Thick pasta italy. What are Italian pasta

Depending on the quality and grade of flour, pasta is divided into groups - A, B, C and classes 1st and 2nd. Products of group A - from durum wheat flour (durum); group B - from flour from soft high-vitreous wheat; group B - from the bakery wheat flour; 1st class - products from flour of the highest grade and 2nd class - products from flour of the 1st grade.

When adding flavoring additives or enrichers, the group and class of products are supplemented with the name of the additive or enricher, for example, group A 1st class egg, group A 2nd class tomato.

Pasta of all groups and classes is divided into four types: tubular products - in the form of tubes of various lengths and diameters; filamentous - in the form of threads of different lengths and sections; ribbon-like - in the form of ribbons of various lengths and widths; curly - pressed and stamped of various shapes and patterns.

Tubular pasta in shape and length are divided into three subtypes: pasta, horns, feathers. Pasta is a tube with a straight cut 15-20 cm long (short) and at least 20 cm (long); there are single and double bent. The horns are a curved tube with a straight cut 1.5-4.0 cm long along the outer curve. Feathers - a tube with an oblique cut from 3 to 10 cm long from an acute to obtuse angle. Each subtype, depending on the size of the cross section, is divided into types. Up to 4.0 mm - straws, 4.1-5.5 mm - special, 5.6-7.0 mm - ordinary and more than 7 mm - amateur. Pasta and horns are divided into straws, special, ordinary and amateur, and feathers are only special, ordinary and amateur. Pasta with a length of 5 to 13.5 cm is called a crowbar, and less than 5 cm is called a crumb.

Thread-like pasta (vermicelli) depending on the size of the cross section (in mm), they are divided into the following types: cobweb - no more than 0.8; thin - no more than 1.2; ordinary - no more than 1.5; amateur - no more than 3.0. In terms of length, vermicelli are short (at least 1.5 cm) and long (at least 20 cm), single or doubled. They also produce vermicelli, laid in the form of skeins, nests, bows. Their weight and size are not limited. Vermicelli less than 1.5 cm long is considered a crumb.

Ribbon-shaped pasta (noodles) can be long double bent or single at least 20 cm long and short at least 1.5 cm long. The surface of the noodles can be smooth or corrugated; the edges are straight, sawtooth and wavy. The width of the noodles can be from 3 to 10 mm, the thickness is not more than 2 mm. They produce noodles in the form of nests, skeins, bows. Noodles less than 1.5 cm long are considered crumbs.

Figured products produce any shape and size. Pressed products - in the form of shells, spirals, braids, chrysalis shells, lilies, etc.; stamped products - in the form of stars, letters of the alphabet, gears, etc. The maximum thickness of any part of the products at a break should not exceed: 1.5 mm - stamped and 3.0 mm - pressed. Figured products, unusual this species forms are classified as deformed.

In addition to traditional pasta with a moisture content of 12%, raw pasta with a moisture content of 28% and a shelf life of 24 hours is supplied to the world market.

The range of pasta products is being expanded by increasing the nutritional value and creating new types of products for medical and preventive purposes. Protein-free products are obtained from cornstarch native and "swelling with the addition of enrichers in the form of vitamins of group B and glycerophosphate. They are white, become transparent after cooking, their surface is matte-smooth, mealy at the break. The taste is neutral, there is no smell. Recommended for dietary nutrition of people with renal insufficiency Also released:

Products enriched with calcium in the form of food chalk or shells;

Products with high content dietary fiber with a high content of bran particles or whole grains, with the addition of wheat germ;

Vegetable products Mosaic with various vegetable additives: 15% tomato paste - tomato, 30% spinach and sorrel - spinach, 15% carrot juice- carrots;

Products directed therapeutic effect enriched with herbal supplements: bioadditives from the skin of grapes - grape products, designed to enhance the immune protective functions of a person to the effects of radiation, bioadditives from pumpkin or pumpkin and apples in the form of a paste - amber products, have a beneficial effect on gastritis, cholelithiasis, stomach ulcers, stimulate the work of the heart.

In the assortment of pasta in other countries there are products of improved taste. Thus, a tablet is placed in a package of pasta, consisting of table salt- 60%, vegetable concentrate - 20, sodium gluamate - 10, caramel - 1, garlic - 0.1, pepper - 0.1, flour - 0.1, powdered soy sauce - 5, glucose - 5%; whole grain products; products with fillers (fillings from meat and vegetables); products with spices from garlic, coffee, in the form of ready-made dry breakfasts, called "pasta chips"; frozen products. Products for long-term storage are also produced, which are packed in heat-resistant bags and irradiated from both sides with IR rays at 100-160 ° C for 3-4 minutes. Under the action of infrared rays, the products are sterilized, as a result of which their shelf life increases.


Pasta are dried simple wheat dough, pre-formed in the form of ribbons (noodles), tubes (pasta, horns, feathers), threads (vermicelli).

They are characterized by speed and ease of preparation (up to 20 minutes), high nutritional value (proteins - 9-13%, carbohydrates - 70-79, fats - 1, mineral elements - 0.5-0.9, fiber - 0, 1-0.6%), the possibility of long-term storage without deterioration in quality and consumer properties.

