Is it possible to store unleavened dough in the freezer. Test shelf life

Housewives know that making dough with yeast is a laborious job, so they often make dough for future use, and then keep it. yeast dough in fridge. When long-term storage is needed, a freezer is used. This allows you to quickly bake something if necessary, using ready dough just enough to defrost it.

Why storage of yeast dough is possible

The dough consists of flour and liquid (milk or water). These ingredients can be frozen and thawed. The liquid passes from a liquid to a solid state and vice versa, and flour is not afraid even of sub-zero temperatures. The yeast present in the dough at a negative temperature does not die, but only suspends its vital activity, “falls asleep”. Therefore, the freezer can keep the yeast mass for a long time, and this will not affect its properties and taste. In confirmation of this, the dough is successfully sold in any supermarket.

When frozen, it can be stored for a long time, provided that a certain temperature and humidity are observed, and if it is not re-frozen. But at a low (but positive) temperature, the fermentation ability of yeast does not disappear. Because of this, the mixed mass cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Sweet dough left in the refrigerator for 2 days or more becomes unusable.

Slow fermentation makes it sour and should be thrown away. Refrigerator does not provide long-term storage pasty mass. Therefore, when it is not possible to make pastries during the day, it is better to transfer the dough from the refrigerator to the freezer.

How to store dough in the refrigerator

When the question arises whether it is possible to store yeast dough in the refrigerator, the answer is simple - it is possible, but following the following rules:

How long can yeast dough be stored in the refrigerator? In the temperature range of +5…+8 °С, it can be kept in the refrigerator for a day, at a temperature of +2…+3 °С, you can try to keep it for 2 days.

Is it possible to store the yeast mass for a long time? No, it's not worth it.

With longer storage, it will ferment and turn sour, and if something is baked from it, then the baking will be with a sour smell and an unpleasant taste.

Storing dough in the freezer

Yeast dough can be stored in the freezer, especially puff pastry, it tolerates freezing without problems. A good freezer allows you to keep it for several months. For more information on storage, see this video:
Before freezing the yeast dough, it must be divided into small portions for one-time baking and adhere to the following rules:

  1. To keep the dough in the freezer, you need to use bags. So that the mass does not stick to the bags, they must be greased from the inside with sunflower oil or sprinkled with flour.
  2. Before freezing, puff pastry must be wrapped in plastic wrap, and then wrapped with a tube (as in a store) so that it does not become too dry.
  3. If the temperature is negative -15 ... 18 ° C, the yeast mass will be well stored for 2 - 3 months, provided that it is not taken out, thawed in the refrigerator, and frozen a second time.

Defrosting yeast dough

Any housewife should know how to store yeast dough. The main thing is to freeze it well, and then avoid mistakes when defrosting and preparing for baking.

The longer the dough was frozen, the deeper it froze, and the more carefully it must be taken out of this state.

To start thawing a heavily frozen yeast mass, it must be moved from the freezer to the refrigerator in advance, and after a few hours, remove the mass from the refrigerator and leave it in a room where there will be no drafts and direct sunlight.

You can defrost in microwave oven

Cool dough should be covered with a towel and wait until the yeast "wakes up" and it starts to rise. When the thawed dough rises, it should not be kneaded with hands, but should be immediately rolled out, formed into pies, buns or buns and baked. When you know how to store yeast dough, you don’t have to worry that it turned out in excess, it will not disappear, but will become delicious and fresh pastries.

What else do you need to know

It is important to know that sweet yeast dough does not keep as long as unleavened dough, since sugar affects the fermentation process, speeding it up. In this regard, sweet pies with jam, buns should be baked on the day the dough is prepared or, on last resort, the next day. But pies fried in a pan, pizza or kulebyaki can also be baked from yesterday's dough stored in the refrigerator.

Exhaust dough (phyllo) is stored in a hermetically sealed container. When frozen, it is very fragile and breaks easily. When defrosting, it must be handled carefully and thawed for a long time. It keeps in the freezer for up to 3 months.

