How to cook pasta so that it doesn't stick together. How do you know if pasta is ready? How to cook pasta in a saucepan - recipe.

Pasta in Russia is treated rather familiarly. They are thrown into a tiny saucepan, boiled for 20 minutes, then rinsed for a long time cold water from the tap. Or worse, hot. And then they wonder why there is a slimy monolithic piece on the plate, and not a crumbly mass.

How to cook pasta so that it doesn't stick together? Every hostess has her own tricks. But some have been cooking pasta incorrectly for many years, making mistakes over and over again.

The saw blade is good for tender breads and sweets, as they do not compress food. Using a small cutting board This ratio greatly increases the risk of accidental cuts and also makes the biggest mess in the kitchen. The fee must be proportional to the size of the knife and the product.

Whenever you finish a recipe step, sanitize the board and only then start another part of the preparation. Placement of knives in the dishwasher. The pressure of the water causes the blades to collide with other objects, leaving them scratched and the blades with the cutting cable damaged.

Which pasta to choose

AT Soviet time pasta was made from the worst flour. The raw color was off-white or grey. And no tricks helped. After cooking, a sticky, unappetizing mass was obtained. Butter was put into it, washed large quantity cold water, fried vegetable oil. Still, it was a gray slippery bar. And besides, not only disgusting in appearance, but also in taste, this mess bore little resemblance to good pasta.

Wash the knives by hand with a sponge and dry them immediately to prevent discoloration. The trick is to put more pieces meat than you should in the pan to speed up the process - a sad mistake. In addition to making cooking more difficult, the chunks create a barrier to heat and turn water into steam.

Result: nothing golden meat. To keep the meat nice, caramelized, don't let any part touch the other. If the quantity is larger than the pot, there is no way: divide the pastries in batches. Cook in a saucepan or chill with cold fat. If the pot is not hot enough, the vegetables will stick to it like glue and loosen a lot of water. The right thing to do is warm the pot and feel its temperature with your hand. Then add oil and wait for it to warm up. This creates a necropolis coating for the ingredients.

Proper pasta should have a light golden, cream or yellow hue. It is difficult to spoil such a product, but it is possible. If you try hard. There are recommendations to look for the phrase about durum wheat on the packaging. You can write anything. Focus on color.

Not everyone has the opportunity to bring real food to the table. italian pasta. But also among Russian manufacturers there are quite normal ones who make good raw materials for our dishes.

Tip: Follow this law at all times, less so when you use a baking sheet and want brown, delicate vegetables. In these cases, place the fat before lighting the fire. Non-stick cookware can produce a lot of smoke if it reaches a high temperature and is empty.

Seal the meat on very low heat. If you put the meat in a saucepan over low heat, it will cook the center and outside at the same time and won't caramelize. Clue. Use the oven environment for cooking and heat the pot a few minutes before placing the meat. After sealing, then yes, you can lower the fire to give a point of meat. For best results, use a thicker pot that holds more heat.

How much water do you need to cook pasta

The generally accepted norm is 1 liter per 100 g of raw materials. But what about large families where 2 kg of pasta is cooked at a time? Looking for a two-bucket tub? Or cook multiple times? Then the mother of many children will not have to get out of the kitchen. In this case, some relaxation is possible. For example, for the same 2 kg, take a pan of 10 liters. There is definitely one like this.

If desired, you can cook 500 g in a standard 3-liter kettle. Yes, and with dumplings. You can learn the recipe from any average Russian student. They know a lot of people like that.

Put the garlic in too soon The garlic will burn in less than a minute. If you do chicken breast, for example, it takes at least 10 minutes to cook, the garlic will burn and sour until the meat is ready. If possible, use chopped or mashed garlic, which is less susceptible to heat, or use it towards the end of the preparation. Exception for long cooking with water.

Thus, the ingredient is protected. Place oil on the cooked noodles to prevent them from sticking. The wires may not stick, but be sure the sauce won't stick to the dough. To prevent the dough from drying out after you're done, place the sauce right after the noodles.

In some recipes, it is recommended to grease the walls of the dishes with any oil. And then pour water. This is to keep the pasta from sticking together. Clearly, they didn't study physics. Oil is lighter than water. Is always. It will just float to the surface. So why the extra moves? It will be easier to splash a little oil directly into the pan.

