Unsurpassed taste and benefits in one glass: learning how to make apple juice. How to make apple juice for the winter at home through a juicer and juicer: the best recipes

A juicer is a unique device that can extract juice even from hard beets or radishes.

But why do we need a tasteless drink?

It is much more pleasant to boil fruit juice, sweet and fragrant.

It can be drunk immediately or prepared for the future for the winter, which is very convenient and useful.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer, close it for the winter?

How to cook juice in an apple juicer - general cooking principles

Apples before laying in the juice cooker must be thoroughly washed and cut. Since the product will be completely exposed to heat, it is very important to remove the seed cores. From them, the drink may have an unpleasant taste, bitterness. Seeds can also clog holes in the upper compartment of the juicer, preventing the liquid from draining. Be sure to cut off all damaged areas, traces of rot, wormholes. You do not need to chop apples finely. It is enough to cut small fruits into four parts, large ones can be into 6-8 parts.

The juicer consists of three parts:

Bunker / sieve (upper tank);

Juice receiver (in the middle);

Pot for water.

Prepared fruits are placed in a hopper with holes. Water is poured into a saucepan. To shorten the time, you can use boiling water immediately. Water must be poured up to the level marked on the bottom saucepan. Sometimes there is no mark, in which case you need to look in the instructions for the device, but usually it is 2 liters. During installation on the stove, the drain valve of the juice collector must be closed. Sometimes, instead of it, there is a rubber tube with a clamp on the device.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer for the winter

The traditional way of harvesting apple juice through a juicer for the winter. Drink from the tap immediately follows sterile, hot, it does not require additional boiling. Use ripe, juicy fruits for a delicious drink. To enhance the secretion of juice, a little sugar is added.


A handful of sugar.


1. Cut the washed fruits into slices, put in a saucepan from the juicer. Try to stack tightly so that more product enters.

2. Top the apples with a handful of sugar. Layers can also be crushed, but not much, otherwise the drink will turn out to be too sweet.

3. Pour water into the desired compartment, place the structure on the stove, cover the apples tightly with a lid.

4. Turn on the stove, leave the juicer for an hour, the tap must be turned off.

5. Now you need to stir the fruit with a spatula, pressing down so that the juice droplets drain. If the pieces are still very wet, cover the juicer and leave for another half hour.

6. While the juice is being prepared, you need to rinse and sterilize the jars. Covers also need to be processed. It is enough just to pour boiling water over them.

7. Now take the prepared jar, bring it to the tap and fill it to the top with juice. Cover with a lid, immediately roll up.

8. Fill up jars or bottles until you run out of juice.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer with lemon balm and zest

Apple juice will turn out much more aromatic and tastier if you add a little fragrant ingredients to it. The easiest way to use herbs, citrus zest. But how is juice cooked in a juicer from apples with them and where should they be laid?


2 sprigs of lemon balm;

1 orange or lemon.


1. As usual, chop the apples into large pieces, discard the cores. Put half in a sieve from a juicer.

2. Rinse an orange or lemon with baking soda to remove wax. Cut off the zest. This can be done with a paring knife or a grater.

3. Take a piece of bandage or gauze, roll it into 2 layers, lay out the zest and tie it tightly. If this is not done, citrus pieces will fall between the apple slices and clog the sieve holes.

4. Put the zest bag on the lemon balm sprigs.

5. Sprinkle it all with a handful of sugar on top.

6. Lay the remaining apples to the very top. Also add some sugar.

7. Close the device, turn on the stove, cook the juice after boiling for 30 minutes, then you can stir, let it steam for another ten minutes.

8. Pour an appetizing drink into jars, roll it up for the winter or cool it and use it like that.

How to cook juice in an apple juicer for the winter with pumpkin

A very popular mixed drink with the addition of pumpkin. It differs not only in taste, but also in a very bright color. Before you cook juice in an apple juicer for the winter, take care to choose a good, ripe and sweet pumpkin.



1. Chop the washed apples into pieces, put in the sieve of the juicer first, fill up to half or a little more. Lightly crush the layers with granulated sugar so that more juice comes out.

2. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut into pieces, lay on top of the apple slices. Sprinkle sugar on top as well. If the pumpkin is homemade or just good, you can boil the juice from the pieces along with the crust.

3. Close the appliance, turn on the stove, cook for 40-50 minutes.

4. Now you can open the lid, take a long spatula and mix apples and pumpkin well. Cover, cook for another quarter of an hour.

5. Now you need to mix the contents of the upper barrel well again so that all the liquid is glassed through a sieve.

6. Open the faucet, pour the drink into sterile containers, immediately roll up the lids. Cool the pumpkin-apple blank upside down.

How to cook juice in a juicer from apples and carrots without sugar

A useful preparation that can be used in children's and diet food. Sugar is not added. Carrots use only juicy, orange. Otherwise, she will be a guest in the sieve of the device and will not give anything.




1. Peel the carrots, cut into slices of 0.5 centimeters. Drop your ponytails right away. If you come across root crops with green centers, then it is advisable to cut the stem. It will add bitterness to the juice.

2. Cut apples into large pieces.

3. Put a good layer of apples in the juicer strainer first. Then you can alternate apples with carrots. If you wish, crush with a little sugar, more juice will come out.

4. Install the sieve on the device, do not forget to add water to it.

5. Turn on the stove, close the lid, cook for at least an hour.

6. Then you can stir, leave for another 20 minutes.

7. Open the tap, fill the sterile jars. If the food is intended for a child. Choose small containers. If you do not remove the drink for storage, then such juice is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

How to cook juice in a juicer from apples for the winter (spicy with grapes)

Before you start brewing juice in an apple juicer for the winter, the grapes must be thoroughly washed and sorted out, as there is always a lot of dust, cobwebs and other varieties on it. The most delicious drink is obtained from small wine grapes, but you can take any other varieties.



citrus peel;

2 cloves;

1 stick of cinnamon.


1. At the bottom of the sieve, put apples cut into pieces, approximately half.

2. Wrap a cinnamon stick, cloves, citrus peel in a piece of gauze. You can use dry zest. If desired, add a couple of mint leaves or a sprig of lemon balm.