Products resembling pasta were known in ancient times. But their mass production became widespread in the XII-XIII centuries. in Italy. In Russia, the first pasta factory was officially registered in Odessa in 1797.

In our country, the development of the pasta industry began in 1923.

Pasta can be made variety of dishes and side dishes. They have a high nutritional value. They include proteins (9-11.8%), carbohydrates (70-75%), fats (0.9-2.7%), fiber (0.2%), minerals. The energy value 100 g is equal to 332-341 kcal or 1389-1427 kJ.

To obtain pasta, dough is kneaded, from which products are formed, dried, then cooled, sorted and packaged.

When preparing the dough, enrichers are used: egg powder, melange, tomato paste, dairy products, flavorings.

Pasta is produced from wheat flour of the pasta type (the highest grade - grains and the first grade - semi-grains).

Pasta is divided into groups: A, B, C and into the highest, first and second grades.

Group A - products from durum wheat: the highest, 1st, 2nd grade;

Group B - from soft glassy wheat: the highest and 1st grade;

Group B - from baking wheat flour: the highest and 1st grade.

The variety of pasta depends on the variety of the main raw material used for manufacturing.

Premium pasta made from premium flour; 1st grade - from flour of the first grade; 2nd grade - from flour of the second grade.

Pasta is produced in various shapes, sizes, and diameters.

Tubular pasta is divided into horns, pasta, feathers - in shape; by the size of the outer diameter - by species.

In length, they can be short - no more than 150 mm and long - no less than 200 mm.

Tubular products differ in cross-sectional diameter: straws - 4 mm; ordinary - from 4.1 to 7 mm; amateur more than 7 mm.

Filamentous - gossamer vermicelli, ordinary, thin, amateur. Vermicelli is short, no more than 15 cm long; long - at least 20 cm.

Types of vermicelli: cobweb (up to 0.8 mm in diameter), ordinary (from 0.9 to 1.5 mm), amateur (from 1.6 to 3.5 mm). Tape pasta - noodles. The width of the noodles is narrow up to 7 mm; wide - from 7.1 mm: up to 25 mm; in length - long at least 200 mm and short - no more than 150 mm.

Pasta, vermicelli, noodles are produced in the form of skeins, the weight and size of which are not limited.

Figured products - shells, stars, spirals, alphabet, etc. The size of these products is not standardized. But the maximum thickness should not exceed 1.5mm for stamped; 3 mm - for pressed.

Pasta should have a taste and smell without bitterness and mold, mustiness; solid color, with a cream or yellowish tinge; the surface is smooth, at the break - vitreous.

When cooking, pasta should not stick together, form lumps, lose shape.

Humidity of pasta is 11-13%, acidity is not more than 4°С, and products with tomato products additives are not more than 10°С. The standard limits the presence of crumbs of deformed products.

The shape retention of welded products must be at least 100% (for group A) and at least 95% (for groups B and C). Traces of non-mixing, musty smell and taste, high humidity and acidity, pest infestation are not allowed.

Store pasta at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C without temperature changes, relative humidity not more than 70%

Shelf life of pasta:

Without additives - 24 months;

With the addition of tomato products and egg - 12 months;

Dairy products - 5 months;

With wheat germ - 3 months.

The main advantages of pasta as a food product:
- long-term storage(more than a year) without loss of taste and nutritional properties: pasta is not at all confirmed by staleness,
- speed and ease of preparation (the duration of cooking, depending on the type, is from 3 to 20 minutes); relatively high nutritional value: a dish prepared from 100 g of dry pasta satisfies the daily human need for proteins and carbohydrates by 10-15%,
- high digestibility of the main nutrients of pasta - proteins and carbohydrates.

Pasta is a product made from dried wheat dough kneaded with water.
In Russian, the term "pasta" comes from the Italian name "maccheroni" - pasta, i.e. tubular paste.
Pasta contains:
- 70-79% digestible carbohydrates,
- 9-13% proteins,
- about 1% fat,
- 0.5-0.9% minerals,
- 0.1-0.6% fiber.
For the manufacture of pasta, flour of the highest grades, rich in protein substances, is used.
Improving the range of pasta is carried out along the path of introducing non-traditional raw materials into the recipe: food additives, dyes, the use of new types of flour, water. Also, in order to improve the range and better meet the growing needs of customers, vitamin and mineral supplements are used.

Classification of pasta
According to the composition of the test:
- products only from durum wheat flour,
- dough products using additional raw materials.
Depending on the type of flour:
- Group A - pasta made from durum wheat flour (durum) of the highest, first and second grades,
- Group B - pasta made from soft vitreous wheat flour of the highest and first grades.
- Group B - pasta made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades,
- Higher varieties - pasta products made from flour of the highest grade,
- First grade - pasta made from first grade flour,
- Second grade - pasta made from second grade flour, only for group A.

For pasta made using additional raw materials, the designation of the group and variety of pasta is supplemented with names that are unambiguous with it.