It is recommended to look at the package again. The manufacturer knows for sure. And here is the trick. Must try pasta. Not with fingers, as some sources suggest. Well, you crush it and what should you feel? And not by sticking to a plate. Even undercooked dough will stick if you smack it heartily on any surface. Mouth should be tried.

If you have to wait, skip the pasta in cold water to break up, heat up hot sauce and heat the pasta in a saucepan. Use non-stick cookware for everything. Cookware of this type slows down the rate of heat transfer and therefore leaves nothing gold behind.

No need to insist, if you stay too long in the pan until brown, it will burn. Use this type of pan for delicate foods like fish or sticky ingredients like eggs. Turn the meat too fast or too often. The flesh under these conditions looks like a sponge. The more you see and move, the more fluid you get out. The meat should remain in contact with the saucepan until browned, but not overdone.

It's simple: catch a couple of things, blow and try. Only here we do not need foreign aldente. Everyone's teeth are different, so are taste preferences. Check readiness according to your feelings. Pasta is soft on the outside, but still hard on the inside - they will have to boil for a few more minutes. The dough spreads in the mouth, before reaching the teeth - it's too late to rush about, digested, you can't save it. Pasta is pleasantly springy, there is no longer hardness, elastic - rather turn off the fire, now is the perfect moment.

Do you doubt that he is ready? Try turning the meat, if it sticks or offers resistance, it means it's still not very good. Cut the meat immediately after frying. When the meat is heated, the muscle fibers become compressed and disperse the juice. Depending on how you cut, this juice will flow towards the edges rather than the center of the piece.

Let the meat rest so that the muscles relax and the juice comes out. Large birds such as turkeys or whole chickens need an average of 30 minutes to rest, while roast beef is about 10 minutes. Measuring ingredients without precision. You don't have to weigh all the ingredients, which is ideal, but don't go overboard with the olchometer. Look for specific cups and cups for this feature, and follow the instructions given in the letter's recipe.

You need to start trying the dough 2-3 minutes from the recommended time on the package. At least she has some use. Let's say 10 minutes is written. So after 7 minutes from the start of cooking you can taste. Is it time to drain already?

Do I need to rinse pasta?

If you are cooking 100 g at a time, then optional. You eat them right away. But when a batch is being prepared at the same time “so that it remains for tomorrow”, then it will have to be washed. Even super-Italian foods can stick together if not consumed immediately.

Use special cups, but in more fine recipes weighing is preferred. The amount of ingredients can be deceiving. A cup powdered sugar different from a cup of crystal sugar. Do not wash the pot between a preparation and another that has the same ingredients. This may seem obvious, but depending on the preparation, as in the case fried foods, you can end up with leftovers in the pot that will burn and leave a bitter taste in your food. What is left of the mass, which must be beaten separately, cannot be beaten in the snow.

Scare away laziness and make dishes. When egg whites dry the faucet, the rest of the water can turn it white to snow. Everyone thinks pasta is easy to make, but it's no surprise that tons of noodles are fast food sold every year. In fact, everyone does something wrong during preparation, as you have seen.

Just do not need a five-minute rinse hot water! It is enough to throw it in a colander and quickly pour over cold. Pour once, and do not open the tap and keep a colander under the stream. That is, a bowl of cold water should be ready. Splashed, mixed, allowed to drain.

Why is pasta washed in cold water? Because you need to stop the cooking process. After all, after reclining in a colander, it still continues. A quick rinse with cold water stops this process, while allowing the dough to remain hot.

But, if you're in complete denial in the kitchen, the good news is that after this post, you'll never eat "gororobu noodles" again. As you will see, there are some basic mistakes that you and other people usually make when making noodles and that compromise and the end result of your meal.

Want a good example of people skipping pasta? How about overcooking the dough, delaying washing it, or washing the pasta before putting it into the sauce? Have you identified with these three common mistakes? So follow the list below as you will learn a lot more about what not to do when you are cooking pasta.

Remember your childhood. Spaghetti has never been cooked whole. They were always broken for more small pieces. And what a pleasure it was to drag a whole macaroni from under my mother’s hand and gnaw it raw!

With the advent in Russian cuisine Italian recipes the situation has changed radically. Now it is fashionable to cook whole spaghetti. Yes please! Do as you please.

