The secrets to making the perfect fettuccine. Own Italy: cooking spaghetti, fettuccine and tagliatelle

Fettuccine means "ribbons" in Italian. This is fully consistent appearance dish, which in our understanding is considered ordinary noodles. But actually it is not. Fettuccine and noodles familiar to us are not the same thing. That is why gourmets, and even ordinary lovers of a tasty and satisfying meal, seeing these pasta on store shelves, are in a hurry to buy mouth-watering "nests".

And here is another fact that will help cooks to distinguish fettuccine from other types. Italian pasta such as tagliatelle. Real fettuccine is cut into strips, the width of which does not exceed seven millimeters, and the dough layer for them is rolled out to almost one millimeter.

The cost of the product in our retail chains is quite high in relation to pasta of other varieties, but aesthetic pleasure cannot be measured in money.

But it is not always possible to purchase these products. Then female cunning comes to the rescue, and this appetizing noodle appears at home. By the way, real fettuccine in Italian restaurants is served only in the form of a freshly prepared product. We will tell all readers about how to make and how to serve these amazing pasta in this review article.


The composition of fettuccine is simple, and all the ingredients are familiar to us. This product can be easily prepared at home, and even housewives with minimal experience in cooking, but with a great desire to feed the family tasty and satisfying, will cope with this task perfectly. This classic Italian noodle is prepared from:

  • flour (regular or, ideally, whole grain);
  • table salt;
  • olive oil.

Not only the taste, but also the calorie content of the product you have prepared will depend on the type of flour chosen. Ordinary flour will make pasta softer, but using a whole grain base, you can get a dish that is more healthy and easy on the stomach, which will be no less nutritious than well-known shirataki. Fettuccine from whole grain flour are rich in proteins, so this product can be used in the diet of people who monitor their physical health and lead an active lifestyle, for example, athletes, as well as pregnant women.

One serving of Italian "ribbons" consists of 100 grams of flour, one egg, a pinch regular salt and a third of a teaspoon of vegetable, and ideally, olive oil.

All products are thoroughly mixed, a tight ball is formed, and then this lump is kneaded with hands for five minutes. As a result, get tender dough, which is easily rolled into a thin layer, especially after proofing it for 10 minutes in a warm room.

And if you use spinach or nettle puree, cuttlefish ink or carrot juice, then you can cook a paste of green, black or orange, respectively, which will be not only nutritious, but also very beautiful in appearance.

In terms of chemical composition Italian noodles won't be much different than whole wheat pasta. It contains:

  • saturated fatty acids;
  • sodium;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins A, K and E;
  • choline.

Making fettuccine

Cooking tender fettuccine pasta does not require special skills. Everything is done exactly as when cooking spaghetti or other pasta.

A dry or freshly prepared workpiece is immersed in boiling salted water and boiled for three minutes over medium heat, and then for about two more minutes at low heat. After that, the water is drained from the pasta, and the product itself is carefully transferred to a plate with wide edges.

You do not have to rinse the product, as well as worry about the fettuccine sticking together. All this will help to avoid olive oil, which was added in accordance with the recipe in the dough, and one little secret, which lies in the fact that the volume of water for cooking "ribbons" should be ten times the volume of the fettuccine themselves.

What do they eat with?

What do these unusual and so easy-to-cook pasta eat with? This question will be asked by many housewives. The answer to it is simple: they are served exactly as regular pasta. But to complete the Italian image and taking into account the “noble” origin of the product, it is recommended to prepare appropriate sauces and dressings for them.

Most fully reveal their taste of fettuccine with protein products and sauces from them. It is also worth noting that with this gentle egg noodles can be made transparent light soup or a simple salad.

Italian noodles go well with shrimp sauce, which is known as Alfredo, or Mornay sauce, consisting of heavy cream and a large number cheese. Although, probably, the most famous addition to delicate products from egg dough consider the Neapolitano dressing with various seafood and milk.

Italians also serve this pasta with curd cream or incredibly delicious dressing with pine nuts called "Pesto", as well as sun-dried tomatoes or tomato sauce. Fettuccine goes very well with:

  • veal and beef;
  • rabbit meat;
  • bacon, ham and natural minced meat;
  • poultry (turkey, chicken or chicken breast)
  • vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, broccoli)
  • mushrooms, especially with champignons or porcini, as well as chanterelles;
  • seafood (crabs, langoustines, shrimps and mussels);
  • red fish, especially with salmon and salmon, as well as the like.

One of the most delicious recipes filing Italian noodles let's share with you. It helps a lot when guests suddenly appear on the threshold, because it will take no more than ten minutes to prepare it!

