Scotch - what kind of alcoholic drink is it? Scottish scotch is a drink that is known and loved all over the world.

Scotland. Some even claim that whiskey has absorbed the rebellious spirit of this northern country. Historically, the Scots have long resisted English dominance. The local lands managed to see everything: big bloody battles and partisan skirmishes, the courage of the defenders and the deceit of the subjects of the English king. Returning, the Scottish warriors celebrated another victory with a sip good whisky.

This strong drink produced here for over 500 years. The earliest recorded mention of whiskey in Scotland dates back to 1494. According to the surviving record, a certain monk named John Kor was given 8 boxes of barley so that Kor could produce the "water of life" from them. “Water of life” (“uisge beatha” in Gaelic) was then called whiskey. Subsequently, this name was transformed into the modern "whiskey".

Connoisseurs in English already noticed the difference in spelling. Indeed, a drink made in Scotland is called whiskey, and whiskey from other countries is called whiskey. This is an established tradition that allows you to distinguish scotch whiskey from the products of other countries.

A distinctive feature of whiskey from Scotland is a slight smack of smoke. It is associated with the technology of making a drink: in order to dry barley grains, it is traditionally customary to use burning peat. Most Scottish producers do not limit themselves to one distillation, distilling the drink twice. All this gives the local whiskey a characteristic, easily recognizable taste and aroma.

The main regions for the production of Scotch whiskey are Highland, Lowland, Speyside, Islay, Campbeltown. Each of these areas has its own bright features. Let's talk about them in more detail.

The lowlands of the Lowlands are famous for their single malts. Local brands of this drink: Auchentoshan, Bladnoch, Glenkinchie. There are also two fairly new factories in Lowland, Daftmill and Annandale, but you won't be able to find their products for sale yet. This is due to the duration of whiskey aging: these enterprises are just finishing the preparation of the first batch of the drink and are going to enter the market with it. One of the traditions of the region is the triple distillation of whiskey. It is believed that it gives the drink a milder taste.

The highland Highlands, the ancestral home of the Scottish highlanders, also gave the world many excellent whiskeys. The Highlands cover approximately two-thirds of Scotland. It should be borne in mind that the nearby island of Islay is not included in this area. Highland produces whiskey brands such as Aberfeldy, Ben Nevis, Deanston, Glen Garioch, Glenmorangie, Tomatin, as well as a number of other popular brands.

But the true center of whiskey production in Scotland is Speyside. Here, in the valley of the Spey River, a huge number of distilleries are concentrated. Most brands of Scotch whiskey are produced in Speyside. Connoisseurs recognize drinks from this region by their characteristic taste: usually it is either soft, with natural vegetal tones, or very rich and sweet. Speyside produces Aberlour, Glenfarclas, Glenlivet, Macallan, Tamdhu whiskeys.

Islay is a place of so-called "whiskey tourism". Guests from around the world visit the annual May festival, accompanied by a drink tasting. Some island distilleries are characterized by a traditional whiskey with a hint of smoke. Others, on the contrary, produce a lighter and more well-balanced drink. The first category includes whiskey Ardbeg, Lagavulin, Laphroaig, and the second - Bruichladdich and Bunnahabhain.

If we talk about the scale of production, then today in Scotland there are more than 100 distilleries. The scope of work of enterprises can vary greatly: from the smallest Edrador distillery, which produces only 12 barrels of drink per week, to the giants from Speyside, which produce 90,000 liters of whiskey in the same time. Whiskey exports from Scotland are steadily growing, reaching record levels. So, according to the results of 2011, the supply of this drink abroad amounted to $6.7 billion.

Scotch whiskey - price in WineStyle

Excellent scotch whiskey in WineStyle stores can be purchased at a price of 119 rubles. - so much, for example, is a miniature bottle of Ballantines Finest 50 ml. The cost of one liter of adhesive tape starts from 1214 rubles. and can reach 10,000 rubles. The most expensive are single-barrel varieties and limited versions of long exposure.

