up, turn over, wrap up.

You can make tomato juice for the winter at home even more useful by adding juices from other vegetables to it. For example, beets are very useful, but not every child (and even an adult) will agree to drink beetroot juice. And mixed with tomato - please! Add any juice that matches your taste with tomatoes, and get healthy and delicious cocktails. The main condition is that tomato juice should be at least 50%, and preferably all 75%. Salt and sugar are not necessary to add or you can reduce their amount by adding to taste already at use.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Good afternoon friends!

How to maintain a large crop of large, fleshy sweet tomatoes grown in your greenhouse? The first thing that comes to mind after the stock of fantasies of all kinds of preparations for the winter has been exhausted is, of course, tomato juice!

I propose best recipes and ways to prepare a very tasty and healthy drink at home.

I remember my childhood, in a pioneer camp, in the dining room there was a poster: “Drink tomato juice, son, you will be slim and tall,” and its unforgettable taste, which quenches thirst well. Unlike store-bought, homemade vegetable drink wins greatly in quality and taste. Now the grandchildren are also coming up with a glass: “Can I add supplements?”

Hope it's amazing delicious preparation like -, you will also like it. And yet, while walking through the expanses of the Internet, I stumbled upon Alina's blog with interesting recipes for adjika at home - you will lick your fingers. Take a look, you won't regret it!

Thick tomato juice with pulp for the winter

Cooking by classic recipe, with their own hands, without a meat grinder and juicer.

1. We choose well-ripened, fleshy, sweet fruits.

2. For 3 liter jar we need 3.3-3.6 kg and salt, we will calculate it based on the amount of liquid received.

3. For 1 liter of juice put 10 g of salt and 1 tablet of ascorbic acid. If you cook for one or 3-liter jar, change the proportions accordingly.

4. Pure tomatoes, with the stalks removed and the white core, cut in any way.

5. Put in a saucepan, bring to a boil and boil for 5-10 minutes (the time depends on the variety), over low heat, stirring occasionally. We don't add anything. Tomatoes for this will give juice and become soft.

6. We wipe the boiled mass through a colander, with holes of such a size that the seeds do not pass.

To make the juice thick, we crush all the softened pieces and wipe them dry so that there is no pulp left.

7. We send the cake in the form of seeds and skins to a bucket, it will no longer be useful.

8. Pour the resulting liquid mass into a saucepan. Bring to a boil, add salt and ascorbic acid (it acts as an antioxidant) and pour into hot sterilized jars, to the very top.

9. Roll up and leave to cool completely. You can not sterilize, because the tomatoes are well cooked.

Recipe for delicious tomato juice with bell pepper at home (through a juicer)

This recipe for the winter through a juicer will appeal to its simplicity and speed of preparation.


  • 4 kg tomato
  • 600 g bell pepper
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 3 tsp salt without a slide

Yield: 3 liters of finished juice.

How to make juice from tomatoes through a meat grinder - a simple recipe

If you don't have a juicer and blender, no problem. We wind the tomatoes in a meat grinder and cook natural juice with seeds, without salt, sugar, vinegar. This is how my grandmother cooks it in the village, and in winter she adds it to various dishes instead of sauce and pasta. Yes, and just drink a glass of such a thick, awesome delicious drink with a loaf of black bread sprinkled with coarse salt - you will swallow your tongue!

All we need to make it is tomatoes.

To prepare juice, we choose overripe fleshy fruits of any color: red, pink, yellow, orange.

1. We clean from the stalks, rinse under cold running water.

2. We make x-shaped cuts on the fruits.

3. Blanch for 2-3 minutes in boiling water, transfer to cold water and chill.

4. Easily separate the skin of the fruit.

5. Cut the peeled tomatoes into slices and pass through a meat grinder.

6. Pour the homogeneous vegetable mass into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil.

7. Bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam.

8. We spread it in prepared hot jars.

If you are not sure about the reliability of preservation for the winter, you can sterilize cans in boiling water over low heat: 0.5 liter - 3-5 minutes, liter - 8-9, 3-liter - 12-15 minutes.

