How to make noodles at home. Secrets of making homemade noodles

Our grandmothers hardly looked into the notebook when preparing this dish. My grandmother kneaded the dough effortlessly, adjusting the amount of food along the way. She shared her secret with me, and I with you.

Properly cooked homemade noodles do not boil soft, they are tender, moderately elastic. To make it this way, do not add water when kneading.

If there is not enough moisture, enter the egg (or one yolk if you are making the dough on the yolks), but not water. Otherwise, the pasta will be loose and it is possible that it will boil.

Dried egg noodles made according to this recipe is stored for up to 2 months, so you can safely knead a double rate and stock up for future use.


  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • Flour - 300 g;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.

On a note

The number of ingredients is calculated based on the fact that 1 egg is taken for every 100 g of flour.


  1. We sift the flour and drive the eggs into the recess in the center, pour in the oil.
  2. We knead the dough. It becomes thick and tight.
  3. Transfer to a bag, cover with a bowl or cover cling film leave for at least half an hour.
  4. We divide the bun in half, roll each part separately. Rolling thickness does not exceed 1 mm.
  5. Let the dough dry a little so that it does not stick to the knife.
  6. Then we proceed depending on what kind of cutting we need. If it is long, then we fold the sheet into a tube, if it is short, we fold it four times, cut it into strips 3-5 cm wide, collect them in a pile and cut the strips of the desired width.
  7. Lay out to dry.

This is the basic (classic) dough for homemade noodles cooked on eggs without water. If you are making a batch for soup and are not going to store homemade flour for a long time, you can add salt to long-term storage you don't have to do this.

If there is no time to dry, this can be done quickly in a dry frying pan over low heat. Make sure that drying does not turn into frying.

Homemade lean noodles - no eggs

If for some reason eggs are excluded from your diet, you can cook lean homemade noodles. It will be just as delicious. This recipe contains water. For beauty, add turmeric, it will give a beautiful yellowish tint. We will take products in small quantities, we will not procure for the future.


  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup plus 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 1/2 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - ½ tsp

On a note

As a measure for flour, we take a glass with a capacity of 250 ml.

If this amount is not enough, proportionally increase all the ingredients. For example, 200 ml of water will require 2 cups of flour, plus 2 tbsp. spoons. Salt - 1 teaspoon full, vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.


  1. V warm water dissolve the salt.
  2. Pour the flour into a bowl, make a well in the center. We add oil and water.
  3. Knead a fairly stiff dough.
  4. Cover with foil or transfer the bun to a bag, leave for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Roll out, cut in any convenient way.

Noodles for soup with herbs

The dough can be colored with pomace from vegetables or chopped greens can be added to it. It will turn out original and quite festive.

Juices are used for coloring:

  • Beet;
  • tomato;
  • Carrot.


  • Saffron;
  • Turmeric.
  • Spinach;
  • Basil.

Green homemade noodles cooked with spinach. This greens is rich in vitamins, the soup turns out to be tasty, bright and healthy. You can use fresh or frozen spinach.

For 100 g of flour you will need:

  • 1 st. tablespoon chopped fresh or frozen spinach
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 egg.

If you want to make a dough without eggs, then for lean noodles, use 4 tbsp. spoons of water.

Dough recipe with a photo of the finished product:

  1. Knead as usual - break the egg into the recess of the flour and pour in the vegetable oil.
  2. Spinach should be added along with the egg.
  3. Sprinkle more flour if necessary.

It will look like this:

Homemade noodle dough for manual and electric noodle cutter

If you want to make a real Italian pasta then without pain durum varieties not enough. It gives that special taste that distinguishes this dish. For pasta cutter, the dough must be very tight, so it is kneaded either by hand or in a special dough mixer.


  • Wheat flour - 250 g;
  • Durum flour - 250 g;
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.


  1. Knead a tight dough. When cutting with a knife, it should not stick and stretch.
  2. After kneading, the dough should stand for half an hour. During this time, it will gain elasticity.
  3. Roll small pieces through a dough sheeter. The mode depends on the model, you need to start with the largest. After the first rolling, the sheet of dough is folded so as to hide the torn edges. Gradually reduce the gap between the rollers.
  4. After rolling and cutting, hang the strips on a special dryer or lay them out on a table.

The ideal dough for making homemade noodles, designed for noodle cutter, does not fold when pressed. It is homogeneous and should not contain any inclusions and lumps.

We offer you to watch a video recipe that uses a noodle cutter.

