Is it possible not to cook pasta. Large pot and plenty of water

Dip pasta in boiling salted water and cook for - over medium heat. Exact time cooking pasta is always indicated on the package.
Drain the cooked pasta into a colander, put the colander into an empty saucepan and let the excess water drain. Macaroni is ready.

How to cook pasta

1. For 200 grams of pasta (about half of a standard package), pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan.

2. Pour a tablespoon of oil into the pan so that the pasta does not stick together.

3. Salt the water.
4. When the water boils, pour the pasta into the pan.

5. Stir the pasta so that it does not stick together and stick to the bottom.
6. Boil pasta for 7-10 minutes.
7. Rinse boiled pasta under cold water.

Your pasta is ready!

How to cook pasta in the microwave
In the microwave, cook the pasta for 10 minutes at a water ratio of 100 grams of pasta / 200 milliliters of water. The water should completely cover the pasta. Add a tablespoon of oil, a teaspoon of salt to the container. Close the container with pasta, put in the microwave at 500 W and cook for 10 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker
Pour water so that it completely covers the pasta and a couple of centimeters higher. Add a tablespoon of butter to pasta. The mode must be selected "steaming" or "pilaf". Boil pasta for 12 minutes.

How to cook pasta in a steamer
Fill the lower container of the steamer with water. Pour pasta into the bowl, pour water with a margin of a couple of centimeters, salt and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Cover with a lid and cook for 15 minutes. Then put the pasta in a colander and rinse.

How to cook pasta in an electric kettle
1. Pour 1 liter of water into a 2-liter kettle.
2. Bring water to a boil.
3. As soon as the water boils, add pasta (no more than 1/5 of a standard 500-gram package).
4. Turn on the kettle, wait for it to boil.
5. Every 30 seconds for 7 minutes, turn on the kettle.
6. Drain water from the kettle through the spout.
7. Open the lid of the kettle and put the pasta on a plate.
8. Immediately rinse the kettle (then there will be laziness).

How to cook pasta in a skillet
1. Just like in a saucepan. A pot for cooking pasta is more suitable, because. the inner and outer surface of the pot is more suitable for cooking. The frying pan option is only suitable if there are no pots. Or for making fried pasta.

It is believed that if pasta is not cooked for 2-3 minutes, it will be less nutritious.

To prevent the pasta from sticking together, you can add a spoonful of oil to the water and stir occasionally with a spoon.

Macaroni is cooked in in large numbers salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per 3 liters of water, for every 100 grams of pasta at least 1 liter of water).

Macaroni is cooked in a saucepan with the lid off.

If you have overcooked the pasta a little, you can rinse it under cold water (in a colander) and mix with the addition of oil - then the pasta will not stick together.

Pasta expands by about 3 times when cooked. For two large portions pasta for garnish is enough 100 grams of pasta.
- If you want to use boiled pasta for cooking complicated dish requiring further heat treatment of pasta, slightly undercook them - exactly as many minutes as they will be cooked in the future.

Types of pasta and cooking time

If you cook pasta horns, you need to cook them for 10 minutes-15 minutes.
- Pasta tubules (penne) cook for 13 minutes.
- Boil nest pasta for 5 minutes.
- Cook cannelloni before baking for 10 minutes until half cooked.
- Cook fettuccine for 10 minutes after boiling.
- Boil lasagna sheets before baking for 5 minutes until half cooked.
- Boil the noodles for 5-7 minutes depending on the size.
- Cook the ravioli for 3-7 minutes depending on the size and filling.
- Cook pasta bows for 10 minutes.

About the benefits and nutritional value of pasta

Composition good pasta- flour and water. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the high nutritional value of pasta, no matter how easy they are to prepare and no matter how wide the people's love for this product extends. There are practically no vitamins in pasta.

There is a saying in Italy that pasta does not make you fat. However, this applies to empty pasta, but it is worth adding cheese or sauce to pasta - it is not recommended to eat such pasta with a diet. The same applies to pasta at night - due to the carbohydrate content, the dish will no longer be dietary.