After defrosting, the yeast dough does not lose its ability to rise, and the pastry becomes ruddy, fragrant, with a lush crumb.

How long does the dough keep room temperature? The shelf life is limited due to yeast and is 1 - 2 hours, then it will turn sour. Save the refrigerator. Therefore, you can safely purchase any yeast dough for the future or make a batch in reserve. It will remain alive even after prolonged storage. Moreover, there are recipes where it is calculated that the dough should fit just in the cold.

Every housewife has her own recipes for baking from yeast dough, and many make it themselves. This is not surprising, because from it you can cook real culinary masterpieces. But not everyone knows that this dough, whether it is homemade or purchased in a store, can not be used immediately, but stored for a while. At the same time, the taste and aroma of baking will not suffer at all, it will be just as lush and ruddy.

In order for it to succeed, two main components are needed - the actual yeast and heat, without which it simply will not rise. It is this feature that allows you to leave the product usable not only for the night or for several days, but also for months.

Many are concerned about the question, is it possible to store yeast dough in principle. Or should it be used immediately after mixing.

Now in any grocery store you can see frozen puff pastry, including yeast. Therefore, it is possible to store it for several months under the appropriate conditions.

In the culinary departments of the same stores in the windows there is ready-made yeast dough - both rich and unleavened. So, for some time it can be stored without freezing, chilled.

This is not surprising, because the composition is mostly flour and liquid (water, milk, kefir, yogurt, and so on) with the addition of yeast. Both freezing and defrosting cannot negatively affect all these components. Even yeast does not deteriorate at low or negative temperatures - their life processes simply slow down or stop and begin to go at the same speed when the ambient temperature rises.

You can store both rich and unleavened yeast dough. The shelf life depends on how you store the yeast dough. At the same time, please note that the longer the product lies, the more carefully you need to monitor compliance with storage conditions (temperature, hygiene, humidity).

Since the fermentation process at positive temperatures still does not stop at all, finished product it can be left in the refrigerator overnight, and a maximum of a day, otherwise it will turn sour. In the freezer, it can be stored for several months without losing its qualities.

Store in the refrigerator

In order for the yeast dough in the refrigerator to be guaranteed not to spoil until tomorrow, you need to follow a few simple conditions storage.

  1. Divide the whole mass, always well mixed, into small portions - as much as you exactly use without residue at a time.
  2. Roll into balls, lightly punch down and lightly grease with any vegetable oil.
  3. Put in a new cellophane or plastic bag(clean and dry), suitable in size so that it does not tear and the dough does not come out. Expect the volume to double in size overnight. The package must be pierced in several places to provide air access, otherwise the yeast will turn sour.
  4. Place it on the shelf of the refrigerator that is as far away from the freezer as possible.

Before using, the product must be kneaded well again, put in a bowl, cover with something and leave in a warm place until it rises.

How to store yeast dough in the freezer?

In the freezer at a temperature of about -15ºС, the yeast dough is stored for 2-3 months.

After preparation as described above, small portions are placed in special vacuum bags designed for storing frozen foods, or in hermetically sealed plastic containers. Containers should be lightly dusted with flour on the inside.

Puff yeast dough, so that it does not dry out, is packed before freezing, as in a store - wrapped in food cellophane or polyethylene film and roll into a roll.

How to defrost yeast dough?

The longer the shelf life of the dough in the freezer, the more important it is to defrost it correctly. Accordingly, proceed from the fact that the process will take some time.

Do not take it out immediately - first put it in the refrigerator and leave it for several hours. After that, put in a deep bowl or pan, cover with a towel and put in a dry place where there are no drafts and where sunlight will not fall on it. The room temperature must be at least 23ºС. After 10-12 hours the dough will be ready to eat.

To save time, a hermetically sealed bag can be placed in a deep container and filled with warm (but not hot water) so that the mass is completely covered. Cooling water should be changed periodically. The product will completely defrost in 5-6 hours.

It will take about the same amount of time to defrost at the stove. Take it out of the bag, place it in a container and place it as close as possible to the switched on gas burner or burner and periodically turn it to warm up evenly. Just don't put it directly on the stove.

