What is puff pastry made of. Puff pastry - recipes

Puff pastry is one of the most time-consuming to prepare, but also one of the most delicious. Store-bought puff pastry never compares in taste, texture, and aroma to homemade puff pastry. Puff pastry is easy to use. Having spent one day preparing it and freezing enough a large number of product for a month, you will provide yourself with a blank for pies, croissants and cookies. By following the instructions, you will definitely be able to cook it the first time. And main secret making pies - you need to bake with a good mood and love.

The benefit of a puff body lies in its chemical composition. Given the existence of simple and complex carbohydrates, products prepared on its basis quickly saturate the body and restore energy balance. This type of test contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the condition of teeth, bones and nails, as well as on activity. nervous system.

How to make puff pastry at home

Flour should be “strong”, but even if it is “weak”, like domestic, you should not despair - we add salt in a certain amount to such a dough. It favorably affects its gluten. The acid added during kneading also has a positive effect - it is always added, no matter how “strong” the flour is. The butter used for lamination is usually mixed with a small amount flour - this is done so that the oil becomes more plastic and sticky.

Fresh puff pastry

The composition of unleavened puff pastry includes flour, water and butter. Flour and butter are used in equal parts by weight. Vodka, salt and acid are added to the water, mixed, and then the sifted flour is gradually added. Knead the dough for 5-8 minutes. You can add 1-2 tbsp. l. butter. As soon as it becomes a dense consistency and begins to easily separate from the hands and the walls of the dishes, a ball is formed from it, which is covered with a damp cloth and cooled for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Next, the dough is prepared like a classic one, consisting of 140-260 layers.

The recipe for unleavened puff pastry may contain eggs. At the same time, certain proportions between the components are observed.


  • 2.7 cups flour
  • 1 pack of butter
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 egg
  • 1 st. l. vodka,
  • 3 tsp 9% vinegar,
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

Cooking method:

First, the egg is poured into the glass. Then water, vinegar, salt are added there, and only then vodka. Do not add vodka directly to the eggs, as this leads to the folding of the protein and impairs the quality of the dough. The contents of the glass are thoroughly mixed and poured into a bowl for preparing the dough.

Next, sift the flour and gradually mix it into the liquid. The dough should turn out cool, easy to separate from the hands. The lump is wrapped in a damp cloth or cling film and cooled for 1–2 h in a refrigerator.

Then it is rolled out with a rectangle 0.5 cm thick. Butter is softened and 2/3 of the dough layer is covered with it, leaving one part of the layer free and stepping back from the edges by 1.5 cm.

Next, a free third of the dough with butter is applied to the resulting 2 layers. The result is a three-layer rectangle. It is rolled out with a rolling pin in one direction - along the length. The finished mass is stored in the refrigerator.

Instant puff pastry at home


  • sifted wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 kg
  • vinegar 7% - 40 ml
  • chicken eggs- 2 pcs.
  • ice water - 350 ml
  • salt - a pinch
  • margarine for baking - 750 g.

Cooking method:

We break the eggs, add salt, pour vinegar, ice water and mix well. After that, put the liquid in the cold. Pour about half a kilogram of sifted flour onto the table. Three margarine in it and knead well. We collect the dough in a slide, make a hole in it and pour the liquid from the refrigerator into it. Quickly knead the dough. We roll it out in a layer, fold it several times, put it in a bag and put it in the cold for at least 2 hours. Such quick puff pastry is stored in the cold for up to 3 days, and in freezer it can lie down for several months.

Yeast puff pastry


  • 500 g flour
  • 250 g butter,
  • 8 art. spoons of cold water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 10 g yeast.

Cooking method:

Replace yeast jarless dough from 50 g of flour and leave in a warm place for fermentation.

After an hour, roll out into a rectangle about 7.5 mm thick.

Arrange on one half of the rectangle cold butter, cut into thin slices. Cover with the other half and press the open edges tightly together. Roll out in the same way as when cooking unleavened dough.

What can be baked from homemade puff pastry?

How to cook puff pastry at home, we figured out. But now the question inevitably arises: what can be prepared from puff pastry? cooking recipes puff pastries You can choose any, they are all simple and tasty. We offer you the most original and quick recipes.

Pie with raspberries and peaches from puff pastry

Having chilled (non-frozen) puff pastry on hand, easy summer dessert with berries you can bake in just 20 minutes - just grease the base with jam, spread out the pieces of fruit, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and put in the oven.