Whiskey is a category of spirits that includes both scotch and bourbon.
Whiskey is an alcoholic beverage made from any grain-based distillate.. The remaining options will no longer be whiskey. For example, brandy is made from grape distillate.
Malted barley or other grains are crushed and then “soaked” in hot water to release the nutrient carbohydrate medium from the starch of the grains.
Yeast cultures, as a result of interaction with starch sugars, produce alcohol. That is what is expected of them. Then the raw material is distilled and aged in oak barrels.
So bourbon and scotch are whiskey. There is also a "rye whiskey" called "Rye Whiskey".
More about some types of whiskey in more detail. Tennessee Whiskey. Tennessee whiskey is a drink made in the state of Tennessee from a mixture of cereals. Maize dominates among them. The production technology is in many ways similar to the production of bourbon: distillation method, aging. However, for example, the manufacturer Jack Daniel's speaks of such a fundamental difference as the use activated carbon when filtering the final product.
The most famous Tennessee whiskeys are Jack Daniel's and George Dickel.

Irish Whiskey

The inscription "Irish whiskey" quite logically implies that the drink is made in Ireland. Different growers use different proportions of certain grains, but besides the place of production, the key feature is the three-year aging. ready drink in oak barrels.
Also, Irish whiskey is triple distilled, which gives the taste of the drink a characteristic sweetish aftertaste and softness.

Canadian whiskey (Canadian Whiskey).

A Canadian drink dominated by corn and/or rye. It is thanks to the pronounced rye aroma that they gained popularity. Unlike American distillers, who first mix the grains and then prepare the drink, Canadians first make different distillates and then mix them together.
Whiskeys from Canada are aged in old and new barrels to avoid over-saturation of the drink with notes of oak.

Rye Whiskey

The key point by which whiskey belongs to this group is determined: the rye content in the raw materials used for production is at least 51%.
This whiskey is very popular in Kentucky. Typically aged in new toasted American oak barrels.

Which is correct: Whiskey or Whiskey

The essence of the terms is the same. The spelling differences are related to geography and writing traditions.
In the United States and Ireland, the term is used to refer to alcoholic beverages made from grain. whiskey, in Canada and Scotland "whiskey".


Bourbon is a type of whisky. All bourbons are whiskeys, but not all whiskeys are bourbons.
American law describes the following mandatory requirements for bourbon:

  • Not less than 51% corn in raw materials.
  • The only additive is water
  • The strength of the distillate should not exceed 80%.
  • Must be manufactured in the USA.
  • Must be aged in barrels for at least two years.
  • Exposure should be carried out in new barrels of burnt white oak.

In addition to corn (the main component of the drink), rye, barley and/or malt can be added.

Scotch whisky. Key industry requirements.

UK law imposes the following requirements for a drink to be called "Scotch":

  • Must be made in Scotland.
  • Must be produced from wort containing malted barley and other cereals.
  • Fermentation must be carried out exclusively with yeast added during the production process.
  • The strength of the distillate should not exceed 94.8%, and the finished drink should not be weaker than 40 degrees.
  • The drink must be aged in oak barrels for at least three years.
  • Only water and caramel color are allowed to be used as additives.

Types of Scotch (Scotch Whiskey):

  • “Single malt whiskey”. Malt whiskey made from the distillates of one particular distillery.
  • “Single grain whiskey”.Grain whiskey, which is made from distillates prepared on the same farm.
  • Blended malt whiskey: malt whiskey that is blended from distillates produced by several distilleries, which contains two or more single malt Scotches made in different distilleries.
  • Blended grain whisky: grain whiskey made from a blend of distillates from several estates.
  • Blended whiskey. Whiskey that combines both malt and barley distillates from different producers.
  • Whiskey is a drink obtained from the distillation of fermented cereals.
  • Scotch is whiskey made in Scotland, in accordance with the requirements of English law.
  • Bourbon is an American whiskey that is dominated by corn as a raw material.