Dough for homemade noodles in a household bread machine

The products you need are:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Flour - 300 g.

It is difficult to give exact proportions, since eggs are different, so we advise you to add flour gradually - first 100 g, then add another handful, and so on. At the same time, be sure to make sure that the bread machine motor works without overload. Part of the specified amount of flour will go into the bread machine, the rest - for kneading by hand.

The dough should turn out like dumplings. If there is such a mode, then we knead on it. If there is no such mode in the bread machine, then we detect 18 minutes from the start of the kneading. By this time, an elastic, well-kneaded bun is obtained.

After the main part of the work is done, pour flour on the table, take the dough out of the bread machine and continue to knead it by hand.

Making dough for homemade noodles is a laborious process, but in a bread machine the most difficult stage is mechanized, so much less effort is required for manual kneading. Do not forget to let the kolobok stand - cover it with a film or a bowl and leave it for at least half an hour.

How much to cook, how to cut and store homemade noodles

Noodles cook quickly, especially those that are freshly cooked. Its preparation time is on average 7 minutes. To keep the broth light, you need to get rid of the remnants of flour. To do this, the workpiece is pre-boiled in boiling water for 3 minutes, and after that it is transferred to a pot with soup, where it is cooked for another 4-5 minutes.

How long to cook homemade noodles depends on how they are stored. If it is fresh, not dried, it is enough to boil it for 3 minutes after it pops up. Dry cook longer. After boiling the broth again, at least five minutes should pass (the total time from bookmarking to readiness is 10 minutes).

Dry noodles in several ways:

  • Natural air drying;
  • In the oven;
  • In a frying pan;
  • In an electric dryer.

Type products long spaghetti hung on dryers or on improvised devices. For this, even a dryer for clothes or dishes, hangers for clothes, a rope stretched over the table are suitable.

It is convenient to dry the noodles on the bottle rack supplied with the refrigerator. Most often, this "shelf" gathers dust in the pantry. It's time to get it out of there and adapt it for drying homemade noodles.

In the oven at 200°C, you get delicious, lightly browned homemade noodles for mushroom soup in 10 minutes.

For long-term storage in the oven, the temperature is set to the lowest possible, the oven door does not need to be closed.

For soup, short noodles are used, they can be dried on the table, mesh pallets, on sieves.

Drying time is determined experimentally. It depends on whether the dough is made on eggs or water, how thinly it is rolled out, on the power of the device, temperature and humidity in the room.

Dried noodles are stored exclusively in paper bags, as they become moldy in plastic bags. After a couple of weeks, it can be transferred to a glass jar.

In addition to drying, the freezing method is used for storage. To do this, you still have to dry it, after which you need to put it in a bag and send it to the freezer. In this way it is convenient to store "nests", which are twisted just before drying.

How to cut long and short homemade noodles

If the household does not have a noodle cutter, do not be discouraged. You can also cut homemade noodles evenly and thinly by hand. To do this, roll out the dough thinly (1 mm). Dry it - 15 minutes is enough for an egg, it will take a little longer to dry without eggs.

  1. Roll up a tight roll.
  2. Then proceed depending on what kind of noodles you want to get. If short, cut the roll into a herringbone; if long, cut straight.
  3. Fluff up the noodles immediately after slicing so they don't stick together. At the same time, try not to use flour, sweep the rest from the table, and finished product Lay out on paper or fabric. Leave until the morning, after which you can cook the soup.

Homemade noodles are not only suitable for soup, any recipe can be used for cooking delicious pasta with various sauces, vegetables and seafood. And the dough is rolled out in thin layers, cut into rectangles, dried and made into lasagna.

Not many had a chance to try the noodles that our parents cooked at home. But everything is tastier, what is done with your own hands. Many housewives do not cook it, not because they do not know how to cook homemade noodles, and not because the stores are full of ready-made ones. And for the reason that noodles at home have enough difficult process cooking. Yes, indeed, making homemade noodle dough is not as easy as it is. But let your loved ones know the taste of our childhood!

Noodle Ingredients:

  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Flour - 100 gr.;
  • Butter - 1 tsp

Recipe for making homemade noodles:

1. Of course, you already know the cooking sequence, because the process may remind you of cooking. But more important than the rule of how to cook homemade noodles - there will be only the right proportions of ingredients. Please note that our recipe uses a large egg. Therefore, the proportions of one large egg, one hundred grams of flour, a pinch of salt and one teaspoon can be considered the most faithful. butter room temperature. If for some reason you do not use butter, then you can take vegetable oil, but not more than 1 teaspoon. With these proportions, the dough will turn out to be very elastic and will be difficult to knead. It is right. If you have small eggs, then you can add one to two teaspoons of boiled water. Just do not forget that the dough for homemade noodles should be tight.
Pour the flour into a bowl or directly onto the table. Whisk the egg and salt into the well made by hand.

