Alcohol for the New Year: the best New Year's drinks. Alcoholic cocktails, new year

And what holiday table is complete without drinks, and even more so if it is also New Year's.

Drinks for the New Year 2019 is the topic of this article. Recently, they, like the rest of the treat, are served, taking into account the peculiarities of the Eastern calendar. And whatever our future talisman is, the table setting should be especially careful.

The most necessary, natural drink for any animal is water, therefore, it can be put on the table. As always, juices and fruit drinks will be appropriate and useful. They can be prepared as natural fruits and vegetables, or simply dilute homemade jam prepared in the summer. Serpentine them in glasses decorated with serpentine of multi-colored foil.

Try to prepare for yourself low-alcohol cocktails with champagne, juices and liquors. Such cocktails are served in tall, chilled glasses, and champagne is poured into last turn and do not mix with the lower layers. Here are some recipes for such drinks.

  • 40 g orange juice
  • 60 g chilled champagne

Pour orange juice into a chilled glass and add cold champagne.

  • 200 ml peach juice
  • any bottle of champagne
  • peaches

Preparation: pour peach juice and champagne into glasses in a ratio of 1/1. Garnish with thin peach slices.

In a thin glass, combine lemon juice with a piece of sugar, pour chilled champagne on top. Garnish the glass with a lemon wedge.

  • powdered sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • orange liqueur - 10 ml
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • 200 ml champagne
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • ice cubes

Preparation: beat the yolk with powdered sugar. Squeeze juice from an orange. Whisk the orange juice well with the yolk, liqueur and a few ice cubes. Strain the drink into a glass and carefully pour in the champagne. You can add more ice cubes.

But, if, according to the established tradition, you still decide not to limit yourself to champagne and juices, remember that these should be the best, high-quality drinks that we will treat our guests to. Otherwise, the advice is the same as for soft drinks - naturalness and quality.

While there is still time before the New Year 2019, you can cook something yourself. Cedar liquor infused with nuts or homemade liquor made from any fruits and berries has a very pleasant taste.

And, of course, traditional New Year's drinks, such as champagne, of course, you can buy. But still, let's try to cook it yourself. And, suddenly, it will turn out better than from the store.

  • 1 liter of water
  • 150 g honey
  • 150 g sugar
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 5 g cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg

Preparation: boil water, add spices, honey, sugar and cook for another 10-15 minutes. Let it brew, pour into bottles, add a few raisins to each, cork tightly and put in the refrigerator to infuse for 2-3 weeks.

Do you know if you will still buy it, and not cook it yourself? You can tell the quality of a champagne by looking at it. quality drink has a straw color with a golden tint. After it has been poured into a glass, a long-term release of small bubbles occurs and a so-called belt is formed after the disappearance of the foam.

To prevent the champagne from spilling out when you open it, hold the bottle at a 45-degree angle. According to etiquette, champagne is drunk from crystal glasses. Champagne "Brut", as well as dry wine served with not very spicy meat and fish dishes. And for dessert there are semi-dry and semi-sweet, served with mild cheese, fruits, chocolate, nuts, ice cream.

Among the drinks on the New Year's table 2019, as always, there will be strong alcohol. Here is the recipe for homemade cognac.

  • 1 liter of vodka
  • 35 rose hips
  • 6-7 black peppercorns
  • 3 art. spoons of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of oak bark
  • 6 leaves of St. John's wort
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of black tea (leaves)

Preparation: mix all the ingredients, pour vodka and leave for 45 days to infuse in a cool room. Strain and bottle.

The age of cognac can be determined by its shade. The youngest has light straw, then comes straw yellow, amber, gold and the oldest is fiery red.

  • 1 liter of vodka
  • 1 orange
  • 40 teaspoons of sugar
  • 40 coffee beans

Preparation: make cuts in the orange and put the coffee beans inside. Sprinkle with sugar and fill with vodka. Insist month.

Have a plentiful New Year's table 2019, good mood, good luck and happiness in the coming year!

Alcohol for the New Year is an indispensable attribute of a solemn feast or a friendly party.

Even among non-drinkers, it is considered a good tradition to symbolically sip a glass of champagne under the magical chimes.

