Diet for colitis: features of cooking and menu.

A diet for intestinal colitis should be started from the first symptoms of the disease. After all, the longer the intestine is under the influence of negative factors, the stronger the pain will be felt by a person.

Whether to treat colitis with a diet, the doctor decides. The essence of the diet is to create a gentle regimen for the body in order to reduce the costs of the gastrointestinal tract. The goal is simple - to reduce the level of fermentation or putrefaction in the intestines and normalize its performance. Nutrition with such a diet is fractional, up to 6 times a day. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the burden on the intestines and help it digest food better and faster. Dinner should be 3 hours before going to bed. All cooked meals should be warm so as not to irritate the stomach. It is better to reduce the amount of salt consumed and completely abandon the use of alcohol. The amount of liquid consumed should remain the same, at least 2 liters per day.

Okay, but what is diverticulitis? As people age, they often develop an increase in pressure in the colon. This pressure is often caused by increased episodes of constipation. When colonic pressure is applied, over time, small tissue walls or sacs develop outward from the colonic wall. These sacs are called diverticula.

Diverticula are more common in the lower third of the colon, in an area known as the sigmoid colon. There is no known biological purpose specific to diverticula. It's just an anomaly that occurs with age and high blood pressure large intestine. The biological reason for the development of diverticula is nothing more than a weakening of the colon as a person ages.

Indications for diet

The diet is prescribed primarily to those patients who have been diagnosed with colitis on an outpatient basis. You can recognize it at home.

The first symptoms, after which treatment must be started immediately:

  • constant rumbling in the stomach;
  • pain sensations that have a stabbing character;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • impurities of blood, mucus in feces;
  • weakness, lethargy;
  • temperature rise 37.1-37.5 ° C (optional).

An attack of colitis begins suddenly and can last from a few days to a month. It is possible to improve the condition of the body with the help of medical assistance and a special diet. Intestinal colitis: symptoms may be clear or may be blurry, appearing and disappearing. So it turns out that intestinal colitis can last for years. Treatment in adults is based on a special diet. And for patients suffering from chronic colitis, adhering to a special diet is simply necessary to make life with this type of disease easier. After all, the patient is constantly struggling with bloating, with diarrhea.

What is the difference between diverticulitis and diverticulosis?

But since it occurs in young people, it is logical that in these people the colon is saturated, and this leads to constipation, and a change in the colon is recommended for recovery from this disgusting condition. Well, diverticula are the ones that ignite.

The development of diverticula in the colon is known as diverticulosis. When they become inflamed, the condition is called diverticulitis. When small particles are difficult to digest, food becomes trapped in the diverticulum and tends to rub against the walls of the colon, and this is the start of a small lesion or growing stomach ulcer. This small ulcer becomes inflamed and can often react adversely to the bacteria, as they have a large population in the area.

Diet Basics

The diet can be divided into 2 options, since the symptoms can be completely different: constipation or diarrhea. So it turns out that the components of the diets will be completely different. But in intestinal colitis there is a feature of changing symptoms in places, so doctors recommend alternating diets with each other. The daily energy value with this type of diet will be 2000 calories. The reduction in calorie levels is due to a decrease in the consumption of carbohydrates and fats in the menu. It allows you to exclude from the diet all foods that lead to putrefactive and fermentation processes. All dishes should be steamed, boiled or baked, without adding oil, so recipes should be adjusted in advance. The main and main principle - it is necessary to remember that no fatty varieties meat, rich broths. Everything is only boiled, puree-like, not strengthening the body.

Once bacteria enter the picture, the diverticulum becomes inflamed, causing pain from the swelling. When inflammation occurs, the next step is rupture. If the diverticulum breaks, the result can be peritonitis, or an infection of the internal intestine, causing severe abdominal pain and tenderness, vomiting, fever, and diarrhea, as well as some other serious symptoms. As you can see, colonic diverticulitis is vital.

The end result of this diverticulitis is often surgery, which is very serious. This operation, called colon resection, is a real nightmare, that is, cutting off the area affected by diverticula. Once this operation is performed, it is important that the patient avoid additional episodes of stress. The next step is to use a colostomy or remove a large portion of the colon and create an abdominal stoma, or opening in the intestine from which a bowel movement occurs.