2. First connect the egg with a part of the flour with a fork and add the butter. Butter does not need to be melted. Just don't put it in the fridge and it will be soft.

3. Knead the dough very well.
Advice: You can determine the readiness of such a test by making a small incision. If you cut the dough and do not see layers inside, then it is ready. And if you don’t have time to knead the dough or are just lazy, then place it in a plastic bag for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the dough will be almost ready. At the very least, it will only take a couple of minutes to knead it.

4. Cut the dough in half. Thanks to the oil, it can be rolled out on a bare table without flour. A pancake for homemade noodles is made like pasties, that is, very thin. Through it you can see your hands.

5. Leave the rolled pancake on the table for 10 minutes. Then turn over and note the same time. So we will dry the dough a little so that we can cook homemade noodles in the best possible way. So when cutting, the vermicelli will not stick together.
Roll the pancake like a roll.

6. Slice the noodles thinly with a sharp knife.

The finished pasta can be added to the soup.
Now you know how to make homemade noodles, but do not forget that after cutting, you need to separate each vermicelli. You can use homemade noodles for cooking

How to make noodles at home 3 cooking options

Home under your hands can take on any shape. You can cut it at your discretion with bows, triangles, squares, stripes, etc. In general, it all depends on your imagination. Cooking noodles is basically easy. Not required here huge amount ingredients and powers. But see for yourself, I offer three recipes for making homemade noodles, the choice is yours. So, see how to make noodles at home below.

RECIPE #1 (without water)


  • flour - 1 (one) glass;
  • egg - 3 (three) pieces;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Sift flour and sprinkle with a slide. Make an indentation on top. Salt.
  2. Beat eggs and pour into flour. To stir thoroughly. Leave for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough with a layer 2-3 mm thick.
  3. Let dry a little and cut into thin noodles.

RECIPE No. 2 (with milk)


  • 1 (one) glass of flour;
  • 1 (one) egg;
  • 2 (two) tablespoons of milk;
  • salt (one "good" pinch).


  1. Pour the flour onto a table or large cutting board in a slide and make a depression in the center. Whisk the egg with salt and milk and gently pour into the well.
  2. Gradually add flour to the liquid, increasing the deepening, until the flour is completely combined with the liquid. Then knead well to make a firm dough.
  3. Place the dough in a bowl and cover with a towel dipped in hot water so that the towel does not touch the dough. After 20 minutes, roll out the dough into a thin layer.
  4. After “proofing”, the dough becomes soft and elastic and rolls out well. In the process of rolling out, turn the layer over and sprinkle with a little flour.
  5. The finished layer needs to be dried a little on both sides. This can be done by leaving it on the same table or transferring it to a dry cloth towel and turning it over several times.
  6. Drying time depends on the air temperature. Approximately 30-40 minutes will be required. Now roll up the dough like a roll and cut into pieces.
  7. Shake the cut strips and spread out to dry (if the noodles are intended for storage) or use immediately.

RECIPE No. 3 (with citric acid)


  • 2 (two) cups of wheat flour;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 1 (one) egg;
  • 2 (two) pinches of salt;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid.


  1. Crack an egg into a high-sided bowl. Whisk with a fork and add salt. Add salt followed by citric acid. She will not let the dough float and will hold back the gluten. Then pour water into the container and stir.
  2. Add the flour to the liquid in several parts and mix well to avoid lumps. If you have a bread maker in your kitchen, then it will be the best assistant in kneading dough for noodles.
  3. As a result of kneading, you should get an elastic ball of dough, which will not be too dense, but not very soft either. Cut the ball of dough into several pieces and roll each of them into a thin layer.
  4. Roll out the dough to your liking: some like thinner noodles, while others prefer only thick pasta strings. The same goes for length. pasta! When your dough has reached the required thickness, cut it with a sharp or curly knife, carefully separating each cutting thread.
  5. Now the chopped noodles need to be dried properly. This can be done in two ways. The first is to leave it to dry overnight, spreading it on the table, or send it on a baking sheet to the oven at 60C for 20-30 minutes, which we will do. Gently place the noodles on parchment paper and then put it in the oven. There is no need to grease the paper.
  6. After the specified time, check the noodles and, if it is dry, then remove it from the oven. Let cool slightly and arrange in bags or wrap in parchment paper - your noodles are completely ready!