  • thawed puff pastry - 1 sheet
  • apricot jam - 2 tbsp. l.
  • peaches - 3 pcs.
  • fresh raspberries - a third of a glass
  • sugar - 2 tsp
  • ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

Take the frozen dough out of the freezer and leave it overnight in the refrigerator. Preheat the oven to 200 C, line a baking sheet with baking paper. Spread the sheet on a baking sheet and grease apricot jam over the entire surface, not reaching 1 cm to the edges. Remove the pits from the peaches, cut the fruit into thin slices and lay out in an even layer over the dough. Decorate with raspberries on top. In a small bowl, mix sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle fruit with the resulting mixture. Bake until golden brown 20-25 minutes. Ready pie serve warm or room temperature.

Puff pastry with cheese

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • 500 g puff pastry
  • 200 g cheese durum varieties
  • Ground white pepper to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Roll out the mass into a thin layer and cut out squares.
  2. Cut the cheese into small cubes, put it into squares, lightly pepper, roll up and bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

Pizza with seafood and oregano

Ingredients (for 2 pizzas):

  • 300 gr. puff pastry

For tomato sauce:

  • 1 st. l olive oil
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 425 gr. tomatoes
  • 70 g tomato paste
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp fresh oregano

For filling:

  • 300 gr. seafood
  • 100 gr. hard cheese

Cooking method:

  1. Tomato sauce: finely chop the onion and garlic, grate the tomatoes on coarse grater. On the olive oil fry onion, add garlic, tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar and oregano and simmer for 10 minutes.
  2. Filling: hard cheese grate, boil seafood in salted water.
  3. Roll out the dough into a cake. Grease the cake tomato sauce, then lay out the seafood and sprinkle everything with cheese.
  4. Bake at 200°C for 15 minutes.

Puff pastry technology

Puff pastry is kneaded on the basis of flour, salt, water, butter or margarine. A special cooking technology: properly kneaded dough should delaminate into at least 140 layers and can reach up to 240. This is achieved by kneading: butter is rolled in layers into a base of flour and water, rolled out, folded, frozen so that the layers do not stick together, roll out again, fold and freeze again. This operation must be repeated 4-5 times. During baking, margarine or butter expands and releases the liquid dissolved in the dough. It turns into steam, lifts the layers, separates them from each other.

The mass is baked on a baking sheet, not oiled, but moistened cold water. When baking puff pastry products, it is important to ensure that the oven is tightly closed, the baking sheet is placed on the lower level. Optimum temperature for baking - 190-200 ° C. Puff pastry always decreases in size during baking, so the layers must be rolled out to a larger size than in the finished form. To prevent the mass from deforming, products prepared for baking should be put in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes.

  1. When cutting puff pastry, you need to use sharp knives or notches, as blunt equipment crumples the edges of the dough, and this prevents the dough from rising.
  2. Products before baking should be cooled so that the butter does not have time to melt and flow out, and the dough has time to rise.
  3. Before baking, the surface of the product must be pricked with a fork or sharp knife so that steam escapes during baking, the dough does not bubble and has a flat surface.
  4. At too low a temperature, it is difficult to bake puff pastry, and at a very high temperature, it does not have time to rise, as it is immediately covered by heat, and the dough quickly hardens, burns, remaining unbaked.
  5. The mass should be stored in a cool place, but it should not be put on ice, because, when frozen, the oil does not mix with the dough or mixes poorly.

Puff pastry is an excellent basis for future culinary masterpieces. homemade baking fill the house with a wonderful aroma.

If you find it difficult to knead plain dough on the water, then the further process will also not seem time-consuming. Puff pastry at home- it is always available and relatively cheaper than purchased. I assure you, this is the easiest method for making dough, and the process is easy to repeat. But, as in many such cases, experience and skills in working with the test would not hurt.

Puff pastry recipe

Everything is much simpler than you might think, the dough is kneaded like dumplings and a list necessary ingredients not cunning. With the desire and a little skill, you can easily make puff pastry at home and later use it for any desired baking...
  • Flour - 500 g (or as much as needed)
  • Water - 250 g.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Fat or Margarine (for greasing the dough) - 150 g.
First of all, pour water into a deep bowl, put a teaspoon of salt and mix

Gradually add flour and knead the dough. The dough is put in such an amount until the added flour completely absorbs the water.

