Recipe for cucumbers in tomato juice sliced. Harvesting delicious cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter

When you want something special, you can simply combine the incongruous. For example, mix tomatoes and cucumbers. And not just mix, but marinate them in each other? How to do it, we will teach you today.

We offer several ways to pickle cucumbers at once tomato juice. It turns out very tasty! And with spices, you can experiment almost endlessly. The preparation can be sweet, and spicy, and spicy - as you like.

General principles of preparation

Although the blanks seem complicated, they can be prepared traditional ways: using sterilization or preservatives. At the same time, skills are required at a minimum, you only need fresh vegetables and delicious juice.

Banks must be sterilized, except for a prescription with aspirin. This will keep the cucumbers from fermenting. Any lids can be used for seaming, it is important to just check then how tightly they fit.

How to cook pickled cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter

Ingredients Quantity
cucumbers - 0.5 kg
Sahara - 45 g
laurel leaves - 3 pcs
tomato juice - 0.5 l
salt - 15 g
hot pepper - 1 PC
cherry leaves - 4 things
carnations - 3 pcs
black currant leaves - 4 things
garlic - 1 head
peppercorns - 10 pieces
aspirin - 1 tablet

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

This recipe combines tradition and know-how: the ingredients are familiar, but the result is completely different!

How to cook:

Tip: if aspirin is not available, it can be replaced with 2 g of citric acid. This is to avoid sterilizing the jars and preventing the cucumbers from fermenting.

Whole cucumbers with tomato marinade

Crispy, dense and spicy cucumbers. Many people like them much more than traditional pickled fruits.

How much time - 1 hour 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 20 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Soak clean cucumbers in cold water for an hour, then pull out and cut off the ends;
  2. Wash the dill, do not cut it;
  3. Arrange the packaging with spices, more precisely, with leaves in jars;
  4. Put whole in one of the jars hot peppers;
  5. Put a sprig of dill in each container;
  6. It is possible to lay cucumbers tightly, both horizontally and vertically, and in combination;
  7. Pour the tomato juice into a saucepan and boil it for five minutes. It is desirable that the juice was natural, homemade. To do this, you need one and a half kilograms of tomatoes;
  8. Then add salt with sugar, stir so that the grains dissolve;
  9. Cook for another five minutes, removing a thin layer of foam from a spoon;
  10. At the end, pour in the vinegar, stir and immediately pour the mass into jars of cucumbers;
  11. Cover with lids, send to be sterilized in large saucepan for fifteen minutes;
  12. Pull out with tongs, twist, immediately send under the covers to cool. Then store in the pantry.

Tip: to make the taste of the juice as saturated as possible, you can add a tablespoon of tomato paste along with sugar and salt, stir.

Pieces of cucumbers in a juicy dressing

This appetizer smells so good that you want to eat it right away, and not leave it for the winter.

How long - 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 62 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Put the jars to be sterilized;
  2. Wash cucumbers and cut into slices. The thickness of one circle should not exceed a centimeter. Throw away the ponytails;
  3. Mix tomato juice (preferably natural) and water in a large saucepan, salt, sugar, pour in oil. You can add any spices;
  4. Then put the mass on the fire and boil it;
  5. As soon as the tomato-oil sauce boils, you immediately need to put all the cucumbers in it and stir;
  6. Cook over low heat for about twenty minutes;
  7. At the very end, add the peeled garlic cloves and pour in the vinegar, mix;
  8. Pour into jars with a ladle and close them immediately, let cool under a blanket;
  9. Store in a cool place.

Tip: cucumbers can be cut very thinly, this does not affect the taste in any way.

How to pickle cucumbers with ketchup

Ketchup is an unusual and simple alternative to both fresh tomatoes and juice. In addition, it immediately contains spices.

How much time - 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 19 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash cucumbers;
  2. In a saucepan, mix vinegar, water, dilute ketchup, add sugar and a little salt. This will be the brine;
  3. Put it on fire and let it boil;
  4. Put cucumbers in small jars. It is desirable that they have a small size;
  5. Put the pan with a towel at the bottom, where the jars will be sterilized. Pour the water;
  6. Gently pour the hot brine into the cucumbers, cover with lids;
  7. Sterilize for at least ten minutes, and if the jar is large, then all twenty-five;
  8. Pull out the jars, immediately roll them up and cool in a warm place. You can store it in a closet.