Depending on the molding method:
- cut - pasta, formed cut into pieces of dough tape,
- press - pasta, formed using a pasta press,
- stamped - the pasta formed by stamps from a test tape.

Depending on the shape, pasta is divided into the following types:
Tubular pasta:
- pasta - tubular pasta in the form of a long straight tube with a straight or wavy (when cutting dried products) cut.
- horns - tubular pasta in the form of a short straight or curved tube with a straight cut;
- feathers - tubular pasta in the form of a short straight tube with an oblique cut.
Tubular pasta according to the size of the cross section is divided into types: straws (up to 4.0 mm inclusive), ordinary (from 4.1 to 7.0 mm), amateur (from 7.1 mm and more).
Thread-like pasta.
Vermicelli - filamentous long or short, pasta with various cross-sectional shapes.
According to the size of the cross section, they are divided into types: cobweb (up to 0.8 mm), ordinary (from 0.9 to 1.5 mm), amateur (from 1.6 to 3.5 mm).

Tape pasta.
Noodles - ribbon long or short pasta with various edge shapes and sections.
By width, they are divided into types: narrow (up to 7.0 mm inclusive), wide (from 7.1 to 25.0 mm).

Curly pasta.
Ears, shells, stars, rings, shells, bows, spirals and other flat or voluminous pasta of complex configuration. .
Product length:
- long - not less than 200mm,
- short - no more than 150mm.

Long pasta can be single or double bent, as well as shaped into skeins, bows and nests. The mass and dimensions of long pasta formed into coils, bows and nests are not limited.
Depending on the pasta matrix used:
- with a flat surface
- corrugated surface.

Pasta, or pasta, as they are now called after the Italians all over the world, has long and everywhere become one of the most popular products. There are dozens of types of pasta, many of which are only suitable for a particular sauce or dish. Often in recipes there are unfamiliar names for pasta and you want to know how they actually look and what they are eaten with. If you come across an unfamiliar type of noodles or hollow pasta, look at the plate, any pasta from the same category can replace it.



The form

In what form is it used

How to apply

Capellini (capellini)

Long, round and very thin. They are sometimes also called "angel hair".

Used only hot

With light sauces, broths, or simply mixed with olive oil and boiled vegetables

Vermicelli (vermicelli)

Long, rounded, thinner than spaghetti. In Italian, their name means "little worms".

Served hot, sometimes cold

With light sauces or broken and mixed with vegetable salads

Linguine (linguine)

Long, flat and narrow, slightly longer than spaghetti. Their name is translated from Italian as "little tongues"

Hot, sometimes cold

Large enough to be served with thick sauces like marinara sauce.

Spaghetti (spaghetti)

The most popular pasta in the world: long, roundish medium thickness. Their name translates as "little ropes".

Only hot

With tomato sauces or in casseroles

Fettuccine (fetuccine)

Long, flat ribbons and wider than linguine, but can substitute for linguine in all recipes.

Only hot

With thick sauces, especially good with creamy

Lasagna (lasagna)

Long and very wide, can be with straight or curly edges. The casserole is also called exactly the same, with their use

Only hot

They are laid in a form, in layers, spreading each layer with a thick tomato or cream sauce, and baked.


Rotini (spirals)

Very short coils that look like springs made from spaghetti

Hot or cold

With very thick chunky sauces or in pasta salads

Fusille (fusilli)

Longer than rotini, also twisted. In Italian, their name means "little wheels". There are different types: short and thick, short and thin, long and thin.

Hot or cold

So many uses - served with almost all sauces, soups or pasta salad

Pappardelle ( egg noodles)

Wide long noodles. One of the few traditional views of Tuscany. They can be bought fresh (then they are cooked for only a couple of minutes) or dry.


In baked dishes, with thick sauces

Tagliatelle (tagliatelle - egg noodles)

Same width as fettuccine or linguine but not as flat. classic pasta Emilia Romagna.


In casseroles, soups, stroganoff


Ditalini (ditalini)

Small, very short pipes, in Italian their name means "thimble".

Hot or cold

In soups or pasta salads

Elbow macaroni (horns)

Curved hollow horns that are traditionally used to make macaroni cheese

Hot or cold

In baked dishes or in pasta salads

Perciatelli (pechutelle - long macaroni)

Long, thin and straight tubes, thicker than spaghetti


Use them instead of spaghetti with stew sauce, other meat sauces and baked with eggplant


Arcuate tubes, but wider and longer than elbow macaroni. There is also a short variety of them, which is called cut ziti.

Hot or cold

Baked, in pasta salads and with thick sauces

Penne (penne)

Straight, medium length tubes, often with lateral grooves. They are also sometimes called mostaccioli. Their diagonal cut resembles a fountain pen, which is why they got their name.


In soups, baked, with any sauces

Rigatoni (rigatoni)

Long, short tubes, wider than penne but also grooved

With various sauces: thick creamy sauces linger well in the grooves on the sides

Cannelloni (cannelloni)

Large, long pipes, like manicotti, but larger; translated from Italian - "large reed".