The dough is kneaded like dumplings. Readiness is determined by the fact that the dough should easily come off the hands and from the edges of the cup:

After thoroughly kneading the dough, roll it into a ball. Cover with a cup and leave in a warm place for about 20 minutes.

After the lapse of time, having kneaded the dough again, we insist again for 10 minutes. At the same time, the dough becomes more obedient and in the future it will be easy to process ...

Sufficiently infused dough is initially rolled out a little with your hands:

After we start rolling with a rolling pin:

We roll out the dough with a thin layer of 3-5 mm., As shown in the photo:

Thaw the fat in a small bowl:

Let cool slightly and pour the fat over the dough.

Rub the fat evenly over the entire dough:

From one end, carefully roll the dough into a roll:

Roll up as tightly as possible:

Press the dough rolled into a roll with your hands so that there is no room for air inside the roll:

We wrap the finished roll in a circle, in the form of a snake:

Starting from one end, cut the finished roll into small pieces:

The longer you cut puff roll, the larger your intended product is:

We put each sliced ​​​​piece of roll vertically and press down on top, with fingers or palm:

As a result, the sliced ​​​​pieces of the roll should take the form of cakes, in the center of which layers are visible:

Cover with a cup on top and leave for 15 minutes, preferably in the freezer. You can store frozen for a long time.

Puff pastry is ready!

If you want the dough to be noticeably flaky when baking, you need to use large quantity fat, but we must not forget that such a dough quickly becomes boring. For greasy pastries, it is advisable not to abuse the amount of fat.

From the dough you can bake unusually delicious puffs, such as:

O The main ingredients of puff pastry are flour, salt, water and butter. Such a dough, from which crispy, fried puffs are baked, requires a lot of attention and great precision in cooking. Depending on the ingredients, classic puff pastry and simplified are distinguished. To prepare a classic puff, first knead soft dough from flour and water and then roll cold butter into it (butter and flour are taken at the rate of 1: 1). Making classic puff pastry requires a lot of time and effort. The main components - dough and butter - are rolled up in thin layers. The more layers, the higher the quality of the dough. The best puff pastry should have more than 140 layers, sometimes up to 240. Of course, the thinnest layers cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. To achieve this result, it is necessary to roll out the main dough from flour and water in an even layer and put a flat piece of chilled butter in the center of the formation. Then cover the butter on all sides with the edges of the dough and roll out a rectangle with a rolling pin. Fold the rectangle in three:
first, cover the middle of the layer with its third with the left, then with the right, then fold it in half again. Refrigerate the dough for a while. After that, turn the dough so that its open edges are to the right and left of you. Roll out the dough away from you, rotate 90° and roll out the sheet into a long rectangle. Fold the dough again as described above. Experts call this process "turning". It needs to be repeated 4 or 5 times. However, the dough must be put in the cold each time so that the layers do not stick together.
The dough is rolled out into a layer of the desired thickness immediately before baking. The preparation of the dough takes a total of several hours, so it is not surprising that housewives prefer to buy ready-made frozen puff pastry. But, when you want to make puff pastry pies, do not use ready-made frozen convenience foods. This dough also requires a long processing time, although all its components are kneaded at the same time (excluding yeast puff pastry). According to the composition of the ingredients, the following types of simplified dough are distinguished:

A) Instant puff pastry.
Flour and butter are taken at the rate of 1:1. 250 g of flour, sifted through a sieve, must be mixed with a teaspoon of salt, poured onto the table and put pieces of chilled butter into it. Chop flour and butter into small pieces. Gradually pour into the dough in-8 tbsp. l. cold water, knead it and, when it is ready, put in the refrigerator, covered with foil or film. Then roll out the dough into a rectangle and "turn" in the same way as regular dough. So its name - instant dough - is unjustified. This type of dough can be used for baking cakes, salty sticks with cheese or cumin, as well as meat pies.

B) Yeast puff pastry is also called "torn dough".
For its preparation, flour and butter are taken in a ratio of 2: 1. First, knead from 50 g of flour yeast dough and left in a cold place to ferment. Ready dough roll out into a rectangle about 7.5 mm thick. On one half of the rectangle lay out cold butter, cut into thin slices. Cover with the second half and press the open edges tightly against each other. Then the dough is "turned". Such a dough is especially suitable for baking puff pastry "plaited" or "wreath wreaths". Yeasted puff pastry prepared without added sugar is ideal for baking quiches and savory sticks with cheese or cumin.

