How and how to dye eggs for Easter - natural dyes. Ways to dye Easter eggs without chemical dyes

A traditional Easter gift is a painted egg as a symbol of the birth of a new life. They eat it first at the Easter table, and give it to relatives, neighbors who come to congratulate, take it with them when they go to visit, be sure to distribute it to the poor and leave it in the church. There is also the custom of giving painted eggs, followed by the christening.

In this article, we will tell you how to paint eggs for Easter. Be sure to involve younger family members in this process. For them, this will be a useful creative activity, and for you - an additional opportunity to spend time with children.

plant leaves

Take a leaf from a house or wild plant, put it on the egg, put on a nylon stocking or gauze on top. Fasten the ends of the fabric with an elastic band. Color the egg according to package instructions.

Adhesive tape, electrical tape, self-adhesive paper

Cut adhesive tape or electrical tape into narrow strips, squares, cut out various Easter-themed silhouettes from self-adhesive paper. Stick it all on your Easter eggs, then paint them with synthetic or natural dyes. Let them dry and then remove the adhesive tape.

Easter eggs look interesting, painted sequentially in two dyes of different colors using electrical tape:

For example, the Easter egg in the series of photos above was first taped over in one direction and painted yellow. After the paint had dried, they glued it with a strip of adhesive tape of the same width, but in a different direction, and painted it blue. Blue and yellow mixed to give green. It will be interesting for the child to experiment with mixing different colors. As a result of such entertaining experiments, he will not only learn how to paint eggs, but also learn how to get additional colors by mixing the main ones.

Bank rubber band for money

Before coloring, simply wrap the eggs with a rubber band.


Cut the lace into strips. Wrap them around your Easter eggs before dyeing, securing the strips of lace with bank rubber bands. After painting, wait until the eggs dry, remove the elastic bands and strips of lace from them.

One way to make marbled eggs

Eggs "marbled" look spectacular on the festive table. To achieve the effect of "marble" eggs, you need to add vegetable oil (1 tablespoon) to the water with food coloring.

You can first paint the eggs in one color in the way you are used to. Then prepare another dye, add it to the water along with vegetable oil, mix the liquid with a fork. After that, alternately immerse the eggs in the coloring solution, trying to collect as many oil patterns as possible on the surface of the liquid. Dip the eggs in a paper towel and let them dry.

If you don't have egg dye, you can paint the eggs with a permanent marker.

Or felt-tip pens

You can color a hard-boiled and not yet cooled egg with wax crayons (crayons). At the same time, they will melt and create beautiful patterns on it. When painting the egg, place it on a stand, after finishing work, let it dry for an hour.

Easter eggs dyed with silk patches

If you have unnecessary shreds of silk fabric (100% silk), then they can be used to dye eggs for Easter.

Cut the fabric into pieces, wrap the eggs with it face inward, wrap it with rags on top, tie it tightly. Boil the eggs for 20 minutes.

Remove the patches. To make the eggs get a beautiful shine, grease them after they dry with vegetable oil.

Easter eggs in speck

The variegated eggs you see in the photo above were made by splattering brown acrylic paint onto the already dyed eggs with a toothbrush.

To get the marble effect of eggs dyed with onion skins, you need to wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie some cotton material on top. Cook for 15-20 minutes.

Eggs dyed with turmeric

Golden yellow color can be obtained with a decoction of turmeric.

2-3 tablespoons of turmeric are added to hot water. To make the color more saturated, the water must be boiled. During boiling, you need to be more careful: if the water runs away, then there will be serious problems with cleaning the stove, because. turmeric is a fairly strong dye. In the resulting broth, you can either boil the eggs (you will get a more saturated color), or simply soak the boiled ones.

Eggs dyed in beet juice

To obtain a beautiful pink color, already boiled eggs are soaked in beetroot juice.