You can defrost yeast dough almost instantly in the microwave. Depending on the weight, set the appropriate mode for 1-2 minutes.

Already thawed yeast dough is useless to re-freeze. After that, it is guaranteed to deteriorate.

Your brownie.

fresh, delicious pastries always very popular. Hot pies and buns in a duet with a cup of tea are a great combination for spending evenings. Our grandmothers have long baked mountains of all kinds of muffins for the whole family. We gladly ate it, raising our spirits. But time passes, and every woman comes to learn how to cook pastries on her own. Here various questions arise: what ingredients are needed for the dough, how long and at what temperature to bake. Housewives are lost in all sorts of recipes. And then folk grandmother's recipes come to the rescue.

According to book recipes, yeast baking loves heat and hates cold. It should only be mixed at room temperature or above. And the workpiece should rise in a humid, warm environment. If you overdo it, it will sour. Underexposed - will not rise and will tear when baking. But modern housewives have adapted to the current rhythm of life and have learned to keep fresh dough for a long period. There is a "cold" kneading mass for baking. It is easy to use and makes baking preparation easier for many women.

Yeast dough recipes are varied, but the basis, as a rule, remains unchanged:

  • milk or water;
  • salt;
  • yeast;
  • flour.

The recipe varies depending on what you want to get the final product. For kneading bread, a minimum list of ingredients is taken. For muffin, eggs, sugar and butter are additionally added. In this case, the amount of yeast and flour increases.

Mixing methods

There are several ways to knead yeast dough:

Each of the kneading methods has its fans. On the dough, the products are more magnificent and require less yeast. Fast and safe methods save time and nerves. But all these kneading methods have one thing in common - they love warmth.

If shortbread and yeast-free puff pastry is best stored in a cold place, then, according to the statement culinary masters, the yeast dough piece is best used immediately after proofing. And if there is no time at all and it is necessary to prepare the dough in advance, the problem arises: how to save the yeast dough until tomorrow without spoiling it. Many housewives have learned to keep the yeast mass in the refrigerator at low temperatures.

The composition of the yeast preparation

Before sending ready dough in the fridge break it down into ingredients. and see how each of them behaves in the cold:

Based on the shelf life of each product, it can be concluded that yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator. The main thing is to be able to freeze it correctly.

Cold storage

Ready yeast mass can be at room temperature for no more than two hours, with the deduction of the time of preliminary and final proofing. That is, when the dough is infused and you have formed the blanks, they must be left for a few minutes to increase in volume. After that, the countdown of the expiration date begins.

Considering the question of whether it is possible to freeze yeast dough for pies without violating its properties, you should figure out how long the dough is stored in the refrigerator, and not at room temperature. It is important to properly remove the workpieces in the refrigerator, first covering them with cling film or placing them in bags. If you have a piece of dough left, then you need to knead it well to remove carbon dioxide. Then form a ball and coat it with vegetable oil. Put the mass in a bag or container and make holes for oxygen to enter.

When analyzing how long yeast dough can be stored in the refrigerator, it should be remembered that the processes occurring inside the mass slow down, but do not stop. They will give you the opportunity to extend the freshness of the test piece for a day, but no more. After the allotted time, you will find that the mass has increased in volume. If, after 24 hours, you separate from her again required amount, and freeze the leftovers, then they will ferment and lose all their qualities. The temperature in the refrigerator ranges from +5 to 0 and is favorable for preservation useful qualities test.

You should also remember the nuances of dough fermentation. In no case should it be overexposed at the proofing stage. This can lead to food spoilage and a sour end dish.

By the way, this cooling method only works with yeast mass. For example, pancake mix can keep fresh in a cool place for no more than 12 hours, after which it begins to sour.


With the help of this room, the yeast preparation can retain its properties for quite a long time.

It is better to freeze the dough in the freezer immediately after kneading. So it will not lose its qualities and will remain fresh when defrosted. You can store it up to 3 months inclusive. But it is better to use it as early as possible, since the mass tends to freeze, and this is subsequently reflected in baking. Some housewives claim that frozen dough treats are much tastier than fresh ones.