They are stuffed, usually meat fillings and baked with sauce

Manicotti (manicotti)

Longer and wider than penne, may be grooved. Manicotti is also called the dish itself when that particular pasta is used, as is the case with lasagna.


Served with stuffed meat or cheese fillings.


Alphabets (alphabet)

In the form of small letters of the alphabet, one of the most favorite children's pasta


in soups

Anelli (anelli)

small rings


in soups

Farfalle (Bow Tie Pasta) (bows)

Square pieces of paste gathered in the center to make a bow; their name is translated from Italian as "butterflies"


In soups with cereals, for example, with buckwheat, and in other dishes


Shells with a long and narrow cavity. In Italian, their name means "mollusk shell". There are different sizes.

Hot or cold

In soups, baked and in pasta salads


They look like ordinary shells (conchiglie), but noticeably larger. They are served in different ways, very effectively.


They are stuffed (try, for example, a mixture of ricotta, pine nuts and spinach)

Orzo (orzo)

And in size and shape they resemble rice, translated from Italian as "barley".


As a side dish, in soups and vegetable salads


Grooved and grooved like a radiator

Hot, can be served cold

With thick creamy sauces, in soups and salads, including fruit


In the shape of wagon wheels


In soups, goulash, salads and thick sauces


Agnolotti (angelotti)

Small, crescent-shaped, they are stuffed like dumplings various fillings(meat, cottage cheese (ricotta), spinach, cheese)


With various sauces

Gnocchi (gnocchi)

Translated from Italian as "little dumplings", usually made from dough with cheese, semolina, potatoes or spinach


As a side dish and as a main dish, it is usually served with tomato sauces, but any other will do.

Tortellini tortellini)

Small stuffed dumplings made from pasta dough, the corners of which are joined to form a ring or bud. They can be bought in different colors - depending on the filling. The filling can be beets, tomatoes, spinach or squid, which add color and flavor.


Boiled with a variety of thick sauces or simply served with a drizzle of olive oil, garlic, pepper, and parmesan

Ravioli (ravioli)

Square pasta ravioli are very similar to Russian dumplings with various fillings (either very finely ground or cut into small pieces). Their name translates as "little turnip"

Only hot

baked; boiled plain or in soup; they are served with various sauces

The birthplace of pasta is Italy. It is in this country that wheat is grown hard varieties from which the best pasta is obtained. According to official statistics, there are about thirty types of pasta. In Italy. But there are many more of them all over the world - more than three hundred. For different dishes in the Apennines invented great amount pasta in all shapes and sizes. Before the beginning industrial production the hostesses made unleavened dough, which is very thinly rolled and cut. Then the blanks were dried and used as needed. Pasta can be stored for a very long time, since the dough contains only flour and water. The only condition is to avoid dampness. It is believed that the Italians call all types of pasta with one word - "pasta". Actually it is not. The word "macaroni" refers to only one type of pasta, namely pasta in the form of long tubes (more than 15 cm) with a cavity inside. In our country, this form of pasta was the only one for a long time, which is probably why it gave its name to all curly pasta that appeared later.

Variety of pasta

Rome has a Pasta Museum. Its exposition presents modern and ancient machines and devices for making the simplest and most bizarre pasta. There you can also get acquainted with other types of pasta existing in the world and their names.

Currently, about 350 types of pasta are known, and their number is constantly growing, new forms and recipes are being invented. Pasta began to be made not only from wheat flour, but also from buckwheat, rice, rye, even starch and peas. Added to the test spices and spices, it began to be painted in various colors. Pasta shapes are also pleasing to the eye: the assortment is constantly updated with new variations, often dedicated to specific cases. So, pasta appeared in the form of the Eiffel Tower, a car, letters of the alphabet of different countries, and so on.

Russian pasta

The production of pasta has long been established in all countries of the world. Unfortunately, not all pasta is created equal. In 2015, the famous Italian concern Barilla built the first plant in Russia. Now we have the opportunity to buy real Barilla pasta.

The types and quality of products of the famous manufacturer allow us to include new dishes of Italian cuisine in our menu. Perfectly cooked pasta is al dente. It's easy to define. During cooking, you need to cut off or remove a piece of pasta from boiling water, cut it and look at the cut. As soon as it turns out that the entire cut is colored the same, and there is no white area in the middle, then the pasta is ready. They must be immediately discarded in a colander. All types of pasta "Barilla" are easy to prepare al dente. Even if you hold them in water a little longer than necessary, they will not boil soft. Italian pasta does not need to be washed, because unlike other brands made from wheat flour soft varieties they don't stick together.

As you know, all types of Italian pasta are made from durum flour. In our country, such wheat grows poorly. This explains the high price of Italian products, however, for a regular side dish for cutlets or stews, Makfa pasta can be used. The types of pasta from this manufacturer are less diverse than those of Barilla, but their price is several times lower.