TOP 10 alcoholic drinks for the New Year

In the list of the best alcoholic drinks for the New Year, champagne confidently holds the palm. But on the main night of the year, wine or vodka, martini or liquor, whiskey, tequila can also become favorites. Someone may choose brandy or cognac for a magical holiday. List of popular alcohol for New Year's table completes the beer.

In the post-Soviet space, the traditional New Year's case includes champagne or a sparkling wine, drinks made from white or dark grapes, a bottle of vodka fogged from the cold and good cognac

Low alcohol drinks

Low-alcohol drinks for the New Year help you plunge into the magical atmosphere of the holiday and have great fun without consequences for the body. Champagne is considered the leader of the rating, but contemporaries can choose sweet wines or dry white.


Sommeliers consider elite French wines such as Veuve Clicquot or Dom Perignon to be the ideal alcohol for New Year's fun. But for the celebration, you can also choose a less expensive option - a traditional bottle of Soviet Champagne.

In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the concentration of sugar, which can be:

  • up to 0.3% - brut;
  • 3% - dry;
  • 5% - semi-dry;
  • 6% - semi-sweet;
  • 8% or more - sweet, dessert wine.

Brut is an expensive and high-quality variety of champagne, the subtle sour taste of which is called exquisite by connoisseurs. Fans of sweet and semi-sweet varieties may not like it.

Good champagne in the store:

  • should be clean and transparent, with a pleasant shade;
  • stored in a dark container, light glass can lead to yellowing of the wine and the appearance of bitterness;
  • clog up natural cork, not plastic;
  • on the label do not have flavors or flavors that mask the fake;
  • be labeled "aged", reflecting the high quality of New Year's alcohol;
  • contain an indication of the place of production and information about the manufacturer.

The ideal champagne for the New Year should have a rich delicate taste with vegetable notes of wood, juniper. It cannot contain aromas or flavors of berries, yeasts, fruits, flowers, or alcohol.

Before opening champagne on New Year's Eve, the bottle is kept in an ice bucket for 30 minutes or left for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator:

  • then tilt at an angle of 45 °, securely fix the cork with one hand, and slowly turn the neck left and right with the other;
  • when the cork begins to come out, it must be tilted to the side and the excess carbon dioxide released;
  • pour chilled champagne (8-9 ° C) into crystal or glass goblets - narrow and transparent;
  • bubbles a minute after filling the glass should become small and the same.


What is better to buy alcohol for the New Year? Nutritionists recommend white or red wine, which makes you less drunk. Unlike champagne, still wines do not contain carbon dioxide.

At quality wine the label states:

  • Manufacturer. A wine with a rich taste is the pride of the producer, therefore it cannot be nameless;
  • The year of harvest. Without an indication of the age of the wine, you can buy a diluted concentrate or a fake;
  • Grape varieties. The inscription "of the best varieties" is not always true;
  • The region where the wine is made. Experts consider the lack of data on the place of production to be a sign of low-quality alcohol;
  • Holding period. Vintage varieties ripen 3-7 years. Wines over 6 years old are considered collectible. Ordinary wines are sold 4 months after the processing of the berries.

When opening a bottle of alcohol, the cork should be solid and not crumble. Good wine has no sediment or impurities. You should not buy wines in ceramic containers - the drink overheats in them, changes the taste and properties. Sommeliers also do not recommend buying designer New Year's bottles with inexpensive alcohol of dubious quality.

The best alcoholic drinks to serve on New Year's Eve are natural dry wines with a strength below 12° and a sugar concentration of less than 1%. It can be "Riesling", "Bordeaux" or Georgian wines with an exquisite bouquet. "Aligote" from Moldova has a delicate taste, as well as dessert wines"Madera", "Tokay" or "Massandra" from Portugal, Crimea or Hungary.


Of all varieties of live beer with a strength of 1.5-6%, you need to choose low-alcohol beer for the New Year's table natural product, which contains only hops, malt and water. If the label contains information about chemical additives, decoctions and syrups, then after such beer, a severe hangover may appear in the morning.

Strong alcohol

What strong alcoholic drinks are better to drink for the New Year 2019? Yellow Pig welcomes: gin, whiskey, cognac, rum, tequila, brandy, vodka, sake.