There are 2 ways to freeze yeast mass:

Puff yeast dough can be stored in a cold place for more than six months, if the composition includes vegetable fats. When you cook puff pastry in vegetable oil, the shelf life is reduced to 1-2 months, because the oil can deteriorate and make the workpiece bitter bad taste.

Defrost Rules

Any product that has been frozen should be thawed gradually. After you have taken the workpiece from the freezer, it should be placed in the refrigerator. When it is almost thawed, put it on the table and defrost at room temperature. The process is quite lengthy and can take up to 10-12 hours, but this procedure is considered correct and safe for the test. Therefore, if you choose this method of defrosting, take out the dough in the evening.

There is not always time for a long thaw. There are little tricks to speed up this process:

  • Put the frozen mass in a tight bag into a saucepan filled with warm water, and cover with a lid. The defrosting time can be reduced to 2-4 hours.
  • Dip the dough piece into the bowl and cover with a towel. Put it on the battery or in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.

Freeze the dough in small balls to make it easier to rise. Blanks of this form are quickly thawed in the refrigerator and at room temperature.

Dough Recipes

With the help of these recipes, you can cook the dough in the refrigerator for pies quickly and tasty. It turns out sweet and soft. Be sure to please you and your loved ones splendor, pleasant aroma and unique taste.

Monastery recipe

To prepare the dough according to this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:


  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water with added sugar and salt.
  2. Add flour and knead a stiff dough.
  3. Add egg and vegetable oil.
  4. Knead the mass and add flour so that the dough does not stick to your hands.
  5. Put the workpiece in a saucepan and cover with cling film.
  6. Wrap a towel over the top and cover.
  7. Leave to rest in the refrigerator overnight.
  8. After the elapsed time, remove the dough and let it stand for a while at room temperature. And you can start baking.

You will need:


  1. Melt butter and cool to room temperature.
  2. Heat milk to 30-40 degrees.
  3. Whisk eggs and add to milk.
  4. Add sugar, salt and dissolve.
  5. Add yeast and flour, knead the dough.
  6. Pour in melted butter in a thin stream while kneading.
  7. While adding flour, knead an elastic dough.
  8. Wrap the finished dough in a bag and put it in the refrigerator.
  9. After 3 hours the dough will be ready for baking.

Buns and pies according to this recipe are airy.

Yeast dough does not require much effort if it is prepared correctly. Follow recipes and don't be afraid to experiment. Yeast preparations, even after freezing, can please you every day with an excellent and unique taste.

Attention, only TODAY!

All dough recipes are good in their own way, but yeast dough is especially popular. This is not surprising, because rich pastries always turn out to be lush, fragrant and very nutritious. In addition, yeast dough can be stored for some time before it is used. A rare hostess will refuse such an opportunity to make preliminary preparations in order to quickly prepare the finished dough at the right time. Even after defrosting, the yeast dough retains its taste, aroma, ability to rise well, form a lush crumb and golden brown when baking.

The specific shelf life depends on how exactly you store the yeast dough at home. The longer - the more important it is to properly store the yeast dough and properly prepare it for further use. But with the same success, you can store yeast dough for pancakes and pies, buns and puffs, sweet (butter) and not sweet (unleavened). And this is especially convenient for those generous cooks who do not know how to knead a little dough. If you know how to store yeast dough, then you can not be afraid to make it in excess: nothing will be lost, everything will fit and go into action, that is, it will become fresh and appetizing muffin.

Can yeast dough be stored? Shelf life of yeast dough
Frozen puff pastry, including yeast, is sold in all supermarkets. This means that it is possible to store the yeast dough in the freezer, and for a long time, if you do not re-freeze it and observe all storage conditions (temperature, humidity, hygiene, etc.). What about short term storage? Recall the culinary departments in grocery stores: there you can buy ready-made yeast dough, fresh and soft, not frozen, but chilled. Such dough never lingers on the counter: it is quickly taken apart by buyers. Moreover, even middle-aged housewives buy, and their experience can be trusted!