Check out 12 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Cooking Pasta

A larger pot allows enough water to cook the dough. In addition, space is required to move the noodles and prevent them from sticking together or in the pot. Pasta noodles should only be cooked in salted water. If it doesn't, he looks pretty dull at the end of the training. The amount of salt obviously depends on the personal taste of each person, but it should be borne in mind that only minimal amount salt can actually go into the mass.

Undoubtedly, long spaghetti looks great when serving food. That's only if you offer such food to a child ... Who is not yet quite a virtuoso with a fork ... Be prepared to find pasta anywhere. On the table, floor, ears, hair, hands. But not in the mouth. Don't freak out and break.

It happens that your man does not recognize the fork as a tool for eating. Sometimes it happens. Here try to give him whole spaghetti. Let's see what happens when he plays with the spoon. No assurances that this is how they eat in Italy will save you from the righteous wrath of your soulmate.

The first two minutes of cooking are crucial to leaving your pasta stuck or untied. To cook pasta like mom, the secret is to dip into the batter as quickly as possible and then toss everything. If you don't stir the dough during cooking, it will probably stick together at the end of cooking.

Throw away all water for cooking

Some of this water will help texture the sauce, leaving it richer. One or two points is enough and should be added gradually until the point.

Depending on the cooking time indicated on the package

The manufacturer does good time cooking, but this does not release you from the responsibility of checking whether the dough is prepared in advance when making pasta. On average, you can do this up to two minutes before the period indicated on the package. And you will know if pasta is really good, tasting and feeling like texture.

So just act according to the situation.

How much salt is needed and when to put it

The recommended dose is 1 tbsp. l. without top for 3 liters of water. Put it only after boiling. Here again we recall the school physics course. Salt water will take much longer to boil than fresh water. But if you take your time, then you can put it directly in the cold.

Some even replace salt with bouillon cubes. This is perfectly acceptable if the pasta is being prepared for savory dishes. because sweet casserole with the taste of seasonings and the aroma of mushrooms or meat - quite an amateur.

Don't drip the dough right away

Nobody likes too much pasta! This, of course, is not to mention that pasta tend to become even a little softer when placed in a hot sauce. Unless you're going to use pasta noodles in a salad, you shouldn't wash them after you run them off. This causes the extra starch released during cooking to be discarded. That's why some pasta is a little watery, you know?

Another big mistake when making noodles is leaving the dough on the rack for too long. The longer you play this step, the more it will stick together. The right thing to do is to slip in and put it right into the sauce. Did you know that for each type of test there is the right sauce? Of course, the combination is more dependent on the personal taste of each person, but the more traditional and accepted combinations are in the picture. Lighter and more textured sauces, for example, pair very well with small and textured pasta to glue the sauce together.

Classic recipe

Prepare to be at the pot all the time while the pasta is cooking. Because one has only to turn away and they strive either to run away, or to stick to the bottom, or to stick together. Don't be afraid. Do it once and you will already know what and how.

Prepare all ingredients at once

What else do you see there noodle recipes with one pan in which you cook all the ingredients together. Although the idea is practical, they allow you to make quality noodles. If you are only using one pot, make the recipe step by step, cooking each ingredient separately. This prevents overcooking or malnutrition of certain ingredients.

Choose the wrong dough for one-pan recipes

If the idea is to make pasta in one pot, in addition to the tip we gave above, you also need to know how to choose the type of pasta that matches the recipe. Smaller pasta, for example, is much easier to mix and takes up less space because the pan will be fuller than usual.

You will need:

  • saucepan, spoon, colander
  • water 1 l
  • pasta 100 g
  • table salt 1 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • cold water bowl 1 l

Sequencing. Pour water into a saucepan, put on a strong fire. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 1-2 minutes. This will allow you to get out of it. unpleasant odors if tap water was used. Then add salt and oil, stir. Pour the pasta and begin to stir with a spoon.

Speaking of pasta, you need to know more about what you put on your plate. Thanks to these simple advice you will master the art of making pasta al dente, as in Italy, that is, cooked, but still a little hard under the tooth. Fill the pot to three-quarters of its capacity to avoid overflowing during cooking, so your pasta can puff up freely without sticking together. If you're cooking lasagna, plan on more water because they need more space to avoid sticking!

Bring the water to a boil, then add the salt, pour the short pasta into the rain and stir immediately, and in the case of long pastas, dip them when they soften and separate them with a fork. Other tips: Make sure the pasta is cooked on a high heat and not opened.