Classical "bread" vodka is in the lead among other strong alcoholic drinks. Her the best varieties"Premium" and "Super-Premium" classes are made from grain crops - wheat, corn and others. The cheaper "forty-degree" is produced from potatoes. When serving on the New Year's table, alcohol is poured into small piles so that you can drink quickly and to the bottom. Ice cubes cannot be added, but vodka requires pre-cooling.


Sweet "ladies'" liquor (up to 55% sugar) is served for New Year's table for dessert in the form of a digestif, and bitter - as an aperitif, before meals. Use a glass with a volume of 25 ml on a long stem, shaped like a bowl. The temperature of the liquor for serving is approximately 12–20 °. These delicious alcoholic drinks for the New Year with a strength of 45 ° are served with coffee, tea or fruit. Liquor is also drunk as part of cocktails.


Italian vermouth is a sign of luxury and refined taste. Infused with herbs, it is perfect for New Year's cocktails or served chilled to 12°C to bring out its full taste. Martinis are served in special cone-shaped glasses with a thin stem - martin tins.


The older such alcohol is, the more expensive and pleasant it tastes. mexican tequila It is customary to drink from high narrow piles with a thick bottom according to a certain ritual:

  • from the edge of the glass you need to lick a grain of salt;
  • drink the contents in one gulp;
  • have a slice of lemon garnishing the glass.

Connoisseurs advise using cognac glasses on New Year's Eve - they reveal a bouquet of tequila more actively, as well as replace salt and lime with cinnamon and orange.


Whiskey is made in Scotland and Ireland. Malt from different varieties cereal crops are distilled and stored in oak containers. When serving whiskey, with a strength of 40-60 °, diluted with water or soda, cooled with ice cubes. Drink this alcohol in small sips, enjoying the taste and aroma.


Each manufacturer of brandy has its own unique recipe and variety of raw materials - grapes, currants, pears, peaches or apples. Its strength is 36–45°, there is unusual taste and a peculiar aroma. They drink brandy on New Year's Eve in small sips while warm or add ice.


Produce noble alcohol from grape juice. Consume after dessert without snacking. To appreciate the aroma, a cognac glass is warmed in the palms. It must be remembered that the tannins contained in it slow down the absorption - absorption - of alcohol into the blood and prevent an adequate assessment of the human condition.

Alcoholic cocktails

New Year's alcoholic cocktails are divided into:

  • Aperitifs with strong alcohol - gin, whiskey, rum, vodka or tequila. Used before meals.
  • Digestifs with a sour or sweet taste are drunk with meals or immediately after a meal.

Cocktail lovers can improvise by changing classic recipes. Champagne can be used for light alcohol mixes, but other wines and beers are not suitable for the base.

Cocktail-aperitif "Dirty Martini", or "Seeing the Old Year"

From drinks you will need:

  • 100 g of vodka;
  • 50 g dry vermouth;
  • 30-50 ml of brine (from under the olives).

Be sure to add a few ice cubes. Decorate the cocktail with olives strung on a toothpick.

Cocktail "Drunken Mandarin"

In a shaker, mix tangerine liqueur - 15 ml, soda - 80 ml and dry white wine - 120 ml. Then pour half a glass of ice crystals. Beat and pour the contents into a glass with prepared ice cubes, a bright orange tube, decorating the glass with a slice of fragrant tangerine.

Cocktail "Christmas blush"

For 1 serving you need to prepare:

  • 40 ml of vodka;
  • 60 ml of champagne;
  • 20 ml lemon juice or lime;
  • 15 ml syrup;
  • 1 tsp frozen cherries in the form of mashed potatoes;
  • mint leaves and ice.

In a shaker, mix ice and mint leaves, pour in vodka, syrup and lime juice. Whisk for 15 seconds and then pour into a glass of cherry puree. While stirring lightly, fill the glass with champagne.

Cocktail "Intoxicating aroma 2019"

A rich New Year's cocktail with orange flavor and air bubbles of sparkling champagne is perfect for a festive party.


