What is the difference between latte and cappuccino: similarities and differences. What is the difference between coffee drinks: latte and cappuccino

At first glance, it may seem that there are no differences between latte and cappuccino. Indeed, in both cases, black coffee with milk is obtained. But true connoisseurs of these drinks know that they are completely different. What is the difference between cappuccino and latte? What features does each of the coffee drinks have? What is latte macchiato, raf, espresso? To answer all these questions, let's examine each drink.

Features of making latte

The drink was invented by housewives from Italy, where coffee is especially revered. It is customary to gather there in the morning with the whole family to taste the divine taste of this drink. But coffee is not allowed for children because of the fortress, so mothers decided to dilute it with milk. And so the latte was born.

The coffee drink consists of three parts:

  • espresso;
  • foamed milk;
  • milk foam.

The same goes for cappuccino. That is why inexperienced people confuse them. But the question "what is the difference between cappuccino and latte" can be given an unambiguous answer: preparation technology. First you need to make an espresso. To do this, a blend of beans is selected independently, which will give the drink strength and aroma, as well as golden foam, or ready-made coffee (in beans or ground) marked Espresso is bought. Preparation is carried out either in a coffee maker or in a coffee machine. The second option is much simpler, since the device independently regulates the saturation and other parameters of the drink. If there is no coffee machine, you can brew in a special horn. The main thing when preparing espresso is to learn how to properly tamp the coffee. It should not reach the top of the horn by 3-5 mm. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the desired result.

When the espresso is ready, we move on to the second stage. You need to steam the milk. This can be done using a coffee machine that has a special steam tap, or by yourself, picking up a mixer. Milk is preheated, poured into a metal container and whipped.

The third step is the most important, since a lot depends on the correct combination of frothed milk and espresso. This is exactly what distinguishes a latte from a cappuccino and from a latte macchiato. In our case, it is necessary to add foamed milk to espresso. But if you do the opposite, you get a drink in layers, which is called latte macchiato.

How cappuccino is made

What is a cappuccino? This drink also came to us from Italy, and was named after the order of the Capuchin monks, which was known in the Renaissance. And this is strange, because the church had a negative attitude towards coffee.

The composition of a cappuccino is no different from a latte. However, for its preparation it is very important to have a cappuccinatore on hand - you can’t do it without it.

Espresso is prepared first, then milk foam is whipped. All this is done according to the same principle as for latte. Even mixing is necessary in the same way as a classic drink (not a macchiato). But the most important thing is that milk foam prevails in cappuccino, very little steamed milk, and the coffee itself is as much as the first ingredient. Steamed milk predominates in latte.

What is the difference between cappuccino and latte

We have already got acquainted with the slight differences in the technologies for making latte and cappuccino. But they just explain why two drinks with exactly the same composition have a different taste. Moreover, the presentation is different.

As for the taste, the latte is more tender, it is dominated by a milky taste. Cappuccino, on the other hand, has a coffee flavor. Milk is also felt in it, but not so much. Cappuccino is poured into porcelain cups, expanding upwards, the volume of which is on average 170 ml. Latte is served in stemmed Irish glasses with a capacity of 240 to 360 ml.

Differences between latte and cappuccino from espresso

After reading the recipes for the preparation of the three drinks described above, you can immediately answer the question of how latte differs from cappuccino and espresso, and all of them are among themselves. In general, Espresso is the most popular coffee drink in the world. It is a rich, strong black coffee prepared in a coffee machine or Turk. It is important that the ground beans are brewed with hot water that passes through them under pressure.

Comparative characteristics of latte macchiato and cappuccino

In principle, macchiato is prepared in the same way as classic latte and cappuccino. The main difference lies in the way the ingredients are mixed and their proportions. When preparing cappuccino and classic latte, you need to add foamed milk to espresso. When preparing Latte macchiato in order to obtain visible layers in the drink, the ingredients are mixed in reverse. That, in fact, is the whole answer to the question "what is the difference between cappuccino and latte macchiato."

