Why You Shouldn't Drink Fresh Beetroot Juice. How to use beetroot juice

beetroot juice is a real natural medicine. On his healing properties Hippocrates drew attention in his time. Raw beetroot juice was also actively used in ancient Chinese medicine. Modern traditional healers consider raw beet juice a panacea for almost all diseases. Scientists from official medicine quite share these opinions. For example, researchers from the British University of Exeter, who came to the conclusion that beetroot juice makes a real revolution in human body(of course, in the best sense of the word).

Basically, this drink has a positive effect on the blood and blood-forming organs in general. As a result, the main fluid of our body is updated faster (erythrocytes begin to form more actively). But the power of beet juice, of course, is not limited to this only ...

Composition and healing properties

There are many useful ingredients in beetroot juice. The following vitamins are contained in large quantities here: B 1 (necessary for normal functioning nervous and digestive systems), B 2 (responsible for human growth and reproductive functions), C (helps fight various infections), P (helps improve capillary permeability), PP (participates in the synthesis of sex hormones). As for vitamin A, it is practically absent in beetroot juice.

The therapeutic effect of beet juice on the circulatory system is due to its cleansing properties, as well as the presence of folic acid. And, of course, iron, which directly affects the level of hemoglobin and improves the supply of oxygen to cells. The microelements potassium, sodium and magnesium contained in the juice also affect the quality indicators of blood. Juice is good for thyroid gland, and all thanks to iodine, which is involved in the synthesis of its hormones. And chlorine helps to normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system and cleanse the liver, gallbladder and kidneys.

Beetroot juice is rightly called a natural energy drink: it energizes, improves physical activity and helps to quickly recover from heavy physical and mental stress. Therefore, if you are actively involved in sports or work in a hazardous job, do not try to relieve fatigue with energy drinks, which is unsafe for health. It is better to include a drink obtained from this root vegetable in your diet. Along the way, you can use it to cleanse the intestines and improve its motor functions, strengthen immune system and thereby increase resistance to pathogens of a variety of ailments.

Good news for hypertensive patients

When British scientists investigated the properties of beetroot juice, they noticed that people who were given it during the experiments did not experience problems with blood pressure. It was also surprising that it remained normal even with physical activity. This discovery was good news for people suffering from hypertension. After all, it gives them hope to reduce the intake of various drugs or completely abandon them. Subsequent experiments proved that the patient who drank the juice arterial pressure drops within an hour. The process of lowering blood pressure lasts another 3-4 hours, after which the achieved result is fixed for the whole day. A simple conclusion follows from this: regular consumption of beetroot juice will reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, often leading to heart attacks and strokes. At least, such hope is expressed by English professors of medicine.

What is treated with beetroot juice?

Beets are available to us in all seasons, which means that you can be treated with its juice all year round. What diseases are indicated for its use and application?

1. With the help of beetroot juice, stomach ulcers are treated. And since it has an antitumor effect, it can prevent the development of stomach cancer and other oncological diseases.

2. It relieves the condition with a runny nose and colds. Moreover, in such cases, the juice is taken not only inside, but also instilled in a small amount into the nose.

3. The anti-inflammatory properties of beetroot juice have been proven, which allows it to be used to treat wounds, bruises and abrasions.

5. Beetroot juice is used to treat beriberi C (scurvy), as the ascorbic acid contained in it is instantly absorbed by the body.

6. As a natural remedy for stress, juice helps to cope with psychological and emotional overload, normalizes sleep.

7. Beet juice helps to improve memory, including those suffering from atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

8. Helps with constipation, as it has a pronounced laxative effect.

10. Beetroot juice is very useful for women, especially during menstruation and during menopause, helping to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the latter, and largely replacing synthetic hormonal drugs.

In order for your “acquaintance” with beetroot juice not to overshadow anything, and for its medicinal properties to be fully revealed, it is important to follow a number of simple, but very useful tips.

You need to get used to beetroot juice gradually, so start using it with a small amount. Better yet, dilute it with some other juice - for example, carrot or apple. Cucumber, pumpkin, cabbage and other vegetable and fruit juices. IN last resort, it can be mixed with plain boiled water or rosehip broth in a ratio of one to two.