  • liqueur from ripe tangerines 15 ml;
  • orange;
  • champagne;
  • 4 quail egg yolks;
  • powdered sugar - 1 tsp

Whisk powdered sugar with yolks, scald the orange with boiling water, removing the wax and make a fresh juice from it. Peel off a little zest from the surface of the fruit - 0.5 tsp. Pour fresh into a blender and beat with yolks and powdered sugar.

Add liqueur and zest to the cocktail, beat again. ready mix pour into a glass, add 2 ice cubes and carefully fill the glass with champagne without mixing the layers.

What alcohol is better to drink for the New Year 2019? Experts advise not to be stingy. The pig likes to have a good rest, but hates people who are too drunk. Therefore, it is desirable when choosing alcohol to tilt the accents in favor of its quality, not quantity.

Useful video on how to make New Year's cocktails

I like!

The New Year's table is set. Remained finishing touch- Serve drinks.

What to drink on New Year's Eve? The choice is so varied that any dish can be served with a special alcoholic or soft drink.

What to drink for the New Year: light alcohol

The main drink of New Year's Eve is, of course, champagne. Sparkling wine comes from the Champagne region in France, but traditionally we call any sparkling wine champagne. It can be dry (this is brut), semi-dry, semi-sweet. The color of champagne varies from light and golden to pink. In the Year of the Fire Rooster, you can serve just such a pink champagne to the table.

It is served in narrow elegant glasses on a high thin stem. The ideal drink temperature is between 6° and 8°. Champagne should be neither too cold nor too warm, so chilled open bottle it is better to mix in a bucket filled with crushed ice And cold water.

Sweet fruits are ideal for champagne, fresh strawberries or slices of pineapple cheese slice, white meat, canape with red caviar.


Wine is the second most popular drink for the festive table. Red light or sweet wines are ideal for New Year's Eve 2017. It could be Home wine from cherries, currants, raspberries, and purchased grape or fruit wine. Especially valuable are Cabernet, Merlot, Shiraz, as well as blended wines, such as claret. Although lovers of white wines should not deny themselves a pleasant aftertaste of chardonnay, Riesling or sherry.

A wine glass should be voluminous, not too narrow and have a high stem. It is better to cool white varieties to about 10 °, and serve red varieties warmer, you can room temperature. TO white wine as an appetizer, offer seafood, cheeses, grilled vegetables, poultry.

Red goes well with hot meats, fruits, mushrooms, game and cheese.


A stronger version of wine, which is liked mainly by girls, is vermouth. The composition of the drink includes wormwood, which is why a characteristic taste appears. Vermouth, like any wine, can be dry white, semi-sweet rose or sweet red.

It can be drunk as an independent drink by adding ice or a slice of lemon. In this case, it is recommended to cool the drink to 8-11 ° and serve either in a regular glass or in a whiskey glass. On the basis of vermouth, you can prepare alcoholic cocktails.

It is good to serve olives, fruits, poultry, nuts, cheese with vermouth.


A variety of vermouth - martini - is a more expensive alcoholic drink. It also has a characteristic wormwood aroma, but has a more subtle taste. Martini is served in a special wide glass along with olives, a slice of lemon, ice. If there is no special glass, you can take a whiskey glass.

Martini is usually diluted with freshly squeezed juice or mixed with stronger alcohol.

ATTENTION! Sometimes soda is added to a martini. sweet water, but it is fraught with a morning headache.

What to drink for the New Year: strong alcohol

For men, strong alcohol should be served on the New Year's table. What to drink for the New Year depends only on preferences.


Traditional Russian vodka - great option for a feast. But only if the drink is made on high-quality Lux alcohol and cooled enough.

To prevent a morning hangover, you need to eat vodka with fatty hot dishes, preferably meat. Pickled mushrooms, herring, aspic, red caviar are good for vodka.

Large meals will slow down the rate of absorption of alcohol.


Aromatic cognac is the second most popular strong alcoholic drink for festive feast. He has a specific pleasant taste and a beautiful amber color. Served in wide glasses on a short stem. It is customary to slightly warm the cognac in the palms so that it fully reveals the main flavor bouquet.

Snack cognac - bad manners. It should be drunk in small sips, enjoying the sensations.