Eggs dyed in red cabbage infusion

The blue color of the eggs is obtained by soaking in the infusion of red cabbage. Two finely chopped heads of cabbage (red cabbage) are soaked in half a liter of water, six tablespoons of white vinegar are added to the solution, after which the solution must be infused overnight to obtain a deeper color. The next day, boiled eggs are soaked in the resulting solution.

Eggs dyed with black tea

Strongly brewed black tea will turn your Easter eggs brown.

1. Onion peel is the most famous and affordable way for everyone. Eggs can be colored from yellow to red-brown. The color depends on the concentration of the decoction. You need to prepare a decoction of onion peel and let it brew. If you want the color to be more saturated, you need to take more husks and cook it for about half an hour before lowering the eggs into the broth.

Dip the eggs in the infusion, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Take out, cool.
2. To make the eggs yellow or golden, they are dyed with birch leaves. The decoction is prepared from the leaves, you can dry, young birch and infused for about half an hour. Wash the eggs, dip in a warm infusion, cook for 10 minutes. after boiling, remove and cool.

3. Grate already boiled eggs with juice (beetroot, carrot, spinach juice).

4. Put the eggs in a saucepan, fill them with water. Add a teaspoon of vinegar. Boil eggs for 15 minutes with natural coloring additives.

Light red - beets or blueberries.

Orange - bow.

Light yellow - oranges or lemons, carrots.

Yellow - turmeric roots, walnut shell.

Light green - spinach leaves, nettle.

Green - green apples.

Blue - red cabbage leaves.

Beige or brown - coffee.

If, after staining, put the eggs in the same broth overnight in the refrigerator, then the color will be brighter.

5. Wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tied tightly with thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and boiled in onion peel in the usual way. It turns out eggs in a speck.

6. To get a marble effect, you need to wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie some cotton material on top.

7. When dyeing, you can wrap the eggs with multi-colored threads, then they will get interesting stains.

8. Boil eggs in water with soda. Wrap the eggs in multi-colored silk shreds, tie with a thread. Boil them again in this water, let cool, open the shreds.

9. Tear off young leaves of various shapes (for example, parsley leaves). Attach these leaves to the eggs, wrap them with a stocking and tie tightly. Dip in strongly brewed onion skins. Cook for a long time.

10. Wipe the eggs dyed with any food paint while still hot with a napkin, put them in a glass or egg stand and paint them with a thin watercolor brush until they have cooled. In this method, everything depends only on the richness of your imagination.

11. You can also paint the eggs not only from the outside, but also from the inside. You need to boil them for 3 minutes, then take them out and in some places pierce the shell with a needle. Then boil for some more time until ready in a strong tea with the addition of cloves, cinnamon and coriander.

After dyeing Easter eggs, to add shine, you need to wipe them with vegetable oil.

Hello dear readers. The event of the Resurrection of Christ is one of the most significant celebrations in the Christian world, celebrated annually. It is also called Easter. On this day, the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus is honored, which is considered a solemn and extremely significant victory of life, which was able to overcome death. Easter belongs to the category of the oldest and most important holidays of the liturgical year. And soon she will come. In 2017, this bright holiday will be celebrated on April 16. One of the traditional attributes and, at the same time, dishes on the Easter table are boiled eggs, which are usually painted (pysanky, painted Easter eggs). Many rituals are associated with them, in which both adults and children take part with pleasure.

But, no less entertaining is the painting of eggs itself. In order to complete it, you need incredible perseverance, concentration and, of course, a certain talent. Not everyone can boast of this.

Yes, not everyone needs the classic ones on the table or in the Easter basket. For most people, simply beautifully decorated (or simply dyed) eggs are enough.

They really create a special atmosphere, mood and perfectly replace Easter eggs. However, there is a potential danger hidden in these Easter decorations/treats that many are not even aware of.

And this is not at all about the dangers of eggs as a product, not about their freshness and so on. Talk about synthetic, very common today, dyes that have an extremely negative impact on the health of those they enter into the body.