Tip: if you don't like it spicy marinade, you can take ketchup "tomato".

Garlic tomato preparation

Fragrant garlic pickle is ideal for both cucumbers and tomatoes.

How much time - 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 58 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash and blanch the tomatoes. You just need to pour boiling water over them, and then remove the skin with a knife. It is necessary to take large and fleshy fruits;
  2. Using a blender or meat grinder, turn the tomatoes into gruel, pour it into a saucepan;
  3. Add sugar, butter, salt here, various herbs can be added;
  4. Put on fire and boil for ten minutes;
  5. Washed cucumbers without tails must be cut into washers, not too thin;
  6. Remove the husk from the garlic and finely chop it;
  7. Send them to the pan with tomato sauce;
  8. Boil for another twenty minutes, and then add garlic and vinegar here, mix thoroughly;
  9. Arrange the cucumbers together with the filling in sterilized jars;
  10. Roll up immediately, and after cooling, store in a cool place.

Tip: The amount of garlic can be adjusted depending on the desired spiciness.

If there is no tomato juice, you can dilute millet with 150 g of tomato paste in a liter of water. Boil, add spices, cook according to the recipe. The taste is no better.

Both tomatoes and cucumbers go well with herbs. Therefore, you can add a little basil, rosemary or thyme directly to the jar. It is advisable to take fresh stems.

Such unusual snack, like cucumbers in tomato juice, will not go unnoticed. This guests have tried! It is important to give enough time for the cucumbers to soak, change color, and after opening the jar, store in the refrigerator. This is delicious!

Crispy canned cucumbers- the favorite preparation for the winter of many people. Especially now, when many have their own summer cottages, and each has a greenhouse with its own plantings. Just a few bushes can produce excellent yields. And it is important to preserve this harvest.

We save by corking grown vegetables in jars with different in delicious ways. And one of these is cucumbers in tomato sauce, or in tomato sauce. Of course, already made, or also turn out to be tastiest. But the advantage of today's recipe is that they are cooked together with tomatoes, which we will process into sauce, and you will get a delicious tomato sauce.

It can be drunk just like delicious tomato juice, or used as a preparation of first and second courses. That is, it turns out two in one, and the cucumbers turn out tasty and crispy, and the filling will not be lost!

And although it takes a little longer to tinker with them than with the previous ones, it's worth it. So let's cook them together. I do make them every year. Not a lot, of course, but I try to do 3-4 banks. For variety. So that blanks of different tastes delight us with a long winter time.

Can be used for harvesting and factory tomato juice, and store tomato paste. But today we will cook using fresh tomatoes. They also grew a lot this year, so it's better to make them out of them. And how to make from tomato juice or paste, I'll tell you how - some other time.

Cucumbers in tomato sauce - a recipe without sterilization

We will need (for a three-liter jar):

  • cucumbers - 1.5 - 2 kg
  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 1 head
  • black peppercorns - 20 pcs
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs
  • red chilli pepper
  • cloves - 6-7 pcs
  • horseradish leaves, currants, cherries, dill, tarragon
  • vinegar essence - 0.5 tsp
  • aspirin - 2 tablets


Try to choose medium-sized fruits for preservation so that they have small seeds in the cut, and give preference to fruits of the same size.

The quantity indicated is approximate, since small fruits can fit more in a jar, and less large ones. I never measure quantities in kilograms. How much is placed in a jar, so much is needed.

1. To begin with, we will deal with them. The fruits must be put in a large container (for example, in a bucket) and pour cold water. The colder the water, the better. If it is possible to use spring water, then this will only add advantages to our preparation. They do not need to be pre-washed before putting them into the water.

Pour cucumbers with cold water is a must. As you know, they are 98% water. And even if we just picked them from the bush, they still need to be soaked to replenish this composition.

Freshly picked fruits, soak for 4 hours. And if you bought them in a store, then there the water losses will be more significant, and they are soaked for at least 6 hours.

If they are not soaked, then the voids in the fruits can start the fermentation process, and such blanks can “explode”.

2. In the meantime, let's prepare the jars and all the other ingredients. I have repeatedly told you how to wash and sterilize jars, and if you do not know this, you can follow the link and read it. In this note, I will only remind you that it is necessary to sterilize jars and lids.