The calorie content of pasta is about 100 kcal / 100 grams. Compared with boiled cauliflower, it is 3.3 times more. So daily eating boiled pasta food will lead to weight gain, even if the pasta is cooked al dente. However, if you cook pasta at least every other day, adding a significant part of vegetables or mushrooms to them, such pasta dishes may well brighten up any diet.

How to eat empty pasta

There are few better dishes empty pasta with sweet tea. Bread is a bit of a bite, and it doesn’t matter which one: white, black or Borodino is equally good. You can add soy sauce for a colorful taste.

About the choice of pasta

1. Pasta should be visible and preferably along the entire length. It is transparent packaging that will allow you to see with what care and accuracy the product was packed and delivered.
2. The composition of quality pasta is only flour and water. Pasta with egg powder will be soft, like noodles, only more fluffy.
The highest quality pasta - only flour durum varieties wheat (the so-called "group A"), such pasta will necessarily indicate that this is pasta, and not pasta. Pasta, although manufacturers cover up the content in every possible way, contains cheap vitreous wheat (group B) or ordinary baking flour (group C). The grade of pasta is determined only by the content of more or less expensive flour, if the pack says "High grade" - this is a reason to re-read the composition more carefully.
3. Shelf life of pasta - 1-2 years from the date of production. If a shorter period is indicated, it is suspicious. If pasta is bought for the future, then the shelf life of pasta should be as long as possible.
4. Italian pasta considered the best in the world.

How to make pasta at home

Pasta is a simple product that anyone can cook. Pasta is made from products that, as a rule, are always at home. You probably don't even need to go to the store. Print out this page and go to the kitchen. Take unleavened wheat in flour, knead in water. Knead into the dough, add seasonings, garlic and salt to taste. Roll out the dough and cut. Let the pasta dry for about 15 minutes. The pasta is ready for cooking. :)

Boiled pasta is a familiar and traditional side dish that is easy and quick to prepare. Knowing a few simple rules, even a novice hostess, a child and a husband, who is waiting for the return of his wife and newborn from the hospital, can cook the right pasta that does not stick together.

To make the pasta tasty, elastic and beautiful, you need to cook them in a large volume of water, which requires a rather large saucepan. The formula for calculating products is simple - 100:1000:10. It is the ratio of weight, volume and mass. That is, for every 100 grams of dry pasta, you need to take a liter of water, salt, of course, everything is added to taste, 10 grams is not an axiom.

The best pasta is made from durum wheat, so they keep their shape well and you need to make some effort to ready-made pasta stuck together. It is necessary to take into account the fact that pasta perfectly absorbs the taste of the water in which it is boiled, so it makes sense to use bottled or filtered water for cooking.

The cooking process begins from the moment the pasta is laid (remember - we don’t break long ones, spaghetti or noodles are placed vertically in pots and gradually go under water) only in boiling water. Pasta is boiled in boiling water, so if you turn down the heat, then just a little.

The cooking time of pasta depends on its shape, size and the dish being prepared. Usually the packaging indicates the approximate time, often two options, until fully cooked and al dente(by the tooth). Pasta cooked al dente, as a rule, is then supplemented with sauces, from where the pasta "gets" the necessary moisture.

You can check the readiness of the pasta by tasting it, or if it is long types of pasta that are not very convenient to get out of boiling water, by pressing on the pasta. If the pasta is easy to separate, then they are ready, if some effort is applied, you need to cook for another one or two minutes.

After cooking, the pasta should be thrown into a colander, rinsed only if the finished pasta was intended for salad. After draining the water, return the pasta to the pan and add oil - , or , to taste. Shake the pot well, after closing the lid tightly. Ideal serving of pasta - immediately after cooking, if this does not work out, after 8-10 minutes, shake the pasta pan again to avoid sticking.

