Why non-alcoholic beer is more harmful than alcoholic beer. Non-alcoholic beer: dubious benefits and undoubted harm


Drinking beer is considered by many citizens as a habit that causes increased harm to the body.

The attitude towards the soft drink is more positive, but its reception also has its own nuances. Under certain conditions, it can be beneficial to well-being or undermine health.

Let's talk about the benefits alcoholic beer for men and women, possible harm drink for the liver and health in general. We will answer the question of interest to many: is non-alcoholic beer harmful or beneficial?

How to choose a good one and check its quality

Drink format "0" sold only in bottles- the main attention of the buyer should be riveted to the composition, its taste, aromatic qualities.

The nuances of choosing a quality beer:

  • composition. The perfect combination incoming ingredients are considered: hops, water, malt, yeast;
  • impurities. The presence of ascorbic acid, which has preservative properties, increases the toxic effect of the drink. Other undesirable components: maltose syrup, sodium benzoate, glucose-fruit syrup, additives E;
  • fragrance. A good non-alcoholic smell is “deep”, strong pronounced.

Especially avoid unknown manufacturers or manufacturers with little experience release of "options for teetotalers". Working out the mechanism for producing non-alcoholic beer is a rigorous and lengthy procedure achieved by world brands over many years of trial and error. Companies with a dubious reputation have no such experience.

For this reason, you will also have to pay a little more money for the purchase of such a version of the drink than for the usual weak alcoholic drink.

Fact: The most advanced way to purify non-alcoholic beer is through dialysis.

How non-alcoholic light is made:

Composition, calories, nutritional value and glycemic index

Increased calorie content does not allow the use of the drink as a component diet food, although beer contains minerals- potassium, .

Contains a wide variety of vitamins group B, but their concentration is low: to meet the daily requirement, you need to drink almost 10 liters of drink. Additional elements - and folates.

After drinking 100 ml, 26-40 kcal enters the body, the amount of proteins and fats is 0 g, and carbohydrates - about 4.6 g.

The glycemic index of the product is 25 units, indicating the absence of a sharp increase in blood sugar when consumed.

What is more useful - an alcoholic drink or "zero"

Comparing the two options, experts conclude that the content of preservatives in non-alcoholic beer is often higher than in alcohol.

"Zero option" can't be fresh, it cannot be brewed at the brewery and immediately served to the buyer - it is prepared under the influence of a complex and multi-stage process and only then is it allowed for sale.

Some manufacturers even exclude the fermentation process during preparation, which is responsible for the formation of nutrients in the drink.

Distillation, vacuum evaporation are other popular technologies for eliminating ethanol, but they all introduce an unnecessary impact into the manufacturing process, which is detrimental to the quality of the drink ( fusel oils are formed).

Is non-alcoholic beer harmful? Non-alcoholic product is lower in terms of benefit than the traditional ethanol version.

The rationality of its reception is more related to the convenience of reception, which does not bring confusion.

Benefits, harms of non-alcoholic beer - in the program "About the most important thing":

What is useful and harmful

Most citizens choose to drink the non-alcoholic version of beer in situations where drinking alcoholic product is unacceptable for medical reasons.

The most common case is taking antibiotics, which, when combined with alcohol, lead to hepatotoxic effects. You can also take “non-alcoholic” with liver diseases, even with hepatitis.

Useful qualities of non-alcoholic beer:

  • perfectly cools;
  • not addictive;
  • satisfies hunger;
  • does not allow intoxication.

The harm from drinking this drink lies in the deceptiveness of the complete absence of alcohol - the alcohol content is from 0.5 to 1.5% (compared to the usual 4-7%).

Therefore, its use in in large numbers leads to slight intoxication, and saturation of the blood with alcohol can cause questions for representatives of the traffic police.

Few manufacturers manage to achieve almost complete removal of ethanol - products have an alcohol content of less than 0.05%.

Any foamy drink awakens appetite, often leading to an increase in food intake.

For adult men and women

Men are traditional fans of beer, but the intake of their favorite drink may be limited by leisure or work conditions.