Differences between raff coffee and latte and cappuccino

Raf coffee is less known than other varieties. It is a mixture of cream, vanilla sugar and whipped espresso. Sometimes the recipe is supplemented with other ingredients, such as coconut flakes. The drink appeared in Russia and got its name in honor of one of the regular catering customers who asked to cook something unusual for him. So the chefs mixed several products, and in the end they got coffee that Rafael and his friends liked. So what is the difference between raf and latte and cappuccino?

Raf coffee is prepared in a large mug, like a latte. All ingredients are simply mixed in a container and whipped at once. As you know, for latte and cappuccino milk foam is whipped separately. In this case, the main distinguishing characteristics are also represented by the technology of preparation of the drink.

Differences between latte and cappuccino from americano

Consider another popular drink. An Americano is, roughly speaking, espresso diluted with a large amount of hot water. The taste of coffee is softer by reducing the strength of the drink.

Determining how Americano differs from cappuccino and latte is not at all difficult. It, like espresso, is prepared without the addition of milk. The standard volume of a mug in which Americano is served is 120-180 ml.

It will be interesting to know that this drink appeared during the Second World War, and also in Italy. The Americano became an alternative to the traditional American filter coffee favored by US soldiers. The method of preparation was different. Filter coffee was prepared by pouring boiling water through the filter once with a layer of ground coffee. The Italians considered this method "blasphemous" and offered their own version, which, for obvious reasons, was called americano. The drink became popular, especially among those who preferred to lead a healthy lifestyle, because it contains much less caffeine than espresso. Modern Americano recipes involve adding milk, alcohol, spices and other ingredients to coffee.

Conclusions: learning to quickly distinguish latte from cappuccino

So, at the end of the topic, we will highlight a few distinctive features that will help you learn to understand how latte coffee differs from cappuccino, as well as all drinks among themselves.

  1. Appearance. Latte macchiato is a drink prepared in layers, while classic latte and cappuccino are “whole”. However, like raf coffee. Cappuccino has a denser foam. Americano and espresso are black coffees, usually without added milk.
  2. The volume of the mug. Classic and macchiato latte, as well as raff coffee, are served in stemmed Irish glasses with a volume of 240-360 ml. Cappuccino is poured into mugs expanding upwards. Their volume can be from 150 to 180 ml. Espresso, given that it is very strong, is served in small coffee mugs. Their capacity is approximately 30 ml. Americano is poured into cups up to 470 ml.
  3. Taste characteristics. Milk taste prevails in classic latte and macchiato, while coffee notes are clearly felt in cappuccino. Espresso has a rich, strong taste, while Americano is milder. Milky taste also prevails in raff coffee, vanilla can be felt if it was added to the drink.

In the world of coffee, there is a drink for everyone: for lovers of a stronger one - ristretto, for connoisseurs of a milder taste - americano. Ice cream fans will surely love the look. At the heart of all this diversity is espresso, a small cup of aromatic drink prepared in a special way.

AiF.ru talks about espresso and other main types of coffee.

Espresso and its types

Photo: Shutterstock.com

Espresso- served in a cup of 60 ml. After 1 st. a spoonful (7 grams) of finely ground coffee is passed under pressure with 30 ml of water at a temperature of 90 degrees.

double espresso- served in a cup of 90-100 ml. After 2 st. spoons of coffee (14 grams) of fine grinding are passed under pressure with 60 ml of water at a temperature of 90 degrees.

Espresso lungo- served in a cup of 90-100 ml. After 1 st. a spoonful of coffee (7 grams) of fine grinding is passed under pressure with 60 ml of water at a temperature of 90 degrees.

Espresso ristretto- served in a cup of 60 ml. After 1 st. a spoonful of coffee (7 grams) of fine grinding is passed under pressure with 20-25 ml of water at a temperature of 90 degrees.

Espresso macchiato- served in a cup of 60 ml. 15 ml of cream is added to a serving of standard espresso.