PS. Friends, you can dream up and give the noodles a different color, see below how to achieve this:

  1. To prepare green noodles, spinach puree (one part to two parts flour) or dill juice or parsley juice is added to flour instead of water.
  2. To get red noodles, add tomato puree at the rate of 120 g per 250 g of flour or beetroot juice. For yellow-orange noodles, carrot juice is added.
  • Fresh colored noodles need to be dried longer than regular noodles just before cooking. You can create as many as you wish. original recipes homemade noodles. For example, add a little butter or sour cream to the dough.
  • Instead of regular flour, take buckwheat. Prepare rice noodles by kneading the dough from 1.5 cups rice flour, 1 tablespoon starch, 1 cup water and salt.

Bon Appetit!

Watch the video below, it perfectly describes the process of making homemade noodles. Try to cook. I hope you will like it.

Homemade noodles are a great alternative to store-bought pasta. It is made from the most conventional products: flour, water, eggs. Cooking homemade pasta is a rather laborious process, but dishes from it are tasty and nutritious. They are present in kitchens different countries and very varied. Noodles go well with chicken, veal, pork, mushrooms, seafood, vegetables.

How to cook homemade noodles

For making homemade pasta unleavened dough(as in the photo) you will need the following ingredients:

3 cups flour;

- ¾ cup of water;

Baking soda.

First of all, mix the egg with water and beat well. Add salt. The mixture should be salty.

Sift the flour and pour 1½ cups in a heap onto a work surface or into a deep bowl. Make a well in the middle and pour the prepared liquid mixture into it, add ½ teaspoon of soda, mix all the ingredients thoroughly and start kneading the dough. At first, it is convenient to do this with a fork, and when the dough becomes steep enough, continue to knead it with your hands. The dough should turn out plastic, to give it density, constantly add flour.

When the dough is the right consistency, start rolling. Do not forget to sprinkle flour on the board or table where you will make the noodles, and dust the rolling pin with flour. Roll out a thin layer. It can be done in the following way: Sprinkle the dough with flour and roll it three times. Roll out, sprinkle with flour again, fold again, bending the dough layer in other places, roll out again. Repeat this process a few more times until you get the thinnest layer of dough.

Then cut the noodles, they can be short or long. The length of short noodles is usually equal to its width. To prepare long noodles, you can roll up a layer of dough into a roll, chop it, and then unfold it. For cutting noodles, you can use a special wheel with a wavy edge.

If the noodles are prepared for the future, they must be dried for 12-15 hours until they become brittle. Then the noodles should be transferred to a bag or jar with a lid, where they can be stored for a very long time.

Sprinkle the finished noodles with flour and leave it for half an hour. Before cooking, the noodles must be transferred to a colander or sieve and shake slightly. This is done to get rid of excess flour.

One of the most simple recipes homemade noodles - lean. It needs only water, salt and flour. To prepare lean noodles, need to take:

100 milliliters of water; - 200-250 grams of flour; - salt.

In warm boiled water dissolve the salt. Then sift the flour and pour it on a table or a wooden board in a slide, make a depression, pour salt water into it and knead the dough. The longer you knead it, the tastier the homemade noodles will be.

When the dough has acquired the desired consistency and becomes steep, cover it with a towel and leave for 30 minutes. Then separate a small piece the size of an apple from the dough and roll it into a layer about 2-3 millimeters thick. Sprinkle the rolled out layer with flour and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then roll the dough into a roll or fold into 3 layers, cut sharp knife strips of the desired width and unroll the noodles.

To make homemade noodles, boil water and salt. Add the noodles, stir gently, bring to a boil and cook until tender. This will take 7 to 10 minutes. Cooking time for homemade noodles depends on its thickness.

Throw the finished noodles in a colander, drain the water. Then transfer the homemade noodles to the pan, season with oil and mix well. Cover the pan with a lid, wrap in a towel and let stand for about 10 minutes.

squid noodle soup recipe

To cook delicious homemade noodle soup with squid, you will need:

500 grams of squid fillet;

250 grams of peeled shrimp;

1-2 carrots; - 50 grams of parsley root;

1-2 heads of onions; - 1 egg;

200 grams of flour;

50 grams of butter;

- ½ teaspoon of salt.