Now, attention: there is a more affordable, safer, and smarter alternative to dyeing eggs with commercial chemical "food" products! These are natural dyes for Easter eggs.

How and how to paint eggs for Easter?

On the eve of Easter, many housewives are wondering: how and what is better to paint the testicles. The answer is obvious: what is practically at your fingertips, but what you do not pay attention to because of your ignorance in these matters.

But, today we will correct the situation by telling you: what kind of natural (natural) dyes can be used to quickly and easily color Easter eggs, getting a tasty, healthy, safe for health and very aesthetic product.

Most of these dyes are either already at your disposal or available for purchase at the nearest vegetable store, almost any grocery store.

So, for the purpose of coloring, with brilliant success can be used:

Onion peel.

Turmeric (powder).

Nettle or spinach.

Red cabbage.

Cranberries or beets.

Grape juice.

Strongly brewed black or green tea.



And other products that are quite familiar to us, but have never been used for such purposes before. Well, if you worry and care about your health, as well as the health of your loved ones, then the time has come!

TOP 10 natural dyes for eggs: what to choose, how to use

1. Yellow, brown colors

Onion peel. She, by right, can head this list, as she is almost the most common and affordable ingredient for making excellent natural paint.

Eggs from her are obtained in a color spectrum from light yellow to dark brown. The shade depends on how concentrated the broth will turn out, and also how long you keep the eggs in it.

Yes, it is a decoction of onion peel that is needed for staining.

All this is done as follows: dry onion peel is taken (its arbitrary amount), poured with clean drinking water, placed on a stove (electric or gas), brought to a boil, simmered for about 10-13 minutes, after which the stove is turned off, and the broth is infused for another 15-18 minutes.

The eggs themselves, both with onion broth and other natural dyes, are best treated with hot coloring liquid.

That is, eggs (which were previously boiled) should be placed for 2-4 minutes in onion broth. That is how long it will take for them to get their color.

In chemical dyes, this is done much faster. But who needs blue, red, green fingers and the same tongues?

It is better to spend a little more time, getting a higher quality result by several levels.

Please note: eggs that can be dyed should also preferably be warm (but not hot), however, this is not fundamentally important: they can also be dyed cold. We recommend that you collect the husks to prepare the paint in advance, as this is not a very fast process.

How much husk is needed: you will understand this already on an intuitive level when you color the eggs next year - the second time. For the first time, take 1-2 handfuls of dry husks per 1 liter of water. It is not necessary to crush it.

2. Bright yellow, golden tints

Turmeric (powder). A rich, excellent golden yellow color can be obtained from its concentrated decoction.

If you want to get a light yellow color - take one teaspoon of turmeric, if it is more saturated, dark, concentrated - plus two or three more spoons.

This dose is calculated on the volume of drinking water in 1 liter.

How to prepare the paint: boil a liter of water in an enamel bowl, stir the turmeric in the water, let it stand for 4-5 minutes, dip the eggs in the solution for the same time.

Eggs can also be boiled in turmeric, but be prepared for the fact that the egg white itself, in some places, can also be colored yellow, since the eggshell, during the cooking process, can leak paint.

3. Green color

Nettle will let you get it. You can achieve it with the help of the use of spinach. But, since nettle is one of the most common plants, especially on the eve of Easter, it was she who was mentioned first.

So, how do you make eggs green? A decoction should be prepared. It is prepared in an enamel bowl.

In general, all the paints that we are talking about today must be prepared in such a dish. For 1 liter of water, you need to take an arbitrary amount of coloring matter (in this case, nettle or spinach), pour them with water, boil, leave for about 10 minutes.

Everything, you can paint eggs in a known way. And you can boil a little egg along with nettles or spinach. This will make the color darker.

4. Blue, cyan colors

Cabbage gives them. But, not more familiar to us - white, but red. Ready - boiled, the eggs acquire this color when soaked in the infusion of this cabbage.