Boil right amount portions of dry fettuccine until half cooked, that is, for three minutes, and fold into a colander. While the noodles are simmering, in a deep frying pan, fry the onion, a few cloves of garlic in butter, and then add bacon or natural ham to them and also fry. After that, add semi-finished pasta to the bowl and pour all this splendor heavy cream, and then sprinkle the workpiece with grated cheese with sourness and finely chopped parsley. There is no need to salt the dish: each eater will do it to his liking. Warm the resulting mass for three minutes under the lid - and you can serve it to the table by laying one raw egg yolk for each serving of the dish! The amazing aroma of Carbonara fettuccine and thick, slightly viscous, creamy cheese sauce will leave your guests no choice, and you will get the highest rating for your culinary skills.

In branded Italian restaurants dishes with fettuccine are always served with wine made in the best wineries of the sunny peninsula, thereby turning the already unique dish in the feast of taste.

If your plans do not include feeding guests quickly, then you can cook something else. tasty dish, referred to as "Fettuccine" Bolognese ". The proposed proportions of the ingredients will be enough to satisfy a company of four people.

The secret of the taste of this dish lies in the sauce, which is easy to prepare, but a little time consuming. Although, if in the arsenal of home appliances there is such a useful unit as a multicooker, then this will not be difficult for you. For cooking, use the "Frying" ("Baking") and "Stew" functions.

Fry in olive oil in a deep frying pan or multicooker bowl a mass prepared by scrolling in a meat grinder and consisting of:

  • 350 grams of beef, and preferably veal;
  • 60 grams of carrots;
  • 50 grams of onions;
  • 50 grams of celery.

After the mass is fried, add to the meat:

  • 2 cloves of garlic, passed through a press;
  • 100 ml tomato sauce with onions and spices: basil and rosemary.

Then pour appetizing and fragrant minced meat a mixture prepared from one glass of beef bone broth and 100 ml of dry red wine, in which dissolve one tablespoon without a slide of granulated sugar. Salt, add ground black pepper to taste and simmer the fragrant gravy for another hour.

After the time has elapsed, put four portions of fettuccine boiled until half cooked in this mass, and also add grated cheese and parsley. Warm up the dish - and boldly serve it to the table! It will look as harmonious and appetizing as in our photo.


There are no contraindications to the use of fettuccine, unless they will benefit people with intolerance to gluten or eggs.

"Ribbons" can be used even by people with diseases associated with disorders of the pancreas, such as pancreatitis and diabetes. In addition, nutritionists, after conducting a lot of various studies, found out that such pasta does not harm the figure and allows you to maintain satiety for a long time.

We hope that fettuccine will also take its place in your diet, because preparing them is very simple, which the proposed short overview video will help you to make sure of.

There are so many types Italian pasta. Some of them go especially well with sauces. Long and wide strips of pasta are soaked in gravy - it is very tasty and beautiful. Fettuccine in a creamy sauce, with fish or stewed vegetables can become a truly gourmet second course. For cooking you will need regular products, and gourmet if you want to create something special.

Fettuccine in cream sauce

Pasta is desirable to take about a hundred grams per serving. Vegetables (peas, paprika, celery) - to taste. Be sure to take one small onion, a couple of cloves of garlic, a large bunch of parsley and spices. For the sauce, you need two hundred grams of cream (it can be of medium fat content, or it can be maximum) and one hundred grams of butter. Additional greens when serving will not hurt. For a spicy fettuccine in a creamy sauce, use a bag of peeled frozen shrimp or a sea cocktail. Defrost it and drain the water. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Chop the garlic and onion, then fry in butter for five minutes. Bell pepper cut into squares, and celery into thin sticks. Add these vegetables and green pea in a frying pan - and simmer until moisture evaporates. As soon as they become dry and start to crackle, add Seafood Cocktail or shrimp. All together you need to fry for about five minutes, the fire should be strong, at the end add spices and salt. Pour the cream into the pan and simmer the mixture over low heat until it thickens. Add greens.

The fettuccine sauce is ready. Now you can boil the pasta in lightly salted water (you do not need to add oil to it) to a state that the Italians call "al dente" (in translation - "to the tooth"). This means that the pasta should not be overcooked - it should appear slightly firm. If you cut the pasta, you can see that in the middle it is a little darker than the edges. After that, you can mix boiled pasta and sauce. There is one subtlety here. If you want to start eating right away, you can mix the entire volume. And if you plan to eat pasta in several doses, then it is advisable to add the sauce individually to each plate. Although, of course, best taste you can taste fettuccine in a creamy sauce in a hot dish.