Espresso Romano- served in a cup of 60 ml. To a serving of standard espresso, a drop of lemon juice and a little zest are added.

Espresso corretto- served in a cup of 250-500 ml. A few drops of whiskey are added to a serving of standard espresso.

Espresso based drinks

Photo: Shutterstock.com

Americano(American coffee, regular coffee)

The coffee drink got its name due to the fact that it is very popular in the United States. Served in a 150 ml cup. Two servings of hot water are added to a serving of standard espresso.

Flat White

The coffee drink comes from Australia. Served in a 150 ml cup. Two servings of milk are added to a serving of standard espresso.


Coffee drink from Italy. Served in a 150 ml cup. One shot of milk foam is added to two servings of a standard espresso.

Viennese coffee

Coffee drink of Austrian origin. Served in a 150 ml cup. Two servings of whipped cream are added to a serving of standard espresso.


Coffee drink comes from the Apennine Peninsula. According to the phonetic norms of the Italian language, the stress in a word falls on the first syllable. Served in a 60 ml cup. Three servings of milk and one serving of milk foam are added to one serving of a standard espresso.

Latte macchiato

Coffee drink from Italy. The Italian "macchia" refers to a small speck of coffee that remains on the surface of the milk foam. Served in a cup of 250-300 ml. 1.5 servings of milk and 1.5 servings of milk foam are added to one serving of a standard espresso. In this case, milk is not mixed with coffee, but stacked in layers.


The coffee drink comes from Italy. Served in a cup of 250-300 ml. Two servings of milk foam and one serving of milk are added to one serving of a standard espresso.


A drink of Italian origin with the addition of whiskey. Served in a cup of 100 ml. One serving of whiskey is added to one serving of standard espresso.

Irish coffee

An alcoholic coffee drink originally from Ireland. Served in a heat-resistant glass with a volume of 200 ml. Three shots of espresso and one shot of whipped cream are added to one serving of warmed whiskey.


Chocolate coffee drink from Italy. Served in a 150 ml cup. One serving of espresso and one serving of milk foam are added to one serving of chocolate.


Chocolate coffee drink from the USA. Served in a 150 ml cup. One serving of milk, one serving of espresso and one serving of whipped cream are added to one serving of chocolate.


Chocolate coffee drink from Italy. Served in a cup of 250-300 ml. One serving of white chocolate is added with one serving of dark chocolate, one serving of espresso and one serving of whipped cream.


Cold coffee drink of Greek origin. Served in a 250 ml cup. Three servings of milk and ice are added to two servings of espresso.


Italian coffee drink with ice cream. Served in a 250 ml cup. A pinch of grated chocolate is added to one serving of ice cream.

According to legend, the coffee tradition originated in Ethiopia, thanks to a shepherd who noticed that the behavior of his goats, having eaten coffee beans, was becoming lively. Since then, the tradition of the coffee ceremony has spread throughout the land, changing and subject to local influence.

Now you can hardly find an adherent of modern culture who would not try cappuccino or latte. But how many people know how they differ from each other? And the fact that there are no double consonants in the word "cappuccino", and in the word "latte" the stress falls on the first syllable?

The main difference between cappuccino and latte is that cappuccino is coffee while latte is a coffee drink (or coffee cocktail). This means that the proportion of coffee in cappuccino, relative to the total volume of the drink, is significantly greater than in latte. According to the classic latte recipe, one part of espresso is two parts of milk and one part of milk foam, while cappuccino involves equal parts espresso, hot milk and milk foam.

Latte and cappuccino differ in the type of foam. The milk foam in both drinks should be homogeneous, without air bubbles. Compared to the light foam of a latte, in a cappuccino it is thicker and denser. Thanks to this, you can check whether the foam was cooked correctly: if it does not fall under the weight of a spoonful of granulated sugar, then it is correct.

Cappuccino and latte are related not only by the country from which both drinks originate, but also in part by the method of preparation: first, coffee is poured, and then milk heated to a temperature of 60–70 degrees is poured in (unlike latte macchiato coffee, the recipe of which suggests that coffee added to milk).