3. Choose ripe, red, fleshy tomatoes. If you have your own tomatoes, then it will be just wonderful! Wash them, remove the stem. And now we need to clean them from the rough skin. To do this, lay them out in a small basin, you can make cruciform cuts on them. And pour boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 4-5 minutes.

4. Then we drain all the water and remove the skin with a knife. It is removed at the same time easily, and only its top layer. All the pulp remains intact.

5. Cut the tomatoes into two or four parts, depending on their size, and remove the place where the stem is attached. Now the tomatoes need to be crushed to the state of mashed juice. We do this with a meat grinder or blender. I do this with a meat grinder, because in this case I have 100% confidence that the filling will turn out to be homogeneous and without pieces of tomatoes.

Ideally, the resulting tomato juice is rubbed through a sieve to remove the tomato seeds. But I think it's redundant. After all, we do not make tomato paste, where this procedure is required. Therefore, seeds in the process of using this product do not interfere with us, and therefore I do not remove them.

Leave until cooked tomato sauce.

6. Wash all the greens, pour the dill with boiling water for 3 minutes and cover with a lid for 3 minutes. We spread everything on a towel so that the water is glass.

7. Peel the garlic cloves. Cooking all peppers, cloves. We try to prepare everything at once so as not to forget anything. And then my daughter, when she was still at a young age, managed to preserve cucumbers, forgetting to put salt and sugar there. And what do you think? Banks stood, did not explode. When they opened, they received a surprise. Soaked, crispy samples special preparation! Any experience is an experience, but my daughter learned how to preserve!

8. When the soaking time has come to an end, wash them under running water and cut off the "ass" from both sides. And sometimes I cut off only on one side, this is when they are very small.

9. Lay them out on a towel to drain excess water.

10. In prepared sterilized and dried jars, put a piece of horseradish leaf, part of dill, three cherry leaves, a couple of currant leaves and two tarragon sprigs on the bottom. If any of the above is not present, then there is nothing to worry about. The main ingredients are dill and horseradish. All other greens are additives that give the workpiece a taste. All of the listed ingredients grow in my garden, so it’s easier for me, I went and picked it when I needed it.

It is clear that horseradish and cherry leaves give strength to cucumbers, do not allow the solution to become cloudy. Dill, currant leaves give aroma and taste, but tarragon gives a slight hint of oak taste. I grow it specifically for pickling.

11. Also put the cloves and all the peppers on the bottom. Add a 2 cm piece of red pepper for aroma and taste. It does not have to be fresh, you can cut off a piece of dried. Only dried peppers should be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water. To remove accumulated dust from wrinkled areas.

12. Now we begin to lay out the fruits quite tightly, but still leaving room for tomato filling. It will turn out not as liquid as water, and it will be more difficult for it to penetrate into all free areas. Consider this.

13. Place garlic cloves in free spaces. Take a large head of garlic so that it has at least 10-12 teeth.

Sometimes cucumbers are laid out, alternating them with bell pepper or tomatoes. This also turns out delicious! Do it if you want. The recipe is exactly the same! Only tomatoes and bell peppers are added to the jar.

14. Spread up to half, and lay another sprig of dill in the middle. Then we fill the jar to the top, but not to the very neck. Again, to make it convenient to pour the filling. Put a little more dill on top, two leaves of cherries and be sure to horseradish.

15. When the jar is full, put water on the fire, bring it to a boil. And the tomato, which is also brought to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer over low heat, with a slight gurgle for 20-25 minutes.

16. When the water boils, pour it into a jar right up to the neck, cover with a lid and leave to warm up for 10 minutes. Place the jar on a rag and periodically rotate it from side to side. At the same time, air bubbles will actively rise up. That's good, we don't need air in the jar. From it, the fermentation process may begin, which will lead to the lifting of the lid, and subsequently, if it is not opened, the jar will “explode”.

But nothing like this will happen to us, because we do everything correctly and carefully.

17. After 10 minutes, drain the water through the lid - a sieve with holes back into the pan and bring to a boil again. Boil water for 5 minutes and pour it into the jar again, again for 10 minutes. Set the kettle to boil in advance, because the second time you fill it with water, it may not be enough. Therefore, we add it from the kettle.

We rotate the jar again so that all the air that has not yet come out comes out in small bubbles.