This will allow you to store them at home without fear that the banks will explode.

Awesome Tomato Juice: You'll Lick Your Fingers Recipe (No Sterilization)

This is very unusual recipe. We will cook the tomatoes in the oven, and we will give the main role in creating the taste to spices and spices.


for 1 liter of juice we need:

  • 1 kg tomato
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 st. l. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 0.5 tsp nutmeg
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 cloves
  • 4 black peppercorns
  • 1 small pod of hot pepper


1. We take ripe fruits of red color.

2. We spread it on a wire rack and send it to the oven for 10 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees.

3. We pass the baked tomatoes through a screw juicer, it perfectly separates the seeds and skins. At the output we get pure juice, with a homogeneous and delicate texture.

4. Pour it into a saucepan, heat to a boil and boil over low heat for 10-12 minutes. Add all prepared spices and spices:

  • garlic passed through a press, it will give bright taste and make the drink useful;
  • cinnamon will add a sweetish-spicy, mild taste with a delicate aroma;
  • black peppercorns will give sharpness and bitterness, and hot pepper(put whole) - pungency;
  • nutmeg will enrich with a burning-spicy taste, and cloves will add a pronounced spicy aroma.

5. Do not forget about salt, sugar and vegetable oil.

6. Boil for another 5 minutes, stirring well to dissolve and mix all the ingredients. Hot drink pour into sterilized jars and immediately roll up the lids.

7. We open it in winter - such a rich bouquet of aroma and taste, you will lick your fingers!

How to brew homemade juice in a juicer: a recipe for the winter


  • 8-9 kg tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara

Exit - two 3-liter jars.


1. We take the device, I have it for 15.5 liters.

2. Pour water into the lower tray (3.5 l) up to the maximum mark.

3. The middle bowl (volume 6 l) is a juice receiver, where during the cooking process the juice will accumulate and undergo heat treatment.

4. In the upper bowl with holes (the volume for the bookmark is 6 liters), we put the chopped tomatoes. They should not be shifted, we will report during the cooking process. Close the lid tightly, put on a strong fire.

5. We wait until it boils and prepare the jars. Rinse thoroughly baking soda the most vulnerable places are the neck and bottom. Can be sterilized different ways, each hostess has his own.

How long to cook tomatoes? We focus on the table with the cooking time, which comes with the device.

6. In our case, boil for 40 minutes over medium heat, 10 minutes before the end, add salt and sugar. (optional), pour directly on the fruit in the upper bowl and mix.

When pouring jars, be careful not to burn yourself on the silicone tube through which very hot juice flows.

7. The first batch is not sterile enough, drain it and send it to the upper bowl for reprocessing.

8. To make the juice thick with pulp, we wipe the softened tomatoes from the upper container through a sieve directly into the jars, pour hot juice up to the very neck and roll up iron lids. Additional sterilization is not required, turn upside down, cool.

10. Store in a cool dark place.

Tomato juice with basil

Would you like to try a juice with great flavors and smells? Then this basil recipe is for you! Namely, this excellent spice with the smell of lemon, vanilla, caramel, cloves, pepper and anise will not leave you indifferent.


  • 5 kg ripe tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • basil to taste

If the amount of salt seems insufficient to you, you can always add it (everyone has his own taste).


To make pure juice, use a juicer.

Boil the missed tomato mass for 15 minutes, add salt and sugar.

Basil add to taste, if you want to get a richer taste, put more. After he gives up his taste qualities, we remove him.

Pour the juice into hot jars and roll up. Turn upside down, wrap with a blanket, leave to cool slowly.

This recipe is interesting because by changing the varieties of basil (and there are more than 70 of them), the aroma and taste of the drink will change.

The time for preparations for the winter continues, and I plan to devote the following articles to preparing homemade ketchup and tomato paste. Come on, it will be interesting!