The most popular is this recipe: mix carrot, cucumber and beet juice in a ratio of 10:3:3. It is useful to use in diseases of the liver, gallbladder and biliary tract. Undoubted benefit it bears with sexual disorders, infertility, not to mention hypertension and heart disease. Regular use this mixture is indicated for persons suffering from overweight and obesity. How much to drink this cocktail? It will be enough 0.5 liters per day, dividing it into 3-4 doses. The course of treatment is 28 days.

Hypertensive patients are shown the use of beetroot juice with honey. Both ingredients are taken in equal proportions. Take 3-4 times a day (no more than half a glass and before meals) for four days. But cancer patients are recommended a longer course of treatment, at least for 6 months. And you have to drink juice pure form 3-4 times a day, preheated. It is strongly not recommended to eat it with anything. You can eat only after 20-30 minutes.

A lot of inconvenience is caused to a person by diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Sticking to the treatment prescribed by your doctor, do not forget to drink half a glass of beetroot juice twice a day, and the treatment, as they say, will go faster.

Women who are diagnosed with uterine fibroids, of course, would like to avoid surgery. Often this is possible if you take freshly squeezed beetroot juice (100 ml) and mummy (1 tablet) every day. Alternatively, take a mixture of beetroot and potato juice (1 cup) every morning before meals. But be patient, as there is no quick effect here: the course should be continued for 3-6 months.

The use of beetroot juice in some cases helps to avoid surgical intervention in case of grade I adenoids in children. Mix juice with honey in a ratio of 2: 1 and drip 2-3 drops several times a day, combining this procedure with daily washing of the nasopharynx saline solution(for a glass of water room temperature- 1 teaspoon).

By the way, many mothers are interested in whether it is possible to give this juice to babies. There is no single answer to this question, so you need to approach it very carefully. Although it can help with constipation, babies can react with an allergic reaction. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, it is better to dilute this drink, for example, carrot juice and give the resulting mixture in small quantities.

Proper Juicing

Root vegetables with light veins are not suitable for making beetroot juice. Choose only beets with a solid, bright red color, favoring varieties with a slightly oblong shape. Then remove a third of the upper part with tops from the roots. Juice can be obtained in a juicer. Or rub the beets on a grater and squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth.

Beetroot juice has a specific tart taste, which is not to everyone's liking. In addition, many drink it immediately after preparation, which is better not to do. On the contrary, let the drink stand in an open container for at least two hours (preferably in the refrigerator) so that volatile fractions “leave” it. Otherwise, you will experience dizziness and a general deterioration in well-being when used. Also do not forget to remove the foam formed during cooking.

IN fresh juice can be stored in the refrigerator for one to two days. If you want to make a supply of it for a longer period, you will have to resort to pasteurization (at a temperature not higher than 85 0) and roll the resulting product into jars, then placing it in a cool cellar or pantry. But experts do not advise harvesting beetroot juice for the future for two reasons: 1) during pasteurization, its valuable properties are lost; 2) given that the beets are very well stored, there is always an opportunity to prepare freshly squeezed juice.

Contraindications for use

Beet juice contains oxalic acid - organic matter, which, as it accumulates in the body, forms various mineral compounds, the so-called "salts". They are sparingly soluble and, also accumulating, are able to exacerbate the course urolithiasis. Despite the fact that some folk healers recommend beetroot juice for peptic ulcers, others advise being careful with its use in this diagnosis. There are also contraindications for inflammatory processes in the small intestine, with a duodenal ulcer.

In cases of individual intolerance, this natural "elixir" should not be consumed and healthy people as dizziness, nausea and indigestion may occur. The same symptoms are possible when a lot of alcohol is drunk in one sitting. a large number of drink. Before use (especially for the treatment of diseases), it is necessary to consult a doctor, which will save you from possible complications: after all, no one wants to get even worse instead of improving health. If the doctor gives the go-ahead, try to keep the course of juice therapy for no more than two weeks. Exceeding these terms is fraught with the occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome.

Beetroot juice contains sucrose, glucose, fructose, it contains oxalic and malic acids, about ten essential amino acids, saponins, flavonoids. Beetroot juice is rich in vitamins, among which vitamins C, B 1, B 2, B 3, B 5, folic acid and carotenoids are important for humans. And finally, beetroot juice contains salts of iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, sodium, cobalt.