The more concentrated the infusion, as usual, the richer the color.

You can also adjust the color by soaking the eggs.

Here the principle works: the longer - the darker. So, you need to take a ripe, poured head of red cabbage, chop it finely, sprinkle it with four to five tablespoons of ordinary kitchen 9% vinegar, pour water so that the cabbage is completely covered with it, and another 3-4 centimeters from above.

5. Red color

It can be obtained from: beets, onion skins (red onions!), cranberries, raspberries, cherry bark. As already known, the concentration of the color itself will directly proportionally depend on the concentration of the paint and the staining time.

So - in all cases, when using any of the above paints. Beetroot dye: using a juicer, you can get natural juice (you only need red beetroot!). Juice, in the right proportions, is diluted with boiled heated water.

The paint is ready. The red onion husk dye recipe is the same as the white onion husk dye recipe. Only the result will be visually different.

Berries can be used identically to red beets, or simply crushed and mixed with water. But the bark of the cherry needs to be cooked.

It is necessary to take an approximate amount of fresh cherry bark, put it in a bowl, add water by 5-6 centimeters, cook, bringing to a boil, for about 40 minutes.

Color eggs - only in a hot broth. Therefore, if necessary, it will need to be reheated.

6. Lavender shade

It is achieved through the use of juice from red grapes.

At the same time, you can use not only fresh grape juice, but also canned. In order for the eggs to color as they should, they need to be completely soaked in juice for 5 minutes.

The juice must be warm, for this it is heated. To get a barely noticeable delicate shade, the juice can be diluted with boiled water, taking a small amount of it.

7. Brown color with a characteristic reflection

Strongly brewed black tea gives this effect. For lovers of this drink, most likely, everything is clear.

For those who are only remotely familiar with him, the following information will be useful. We make a concentrated (strong) brew.

To do this, for 1 liter of water we take 100 grams of black loose tea. We boil water, pour tea leaves with it, using a special teapot for this (or glass, enameled dishes, if the kettle of the required volume is not available).

We insist 15 minutes. Everything, the paint is ready for use as intended. Dip the eggs in it for 5 minutes.

8. Turquoise shade

Gives color to eggs in weakly concentrated loose green tea brews.

The method of preparing natural paint for Easter eggs, as well as the principle of dyeing them, are identical to the previous one - using black tea.

But already with the receipt of a different color - turquoise. Please note: for this purpose, green loose tea should be chosen, and not its varieties - yellow or white.

9. Chocolate shade

It is given by coffee, any: both natural, in grains, and soluble, for example, sublimated.

How to paint: a strong brew is made, of course - sugar is not needed, already boiled testicles are lowered into this brew (hot) for 2-3 minutes. Everything, the result will please you.

10. Orange color

Differs in special originality and brightness. A brighter orange color gives carrot juice, a slightly dimmer shade, but also very good looking, will help to get the juice of sea buckthorn (its fresh berries).

Carrot juice, like sea buckthorn juice, does not need to be diluted with water. They must be used immediately after pressing. For carrots, you can use a juicer.

For sea buckthorn - the same device (pay attention to the presence of seeds in the berries), or a manual method. Dye the eggs should be about 2-4 minutes.

Easter egg stickers

Sometimes the method of "gluing" the eggs is used, rather than dyeing them. With it, you can also get good results. How aesthetically pleasing it looks - each individual person can judge subjectively. FROM

actually, as well as the appearance of eggs dyed with natural dyes, which are discussed today.

Special stickers for Easter eggs can be purchased at the store, supermarket, market and so on.

The advantage of this method of “decoration” is the quick finishing of eggs. Minus - stickers, very often, do not lag behind the shell when you need to clean the eggs.

In addition, it is not always known what their composition is and whether it is safe, in terms of use, applicable to food products.