The next difference is the delivery method. In order to get the best balance of espresso and milk, cappuccino is served in cups with a capacity of 150 to 180 ml. It is desirable that the top of the cup expands so that the milk foam is enough for the entire volume of coffee.

Latte is served in an Irish glass, which is a glass with a heat-resistant glass handle for serving hot drinks. The volume of the glass is 240–360 ml. The temperature of coffee when serving in both cases should be 60-70 degrees. It is noteworthy that when pouring frothed milk into a cup, patterns are formed. The technique of drawing patterns is called latte art.


A cappuccino is a coffee, and a latte is a coffee drink or coffee cocktail. The proportions "coffee - milk - milk foam" in cappuccino are presented in equal shares, while in latte there are two parts of milk and one part of milk foam for one part of espresso.
Cappuccino foam is thicker and denser than latte.
The way to prepare latte and cappuccino is the same.
Cappuccino is served in 150–180 ml cups that expand towards the top, and latte is served in Irish glasses with a volume of 240–360 ml.

At first, inexperienced glance, it seems, what difference can there be if milk is added in both recipes? However, lattes and cappuccinos are fundamentally different due to the way they are prepared to give each drink its own unique taste. So what is the difference between a latte and a cappuccino?

The main differences between latte and cappuccino

The main differences between latte and cappuccino lie in the proportions of milk added to coffee (which greatly affects the taste of the drink), in the technology of preparation and serving for serving.

Proportions are the main difference between drinks from each other. By and large, a latte can be considered a coffee drink or a coffee-based cocktail, while a cappuccino is a kind. The basis for such a statement can be considered that there is much more milk in latte than coffee.

In latte, 1/3 of espresso is 2/3 of milk and milk foam, while in cappuccino these components are evenly distributed.

Differences in the technology of making latte and cappuccino

To prepare a classic latte, you need to carefully pour the espresso into the hot one to obtain well-defined, immiscible layers. For cappuccino, the opposite is true: first, espresso is poured into the dishes, then hot whipped milk is added.

There are also differences in the structure of milk foam. For latte, the foam is more airy, in contrast to the dense milk foam for cappuccino, which even allows you to hold grated chocolate, cinnamon or cocoa powder on its surface. To obtain such a dense foam, high-fat milk and longer whipping are used.

Taste differences between latte and cappuccino

Naturally, different proportions of ingredients and differences in the technology of preparing drinks give a different taste.

  1. Cappuccino has a distinct taste of coffee and its aroma, which is harmoniously emphasized by milk. If sugar is not added to the drink, then in a properly prepared cappuccino, you can feel the nutty flavor characteristic of strong espresso coffee.
  2. In latte, milky-creamy taste prevails more strongly. In fact, the taste of latte is more like the taste of hot milk, which is well flavored with coffee.

In addition, cappuccino is much stronger than latte, due to the predominance of espresso in it, so people with contraindications for caffeine can be recommended to use coffee latte.

Differences in serving and use


One serving of this drink is from 250 ml to 360 ml and is served in tall glasses of the appropriate capacity. Glasses can be made of glass or ceramic with an extension of the top.

Due to the high calorie content, the drink can be consumed as a snack before the main meal. A great addition to the drink will be all sorts of soufflés, cookies and cakes. Served with a small spoon for stirring and a straw through which the latte is drunk in small sips. The low content allows you to drink the drink even in the evening, without fear of insomnia.


A portion of cappuccino is smaller - from 180 ml to 220 ml and is poured into cups of the same capacity.

Due to the high content of caffeine, it is preferable to use it exactly when you need to cheer up. Although it is believed that stirring a cappuccino is bad manners, it is not forbidden to do so. It is recommended to drink without added sugar and through milk foam in order to fully experience the excellent combination of creamy and coffee taste.

As you can see, these drinks are strikingly different, although they use the same products.