18. According to the rules, to make the filling, you need to add salt and sugar to the prepared tomato juice. But we don't know how much filling per jar will take exactly. It depends on the size of the fruit and on the degree of filling. Therefore, we will do it easier and already for sure. The right amount salt and sugar will fall into the jar in full.

19. After the allotted second 10 minutes, drain the water into the pan. And we fall asleep on top of the prescribed amount of salt and sugar. And also crush the aspirin tablets, and add them on top.

I have added aspirin in all past similar recipes. Let me remind you that this does not affect the taste in any way, but it also affects the safety.

For all the time that I canned cucumbers and tomatoes, and this is probably like 35 years, nothing explodes with the use of aspirin! And this, you see, is the time!

Aspirin is an acid. And by adding it, you can add less essences as a preservative. In fact, I add the essence only for taste, only 0.5 teaspoons per three liter jar.

Cucumbers are not sour at all, and, importantly, not soft, but hard and crispy! And of course, from the added herbs, spices, sugar and salt - very tasty! Tomato juice also contains natural acids and is therefore also a natural preservative.

20. Pour boiled tomato juice. It should be just boiling, not hot. It is important!

We carefully look so that there are no "air pockets" left. Pour in gradually, look, if an air bubble has formed somewhere, immediately rotate the jar. If you then fill the jar to the top, then the bubble can no longer be expelled. The tomato is not water, it is heavy, and therefore the bubble cannot break through its thickness.

21. When filled with tomato filling to the top, leave 1 cm of free space on top. Add vinegar essence, it is essence, not vinegar! Swirl lightly with a spoon to loosen it. And pour the tomato under the very neck.

22. Cover with a sterilized metal lid. Let stand in this position for 10 minutes to allow any air left to escape.

Never open the lid!

23. After 10 minutes, we twist the lid with a seaming machine. Then we turn the jar over and put it under a blanket or blanket until it cools completely. Then we turn it over again, and put it in an accessible place for 2-3 weeks for observation. During this time, the tomato filling should not become cloudy, ferment. The lid must also not lift.

If this happens, then such products should not be eaten!

Follow carefully step by step instructions and then it won't happen.

You can store the workpiece at room temperature, but try not to put them near heating appliances. If there is a pantry or basement, then these are ideal places for storage.

We have water drained from cucumbers. It is saturated with the aroma and taste of herbs, it is not necessary to pour it out. Add to it required amount salt, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per half liter of water, a little sugar, you can add dill, spices, and salt the cucumbers in this brine. The next day they will be tasty and lightly salted.

Cucumbers harvested for the winter can be eaten like snack bars, serving them on a plate with any second course. You can also add them to your meals while cooking. various salads, pickles and any second courses. Tomato sauce, which tastes like fresh tomato juice, only sweet and salty, you can just drink it, or also use it for cooking!

They are very tasty, crispy, fragrant. They are reminiscent of summer, summer cottage. It's so cool that we raised them for ourselves with our own hands. And they not only ate their fill in the summer, but also saved them for a long snowy winter.

After all, blanks like these are definitely not to be bought in a store. These are their own, homemade. We have grown, and prepared by us.

Therefore, grow, harvest and eat for health!

Bon appetit!

Many make assorted cucumbers and tomatoes, marinating them in one jar. Another option for such a “unifying” two vegetables harvest is cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter. Cucumbers are crispy, with an unusual and very pleasant taste. And the tomato filling itself can be used to make a sauce or dressing for the first course. Here are a few recipes for this dish.

To make homemade canned food tasty, you need to choose and prepare the right products. For canning in tomato juice, you should choose young, fresh small cucumbers. If there is only large cucumbers, then it is better to pre-cut them into pieces. Cucumbers can be cut into circles 1.5-2 cm thick or cubes.

Before you start canning cucumbers, it is recommended to soak them in cold water, adding a little salt (literally, a pinch per liter).

  • You can buy ready-made juice, but you should choose an unsalted product or adjust the amount of salt in the recipe.
  • The second option is to prepare the filling from tomatoes. To do this, you can use a juicer, or skip the vegetables through a meat grinder, and then grind through a sieve.
  • The third way to prepare the filling is to dilute the tomato paste with water.

You can cook cucumbers without sterilization. In this case, the method of double or triple filling is used. Cucumbers with spices laid in jars are poured with boiling water and allowed to stand for about 15 minutes. Then the water is drained and boiling water is poured again and allowed to stand. For the third time, the water is drained and boiling tomato juice is poured into which salt and other seasonings have already been added.