What is the taste and strength of scotch alcoholic drink? By what properties can you distinguish the original from a fake? Each country has its own specific national brand. In Scotland, it is scotch tape, bagpipes and a kilt (a plaid men's skirt). These three things practically have the status of state property. Let's talk about one of them - about Scotch whiskey.

There are several conditions for alcohol to have the right to bear the proud name "Scotch":

  • by definition, it can only be called whiskey that is produced in Scotland. If the same drink, with the same recipe, is made abroad, then this is no longer scotch. This is fixed at the legislative level. Such stringent conditions do not apply to a spill;
  • Scotch has a smell with a smoky tint. It appears due to the drying of malt over burning peat. Additional notes can be added to the taste and smell if beech chips, dried algae, and other ingredients are added to the peat;
  • distilling scotch from barley malt or whole grains. But corn is never used for its production;
  • the production of scotch involves a double distillation of the wort;
  • the drink matures in barrels from another strong liquor. Usually used container after sherry. Thus, the drink acquires a peculiar flavor bouquet. Exposure should not be less than three years.

Outwardly, it is an amber-yellow alcoholic drink, with a strength of 40-50 degrees. Whiskey is written on the Pride of the Scots label, and other types of whiskey are called Whiskey.

The photo shows the labels different types whiskey. Thus, the producers of scotch once again emphasized the exclusivity of their drink.

How to produce

The Scots are very reverent in protecting the recipe and the very production of national alcohol. We can say that for many centuries this process has undergone a minimum of changes after it has reached perfection. That is, as soon as the producers have reached the desired quality of the drink, distillers do not change anything. Even when an alembic fails, the replacement is made completely identical to the original, including various dents, bends, and other irregularities. In fact, modern wort distillation devices are almost no different from the old ones shown in the photo.

Fine-tuned to the smallest detail, the process of producing Scotch whiskey is quite long and consists of several main stages.

Here's how the most valuable type of scotch, malt, is prepared:

  1. Preparation of barley for germination: sorting, washing, drying. To germinate the grain, it must be soaked for 1-1.5 weeks.
  2. The resulting malt is dried using smoke from burning peat. Sprouted grain at this stage receives a smoky smell, which then brings a characteristic distinctive note to the flavor bouquet.
  3. Wort production. To do this, smoked malt is crushed and soaked for half a day.
  4. To start the fermentation process, yeast is added to the wort. The mixture should ferment for at least two days. At the same time, you must comply temperature regime 35-37°C.
  5. Fermented raw materials are distilled at distilleries in distillation cubes. They do this twice. Only a few producers use triple distillation of whiskey.
  6. At the holding stage wooden barrels adhesive tape acquires a characteristic color and smell.
  7. The final step is filtering the finished drink and bottling it. It is filtered at a temperature of 2-10°C.

Types of Scotch whiskey are distinguished by the source of raw materials and composition.

Scotch can be:

  1. Single Malt Scotch Whiskey. It is made in one place, only from malt and spring water. After aging and filtering, whiskey is bottled and sent to the distribution network.
  2. Grain (Single Grain Scotch Whiskey). During its production, whole grains are added to the malt.
  3. Blended (Single Grain Scotch Whiskey). It is obtained by mixing different types of alcohol. It is common to mix more expensive and high-quality malt scotch with grain, which makes it possible to reduce the cost original product. At the same time, blended scotch can be malt (Blended Malt Scotch Whiskey), when malt types of the drink obtained at different distilleries are combined, and grain (Blended Grain Scotch Whiskey), made according to the same principle of mixing products from different manufacturers.

It is considered self-sufficient and expensive alcohol. Therefore, connoisseurs recommend drinking this high-quality alcoholic drink without diluting it with anything. Scotch does not need any soda, much less Coca-Cola, which are designed to disguise unpleasant odors and flavor notes.

Scotch whiskey is better to drink without a snack, enjoying a specific taste and aromatic bouquet. To do this, use a tulip-shaped glass as in the photo. Such a vessel allows you to reveal the aroma, which is the first impression of the drink, and taste.

If the strength of Scotch is too high for you, it is acceptable to drink it with ice. For this, a toggle switch is suitable - a thick-bottomed wide glass. The classic consumption of Scotch whiskey suggests a drink temperature of about 20 ° C.