Exclusive recipe - original gray color

This recipe is not known to many. It just needs to be tried, as the color turns out to be unusual, unusual and even unique, like for Easter eggs.

The result is a gray color with a bluish tint.

To achieve this effect, fresh blueberries are used, from which the juice is extracted. Sometimes blueberry jam is used, but, let's face it, the effect, although it exists, is not so bright.

Jam just needs to be diluted with boiling water (one tablespoon per glass of water). If you paint eggs in fresh juice, then you need to squeeze it out in any convenient way and soak boiled eggs in them for 1-1.5 minutes, or use a paint brush.

Useful tips for dyeing eggs with natural dyes

They will help to achieve the best effect, applying a minimum of effort to this process. So, attention.

In order for the natural paint to lay on the egg as evenly as possible and better “stick” to the shell, wipe them with cotton wool, kitchen vinegar (9%), or water in which a small amount of soda is dissolved.

To prevent eggs from cracking in water during cooking, do not put them in boiling water. Put them immediately in a bowl, pour cold water and only then put them on fire.

Eggs will cook faster if you hold them at room temperature 1 hour before the process of boiling them.

Eggs will be much better cleaned if, after boiling them, pour boiling water and pour them with cold water, holding them in it for about 10 minutes.

Do eggs burst in boiling water? This will not happen if the water is salted. And even if a small crack forms, the contents will not leak out.

Chic shine to already painted eggs is ensured if, after the paint has completely dried, they are lightly rubbed with olive or sunflower oil.

At Easter, we often wonder how to dye eggs for the holiday at home, what safe dyes to use so that eggs are not dyed in different colors, they are safe for both children and adults. I hope you got an answer to this question.

Here are some simple, but very simple and effective recipes and tips. Use and meet Easter with joy, pleasure and peace. All the best to you!

To be tasty and healthy!

To be tasty and healthy! ">To be both tasty and healthy!" alt="(!LANG:12 natural dyes for Easter eggs To be tasty and healthy!!}">

Before Easter, many bright-colored chemical dyes for eggs appear in stores, but the most beautiful, healthy and delicious eggs will be dyed with natural dyes, which were used by our great-grandmothers

So, as natural dyes for eggs, you can use any vegetables, fruits, berries, and even herbs and seasonings that have a pigment that can color Easter eggs. The most popular are: red cabbage, beets, coffee, spinach and nettle leaves, turmeric, paprika, green tea, hibiscus, blueberries and cranberries.

Two ways to dye eggs:

1. To prepare the dye, vegetables and fruits need to be cut and boiled for 30 minutes (the proportions are arbitrary and depend on which shade you like best). Then boil the eggs in the coloring solution for 10 minutes (the water should completely cover the eggs). For a richer color, you can increase the cooking time.

2. And you can dye already boiled eggs, then first you need to make a coloring solution (boil vegetables, fruits or spices with water), and then paint the egg in it (the minimum coloring time is 30 minutes, but you can keep it all night).

Important! In order for the color of the coloring solution to be bright, it is necessary to add vinegar (1 tsp) to it.

Natural dyes, of course, will not give such a bright shade as chemical ones, but they are absolutely harmless and are able to color eggs in very delicate and beautiful colors.

Such multi-colored testicles will definitely please your family, especially children!

Examples of coloring eggs:


The yellow color of the eggs is obtained if they are boiled in water with the addition of onion peel, carrots, caraway seeds or chamomile. A more intense color is obtained on yellow or brown eggs. Chamomile gives a delicate yellow color, it can be boiled and strained or boiled eggs together with sachets of chamomile.

Example 1: Boil turmeric for 15 minutes in water and submerge the eggs.

Example 2: To prepare the dye, you need to take 1 liter of water, 3 tablespoons of turmeric powder and grated red carrots, cook for 30 minutes.

Orange color

Orange color of eggs - orange peel juice, tangerine peel juice, paprika, red carrot juice.