3. Tie a piece of gauze with spices in a bag, put on apples. Sprinkle with sugar.

4. Separate the grapes from the branches, pour the apples to the very top of the sieve. It is not necessary to sprinkle it with sugar, as it gives juice well even without it.

5. Turn on the stove. Boil the juice after boiling water for 30 minutes to an hour. Stir well at the end, remembering the skins, but be careful not to tear the spice bag. It can also be pressed.

6. Pour into jars, seal.

How to cook juice in a juicer from apples and chokeberry "Cherry"

A very interesting way of harvesting apple juice with the taste and color of cherries. You don’t need a lot of chokeberry; two or three glasses are enough for a standard juice cooker. It is desirable that the berries are ripe and juicy.


2-3 cups of chokeberry;

20 cherry leaves;

Apples (how many will leave);

150-200 g of sugar.


1. Before you cook juice in an apple juicer for the winter, you need to soak the chokeberry in cold water, let the dust and litter come off, then rinse well.

2. Cherry leaves must also be rinsed, leave the water to drain.

3. Chop the apples into large pieces. Put the device in a saucepan.

4. Spread chokeberry and cherry leaves on top, sprinkle it all with sugar.

5. It remains only to turn on the stove, wait exactly an hour. But after 40 minutes you can see how the process is going, stir the mass.

6. Pour apple juice with cherry flavor into jars, roll up, send for storage.

Apple peel contains a huge amount of vitamins of different groups, pectin and tannins. Therefore, the skin from the fruit before laying in the tank does not need to be removed.

The boiled peel with pulp can not be thrown away. They have enough flavor. The mass can be used to prepare the filling for the pie, you just need to add sugar, jam, raisins, vanilla. Hot waste can be folded into sterile jars and rolled up for winter pies.

Do not add sugar to hot juice after boiling, even if it seems sour. The drink will be gone, not worthy until winter. If sour fruits are used initially, more sugar should be sprinkled on the layers in the barrel.

From sweet apples, fragrant juice is obtained, but it may lack the very acid that gives brightness to the taste. The way out is to add a lemon. You can simply sprinkle apples with powder mixed with granulated sugar. As an option - dilute a little acid in boiling water, pour apples on top.

How nice it is to open a jar of homemade juice in winter. Healthy eating is becoming more and more important these days. People are happy to prepare vitamins for the winter in the form of compotes, jams, jams and, of course, juices. How to cook all this variety, spending a little time and effort? To do this, there are many household appliances that come to the aid of housewives. To make delicious juice, use a juicer or juicer. In the first variant, additional heat treatment is required for harvesting for the winter. But we will talk about how to use a juicer.

Little intro

How to provide your family with delicious juices for the whole year? Some fruits are only available fresh during certain seasons. A juicer will help you prepare a nutritious drink with a minimum amount of cost and time. This harvesting method is more optimal. The output is more juice than when using a juicer. The drink undergoes parallel heat treatment, it can be immediately sent for storage. If you know how to use a juice cooker, then from the raw materials taken, you can get from 50 to 80 percent of the juice.

Benefits of a juicer

The main difference between a juicer and other juice production equipment is its noiselessness. It does not clog with pulp and does not require constant cleaning. The juice obtained in this way does not have much sediment. It can be immediately poured into jars and rolled up. This product does not require sterilization.

The juice from the juicer oxidizes quickly, so it is not meant to be stored for a long time. The finished drink from the juicer can be stored in the refrigerator, without rolling, for about a week, and it will not lose its properties.

Vegetables and fruits are laid immediately in a large volume, which is more convenient. Juice prepared in a juicer is sweeter. There is much less waste left, and it can be used to make marmalade or fruit puree. If you know how to use a juicer correctly, you can easily provide your family with a tasty and healthy drink for the whole winter.

The principle of operation of the juicer

The principle of operation of this kitchen utensil is very simple. How to use a juicer? The instruction is always attached to the product, but even taking into account technical progress, the principle of operation of this unit has not changed much. Even a schoolboy can deal with a very simple device. Modern juicers differ only in convenience and increased safety.

They are made of high quality materials that are safe for humans. During operation, berries, fruits or vegetables are heated by steam, the juice is separated. It flows into the liquid receiving compartment and then into the beverage storage container. It is only necessary to ensure that there is enough water in the juicer. The preparation of a portion of juice takes about 60-90 minutes, depending on the source material.

Juice cooker device

Before using a juicer, you need to study its device. It's easy and won't take much time. It consists of three parts. The first, lower pan, is placed on the stove. A sufficient amount of water is poured into it (the volume is always indicated in the instructions). On average, the amount of liquid is 3-4 liters. A special receiver for juice is installed on the second floor.

A basket with holes for the original ingredient is placed on top. The juice collection container also has a hose that is designed to drain the drink into the container. The device of the juicer is very simple, as is the process of making juice.

How to use an old juicer

How to use an old style juicer? Many people ask this question when the device remains, and the instruction has long been lost. But modern juicers practically do not differ from their ancestors. The difference is usually only in the appearance and quality of materials. Modern devices have an improved design and handles that do not heat up. This is where the differences end. Therefore, if you do not know how to use an old-style juice cooker, then pay attention to new models or read the article to the end.


We begin the preparation of juice with the preparation of raw materials. Berries, fruits or vegetables are carefully sorted and washed. Spoiled and sluggish fruits are immediately removed. There is little juice in them, and they can spoil the taste of the drink. If the feedstock is large (for example, tomatoes or apples), then we cut them into pieces. The skin does not need to be peeled off. For a juicer, this is not a problem, and there are tangible benefits in it (vitamins and nutrients).

It is better to remove the seeds if possible (for example, in apples), as they can clog the holes for the juice. Therefore, decide on the raw materials before using the juicer. Grape juice can be made without removing the berries from the stem. Grapes are placed in clusters immediately in a fruit container.