This complex complex of chemical compounds explains the benefits of beetroot juice for human health. Rarely found in vegetables, cobalt is necessary for the formation of vitamin B 12, which in the human body is synthesized by intestinal microflora and is essential for our nervous system. This vitamin, together with folic acid, is involved in complex process formation of erythrocytes in the blood. B vitamins are involved in hematopoiesis, metabolism, and the functioning of the nervous system.

Squeezed with pulp, beet juice is rich in pectins, which have a detrimental effect on putrefactive intestinal bacteria and help cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals. Pectins take part in the formation of glycogen, animal sugar, which our body accumulates as a reserve for energy processes. The benefits of beetroot juice and its other equally useful properties:

  • anti-inflammatory and wound healing
  • laxatives
  • lowers blood pressure
  • relieves spasms
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • strengthens the immune system
  • enhances the body's physical endurance
  • good for vision
  • used for weight loss
  • cleanses the liver of toxins
  • has antitumor activity

How to drink beetroot juice

To obtain maximum benefit beetroot juice, you need to know how to drink it correctly. Freshly squeezed beetroot juice has a very powerful effect on the body, so it is not recommended to drink it immediately after preparation, as this can cause vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, or other negative reactions.

Observing simple rules juicing can avoid unwanted side effects and get all the benefits inherent in nature in this root crop.

✵ After squeezing the beetroot juice, be sure to let it stand in the refrigerator for 2 hours without closing the container with a lid. Remove the resulting foam, pour the juice into another container, and pour the sediment.

✵ Start drinking juice in small portions, if you drink it for the first time, then start with one teaspoon, gradually bringing it up to 1/4 cup, but no more.

The best way to take beetroot juice is to mix it with carrot or apple juice. In this case, its action is softened, and the body tolerates it well, receiving all the benefits without unpleasant consequences. At first try to take 1 spoonful of beetroot juice and 10 spoonfuls of any other juice, gradually increasing the amount of beetroot juice, with good tolerance, dilute it in a ratio of one to four or one to three.

✵ You only need to defend beetroot juice, add the rest of the juices freshly prepared.

✵ Use not only carrot and Apple juice, in season, add cucumber, cabbage, tomato, pumpkin, squash juice to beetroot juice separately or in combination with each other. Experiment, change the combination of juices, so you will find ratios that are safe for your body and get the maximum benefit.

✵ Drink beetroot juice 2-3 times a week 20-30 minutes before meals or between meals. On other days, add fresh and boiled vegetables to your diet, which contain the fiber necessary for the intestines, which juices lack.

How to make beetroot juice

Making beetroot juice at home is not difficult. It's great if the house has a juicer, then this process will not take more than five minutes. If you don’t have a juicer, take gauze and the smallest grater, preferably plastic, so that the juice does not oxidize when in contact with metal. Since beetroot juice is needed in small quantities, this method is also not difficult, because one small beetroot will make 1/4 cup of juice.

Take beets that are strong, intensely colored and without white streaks. Before juicing, rinse it well, peel, cut into pieces and squeeze right amount juice. Leave the juice container to stand. After two hours, squeeze the juice from other vegetables, mix in the right proportion with beetroot juice and drink. It is better to buy beets from trusted people in the market or grow them yourself.

Harm and contraindications

Most often, the harm of beetroot juice is associated with the body's intolerance to this product, and if every time after taking even a small amount of juice you feel heartburn, nausea, dizziness, weakness, give it up and eat boiled beets more often. There are also contraindications:

  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis
  • kidney disease
  • diabetes
  • ulcerative colitis and diarrhea
  • increased acidity of the stomach
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • gout
  • osteoporosis

With caution, you need to drink beetroot juice for people prone to low blood pressure, constantly monitor pressure in order to stop taking juice in time or reduce its amount.

Remember the main rule: do no harm! Let's be wise, use everything without fanaticism, listen to your body and do not exceed the daily dosage of juice.