Example 1: 4 tbsp. tablespoons of paprika should be boiled for 30 minutes in a saucepan with a glass of water, then placed in the egg broth.

Example 2: Soak boiled hot eggs in carrot juice with the addition of turmeric (the proportions are arbitrary and depend on which shade you like best).

Brown color

Brown - Birch leaves, black tea, coffee. It is necessary to brew strong coffee or tea and boil eggs in it.

Red-brick - Onion peel.

Example: For 3 liters of water, you need to take 4 cups of onion peel and boil for an hour. The more onion peel, the richer the dye will turn out. We lay the eggs and boil in the resulting dye. To get a purple hue, you need to do the same with the skin of a red onion.

Red color

Red, reddish-crimson - decoction of cherry bark or cherry branches.

Example: Boil the bark or sprigs of cherries, let it brew for several hours (it is better to boil and leave overnight), be sure to strain, boil eggs in this infusion. If the decoction of the cherry bark is made weak, the eggs will turn pink accordingly.

Pink color

Pink and lilac shades - blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries (frozen or in the form of juice), raspberries, currants, cherries, red cabbage. Boiled eggs can be soaked in juice.

Green color

Green - dried spinach, parsley, nettle, ivy, blueberry broth

Example 1: For 2-3 eggs and 0.5 liters of water, take about a handful of dried coltsfoot, bracken or carrot tops.

Example 2: Boil eggs with an infusion of dried nettles (per liter of water 3 tbsp chopped nettles).

Example 3: You can use fresh blueberries to get the green color of the eggs. For 1 liter of blueberry decoction - 2-3 full teaspoons of turmeric powder. Turmeric, in order to avoid the appearance of lumps, first grind with water in a small bowl and only then place it in a blueberry decoction.

Example 4: We chop the spinach finely (frozen is also good), pour it with water to cover. Cook for 30 minutes and let cool.

Blue colour

Blue, purple - blueberries, lingonberries or blueberries (the berries must be frozen from last year), elderberries, red cabbage leaves - the broth will be red, but the eggs will turn blue.

Example: For 0.5 liters of water, take 2 small heads of red cabbage and 6 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. Finely chop the cabbage, pour hot water, add vinegar. Dip the boiled eggs into this composition and leave for a couple of hours. For a deeper color, the eggs are best left overnight.

A handy cheat sheet with step-by-step instructions for coloring eggs:

More Step by Step Chef-daw Recipes

Well, dear and beloved, are you already preparing for the feast of the Resurrection of Christ? Are you picking up recipes for Easter cakes, do you dream of curd Easter? Would you like to try something new and different this year? If there are no resources for global reforms, make some personal discoveries in the field of dyeing Easter eggs. Surely you resort to the services of the same method of decorating eggs from year to year - so, maybe it's time for interesting achievements and interesting experiments? Let's figure out how you can paint eggs for Easter at all, and having figured it out, you will automatically find the right solution for yourself. Only - churn! – new!

How to paint eggs for Easter:

Coloring eggs with natural dyes

In the modern world, few people think about why it is worth giving preference to natural dyes, if it is much easier to go to the store, buy, pay, mix and get the result. The Pepsi generation, we grew up on the idea of ​​“I want everything at once” and are not ready to spend even a little time if there is an opportunity to get almost the same thing, but at the same time not waste precious minutes. However, if you approach the issue of coloring eggs for Easter from the other side, you can find a lot of advantages in using natural dyes.

First and foremost, this is your health: it is clear that when decorating Easter eggs, the shell is colored, and food colorings, if they get into food, then in minimal quantities, but they do! Agree, if possible, it is worth making a choice in favor of health, neglecting issues of insignificant savings.

Secondly, natural dyes are always a miracle, magic, a mystery. Doing something with your own hands, watching with bated breath, waiting for the result and wondering what it will be - isn't this in the category of the miraculous? Do not forget that by calling the children for help, you will automatically increase the coefficient of magic: of course, sometimes small hands create unnecessary problems and troubles in the kitchen, but the happy laughter of children is worth it!