Is non-alcoholic good? Non-alcoholic option can be drunk while driving, at work, which does not lead to impaired coordination of movements.

When managing complex mechanisms, a foamy drink in a special format - in a dosage of no more than 1 glass - will also not become an obstacle to the usual routine.

No degrees is not the same as a calorie deficit: hop product has huge amount calories, so for girls who want to lose extra pounds, this option is definitely not suitable.

There is still a positive point - some varieties of “nulls” contain yeast, and this component is considered beneficial in its effect on the skin and hair.

Pregnant and lactating

Ignorance about the content of small concentrations of ethanol leads to the emergence of a common myth that the drink does not pose a threat to the developing fetus.

However Negative influence high, often leads to various disorders in children. Feeding by women is also dangerous: the components of the drink accumulate in the nutrient mixture and poison the fragile body.

The baby's digestive tract is only able to absorb milk, and the ingestion of ethanol leads to indigestion, colic and flatulence.

According to unofficial information, beer intake by expectant mothers significantly increases the risk of miscarriage.


The absence of alcohol in the composition can create a deceptive illusion of the safety of a foamy drink that is not burdened with degrees.

However, another property of non-alcoholic beer poses a threat - same as "real" taste. Having fallen in love with a special aroma in childhood, a child with a high probability can start drinking beer earlier than peers.

Children who are not given a "zero" later get used to beer, because after the first tasting they are often scared off by an unusual aftertaste.

The pleasure of eating develops gradually. Toddlers who have tried the alcohol-free version early no longer have this barrier.

In old age

Due to the diuretic effect, the intoxicating product should be taken with caution by persons with a tendency to dehydration - dehydration.

Carefully should be treated with cores: when removing ethanol, manufacturers often use cobalt, which stabilizes the foam, but it leads to a strong expansion of the arteries.

Patients with cardiovascular diseases should use this version of beer in the minimum quantity.

However, several studies conducted in the US and Italy have found an increase in the quality of life of pensioners when drinking no more than 1-2 times a week.

Portuguese scientists also found that the hop product prevents the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Allergy sufferers, athletes, diabetics

Allergy. You should not use any kind of foamy drink if there is an immune reaction to hops - the deterioration in well-being will be the same.

Athletes. For this group of people, the "sober option" is useful only for relieving taste deficits when drinking alcohol is not possible. Due to the calorie content, it is also not suitable for sports diets.

A limited effect can be observed when consumed before training: hops improve concentration and increase muscle strength for several tens of minutes.

diabetics. Occasionally, non-alcoholic beer is acceptable for people experiencing problems with the pancreas.

Availability a small amount carbohydrates allows you to drink no more than 200-400 ml at a time without harm to health.

Potential danger and contraindications

What is the danger of non-alcoholic beer? A foamy drink with the prefix "0 calories" is not recommended for many diseases, since most of the negative phenomena inherent in "Viking drinking" persist.

With prolonged use, men show signs of feminization (hips increase and breasts grow), testosterone levels drop.

Admission restrictions for:

Diuretic properties could make patients feel better if they have a diseased bladder, but this option is also has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the body.

According to this influence with cystitis, it is better not to drink non-alcoholic beer. The presence also leads to relapses and exacerbations, since the acidity of the stomach in such individuals rises sharply.

It is better not to drink a foamy drink at night, otherwise sleep will be burdened by frequent urges to the toilet.

The most favorable time is morning and afternoon. Bottle finished product, if it is used 1-2 times a week, it is only beneficial.

It is not recommended to drink it after a heavy dinner. Otherwise, feelings of fullness and indigestion arise. Do not mix hops and sweets, drink with dairy products. The recommended rate is 300 ml (1 glass).

Beer should not be mixed with wine, vodka and alcoholic products containing cream and syrup.

Nonalcoholic beer - interesting option able to diversify the diet. Drinking an intoxicating drink allows you to maintain an excellent concentration of attention and enjoy habitual taste without damage to health.

However, the drink's status should not confuse shoppers as to its nutritional value, as some gourmets draw the wrong conclusions, considering non-alcoholic beverages to be completely "calorie-free".