Before using the juice cooker, it must be thoroughly rinsed, especially if it is new. Then we set the lower container on the fire and fill it with water according to the instructions. We put the juice receiver on top, and then the basket with raw materials. We install the hose on the container for receiving juice and strengthen it with a special clamp. It will need to be removed when there is enough juice in the juice collector. While the drink is being prepared, you can prepare the dishes for storing it. Banks are well washed and sterilized. With sufficient juice formation, open the clamp and let it drain into the prepared dishes. Banks should be closed immediately.

Important nuances

When purchasing a juicer, consider its volume. Decide how much you will process fruits and vegetables. The volume of the apparatus ranges from 3 to 21 liters. Do not be confused by the impressive size of the juicer. This design helps to get the most delicious drink without much hassle. It is better if it is made of stainless steel.

Contact with products in this case will be minimal. It heats up more slowly, but this is not such a significant drawback. The presence of a temperature sensor is not required, but desirable. It helps control the juicing process. Consider all the points before using a gas juicer, and get high-quality and healthy juice.

apple juice

Very often, apples are used to make juice. This is the most popular fruit. This simple process has its own secrets. No need to finely chop the fruit and peel the skin. The juice cooker can easily cope with the preparation of larger pieces. Seeds should be removed from apples if possible so that they do not clog holes into which juice will flow.

Fruit should not be rotten, otherwise the taste of the drink will be spoiled. Be sure to put the clamp on the hose until the juice is completely ready. The peel and a very small amount of pulp should remain in the raw material container. In order for the juice to be better stored, sugar must be added to it, which is poured on fruits. The juice is immediately poured into prepared jars and rolled up with lids.

apple juice recipe

As we have already said, before using a juice cooker, from which it turns out very tasty, it must be washed. We cut the fruits into slices, the thickness of which is 10-15 millimeters. Small pieces are also not necessary. They will quickly turn into a puree, and the outflow of juice will be difficult. Pour water into the lower pan, collect the juice cooker, and put apples in the upper compartment. For 3 kilograms of fruit, you need to take 400 grams of granulated sugar.

This will extend the shelf life of the finished drink, and it will turn out to be sweeter. Pour sugar on the fruit, so it will dissolve and warm up along with the juice. We close the lid of the juice cooker and put a clamp on the hose. After 1-1.5 hours, you can remove the clamp and pour the juice into prepared jars. The boiling of water in the lower container must be vigorous so that the fruit and the resulting juice warm up well. The most important thing in this process is to know how to use the juicer. Apple juice is tasty and light.

pumpkin juice

You can make a drink in a juicer from any berries, fruits and vegetables. Pumpkin is very useful, and the juice from it is nutritious and fragrant. For cooking, you need a kilogram of pumpkin peeled and cut into pieces and 150 grams of sugar. We put the juicer on the fire, pour water into the lower part and put the fruit in the basket. Close the juice cooker with a lid and cook for about 60 minutes. The time depends on the volume. Ready juice is cooled and eaten. For longer storage, immediately pour it into sterilized jars and close the lids. We store in a cool place.

Choosing a juicer

There are a lot of juicer models on the market. Choosing the right device is not easy, given that their principle of operation is no different. Juice cooker "Kalitva" is made from its cost ranges from 1300 to 1600 rubles. How to use the Kalitva juice cooker? The principle of its operation is very simple. Under the influence of steam, juice is released from the raw material, which accumulates in the juice collector, and then drains into any container. The volume of the juice cooker is from 6 to 14 liters, the working volume is 3-6 liters. The juicing process takes about 60 minutes. This device is made in Russia. Juice cookers differ in material quality, design and volume. Choose to your taste, make juice and enjoy a tasty and healthy drink in the cold winter!

This drink is one of the most loved and widespread all over the world. It also makes an excellent base for many other juices. Much has already been said about its benefits for the body, and it has been proven by many scientific studies. This article contains recipes for its preparation, as well as preparations for the winter.

Apple, like any other fruit juice, retains not only the taste and aroma of fruits, but also all their beneficial properties, because it is made without heat treatment.

This juice contains:

  • Minerals, enzymes and trace elements: K, Na, P, Zn, Mn, phytoncides, flavonoids, etc.
  • It also contains fructose, malic acid and proteins.
  • Vitamins A, C, E, groups B and PP.

Its very important property is that it is low in calories, thanks to which it is ideal for dietary nutrition.

The benefits of this juice are:

  • Scientists have proven that if you drink a glass of such juice every day, it helps to rejuvenate the entire body.
  • Drinking juice prevents the appearance and development of cancer.
  • Is an effective and safe laxative
  • Relieves inflammation of the gallbladder and kidneys
  • Protects brain cells from destruction and prevents the development of sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease
  • Has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system
  • Lowers blood pressure.
  • Vitamin C contained in it strengthens the immune system and helps fight viruses.
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin.
  • Improves the condition of hair, nails and teeth, which is especially important for women.
  • Being hypoallergenic, it can be given to a child every day from a year old, and the iodine contained in it will help develop his mental activity

what is the harm of juice

Scientists assure that this juice does not have harmful qualities, but however, there are some points that should be considered.

Apple juice is not advisable to use:

  • It is better for people suffering from diabetes to drink juice carefully, while it is better to choose non-sweet fruit varieties.
  • People suffering from stomach diseases are better to consult a doctor before use, because its acid can be harmful.
  • It is not recommended to give juice to children under the age of one year.

winter apple juice recipe

  1. For manufacturing, it is better to take fruits collected from a tree. They contain more juice and taste much better.
  2. Prepare storage utensils in advance and sterilize them.
  3. Before starting, rinse the fruits and remove all unnecessary, it is better to cut off the spoiled places in advance.
  4. The proportions of the resulting juice are approximately 50/50. From 5 kg of fresh fruits, approximately 2.5-3 liters of juice are obtained.
  5. If you have the opportunity, try to take fruits of 2 different varieties, then the resulting drink will be much tastier.
  6. The best varieties for such harvesting are: Antonovka, Anis, Grushovka, but other fruits can also be used.
  7. This type of juice is ideal for experimenting and adding other fruits and berries to it. In this way, you can get a lot of different delicious drinks.
  8. Unfortunately, it is impossible to make clarified juice at home, but you can lighten it as much as possible by getting rid of the sediment by filtering or adding a little citric acid to the finished drink.
  9. Such juice retains most of the vitamins and minerals and therefore it will be very useful in winter.
  10. Before putting it away for long-term storage, leave it for 2 weeks in a warm room and keep a close eye on it. If during this time you do not notice signs of fermentation, you can safely remove them in a cool place.
  11. If he still could not stand such storage and the fermentation process began, then pour it out of the cans, boil it and use it immediately to make fruit drinks or desserts such as jelly.
  12. During preparation, the juice releases a lot of foam, which must be immediately disposed of so that the finished juice does not ferment.