Thirdly, natural dyes are sometimes cheaper than purchased synthetic ones - what could be, for example, more budgetary than onion peel or a couple of spoons of black tea, free birch leaves or unnecessary walnut shells?

Let's instill in children a taste for another concept: natural, natural, healthy - it's fashionable, beautiful and modern. Leading by example is the best science, so for this Easter, we're coloring eggs with what can be found in any kitchen!

onion peel

Perhaps it is onion peel that is the most popular, simple and affordable means for coloring Easter eggs. Thanks to this simple old "life hack", you can get a completely diverse range of color shades - from light red to deep brown.

To work, you will need wax, a candle and a special tool - a scribe, which can be replaced with any metal tube of small diameter. Draw a drawing on the egg with a simple pencil, then, having filled the wax pen, heat it over the candle and circle the ornament you have chosen with the molten mass. After that, dip the egg into a glass with dye, hold for the required time, then remove the wax with a napkin, holding the egg over the candle if necessary - in those places that were closed, the shell will remain with its natural color, while the rest of the surface of the egg will be painted.

Using the same technology, you can make multi-colored Easter eggs. To do this, after the first layer of the wax pattern, dip the egg into the lightest paint (for example, yellow), hold for the required amount of time, remove it, gently dry the egg, apply the pattern again, dip into the next most saturated color (let's say red). Repeat the operation as many times as you want to get the colors. Remove wax only after the last coat of paint.

Do not look at very complex patterns right away. This, of course, is insanely beautiful and inspiring, but it’s better to start with primitive drawings, and then, having filled your hand, move on to more complex ornaments.

Decorative polyethylene films and thermal stickers

The modern industry with the motto "quick and easy" offers a lot of "high-speed" options for decorating Easter eggs. At Easter markets, supermarket layouts and market stalls, you can find the richest selection of stickers and thermal films for decoration.

With the first ones, everything is simple to the point of primitivism: I took it off the base, stuck it on an egg, put it on a plate and began to admire the result. It would not be superfluous to mention that it is still better to color the egg beforehand - small stickers on a white background look bare and dull.

With thermal films, you will have to make a few extra gestures: wrap the egg with the proposed “bag”, put it in boiling water, take it out in a minute - under the influence of temperature, special polyethylene shrinks, tightly wrapping the egg. Ready. A huge disadvantage of this method of cooking Easter eggs is the difficulty in cleaning: the film is very strong, and in order to extract the contents of the shell, you have to resort to using a knife or scissors.

Options, of course, of dubious attractiveness and sincerity, however, it is impossible not to mention them, because they exist and, probably, still have the right to life - for working mothers and women who have almost no days off, this is a good way out. However, if you have at least 10 extra minutes, it is better to give preference to some more “warm” and “lively” option.

Decoupage and other handmade ways to decorate Easter eggs

With minimal skills and love for needlework, Easter eggs can be decorated in a completely unusual way, using, for example, the decoupage technique. To do this, the surface of hard-boiled eggs must be degreased, then, if desired, painted with any suitable paints (for example, gouache). After that, dilute PVA glue and water in a 1: 1 ratio, cut out suitable motifs from napkins, remove the top layer and stick it on the egg. After drying, the eggs can be additionally covered with a layer of glue. If you are making decorative decorations, you should work with an empty shell, and cover the finished egg with acrylic varnish.

Those who know how to hold a hook in their hands can be advised to tie the eggs with openwork "cases" - it turns out incredibly tender and cute.

However, even if you take various beads, lace cuts, sequins, colored ribbons, beautiful ropes and decorate Easter eggs with all this stuff, it will be very vintage, festive, sincere and stylish.

Christ is Risen, dear ones! Have a beautiful Easter, bright colors and good mood!