Is it possible to have nuts with colitis, a moot point. But many doctors recommend eating them because of their beneficial composition.

Foods allowed on the diet

To alleviate the condition of the body during constipation, which most often accompanies intestinal colitis, you should adhere to a certain group of products. Their properties include thinning and normalizing bowel function. In the case of diarrhea, things are a little different and more serious. After all, the group of products that can be consumed will be much smaller. All products differ from each other by fixing properties and are aimed at normalizing bowel function.

What is the most effective diet for colonic diverticulitis?

The most effective and widely used prophylactic for diverticulitis is the colonic diverticulitis diet. The diverticulitis diet is simply to accomplish two things. What is the most common diet for diverticulitis? The most common diet used during acute episodes of the disease is what is known as the low content waste. With this type of nutrition, fiber is reduced as much as possible because fiber particles can enter the diverticulum and cause further inflammation.

If colitis is observed in the acute phase, then doctors may recommend drinking drinks with a fixing effect: coffee, cocoa, or black tea. You can drink various jelly or a decoction of wild rose. It will be good to eat blueberries or black currants, because they have an astringent effect. Diet for colitis is simple. Can also be used fresh fruits. But it is better to completely refuse canned and natural juices.

Removing the fiber allows the gut to settle down. Rest because fiber makes the intestines move. Without a lot of fiber, the colon tends to have less peristaltic action, which is the undulating motion that causes stool to move along the colon. Lack of peristaltic action unfortunately often results in constipation, and types of laxatives that act in action, called osmotic laxatives, should be used. Most laxatives are laxatives and use fibrous foods to get the bowels moving.

Vegetables are best used after pre-cooking, in the form of pureed porridge. Saturated with a strong calming effect cauliflower, so it is better to include it in the diet.

The menu should have fruits that can be consumed in the form of mashed potatoes. Doctors recommend peaches, pears and, of course, apples.

Dairy products adversely affect the body with colitis, so it is better to refuse them. But in some cases, doctors recommend a small amount of low-fat cottage cheese, milk and cheese.

Osmotic laxatives, on the other hand, absorb large amounts of fluid in the colon. When this happens, the accumulation of all this fluid in the intestine leads to the evacuation of the intestinal contents. With a low waste diet for diverticulitis and some fruits and vegetables that are allowed because their structure is such that the conditions are low in fiber. Some allowed vegetables include carrots, green bean, yellow beans, lettuce, cucumber, cabbage and cauliflower.

You can also eat baked potatoes without the skin. Some fruits such as bananas, melons, grapes, peaches and watermelons can be tolerated. Corn, plums, cherries, beans, red beans, or nuts of any kind are strictly prohibited, as are foods such as popcorn.

Of the offal on the menu, only liver paste, but on condition that you cook it yourself without spices and various preservatives.

Bakery products can please only yesterday's bread, but from durum varieties. Candy can be 2-3 pcs. per day or no more than 2 tsp. sugar or honey. Nutrition for intestinal colitis should contain more fruits and vegetables.

The diet for low waste diverticulitis is not easy to prepare and not tolerate at any time. However, exacerbation of diverticulitis must be avoided. It is also the most common diet for treating diverticulitis. Another diet that is finding a lot of popularity is the food combination. This diet should be used after the symptoms have dissipated and the bowels are nearly normal; However, it can also be used to soothe symptoms if it is followed very strictly.

Combining food from the diet allows a person to eat almost any food they like to eat. The difference is that these foods should be consumed in very specific combinations. Here's how the Diverticulitis Diverticulitis Diet Works. The stomach and intestines can digest almost any kind of food, as long as it has the right pH for it. When the pH is balanced, as one would expect, suitable enzymes, acids, alkalis, and digestive juices are introduced into right time. Therefore, the efficiency of the digestive system is maximum, and most of the food can be digested.