Vegetables, spices and herbs are used for aroma. In a jar, you can put chopped garlic, bay leaves and peas of allspice or black pepper.

Interesting facts: tomatoes contain citric, malic, oxalic acids, so tomato juice has preservative properties and the addition of vinegar to the filling is optional.

Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice

You can cook pickles in tomato sauce. We will use whole cucumbers of a small size. You can buy ready-made juice or make your own from tomatoes or tomato paste.

  • 1.5 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1.5 liters of juice (or 1.8-2.0 kg of tomatoes);
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 50 gr. green dill;
  • 6-8 cloves of garlic;
  • 10gr. fresh tarragon.

My cucumbers, put in a bowl or pan, pour cold water. We leave for a couple of hours. Then wash again, cut off the ends on both sides.

Advice! In the absence of fresh herbs, you can use half a teaspoon of dry tarragon and dry dill seeds.

Banks are pre-washed and sterilized. Then we put tarragon and dill greens at the bottom of the prepared container, add garlic cloves cut in half. Bring the tomato juice to a boil and cook for several minutes, removing the foam, then add salt and stir. Let the juice cool down. We fill them with cucumbers in jars, we cover the jars nylon lids and put it out in the cold. You can try cucumbers in three weeks. You need to store this blank only in a cold place.

Read also: Pear compote for the winter - 12 simple recipes

Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice with garlic

If you add not only salt, but vinegar to tomato juice, you get pickled cucumbers. Let's prepare the tomato marinade with garlic.

  • 2-2.2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1.5 liters of tomato juice;
  • 15 gr. fresh dill;
  • 15 gr. salt;
  • 15 ml of vinegar (9%);
  • 25 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper;
  • bay leaves, allspice and black peppercorns.

We wash the cucumbers, soak in cold water for several hours. Then rinse well again and cut off the ends on both sides.

In clean and dry jars, put the garlic cloves, cut in half, add a bay leaf and a couple of peas of black and allspice. We put a few sprigs of washed and dried dill.

Advice! For pickling cucumbers, you can use ready-made sets of spices that are sold in supermarkets. Put a spoonful of the mixture on the jar.

We tightly pack the cucumbers into jars, they should be placed vertically, close to each other. Now you need to prepare the filling. Ready-made tomato juice (store-bought or homemade, made from fresh tomatoes) pour into a saucepan and put it on fire. Boil the juice for five minutes, removing the foam. Then add salt and sugar, stir until the seasonings are completely dissolved. Then pour in the vinegar, stir and immediately turn off the heat.

Pour juice into jars with cucumbers, cover with boiled lids. Sterilizes liter jars by keeping them in boiling water for 15 minutes. Then carefully remove the jars from the sterilizer and twist them tightly.

Cucumbers in tomato juice "Lick your fingers"

This recipe has a “speaking name”, and the cucumbers themselves and the tomato sauce are licking your fingers.

  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1 liter of tomato juice or 1.3 kg of fresh tomatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (9%);
  • dill greens - 1 sprig per 1 liter jar;
  • 1 dill umbrella, cherry and currant leaves per jar;
  • 2 cloves of garlic per jar;
  • 1 piece of hot pepper about 5 cm long per jar.

We wash the cucumbers, soak for a couple of hours in cold water. If the cucumbers are small, leave them whole, cutting off the tips on both sides. If the cucumbers are medium in size, then they can be cut into pieces.

Advice! In the absence of tomato juice and fresh tomatoes, we prepare the bay from 1 liter of water and 150 gr. thick tomato paste.

Wash and dry all herbs well. At the bottom of the jars we lay out a leaf of cherry and currant, an umbrella and a sprig of dill. Then we put a piece of hot pepper and garlic cloves cut in half lengthwise.

Read also: Beans with vegetables for the winter - 8 recipes

Pack cucumbers tightly into jars. Pour tomato juice into a saucepan, put on fire. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat level. We cook, removing the foam. After five minutes of cooking, add sugar and salt and stir until completely dissolved. Pour in the vinegar and immediately remove from heat.

Pour hot tomato juice into jars, cover with clean boiled lids. We sterilize liter jars for 15 minutes in boiling water.