Pasta Differences

It would seem that pasta - they are pasta: flour and water. Boiled and, without further ado, add any sauce or side dish. But pasta is the brainchild of a people known for its subtle, artistic taste and the desire to invent new and unusual things. On grocery store shelves simple spaghetti different types of pasta have long been crowded out. Long, short, wide, narrow, round, curly, with spices, with fillings, from dough of complex composition, with ready recipes and with bottles of sauces attached to the packages - the choice is huge. Depending on the size and shape, pasta is used to prepare different dishes. They are added to soups, stews, casseroles, salads. In addition, they are stuffed and also served separately, with special sauces.

Pasta differs in cooking time. The thinnest are the capelli di angelo. They are cooked in only 2-3 minutes, while regular ones take 8-9 minutes to cook.

The most common pasta is made from wheat. They fall into two categories.

1. "A" - pasta of the highest quality. They are made from durum wheat. There are higher, first and second grades.

2. "B" - pasta of a lower class. They are further divided into two categories:

  • made from whole grain wheat (there are premium and first grade);
  • from wheat baking flour (there are premium and first grade).

These pasta are the least useful, as they are made from flour made from pure grain, completely freed from all membranes and the part containing germ cells.

How to choose the most suitable pasta

A huge amount of pasta (types and names with photos are presented in our article) can be confusing: which variety should be preferred? It does not matter if you take the wrong ones for the next dinner or lunch - they can be stored for a long time and will not deteriorate.

When choosing a product, be guided by the dish that you are going to cook. If you just want to boil, feel free to take any. Absolutely all types of pasta are suitable for side dishes for meat, vegetable, fish and mushroom dishes. They are not combined only with cereals and potatoes.

Buy for soups small pasta. They are described in more detail below, in the corresponding section. For casseroles, large sheets of lasagne are ideal, for stuffing - large pasta in the form of tubes and shells.

If you want to lose weight, choose any type of Italian pasta, as they are made from durum wheat, as well as buckwheat, rye noodles or pasta with vegetable additives.

Planning to eat pasta with sauce? Choose products of a shape that will hold it better - twisted, with grooves, wrapped edges. Ideal for this occasion would be penne, rigatoni, jiti, fusilli, riots and others.

For salads, small pasta of a stable shape is best suited - ditalini, anellini.

Most best pasta it is quite simple to determine - if the pack weighs decently, and its size is quite small, then you have the highest quality and most delicious products, but you should not always buy the same type. You can create new dishes using the same recipe, just changing the shape of the pasta. Italian chefs say: "How many types of pasta, so many dishes, even if the same ingredients are used."


Classic italian pasta called paste. Translated from Greek (and the tradition of making pasta originated in the Balkan Peninsula), the word "pasta" means wheat flour mixed with sauce. There are different types of pasta for pasta. These are usually long and straight pasta - capellini, vermicelli, spaghetti (thin, round in cross section), linguine, fettuccine (flat, up to 1 cm wide).

In Italy, it is customary to cook food not only with dry types of pasta. You can still buy fresh ones there. As a rule, it is sold in small specialized cafe shops, where the owners themselves make the dough and cut it into pasta. It is not dried, but boiled fresh. Ravioli is prepared from such a paste - very small square-shaped dumplings with different fillings, for example from soft cheese Ricotta, spinach and pine nuts. Ravioli is put into soups and broths, as well as boiled in salted water and eaten with various sauces.

egg pasta

With the advent of new technologies for kneading dough and preserving food, eggs began to be added to pasta. Egg pasta is yellowish in color. Their shelf life is not as long as regular ones (only one year), but they are much tastier. Egg pasta is made from soft wheat flour, but they still do not boil in water - protein gives the dough strength and elasticity. These types of pasta are ideal for casseroles. Egg pasta takes a little longer to cook than regular pasta. When dry, they are more fragile, so they should be stored in hard boxes.

Macaroni for second courses

Large pasta in the form of hollow tubes (cannelone, manicotte) and shells (conciglione) are commonly used for stuffing. To prepare the dish, you first need to make minced meat. It can be anything, as pasta is combined with all products. After the minced meat is done, boil the pasta for 2-3 minutes until the brittleness disappears. Then fill with minced meat and place in a saucepan, greased with oil. Top with sauce and sprinkle with cheese. The baking time is 10 minutes, since all products, with the exception of pasta, are already ready to eat. You need the cheese to melt and the pasta to soften.

Pasta for soups

You can cook any soup with pasta. In Italy they love sweet milk soup. For him, boil milk with water, add sugar and salt, a little nutmeg and cinnamon to taste. Small paste is thrown into boiling milk. For this, those types of pasta are suitable (photos are presented in the article), whose names end in -ini, which means "small". As soon as the milk boils, put the paste into it, bring it to a boil and turn it off. Leave covered for 5 minutes to swell. After this time, pour into plates.

Small vermicelli is put in meat, mushroom and vegetable soups, as well as in seafood soups.

stuffed macaroni

In Italy, stuffed pasta is very popular. Such types of pasta and their names are presented below. They are united by a common name - full paste.