To make the dough for homemade noodles more elastic, after kneading it must be kept for about 30 minutes

To prepare the noodles, pour the flour into a bowl in a heap, make a well in the center, add an egg mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of water, salt and knead the dough. Then roll into a very thin layer (about 1-2 millimeters thick) and cut into strips 5-6 centimeters wide. Then cut each one across again. Let the noodles dry a little and remove the flour from the surface.

Then boil the cooked noodles in a separate pan until half cooked, drain in a colander and rinse hot water. Cut the squid fillet into strips, shrimp necks into pieces, boil until tender. This will take literally 3-5 minutes. Then take out the meat, and leave the broth in the pan.

Carrot, onion and peel the parsley root, finely chop and fry in a frying pan with oil. Then transfer to a boiling broth and cook for 5-10 minutes. After that, add the noodles boiled until half cooked, pieces of squid and shrimp and cook everything together for another 5-7 minutes.

Homemade noodles can't be compared to store-bought ones. There are several options for its preparation, while the taste will be different and unforgettable every time. We offer best recipes homemade noodles, among which there is definitely one that will become your favorite.

For such noodles you will need a minimum of products:

  • 100 g flour (preferably premium);
  • one chicken egg;
  • salt;
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil - sunflower or olive.

The noodles are prepared as follows:

  1. Beat the egg well and add fine salt to it.
  2. Now start adding the sifted flour and knead the dough. You need to do this for a long time, at least 10 - 15 minutes, only then it will turn out elastic.
  3. Roll out the dough into a circle, the thickness of which should be 1 mm.
  4. After that, grease the surface of the resulting layer with oil - so the dough will become soft. Then roll it into a roll and cut into thin noodles.
  5. Ready noodles should be dried and only then sent to the broth. The remaining workpiece is stored in a jar or in a canvas bag.

Choux pastry recipe

Many are frightened by the laborious process of rolling noodles. But the task can be simplified. To do this, the dough is prepared without eggs, by brewing with the addition of vegetable oil.

Such dough rolls out easily, does not stick to your hands, or to the table, or to the rolling pin, and does not even require flour powder.

Composition of products:

  • 350 g flour;
  • 180 ml of boiling water;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • a teaspoon of salt.

The noodles are prepared like this:

  1. Boil water and add oil to it.
  2. start pouring hot water into flour and mix first with a spoon, and then, when it is not so hot, with your hand.
  3. After 15 minutes, you can start rolling out the dough and cutting the noodles.
  4. After that, dry it and use it for its intended purpose.

Custard noodles are stored in the same way as classic noodles, and any other.

Variant for chicken soup

Such noodles are most often prepared according to standard recipe. But still, there are some tricks when cooking noodles for chicken broth.

For example, if you made the dough too thick by pouring flour, the noodles will turn out to be harsh. In order not to spoil the taste of the dish, first throw it into boiling water and take it out after a minute. Only after that, cook the noodles in chicken broth.

If the noodles are already dried, then it will take 3 minutes to cook them, and if freshly cooked - 1 minute.

Rice noodles at home

For rice noodles you will need special rice flour, eggs, water and salt. But it is better to consider the recipe in more detail in order to maintain the correct proportions.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • some salt;
  • 1 st. l. water.

Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough. To feel the taste of rice flour noodles, you need to roll out the dough very thinly. And for this it would be nice to find a rolling machine.

How to cook wok noodles

Wok noodles are a separate dish that is prepared in a special way. Any noodles are suitable for him, but the dishes must be of a certain type. A skillet with high sides is ideal, but if you don't have one, use a pot or broiler with thick, high sides.

Most often, buckwheat flour noodles are used to prepare such a dish, as it belongs to Pan-Asian cuisine. But if you don't find buckwheat flour in the store, you can cook it yourself. For this, buckwheat grains are simply taken and ground to a state of flour. After that, mix the flour with the egg and water and knead the dough. It will turn out a nice brownish tint.

Products for making wok noodles can be different, at your discretion.

But the following set can be used as a standard:

  • for the meat base, lean chicken or pork is taken;
  • sweet pepper;
  • leek;
  • string green beans;
  • young corn on the cob;
  • ginger root;
  • chili pepper;
  • buckwheat noodles.

Now consider the algorithm for preparing the dish itself:

A distinctive feature of this dish is that all the ingredients are cut into the same strips and sent in turn to a frying pan with oil.