Fettuccine with salmon

If you have a small piece of fresh fish fillet, then cook this variation of Italian pasta. You will not regret. In addition to fish, you need two portions of pasta, garlic, onion, olive oil, cream, some vodka, grated parmesan, nutmeg, pepper and half a lemon. Can be used smoked fish instead of fresh. Sauté the onion and garlic, then add the salmon pieces to the pan. Cook, stirring, for two minutes. Boil the pasta. If you made it yourself, then cook a little less than pasta industrial production- about four minutes. Bring the cream to a boil and pour into the skillet with the fish. Add spices and vodka there. Simmer for three minutes. Then add boiled pasta and grated cheese, mix and heat again over low heat. On the ready meal you can squeeze a lemon.

Step 1: Cook fettuccine.

Pour the right amount of water into the saucepan, I usually take a medium saucepan and fill it a little more than half. Bring the liquid to a boil and carefully lower the pasta so as not to break it. Cook pasta until al dente, that is, until they are almost done. It's best to follow the directions on the package and just subtract 30 seconds from the specified time. As a rule, the cooking time is in this case 9.5 minutes. Once pasta are ready, drain them in a colander and proceed to the next cooking step.

Step 2: Prepare the cream sauce.

Once the pasta is ready, start making the creamy sauce. First, put the pan on the fire and lay out not its bottom butter, cut into pieces. Wait until it melts completely.

After the butter has melted and become liquid, pour the cream into the pan in a thin stream and shake it with a whisk to completely mix with the butter. Now arm yourself with a grater and grate Parmesan cheese directly into the pan, but not all, but only 3/4 , we will need the rest at the end. If you are not sure that you will grate the cheese quickly enough, then it is better, of course, to do it in advance. Now stir the sauce until the cheese is completely melted. Don't forget to add salt and pepper to taste as well.

Step 3: Cooking fettuccine in a creamy sauce.

Put the previously boiled pasta into the creamy cheese sauce and mix them well with tongs without removing from heat. Everything needs to be mixed 30 seconds or 1 minute, in general, a sufficient amount of time to bring the pasta to full readiness. Then remove the cooked pasta with sauce from the heat.

Now we need the remaining quarter of the cheese. Grate it over the pasta and mix the finished dish. Everything your amazing italian dish ready, feel free to start serving it on the table.

Step 4: Serve the fettuccine pasta in a creamy sauce.

Serve hot fettuccine in a creamy sauce, fresh from the stove, let the dish cool, and then reheat it again is strongly discouraged. You can serve pasta on its own or as a side dish, and it works best with stewed or fried chicken breast.
Enjoy your meal!

It is best to take immediately grated parmesan cheese, besides, it is now sold at almost every step.

When choosing cream, pay attention to the fattest, they are best suited for cooking.

AT ready-made pasta you can add some fresh parsley or dill, but you can also add this ingredient while making a creamy sauce.

Fettuccines are very popular in Italian cuisine, they go well with chicken and seafood, as well as with almost all vegetables, with bolognese and with creamy sauce. One of the most common and perhaps the most delicious is mushroom dressing with chicken.

A step-by-step recipe for fettuccine with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce is a story about how to properly cook Italian "ribbons" for chicken with mushrooms and how delicious it is to season with a creamy sauce with cheese.

Total cooking time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Yield: 2 servings


for the recipe

  • fettuccine - 200 g
  • chicken (preferably fillet) - 300 g
  • champignons - 200 g
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.

for cream sauce

  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • medium-sized onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 teeth
  • 30% cream or sour cream - 200 g
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • parmesan - 40 g
  • chopped fresh parsley - a handful

How to cook fettuccine with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Cooking fettuccine begins with the preparation of chicken and mushrooms. According to tradition, it is customary to use porcini mushrooms, but in modern cooking they are increasingly being replaced by more affordable champignons.

Fresh mushrooms need to be washed, cleaned of dirt and cut the legs, cut into slices. Cut the chicken - the breast is best, although you can use chicken meat from any part of the bird, stripping it of skin, tendons and excess fat. I used fillets from chicken breast, weight 300 g based on two servings. I cut the meat into medium-sized pieces of about 1.5-2 cm, sprinkled with salt and black pepper, marinated for 10-15 minutes.

After the specified time, I put a pot filled with water on the stove (for cooking fettuccine). In parallel, on another burner, I heated 1 tablespoon of creamy and vegetable oil. I put marinated chicken in a pan and fried until golden brown - cook for no longer than 2 minutes so that the tender white meat does not dry out.