These include angolotti - these are products in the shape of a crescent. Very reminiscent of our dumplings, only miniature. Spinach, meat, cottage cheese, ricotta are used as fillings. Often minced meat is mixed. Angolotti is eaten with different sauces and butter. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan instead of salt.

Ravioli - pasta in the form of squares stuffed with any minced meat. Sometimes minced meat is replaced with whole pieces of cheese, meat or fish. Meat and fish are pre-boiled, since the dough is cooked for only 5 minutes, and meat and fish take longer. Ravioli are eaten separately, and are also added to soups a few minutes before they are ready.

Tortellini are most similar to dumplings. These are small dumplings, the ends of which are connected in the same way as it is done when making dumplings.

Gnocchi is shaped like a walnut, and in execution - dumplings or lazy dumplings. Spinach, cheese, semolina or mashed potatoes. Stir until you get homogeneous mass, rolled into a sausage and cut into slices 1 cm thick. If the dough does not hold its shape, eggs are placed in it. Gnocchi is boiled in salt water and served as a side dish for meat or vegetable dishes.

Tortellini, ravioli and angolotti are very small in size - up to 3 cm, but are made very simply. For a long time no one has been sitting at the table and sculpting small figures for hours. There are special metal molds like our dumplings. Holes are cut into the molds in the form of ravioli, tortellini or angolotti. The dough is rolled out into a layer, shifted to a form powdered with flour. In those places under which there are holes, put the filling. Roll out the second layer of dough and cover the first one with it. Slightly clapped with hands, and then rolled in shape with a rolling pin. Ready ravioli, tortellini and angolotti fall through the holes onto the table. It remains only to collect them and put them in boiling water.

Rye flour pasta

Wheat pasta is very tasty and high in calories, so it is not always recommended for those who are concerned about the problem. excess weight. Those who want to lose weight can be offered to switch to whole grain pasta rye flour. Types of pasta made from it are not very diverse. As a rule, this simple shapes- long noodles, vermicelli, horns. Their taste is not as neutral as that of ordinary ones. Rye pasta needs spicy and spicy sauces.

Buckwheat pasta

Those who follow a gluten-free diet can be advised buckwheat pasta. They have a grayish color, and taste a bit like buckwheat porridge. For them, unripe buckwheat is used, which is not roasted in ovens. Buckwheat noodles can be boiled in milk. This is very useful diet dish. Boil the milk, add a little salt and put the noodles into it. A handful of noodles is enough for one bowl of soup. When serving, place a little butter on a plate.

rice flour pasta

pasta from rice flour very popular in Asian countries. In Russian stores, only a few types of rice pasta are sold - spaghetti and shells. They are gluten-free, cook very quickly and go well with a wide variety of foods. Rice shells are recommended for fish soups. They need to be thrown into a saucepan with ready-boiling soup, let it boil for 2 minutes and immediately pour into plates.

Rice spaghetti is boiled in boiling salt water for no longer than 4 minutes, then the water is drained, and the spaghetti is washed with hot boiled water.

From starch

Supporters of a gluten-free diet, who are interested in what types of pasta are without this allergenic protein, we can tell that funchose starch noodles hold the palm here. It is made from pea, corn or potato starch. Most often from corn. There is only one type of funchoza - these are long, thin, glassy threads. They are wrapped in a voluminous sheaf, which is not broken or divided, but is poured with boiling water with soy sauce dissolved in it, kept for 10 minutes, then the water is drained. Funchoza with seafood, vegetables and dark meats is very good.

Colored pasta

Many people like multi-colored pasta, which are produced in a large assortment by the Barilla brand. The dough is colored exclusively with natural pigments. Black color is given by cuttlefish ink, different shades of red - beets, tomatoes, pumpkins, carrots, and green is obtained thanks to spinach juice. The taste of colored pasta is no different from ordinary pasta, but they have a richer microbiological composition and are therefore much healthier.

Such products are sold separately, without mixing, often in rolled rings like nests. Each "nest" has its own color. You can cook only the same nests, or you can mix in any combination.

Small colored pasta is often sold as a mix of differently colored products of the same shape.

For medicinal purposes

With kidney failure, cholelithiasis, heart failure, beriberi, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for the prevention of osteoporosis, nutritionists recommend eating pasta with special additives.

So, there are pasta enriched with calcium, vitamins, containing bran, dietary supplements from vegetable raw materials (grape peel, pumpkin, sorrel, tomato pulp, apples, carrots, etc.) and other useful components. They are quite expensive, but differ not only useful properties but also great taste. They can be successfully used in the most different dishes- with sauces, in soups, in casseroles, as side dishes and so on. The range of such pasta is still small, but it is constantly expanding.

For weight loss

Fashion on Italian cuisine inspired food industry to develop new types of pasta - from whole grains. They give a feeling of fullness after just a few tablespoons, and a new need for food intake does not arise for a long time. This is due to the fact that the substances present in wheat germ contribute to better digestibility of proteins and carbohydrates of this cereal and do not settle on internal organs in the form of fatty deposits. For getting the greatest benefit they are recommended to be eaten with non-starchy vegetables and leafy green salads.