However, you can still serve a snack. It can be cheese, meat, sweet fruits, oysters, mini sandwiches.

Whiskey, bourbon

Whiskey and its bourbon variety resemble cognac in strength, but differ in aroma and taste. They are also not customary to have a snack, although if you wish, you can take the same snack as for cognac.

Often ice is added to whiskey, but melted water makes the drink specific. Therefore, instead of ice, you can put a cooling stone in the glass. Whiskey glasses are different, the most popular is a thick-walled glass tapering downwards with a massive bottom.

Snacking whiskey is not accepted, but in some cases it can be diluted with cola or other soda.

The characteristic taste of rum is not for everyone. If there are such in the family or you just want something original in new year's eve, you can buy a bottle of rum. It comes in three varieties: black, amber and white. They differ from each other in endurance and a hint of taste.

white rum, as a rule, is used for making cocktails, amber and black are served as independent drinks with ice and ripe fruit. A rum glass is similar to a whiskey glass: it has thick walls and a massive bottom.


Strong gin, however, has a mild taste and is considered the most "feminine" alcoholic drink of the existing high-grade gin. The composition of the gin includes juniper berries, which gives it a characteristic aroma.

You can drink gin just like that or add it to cocktails. The drink is served in a straight thick-bottomed glass along with smoked meat and fish, sweet fruit, cheese, lemon or oranges.


The drink has a bright grape note and is served in cognac glasses, narrowed at the top. Like cognac, brandy is warmed in the palms to feel the full aromatic bouquet.

Brandy can be diluted with tonic, ice or other alcohol as part of a cocktail. Can be served with meat snacks and meals.


The popularity of sweet and thick fortified wines, which include a variety of liqueurs, remains very high. So if you do not know what to drink for the New Year, buy a bottle of liquor - creamy, chocolate, fruit. It looks very nice in a glass, has a wonderful sweet taste and goes well with almost any snack, depending on the type.

What to drink for the New Year: festive cocktails

If you wish, be sure to try an alcoholic cocktail on New Year's Eve. You can easily cook it yourself. But it is important to understand: one glass of a cocktail is enough to enjoy. Two can affect health, and three glasses is a clear overkill. The reason for this is the mixing of alcoholic beverages of different strengths.

pomegranate cocktail

75 ml of Bacardi rum;

150 ml natural pomegranate juice;

2-3 ice cubes;

A few pomegranate seeds.

Put pomegranate seeds and ice cubes at the bottom of the glass, pour rum, carefully pour juice on top. Rum and juice should be cold, so keep the bottles in the fridge before blending.

Vodka cocktail

25 ml schnapps (pear or peach will do);

75 ml pineapple juice;

75 ml cranberry or blackcurrant juice;

25 ml of vodka;

Chipped ice.

Fill the glass to the top with ice cubes, pour in all the ingredients, mix gently and serve, garnishing with an orange slice.

Champagne cocktail

300 ml of chilled champagne;

40 ml of any liquor;

25 ml orange juice;

4-5 ice cubes.

Put ice into a large glass, pour in liqueur and juice, mix. Pour in champagne.

Rum cocktail

100 ml amber rum;

40 ml pineapple juice;

10 ml coconut milk;

4 slices of pineapple;

Ice (5-6 cubes).

Mix all ingredients except pineapple in a blender, pour into glasses, garnish with a pineapple slice.

Cocktail with liqueurs

40 ml coffee liqueur (for example, Kahlua);

40 ml creamy cocktail (for example, Baileys);

40 ml of Grand Marnier liqueur (can be replaced with other strong 40-degree liqueur or cognac).

Pour each type of liquor into the glass in this order. Pour in with three freezer-chilled tablespoons, turning them upside down. That is, for each liquor, take a separate clean spoon.

whiskey cocktail

160 ml whiskey;

Bank of condensed milk;

100 ml heavy cream;

2 tbsp. l. chocolate syrup;

Tea boat of black instant coffee.

Mix all ingredients well and pour into glasses.

What to drink for the New Year: soft drinks

If for some reason you can’t have champagne or another alcoholic drink, or simply don’t want to cloud your head with alcohol, be sure to prepare a delicious and beautiful non-alcoholic drink for the New Year’s feast.

