Vegetable fat products. What can be useful for a person vegetable solid and liquid fats

We have been told so much and so often about the dangers of fatty foods that someone has seriously decided to give up fat completely. "Challenger" advises in any case not to do this.

A person must receive fats every day, otherwise the body will not be able to work properly. Accordingly, he needs foods rich in fats. Depending on what kind of fat you eat, it can be your best friend or worst enemy.

Our best friends are the "good fats". They are created by nature, we get them in their original form, unrefined, such fats are found in whole, unprocessed foods.

Our worst enemies are "bad fats", or refined ones. This concept combines all processed vegetable oils, including those from corn and sunflower, with the inscription "0% cholesterol".

Interesting facts about fats

Saturated fats have been subjected to undeserved accusations for a very long time. In 2010, large-scale studies were carried out, in which about 30,000 volunteers took part. Scientists have not found strong evidence that eating saturated fat is associated with the occurrence of ischemia and other cardiovascular disorders. On the contrary, our brain health and cognitive abilities depend to a large extent on important molecules supplied by fatty acids.

The main thing is that the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 corresponds to the ratio of 1:2. But in practice, you often have to deal with ratios of 1:15, and in “severe” cases it even reaches 1:50. The average person consumes a disastrously high amount of omega-6s and an unforgivably low amount of omega-3s. This is largely facilitated by fast food and eating ready-made store-bought sauces, sausages, dumplings, canned food, spreads and other foods that can contain a huge amount of trans fats.

How to Get the Right Fatty Acid Ratio

Many will be surprised, but eating oily fish at least twice a week can significantly reduce our intake of fats from processed vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn, and soy. If you don't eat fish rich in healthy fats, supplement your diet with shrimp and other seafood, which are also good sources of omega-3s.

Remember the scene from the movie Rocky with Sylvester Stallone, where he breaks six raw eggs at once and drinks them in one gulp? He knew that whole eggs are very healthy, despite the fact that for many decades nutritionists and doctors have criticized egg yolks and recommended that they be abandoned.

  1. Eggs are tasty and very nutritious.
  2. One chicken egg contains about 6 grams of high quality protein.
  3. They contain all eight essential amino acids needed for healthy muscle tissue and are involved in the absorption of calcium, zinc and iron.
  4. Eggs are rich in carotenoids, tocopherol, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin K and other beneficial substances.
  5. The most useful ways to cook eggs are steam omelette, baking, boiling. Do not fry scrambled eggs, depriving a wonderful product of its valuable health properties.

2. Avocado

In addition to carbohydrates, like other fruits, avocados contain many healthy fats.

  1. About 80% of its composition is occupied by monounsaturated fatty acids, that is, healthy fats. They have many benefits for human health, including knowing how to fight inflammation.
  2. Avocado is rich in ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamins K and group B.
  3. It contains a lot of useful fiber.
  4. It is useful to add avocados to salads, smoothies, replace them with harmful spreads and butter.

3. Walnuts

Research shows that by eating walnuts, we can keep our brain healthy.

  1. By adding walnuts to your diet, you can reduce the effects of free radicals and reduce cardio risk.
  2. This wonderful product contains tocopherol, folic acid and other antioxidants.
  3. You can use it as an independent snack in the office or on a walk. Add to yogurt, porridge, cereals, salads. Try sprinkling walnuts on pasta with seafood or poultry, white sauce. This will give it a new taste and even more benefits from healthy fats.

4. Almond

If you make a good habit of carrying a bag of almonds in your pocket or bag with you everywhere, you can easily refuse unhealthy snacks, fast food, high-calorie chocolate bars and the like.

  1. A handful of almonds will be able to subdue your appetite for several hours, and you will easily pass by junk food, which means you will not add extra grams (more likely, you will even lose).
  2. Almond skins are high in antioxidants that are especially beneficial to health, so choose unpeeled nuts.

5. Oily fish

Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and other oily sea fish are high in omega-3s. This substance reduces inflammation and helps reduce the risk of developing many chronic pathologies, including cardio disorders, cancer, and arthritis.

  1. Not all fish, even sea fish, are healthy. You should not use the one that is grown on fish farms. Compared to those grown in the wild, "farm" contains a huge amount of toxic substances, including methylmercury.
  2. When in doubt, it is better to choose fish that is not farmed, but caught in the sea. These are sardines, mackerel, horse mackerel, herring, etc.