I added mushrooms to the chicken and, stirring, fried everything together for another 4-5 minutes (or until the mushrooms are browned). The fire must be strong, it must be cooked without a lid so that the moisture from the champignons evaporates.

By now, the water in the pot should be boiling. I added salt to boiling water and poured pasta, mixed and cooked for 7 minutes from the moment of laying, almost until done, but so that the pasta turned out “al dente”, that is, a little undercooked. I recommend reading the instructions for your pasta to more accurately determine the cooking time. As a rule, this is 8-10 minutes, but the time may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer (cook 2 minutes less than indicated on the package).

She threw the cooked al dente pasta into a colander and drained the water, leaving about 100 ml in reserve, in case you need to dilute the sauce to more liquid consistency. Then I returned the fettuccine back to the warm pan and poured in a spoonful of olive oil - it will not allow the ribbons to stick together while we prepare the sauce.

As soon as the onion becomes soft, pour cream into the pan (fat content of 20% or more). We warm up for just a minute, not allowing boiling. Then we send the fried pieces of chicken with mushrooms to the pan and add the grated cheese (half), mix everything well.

Combine the fettuccine paste with the rest of the ingredients. Mix again. Here you need to look at the consistency of the sauce, if necessary, you can add the pasta broth that remains (I added 3 tablespoons).

Without removing the pan from the heat, heat the spaghetti in the sauce, gently mixing with a spatula or tongs for about 30-60 seconds.

It is customary to serve fettuccine with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce in deep plates with wide margins - it is more convenient to grab the pasta without splashing the sauce. It is customary to sprinkle the dish with coarsely chopped parsley on top, you can add an additional portion of grated parmesan, sprinkle with black ground pepper or provencal herbs. The dish is quite high-calorie, so Italians recommend eating pasta at lunchtime, with a glass of water or wine. Buon appetito!

For the recipe you will need:
- fettuccine - 340g
- shrimp (raw, peeled) - 700g
- butter - 1/2 cup
- parsley (fresh herbs) - 1/4 cup
- garlic - 2 cloves
- lemon juice- 2 tablespoons
- chicken bouillon- 2 tablespoons
- salt - 1/2 tsp
- pepper (ground) - 1/8 tsp

Boil fettuccine in salted water according to package instructions. Meanwhile, in a large skillet, sauté the shrimp in the butter until pink, 3 to 4 minutes. Add chopped parsley, garlic, lemon juice, broth, salt and pepper. Cook for another minute and a half. Place the shrimp on top of the fettuccine.

Fettuccine sauce. Recipe.

Very popular today Italian food actively enters our homes. exotic dishes and sauces, thanks to which ordinary pasta becomes a work of art culinary arts. It's all Italian food. Next, we will tell the recipe very popular dish- fettuccine.

What is fettuccine?

Fettuccine is a flat, wide noodle. Hence the name of the dish itself. It is better to buy Italian fettuccine, they are not much more expensive than "domestic", but the quality is much higher.
To make fettuccine you will need:
Olive oil
And for the fettuccine sauce:
250 ml. cream (20-30% fat)
40 gr. grated Parmesan
20 gr. butter

Boil the fettuccine (pasta) in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Add 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the water. Try to boil the pasta so that the pasta remains a little firm in the very core - this is how the Italians do. If you cooked them to the end, it's okay.
Ready pasta mix with 1 tsp. olive oil.

Fettuccine Sauce:

Take a bowl (the sauce can also be made in a Teflon pan), pour the cream into it and bring it to a boil. Reduce the fire. After that, put the butter in the cream and, stirring constantly with a spoon, melt it. Next, pour into the resulting mixture of parmesan, grated on a fine grater. Stir the sauce thoroughly over low heat. Salt and pepper to taste.
Put the finished hot fettuccine on a serving plate, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with grated parmesan on top.



Chicken - 500 gr,
mushrooms - 500 gr
oil - 50 ml,
cream - 100 ml,
soy sauce - 100 ml,
pepper -1 pc


We boil fettuccine - these are not ordinary spaghetti, but flat long noodles, like "nests", it is better to buy Italian fettuccine, they are not much more expensive than "domestic" ones, but much higher in quality! Put the diced chicken in a preheated pan, bring to the floor of readiness, then add the mushrooms sliced ​​​​lengthwise, add fettuccine, garlic oil (olive oil + finely chopped garlic) and stir constantly until fully cooked. We put our fettuccine on a plate, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, grated on a fine grater, only this cheese goes into real pasta !!!