Scotch is nothing but Scotch whiskey. The Scots themselves consider it special (well, still!) And the only real, even correct, whiskey, and everything else is just a parody. After all, only in Scotch whiskey there are such subtle smoky notes and a special taste. By the way, this drink was driven by the ancient Celts and called it "the water of life."

If you do not see the difference between scotch and whiskey, then it is enough to remember one simple phrase: "All scotch is whiskey, but not all whiskey is scotch." This means that there are still differences between scotch and whiskey, although they are related drinks.

So, scotch is considered to be a type of whiskey. The main difference lies in the taste and aroma: Scotch has a sharper taste and, as already mentioned, a smoky aroma. Perhaps the reason for this is the fact that scotch is made exclusively from barley, while whiskey uses a variety of grains. Yes, and the technology for preparing these drinks is somewhat different. It is believed that the technology for the production of adhesive tape is very special.

Well, the most important difference between scotch and whiskey is that scotch is produced only in Scotland. If we really, really find fault, then only the one that is produced in Scotland is aged in oak barrels for at least three years. Well, and, accordingly, only from germinated barley, water and yeast - all components must be natural.

But whiskey is made in different countries: USA, England, Canada, Ireland. By the way, the Scots also revere Irish whiskey, considering it also not bad. Others don't really acknowledge it. We believe that the “island brotherhood” had an effect here.

Scotch can be either single (Single) or mixed, that is, blended (Blended). It is difficult to say which one is better: it is already a matter of taste.

Now about the taste. We have already said that it is sharper than whiskey, while being so dry, but there are more than enough shades in it. And that makes scotch a more interesting drink. At the same time, the more scotch is aged, the more flavor and aroma variety you will get. Usually chocolate-vanilla and smoky notes are definitely felt, but if you try, you can hear much more aromas.

The taste and aroma of scotch is strongly influenced not only by raw materials, but also by the area in which this drink is produced. For example, if the distillery is located in the highlands, then heather aromas await you, muffled by smoke, honey and unripe pear. If you want to appreciate the taste of scotch, we advise you to dilute the drink with mineral water. Well, remember the golden rule for choosing scotch tape: the longer the exposure, the softer the taste of the drink will be.

When the idea came to me to write an article about Scotch whiskey, it was already quite cold outside, and winter was gradually coming to the whole territory of Russia. It is in the cold and dank season, sometimes, after a working day, you want to warm up, perhaps the most favorite strong drink - whiskey.

For many centuries, it was Scotland that was the leader in the production of whiskey, so they have achieved an incredible variety of tastes and smells of this wonderful drink. The efforts made by the distillers of Scotland to improve their national drink excites the imagination. It seems that for them there is no limit to perfection. That is why, this article is dedicated to Scotch whisky.

History of Scotch Whiskey

The first written mention of whiskey was found in the records of the Treasury Tax Scotland, which are dated June 1, 1495. The notes stated: "By order of the king, to give brother John Core eight boxes of malt, for having made the 'water of life'."

"Water of Life" - as they used to call it alcoholic drink, which was driven from malt. Subsequently, the drink was given the name - whiskey. If you count how much whiskey you get from 8 boxes of malt, you get about 1,500 bottles, which the monk John produced in 1494.

Whiskey has grown in popularity throughout Scotland over the decades. In 1644, the government began taxing whiskey producers in order to generate income from this drink and control all production. However, despite all attempts to regulate and generate income from distillers, people began to produce whiskey underground and this activity flourished like never before.
By 1780 there were 8 official distilleries in Scotland and more than 400 clandestine ones. By 1823, the local parliament realized that the only way to bring producers out of the shadows was to ease tax collections. Thus, the Excise Act was born.

The popularity of Scotch whiskey picks up again by 1831 with the advent of a new method of production. Now, thanks new technology, distilleries were able to produce softer spirits at a significantly lower cost.