Properly cooked pasta will never harm your figure, of course, if they are not eaten in kilograms.

Everything cooking recipes pasta recipes are doomed to fail if you don't know how to cook pasta properly.

Cooking pasta is very easy, it is much more difficult to cook them well!

8 secrets perfect cooking pasta:

  1. The pot must be large. Even for a small portion of pasta, a pan should be taken capacious, high, preferably with thick walls.
  2. There must be plenty of water. For every 100 gr. pasta you need to take at least 1 liter of water, but more is better. During the cooking process, pasta absorbs a significant part of the water and increases in volume, at the same time, starch is released from the pasta and if there is not enough water in the pan, they will stick together (remember what we make paste from).
  3. Salt first, then pasta. We salt the boiling water before filling the pasta and in no case - during the cooking process. Salt take about 10-12 gr. for every liter of water.
  4. Pour pasta into boiling water, stirring. Wait for the water to boil violently again after the salt and start pouring pasta, while stirring them with a spoon. After pouring the pasta, the water will naturally stop boiling, immediately cover the pan with a lid and wait a few seconds until the water boils again. Now you can remove the lid, reduce the heat and mix them again.
  5. Cook pasta "al dente". Any Italian will tell you that pasta should be cooked “al dente”, i.e. "by the tooth". What does this mean? During cooking, pasta should be periodically stirred and tasted. Perfectly cooked pasta should be almost done, but firm in taste, and may have a thin, white, chalk-like layer in the center. This is where you need to turn off the fire, cover with a lid and let them stand until cooked, about 1-2 minutes. (Just in time to prepare a colander).
  6. Drain but do not rinse. Before throwing them in a colander, pour 100g into a glass. broth, drain the pasta in a colander, shake it and let the water drain. It is not recommended to rinse the pasta (unless you have prepared it for cold salads). Pour the pasta back into the pot or into a warmed dish. If the sauce is not served with them, pour them with 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil or broth that you poured into a glass and mix. After all, the pasta is still hot and continues to “cook”, which means it absorbs water, but if it is not there, they can dry out and stick together!
  7. Don't leave the kitchen until the pasta is cooked. Even Fast Food takes longer to cook than pasta. By " probability theory» Nothing can happen in 5-7 minutes that could make you leave the kitchen. But if it does, then it takes effect "villainy rule and you will definitely overcook the pasta!
  8. Serve hot pasta! Therefore, any meat, cutlets, salads and sauces should be ready before you start cooking pasta. The only thing you can do while cooking pasta is to arrange the plates on the table (if it is in the kitchen!). As soon as you drained the water, all the households are already sitting at the table and waiting, they can’t wait, your MASTERPIECE!

Now you know how to cook pasta perfectly! Bon Appetit!

But… do not rush to run to the kitchen!
You came to this page to find out the perfect way to cook pasta, and you know, Why do we know how to cook pasta properly?

Because we make them ourselves! Moreover, we make not just PASTA, but DIETARY PRODUCTS OF HEALTHY FOOD!
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Take health from nature!

Greetings! Instructions on how to cook pasta so that it does not stick together. What to do and in what order, and what not to do. This information will be very useful for you!

How to

We take a saucepan and fill it with water: for 100 g of pasta - 1 liter of water. If you add less water, then the pasta will turn out sticky. For one serving, as a rule, you need 100 g of pasta. Those. for a family of three, you need to cook 300 g of pasta in a 3-liter saucepan.

Dip pasta only in rapidly boiling already salted water. The fire under the pan should be maximum. Immediately after this, cover the pan with a lid for 30 seconds so that the water begins to boil again. As soon as the water begins to boil, remove the lid and reduce the heat (this must be done quickly, otherwise you can flood the stove).

In order for the pasta not to stick together, you need to follow two principles.

First, stir the pasta immediately after tossing it into the boiling water so that it doesn't stick together. initial stage cooking. Do this for a minute or two, until the outer layer of pasta is cooked. After that, they will no longer stick to each other, they can be left to cook quietly.