B) Cottage cheese puff pastry.
To prepare it, take flour, butter and cottage cheese in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Sometimes baking powder is added at the rate of 1/2 tsp. for 250 g flour. Flour, baking powder and a pinch of salt are mixed on the kitchen table, pieces of chilled butter are placed on top. The cottage cheese is allowed to settle and rubbed through a sieve over butter. Then everything is mixed in homogeneous dough. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with foil and refrigerate. Then the dough is rolled out on a cutting board, previously sprinkled with flour, and "turned" like a regular puff pastry. Cottage cheese puff pastry is used to bake cookies with sweet or savory fillings, quiche baskets, sausages or apples in a puff.

D) Creamy puff pastry.
To prepare this type of dough, flour, butter and cream (sour cream) are taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 0.8. Accordingly, for 250 g of flour, you need to take 125 g of butter and 100 ml of well-chilled cream or sour cream, in addition, 1/2 tsp. baking powder. Flour and baking powder are mixed with 1/4 tsp. salt, gradually adding pieces of chilled butter, sour cream, and knead the dough. Roll the dough into a ball and, covered with foil or film, put in the refrigerator. Then the dough is "turned" once or twice. Cakes, salty sticks and breakfast cookies are baked from this dough. Making such a test requires the least amount of time and effort. Regardless of the type of puff pastry during baking, general provisions can be noted: the layers of dough rise with the help of the air between them; the butter dissolves, the moisture evaporates, causing the dough layers to rise and flake apart. Thus, the baked goods are crispy and layered. Especially delicate taste Butter is added to puff pastry products. Therefore, when buying oil, pay attention to the date of its manufacture. You can use sweet or sour oil - it depends on your taste. When baking puff pastry products, it is important to ensure that the oven is tightly closed. It is better not to grease the edges of the dough with egg yolk, as this reduces the volume of the dough, and its layers become rough and puffy. If the edges of the dough need to be tightly joined, moisten them with cold water or press down with a fork. Since large layers of dough should be well baked from the bottom, they are baked in the oven on the lower level. Cookies are baked at an average level. The optimum temperature for baking puff pastry products is 190-200°C. The baking time must be exactly observed. Strongly baked dough has a bitter taste.

If you are using ready-made puff pastry ice cream, you should consider general rules. The dough must first thaw. If it is frozen in layers, they must be separated from each other. The layers of dough should be thawed separately for 20 minutes. Then each layer of dough must be moistened with cold water, put in a pile and rolled out on a cutting board into one layer to the desired size and thickness. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin first from right to left, then in the opposite direction, then from top to bottom and from bottom to top. Puff pastry always decreases in size during baking, so the layers must be rolled out to a larger size than in the finished form. To prevent the dough from deforming, products prepared for baking should be put in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes. Puff pastry is always baked on a baking sheet not greased with oil, but moistened with cold water. The water evaporates during the baking process and adds extra volume to the dough. For the same purpose, you can sprinkle water on the bottom of the oven. During baking, margarine or butter added to the dough expands and releases the liquid dissolved in the dough. It turns into steam, lifts the layers, separates them from each other and causes the dough to flake. If these layers were not processed correctly, kneaded too tightly, flour gluten does not allow the liquid to evaporate and the dough does not exfoliate. Therefore, for forming puff pastry, sharp knives, notches or dough cutters are used that do not squeeze the layers. The rest of the dough after molding is best to immediately roll out and cook small pastries from them. If there are too many leftovers, wrap them in foil and refrigerate.

Puff pastry (1.2 kg)

1. Sift flour into a bowl. Add soft butter.
3. Meanwhile cut the cold butter into slices. put them next to each other and roll into a rectangle between two layers of transparent film.
Roll out the dough on a surface sprinkled with flour, also in the shape of a rectangle, only 2 times larger than butter. Put butter on the dough.