About vegetable juices many don’t even want to hear: it’s useful, but the taste is “not for everybody”. Here we will try to tell a little about one of the most useful vegetable juices - beetroot. beetroot juice units decide to drink, and only when it is required in medicinal purposes- Few will drink beet juice for fun. In addition, when drinking raw beetroot juice, a variety of unpleasant sensations can occur: nausea, dizziness, intestinal upset, stomach pain, and even fever; various skin reactions and swelling - but most often this happens from its misuse.

Beet juice has a lot of useful properties, and it has the most healing effect on the body - you just need to learn how to use it.

Benefits and properties of beet juice

ABOUT medicinal properties Ancient Egyptians and Hippocrates knew beetroot juice - he generally liked to prescribe beetroot to his patients, and even developed a special diet for it - our scientists learned about this from ancient medical books. Beetroot juice was used by Dioscorides and Galen, and the great Avicenna treated them with fever and anemia, digestive problems, ulcers and infectious diseases.

Raw beet juice has long been used in folk medicine - it is best to get it from cylindrical beets, a uniform maroon color, without streaks and light blotches.

Attention: freshly squeezed beetroot juice must be left in an open vessel for 2 hours so that poisonous nitrogenous compounds disappear. Otherwise, drinking beetroot juice can cause poisoning.

Calories in beetroot juice are about 60 per 100 g, there are few proteins, but a lot of carbohydrates, there are organic acids, provitamins, vitamins - A, C, E, PP, group B, and their derivatives - for example, acetylcholine, which is directly involved in the conduction of nerve impulses; minerals - potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine, copper, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, vanadium, cobalt, nickel, rubidium.

It has long been known that raw beet juice improves blood composition - it promotes the formation of red blood cells, it also cleanses the liver and kidneys, gallbladder and blood vessels, improves the functioning of the lymphatic system and the body's resistance to infections, and helps restore strength after heavy loads.

If you learn to drink Fresh Juice beets, your body will be strengthened, metabolism and memory will improve, and the skin will remain fresh and healthy for a long time. But beet juice is a very strong juice, in most cases it just needs to be combined with other juices (apple, carrot).

With hypertension it normalizes blood pressure, with insomnia and neurosis, it calms the nervous system; as a means of cleansing the body, beetroot juice has a very powerful effect - this is where the fever, and frequent pulse, and nausea come from; the vocal cords may even temporarily stop working. Therefore, people who have never consumed raw beetroot juice before should start with very small portions - from 1-2 teaspoons, and it is better not to drink it pure, but to add it to other juices - for example, mix with ½ cup of carrot or apple juice. Pumpkin, cabbage, plum and cucumber juices are also perfect for this purpose; rosehip broth or just boiled water.

A tonic drink that strengthens the body: beetroot juice - 1 part, carrots - 3 parts. Drink about 200 ml per day.

Very useful beet juice with excess weight, violations of the monthly cycle, visual impairment, skin problems, varicose veins, thrombophobitis and atherosclerosis - it dissolves inorganic calcium, preventing it from being deposited on the walls of blood vessels. If used regularly, it can help dissolution of stones in the gallbladder, and even stop the development of a tumor in oncology- Recently, experts began to recommend beetroot juice for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

With angina And inflammatory diseases throat juice of beets is used as a gargle; with a runny nose and sinusitis, it is instilled into the nose - red beet juice is especially good for this.

Angina can be treated like this: grate raw peeled beets to make a glass of beet pulp, add 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and insist 30-40 minutes. After that, the released juice is squeezed through gauze and used to gargle; 1 tbsp this juice can be swallowed.

With a cold you can not only instill juice into the nose, mixing it with honey - 5-6 drops in each nostril, but also insert tampons soaked in pure juice into the nostrils - for 2-3 minutes.

For the treatment of anemia beetroot juice is drunk mixed with honey (1:1), ½ cup 3-4 times a day.

You can prepare the following mixture: mix carrot and beetroot juices 1:1, add 1 tbsp to a glass. honey and drink 2 times a day. Excellent helps to fight anemia juice of beets, carrots and black radish: juices are mixed in equal parts, poured into a dark glass bottle, coated with dough and put in a not very hot place for 3-4 hours. hot oven. The neck of the bottle must be sealed loosely so that the mixture can evaporate. This mixture is prepared and drunk for 3 months, 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

With hypertension and vasospasm, take beet juice with honey, mixing them 1: 1, ½ cup 3 times a day. Can be mixed with cranberry juice- 2:1, and take the same mixture as a sedative and laxative.