Whole grain pasta has a short shelf life - only three months, but if the product is vacuum-packed, this period is doubled.

Like other pasta, whole grains are divided into the same types - long, short, for baking, for soups and figured. Short ones are filiform (vermicelli), tubular (feathers and horns), ribbon (noodles) and volumetric complex configuration (shells, spirals, rings, etc.).

It remains only not to get confused which pasta is intended for what, how it is prepared and what it is served with. It is clear that we also have connoisseurs, but we have made this list - Italian pasta - from A to Z - for those who are still lost in front of numerous packages of pasta on the store counter.

Unlike the lists on other sites, we decided to make it in the Latin alphabet. We believe that when going to the store or coming from it with a new package of pasta, it is more convenient to find its name in alphabetical order. And then, already understanding “what it is eaten with”, look for suitable recipes.

Acini di pepe - "pepper grains"
Fine pasta, as the name itself suggests. Used in soups and a variety of salads.

Agnolotti- agnolotti
Pasta with stuffing. Small cute Agnolotti are stuffed with meat or ricotta cheese, spinach... Served with various sauces - to taste.

Alphabet - alphabet (alphabet)
This small pasta is especially liked by children, and even unloved soups they eat with pleasure, looking at the letters.

Anellini- anellini
Small pasta - miniature rings that are usually added to soups and salads.

Bucatini- bucatini
From the Italian bucato - full of holes. Long paste with a thin central channel. The diameter is only 2.4-2.7 mm. Very reminiscent of straws. The ideal companion sauce is fragrant All "amatriciana (Amatriciana), with loin or bacon and tomatoes. However, Bucatini is good with any tomato, vegetable and cheese sauces.

Campanelle- campanelle
Curly short paste in the form of small bells or flowers. Campanelle is usually served with thick sauces (cheese or meat), used in salads and soups. Sometimes they are called "gigli" (lilies).

cannelloni- cannelloni (large tubes), which most of all resemble (after baking) stuffed pancakes. And not only externally - Cannelloni are also designed for. Any meat, cheese, spinach ... They are poured with sauce, tomato or bechamel, and baked.

Cappelletti- cappelletti
Small "hats", most often with filling. But there are also without it. Served with sauces, broth and just grated parmesan.

Capellini- capellini
Long, round and very thin - just over 1 mm - paste. In Italian, capellino means hair. By the way, there is a pasta even thinner and with the cute name “angel hair” - “capelli d'angelo”. It is customary to prepare light, delicate sauces for it.

Cavatappi- cavatappi (corkscrew)
Cheerful curls-spirals are perfectly combined with both exquisite and the simplest sauces. It is because of the shape that they are used in salads.

Conchiglie- Conchili (mollusk shells)
Familiar, right? We have known them for a long time under the name "shells". The shape helps them hold any sauces. Good both baked and in salads. Large conchiglios (conchiglioni) are usually stuffed.

Conchiglioni- conchiglioni
The same shells, but larger. Most often they are stuffed and baked with sauces, they are made.

Ditalini- ditalini
Small, very short such tubes, in Italian their name means "thimble".
Also applicable for thick soups and stew - for example, with beans, with vegetables - and for salads.

Elbow macaroni- elbow macaroni
Again old acquaintances - horns.
Curved hollow horns, which are traditionally used to make macaroni cheese, i.e. macaroni with cheese. Used in baked dishes and pasta.

Farfalle- farfalle (butterflies)
They say they appeared in the 16th century. Can you imagine how they were made by hand then? They cut the dough, clamped the middle of each rectangle ... There are also colored butterflies. And they are usually served with bright vegetable sauces, the basis of which is tomatoes, but it can be with other sauces ..

Fettuccine- fettuccine (ribbons)
Noodles are flat, long, half a centimeter thick and a centimeter wide. Italian women still often make it themselves. Fettuccine is suitable for the same recipes as for Linguine. Served with spicy sauces on tomato or fish-based(for example, with mackerel or smoked tuna), as well as with creamy sauce (mascarpone).

Fideo- fidio
The short thin strands of paste are slightly curved. It is used in various soups, salads, second courses.

Fusilli- fusilli
Curly pasta - a spiral about 4 cm long. With the addition of spinach, it acquires green color, tomatoes - red. Larger fusilli with a more twisted spiral are called "rotini". They pick up the sauce very well. They are combined with almost all sauces, but the perfect pair is with sauce (pesto). Also used in .

Gemelli- gemelli (twins)
Thin products twisted into a spiral, in appearance similar to two bundles twisted together. An excellent company for this pasta is meat, cream, vegetable and fish sauces.

Gnocchi- gnocchi (small dumplings)
Usually made from dough with cheese, semolina, potatoes or spinach. They are traditionally served with melted butter and cheese. In Italy, this is a cheap and very satisfying meal.

Lanterne- lantern
The twisted, ribbed shape and small size make this pasta ideal for serving with the thickest sauces and for various spectacular salads.