Symbol of 2017 - Fire Rooster- just loves everything bright and unusual.

Therefore, give preference better drinks with vibrant color and flavor.

Strawberry cocktail

600 ml of apricot nectar;

A glass of frozen or fresh strawberries;

2 glasses canned apricots;

A quarter cup of honey;

Two glasses of ice cubes.

Combine ice, apricots with nectar, honey in a blender. Beat until smooth. Add strawberries and beat again so that pieces of berries and fruits remain in the drink.

original champagne

You need to make this drink in advance, two weeks before the New Year's feast.

Liter of water;

150 grams of honey;

150 grams of sugar;

Bay leaf;

Half a teaspoon of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom.

Bring the water to a boil, put all the ingredients, boil for 15 minutes and cool. Strain, pour into a bottle and refrigerate for two weeks.

New Year's Punch

100 grams of sugar;

4 black tea bags;


Half a teaspoon of ginger and favorite spices (mint, cinnamon, etc.);

600 ml of water;

150 grams fresh or frozen strawberries.

Cut the core from apples, cut into slices. Cut citrus fruits into slices along with the peel. Place apples and citrus fruits in a large bowl, add strawberries, add sugar, stir and let it brew for 40 minutes.

Boil water, brew tea bags, adding ginger there. Pour spices into fruit and berry juice. Pour fruit with brewed tea and insist all together for 1.5 hours. Strain, chill in the refrigerator and pour into glasses.

cinnamon cocktail

25 ml of any syrup;

a pinch of cinnamon;

Three green apples;

Two lime slices.

Squeeze juice from apples, add syrup, lime and cinnamon. Heat everything up without boiling. Strain and serve in a glass, garnished with a mint leaf or apple slice.


Two lime slices;

A sprig of fresh mint;

30 ml strawberry puree;

20 ml mint syrup;

170 ml of water.

Mash mint with lime. Combine all components, heat well, but do not boil. Strain and serve in a cocktail glass garnished with a mint leaf.

We wish you a happy New Year!

When thinking about the upcoming most important holiday of the year, a bright picture arises before your eyes: an elegant Christmas tree, tangerines, a beautiful, rich festive table and, of course, champagne sparkling in glasses. It is also a great opportunity to experiment and prepare a variety of delicious New Year's alcoholic drinks. After all, you already have on the table almost the entire set of necessary ingredients.

In addition to the usual traditional drinks- champagne for the chimes, wines for hot and ice vodka for herring "under a fur coat" - to festive table you can cook a lot different drinks. For example, bright cocktails that will be very out of place this New Year's Eve (after all, it is known that the word "cocktail" is translated as "cock's tail"). For those who do not sit in front of the TV and set off to launch fireworks and balls of desires in the cold, hot New Year's drinks 2018 will be the best. Alcoholic cocktails based on champagne will be appreciated by lovers of magic bubbles.

Let's start with champagne-based drinks. By the way, champagne glasses can be decorated very simply. You can tie thin colored ribbons on the legs of the glasses, repeating the colors and style of table and Christmas tree decorations. The edges of the glasses can be dipped in water and dipped in granulated sugar or powder - you get frost.

winter hood

750 ml of champagne,
750 ml dry red wine
200 g frozen cherries (pitted)
200 ml orange juice,
100 g sugar.

Cover the cherries with sugar, orange juice and 1 glass of wine. Put the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 1 hour. In a large pitcher, combine the cherries with juice and wine with the remaining wine. Stir the drink, pour it into glasses and top up with champagne.

Cocktail "Christmas blush"

60 ml of champagne,
40 ml of vodka,
20 ml lime juice
15 ml sugar syrup
1 tsp cherry puree,
mint leaves,

Pour mint leaves and ice into a shaker, then add vodka, lime juice and sugar syrup, stir for 10-15 seconds. Put the cherry puree into the glass and fill it with the contents of the shaker. Stirring lightly, add champagne.

Of course, we will not ignore our dear men. New Year's drinks 2018 based on cognac and others strong drinks will appeal to connoisseurs of everything unusual and new.

African New Year Cocktail

30 ml cognac,
300 ml cola,
1 tsp black instant coffee.