In contact with

Alcohol is a real scourge of modern people. A lot of harm is also caused by the passion for beer, especially synthetic beer, full of aromatic additives and chemical dyes. But, despite all the assurances of experts, beer remains one of the favorite drinks. Non-alcoholic hops are especially popular.

Do not believe the label, which says that this hop contains 0% alcohol. Alcohol is present, but in very small quantities. But not only this lies the danger of this intoxicating drink. Many experts do not stop talking about the danger that non-alcoholic hops. But what? Is non-alcoholic beer really harmful to health or is it just the intrigues of competitors?

Doctors advise not to get involved in non-alcoholic beer due to the presence of a large amount of aromatic substances in it.

There is a "live" beer made exclusively from malt, hops, brewer's yeast and purified water. Such a drink is considered a classic of beer production. But most producers, in an effort to reduce the cost of the drink and make it more affordable, replace rather expensive malt with ingredients of a lower grade.

For the manufacture of non-alcoholic hops, everything is also taken as a basis for beer. It becomes non-alcoholic after the use of two:

  1. With the use of various technological processes manufacturers reduce the percentage of alcohol content in hops. Concentration ethyl alcohol in this case decreases due to stopping fermentation processes using low-temperature technologies.
  2. Dealcoholization. The finished hoppy drink is subjected to a complex evaporation procedure or the alcohol component is removed from it using complicated double filtration.

Among beer producers, the second method of making non-alcoholic hops is the most popular. Since in this case the drink retains the usual, bitter hop flavor and the original structure of the beer. In the manufacture of non-alcoholic hops in the first case, at the output the drink differs significantly in taste and texture from its beer counterparts - it has a more pronounced sweetish licorice flavor.

What is regular beer made of?

Non-alcoholic hops are produced by the same manufacturers that make regular beer. Sometimes both drinks are prepared in the same vats. The percentage of alcohol in non-alcoholic hops is significantly reduced, but still it is.

Even non-alcoholic elite beer contains ethanol in the amount of 0.5-1.5%. This level of alcohol is 10 times less than regular beer.

Non-alcoholic beer: harmful or not?

Only thanks to low content alcohol content, non-alcoholic beer can be considered safer than regular hops. But do not forget about other ingredients that make up this drink:

Cobalt. It is actively used to stabilize the foam. This compound is especially detrimental to work cordially- vascular system. The harm of non-alcoholic beer is directly explained by the presence of a large amount of cobalt in its composition. With regular ingestion of this component in the body:

  • blood arteries dilate significantly;
  • due to the prolonged influence of the toxin, the heart apparatus weakens, and various problems begin.
  • Even non-alcoholic beer can cause beer alcoholism

    Malt and hops. These two components are present in any beer drink. It has been established that these substances destroy the endocrine system, they negatively affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys, circulatory system and brain. What is the use of non-alcoholic beer if it has long been established by doctors that these fermentation products adversely affect the functioning of the reproductive system:

    1. In men. Regular consumption of any beer significantly reduces the production of testosterone (the main male hormone). What should be expected in such a situation? A growing beer belly, fat deposits on the body according to the principle of female obesity, breast enlargement, pelvic expansion, hair loss.
    2. Among women. Containing estrogen in beer, despite the fact that it is considered a female hormone, has a detrimental effect on a woman's body. Excess estrogen affects women Health quite the opposite side than the male. Beer lovers begin to develop excessive hair growth on the face and chest, and their voice becomes rougher. Even the character is changing - a woman becomes more rude, harsh, her male hormones begin to dominate.

    What do the doctor's say

    According to doctors, it is not worth abusing any alcoholic beverage, even low-alcohol ones. This type of hop contributes to the development of certain diseases in humans. So, why is non-alcoholic beer harmful, according to medical luminaries. What threatens the beer admirer:

    • migraine;
    • obesity;
    • impotence;
    • kidney disease;
    • heart failure;
    • problems with the liver;
    • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis).

    According to the unanimous opinion of doctors, a long-term passion for non-alcoholic beer forms a beer addiction in a person. And this addiction can rapidly develop into beer alcoholism.