I myself, when I have time, I make puff pastry according to the same recipe that we were given in college when I was in school. We had a very cool teacher who taught me a lot, including how to cook puff pastry. The only thing is, I don't have the exact norms of the products. But I can give you my rate:
flour 500 gr
cold water 1 1/3 cups
eggs 2 pcs
butter 500 gr
salt 1/2 tsp
citric acid on the tip of a knife
I want to say right away that kneading any dough is a creative process. Therefore, never take this case if you are in a bad mood. This has been tested and proven that you only need to bake in a good mood and always with a smile on your face. So, if everything is in order with your mood, we proceed to the first stage. This is a test batch. I want to say right away that flour should be with strong gluten. So:
Stage 1 - kneading the dough.
kneading unleavened dough: take the sifted flour, put it on the board with a slide. We make a hole in it, pour in water, eggs, salt and citric acid. Knead the dough well, then leave it under a wet cloth for 30-40 minutes.
Stage 2 - oil preparation.
it is better to grate the butter on a coarse grater, mix it (without gluing) with flour (15% flour of the total amount according to the recipe). The butter is then put on a tray and formed into a square and put in the refrigerator until the butter holds its shape, but does not freeze.
Stage 3 - rolling out the dough in layers.
After the dough has stood for 40 minutes, roll it into a square, 2 cm thick. Put a square of butter on this square, at an angle so that it looks like a rhombus, that is, the corners of the dough should be open. Then these corners are bent inward with an "envelope". Then the dough is rolled out, pressing lightly, so that a rectangle is obtained with a thickness of approximately 1 1/2 cm, folded into three or four times, covered with a damp cloth and placed for half an hour in a cold place. The chilled dough is rolled out again, folded and kept for 15 minutes in a cold place. This procedure is repeated 3-4 times. When rolling out, use as little flour as possible, only so that the dough does not stick to the board. If there is too much flour, then the dough becomes too steep, products from it do not rise well and lose their taste. The finished dough is stored in the refrigerator or a cool place or baked immediately. The most important thing, as our teacher said, is not to rush and not get upset ahead of time. This kind of test is very laborious and time consuming, but trust me when you see ready meal, cooked with your own hands, you will forget about everything in the world, enjoying a crispy and golden brown.

And for those who are sorely short of time, I have a recipe for puff pastry fast food.
flour 250 g
creamy margarine (only very good quality!) 200 g
cold water 1/2-2/3 cup
sugar 1 tsp
Flour is sifted on the board, small pieces of butter are placed on it and finely chopped with a knife. Dissolve salt in cold water, and if desired, also sugar, combine with flour and butter and quickly knead a smooth dough. the dough is covered with a napkin and kept for several hours or until the next day in a cold place. Products made from chopped puff pastry are less crumbly and tender than those made from rolled dough. Before baking, it is recommended to roll out such a dough 2-3 times and fold it into three or four layers.

I have a few more recipes. test. Maybe they will be of interest to you:
Puff pastry for cakes.
2 1/2 cups wheat flour
1 glass of cold water
1 yolk
1 st. l salt
200-400 g butter
Stir the yolk in cold water, add flour and knead the uncooked dough, salt. Mix again and refrigerate for 20 minutes under a towel. Roll out the chilled dough into a layer 1 cm thick, place chilled (not frozen!) butter on top with slices. Bend the edges of the dough with an envelope, pinch, smooth the butter and roll out to the previous size. then fold each time three or four times and roll out at least 5-7 times, before each rolling out the dough must be cooled, since the oil should not penetrate into the dough.

Puff pastry. (1.2 kg)
Flour 500 gr.
Butter (soft) 50 gr.
Salt 1 tsp
Water 375 ml.
Vinegar 2 tbsp. l.
Butter (chilled) 500 gr.
baking paper
1. Sift flour into a bowl. Add soft butter.
2. Add salt, water and vinegar. Mix everything and knead a thick dough. Give it the shape of a ball, wrap in a transparent film and cool for 30 minutes.
3. Meanwhile cut the cold butter into slices. put them next to each other and roll into a rectangle between two layers of transparent film. Roll out the dough on a surface sprinkled with flour, also in the shape of a rectangle, only 2 times larger than butter. Put butter on the dough.
4. Cover the dough with butter and roll everything into a thin rectangle. After that, fold it in 3 layers and roll it out again into a rectangle.
5. Fold the dough a second time in 3 layers and cool for 10 minutes. Then sprinkle with a little flour and roll out. Fold again and last time roll.
6. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 220. Give the puff pastry the desired shape. Bake on a baking sheet lined with baking paper for 15 minutes.