With diarrhea, the menu is allowed to use:

  1. From the first courses, rice or semolina broth, as well as soups on low-fat broth.
  2. The main dishes include lean veal, beef, chicken, boiled or steamed chicken, low-fat fish, vermicelli in low-fat broth. Of the cereals, semolina and rice cooked in water remain.
  3. As juices, you can use blueberry or currant, apple, tangerine or orange juice diluted with water. You can kissel or tea and a decoction of wild rose.
  4. In fermented milk products, kefir and cottage cheese remain indispensable.
  5. Butter can be no more than 40 g per day.

Diet for intestinal colitis with constipation involves the use of weak first courses meat broths, vegetarian dishes, fish broths, fruit soups.

There are still some products that just don't break down well in any digestive system human, so that specific foods can be avoided at all costs. The whole secret determines which foods are best when combined in the right way. An appropriate information letter is required. Once a person understands how these food combinations work and use this diet for diverticulitis, they often find that the symptoms of diverticulitis can be avoided as long as they stay true to the diet.

They also believe that they can eat more products that they like, as long as they maintain a certain mix of food mixes. The goal of the Diverticulitis Diet is to give your digestive system a chance to repair itself as soon as possible.

Second courses are a little more varied: steamed meat dishes, baked or boiled, steamed fish dishes.

From the cereals on the menu, you can barley, pearl barley, wheat and buckwheat. From vegetables it is allowed to use grated or raw carrots, fresh tomatoes, leaf salad, boiled zucchini, beets, pumpkin, beans, cauliflower, green pea, sorrel (not more than 1 time in 10 days);​​​​.

Diverticulitis diet starts with clear liquids for a few days. For example, those that are allowed on transparent liquid diet, include. fruit juices without cellulose, such as Apple juice. Icy splashes without fragments of fruit or fruit pulp.

As you begin to feel better, your doctor will advise you to slowly add low fiber foods. Examples of low fiber foods include. Canned or boiled fruit without skin or seeds. canned or boiled vegetables such as green beans, carrots and potatoes.

As drinks, doctors allowed fruit and vegetable juices, different in composition, compote and a decoction made from wild rose.

All dairy products can be consumed. The diet does not prohibit the use of butter and vegetable oil.

With constipation, you can use sugar, honey and jam in small doses. Eggs are forbidden, but wheat and Rye bread, cookies, pies with various fillings: meat, pie, apples, cottage cheese.

Eggs, fish and poultry. Juice of fruits and vegetables without cellulose. You should feel better within two to three days of starting the diet and antibiotics. If you don't start to feel better, call your doctor. Also see your doctor if. The pain in the abdomen gets worse.

Do not store clear liquids. They may indicate complications requiring hospitalization. risk of diverticulitis. The diverticulitis diet has several risks. For this reason, your doctor will want you to return to a normal diet as soon as you can tolerate it.

Both diets have been found to be very effective if the patient stays with them and stays within the standards and requirements. A diet for decent colonic diverticulitis can make the difference between a truly terrible experience or rested digestion for your gut with a solid condition that you will slowly heal to be normal.

These diets should be familiar to those who suffer from colitis constantly. Doctors recommend after the cessation of pain for a few more days to sit on a strict diet.

The doctor always prescribes a diet. Usually it is short-term, no more than three weeks. The first week is a strict diet, the second week is an expansion of the diet, the third week is an exit from the diet.

Colitis is an inflammation that occurs in the large intestine. The colon is the part of the large intestine where more water, so that when it becomes inflamed, there is rather watery diarrhea. Dogs with colitis become dehydrated but do not lose much weight because most of the digestion and absorption of food is done in the small intestine.

Difference Between Colitis and Diarrhea

Colitis in dogs can occur in two ways. Acute: sudden onset and short-term chronic course: present for at least two to three weeks or recurring. We have already said that colitis is not the same as diarrhea. Colitis is inflammation of the large intestine, part of the large intestine. Diarrhea, on the other hand, may be due to a change in the large intestine or small intestine.

It's important to know

In addition to permitted products, there are those that are prohibited. And this list is more important than the first one.