But if these arguments did not convince you that you can safely store yeast dough, let's turn to the facts proven by chemists, doctors and bakers:

  • The basis of any dough is flour and liquid (water, milk and / or other dairy products). Both of these components perfectly tolerate freezing and thawing. The liquid changes its state of aggregation without any problems, and the flour is not afraid at all, even very low temperatures. As for yeast, when frozen, they do not die, but simply “fall asleep”, suspending their life processes. At low, but not sub-zero temperatures, yeast continues to ferment.
  • It is for the latter reason that it will not be possible to store yeast dough in the refrigerator for a long time. The maximum that you can count on is to keep the yeast dough until tomorrow, but it is better to use it within one day. Otherwise, if left butter dough on the shelf of the refrigerator for a couple of days or longer, the fermentation processes, although slow, will lead to souring of the dough, after which it will only be thrown away.
  • But in the freezer, yeast dough is stored for weeks, without losing its taste and physico-chemical qualities. To take advantage of this convenient property, you need to properly freeze, and then properly defrost and prepare the yeast dough for use. The more time the pastry spends in frosty suspended animation, the deeper the dough will freeze, and the more carefully it will need to be taken out of this state. First, let the yeast dough thaw, then warm at room temperature, and only then rise.
So you can not be afraid to buy yeast dough or knead it for future use. Live dough will remain alive even after a long proper storage. Moreover, there are special recipes yeast dough, designed to fit exactly in the cold. Ask your bakers or cookbooks, and for now we will go directly to the intricacies of storing yeast dough at home.

How to store yeast dough in the refrigerator?
Ready-to-use yeast dough will wait a little while you have time to bake without any problems. This is very convenient for those working mothers who need to feed their family with a delicious and nutritious breakfast every morning. In the evening, you can cook and store dough for yeast pancakes in the refrigerator, prepare dough for pizza and pies:

  1. For storage in the refrigerator, take a little dough - as much as you use at a time.
  2. Gather the dough into a ball, knead it with your hands and grease a small amount vegetable oil.
  3. Place the dough in a clean, dry plastic bag, tie off and poke a small hole in the bag to let air in.
  4. Air circulation is necessary because during cooling, the aerobic fermentation of yeast slows down, but does not stop.
  5. Place the bagged dough on the top shelf of the refrigerator (or the bottom if the freezer is on top).
At a temperature of 5°C to 8°C, the live dough will last for a day, at a temperature of 2-3°C, you can risk leaving it for 48 hours. But not longer, otherwise the yeast dough will ferment and turn sour, will not rise, and when you try to cook it, it will give the baking a sour smell and an unpleasant taste. Therefore, if you do not plan to use the dough within the next 24 hours, it makes sense to freeze it for a long time.

How to store yeast dough in the freezer?
Yeast dough, especially puff varieties, tolerates freezing well. If your refrigerator has a good freezer, you can safely count on 2-3 weeks of storage. Ready-made yeast dough is rarely sold in small portions, and it is problematic to use the entire kilogram purchased. Therefore, before freezing, divide the dough into portions for one-time use and follow the instructions:

  1. Use special containers and / or bags for storing food in the freezer. From the inside, grease them with a drop of vegetable oil or sprinkle with a pinch of flour.
  2. Puff pastry intended for freezing should preferably be wrapped in plastic wrap and then rolled up (as in store packs), otherwise it may become too dry.
  3. At a temperature of about -15-18 ° C, the yeast dough will last 2-3 weeks and even longer if you do not take it out, do not defrost the refrigerator with the dough and do not re-freeze it.
To thaw deep-frozen yeast dough, transfer it from the freezer to the top shelf of the refrigerator in advance, and after a couple of hours, take it out and leave it at room temperature, without draft and direct sunlight. Cover the cold dough with a dry towel and wait until the yeast in its composition warms up and begins to rise the dough. It is not necessary to knead the risen thawed dough - immediately start rolling and / or shaping pies, buns or other fancy products.