Beets and its juice normalize activity stomach and intestines, heal ulcers and relieve inflammation, so it is useful to drink fresh juice for gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, and eat beets stewed or boiled.

Women especially need beetroot juice.

With disorders of the monthly cycle it is drunk in small portions, 50-100 ml per dose, mixed with carrot or pomegranate juice- you can drink about 500 ml of the mixture per day, but there should be no more than 1/3 of beetroot juice in it.

Pregnant a mixture of beetroot juice with carrot juice and green apple- all in equal parts; with menopause beetroot juice helps faster than hormonal drugs prescribed in such cases, and the effect of its use lasts longer.

With diseases of the heart and blood vessels, hypovitaminosis 5-6 times a day drink raw beetroot juice - ½ cup.

Liver disease pass faster if you drink 1/3 cup of juice 3 times a day and eat raw beets, grated - 100 g each. Betaine contained in beets facilitates the work of the liver - helps to absorb proteins and prevents its fatty degeneration: there is even a drug "Betaine ”, isolated from beets - it is prescribed for biliary dyskinesia, dyspepsia, hepatitis and other diseases.

To prevent diseases and maintain good health, you can cook at home and drink delicious and healthy drinks with beet juice.

  • Drink from rowan and beetroot juices: mix rowanberry juice (100 ml) with beetroot juice (500 ml), add sugar (40 g), mix and cool slightly.
  • Drink from currant and beet juice - excellent tool to combat anemia and hypovitaminosis. Juice black currant and beets - 300 ml each, water - 500 ml, sugar - 100 g. Rub the peeled beets on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice, mix it with sugar, put it on a small fire and cook until it thickens. Then cool and mix with the cooled boiled water And currant juice. If desired, you can add a little vanilla, cinnamon or cloves.
  • A very original and tasty cocktail is obtained from beetroot and apple juice with herbs, cream and nuts. Beetroot juice is mixed with apple juice (200 g each), finely chopped dill and parsley (20 g each) are added and mixed. The finished cocktail is poured into glasses, whipped cream is placed on top and sprinkled with chopped walnuts(4-5 pieces). Cream can not be whipped, but simply mixed with juice - 40-50 g.

To the use of beet juice is contraindications. With hypotension, it can be drunk little by little and infrequently; with urolithiasis, it can be drunk in very small portions - if necessary; beetroot juice is drunk with caution in case of metabolic disorders - it can cause heart palpitations, weakness, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting.

Growing vegetables in the country, a person counts not only on a pleasant rest from the bustle of the city. He receives products that contain minimal amount toxins. No wonder there are ecological gardens and ways to grow plants without the use of chemical fertilizers. The harvest taken from these beds becomes healing. One of these vegetables, which are used for various ailments, is beetroot and its juice. What is useful and what is harmful beet juice, we will try to figure it out with the help of specialists.

Beet juice useful properties and contraindications

Even Chinese doctors in the old days drew attention to the beneficial effect of the root crop on the human body. Especially valuable was beet juice, which had not undergone heat treatment, freshly squeezed. Currently, in folk medicine around the world, beetroot juice is considered healing, and it is prescribed for internal and external use.

What is useful and harmful beet juice is explained primarily by the presence of all B vitamins in beets, and this is help in the work of all internal organs man and his nervous system. The juice contains folic acid, iron, potassium, magnesium, which help the hematopoietic system in removing toxins, increasing hemoglobin. The presence of iodine stimulates the thyroid gland and the removal of radionuclides. Chlorine acts as a cleaner for detox systems.

The juice also contains organic acids that affect the immune system, strengthening it. The amino acid arginine slows down the growth of neoplasms. The study of beet juice confirms its usefulness as an additional product in the traditional treatment of cancer. The beneficial effects of healing juice are confirmed by doctors involved in the therapeutic treatment of patients with problems of internal organs and skin. ethnoscience considers beets a healer for many diseases.