When colitis is prohibited:

  1. Bread and other fresh baked goods. Since it contributes to the production of a large amount of intestinal gases.
  2. Rich broths and broths from fatty meats. Such broths overload the work of the intestines, gallbladder and gastrointestinal tract as a whole.
  3. Legumes, peas and pasta. They increase the volume of intestinal gases produced, thereby complicating the work of the digestive tract.
  4. Fatty meats, as well as ham, bacon or lard. Prohibited use fried meat and fish.
  5. Various pickles, smoked products, preserves and marinades. Irritate the intestinal mucosa, causing diarrhea.
  6. Raw fruits and vegetables. Improve bowel function due to the large amount of fiber.
  7. fatty dairy products: sour cream or high-fat milk or homemade milk.
  8. Coffee or cocoa with milk.
  9. Various fast food.
  10. Seasonings and spices.
  11. Eggs, you can eat a maximum of 1 per day.
  12. Dishes based on cereals.

Consequences of colitis

If you refuse to treat colitis with diets, the frequency of its manifestations will increase. The patient will feel discomfort in the intestines, bloating, a constant feeling of fermentation, constipation. In the side will begin to prick, and the person himself will be irritated. If complications begin, then chronic colitis can develop into ulcerative colitis with bleeding and in the future everything will end with peritonitis.

Colitis can be called a synonym for large bowel diarrhea, although it is most correct to mention the affected areas if they are known. Usually there is no weight loss, and when there is due to dehydration.

  • Increased stool frequency.
  • Stool volume is smaller, scattered at different times.
  • There may be mucus in the stool.
  • Usually there is no vomiting.
  • Usually there is fresh blood in the stool.
Colitis can be caused by the following reasons.

How do I know if my dog ​​has colitis?

Infections: Can be caused by bacteria or viruses: they can be flatworms, roundworms, or protozoa. Immune-mediated diseases: They may have allergies or immune diseases such as inflammatory disease intestines. Functional problems: Dogs, like humans, can have irritable bowel Cancer Mechanical problems: Mechanical damage can occur when eating an object that damages the intestines, for example. Acute colitis usually resolves spontaneously.

Treatment for intestinal colitis does not require much effort and time. The main rule is that at the first symptoms of colitis, and it is difficult to notice its sign, general malaise should immediately seek help from the medical department, where it will be diagnosed and prescribed proper nutrition with colitis.

We often say that they are self-limiting. Usually dogs don't feel very bad about the general condition, and if they don't dehydrate a lot, they resolve in a few days. For this reason, we usually do not reach an etiological diagnosis. This does not mean that they do not need treatment, especially if it affects the entire intestine. If the dog is a puppy, it is very weak, or if there is blood in the stool, symptomatic treatment is usually applied.

Chronic colitis is more complex and does not resolve itself. A protocol must be followed to rule out possible causes with the simplest and most cost-effective tests. First of all, you need to interview the owner and do a full background check to determine what evidence is needed.

In the case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, they speak of a disease such as colitis.

There are several types of colitis, but the main signs of pathology are abdominal pain, flatulence and disturbed stools, often in the form of diarrhea.

General rules

The task of the diet for colitis is to provide nutrition in case of impaired digestion, that is, mechanical and chemical sparing of the digestive tract, reducing the inflammatory response.

The main task is to nullify fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines and normalize its functions and the functions of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the Pevzner diet table, for colitis, diet No. 4 is prescribed in case of a sharp exacerbation of the disease, or No. 4b with a subsiding process or with a mild exacerbation.

The treatment table for colitis has a reduced energy value(limiting the intake of fats and carbohydrates, but with a normal amount of protein), and equals 2170-2480Kcal.

The composition of the diet:

  • protein content - 85-90g, of which 60-65% are animals;
  • fat content 70-80g;
  • carbohydrates 300-350 gr;
  • table salt - 8-10g.


The diet for colitis of any stage is fractional, 5-6 times a day and in small portions. Due to this principle of the diet, the mechanical load on the digestive tract, and, in particular, on the intestines, is reduced, and food is easier to digest and assimilate. The last meal should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

food temperature

Dishes should not be too cold or hot, so as not to irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Optimum temperature food 15-60°C.