By the way, about goodies! Butter, that is, sweet yeast dough is stored less than unleavened. Sugar makes the dough more nutritious for yeast, which means it speeds up the fermentation process. Therefore, it is better to bake sweet buns or a pie with jam on the same day or the next day. But fried pies, kulebyaki and / or pizza will turn out on the second day of storing the dough in the refrigerator. In a word, choose the right type of yeast dough, store it and plan home menu in advance, fortunately, live dough allows this. Bon Appetit and soft baking in your house!

The question of how to store yeast dough is sooner or later asked by any hostess who knows how and loves to bake pies. Often, after kneading, unused yeast mass remains. What to do with her? Save until you need it again. How to do it right? The answer depends on how long the "parting" is planned for. If you need the dough in the next day or two, you can store it in the refrigerator. If you have to wait longer for the next pies, then it is better to freeze it.

Fridge to help

A refrigerator is an indispensable household appliance that allows you to increase the shelf life of almost any product. And dough is no exception. How long it can be there depends on the composition of the mixed mass. The yeast dough referred to in the article contains yeast, the property of which is a tendency to ferment.

Due to the temperature range (+2 - +7°C) maintained in the refrigerator, fermentation slows down and the souring process does not go as fast as at room temperature. Thus, storage in the refrigerator gives the yeast mass a “respite” of a day, in extreme cases, two days. If you leave the mixed mass there for a longer time, it will turn sour and no pies will turn out.

Consider step by step how to properly store yeast dough in the refrigerator:

  1. So that the mass does not wind up and does not become covered with a dark hard crust, you should correctly choose suitable container. The dough is stored in the refrigerator in a plastic bag, an enameled bowl covered with a layer of food film or vacuum container. The main thing is that air does not get on its surface.
  2. With a plastic bag, everything is simple: you need to put the dough in it and tie it. For fidelity, you can put on another one over the first package.
  3. Before removing the mass into a bowl or container, sprinkle the surface of the bottom and walls with flour. Then put the mass there and seal it tightly.
  4. Now you should leave the packaged test mass on the shelf located at the very top in the refrigerator.

Tip: if during the time allotted for the safe storage of the dough in the refrigerator, it was not possible to prepare pies from it, you can freeze the mass while it remains fresh. Then at any time it will be possible to defrost it without any problems and create a culinary masterpiece.

Faithful friend - freezer

You can increase the shelf life of self-prepared dough by placing it in the freezer. How long can it retain freshness and characteristic qualities? Under the right conditions - 3 months. And if we talk about how much purchased frozen dough is stored, then its period is increased by 2 times. That is, it can lie in the freezer for six months without loss of quality (from the date of manufacture).

Correctly chosen conditions are a constant temperature of -18 ° C. In a conventional freezer, it usually stays at this level. Although a lot depends on the age and type of refrigerator. The older the household appliance, the worse it starts to freeze. If the dough is in a freezer with a common door, which is often opened in order to get one or another product, the temperature also rises from time to time. Therefore, in a conventional two-door household refrigerator with a total freezer yeast dough can be stored for up to 2-3 months.

Consider step by step how to prepare yeast dough for storage:

  1. Divide the dough mass into portions. That is, one piece should be enough for one preparation. This is because thawed yeast dough is not re-frozen.
  2. Dust each piece with flour.
  3. Put each piece in a plastic bag. You can also use a freezer bag. Tie up the package.
  4. Put the packages with the yeast mass in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf - let it cool a little.
  5. Transfer the chilled dough to the freezer. If it has compartments that close with a separate door, place the dough in one of them.

On the Internet, you can find many ways that describe the process of defrosting yeast dough. They differ in time, the minimum is 3-5 minutes. However, experts say that in order for the dough to retain all its properties and subsequently rise well, it should be thawed for at least 2 hours. This is done in the refrigerator.

Refrigeration and freezing are two ways to extend the "life" of yeast dough. So cook it for the future, store it properly and pamper your loved ones. new pastries everyday!