Ingredients for a successful puff pastry:
- for the preparation of puff pastry, you need to use premium flour, cold water, salt and citric acid, which can be replaced with vinegar.
- adding acid to the dough improves the quality of flour gluten, since in an acidic environment it swells flour protein better.
- salt gives the dough elasticity, improves taste qualities. With a lack of salt and acid, the layers blur, and the excess worsens the taste.
We use cold water to prepare the dough. Some replace it with milk (this improves the taste of the dough), but in this case, the elasticity of the dough decreases. That's why perfect option use a mixture of water and milk.
- when laminating, each time before folding the dough, it is necessary to carefully sweep the flour so that the layer does not spray, the product does not crumble and does not turn out dry and hard.
- when cooling and resting the dough, it must be covered with a damp cloth so that the surface of the dough does not dry out.
- when cutting puff pastry, you need to use sharp knives or notches, as blunt equipment crumples the edges of the dough, and this prevents it from rising.
- do not crease the edges of prepared products with your fingers.
- if, according to the recipe, the surface of the dough needs to be greased with an egg, you need to do this carefully, make sure that the egg does not fall on the edges of the dough - the dough will not rise.
- Pour a little cold water on a baking sheet.
- before baking, prick the surface of the product with a fork or a sharp knife so that steam escapes during baking, the dough does not bubble and has a flat surface.
- baking should be done at a temperature of 220-250 degrees.
- and be sure to be in a good mood

So, if you followed the instructions, then at the end you should get a good puff pastry, which will increase in volume by 6-8 times when baking, and the products from it will turn out moderately ruddy, tender and crumbly.

You can make a lot of puff pastry delicious pastries. I can't list all the recipes, but here are a few...
Puff pastry cake with jam.
Puff pastry, 200 g jam, egg.

Prepare puff pastry. Put the prepared jam on a sieve and let the syrup drain. roll out the puff pastry for the seventh time into half a finger, cut out a circle of a suitable size, take out the middle, leave an even welt around, fold it on a sheet and put it in a cold place. Then crush the puff pastry, divide it into two halves, roll out the first thinly and cut into strips, and roll out the second and cut a circle out of it, similar to a welt, put it on the ceiling, brush it around with an egg, put jam without syrup in the middle, twist the strips prepared from the dough on top , grease the edges again, apply a welt, crimp, trim around, brush with egg on top and put in hot oven. When half ready, sprinkle with fine sugar and let it brown, remove, carefully remove, put on a dish and serve hot.

Napoleon cake
First option:
200 g margarine, 1 egg, 350 g flour, 1/2 cup water, a pinch of salt. For the cream: 1 cup granulated sugar, salt, 1 egg, 1/2 cup milk, 200 g butter.
Mix margarine, flour, egg, a little salt with water. On a sheet lightly greased, bake 12 cakes. Cool and brush with cream. For cream, grind sugar with an egg, add the rest of the components.

Second option:
5 stack flour, 500 gr. chop the margarine homogeneous mass, add 1 tbsp of water and chop until you get a dough.
Divide the dough into several parts, refrigerate for 1 hour. Roll out on a sheet and bake.
Cream: 250 gr plums. oils, 1 tbsp. mash sugar, add 1/2 can of thickener. milk, 1 egg, 6 tbsp. spoons of milk. finished cake put in the cold, smear all the cakes with cream, sprinkle with crumbs

Third option:
450 g margarine, 4 1/2 cups flour, 3/4 cup water, 5 tbsp. l vinegar, butter cream, 3 tbsp. l crushed walnuts.
Melt margarine, combine it with water and vinegar. Stirring continuously, gradually add flour, put the resulting dough in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Roll out 8-10 cakes and bake until golden brown on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour. Spread with cream, sprinkle with nuts on top.

Fourth option:
250 g margarine, 3-4 cups flour, 1/2 cup warm water. For cream: 1 cup milk, 180 g sugar, 200 g butter, 4 tbsp. l flour.
Knead the dough like for dumplings. Divide it into 9-10 parts and roll out thin juices. Bake on a baking sheet greased with oil. The cream is prepared as follows: combine 1/2 cup of milk with flour. Heat the remaining 1/2 cup of milk, pour the mixture into it and bring to a boil. Remove from fire, cool. Heat up and cool butter and sugar. Mix these two mixtures and layer the juices with them. Sprinkle crumbs on top.

Puff with apples.
Any puff pastry, 12 apples, egg for greasing. Filling for apples: 2 tbsp. l sugar, 1/2-1 tsp cinnamon or 2 tbsp. l sugar, 1 tbsp. l chopped almonds.
Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut it into square pieces. Cut the core from the apples, peel, put on the dough squares, pour a mixture of sugar with cinnamon or sugar with almonds inside the apple. Apples can also be stuffed with raisins. Lift the corners of the squares up and press with almonds or pieces of dough. Cut out leaves from the dough and attach to the almonds. Brush with egg and bake in the oven until the apples are soft and the pastry is browned.