Spicy cucumbers in tomato juice

To prepare spicy cucumbers in tomato juice, add garlic and hot peppers to the marinade.

  • 5 kg of cucumbers;
  • 100 gr. tomato paste;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 50 gr. salt;
  • 200 gr. peeled garlic cloves;
  • 1-2 pods of hot pepper.

We cut the prepared cucumbers across into cylinders about 3 cm high. We dilute the tomato paste with water. Adding vegetable oil, salt and sugar. Pour the cucumbers with the prepared tomato sauce, and put on the fire. Boil over medium heat for 15 minutes.

Grind garlic and hot pepper in a blender. If you want to do very sharp workpiece then grind the pepper together with the seeds. Add the resulting mixture to the boiling tomato marinade, stir and boil for another five minutes. Then pour in the vinegar, stir and turn off the heat.

With the help of a small slotted spoon, we lay out the cucumbers in sterilized jars, slightly compacting. We fill tomato marinade. We sterilize liter jars in boiling water for 20 minutes, close tightly.

Cucumbers, sliced

You can cook cucumbers in tomato juice, cut into pieces. This version of the recipe is ideal if there are only large cucumbers. But they should not be overripe.

  • 5 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 200 gr. peeled cloves of garlic;
  • 250 ml of refined vegetable oil;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 250 gr. Sahara;
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar essence (70%).

Cucumber juice is useful and non-caloric, it refreshes and quenches thirst, it can be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. The taste of cucumbers is relatively neutral, so the drink made from them goes well not only with other vegetable juices, but also with fruit ones. Having prepared it for the winter, you can surprise your friends and family with this unusual drink.

Cooking features

The process of making cucumber juice is not very difficult, even if there is no kitchen appliances. Knowing and taking into account a few points, even an inexperienced culinary specialist will cope with the task.

  • There are several ways to get juice from cucumbers: run through a juicer, boil with a juicer, squeeze out cucumber puree obtained by chopping vegetables with a blender, meat grinder or grater. Using a juicer allows you to get the maximum amount of juice, in a juicer you get the least. On average, 1.5-1.7 kg of cucumbers are required to obtain a liter of juice.
  • Before processing into juice, cut off a small slice from cucumbers to check their taste - sometimes the fruits are bitter, it is impossible to make a delicious drink from them.
  • To cucumber juice better stored, it must be boiled or sterilized directly in jars. The addition of salt, sugar, vinegar, citric acid to it contributes to the increase in the safety of the drink. On the taste ready drink this will also have a positive effect.
  • Cucumber juice is closed in pre-sterilized jars. Lids should be used metal - only they are able to provide proper tightness. They must be boiled for 5 minutes before use.
  • Banks with ready juice are turned over and covered with a blanket. Cooling down in the conditions steam bath, canned food undergoes additional sterilization.

Storage conditions for cucumber juice depend on the recipe used. Usually the drink stands well at room temperature, even better - in a cool room.

Spicy cucumber juice for the winter

Composition (per 3 l):

  • cucumbers - 5 kg;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • cumin - 10 g;
  • dill seeds - 10 g;
  • horseradish root - 5 g;
  • allspice peas - 15 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare a brine by mixing 50 g of salt with three liters of water.
  • Wash cucumbers, cut large pieces, put in brine, leave for half an hour.
  • Remove the pieces of cucumbers from the brine and turn them through a meat grinder or grind them in any other way.
  • Squeeze the cucumber puree through several layers of cheesecloth. As a result, you should get at least 3 liters of juice.
  • Sterilize jars, distribute spices and spices over them.
  • Cover the jars with lids and leave for 2-3 days at room temperature.
  • When the juice ferments, roll it up and put it in the refrigerator.

Cucumber juice prepared according to this recipe can only be stored in the refrigerator and no more than 6 months.

Cucumber juice without fermentation

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • currant leaves - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cucumbers, dry them, cut into thin slices and place in the upper container of the juicer.
  • Sprinkle with salt and citric acid, put clean currant leaves on top.
  • Fill the bottom of the device with water.
  • Direct the tube that removes the juice into a sterilized jar.
  • Turn on the juicer or put it on fire.
  • Wait for the jar to fill with juice, pinch the hose.
  • Roll up the bank. Leave to cool upside down, covered with something warm.