However, the healing properties of beetroot juice can be harmful for those who suffer from a number of diseases:

  • if there are problems with loose stools;
  • gastritis with hyperacidity stomach;
  • formation of stones in genitourinary system and biliary tract;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • osteoporosis;
  • individual intolerance.

The reason is that the oxalates contained in the juice can cause the formation of hardly soluble compounds, stones. The laxative effect is dangerous by the occurrence of diarrhea.

The benefits and harms of beet juice for the liver

From time to time, most people feel unpleasant pain in the right hypochondrium. This liver can not cope with the removal of toxins from the body and itself asks for help. There are many ways to help cleanse the liver. One of the cleansing procedures is the use of vegetable juices of a special composition. At the same time, the main ingredient is beetroot juice, which contains betaine. But its amount is increased gradually, making it possible to carry out the procedure painlessly. Usually used composition of the juices of carrots, radishes, beets.

Cleansing the liver is a serious intervention in the body. The benefits and harms of beet juice for the liver depend on proper use. Therefore, the event takes place under the supervision of a naturopathic doctor, who prescribes the dosage of the composition and the duration of the intake.

Uncontrolled consumption of pure juice can harm the body, since the substances contained in its composition serve as a medicine. Therefore, even use for prevention purposes should not exceed two weeks. Juice mixtures can be used much longer and are safer.

Often, a decoction of beets prepared according to a special recipe is used to clean the biliary tract and liver.

Beetroot juice benefits and harms in oncology

Oncological diseases of any organs are currently considered intractable. Scientists around the world are looking for a way to stop the avalanche growth of cancer cells. The arginine contained in the beet slows down cell division, and this is a proven fact. Based on the juice, the drug Antozyme is produced, in which the action is enhanced. The action of the drug is based on the restoration of cellular respiration. The active substance is betaine. The treatment is long, other drugs are also used, but beetroot juice removes cells destroyed by chemotherapy, radionuclides, and at all stages of the development of the disease alleviates the patient's condition.

Start taking juice as part of other liquids, juices, diluted. Gradually increase the dose of juice, beet food and for many months, taking juice on an empty stomach before each meal is mandatory. During the day, drink 600 ml of juice, and the growth of the tumor stops. This is confirmed by studies in medical institutions.

The use of beetroot juice, its benefits and harms in oncology is being studied all over the world. At the same time, there is an improvement in the composition of the blood in patients, and the body's immunity increases. With radiation therapy, the condition of a patient taking beetroot juice improves. However, the juice is inapplicable in diseases associated with irritable bowels, since the effect of the juice is laxative. It is impossible to use juice for diabetes and the body's tendency to form stones in the bile ducts or the genitourinary system.

Beet juice for colds

A runny nose can be caused by various reasons, but colds and infectious diseases are always the basis. Beetroot juice to cure the common cold is used:

  • to alleviate the condition with colds;
  • in the treatment of sinusitis;
  • with chronic rhinitis associated with adenoids.

Fresh juice is mixed with honey and instilled into the nose 4 times a day until the problem is solved. For greater effect, the nasopharynx is washed with saline. Lotions are also used for sinusitis with heated beet juice. In addition, beet juice is used for sore throat, anemia, and high blood pressure.

Features of making beetroot juice

Freshly prepared juice should not be taken by anyone, it will not bring benefits. It is necessary to defend the juice in an open container in the refrigerator for two hours and remove the foam from above. Only after that, fresh juice can be consumed according to the prescribed dosage, diluted, or mixed with other juices. Sterilized juice can be stored longer, but the effect of it is weaker.

Beet juice - video

Few people know what a storehouse of vitamins is found in ordinary beets. This vegetable is used for the treatment of internal organs, and in cosmetology, and in cooking. Beets are an indispensable product during weight loss. However, beets are not useful for everyone.

Healing properties

The benefits of beets are due to the rich content of vitamins and minerals in it. Perhaps half of the periodic table is located in the miraculous vegetable:

  • fiber and vegetable fibers
  • vitamins - provitamin A, C, group B, U, PP, B9
  • trace elements - sulfur, iron, calcium, zinc, copper,
  • phosphorus, sodium, potassium, iodine
  • citric, oxalic, malic acids
  • bioflavonoids
  • amino acids - arginine, valine, lysine, histidine.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the amino acid betaine: the substance is present in beet tops and in the root crop. Betaine is involved in fat metabolism, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and contributes to a decrease. The substance is extremely stable, therefore it remains in the product after heat treatment.