    Non-alcoholic beer contains many toxic carcinogens

    Beer addiction develops much faster than vodka addiction, because people consume beer in large quantities. Unlike vodka, the bill here is calculated in liters.

    With regard to non-alcoholic hops, this danger increases significantly. After all, consumers, believing that this drink really does not have a fortress, drink it in very large quantities.

    Non-alcoholic beer and pregnancy

    The use of this type of hops is strictly and irrevocably prohibited by doctors for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. The minimal presence of ethyl alcohol in it does not give any reason to consider non-alcoholic beer safe. Indeed, although alcohol was removed from hops, dangerous carcinogens and toxins remained in it.

    Toxic compounds instantly penetrate into a tiny, developing organism through the placenta or through milk when feeding a child and have a devastating effect on it. Especially dangerous this species drink in the early stages of pregnancy, when the fetus's internal organs are just beginning to form.

    Beer causes the greatest harm to the reproductive system of men and women.

    Non-alcoholic beer and driving

    For many car owners, having “non-alcoholic” on the label is a great reason to have a bubbly drink before driving. Indeed, beer with a reduced alcohol content does not affect a person's reaction so much. Even a breathalyzer does not show the presence of ethyl alcohol in the body of a person who has consumed non-alcoholic hops.

    How to explain it? Knowing that beer usually has a certain number of degrees, some people even after drinking non-alcoholic hops begin to feel all the signs of intoxication. This is especially true for people who find themselves in an irritated state, tired after a hard day or experiencing stress. As a result, the driver, being in this state, poses a threat not only to himself, but also to other road users.

    Do not exclude the presence of an odor, which even with zero indicators the tester will force the staff of the PPP to subject the driver to more thorough checks. A blood and urine test will definitely show even the minimum, but the content of ethyl alcohol in the body. Not to mention carcinogens and toxins, which this drink contains in large quantities. They are very harmful to human health.

    Is non-alcoholic beer healthy?

    The harm and benefits of this type of hops are on both sides of the scale and constantly outweigh each other. On the one hand, such hops contain many harmful components that destroy health. But, on the other hand, there are many healthy substances in beer:

    1. Barley is the main base of any hop. This is a real Klondike of vitamins and minerals. Barley is especially effective in fighting excess cholesterol in the body. Some doctors even recommend that obese people consume non-alcoholic beer in strictly limited quantities, since this drink has a low calorie content.
    2. According to the unanimous opinion of Japanese doctors, hops stop the growth of cancer cells and prevent the development of metastases. This statement is based on numerous animal experiments.
    3. Large reserves of B vitamins, which beer contains, have a beneficial effect on the state of the brain, circulatory system and hormonal levels.
    4. Also, non-alcoholic hops do not cause a painful hangover syndrome.

    So what is better - to drink or not non-alcoholic beer, the harm and benefits of which still outweigh for the better compared to ordinary hops? The answer to this question a person will have to find on their own. It is up to him to decide which hops are better and whether it is worth getting hooked on beer at all, even non-alcoholic Smart choice!

    Many people believe that non-alcoholic beer is completely harmless and can be consumed every day. This is an erroneous judgment. The presence of alcohol in a foamy drink is not the only factor that is harmful to human health. This is especially noticeable when a person drinks beer every day.

    Video: Non-Alcoholic Beer and Antibiotics

    The difference between regular beer and non-alcoholic

    Someone will say that the difference between these two drinks is very large. In the first case, there is an alcohol content, and in the second, it is not. We dare to assure you that the difference between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer is not so significant. Non-alcoholic foamy drink also contains alcohol, but in a very small amount (approximately 0.5% of the total volume). Initially, such a cocktail was invented so that people who cannot drink alcohol-containing drinks due to their activities can drink it. This group of people includes drivers. A kind of marketing ploy to increase beer sales and nothing more. Otherwise, there is no difference between them. Alcohol-free beer is made from the same ingredients and using the same technology as regular beer. Its composition is completely identical to the classic foamy drink. The absence of alcohol in beer only affects its taste.