Puff pastry. For topping: 3/4-1 cup thick jam or marmalade. Egg.
Roll out a layer of 1/2 cm thick from the dough, cut into squares 8x8 cm in size, cut the corners. In the middle of the square, put jam or jam, raise the corners like the wings of a windmill to the center and press. Windmills put on a sheet sprinkled with water, brush with egg and bake.

Layered cheese sticks.
Puff pastry. Egg for lubrication. For sprinkling cheese and salt.
Roll out a quadrangular layer 1/2 cm thick from the dough, cut it with a sharp knife into sticks 6-8 cm long and 1 1/2 cm wide, put on a sheet sprinkled with cold water, brush with an egg, sprinkle with grated cheese, herbs and bake until golden brown . And you can make this dish more beautiful. To do this, cut the rolled dough into thin strips 12-15 cm long. Interlace two strips like a rope, brush with egg, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake.

Puff "snails" with ham.
Puff pastry 450 g, 5 slices of boiled ham, 125 g of fat sour cream, spices, salt, pepper
Defrost puff pastry. Cut the ham slices to the size of the pastry sheets, and then cut them in half. Thoroughly mix sour cream with spices. Spread the dough with a fairly thin layer of sour cream, if desired, you can season with salt and pepper. Top with 1/2 ham slices. Heat the oven to 200. Roll the dough plates into a roll and cut into circles 2 cm thick. Cover the baking sheet parchment paper for baking. Put the ham "snails" on top of the paper and bake in the oven for 20 minutes until golden yellow. Being served hot or warm, puff snails are excellent snack to a glass of white wine.

Tubes with cream and rhubarb.
Puff pastry 550 gr, 1 yolk, 3 tbsp. l milk, 4 tbsp. l sugar. For the filling: 250 g rhubarb, 50 g sugar, 4 g gelatin, 250 ml cream, 1 sachet vanilla sugar, 4 tbsp. l egg liqueur. As well as baking tubes.
Defrost the dough if it is frozen. Cut into strips 3 cm wide. Rinse the molds with cold water and wrap them with strips of dough, starting from the tip. Heat the oven to 200. Beat the yolk with milk, grease the dough and sprinkle with coarsely ground sugar. Bake on a baking sheet covered with paper for 15 minutes. Soak gelatin. Rhubarb cut into cubes. Sprinkle with sugar, let it brew and simmer for 10 minutes. Cool down. Add squeezed gelatin. Whip cream and sprinkle vanilla sugar. Stir cream, liqueur and rhubarb. Stuff tubes with cream.

Apple braid with nuts.
Puff pastry 200 g, 4 apples, 1 tbsp. l hazelnut kernels, 1 tbsp. l honey, 1 tbsp. l chopped candied fruit orange peel, 1 egg white, 2 tbsp. l apricot jam, 3 tbsp. l powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l orange liqueur.
Line a baking sheet with paper. Roll out the dough into 2 rectangles (22x30 cm). Peel apples and cut into cubes. Mix with nuts, honey and candied fruit. Put on a layer of dough, leaving free edges. Cover with another layer. Make transverse cuts along the entire length at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Lubricate the edges with protein, wrap and press. Bake for 30 minutes at 22. 10 minutes before readiness, reduce the temperature in the oven to 160. Heat up the confiture, rub through a sieve and grease the braid. mix powdered sugar and liquor and smear the surface.

Layered berry pie.
Puff pastry 450 g, 1 egg. For the filling: 300 g mixed berries, 150 ml fruit juice, 1 tbsp. l food starch, 125 ml cream, 1-2 tbsp. l sand, 6 g gelatin, 2 tsp pistachios.
Roll out the dough into a rectangle. Cut off some dough. Transfer the rest to a baking sheet covered with paper, pierce with a fork. From the remaining dough, cut strips 1 cm wide and twist them into ropes. Preheat the oven to 200. Arrange the dough strings across the rectangle and in the middle along - you should get 8 compartments. Lubricate with egg white. Bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes. Wash and sort the berries. Boil juice. Add berries. Mix starch with cold water, pour it into the berries, boil and cool. Whip cream with sugar. Dissolve gelatin and mix with cream. Mix them with berries and refrigerate for 20 minutes. Put on the dough and decorate with berries and pistachios.

How to make puff pastry at home? For some reason, there is a stereotype that this complicated recipe. But I will now tell you how to make puff pastry with your own hands in 10 minutes. It is not difficult at all, but very simple and fast. And you don't need a lot of food.