Cucumber juice prepared according to this recipe can be stored indoors, preferably cool.

apple-cucumber juice

Composition (per 3 l):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • apples - 2 kg;
  • cinnamon - 5 g;
  • sugar (optional) - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, dry apples and cucumbers with a napkin.
  • Run them through a juicer. If you don’t have it, turn the fruits through a meat grinder and squeeze through gauze folded in several layers, but then the juice may turn out a little less.
  • Combine cucumber and apple juice, add cinnamon and sugar if you decide to sweeten the drink.
  • Put the juice on slow fire. Boil for 10 minutes.
  • Pour the juice into sterilized jars, seal them tightly, turn over and cover with a blanket.

If you prepared juice without sugar, you can store it only in a cool room. A drink made with sugar is well worth it even at room temperature.

Cucumber-tomato juice

Composition (per 3 l):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 2.5-3 kg;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze juice from tomatoes and cucumbers in the way that seems most convenient to you.
  • Add to vegetable juice sugar and salt, citric acid, mix.
  • Boil the juice for 10 minutes.
  • Pour the drink into prepared jars, seal them tightly, turn over and leave to cool under the covers.

A drink prepared for the winter according to the above recipe does not require special storage conditions.

Frozen cucumber juice for the winter

Composition (per 0.25 l):

  • cucumbers - 0.4-0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash cucumbers, peel, cut out areas with large seeds.
  • Cut the cucumbers into cubes and chop with a blender.
  • Strain cucumber puree through a sieve. Squeeze the remaining cake through the gauze folded several times.
  • Pour the juice into an ice cube.
  • Remove to freezer.

Cucumber juice can be stored in the freezer for up to 12 months. It can be used for preparing and serving soft drinks, as well as for cosmetic purposes.

People who aspire to healthy eating, respect cucumber juice and try to include it in the menu as often as possible. In winter, vegetables are expensive and not as healthy as those grown in summer, so it is a good idea to prepare cucumber juice for the winter. This is easy to do, especially if you resort to the help of kitchen appliances.

Those who wish to pamper guests with deliciousness in the fierce season are provided with material on how to close cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter: recipes, photos and canning steps. Do not cease to amaze with their taste in finished form on holiday table cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter, the recipes of which are quite diverse.

Canning cucumbers is the first thing that starts the season of harvesting for the winter

A few years ago, no one suspected that it was possible to preserve in tomato juice. Such an innovation came to the house of every hostess and was firmly entrenched, thanks to its great result. Tomato Cucumber Provision is an excellent addition to any side dish.

Which recipe to choose?

Cucumbers are a seasonal vegetable, namely, they begin to ripen in June. I really want to please myself with them in the winter. So conservation comes to the rescue. The taste of such provisions can be different: sour, sweet, salty. It all depends on the proportions of the ingredients and the presence of a particular product in it. When choosing a recipe, do not bother, it all depends on your desire. If you want to add sourness to winter dishes, then choose a recipe with citric acid, like salty dishes - a recipe with a high salt content is at your service. But the most delicious and common type of canning today is cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter.

Pickled cucumbers are not only a tasty and crunchy vegetable, they are also healthy. Regular consumption of cucumbers corrects the acidity of the stomach, promotes the stable functioning of the pancreas, and helps with ulcers and gastritis. And the abundant content of potassium, magnesium and fiber in them normalizes arterial pressure. To strengthen cartilage tissues and joints, vitamin A, B1, B6, C, D, which are also found in cucumber, is used.

Recipes for cucumbers in tomato juice with a step by step description and photo

Many variations of recipes for canning cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter have already been tested. And a few recipes from them will be presented below. The running option is a blank called "Cucumbers in tomato juice for the whole winter. Cooking will take 1.5 - 2 hours.

Recipe for harvesting whole cucumbers in tomato juice

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • cucumbers - 0.5 kg;
  • tomato - 0.5 l;
  • aspirin - 1 tablet (per jar, 1 liter);
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • garlic - 1 small head.

Spices: a small sheet of horseradish, 1 hot pepper, dill, a couple of small leaves of cherry or currant, Bay leaf, 8 pieces of black peppercorns.

From 1.2 kg juicy tomato 1 liter of tomato is obtained.

Cooking process

Wash ingredients under running water. To avoid disruption of ready-made provisions, it is advisable to let the cucumbers lie in the water for several hours so that they absorb it as much as possible. If desired, cucumbers can be trimmed from above and below, removing the ponytails.