    Video: Channel 5 story about non-alcoholic beer

    The non-alcoholic version of the drink is obtained using various filtration methods. classic beer. After such sifting, alcohol is removed from the swill, and all other substances and trace elements, including harmful ones, remain in the finished nectar. Therefore, the harm of the non-alcoholic version, as well as regular beer, depends on the amount drunk. If you drink such beer every day in liters, then a beer belly and health problems will not take long.

    Non-alcoholic beer for pregnant women: harmful or not

    Pregnant women are strongly discouraged from drinking non-alcoholic beer.. It contains a lot of yeast, chemicals and preservatives. During pregnancy, all these substances can affect the normal development of the fetus. If you want your child to be born healthy, then you should stop drinking any alcohol-containing drinks. Also we we do not recommend drinking non-alcoholic beer for people with problems with the kidneys, nervous and cardiovascular systems. The use of such drinks adversely affects their health and leads to an even greater development of diseases.

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    Is non-alcoholic beer harmful? What benefits and harms does it bring to the body? These questions often break from the lips of fans of a fragrant intoxicating drink at moments when they have to give up alcoholic nectars for any reason (medical diet, pregnancy, driving a car).

    In fact, even the most elite non-alcoholic beer contains alcohol. True, in small doses - only 0.5-1.5% ethyl alcohol, which is 10 times less than in a regular drink, and 2 times less than in kvass.

    The controversy regarding the benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer has not subsided so far. Many alcohol gourmets claim that it is absolutely harmless and even beneficial to the body to some extent, while doctors call it the same harmful product as its alcohol-containing counterpart. Today we will consider the opinions of both sides and try to find out what are the benefits and harms of non-alcoholic beer.

    But first, let's get acquainted with the technologies of its production.

    How alcohol-free beer is made

    Soft drink is obtained in two ways:

    1. By reducing the percentage of ethyl alcohol in it by suppressing fermentation processes.
    2. By eliminating alcohol through evaporation or double filtration.

    In the field of beer production, the latter method is more common, since its use does not affect the structure and taste of the drink. It is called the dealcoholization method. Beer is brewed according to the usual technology, and then “degrees” are already removed from it. The drink is either heated, as a result of which the ethyl alcohol gradually evaporates, or a double filtration is carried out.

    In the first case, barley wort is treated with special yeast, which reduces the activity of enzymes responsible for fermentation. This prevents the malt sugar from turning into alcohol. Fermentation processes with this method are slowed down by the low-temperature regime, which cannot but affect the taste of the drink - it differs slightly from the alcohol-containing counterpart in the dominance of sweet malt notes.

    However, in general, no matter how alcohol-free beer is produced, it differs little from traditional beer - the same taste and aroma, the same dense head of foam. Unless there are not enough degrees in it - no more than 5%.

    Harm of non-alcoholic beer, or 5 reasons to stop drinking it

    1. According to doctors, the harm of non-alcoholic beer is that it often causes alcoholism. The fact is that people can drink such a drink in unlimited quantities, without feeling intoxicated and seriously believing that it is absolutely harmless and cannot provoke alcohol addiction.
    2. Alcohol-free beer affects the hormonal background of a man in a similar way traditional drink. And, as you know, ardent fans of the “fresh, cold mug” suffer from a lack of the male hormone testosterone in the body, which is replaced by the female estrogen. As a result of this, the “beer belly” grows, the mammary glands increase, the pelvis expands, and potency decreases.
    3. As for the effect of non-alcoholic beer on the female body, on the contrary, male hormones begin to dominate in it. Regular use drink provokes the growth of unwanted vegetation on the face and body, coarsening of the voice, excess weight. The abuse of mash can even lead to infertility.
    4. Many manufacturers, in order to increase the foam in the drink, season it with the chemical element cobalt, which adversely affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.
    5. The low content of ethyl alcohol in the drink is by no means a reason for pregnant women and nursing mothers to use it. Despite the absence of degrees in beer, it contains enough other harmful substances (cobalt, hops, malt, yeast) that can negatively affect a tiny children's body.