The second important principle: do not overcook pasta. You need to cook them exactly as much time as indicated on the package. If pasta is overcooked, it will stick together when it cools.

How wrong

It is believed that pasta will not stick together if sunflower or olive oil is added to the water. It is a myth. Pasta is boiled in deep water, and vegetable oil is collected in a thin film on its surface. They have no contact with oil.

Rinse pasta with cold water after cooking is not necessary. This Soviet tradition due to the fact that the housewives could not trust the quality of the flour. If you rinse pasta after cooking, it will become tasteless.

If we are preparing pasta with some kind of sauce, for example, tomato or cream, then hot pasta, after draining the water, should immediately be thrown into the sauce and mixed.

Pasta prepared for salads can be watered olive oil. It will cover the pasta in a thin layer, and they will not stick together.

If the pasta will be consumed hot immediately, you can add butter, sprinkle with sugar or cheese. For pasta that will be cooled, butter is not suitable: it will become tasteless when it cools.

What else not to do:

  1. Save on quality. Alas, in this case, quality does not come cheap. It is better to buy pasta from durum wheat.
  2. You can not salt the dish during the cooking process. The water is salted before the pasta is dipped into it.
  3. Do not put pasta in a saucepan in which the water reaches the edge - you can pour over the stove.
  4. Do not rinse cooked pasta with cold water. Chilled pasta is not tasty.

Bon Appetit!

What could be easier than boiling pasta in a saucepan? But very often, a catch lies in wait for hostesses: pasta (horns, shells) stick to each other, forming a lump of sticky mass. To prevent this from happening, you need to know a couple of secrets that will always allow you to serve delicious pasta which hold their shape perfectly and do not stick together. I share the knowledge that my grandmother passed on to me. Take note of my step-by-step recipe with photos taken for illustration.

So we need:

- pasta (horns) - 150 grams;
- water - 300 milliliters;
- salt (sea or ordinary) - 1 teaspoon;
- butter - 15 grams.

How to cook pasta in a pot

Before cooking, you need to choose pasta for cooking. It can be any kind of pasta, such as: horns, stars, wheels, shells, and so on. Today I cooked horns, which my family loves very much.

Pour 300 milliliters of water into the pan and send to the fire. Turn on the fire at maximum power so that the water boils in a matter of minutes. After all, we often cook pasta when we need to quickly cook something and there is no time to mess around in the kitchen for a long time.

After boiling, add a spoonful of salt. I use sea ​​salt, which is also a source of iodine, which is very necessary for our body. This point is very important, because salt interacts with boiling water, so add salt only to boiled water.

Pour horns or other pasta into salt water. Stir with a spoon and wait over high heat until the water boils again.

After that, reduce the fire to a minimum. Mix the horns well so that the starch that will stand out is evenly distributed in the water and the pasta does not stick together. Boil the pasta in the pan for about five minutes.

Then, turn off the heat and leave, under a closed lid, for another couple of minutes. Opening the lid, you can see that the pasta has swollen and increased in volume. It usually looks like this:

It remains just to throw the horns into a colander so that all the liquid is glassed. Rinse under running water cold water to remove starch that can stick pasta. The time for washing the pasta should not be long so that they do not cool down too much. After all, serving cold pasta to the table is not best idea. Therefore, you need to rinse for a couple of seconds, this is quite enough.

Return the pasta to the pan, drained of liquid, adding a pat of butter. Stir the horns until the butter dissolves and they become oily and appetizing. You can replace the butter with vegetable oil, based on your personal taste preferences.

The whole process proper cooking pasta takes no more than ten minutes, which is very convenient.

You can serve horns, stars, wheels, shells and other pasta with meat, cheese, ketchup, sausages and so on.

Knowing how to cook pasta, they will always turn out very tender and tasty. Bon appetit and let pasta always turn out perfectly!