In 1880, Scotch whiskey began its worldwide expansion thanks to a small insect that was devouring vineyards in France. Vineyards began to be cut down en masse, which led to a drop in the production of wine and cognac. And since wine and cognac were the most popular drinks consumed every day, they had to be replaced with something. Actually, Scotch whiskey has become a new popular drink all over the world.

Types of Scotch Whiskey

There are two main types of Scotch whiskey in the world: single malt and grain. Of these types, 3 subcategories are still distinguished: blended, malt blended, grain blended.

1. Single Malt Scotch Whiskey

Single malt Scotch whiskey is by far the most popular type of whiskey in the world. In fact, it is whiskey produced at one distillery, using malted barley (malt) and water. Single malt whiskey contains no other grains and must be produced exclusively in Scotland.

2. Grain Scotch Whiskey

Grain Scotch whiskey is less common in the world. For the production of whole grain whiskey, malt, water, and various grains or cereals are used. Grain Scotch whiskey should be produced in one distillery and only in Scotland, where it acquires the name "Scotch". It is from this type of whiskey that various blends are made.

3. Blended Scotch Whiskey

This type of Scotch whiskey is made from at least one or more single malts to be blended with one or more grain Scotch whiskeys from different distilleries.

4. Malt Blended Scotch Whiskey

Malt blended Scotch whiskey is actually one of the most unusual types of whiskey that can be found today. It is essentially a blended whiskey made from several single malt Scotch whiskeys from different distilleries. Previously, this whiskey was called "Pure Malt".

5. Grain Blended Scotch Whiskey

Grain blended Scotch whiskey is very similar to malt blended whiskey, except that it uses two or more grain Scotch whiskeys from different distilleries. Then all this is mixed and the product is obtained.

The myth of two-malt and three-malt whiskey

Surely, someone has heard of whiskey "two malt" or "three malt". In fact, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy of manufacturers. single malt whiskey. In fact, the inscription "double malt whiskey" means that the whiskey was settled in two different oak barrels.

Name "Scotch"

While most consumers have the general idea that Scotch whiskey should always be from Scotland, few people realize that the production of this drink is actually based on a regulation that governs everything from the size of the bottle to the grinding process. malt.

The title "Scotch" is defined and governed by UK law called "The Scotch Whiskey Regulations 2009 No.2890" or SWR. The act regulates whiskey production technology, packaging, labeling, even advertising within the UK; the rest of the world is governed by the SWR regulation.

  1. Whiskey must be made at a distillery in Scotland from water and malt, to which only whole grains of other cereals can be added. At the same time, the grains themselves in the production process must be:
  • Processed and turned into a homogeneous mass.
  • Transformed into a fermentable substrate only with the help of endogenous enzymes.
  • Fermented with yeast only.
  • The alcohol concentration after distillation is not less than 94.8%.
  • "Maturation" whiskey must be in a regulated excise warehouse in Scotland, in oak barrels with a capacity of not more than 700 liters for at least three years.
  1. Scotch whiskey must retain the color, aroma and taste of the raw materials from which it was made.
  2. Scotch whiskey must not contain any substances other than water and E150A sugar coloring.
  3. The minimum percentage of alcohol content in the final product is 40%.

whiskey production

Whiskey production starts with water. It is for this reason that many distilleries are located next to a pure source. Previously, it was difficult to deliver clean water, so distilleries were built plentifully near water bodies.

One of the features of Scotch whiskey is that the water in Scotland is very "soft" and contains a small amount of minerals. The western territories of Scotland, especially on the islands, are characterized by water with a high content of peat. In swampy places, water passes through peat bogs, which even have a brownish tint. There is no direct evidence that it is this water that gives the whiskey its peaty flavor, but many distilleries protect their sources and take pride in them.

There is no legal basis to use barley grown exclusively in Scotland in production. However, the vast majority of distilleries use local barley, probably for economic reasons.

After the water is prepared, it is poured into various vessels and tanks and malted barley is produced. The grains are soaked in water and left for several days to germinate. Then they are dried with hot air or peat smoke, which stops the growth of barley shoots and prevents them from rotting. Next, most distilleries grind the malted barley, but there are still adherents to the traditional method of production, which allows the barley to be used whole without being crushed.