In big tumbler with a volume of 0.5 l, pour in the chilled cognac, then carefully, along the edge, pour in the chilled cola. Gradually add coffee, while vigorously whisking the liquid with a fork until a thick foam forms. We draw your attention to the fact that this cocktail should be made immediately before serving.

Cocktail "Russian New Year"

45 ml of vodka,
60 ml grapefruit juice
60 liters of lemonade,

Mix all the ingredients in a glass, the edges of which are pre-glazed with salt or sugar. Add ice to the cocktail, stir slowly and serve to guests.

Cocktail "Russian" with honey

70 ml of vodka,
30 g honey
200 ml light beer.

Mix vodka and liquid honey with ice chips. Pour in chilled beer and add ice cubes. Serve the finished cocktail immediately to the table. If desired, add ½ cinnamon stick to the smoothie.

One important note: don't try to replace vodka in whiskey cocktails. This noble drink has its own recipes.

Hot alcoholic New Year's drinks will help you quickly warm up after a fun walk to the city Christmas tree. To serve, use special glasses with a handle (for Irish coffee).

Mulled wine with lemon

500 ml dry red wine
75 g sugar
1 cinnamon stick
150 ml cognac or rum
1 lemon
12 cloves.

Wash the lemon thoroughly, wipe dry and stick the clove buds into it. Then put the lemon in large saucepan with wine, sugar and a broken cinnamon stick. Heat the resulting mixture over medium heat for 10 minutes without bringing to a boil. Then remove from heat, add cognac or rum and leave for 5 minutes. Take out the lemon, cinnamon and serve the mulled wine hot.

Before the New Year, there is still time to prepare all kinds of liqueurs and tinctures. Don't miss the opportunity! Moreover, there is nothing exotic in our recipes.

Ginger Cranberry New Year's Punch

Ingredients (for 12 servings):
500 ml cognac,
600 ml cranberry juice
500 ml orange juice
150 ml of water
½ st. l. ground cinnamon,
¼ st. l. ground ginger.
For decoration:
slices of lime, lemon or orange.

Pour the cranberry into the punch bowl and orange juice, water, add spices. Bring to a boil and, removing from heat, add cognac. Pour the finished punch into mugs and garnish with citrus slices.

Cocktail "Fairy Night"

400 ml of port wine,
50 g powdered sugar,
1 st. l. flour,
½ bar of dark chocolate.

Pour port wine into the pan, add flour and powdered sugar, break the chocolate into pieces and send it to the rest of the ingredients in the pan. Boil its contents, cool and pour into glasses.

cranberry liqueur

1 liter of vodka
800 g cranberries,
750 g sugar.

Crush the washed cranberries with a pusher, transfer to a jar and fill with vodka. Close the jar with a lid and put in a dark, cold place for a week. Then strain the contents of the jar into a saucepan, add sugar and heat the drink until the sugar dissolves. Then cool and bottle.

Coffee-orange tincture

500 ml of vodka,
350 ml of water
200 g sugar
2 tsp instant coffee,
peel of 1 orange,
1.5 tsp citric acid,
vanillin - on the tip of a knife.

Into the cold boiled water add sugar, citric acid, instant coffee and some vanilla. Bring the mixture to a boil, drop in orange peels, remove from heat and leave to cool for 2 hours. When the time is up, strain the tincture and pour vodka into it. Cool in refrigerator before serving.

Home "Spotykach"

500 ml of vodka,
500 g frozen cherries
15 pcs. prunes,
300 g sugar.

Sprinkle the cherries with sugar and leave overnight. Then put the berries on the fire and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Rinse the prunes (if they are too dry, soak briefly in boiling water). Add the prunes to the bowl with the cherries, remove from heat and set aside. Transfer the berry mass to a bottle, fill with vodka and infuse for 2 weeks in a sealed container. Strain the finished "Spotykach" and store in the refrigerator until use.

Homemade lemon tincture "For soulful company"

500 ml of vodka,
3 lemons
120 g sugar.

Wash your lemons. Cut, remove the bones and pass through a meat grinder. Put the resulting mass in a jar, add sugar, pour vodka, mix and let stand for 8-12 hours (the more, the better: the taste will be richer). Then strain the tincture through cheesecloth and drink chilled.