To prepare a drink, prepare in advance:

  • Fresh fruits (At the same time, their number does not matter, start from how many dishes you have for storage).
  • Not an aluminum pot of the right size.

Squeeze juice from prepared fruits using any method available to you. Be sure to strain the finished liquid using cheesecloth and pour into a saucepan by putting on fire.

As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, remove the fire and get rid of the foam. After that, strain again and send it to the fire again without boiling.

Pour the finished drink into containers and close.

Do you need sugar for apple juice?

During preparation for consumption immediately or for storage, sugar is not used in recipes. The finished drink has the taste of fruits and sugar can only do harm, adding harm. But if you use sour fruits or like sweeter drinks, you can add it based on your taste preferences.

But be careful, the whole drink with added sugar cannot be used for diabetes, and it also has less health benefits.

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer how to roll up

  1. After squeezing, strain it well through cheesecloth, and then heat it on the stove without boiling, as described in the previous recipe.
  2. Pour the resulting juice into prepared containers and close the lids, and then send it to a container with water, where the water will cover them up to the neck. And then sterilize for 15-30 minutes.

Apple juice in a juicer for the winter how to roll up

The juicer will help to reduce and facilitate the preparation of the drink several times. In this case, the fruits must be prepared in advance, cut and remove the core. The juicer device consists of 3 containers: the lower one is used to pour water and put on fire; the middle one is necessary in order to collect the juice that stands out; chopped fruits are laid in the upper part.

To prepare this drink, prepare:

  • Clean and cut fresh fruits
  • Sugar can be added to taste

Put the prepared fruits in the upper part of the juice cooker. To better separate the juice, they can be sprinkled on top with a little sugar. Pour water into the lower part to the required measure and send to the fire. As you cook, check and lightly squeeze the fruits for a better discharge of the juice. As soon as all the juice comes out, turn off the fire and pour it into prepared containers.

Apple juice at home easy recipe

The easiest way to make juice yourself is to use special tools such as a juicer or juicer. But if you do not have such devices, you can use a meat grinder or blender. To do this, after you skip and grind the fruits, squeeze the juice from them with gauze or a slotted spoon.

You can improve the discharge of juice and increase its amount with the help of sugar. To do this, sprinkle chopped fruits on top of them in advance and let them stand for a while.

The process of preparing a drink on its own consists of the following steps:

  • Pick up freshly picked fruits and wash them well.
  • Cut them into pieces, while removing the core.
  • Squeeze the juice in any way convenient for you. At this stage, the resulting drink can already be drunk, but it is not suitable for long-term storage.
  • To save the drink, pour it into a saucepan and send it to the fire, without bringing it to a boil. As soon as the first bubbles and foam appear, turn off the heat and remove the foam.
  • Strain it using cheesecloth and send it back to the fire without boiling, you can also add sugar to give it a sweeter taste.

Apple juice with pulp, recipe

To make such a drink, follow these steps:

  • Prepare fresh fruits in advance: rinse them, cut into pieces and remove the core.
  • Using a juicer or meat grinder, squeeze the juice and separate it from the pulp.
  • Transfer the pulp to a saucepan, pour a couple of glasses of water and put on fire, bringing to a boil.
  • Remove the foam that appears and pour the juice here.
  • Put on the fire without bringing to a boil.
  • As soon as the first bubbles and foam appear, turn off the heat and remove the foam.

Apple juice without pulp, recipe

To prepare this drink, follow these steps:

  • Prepare fresh fruits in advance by peeling and slicing them.
  • Separate the juice in any way possible.
  • Strain it into a saucepan with several layers of cheesecloth and send it to the fire.
  • At the first sign of boiling, remove from heat and strain again to completely remove the sediment.
  • If you want to lighten it further, add a little citric acid. You can also add sugar to taste.
  • Send to the fire again and, without bringing to a boil, remove and pour over the containers.

Carrot apple juice recipe

Such a drink turns out to be very tasty, healthy and quite easy to prepare. When preparing fruits, give preference to the freshest and juiciest in order to get more juice.

This drink can also be prepared with or without sugar. It all depends on your taste preferences.

Follow these steps to prepare it:

  • Rinse the selected fruits, peel, cut into small pieces, removing the core from the apples.
  • Squeeze the juice in any way convenient for you. It does not matter in what order to take the fruits, you can even combine them at once.
  • Strain the resulting juice using several layers of gauze.
  • Pour it into a saucepan and send it to the fire.
  • As soon as the first bubbles appear, turn off the heat and remove the foam.
  • Pour into prepared containers and close.

How to get apple juice without a juicer

If you don’t have a juicer handy, you can squeeze juice in the following ways:

1. Using a kitchen grater. To do this, grate chopped fruits without a core on a small nozzle and squeeze the juice from the pulp with gauze or cloth.

2. Kitchen blender. To do this, grind the fruits prepared and cut into pieces using a blender and squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth.

3. Using a meat grinder, grind the fruits and separate the juice with gauze.

4. Transfer the chopped fruits to a saucepan, fill with water so that it covers the fruits and send to the fire. After boiling, turn off the heat and leave to infuse overnight. After that, squeeze the fruits with a colander.

Apple juice of direct extraction

Now many juice companies are trying to move away from the old methods of making juice, when it was reconstituted, added sugar and acidity regulators.