Put the washed cucumbers and spices in a glass container. Vegetables can be laid out perpendicular to the bottom, as if to line up tin soldiers, and put spices on the bottom. Or filling is done in layers: a layer of spices, a layer of cucumbers, and so on. As a result, pickled cucumbers in tomato juice only change according to appearance The arrangement of the ingredients does not affect the taste. It is not necessary to sterilize the jars first, because the possibility of fermentation of products will further prevent aspirin.

Boil water and pour the contents of the jars with it, let stand for 5 minutes, then drain back into the pan and boil again. Do the same a second time.

At this time, you should do the tomato. Grind clean tomatoes in a meat grinder and put on the stove. Separate the peel from the tomato should not be.

Waiting for the juice to boil, it is necessary to stir it constantly, in order to avoid burning. Pour salt and sugar into the boiling tomato.

Tomato juice is considered ready when foam stops appearing on top.

Drain the water from the vegetables, crush an aspirin tablet and put it in a jar. Then pour everything with ready-made tomato juice.

Banks are closing tin lid and turn them upside down, wrapping them in a warm cloth.

Bon appetit!

If not at hand fresh tomatoes or not willing to suffer with their grinding, tomato juice can be obtained from tomato sauce or ketchup ( home cooking). The finished result will be in no way inferior to the recipe with fresh tomatoes.

The following couple of common recipes for cucumbers in tomato juice for the winter will be for those who decide to make tomato juice from sauce or ketchup. For a concentrated flavor ready meal, the cucumbers in this recipe are not closed entirely, but cut into circles. Ready-made provisions have a sweet-spicy aftertaste that lovers of piquancy will appreciate.

Video recipe for cooking chopped cucumbers in tomato sauce

The recipe for harvesting cucumbers in pieces, boiled in tomato juice


  • small cucumbers - 2.5 kg;
  • tomato sauce - 1 l;
  • unboiled water - 1l;
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 cup;
  • vinegar (9%) - 1 cup (150 grams);
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • salt - 50 grams.

1 tablespoon contains 25 grams of sugar and 30 grams of salt.

Cooking process

Wash and sterilize jars.

Washed cucumbers are cut into circles with a thickness of 5 mm to 1 cm. The thickness is taken at will and preference, this will not affect the taste.

Make tomato juice. To do this, tomato sauce is diluted with warm boiled water in the proportions listed above in the ingredients. Salt, sugar and vegetable oil are added to the resulting mixture. Stir and boil.

As soon as the juice boils, vegetables are laid out in it and boiled. sliced ​​cucumbers in tomato juice for 20 minutes.

At the end of the cooking process, throw in the garlic and pour in the vinegar.

Hot cucumber salad in tomato juice is poured into jars, rolled up with a lid, turned over and allowed to cool in a warm blanket.

The recipe for cucumbers in tomato juice, which is based on ketchup, will also please you with its speed and tasty result. This will require 5 liter cans. The resulting taste will depend on which ketchup is taken initially. Chili ketchup will give a point, paprika - sweetness.

Recipe for Canned Whole Cucumbers with Ketchup


  • cucumbers - 3.5 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • ketchup - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 cup (100 grams);
  • vinegar - 1 cup.

Spices for 1 liter jar:

  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pieces;
  • allspice peas - 2 pieces;
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces.

Spices at will and taste - parsley, pieces of horseradish root, dill

Cooking process

Wash the vegetables and place them in water for 5 hours so that they absorb as much water as possible.

Spices are laid out at the bottom of non-sterilized jars and cucumbers are tightly pushed on top.

Preparation of tomato juice: salt, sugar and ketchup are added in specified proportions to boiling water. After 10 minutes of boiling, pour in the vinegar and pour the jars with the contents into the resulting marinade.

The resulting workpiece is set to sterilize for 10 - 20 minutes from the moment the water boils in the pan.

The jars are rolled up with a tin lid, turned over without covering with anything, left in this state until completely cooled.

The finished potion has been served!

Preserving cucumbers in tomato juice is so easy and quick that every next year the hostesses will return to these recipes again. The main thing is to take a good mood with you and set aside a cozy day off.

Happy harvesting and delicious winter!

Video recipe for cooking cucumbers in tomato paste