This is not all New Year's drinks 2018. You can find even more drinks and ways to serve them, as well as with what and how to use them, in the Enoteka section.

Happy New Year!

Larisa Shuftaykina

It so happened that on the New Year we are used to laying a rich table: there are various salads, meat and fish dishes, and mouth-watering snacks ... The New Year is, of course, not complete without various alcoholic drinks, such as champagne, vodka, wine, cognac, etc. What is better to drink on New Year's Eve?

Alcoholic drinks they are usually served at any holiday table (well, except for children, of course), and even more so for the New Year's. Naturally, many people would like to be able to offer their guests the widest possible range of drinks to choose from, but modern alcohol prices are so high that a large table “bar” is too expensive and you need to opt for just 1, 2 or 3 drinks.

Champagne is the most traditional new year's choice. It is his, this sparkling foamy drink, we pour into glasses exactly at midnight and drink for the New Year's Eve under the chiming clock. Many traditions and signs are associated with champagne on New Year's Eve. For example, there is a tradition of making New Year's wishes with the help of champagne: you need to write your desire on a piece of paper, then set fire to this piece of paper and pour its ashes into a glass of New Year's champagne, after which you can drink champagne. The main condition is to have time to do all this while the chimes strike twelve, then the wish will surely come true.

In domestic conditions, another traditional alcoholic drink for the New Year is, of course, vodka. Among all strong alcoholic beverages, vodka has been taking a leading position not only for decades, but for centuries, so the custom of accompanying the festive table with “little white” is firmly rooted. True, so that the New Year's feast is not spoiled by too "zealous" drinking of vodka by guests, choosing this particular drink for serving to the festive table, you should make sure that all drinking guests have enough "snacks", and it should be fatter - fat does not give alcohol quickly absorbed into the blood and helps to get drunk less.

Cognac- This is also a popular drink on New Year's Eve. This is, one might say, a more "elite" option. strong alcohol, although, however, cognacs are different ... Cognac, according to the rules of etiquette, is served at the end of the feast: after serving the main courses, but before serving coffee or tea. All the same rules of etiquette say that cognac should not be eaten: this drink is not drunk in one gulp, like vodka, but slowly, heating a glass with cognac in your hands and enjoying every sip of it. True, we are so arranged that we still want some “snacks” for cognac, and therefore you can follow the advice of famous cognac tasters and serve cheese and fruit slices, chocolate to the table with cognac.

In addition to the three “main” alcoholic drinks listed for the New Year, there are many more. For example, often served at the New Year's table wine especially if there are women among the guests. Wine can be dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, dessert - each of these types of wine should be served with certain dishes. So, dry and semi-dry red and white wines are usually served with meat and fish main courses, with cold and hot appetizers. Semi-sweet and dessert wines, as you might guess, are served with the “sweet table”: fruits, desserts, confectionery. The serving time of wine is selected in accordance with the particular dish for which it is intended.

Very good for the New Year's table liqueurs. These alcoholic drinks have a sweet taste, so they are usually served at the end of the feast, for example, with tea or coffee. Among the most popular liqueurs are Amaretto, Baileys, Cointreau, Limoncello, Sheridans and many others. It is noteworthy that the analogues of many famous liqueurs you can cook from the available ingredients at home: it will be both tasty and not very expensive.

If you don’t want to drink alcoholic beverages in the “pure” form on New Year’s Eve, then you can choose various cocktails well, there are a lot of them. Here are just a few of the most popular: Margarita, Cosmopolitan, Pina Colada, Mojito, Daiquiri, Screwdriver, etc. Cocktails are a good choice for the New Year's table, however, there is one difficulty: if vodka, champagne or wine can be served to the table in decanters (and often directly in bottles), then cocktails will have to be made in advance in sufficient in large numbers enough for all guests. This can be quite tedious.

Mulled wine and different kinds punch. But the most "non-New Year's" can be called such a drink as beer. However, what exactly to drink for the New Year, in any case, everyone decides for himself. Eg, What are you personally going to drink for the New Year? Participate in our voting!