Directly squeezed juices, which are absolutely natural, healthy and tasty, are beginning to gain more and more popularity. In their manufacture, only natural apples are used and juice is made by crushing them. After that, the juice is poured into packages and kept fresh by sterilization, while not adding sugar or concentrates to it.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to obtain such juice at home, since special equipment is used to prepare it.

apple juice calories

This drink in 100 ml of the finished product contains only 44 kcal.

At the same time, it contains:

  • Proteins - 0.4
  • Fats - 0.4
  • Carbohydrates - 10
  • Easily digestible carbohydrates
  • Alimentary fiber
  • organic acids
  • Lots of vitamins and minerals.

apple juice video

Is it possible to drink apple juice while breastfeeding

Monitoring the nutrition of a breastfeeding mother is very important. And although during this period a woman is shown to consume more liquid, apple juice should be treated very carefully. It is not a forbidden drink, but it should still be taken little by little and with caution.

What is harmful juice when feeding:

  1. Since such a drink is very concentrated, it can cause allergies in an infant.
  2. If drunk in small amounts, it is good for digestion, in large quantities it can cause unpleasant consequences such as diarrhea, etc.
  3. This drink contains acids that can harm the stomach.
  4. In small quantities, it helps to rid the body of excess fluid. Therefore, it is very necessary for mothers suffering from edema. However, with constant use, it begins to remove fluid from the kidneys, thereby leading to the fact that stones begin to form in them much more actively.

I don't have a juicer, but I do have a juicer! And I set out to prepare delicious apple juice with sugar for the winter - a little, for the experiment =). I found the recipe and will try it tomorrow. What I wish you all - that's why I'll post the recipe. However, share your experience, what is there? Don’t write current: “Love, urgently buy a juicer!” ... I don’t have the strength to hang out shopping, here!)))

Tasty and healthy juice can be obtained from apples of autumn and winter varieties. The quality of the juice also depends on the degree of ripeness of the apples. From unripe fruits, sour and tart juice comes out, from overripe - cloudy. Therefore, for processing into juices, apples of technical ripeness should be selected, that is, when they have reached the size, color, and aroma characteristic of the pomological variety, but are still firm. Ripe scavenger apples of winter varieties must be processed on the day of harvest. To increase the vitamin content of the juice, you can add 1 kg of forest apples or semi-cultivated varieties (rayki, Chinese apples) for every 3 kg of cultivar apples. In principle, the fruits of all summer, autumn and winter varieties of apples are suitable for processing into juice. If possible, it is better to prepare juice from a mixture of apples of different varieties. For example, the fruits of Antonovka are very fragrant and have a sour taste, and the Autumn striped (Streifling) fruits have a sweet taste, in a 1: 2 mixture (for 1 kg of Antonovka 2 kg of Strayfling), they will give an excellent aromatic sweet and sour juice. Juice from sweet Delicious apples is fresh and low in vitamins. Therefore, apples of the Calvin snow varieties, or Mekintosh, or Boyken, must be added to it. Juices from fresh or sour apples can be prepared as a semi-finished product for cocktails and for making blended juices.
The apples selected for processing are thoroughly washed, rotted places are cut out (otherwise the juice will smell like mold!) And the pulp that has darkened (brown) from impacts (such dark dents often occur on carrion). Then the apples are crushed - preferably on an electric vegetable cutter with knives for chopping carrots or cubes. You can use a mechanical vegetable grater with large holes or a meat grinder with a large grate. So that the juice does not oxidize, it is better to use an enameled meat grinder.

The fruits must be crushed so that they turn into a mass consisting of pieces 5-10 mm in size. At the same time, you can not crush them too much. If you turn the fruits into a puree-like mass, then the juice will not separate well from it and it will turn out to be very cloudy. The pulp is pressed out on a manual screw press (as when obtaining grape juice) or an electric juicer, an auger juicer, a double boiler are used. When using a double boiler, it is better to peel apples from the skin, seed chamber and stalk, then the remaining puree can be used to make jam. The collected juice is filtered through 2-3 layers of gauze or flannel into a saucepan, which is put on high heat and heated to 90-95 ° C, i.e. almost to a boil, be sure to remove the foam. This clears up the juice. Then the hot juice is filtered again through 2-3 layers of gauze, cotton wool and 2-3 layers of gauze. The filtered juice is again heated to 80-85 ° C, hot poured into jars and rolled up. Juice can be heated and once. In this case, it will be with sediment. You can free the juice from sediment as follows. Before use, one end of the rubber hose is lowered into the juice jar, the other into an empty jar, which is installed much lower than the bottom of the juice jar. The juice will overflow into the empty jar and the sediment will remain at the bottom of the jar.

Sugar can be added to apple juice, as well as to grape juice, if desired. This is done either before pasteurization, or immediately before consumption in the winter. In addition, various herbs can be added to apple juice to improve the flavor.

First way. Freshly harvested or dried grass is poured with a small amount of juice (so that the grass is covered), brought to a boil, covered with a lid and cooled at room temperature. The cooled infusion is filtered through a dense cloth, followed by squeezing the grass and mixing it with the remaining juice. Flavored juice is heated over high heat to 85 ° C, quickly poured into containers and hermetically sealed.

The second way. Fresh grass is sorted out (weeds and impurities are selected), washed thoroughly, dried, spreading one layer on a clean cloth (towel) in a shaded place, cut into pieces or disassembled into branches. Heated to 40-50 ° C, the juice is poured into jars, grass is also put there and pasteurized at a temperature of 90 ° C, jars with a capacity of 0.5 l for 15 minutes, 1 l - 20 minutes and 3 l - 30 minutes. To flavor apple juice, oregano, thyme, lemon balm, lofant, as well as cloves and cinnamon are used. If the juice is flavored with an infusion of herbs or spices, then 10 g of fresh, 20 g of dry grass or 0.5 g of cloves and cinnamon are taken per 1 liter of juice.
If the juice is flavored with fresh grass, then 5 g or 3-5 pcs is enough for 1 liter of it. cloves and a pinch of cinnamon. For 10 liters of juice, 16-17 kg of apples are consumed.