6. Ghee

Random Fact:

Most often, in the "Composition" column on food packaging, information goes in descending order of the amount of ingredient —

Article added by user Maria

Vegetable fats

Vegetable oils or fats are a product of natural origin, which are obtained during the processing of vegetable raw materials. The human body is not capable of synthesizing vegetable fats on its own. Because of this, vegetable fats are classified as chemicals that are indispensable for the human body, the supply of which must be replenished frequently.

To obtain vegetable fats in the industry, fruits and seeds of oil plants are used. These include soybeans, olives, rapeseed, fruits of some types of palm trees, sunflowers and other plants. Quite often, oil-containing wastes are used for the production of these fats, which are obtained during the processing of raw materials of plant origin. For example, rice, corn, grape or cherry seeds, as well as pumpkin and wheat germ.

There are several oilseeds from which fats are made:

  • Sunflower
  • oil palm
  • Cotton
  • European olive
  • Coconut palm
  • soybeans
  • Peanuts cultural

There are also several families, such as:

  • Anacardiaceae (cashew oil);
  • Legumes (peanut butter, peanut butter, soybean oil or soybean oil);
  • Asteraceae (artichoke oil, soflor oil and sunflower oil);
  • Beech (beech oil);
  • Dipterocarpaceae (Shorea oil);
  • Grape (grape seed oil or grape seed oil, grape seed oil);
  • Borage (cucumber oil);
  • Cereals (rice bran oil or rice oil, wheat germ oil or wheat oil, corn oil);
  • Cabbage (mustard oil, rapeseed oil, camelina oil or camelina oil);
  • Poppy (poppy oil);
  • Palm (coconut oil, babassu oil, palm kernel oil, palm oil);
  • Pumpkin (melon oil and watermelon oil);
  • Tea (tea oil)

The difference between vegetable and animal fats

Animal and vegetable fats have different physical properties and composition. They are not difficult to distinguish from each other by external indicators. Vegetable lipids are fluid oils and animal fats are solids. An exception is fish oil, because it is in a liquid state.

You need to pay attention to the composition. Plant lipids are more dominated by unsaturated fatty acids, which have a low melting point. But the composition of animal fats includes a large amount of saturated fatty acids, which melt at high temperatures.

They also differ in their origin. The source of animal fats is pork fat, which contains 90-92% fat. Vegetable oils containing 99.9% fat are considered sources of vegetable fats.

It is worth replacing that unsaturated and saturated acids, which are contained in fats, are used in different ways by the human body. Saturated, such as palmitic or stearic, are needed as an energy material. These acids are present mostly in animal fats, such as beef and pork. You need to know that an excess of saturated fatty acids increases cholesterol levels and provokes metabolic disorders.

Compared to animal fats, vegetable oils have unsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the removal of excess cholesterol from it and are easily absorbed in the human body.

There is much more vitamin F in vegetable lipids. With a lack of this vitamin, a person can get sick with various vascular diseases: heart attack or atherosclerosis. In addition, numerous chronic diseases appear and immunity weakens.

The composition of vegetable fats

The chemical composition of vegetable fats includes triglyceride fatty acids. In addition, vegetable fats contain natural compounds associated with acids (wax, phospholipids, as well as sterols and free fatty acids).

vegetable fat calories

Energy value in the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates: Fats: 99.8 g. (~ 898 kcal) Proteins: 0 g. Carbohydrates: 0 g.

The benefits of vegetable fats

A scientifically proven fact is the benefits and importance of vegetable fats for the body. It is essential for a living organism to consume a certain amount of healthy fatty acids daily with food. The composition of plant lipids includes a huge amount of vitamins E, D, A, in addition to this, the amino acids Omega-3 and -6.

Harm of vegetable fats

In addition to the benefits of this product, it is necessary to notice the possible harm of vegetable fats. If you uncontrollably and often eat vegetable fats, they can be harmful. In addition, in the composition of certain types of products, for example, in the manufacture of ice cream, vegetable fat is used.

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It's time to end the myths about the excessive benefits of vegetable fats and the need to reduce the fat content in food. has been (and still is) popular for many years as a way to lose weight and prevent disease - or at least keep them under control. Process engineers in food companies have been knocked off their feet by producing "low-fat" or no-fat products. As a rule, because of this, the products lost their taste and changed the texture. Then it was necessary to increase the amount of salt, sugar, refined grains.

Modern scientific research shows that the total amount of fat in the diet is not actually associated with weight or disease. It's all about the type of fat and the total number of calories in the diet.