Lasagne or lasagna- (lasagna)
Flat pasta for baking. Different sizes of thin plates with straight or "gathered" edges. folded into a shape like a cake, layered with meat, vegetable, cheese and seafood fillings, thick sauces, usually bolognese, and baked in the oven. One of the most popular pastes.

Linguine (linguini)- linguine (tongues)
Similar to spaghetti, but slightly longer and not rounded in diameter, but flattened. Thick sauces based on tomato and fish are suitable. This pasta is especially good with marinara sauces, pesto, creamy mascarpone.

Maccheroni- pasta
Apparently, pasta was almost the first representative Italian pasta in our country. And for some reason they became the name of the whole class - "pasta". However, it is difficult for an Italian, unlike us, to imagine that pasta - like any other pasta - can serve as a side dish. After all, they are hollow inside, so good with thin sauces that easily get inside and soak pasta.

Manicotti- manicotti
Similar to penne, but wider and longer. They come with a grooved surface. Lightly boiled, stuffed with various fillings, poured with sauce and baked.

orecchiette- orecchiette (ears)
Cute, less than 2 cm in size, products that really look like small ears. Used in soups, salads and as independent dish with different sauces.

Orzo- orzo
In appearance, this pasta is most similar to rice, and the size is the same. Used in soups and salads, like.

Pappardelle- pappardelle
Wide long noodles similar to fettuccine noodles but wider. A "talking" name, if you know that in Italian "pappare" - to eat greedily, to devour. Served with thick sauces, more often in baked dishes.

pasta colorata- colored paste
Many types of pasta are colored. Interestingly, only natural “dyes” are used for this - tomatoes, spinach, eggs, pumpkin, carrots, beets, truffles, chili peppers and even squid “ink”. The color does not affect how the pasta is cooked, it all depends on its shape.

pastina- paste (beads)
One of the smallest varieties of short pasta. It is used to prepare light soups and salads.

Penne- penne
The name comes from the Italian "penna" - pen. These tubes, up to 4 cm long and up to 1 cm wide, with their beveled edges, really look like a writing pen. Penne has long been one of the most popular pastas. Usually it is not boiled until fully cooked (al dente, by the tooth), seasoned hot, often thick. Penne is good in casseroles and salads.

Perciatelli- pechutelle
Thicker than spaghetti, but also long and straight hollow tubes. Prepared according to the same recipes as spaghetti. Especially good with meat sauces and baked with eggplant.

Radiators (Radiators)- radiators
This corrugated pasta with projections and deep grooves is most often served with thick creamy sauces. But it is also tasty in baked dishes, salads, including cold fruit ones. Decorate a light soup.

Ravioli- ravioli (small turnip)
Similar to our dumplings. But the main difference is not even in the form, but in the filling - it is not put raw in ravioli. The filling can be anything - meat, fish, vegetable, cheese, even chocolate. boiled and served usually under simple sauces with tomatoes and basil, so as not to interrupt the taste of the filling itself. They are also baked with sauces.

Rigatoni- rigatoni
"Rigato" - rifled, corrugated. These short, thick tubes do indeed have a grooved surface. Thanks to this and a wide opening, they perfectly hold any sauce inside, and are good for baked dishes and salads.

Rocchetti- rochetti (coil)
This short pasta is used to create salads, stews, as an independent dish with a thick sauce.

Pasta is a culinary preparation made from flour and water, sometimes with the addition of protein fortifiers or flavorings.

There are indications in the literature that products resembling noodles have been made by the peoples of Asia since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, Neapolitan merchants brought pasta from Asia to Italy, from where they spread to the countries of Western Europe. Factory production of pasta arose at the beginning of the 18th century. in the south of Europe - in Italy and France.

a - long tubular; b - short-cut; c - horns and feathers (smooth and corrugated); g - thread-like products (vermicelli).

The first Italian pasta factory with a horse-drawn mechanical press appeared only in the 60s of the 19th century. Somewhat later, pasta factories in France and Germany began to be mechanized. The first small pasta factory in Russia was registered in Odessa in 1797.

On the eve of World War I, there were 39 factories in Russia with an annual output of about 30,000 tons of pasta. By the 1930s, pasta production had doubled the level of 1913. In general, during the years of Soviet power, the pre-revolutionary level of pasta production was surpassed 45 times.

The current trend in the development of the pasta industry is characterized by a high degree of concentration
production, complex mechanization of processes based on the introduction of continuously operating production lines with automatic control and regulation of technological regimes and improvement of product quality.

The grade of pasta is determined by the grade of flour and the additives used. The standard provides for the production of pasta of the highest

grades - from flour of the highest grade (grains) without the addition of egg products and grade I - from flour of grade I (semi-grains).

Depending on the flavoring or enrichment additives used, the name of the flavoring additive or enricher is added to the name of the pasta variety, for example, higher egg, I carrot, etc.

The assortment of pasta is very diverse. Dozens of pasta items are known in the USSR.

The entire range of pasta GOST is divided into four types:

the first type - tubular products;

the second type - thread-like products (vermicelli type);

the third type is tape products (noodle type);

the fourth type is figured products.

Each type of pasta is divided into types (Fig. 1-5).