Now that the malted barley is prepared, it is poured into a special cauldron and filled with water. At a certain temperature, the mixture ferments and turns into a dark liquid called wort. Next comes the fermentation process. The wort is pumped into a barrel made of wood or stainless steel. While stirring the wort, yeast is added to the barrels. Within 48 hours, carbon dioxide is released and the wort is converted into alcohol.

The next step is whiskey distillation. In fact, the technology for extracting alcohol does not differ from what was used even in our country for the production of moonshine. Only the volumes are different. After the first run, a liquid with an alcohol concentration of about 28% is obtained. The process is repeated until the proportion of alcohol is about 70%. The liquid is then poured into oak barrels and let it brew for at least 3 years. Remarkably, the barrels are not airtight, so the location and storage of the barrels will give whiskey a different smell.

Whiskey production areas in Scotland

Scotland is divided into 5 distinct areas where distilleries produce various varieties whiskey, each of which has a unique taste.

The Highlands

Whiskey produced in this area is known for its medium strength. Today, there are many distilleries that produce whiskey in this area, among them: Aberfeldy, Balblair, Ben Nevis, Clynelish, The Dalmore, Dalwhinnie, Glen Ord, Glenmorangie, Oban and Old Pulteney. Distilleries located on the islands: Arran, Jura, Tobermory, Highland Park and Scapa, as well as Talisker. Although many whiskey connoisseurs believe that the islands should have their own area, nevertheless they still belong to the territory of The Highlands.

The Lowlands

Whiskey produced in this area is considered to be softer and more delicate. Very often, local distilleries do without drying the malt with peat, hence such a light taste. To date, the following distilleries are operating: Auchentoshan, Bladnoch, Glenkinchie and Daftmill. The last distillery should release its first batch of whiskey only in 2015, as it opened relatively recently.

Speyside (Speyside)

The most expensive and famous whiskeys are produced in this area of ​​Scotland. The following distilleries operate here: Aberlour, The Balvenie, Cardhu, Cragganmore, Glenfarclas, Glenfiddich, Glenglassaugh, The Glenlivet, Glen Moray and The Macallan.

Campbeltown (Campbeltown)

As a rule, whiskey from this area is not younger than 10 years. At the moment, active production is carried out by: Glen Scotia, Glengyle and Springbank.


Islay whiskey has the most pronounced taste and aroma. Due a large number peat, whiskey turns a dark caramel color with a taste of peat, iodine, algae and salt. Today, 8 distilleries are involved in the production: Ardbeg, Bowmore, Bruichladdich, Bunnahabhain, Caol Ila, Kilchoman, Lagavulin and Laphroaig.

Whiskey tasting

Nowadays, Scotch whiskey is drunk in various options ranging from drinking to pure form and ending with dozens of cocktails. However, connoisseurs of this drink do not accept mixing, for example, 15-year-old whiskey with soda. Only in pure form or slightly diluted with water. If you happen to be visiting a whiskey connoisseur, most likely, first you will be offered a drink in its pure form, secondly with water, thirdly with ice and last turn whiskey and cola (the connoisseur may not offer the last cocktail).

What is whiskey used for

In bars, clubs and restaurants you will be offered a transparent cylindrical glass with a thick bottom. Such a glass is called - rocks. However, dedicated whiskey fans or tasters choose tulip-shaped glasses. According to connoisseurs, such a glass allows you to appreciate all the notes of taste and smell of whiskey, concentrating the aroma.

How to drink whiskey, the basics

The most suitable option for drinking whiskey is in its pure form. Drink room temperature(17-20 Celsius - perfect option), allows you to enjoy the aroma and aftertaste of whiskey. However, most people prefer to chill the whiskey and add more ice cubes to everything else. With each piece of ice, whiskey loses its originality due to the dilution of water in it. In addition, the cold "closes" the aroma of whiskey and you risk not catching the taste.