  1. Stir-fry various vegetables in a wok a small amount oils, laying them out one by one.
  2. The meat is also fried separately.
  3. Pre-boiled buckwheat noodles are also prepared there.
  4. All ingredients are brought together and languish for no more than a minute.

At the end of the process, the dish is added soy sauce or sauces for Asian cuisine (Japanese or Chinese).

Cooking with eggs

Egg noodles have their own unforgettable taste. It is prepared on flour and egg mass without adding salt, since it will not have time to dissolve without adding water.

You will need these products:

  • eggs - 10 pieces;
  • flour - to the desired dough consistency.

You should immediately warn that it is difficult to make a batch out of so many eggs. Start with half necessary products. Flour will have to be added "by eye" to get a fairly tight dough. There are no specific standards, since flour can be of different moisture and grades, and eggs can be completely different sizes.

Homemade noodles, egg recipe:

  1. Sift flour into a large bowl and make a well in the resulting slide.
  2. Eggs are beaten one by one and the dough is kneaded. As soon as it begins to "seize" in a lump, put it on the board and, adding flour, continue to knead. This is not easy to do, the dough is dense, difficult to kneading, requires intensive movements.
  3. As a result, the base should turn out to be steep, denser than on dumplings or dumplings. It will take a long time to knead, but only after that the dough will become elastic and pliable.
  4. After the kneading is over, set the dough aside for 20 minutes, covering it with a film or a plate so that it “disperses” and becomes more tender.
  5. When you roll it out for cutting noodles, tear off small pieces from the bun, and keep the rest of the mass closed.

Udon noodles - the easy way

Many will be interested in the fashionable name for noodles. In fact, only the name is unusual in it. In fact, such noodles are made from ordinary flour, water and salt, and at the same time they are quite thick and soft. Fans of such pasta are advised to take wholemeal flour for their preparation.

Many Russian people do not understand this type of noodles, preferring traditional, hard varieties. Udon noodles are related to Japanese cuisine, in which there are many sauces with the addition of vegetables, in which the noodles are laid out at the last moment before serving. Otherwise, it will soak and turn into a blurry mass.

There are quite unusual ways cooking udon noodles, when the dough is folded into a bag and it is trampled under foot for good mixing. After that, it folds in half and is trampled again, and so on several times. Then the layers are cut into thick ribbons.

Several recipes for soups with homemade noodles

As it turned out, making homemade noodles is not difficult, a little effort and tasty dish will be ready. And if everything has now fallen into place in the matter of cooking noodles, then it's time to figure out what first courses you can cook with it.

Chicken soup

According to the standard recipe for the dish, the following products are taken:

  • chicken (preferably homemade);
  • 1 - 2 medium-sized carrots;
  • ¼ part of celery root;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • a quarter of a small kohlrabi;
  • small bulb;
  • 4 - 5 black peppercorns.


  1. The chicken is washed and filled with water so that it covers the meat. The chicken can be put in the pan whole or divided into portions. If we take into account the ratio of water and meat, then it should be 2 to 1, that is, 1 kg of chicken is taken for 2 liters of water.
  2. Vegetables are peeled and added to the broth, while the onion should be put in the husk - it will give the broth a golden color.
  3. Do not forget to remove the foam after boiling and reduce the heat. Cooking time is 3 - 4 hours.
  4. The noodles are cooked separately and mixed with the broth before serving.
  5. The soup is cooked according to the standard scheme. You will need the following products:

  • 100 g noodles;
  • 3 medium sized potatoes;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • if you take meat or chicken, you will need about 500 g;
  • one carrot and one onion;
  • 1 - 2 leaves of lavrushka;
  • 2 - 3 cloves of garlic;
  • half a bunch of dill and parsley;
  • spices are added to taste.

Cooking like this:

  1. The broth is prepared first if meat is used. If it is not there, then the water in the pan is first brought to a boil.
  2. Vegetables are cut into small pieces, and onions are cut into rings.
  3. Potatoes are added to boiling water along with salt and boiled for 10 minutes.
  4. After that, onions, carrots and Bay leaf followed by another 5 minutes of cooking.
  5. After that, you need to add vermicelli and cook until it is ready.
  6. Chopped herbs, spices and garlic are laid out in the soup at the very end.
  7. How much to cook is written above, and when adding meat, this time increases by 30 - 40 minutes.

Noodle soup is not only very tasty, but also good for the stomach. Liquid meals should be present in the human diet every day, and such light ones - even more so.