The fruits of optimally mature summer and early autumn varieties are mainly used. It can be difficult to extract juice from them by ordinary pressing, because due to the softness of the fruit, it turns out to be very cloudy. When extracting juice with sugar, its yield is small. But at the same time, you can get beautiful, rich juice and other products. Juice is prepared from peeled and unpeeled fruits. It must be remembered that vitamins are most in the peel and in the outer layers of the pulp. If the juice is prepared from fruits without peel, then the peel is used to make syrup. The fruits are washed, cut into slices 20-25 mm thick, the stalks and seed chambers are removed, washed with boiled water, dried in gauze, placed in a bowl, sprinkled with sugar (400-500 g per 1 kg of fruit, depending on their taste), keep at room temperature for 6-8 hours and in the refrigerator for 12-16 hours, drain the juice, heat it up to 80-85 ° C and pour it hot into jars or bottles. When stored for no more than 2.5 months, the juice is not heated, but placed in a refrigerator. The remaining fruits are used to make jam or marmalade. You can also make pear and quince juices. Approximately 18-20 kg of pears are used for 10 liters of pear juice, and 20-22 kg of quince for 10 liters of quince juice.

How to make juice from apples in a juicer.

Juice cooker Kaiserhoff for 8 liters, for making juices from berries, fruits and even tomatoes. Convenient transparent.

In a juicer we prepare juice from white grapes HOW to cook homemade juice.

A juice cooker during the period of mass ripening of the crop is irreplaceable.

Juice cooker -, juice cookers. Price, description of characteristics. You can buy at wholesale price.

This juicer, steamer, inhaler, pot, distiller. Beekeepers use this device for rendering.

Assembling a juicer that has been idle for 20 years

This tomato juice recipe is very simple. This recipe does not use vinegar, spices, salt or sugar.

Pumpkin juice: tasty, healthy, easy and simple. No salt, no sugar. Only pumpkin and water. My blog:

Definitely you can't buy this anywhere else, it's very tasty.

Homemade pumpkin juice.

wax melter from a juicer.

Description of the device of the juice cooker and the preparation of grape-apple juice with its help.

This is just an awesome recipe, the juice is very, very tasty. ON MY CHANNEL THERE ARE MUCH MORE DELICIOUS.

Step-by-step preparation of apple juice for the winter Used music from the site Jamendo XL Ant-Reality Chill mix Link to.

Fresh fruit juices are one of the most important components of a healthy diet. A juicer is a useful tool.

Hello to all! We are the Rozhin family. Papa Maxim, Mama Ira, Misha, Masha and kitty Aliska. We live in a suburb of Kiev.

How to make juice from grapes in a juicer. Preparations for the winter from grape juice. Grape juice without sugar.

We will disassemble and assemble the juicer, as well as consider how it works.

With the help of a juicer, you can prepare a wide variety of drinks from apples, pears, grapes, peaches.

MY NEW JUICE COOKER “Guterwahl” with Lid, 3-Tier, 5L ✩IMPORTANT: ✓ June 5th and 6th only.

Juice cooker Mehu-Liisa 11 l made of high quality stainless steel 18/10, for all types of stoves. The Mehu-Liisa juicer is.

Rural vlog. Apricot juice in a juicer. Apricot fanta. Closes the compote - fanta. Jam in a bread machine.

4 unusual juices 1. Pomegranate-ginger fresh - pomegranate - fresh ginger - mint - water - ice 2. Carrot-cucumber fresh.

Wash the grapes thoroughly, tear off the berries and put them in a juicer. We heat the juice to a boil, pour it into a hot bowl.

Wonderful natural plast apple marmalade. Try to cook! Detailed recipe here.

See How to make carrot-apple juice at home. How to use a juicer. Link to article:

Overview of the Maestro MR-1030 juice cooker for 8 liters. I liked this juicer. The described juicer parameters acc.

Winter tomato juice at home is certainly much tastier than the one that is on store shelves.

An amazing unit is a steam juicer. It turns out very tasty juice from the products. We picked a lot of cherries.

I chose my juicer. The choice is small. The final price of the issue was 950 rubles. Super thin Chinese.

See a lot of recipes here!

Our site Juice cooker material – high-quality stainless food steel Feature.

This recipe will help you make homemade berry juice if you don't have a juicer at home.

Our website The juicer is made of high quality food grade stainless steel.

Apple juice! Apple juice for the winter - without sterilization. juice from ranetok. Delicious and healthy NATURAL JUICE.

We preserve apricot juice at home for the winter and for this we do not need a juicer.

Homemade alcohol recipes tested on your own body

Wonderful, very tasty pumpkin-apple juice for the winter! Huge amount of vitamins! VK group -

Juicer Recipes

Juice recipes for a juicer how to make juice from apples in a juicer. Juice cooker Kaiserhoff for 8 liters, for making juices from berries, fruits and even tomatoes. Convenient transparent. V

EdaBlog.ru Recipes

The modern rhythm of life sets new fashion trends. The issue of healthy eating has long become relevant and leaves few people indifferent. Therefore, manufacturers of utensils and cooking appliances are in constant improvement mode and strive to meet the needs of consumers.

Juice cooker and its advantages

Vegetable and fruit juices are included in the daily diet of almost every family. But are packaged juices that have filled supermarket shelves so useful? It is difficult to call a juice drink a natural and high-quality product. Therefore, real 100% juice that you make at home will be much tastier and healthier. You can prepare a natural drink using a juicer.

Why choose juicers? It is very convenient to work with a juicer. It does not make noise, does not clog with fruit pulp, and does not leave sediment after juicing. The juice obtained from the juicer can be immediately rolled into jars without sterilization and boiling. Fresh juice can be stored for a week in the refrigerator without loss of useful properties and quality.