Do this until the dough stops sticking to the bowl. Usually 2 minutes is enough. During this time, the boiling of water usually resumes. The fire is removed to a minimum, periodically glance into the saucepan. If foam appears, it must be removed. During cooking, mix the contents of the container again.

After 5-7 minutes, you can try the dough. How to do this is written above. Ready for pasta? Turn off the fire, pour into a colander with water. Pour cold from a bowl, stir to glass excess liquid and serve.

  1. If you are going to cook vermicelli, then its cooking time is no more than 4 minutes.
  2. Never cover a pot of pasta with a lid. Foam runs away from them faster than milk. Do not keep track, you will also wash the stove.
  3. Often, pasta behaves perfectly during cooking, and after it sticks together. Stir them often, already in a saucepan until completely cooled. Approximately 1 time in 15 minutes. Then they won't stick together.
  4. Some recipes say that pasta should only be eaten freshly cooked. Allegedly, the next day, when reheated, they lose their taste. Nonsense. The whole country ate yesterday's pasta at least once in its life. No one vomited from "loss of taste." Or serve your child freshly brewed with sugar instead of yesterday's, fried until crispy golden brown. What will he tell you?
  5. No matter how well the pasta is cooked, it will still stick together when it cools. To prevent this from happening, immediately after cooking, add a little oil to them. Melted butter or vegetable, it doesn't matter. And stir. After 15 minutes, stir them again right in the saucepan. And then again half an hour later. So even after cooling they will remain crumbly.

How to cook pasta so that it doesn't stick together? Follow the instructions, test for readiness and mix often. Then even pasta from the worst flour will not turn into one big piece of boiled dough.

Video: how to cook pasta in a saucepan

Probably, every housewife got into such a situation when you need to cook something quickly and tasty on hastily and there is very little time for it. And in this case, pasta always comes to the rescue, namely, everyone's favorite spaghetti. Of course, there is nothing complicated in preparing this dish, but still there are a few secrets that not everyone knows about.

so they don't stick together?

This question begins to worry almost all housewives after the first unsuccessful experience in cooking. How more pan- all the better. Spaghetti love space. Therefore, the best option would be a pot with a capacity of 3-5 liters, 2/3 filled with water. Let's take a look at the example in detail.

So, we will need:

  • spaghetti (500 g);
  • butter (100 g);
  • salt (1 tablespoon);
  • olive or sunflower oil(1 tablespoon).

Cooking method:

1. Put a pot of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Important! Be sure to add sunflower oil to boiling water, it will just prevent the pasta from sticking together. Also add a tablespoon of salt to the pan.

2. The water has boiled, now you can move on to spaghetti. Put them in the pan like a fan, but in no case do not break them - they will quickly become soft in the water and easily sink completely (this usually takes no more than a minute). How long does it take to cook spaghetti? As much as indicated on the package, most often it is 6-12 minutes. It all depends on what varieties of wheat they are made from.

3. For the first two minutes, you need to constantly stir them so that they do not stick together, and then you should not leave them to cook on the stove. Spaghetti is very fond of cooking "in the company."

4. So, the pasta is ready. Now it remains to drain the water from them and put them in a colander.

5. In the saucepan where the pasta was cooked, put a piece of butter. Once the spaghetti is all glass of water, put it back into the pot. Please note that if sauce is served with pasta, it is better to refuse butter, it will be superfluous.

6. The dish is ready. Spaghetti is best served immediately, for piquancy, you can season with some kind of sauce. Now you yourself can answer the question of how to cook spaghetti so that they do not stick together. The whole secret is in the sunflower and butter, which, when cooking pasta, must be added at a certain point. There is another tip on how to cook spaghetti. So that they do not stick together, it is best to choose pasta from durum varieties wheat. As you can see, everything is simple!

spaghetti so they don't spread?

It's best not to overcook them. Pasta and spaghetti will turn out elastic if they are removed from heat 5 minutes before cooking. They will be a little undercooked inside, but don't worry - the whole secret is that even after you drain the water from them and add oil, they will still maintain a certain temperature, thanks to which the spaghetti will reach full readiness by itself. If you still digested pasta, then you can get rid of excess stickiness plain water. Just rinse them well. That's all, the question of how to cook spaghetti so that they do not stick together can be considered resolved.