It is impossible to overestimate the beneficial properties of the root crop. Regular consumption of beets stimulates the activity of the whole organism:

  1. Work is stabilizing digestive system- due to the presence of organic acids, the production of gastric juice is normalized, fiber improves intestinal function, the activity of putrefactive bacteria is inhibited, besides, beets cope with chronic constipation due to a slight laxative property.
  2. The walls of blood vessels are cleaned - due to the high concentration of magnesium, beets strengthen arteries, improve blood composition, and also raise.
  3. Extra pounds go away - betaine does not allow fat to linger in liver cells, speeds up metabolism, and removes excess fluid.
  4. Improves the functioning of the genital organs - chemical composition beetroot helps women survive the pain during menstruation, has a beneficial effect on male potency and prevents the development of adenoma due to the high concentration of beta-carotene.

After heat treatment useful substances in beets it becomes a little less, but they are better absorbed by the body.

The benefits of beetroot juice

Freshly squeezed beetroot juice is considered ideal for increasing hemoglobin. Beetroot juice is prescribed for different stages of anemia.

Possessing a hematopoietic effect, the beneficial properties of beets increase the strength of capillaries, eliminate vasospasm, and activate the production of red blood cells.

In addition to the hematopoietic function, beetroot juice has other useful properties:

  • Tones up the muscular system of the body, it is often used by athletes.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Purifies the blood from salts of heavy metals and radionuclides.
  • It has a strong anti-inflammatory property (it is used in the form of lotions or compresses for healing wounds on the skin).
  • It is a natural antihistamine.
  • Improves brain activity (due to blood thinning and improvement of cerebral circulation).
  • Mix one small vegetable in pureed form with half a glass lemon juice and 200 g of honey, then insist 3 days per 100 ml of alcohol; ready-made infusion is drunk for two months, 2 tbsp. l after eating.
  • During a runny nose, beetroot juice is instilled into each nostril, 2 drops.
  • With angina, 100 g of pureed vegetables are mixed with 30 ml. apple cider vinegar, let it brew for half an hour and gargle with the resulting composition.
  • Beet tincture is used for iodine deficiency: a glass of vodka and half a glass of freshly squeezed beet juice must be mixed and insisted in a dark place in a closed container for two days. Tincture is drunk three times a day for 2 tbsp. l. After two weeks of treatment - 7 days break.

It is interesting to use the root crop for external application:

  • A slice of beetroot helps with toothache
  • Warts are smeared with vegetable juice
  • A decoction of the root crop is washed with cracks in the skin
  • For burns, beet leaves are applied

Boiled beetroot salad is effective in preventing constipation, especially for the elderly. The juice of this wonderful vegetable helps to increase acidity, normalize the function of the pancreas. To do this, you need to drink freshly squeezed juice half a glass 30 minutes before meals.

The benefits of beets for facial skin: effective homemade masks

Organic beetroot is ideal for problematic skin. The grated fresh beetroot mask relieves inflammation, mattifies the skin and eliminates oily sheen. The root crop contains a unique substance curcumin, which penetrates deep into the pores, cleansing them of impurities.

Easy homemade recipes correct use will surprise even lovers of salon procedures:

  • Mask for oily skin. It is necessary to mix grated boiled potatoes with 3 tbsp. l. beet juice, to achieve a thick consistency, you can add a little ordinary flour.
  • Mask for normal skin type. grated fresh vegetable you need to mix with the yolk and 1 tsp. sour cream.
  • Moisturizing mask for dry skin. boiled beets should be grated on a fine grater, add a spoonful of milk, aloe juice and a decoction of St. John's wort.
  • Beet juice can get rid of dandruff. To do this, apply the root juice to the hair roots for 20 minutes. It is better to wrap your head with a towel, as the juice will begin to drip. This procedure is contraindicated for blondes, but brunettes and brown-haired women can safely apply the recipe in practice.