Perhaps it is difficult to find an adult who is indifferent to coffee. Some people categorically oppose it, citing medical notes about the dangers of the drink for health. Others cannot go a day without a cup of invigorating elixir. As a rule, coffee connoisseurs are well versed in its varieties. However, people who are just starting to get acquainted with this aromatic drink will be curious to know how cappuccino differs from espresso. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.


Cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink made with espresso and milk. A prerequisite is also the presence of a thick foam. The drink is served on the table in a preheated porcelain cup. It usually comes with a teaspoon. With its help, the milk foam is first eaten, and then it comes to the coffee itself. Often the surface of the drink is decorated with grated chocolate or cinnamon.


Today, cappuccino enjoys the widest popularity all over the world. Italians use it mainly in the morning. It is believed that the drink is named after the monastic order of the Capuchins, whose representatives wore cassocks of a similar color. According to another version, the clergy could not drink pure coffee because of a church ban. In the Catholic faith, it was called the drink of the devil, which was explained by the presence of an invigorating effect. As a result, capuchins began to dilute coffee with goat's milk, somewhat softening its taste and effect. A little later, foam appeared on the surface of the drink. The term "cappuccino" in its modern variation began to be used only in the 20th century.

Espresso- a drink prepared using a special technology. Water heated to 90 degrees is passed under pressure through a filter with ground coffee powder. For 7-9 grams of raw materials compacted into a tablet, there are about 30 ml of liquid. To prepare the drink, coffee makers and coffee machines are used. The birthplace of espresso is Italy. The name of the drink is translated as "pressed".


Espresso enjoys the widest popularity all over the world, especially in the south of Europe. In the USSR, this drink was referred to as "small double". Only with the beginning of the 1990s did the European name begin to be used in the country. Being a very strong drink, espresso is served in miniature demitasse porcelain cups, which are filled to ½ or 2/3 of their volume. It is recommended to use it immediately after preparation in small sips, stretching the pleasure. In the process of bottling the drink, a reddish dense foam with streaks forms on its surface. By its color, you can judge the quality of coffee and the correct proportions. Espresso is used to prepare many drinks. The most famous of them are cappuccino, americano, latte, macchiato.


First of all, it is worth talking about the composition of drinks. Espresso is pure coffee. For its preparation, hot water is passed through compressed grains crushed into powder. There are no additives included. Espresso is very strong and full of flavor. As a rule, its volume is 30-35 ml. The drink is served in thick-walled porcelain cups of miniature size. Their capacity is 60-80 ml. The cup is filled no more than 2/3. A thin layer of reddish foam forms on the surface of the espresso. The invigorating elixir should be consumed immediately after preparation in small sips.

As for cappuccino, it is a coffee drink prepared on the basis of espresso. Conventionally, it consists of three equal layers. The first is directly coffee, the second is milk, the third is whipped thick white foam. The latter forms a voluminous cap on the surface of the drink, which is often sprinkled with cinnamon or grated chocolate. Many craftsmen put fancy patterns on it. Another difference between cappuccino and espresso is the strength of the drinks. The first is an order of magnitude more tender and softer in taste. It is poured into porcelain thick-walled cups with a volume of 150-180 ml. The dishes are filled to the brim. Cappuccino is served with a teaspoon. With its help, the foam is first eaten, and then the coffee is already drunk.

To summarize, what is the difference between cappuccino and espresso.

Cappuccino Espresso
It is an espresso-based coffee drink.Pure coffee (hot water passed through pressed raw materials)
Prepared with milkDoes not include any additives
A cap of thick white foam forms on the surface.Thin dense foam has a reddish tint
More delicate and mild tasteIt is characterized by high strength and rich taste.
The volume of the drink is 150-180 mlThe average output is 30-35 ml
Served in fairly large bowlsPoured into cups with a capacity of 60-80 ml
Dishes are filled to the brimCoffee takes up no more than 2/3 of the capacity
First, the foam is eaten, and then coffee is drunkThe drink is consumed immediately after preparation in small sips.