The “bad” fats, i.e. trans fats and saturated fats, increase the risk of developing a number of diseases. The “good” fats, i.e. monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, have the opposite effect. They are good for the heart and other organs. Nutritionists of the last century did not think about the dangers of vegetable fats. However, vegetable fat, like other foods, is both harmful and beneficial to our body. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Is vegetable fat good?

"Vegetable oils" sounds like something healthy. We do not think that these food products require complex industrial processing in the manufacturing process. This treatment involves the use of toxic chemicals such as hexane and bleaching agents to create an extract and deodorize the oils.

A crucial factor for good health is the correct ratio of fatty acids and Omega 6 in the diet. The consumption of vegetable fats and oils is growing exponentially, and accordingly, the balance is seriously disturbed. A high content of Omega 6 acid accelerates inflammatory processes in the body and is directly related to the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, asthma, cancer, autoimmune diseases, hypertension, infertility, blood clots; That's what is harmful excessive consumption of vegetable fats.

Poison or medicine?

With proper use, vegetable fats can be an excellent natural medicine. They contain phenolic compounds, substances that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticoagulant properties that scientists suggest increase the body's metabolic rate.

The most important functions of vegetable fats in our body: restoration of strong full-fledged cell membranes, transportation and oxidation of cholesterol. In addition, the body uses substances which are made up of plant fats as precursors to tiny but powerful hormones known as eicosanoids (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and thromboxanes), which are involved in virtually every system in the body.

Modern nutritionists advise not to treat products categorically. It all depends on the dosage and combination of substances that we use. Currently, research is underway in laboratories around the world that examine in more detail both the benefits and harms of vegetable fats. And we should combine all the foods available to us in a reasonably thought out diet.

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What is the advantage of vegetable fats over animals and how to find out if you really have a healthy product, and not its imitation?

We will understand in order.

What is vegetable fat?

Vegetable fats include various types of oils obtained from vegetable raw materials: sunflower, olive, corn, rapeseed, pumpkin, linseed, corn, cottonseed, walnut, palm and others.

What is the main value of vegetable fats?

Moreover, vegetable fats contribute to the active excretion of bile from the liver, i.e. have a powerful choleretic quality, and this, in turn, also contributes to the normalization of cholesterol levels in the body.

Unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, contained in large quantities in vegetable fats, contribute to the fluidity and permeability of cell membranes, which improves protein synthesis and better penetration of other beneficial substances into the cell. They also increase insulin sensitivity, which promotes fat burning.

What's happened unsaturated fatty acids?

I think you have heard this phrase many times before. What is hidden under it? Term unsaturated fatty acids includes three important compounds for the human body:

Omega-3 (linolenic acid);

Omega-6 (linoleic acid);

Omega-9 (oleic acid).

The most useful is linolenic acid. When it enters the body, it is consumed immediately and is not deposited in fat reserves.

Next in nutritional value should be linoleic acid and then oleic. It should be noted that our body cannot independently synthesize polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which means that their intake with food is the only source of PUFAs. Therefore, they are also called irreplaceable or essential (from the English. Essencial - irreplaceable, essential).

The optimal ratio between omega-3 and omega-6 in the body, according to scientists, should be 1: 4. However, studies show that a modern person consumes much less omega-3 and, conversely, much more than omega-6 is needed. This leads to the most unfortunate consequences - hypertension, allergies, arthritis, strokes and heart attacks.

Oil Linolenic Linoleic Oleic

acid acid acid

Linen 44-61 15-30 13-39

Cotton - 34-57 23-35

Hemp 15-28 36-50 6-16

Sunflower up to 1 46-62 24-40

Olive - 15 54-81

Rapeseed 1-12 11-42 5-44

Soy 5-14 44-60 20-30

As can be seen from the table, the content of unsaturated fatty acids in various vegetable oils varies significantly. But this fact does not mean that some oil is better, and some is worse. This fact once again confirms that human nutrition should be varied and include different vegetable fats. According to nutritionists, a person should consume at least 30 g of vegetable oil per day.

Vegetable fats will only bring undoubted benefits to the body when consumed in the form of unrefined cold-pressed oils.

However, under the influence of light and heat, vegetable fats are oxidized. Therefore, despite the presence of vegetable oils of antioxidants, they cannot be stored for a long time. As a result of oxidation, toxic substances are formed, and, as you understand, such oil is not only not healthy to eat, but, on the contrary, harmful. For the same reason, unrefined vegetable oils can only be used for salads and should not be cooked (the exception is olive oil, which has a high boiling point and cottonseed oil, which must be boiled, because it contains the poison gossypol).