Why make puff pastry at home when you can always buy ready-made? In my opinion, homemade is much tastier, more tender. It will never be "oak", and more natural. AT purchased test oil is hardly used, you can bet that there is margarine, and it is not known what other equally pleasant ingredients are. And this is also reflected in the taste and properties.

Although I am not against the purchase, sometimes I bake pies for a child from it when I need it urgently. But if you want to cook Napoleon from puff pastry, then the store-bought cake is not at all the same cake. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but there is a difference.

There are a lot of puff pastry recipes, I tried many, but I settled on this one, because the recipe is very simple and quick, and the result is excellent!

Yeast-free puff pastry recipe with photo


3.5 st. flour

2 packs of butter

0.5 tsp salt

1 st. l. vinegar 6%

Puff pastry without yeast

  1. Put 2 packs of butter in a cup. Sift on it 3.5 tbsp. flour.

2. Chop the butter with flour with a knife. If it is inconvenient to chop, then you can crumble (grind) with your hands, but do not rub directly, but as if divided into small pieces of butter, rolled in flour.

3. You should get a large crumb. It is not necessary to torment him greatly, this dough loves speed, the butter should not melt, but only combine with flour into crumbs.

4. Pour half a glass of water into the same glass where the flour was and add a tablespoon of 6% vinegar. (I have more water in the photo, as I cook one and a half servings of dough).

5. Pour into the dough and knead quickly. It is not necessary to knead strongly, just put it together and that's it.

We often cook flour products from store-bought, yeast-free or yeast-free puff pastry because it's easy, quick, and not very expensive. Fortunately, the factory production of this type of product is on the right track. But sometimes you can afford to knead the layered dough at home. And do not rush to close the recipe, because we are not talking about the classic long and troublesome process. Instant puff pastry can be made at home, and your Napoleon or tongues will turn out the way you can only dream of.

Puff pastry recipe:

  • Water at room temperature (it can be a little hotter) - 250 ml. (1 glass)
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Flour - 525 g (3.5 cups)
  • Vinegar (1-9%) - 1 tbsp. a spoon

From the indicated amount of products, about 750 g of dough is obtained. Each part is about 200 g. Those layers of dough that you prepare for the future - immediately send them to the freezer, and you can cook from the rest!

How to make quick puff pastry at home

In a glass with warm water dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, stir for better dissolution. Add egg, stir. Then acetic acid(1 tablespoon). Stir again until smooth.

Sift the flour into the dough, adding it in parts, constantly stirring.

The amount of flour in the recipe is 3.5 cups, but it may take a little more or less (since we all have different flour density). Focus on the consistency of the dough while kneading.

The dough should come together and be soft and elastic.

The most delicious and best butter that you have, divided into 4 parts. The butter should be soft, at room temperature.

We divide the dough into four parts.

Each piece is rolled out to 0.3-0.5 cm.

Spread the butter over the entire surface with a spatula.

The oil should be smeared with a thin layer, evenly.

So, the dough cake is completely greased with butter.

Now, starting from the end, we wind the pancake on a rolling pin (the rolling pin can be lubricated with vegetable oil).

We make a longitudinal cut.

We take out the rolling pin from the dough.

We fold the dough with a book.

We pack the dough in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. We do the same with each of the four parts.

And now, attention, the main secret from the family notebook: when your pies, cookies, puff pastry rolls are already on the baking sheet, spray your products with cold water (this can be done from a spray gun for spraying flowers or linen). It is necessary to spray abundantly - so that the workpieces are very wet. After spraying, send the baking sheet to the oven. I remind you that all puff pastry products are baked at high temperatures (210 C and above).

What can be made from puff pastry?

Huge amount of goodies! Home, and much more.

I like to make these puffs from homemade puff pastry: I roll the dough into a layer and spread it with a mixture of yolk + sugar + cottage cheese + raisins, roll it into a roll and cut it into portioned pieces. I spread it on a baking sheet, sprinkle it with plenty of water, bake the first 10 minutes at a temperature of 210 C, and then another 20 minutes at 180 C. It turns out very tasty!
On my You Tube video channel there is a detailed video recipe for puff pastry. The technology is a little different, but the dough turns out amazingly tasty and layered. I invite you to watch the video and take note of this method!

Be sure to tell us what you cook from puff pastry. What difficulties or questions arose when preparing according to my recipe - I will be happy to answer all questions!

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