Recently, whiskey stones have become popular. Their principle is simple: put the stones in the refrigerator, they cool there and, if necessary, you add these chilled stones instead of ice cubes to a glass of whiskey. In my opinion, this is another marketing ploy that makes you spend extra money. They do nothing special, they just give a reason to brag about the presence of stones in a glass, nothing more.

Classic variant whiskey consumption - 50/50 diluted with clean water. Although some people think that this is just to reduce the concentration of alcohol, nevertheless, the drink turns out to be fragrant and no less tasty.

True whiskey connoisseurs, as well as professional tasters, recommend rinsing the glass with the same whiskey before starting. Those. you pour a small amount of into a washed glass and shake the whiskey so that all the walls of the vessel are washed with whiskey. Next, pour this whiskey down the sink. An odor-free glass is ready to drink and won't let other odors get in the way of enjoying the whisky. You can consider this an extra waste of whiskey, but connoisseurs say that even the water that was used to wash the glass has an odor and must be removed.

How to drink whiskey, the process

Pour the whiskey into a clean glass. Rotate the glass with the drink so that it spins along the walls without splashing over the edges. See how the remaining whiskey flows down the sides of the glass. The thicker and oilier whiskey you drink, the slower the residue will flow down the walls.

Now that you've looked at your whiskey, hold the glass up to your nose and take a deep breath in through your nose and mouth, smelling the drink as you exhale. Do not bring the glass too close, otherwise the alcohol vapors may take your breath away.

Repeat the operation several times: rotate the whiskey -> bring it to the nose -> inhale the aroma. Each time, the taste and aroma of whiskey will change. Try to feel all the shades and enjoy the bouquet of aromas.

Next, pour some cold still water into a glass and sip your drink. Try to chat whiskey in your mouth so that all receptors feel the taste. This is how you will feel all its subtleties. Swallow the drink, take a breath and try to drink more of your whiskey from the glass.

Scotch whiskey is gradually gaining popularity in Russia and people are beginning to understand good alcohol. Of course, everyone has their own taste, but some recommendations can be given for choosing a good whiskey that has proven itself only from the best side in the old world.

Whiskey from The Highlands

  • Highland Park 12 years old.
  • Scapa 16 years old.
  • Talisker is 18 years old.

Whiskey from The Lowlands

  • Auchentoshan Three Wood.
  • Glenkinchie 12 years old.
  • Rosebank 12 years old.

Whiskey from the Speyside area

  • The Macallan Fine Oak.
  • The Macallan 12 years old.
  • The Macallan 25 years old.
  • Aberlour 12 years old.
  • Aberlour A'bunadh.
  • The Balvenie Doublewood.

Whiskey from the Islay area

  • Bowmore is 18 years old.
  • Lagavulin 16 years old.
  • Caol Ila Moch.
  • Laphroaig 12 years old.

In conclusion

Scotch whiskey has always been and most likely will not be a drink for everyone. Someone loves it and prefers to drink it in a cozy home environment, savoring every sip. Some people can't stand whiskey and prefer something else. In any case, there is no comrade for the taste and color.

For those who just want to start tasting such noble drink, like scotch whiskey, it can be recommended to start with more soft varieties such as Auchentoshan 12 years old or the Dalwhinnie 15 years old. You should not rate whiskey starting with White Horse or Grant's, as there is more alcohol than taste.

And one more little advice those people who like to collect guests. Store expensive and not-so-expensive whiskey separately. At the moment when people ask you to try first one, then another variety, without understanding whiskey, you risk going broke. good alcohol, the value of which is not understood by everyone. Therefore, keep 1-2 bottles of average quality, such as Jameson or Jack Daniel’s, in the bar, so that later it would not be so bitter to look at the drunk $ 300 bottle of whiskey that you loved to sip in the evenings. Treat those who understand a lot about good alcohol.

Rating 300+ varieties of whiskey

Thank you for your attention, I hope you enjoyed reading about my favorite spirit - whiskey from Scotland. Good luck and let only the best whiskeys be on your table.