  • versatility, safety and ease of use
  • juice can be immediately rolled into jars
  • the remaining pulp can be used to make puree or marmalade
  • long periods of storage
  • the juicer can be used to prepare some dietary dishes

How to make juice in a juicer

There are many recipes for making juice in a juicer and they are all prepared according to the same principle. The juicer consists of several containers that are stacked one on top of the other. About three liters of water are poured into the lowest one, and vegetables or fruits are poured into the top one. put the juicer on fire, where the water begins to evaporate when heated. Gradually, the steam heats the fruit and they release juice, which, through a special outlet, enters a separate bowl. Before cooking, berries and fruits should be washed well and pitted. Large fruits are recommended to be cut into several parts. With such heat treatment, vitamins and nutrients are preserved, and the juice is pasteurized. It is concentrated and sweet. The juicer works silently and does not require supervision, automatically doing its job.

Red currant jelly

  • 2.5 kg redcurrant
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar

Pour 2 liters of water into a deep bowl, put a juice cooker filled with red currants on top and put on fire. Pour all the sugar into a smaller bowl and place the outlet tube from the juicer there. As a result, you will get more than 1 liter of juice. We put the dishes with sugar on low heat and dissolve it completely, without bringing to a boil. Jelly is ready.

plum juice

  • 4 kg ripe plums
  • granulated sugar at the rate of 300g per 1 liter of juice

Sort the plums well and rinse. Carefully place the berries in the juicer. From 4 kg of plums, approximately 1.5 liters of juice is obtained. Pour sugar into an enamel bowl, strictly following the proportions. The pulp is rubbed through a sieve and together with the resulting juice is added to the sugar. Bring the whole mass to a boil over low heat. After three minutes, plum juice with pulp will be ready, you can pour it into sterilized dishes and roll it up for the winter.

Juice according to this recipe can be consumed in its pure form, or it can be used to make compote or jelly.

Apple juice

  • to obtain 3 liters of juice, 5 kg of apples are taken
  • sugar is added to taste

We wash the apples well, cut each into six parts and remove the core and spoiled or broken places. the skin does not need to be removed. We lay the fruits in the upper container of the pressure cooker to the indicated level. Cover tightly with a lid and put on fire. After an hour, stir the apples with a spoon to drain the remaining juice. Then substitute a pan to the outlet tube and open the faucet. Ready juice can be rolled up in jars and can be stored for the winter.

Tomato juice

Take ripe tomatoes and wash well. Before placing them in the pressure cooker, cut them into quarters. Tomatoes choose more juicy varieties. Sprinkle them with a teaspoon of salt and sugar, then start cooking. Pour the juice into prepared dishes and screw on the lids. At the bottom of each container before pouring the juice, you can add a sprig of celery. The result is a drink that is not only tasty, but also healthy and aromatic.

If you want to sweeten the juice a little, then do it at the very beginning. Pour sugar along with vegetables and fruits into the upper bowl. After cooking, it is better not to add granulated sugar to the juice, as this may violate its sterility.

The remains after apples or tomatoes can not be thrown away. Use them for other dishes, for example, apples can be added to pies for filling, and tomatoes can be used to make adjika or lecho.

What are the juicer recipes

The modern rhythm of life sets new fashion trends. The issue of healthy eating has long become relevant and leaves few people indifferent. Therefore, manufacturers

Juice cooker - recipes

It has long been no secret that packaged juices of almost all brands today are more like juice drinks than a natural and high-quality product. You can talk a lot about the benefits of juices, especially for young children. Of course, real 100% juice is much healthier and tastier for a child than those drinks that are sold in stores. If you want juice right here and now, you can use a juicer, but in winter and spring, such a trick cannot be done. You can make juice using a juicer.

How to cook juice in a juicer?

There are a lot of recipes for a juicer and they are all prepared according to the same principle. A juicer consists of several pots stacked one on top of the other. Pour at least three liters of water into the lower pan. Fruits or vegetables fall asleep in the upper pan. The juicer is put on fire. The water starts to heat up and evaporate. The steam heats up the fruits and they begin to release juice. Juice flows through a special tube into pre-prepared dishes. You can get much more juice from a juicer than from a juicer. Before you fall asleep fruits or berries, they need to be washed and cleaned of stones. Large fruits should be cut into several pieces. With this treatment, all vitamins are preserved and the juice is pasteurized, so that it can be immediately poured into jars and rolled up for the winter. The juice is sweet and concentrated. The juicer works silently and does not require your direct presence.

Juicer Recipes

You can simply fill in fruits and vegetables and pour water into the bottom pan. Or you can show a little imagination and get a lot of different recipes for a juicer - the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Tomato juice in a juicer

Such a drink is very useful for the work of the heart and has a positive effect on vitality. Tomato juice can be made very simply in a juicer.

It is best to choose ripe and fresh vegetables. Wash well and cut the tomatoes into slices. It is better to choose juicy tomato varieties for these purposes. Add some salt and sugar to the tomatoes. Next, turn on the juicer. Be sure to taste the first drops of juice, salt and sugar.

Apple juice in a juicer

To make apple juice, you need to cut the fruit into medium-sized slices. If you make them too big, there will be too much condensate from the steam in the juice, and too small slices will simply turn into a puree. To make the juice sweeter, add some sugar to the fruit. To obtain 2-3 liters of juice, you need to process about 5 kg of fruit.

Plum juice in a juicer

You can also make plum juice with pulp in a juicer.

To prepare it, take 4 kg of ripe plums. Sort well and wash them. Put the fruits in the juicer. From 4 kg of plums, 1-1.5 liters of juice are obtained. Pour sugar into an enameled pan (at the rate of 300 g per 1 liter of juice). The resulting juice is poured into sugar and the remaining pulp is added, previously rubbed through a fine sieve. The whole mass is brought to a boil over low heat. After 2-3 minutes, the juice with pulp is ready. Then everything is poured into a sterile container and rolled up. Having prepared juice in a juicer according to this recipe, you can drink the drink ready-made, or you can make jelly or compote.

From the puree left in the juicer after making juice, you can cook a lot of delicious desserts or cook thick jam. Thus, it turns out waste-free production, a minimum of time and resources. Juices in a juicer always turn out sweeter than when using a juicer. And you can store such juice for a long time, while it does not change its taste.