Culinary processing

All dishes should be boiled, steamed or baked, but without a hard crust. In addition, food is served pureed or crushed. Thus, the intestines have time to break down foods into nutrients that are absorbed into the blood - this achieves mechanical sparing.

vegetable fiber

The amount of vegetable fiber in the diet for colitis is reduced, since, firstly, it does not linger in the intestines, that is, it increases the frequency of bowel movements (and colitis is usually accompanied by diarrhea), and, secondly, it irritates the intestinal mucosa, which so inflamed.


free liquid

The use of free fluid should be at least 1.5-2 liters per day. Thus, hydrochloric acid is diluted in the stomach and the volume of fluid lost during diarrhea is replenished.


From alcohol, especially during an exacerbation of the disease should be abandoned. Alcohol irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, exacerbates inflammation in the colon, stimulates the production of pancreatic enzymes and the release of bile, which aggravates the disease.

Prohibited Products

The menu of the treatment table for colitis should not include those products that cause fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines, stimulate gas formation and peristalsis.

They are treated like rude vegetable fiber, and legumes. In addition, it is not recommended to use spices - they irritate the digestive tract.

Fats, especially of vegetable origin, are also limited, as they interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines and speed up bowel movements, which is not good for diarrhea. The same goes for dairy products, especially if you are lactose intolerant.

Stimulants of bile secretion, secretion of pancreatic enzymes, for example, extractives, increase the burden on the liver and worsen the course of colitis.

List of prohibited foods for colitis

  • black bread, wholemeal or whole grain bread, muffin;
  • rich meat and fish broths;
  • pasta, beans, peas, lentils, beans;
  • fatty meats and poultry, especially fried foods;
  • pickles, marinades, smoked meats;
  • canned food, caviar;
  • fatty fish;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • raw vegetables;
  • raw fruits and berries, dried fruits, honey, jam;
  • dairy products, whole milk;
  • coffee and cocoa with milk;
  • nuts;
  • fast food, chips, crackers;
  • fried or hard boiled eggs;
  • spices (mustard, pepper, vinegar, garlic and others);
  • cereals: barley, barley, wheat, wheat, barley;
  • fats other than butter.

Approved Products

The diet menu for colitis should include foods that ensure normal digestion, delay bowel movements, and allow the intestines to quickly absorb them.

These are bakery and dairy products with low acidity, and “strengthening” products (coffee, cocoa), as well as those containing in large numbers vitamins.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure mechanical and chemical sparing of the digestive tract, so all dishes should be pureed or finely chopped, and also served warm.

The list of allowed products includes:

  • crackers from white bread, biscuits, biscuit;
  • fat-free and diluted broths, soups with boiled cereals or chopped vegetables (potatoes, zucchini);
  • lean meats and poultry and dishes from them (steamed cutlets with rice, meatballs): veal, beef, rabbit, skinless chicken;
  • a fish low-fat varieties, boiled or steamed, baked;
  • boiled cereals on the water (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal);
  • eggs in the form of a protein omelet or soft-boiled;
  • vegetables: potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots in the form of mashed potatoes, soufflés, casseroles or boiled;
  • baked apples, in the form of puree, peeled and red, decoctions of barberry, black currant, quince; pears, bananas;
  • butter in a small amount;
  • fat-free cottage cheese and non-acidic sour cream;
  • non-sharp and unsalted cheeses;
  • bay leaf, vanillin, cinnamon, a little dill and parsley;
  • chocolate, strong tea, coffee, diluted juices (excluding apricot, grape and plum);
  • marmalade, pastille;
  • kissels, jelly.

The need for a diet

Compliance with a diet for colitis normalizes the work of the large intestine and the entire digestive tract as a whole. Also, a treatment table for a disease will ensure the absorption of nutrients, vitamins and microelements, normalize appearance and weight, stimulates the immune system.

The normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract has a positive effect on the state of the psyche, eliminates emotional excitability, and has a positive effect on sleep.

In addition, if the patient follows the diet, all the discomfort associated with colitis is stopped, abdominal pain disappears, and stool normalizes.

Consequences of not following the diet

If the diet is not followed, colitis threatens with frequent exacerbations, constant discomfort in the abdomen and problems with stools - this is best case, and at worst - threatens to turn into ulcerative colitis, complicated by intestinal bleeding and the development of peritonitis.

In addition, colitis causes narrowing of the lumen of the large intestine due to strictures and scarring.