    Benefits, or 6 pluses in the piggy bank of non-alcoholic beer

    The harm of non-alcoholic beer has been confirmed, but the benefits of the drink for the human body have also been proven:

    1. According to Japanese luminaries of medical science, such a drink inhibits the growth and development of cancer cells, preventing the occurrence of oncological ailments. This statement is confirmed by numerous experiments and experiments on animals.
    2. Beer supplies the body useful substances. For example, barley malt contains B vitamins, which are known for their useful action on the brain, hormonal background, hematopoietic processes, etc.
    3. Drinking the drink in small doses lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood.
    4. Non-alcoholic beer contains fewer calories than traditional beer.
    5. The drink is allowed to be consumed (in moderation) by people driving, as well as by those who are contraindicated in alcoholic cocktails.
    6. Alcohol-free beer does not cause hangovers and other unpleasant syndromes.

    Beer considered to be low alcohol drink that does not harm the human body when used in small doses. Abnormal use of an alcohol-containing foamy drink often leads to addiction, causes various diseases. In the 70s of the last century, beer lovers around the world received a worthy foamy alternative - nonalcoholic beer. It is advisable to find out whether the replacement is really traditional beer, which does not contain alcohol, is harmless to consumers?

    Production technology and impact on the consumer

    The technology used will help you get closer to the correct answer. modern manufacturers in the manufacture of wheat beer. Drinking an intoxicating drink within the normal range, beer is considered to be absolutely harmless to the body. However useful qualities foam are in great doubt. The impact of the product on the consumer is largely determined by the conscientiousness of the manufacturer, the production technology used.

    Nonalcoholic beer often produced by factories using equipment and technologies used in the production of a traditional hop product. The production process provides for the fermentation of barley wort with special yeast. At this stage, there is one technological difference: soft drink filtered twice to remove the alcohol component. The final product contains a minimum amount of alcohol, due to which the drink does not cause significant harm to the body and health of the consumer.

    An interesting fact: a soft drink contains a small proportion of alcohol (in the range of 0.5-0.6%), and therefore is hardly a completely harmless drink.

    Double filtration in the conditions of the production shop does not deprive the composition of the non-alcoholic alternative to foam of other substances that are harmful to humans. It is worth noting the content of cobalt, malt and hops in the composition of non-alcoholic beer, which have a negative effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, kidneys and liver, brain and cardiovascular system. Under the influence of cobalt, which is a toxin, the activity of the cardiovascular system becomes weaker.

    Fermentation products have an adverse effect on the hormonal system. Stronger sex it is worth fearing the loss of the male component, expressed by testosterone, while the representatives fair half humanity needs to know about the opposite consequences - the appearance of antennae, coarsening of the voice. Most often, men have problems with a change in the shape and size of the chest, an increase in the abdomen. You should know about all the consequences of drinking a foamy drink in advance!

    Video: Video Lectures Zhdanov "About non-alcoholic beer"

    Reasons for the popularity of the non-alcoholic product

    Along with the rapid spread of motor vehicles around the world, there was an interest in drinks that do not contain alcohol. Among vehicle drivers, maintaining concentration and reaction in road conditions remained the most important. Initially, manufacturers of non-alcoholic foam announced the appearance of a drink designed specifically for drivers. Later, the target audience expanded, and the following categories of consumers became lovers of beer without alcohol:

    • People who choose not to drink alcohol
    • Minors
    • People with acute and chronic diseases
    • Representatives of professions with a high degree of responsibility, focus and attention
    • Pregnant women and nursing mothers

    An interesting fact: non-alcoholic beer contains from 0.2 to 0.6% alcohol, which corresponds to the level of alcohol content in kefir made according to GOST. Sometimes the volume of alcohol reaches 1%.

    Benefit or harm?

    There are many disagreements on this subject, and it is still not possible to achieve a clear answer. Any foamy, whether it is an alcohol-containing or non-alcoholic drink, poses a threat to the physiological processes of the body. Looking at beer from the other side, the presence of beneficial trace elements and high calorie content.

    One of the main components of the production technology is barley, which contains a lot of vitamins. Barley is valuable for the human body, as it helps to remove cholesterol. If you touch on the harmful side of the product in question, there can be many unpleasant consequences. The use of a non-alcoholic product increases the likelihood of developing the following diseases:

    • Obesity
    • Migraine
    • impotence
    • Hormonal disorders
    • heart failure
    • Kidney and liver diseases
    • Gastritis etc.