Therefore, in the next article we will talk about what classification of vegetable oils exists and how to determine its quality, composition, and whether the vegetable fats that are in it will benefit?

Vegetable oils (vegetable fats)- these are fats extracted from various parts of plants and consisting mainly (95-97%) of triglycerides of higher fatty acids.

The main source of vegetable oils are various oilseeds. The most common vegetable oils are sunflower, olive, cocoa butter, rapeseed, linseed, etc. Palm oil has recently become popular, the harm and benefits of which are discussed on this page below, under the appropriate heading.

Like animals, plants store fat in order to store some energy for future purposes. The difference is that the animal usually does this for itself (anticipating a period of malnutrition), while the plant does it for future generations. Those. in order for the future generation to survive, the parent plant accumulates and transfers energy to the embryo, including in the form of fat. Based on this, it is not difficult to assume that the main amount of fat in plant material will be found mainly in seeds or fruits.

Oils are obtained from plant material by pressing(under pressure, the liquid part of the plant material flows out, after which it is collected) or by extraction with organic solvents or liquefied carbon dioxide (after extraction, the extractant is distilled off, and the remaining vegetable oil is collected). After that, the vegetable oil is subjected to purification, or, in other words, refining.

An important aspect of the production of vegetable oils for the consumer is such a stage as deodorization (literally means odor removal: des - "removal", odor - "smell"). During this stage, vegetable oils are purified from substances that give it flavor.

Thus, if you see the inscription “refined, deodorized, cold pressed” on the label of vegetable oil, this means that the oil was extracted by pressing at a low temperature (done to separate it from the vegetable fat fraction with a high melting point), after which it subjected to cleaning, as a result of which it became transparent (without suspended solids) and practically odorless.

Fatty acid composition of vegetable fats differs depending on the type of plant.

The main difference between vegetable fat and animal fat is the higher content of unsaturated fatty acids (primarily oleic and linoleic). So, in sunflower oil, the content is more than 70%. Among the unsaturated fatty acids, the most important ones are separately distinguished, such as linoleic (omega-6) and linolenic (omega-3) acids (now omega-9 acids, for example, oleic acid, are also isolated).

These fatty acids, unlike, cannot be formed in the human body as a result of certain chemical reactions of metabolism, but are essential for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as for the regulation of inflammation processes in the body. Thus, these acids must be ingested with food. All vegetable oils are rich in them to one degree or another. However, the most valuable sources of these acids are vegetable fats such as wheat germ oil, linseed, camelina, mustard and soybean oils, and walnut oil.

Another positive aspect of vegetable oils is the almost complete absence (this is true for any vegetable oil, not just the one that says “0% cholesterol!” on the label). So the replacement of animal fats with vegetable oils to some extent helps to reduce cholesterol in human blood, thereby providing an additional preventive effect for the cardiovascular system.

Harm of palm oil

It should be noted that non-traditional fats, such as palm oil, which are often used in the food industry, have recently become the subject of sharp criticism due to its “danger” to human health. This is not true. The harm of palm oil is often exaggerated. The whole problem with palm oil is that it contains more saturated fatty acids than other vegetable oils and is therefore not an important source of unsaturated fatty acids. That is, palm oil is not harmful in the truest sense of the word, it is only biologically less valuable than, for example, olive oil. But it also has positive qualities - for example, the oil becomes rancid as a result of the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids by atmospheric oxygen. If there are no or few of them in fat, then there is practically nothing to be oxidized. This property is often used in the confectionery industry to increase shelf life. Relatively speaking, palm oil is a natural analogue of margarine. As you know, it is a hydrogenated vegetable fat (from unsaturated made saturated), and palm oil is naturally saturated. It resembles margarine and outwardly.

On the other hand, there are problems with the quality of the palm oil itself. Thus, there is often a situation when non-edible (technical) palm oil is imported into the country. This allows you to save on customs payments, in addition, it is cheaper in itself. It is assumed that this oil will be further processed and brought to the level of food. But some unscrupulous manufacturers don't bother with it and use it as is. What harm will be from such palm oil, one can only guess. On the label of food products with such oil, most often they simply write “vegetable fat” or “confectionery fat”, without an exact indication of the source plant.

It cannot be said that this is typical not only for palm oil - the culture of food production in our country is still quite low, and such phenomena are typical for many.