Juice Recipes for the Juicer

Juice cooker - recipes It has long been no secret that packaged juices of almost all brands today are more like juice drinks than a natural and high-quality product. You can talk about the benefits of juices

How to cook juice in a juicer? Juice in a juicer - recipe

We all love to eat fresh fruits, drink freshly squeezed juice from them. Summer and the beginning of autumn are the period when you can enjoy it to the fullest. This is a completely different matter than drinking ready-made drinks from store bags. Also, everyone knows that you can save wonderful juices for the winter. But how to do it, how to preserve wonderful drinks for the cold season? This is more difficult. In this article, we will try to explain this issue as clearly as possible, talk about how to brew juice in a juicer, because this is the most convenient way.

general information

There are two main ways to obtain juice - heat treatment and extraction. So, for the second, a juicer is used, and for the first, a juicer. The latter has an important advantage, which is that it does not require your constant presence and participation in the preparation process.

The juicer does most of the work itself. The juice in it is obtained by steaming berries, fruits or vegetables. The device itself consists of three parts-capacities. The lower pan is placed directly on the stove, which is filled with water (usually 3-4 liters). A saucepan is placed in it, in which the juice is collected, and in it - a container with holes into which it drains - a steam basket. Raw materials are put into this basket. In the pan where the drink is collected, there is a hose for draining it. Do you understand the general principle of how to make juice in a juicer?

Details on how to prepare for juicing from a juicer

To do this, first of all, you need to carry out preparatory work. Grapes, apples, apricots, tomatoes or cherries (or other fruits and vegetables) are thoroughly washed. We sort them out, discard spoiled and sluggish fruits, cut large ones into pieces. We cut out the rotten places. The smaller the blanks, the better. An apple, for example, is cut into at least six parts. It is not necessary to peel them from the peel, since the juicer will perfectly fulfill its purpose in this case as well. But it is better to remove the bones, seeds, so that they do not clog the holes for draining the juice.

Before using the device for the first time, wash it thoroughly and boil the hose. Put it on the nozzle of the juice collector and secure the clip. Fill the bottom saucepan with water and install the juice container. At the very end, put the fruit container in its place and fill it with fruit. It's time to close the lid, light the fire and learn how to make juice in a juicer.

Juice making process

It starts as soon as you light the fire. Most often, the cooking process lasts from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. At this time, you can easily wash the jars, sterilize them, and then roll the juice into them. Do the same for the lids. Periodically open the juicer and mix the fruits - for a better drink flow. Fresh fruits do not need to be added. When the juice is ready for the hose, substitute the container and drain the drink, having previously removed the clamp. The juice is hot, its temperature is about 75 degrees, so be careful. When cooking tomatoes, it is advisable to substitute a sieve, it will retain the seeds. As soon as the jar is full, immediately roll it up until the juice has cooled. Don't worry about sterility, as the steam killed all germs. You have received general information on how to cook juice in a juicer, a few more tips. You need to sweeten the drink at the very beginning of the process - granulated sugar is poured into the upper container along with fruit. If you do this after cooking, sterility will be violated. Do not throw away the remains of tomatoes and apples, they can be used in the preparation of adjika - in the first case, and as a filling for the pie - in the second.

Preparing apple juice in a juicer

In the event that you are going to quench your thirst right now, then use a juicer, if you are preparing supplies for the winter, take a juicer. In order to get 2-3 liters of juice, you will have to process about 5 kg of fruit. We will need two liters of water and two tablespoons of sugar per liter of drink. It is better to choose sweet apples, in extreme cases - sweet and sour, you can get heartburn from sour ones. We collect the juicer, how - you already know.

During the assembly process, fill with water and fruit. We turn on our device and soar until the juice completely ceases to stand out. Depending on the firmness of the apples, this can take between 50 and 80 minutes. Then we brew a drink with granulated sugar. There is another option besides the one described above. Pour sugar into a separate saucepan, pour it with juice from a juicer, stir and bring to a boil over low heat. If we cook without sand, then immediately pour the drink into jars. In both cases, filling the containers with the finished product, roll them up and, wrapping them in a blanket, leave to cool. Apple juice in a juicer is ready.

Preparing tomato juice

Juice from this product has a positive effect on vitality and is very useful for the functioning of the human heart. Fresh and ripened vegetables are best suited for its preparation.

And the easiest way to make tomato juice is in a juicer. Wash the tomatoes well, cut them into slices and send them to the appropriate container of the device. Choose juicy varieties of tomatoes for these purposes. Now you need to add some sugar and salt. Turn on the juicer and boil. When the first drops appear, be sure to taste them.

Preparing plum juice

For a change, prepare plum juice in a juicer.

The recipe for a drink with pulp is outlined below. We will need the following ingredients: ripe plums - four kilograms, granulated sugar - at the rate of 300 grams per liter of juice. We sort our fruits well and wash them. Put in a juicer. From our quantity of products, about one and a half liters of drink should be obtained. We cook the mass, pour the resulting juice into a saucepan with granulated sugar, add the remaining pulp, previously rubbed through a fine sieve. Bring to a boil over low heat. Just a couple of minutes - and the juice with pulp is cooked. Pour it into a sterile container and immediately roll it up.

Having mastered how to cook juice in a juicer according to this recipe, you can make compote or jelly from it, or you can drink it ready-made. Do you have puree left in your juicer? Cook thick jam from it or prepare a lot of delicious desserts. How are you? It turned out completely waste-free production with a minimum investment of resources and time. By the way, juice in a juicer turns out to be sweeter than after a juicer, and it is stored for a long time without changing the taste.

How to cook juice in a juicer? Juice in a juicer

We all love to eat fresh fruits, drink freshly squeezed juice from them. Summer and the beginning of autumn are the period when you can enjoy it to the fullest. This is a completely different matter than drinking ready-made drinks from store bags. Also, everyone knows that you can save wonderful juices for the winter. But how to do it, how to preserve wonderful drinks for the cold season? This is more difficult. In this article, we will try to explain this as clearly as possible, talk about how to cook juice in a juicer, because it is convenient.