    Important: it is highly undesirable for pregnant women and nursing mothers to drink non-alcoholic beer!

    Drink or refuse: decisive arguments

    Consider the main reasons why a foamy drink without alcohol is considered harmless and even somewhat beneficial:

    1. According to research published by Japanese scientists, soft drink inhibits the growth and development of cancer cells. Relevant confirmation became known as a result of experiments conducted on animals (data not officially confirmed)
    2. A foamy drink without alcohol content saturates the consumer's body with useful substances. barley malt contains vitamins of group "B", which have a positive effect on the human brain, hematopoiesis and hormonal levels
    3. Drinking within the established norms (no more than 0.5 liters per day) reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood
    4. Reasons are missing hangover syndrome and their negative consequences
    5. Drivers and workers in occupations that involve a high concentration of attention are allowed moderate consumption of non-alcoholic beer
    6. Contains fewer calories than the traditional alcohol alternative

    Along with the positive aspects of foamy, the negative qualities of non-alcoholic beer deserve familiarization:

    1. According to doctors, it is the non-alcoholic version of the product that most often causes alcoholism, which is associated with abnormal use. The consumer believes that he is drinking an absolutely harmless drink, although the composition contains alcohol in a small concentration.
    2. The effect on the hormonal background of a man is similar to the effect of alcoholic beer. As a result of frequent use, the male hormone, testosterone, is replaced by estrogen - the female hormone begins to dominate. Consequences - an expanding pelvis, growing mammary glands and abdomen, and even a decrease in potency
    3. The insignificant content of ethyl alcohol in the composition of the drink is not a reason for pregnant and lactating mothers to drink beer. The composition of the product includes other, no less harmful to female body ingredients: malt, yeast, hops and cobalt
    4. Some manufacturers resort to chemical processes to increase the foam, using cobalt in the composition. This component has a negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, digestive and cardiovascular systems.
    5. Women addicted to non-alcoholic beer, should be aware of the cardinal changes in their body: the female hormone is replaced by the male, which causes antennae to appear, the voice becomes rougher and body weight increases

    To drink or not to drink your favorite drink, which has become an attribute of evening rest for many domestic consumers, is up to everyone to decide.

    Driving a car and drinking non-alcoholic beer

    If you appreciate “null” for taste and aroma, but work is related to driving a car or other transport, you can drink the product in question, but in small volumes. Since alcoholic drinks have an effect on the concentration of the driver, drinking a small amount will not hurt. Be aware of the low alcohol content of the soft drink, which can negatively affect your driving condition with a large amount of alcohol you drink!

    Most breathalyzers do not detect the presence of alcohol-free foam in the driver's body. And although the product does not affect the attention and reaction of the driver of the vehicle, the harm to the body remains. Consequences of use may be belching, heaviness in the stomach and headaches. The characteristic smell from the driver's mouth will cause the inspector to appoint an examination in a medical institution, and with a detailed blood test, the alcohol content in the blood will become clear.

    Compatibility of antibiotics and non-alcoholic beer

    In most cases, a soft drink contains a small percentage of alcohol in the composition, and therefore the use of antibiotics or diuretics during the course is highly undesirable! Otherwise, be prepared to negate the results achieved or even aggravate the situation. A diuretic supplemented with beer puts a lot of stress on the kidneys.

    Not listening to the recommendations, the consumer risks getting allergic reactions, side effects. Intoxication of the body is possible due to the fact that alcohol is excreted much worse. Pay attention to the decrease in digestibility medicines the human body, which is facilitated by "zero".

    The answer to the question posed earlier is yes, of course, non-alcoholic beer harms the human body if you drink your favorite drink in immoderate amounts. However, if you adhere to the established daily norms, the negative effect of the drink on the work of the body remains minimal. Traditional alcoholic beer is more harmful to the consumer than a non-alcohol product. It is worth remembering the additional components contained in the drink, and contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers!