What is vanilla sugar used for? Vanillin - what is it? Are vanilla sugar and vanillin the same thing?

Refined taste of vanilla ice cream, liqueur, milkshake or cream for a cake becomes softer and more refined, and the unique aroma of fresh pastries will be even richer if vanillin is added to these dishes during cooking. What is it, why do confectioners and ordinary housewives love it so much? This issue should be well understood in order to learn how to apply all the useful properties of the product in practice.

Ah, what a fragrant vanilla!

Vanillin owes its unusually spicy aroma to the fruits of a plant that grows in South America. Vanilla is a "relative" of the orchid, grows on vines and has yellow-white flowers. After they fade, green pods remain, on which white crystals form when dry. This is the real natural vanilla.

The first mention of it is associated with the Aztec tribes. The Indians added spice to their traditional drink - hot chocolate. The first European to taste vanilla was Christopher Columbus. It happened at the beginning of the 16th century. Since then, the spice has come to Europe and has become widely used in cooking.

Harvested green vanilla pods have no odor. And only after drying in a certain way they acquire a refined spicy aroma, refined taste and brown tint. The drying time of vanilla fruits takes about a month. And you can understand that the pod is dry and ready for use by the appearance of slightly noticeable white crystals on its surface. Dried natural vanilla can retain its beneficial properties, taste and aroma for 30 years.

What is vanillin?

Natural vanilla pods are a very expensive spice that could not be used in the production of confectionery and bakery products on an industrial scale. Therefore, already at the end of the 19th century, its artificial analogue called vanillin was synthesized. What it is?

Vanillin is a white crystal obtained in the laboratory by artificial means. At the same time, wood or paper is most often used as a raw material for the production of vanillin. This spice has a rich bitter taste and not as refined aroma as natural vanilla. However, it is inexpensive and therefore industrial production is used in this way.

Vanillin vs Vanilla Sugar: What's the Difference?

Unlike artificial flavor, it may have a more natural composition. It is obtained by mixing vanilla beans with regular sugar or powdered sugar. Vanilla is left in sugar for a while, then taken out - and fragrant sugar is ready. But sometimes manufacturers try to reduce the price of the product, this primarily affects its quality. In this case, not natural vanilla is added to sugar, but a flavor identical to natural - ethyl vanillin.

Vanillin types

The product in question is crystalline, powdered and liquid. The scope of its application depends on the state in which this spice is located.

Crystal vanillin is the most fragrant and retains the spicy smell long time, even after heat treatment. It is used in baking bakery and confectionery. This is a food supplement with a pronounced strong taste. That is why crystalline vanillin is recommended to be added only when baking.

Powdered vanillin resembles powder in structure. It has a sharper smell, contains artificial flavor enhancers, and sometimes even fruit flavors. Easily soluble in water. Used in making hot chocolate and various drinks.

In the form of a fragrant essence, liquid vanillin is produced. What it is? This is an alcohol solution that is used in cooking, perfumery, and in the preparation of drinks.

Vanillin has a calming and relaxing effect, so it is often used in the manufacture of cars.

How to use vanillin in baking?

Vanillin is traditionally used in cooking. But when preparing a dish, it should be borne in mind that this is a spice with a pronounced taste. That is why it is important not to overdo it so that the culinary masterpiece does not become bitter.

Synthesized artificial vanillin has a very rich taste. One sachet weighing 1 gram will be enough for 1 kilogram of flour. Using vanilla sugar the proportions are slightly different. In this case, for 1 kilogram of flour or 1 liter of liquid, you should take a bag weighing 8-10 grams. When preparing drinks, milkshakes or ice cream, it is better to use liquid vanillin. vanilla essence or extract. It is enough to add 1-2 drops of liquid vanilla to the dish, and it will acquire a pleasant spicy aftertaste.

What can replace vanillin? If you want to get a refined soft taste of natural vanilla, then you should give preference to vanilla sugar.

Useful qualities of vanillin

Often, when preparing a dish, in order to obtain a good result, it is necessary to hide an unpleasant aftertaste or remove it, as well as give the product a unique aroma. In this case, vanillin flavoring will come to the aid of the hostess. It dissolves well in a liquid medium, alcohol and water, and it is in this state that the vanilla flavor is revealed more fully. In addition, the spicy smell has a calming effect on the body, helps to relax and

Vanilla sugar at home

If vanillin is obtained artificially in the laboratory, then vanilla sugar can be made independently at home. To do this, it is enough to take 1 long vanilla pod, 1 kilogram of granulated sugar, a little powder.

To prepare vanilla sugar, the vanilla pod is cut in half lengthwise, the seeds are removed, ground in a mortar to a powder state and mixed with powdered sugar. After that, the resulting mixture is combined with sugar, a vanilla pod is added there and all together is sent to a dark place for storage for 3-4 days. After the specified time, the food supplement is ready for consumption.

To get fragrant sugar, one vanilla pod will be enough, and the seeds can be used to make some kind of dessert.

Unfortunately, a natural flavor cannot be stored for a long time due to the fact that a pleasant smell quickly disappears. To keep the aroma longer, add it to the dish at the end of cooking.

Difficult Choice: Vanillin or Vanilla Sugar

Before you buy a flavoring supplement, you should know how to distinguish natural product from synthesized in the laboratory. After all, in fact, vanilla sugar and vanillin are one and the same, the difference is only in the way they are prepared. Of course, vanillin can also be obtained from natural raw materials, but it is almost impossible to find such a product on the shelves in stores.

When buying vanillin, you should carefully read the inscription on the label. If a product contains a flavor identical to natural, or ethyl vanillin, then this product is synthesized in the laboratory. It is usually packaged in bags of 1 gram. Just such aromatic additive most often used by confectioners when baking due to its low price. One bag of vanillin costs about 3 rubles.

Vanilla sugar is sold in bags, packaged in 8-15 grams. As part of such food additive sugar must be indicated, as well as crushed vanilla bean seeds or ethyl vanillin. The latter option has the same qualities as artificial vanillin. The price for it fluctuates between 8-10 rubles. Vanilla sugar with a natural vanilla flavor is more expensive - about 30 rubles per bag weighing 15 grams.

When cooking culinary masterpiece at home, it is better to give preference to a product with natural composition, and leave artificial substitutes for mass production.

Vanillin and vanilla sugar are a powder that is made up of many ingredients. The main aroma and taste are given to them by the not large quantities natural vanilla. Vanilla itself is a very expensive seasoning, but in order to be able to use its beneficial properties, smell and taste, which improve the aroma of rich dishes, vanillin and vanilla sugar were made available for our table from it. Vanilla sugar can be made with your own hands.

Vanillin types
There are several types of vanillin. One of them is crystalline. It has a real vanilla flavor. Crystalline vanillin retains its beneficial properties for a long time, even after high processing temperatures. It is used for baking, making confectionery and ice cream.

There is a kind of powdered vanillin. It is smaller, contains more various reinforcing additives in its composition and has a sharper smell. This type of vanillin is suitable for making chocolate. The aroma of such vanillin is already felt at room temperature. It dissolves more easily in water. Such vanillin can have a variety of berry and fruit flavors.

Liquid vanillin is a mixture of vanillin dissolved in alcohol. It is used to make beverages, confectionery and dairy products.

How is vanillin used?

Vanillin is used in perfumery, liquor making and cooking. In cooking, vanillin should be used in an amount that depends on the cooking time, cooking temperature, and the consistency of the dish being cooked. Too much a large number of vanillin can add bitterness to the dish. In the preparation of rich flour dishes, vanillin is usually chosen with high temperature resistance. Vanillin is added to these dishes while mixing all the dry ingredients of the dish. Or they can be added at any stage of preparation, having previously been dissolved in fat.

Usually, 4 to 9 grams of vanillin is added per 1 kilogram of dough. In the manufacture of chocolate, vanillin is usually used in the form of crystals or powder. If you want to enhance the flavor of milk-based products, use vanillin in liquid or powder form. Here, 0.5 to 2 grams of vanillin and vanilla sugar should be used per 1 liter of products.

The action of vanillin
Vanillin is highly soluble in alcohol, hot water.

Vanillin is used to enhance the flavors of dishes, flavoring ingredients.

It helps to hide or soften unwanted flavors in a dish.

Vanilla aroma remains on the hair and skin for a long time, acting soothingly.

Vanillin gives drinks a mild taste and pleasant aroma. With it, you can improve the aroma in the house.

What is vanilla sugar?

Vanilla sugar is nothing but vanilla pods mixed with sugar or powdered sugar. Sugar takes over all the smell of vanilla on itself, and then the vanilla is removed from it. It is more convenient for use in culinary production, as it contains practically no additives. If vanilla sugar is stored for too long, the vanilla flavor may evaporate. It is used for the preparation of cream, creams, fruit compotes, dairy dishes. Vanilla sugar is very suitable for muffins, cocktails, coffee. It must be added at the very end of cooking so that its aroma does not disappear too quickly.

How to make vanilla sugar with your own hands?

You can make your own vanilla sugar. To do this, take 1 kg of sugar, powdered sugar and 1 natural vanilla pod. Try to buy only the longest pods. They are considered the most valuable. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise. Take out all the seeds, they must be crushed in a mortar and add powdered sugar there. After mixing, pour the mixture into granulated sugar, mix again and put the pod in the same place. Vanilla seeds can be added directly to cream or cream, and only the pod can be used to make vanilla sugar. Store the resulting sugar in a carefully closed jar in a dark cool place. Leave to infuse for 4 days and you can enjoy real vanilla sugar.

How to make Vanilla Muffins?

Take 400 g of flour for pancakes, 1 teaspoon of soda, 250 g of sugar, 150 g of butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of vanilla sugar, 2 eggs and 0.5 sour cream. Mix flour, soda and sugar. Melt the butter and pour in the same. Add eggs, vanilla sugar and sour cream. Mix all this gently. The dough must be divided paper forms, you will get about 14 pieces. Bake them at 180C for 15 minutes until they are golden brown.

What are the benefits of vanilla and vanilla sugar?

Vanilla with its smell has a calming effect on the body. The smell of vanilla will help in the treatment of some serious diseases. It will tame anger, eliminate feelings of anxiety and irritation. The smell of vanilla can relax, help with insomnia, relieve anxiety, have a stimulating effect on the body and cheer you up. Vanilla, which is the main component of vanillin and vanilla sugar, is an antioxidant, antidepressant and anti-carcinogen.

Vanilla sugar can be replaced with vanilla essence (instead of 20 g of vanilla sugar, 12.5 g of vanilla essence will be required) or vanilla extract (10-15 g of vanilla sugar will replace 1 teaspoon of extract). But if you don’t have any of the above at hand, you can generally ignore vanilla sugar as an ingredient: the dish will turn out without it, however, it will not please you with a subtle vanilla flavor.

What is better to buy: vanilla, vanillin or vanilla sugar?

If you at least occasionally bake something at home or prepare desserts, you probably buy vanillin, vanilla sugar or vanilla. Or are you still thinking about it. How are these supplements different from each other? What to buy and what not to buy? Let's see, smell and decide - and all within the framework of one small article!

Vanilla- this is a beautiful plant, the pods of which have an amazing aroma, and therefore are highly valued. I think that at least once in your life you have smelled natural vanilla or the products in which it was. Well, if not, I strongly advise you to buy and try. Natural vanilla has only one drawback: it is very expensive. A bag with a vanilla pod weighing 2-4 grams costs 70-100 rubles! Typically, vanilla can be found in mid-range supermarkets and above.

Vanillinis the main component of vanilla, responsible for the characteristic "vanilla" aroma. Roughly speaking, this is a concentrated aroma of the very essence of vanilla. Of course, it can also be obtained from natural vanilla, but then it will cost a lot of money. Therefore, vanillin is usually synthesized in laboratories. And it is called flavor identical to natural vanillin. However, vanillin is not always labeled as “flavoring identical to natural” in bags sold. Sometimes you can read "ethyl vanillin", which is essentially the same thing.

What are the disadvantages of vanillin? First, it has a coarser, less delicate, and less rich aroma than that of vanilla beans. Natural vanilla smells much more multifaceted and interesting.

Secondly, the method of obtaining a particular handful of vanillin is usually unknown to buyers; it is not known how well it is cleaned. Although what gets on the shelves of stores is quite safe for health.
It is worth noting another feature of vanillin: it is a very “strong” additive. The recommended dose of vanillin per 1 kilogram of dough is only 1 gram. If you add it too much, then the baking will have a specific bitter taste, and the aroma can become frankly intrusive. Well, in creams and desserts that are not baked, crystalline vanillin is generally not recommended to be added.
Where the best option willvanilla sugar.

Vanilla sugar can be obtained in two ways. First, mix natural crushed vanilla with sugar or powdered sugar. Secondly, mix artificially obtained vanillin with sugar. Vanilla sugar, prepared in the second way, is more common and cheaper. But the first option is worth buying: with natural vanilla. A bag of such natural vanilla sugar costs 25-40 rubles for 10-15 grams. The most common brands that produce such an additive are Dr. Oetker, Kotanyi. At the same time, Dr. Oetker also has a budget option, with vanillin instead of natural vanilla.

Vanilla sugar is characterized by a relatively low concentration of vanilla, so that it can be used already in much larger quantities than vanillin. On the other hand, it ends rather quickly. And here we come to another option - vanilla sugar, prepared by yourself.

From a purchased vanilla bean, it is quite possible to make it yourself. From one vanilla pod, you need to carefully clean the contents, add it to a couple of tablespoons (about 40 grams) of sugar or (better) powdered sugar and leave it in a closed container for a week. If you want a more intense concentration, you can use more vanilla or less powder. If less intense - add more powder.

How to replace vanilla extract

Almost every baking recipe now calls for vanilla extract. But it doesn't matter if you don't have it. It can be replaced with other products.

Vanilla is one of the most common flavors due to its sweet aroma. It is obtained from the pods of the plant of the same name and is used not only in cooking, but in perfumery. In stores, vanilla can be bought in the form of extract, powder and essence. What, if necessary, can replace it?

What can replace vanilla extract?

1. Maple syrup

Maple syrup is one of the best substitutes for vanilla extract. It needs to be replaced equal amount. In this case, the recipe will need to use less sugar than required, because maple syrup sweet on its own. Maple extract can also be used in place of syrup if available. At the same time, for one tablespoon of vanilla extract, you need to take half a tablespoon of maple.

2. Almond extract

This product has a strong taste, so it requires half as much as vanilla extract. It is ideal for cakes and cookies. Its taste goes especially well with coconut and chocolate.

3. Vanilla essence

Unlike a natural extract obtained from the seeds of a plant, the essence is made from synthetic compounds. The extract has a stronger aroma than the essence. If you need to replace a tablespoon of extract, you will need to take two tablespoons of essence.

4. Vanilla Powder

It is made from dried ground vanilla bark, so it has a very strong aroma. Instead of a teaspoon of extract, take half a teaspoon of vanilla powder.

5. Milk with vanilla flavor

To replace vanilla extract, you can use equal parts vanilla and almond milk. Of course, the taste of this mixture will not be as strong. But if you make vanilla milk yourself, there will be much more taste and aroma. Take a vanilla pod and remove the sticky part from it. Place the pod in a saucepan with milk and cook for 15-20 minutes. This wonderful vanilla drink can then be used in various culinary recipes.

6. Vanilla liqueur

Despite the presence of alcohol, the liquor is very fragrant and tasty. One tablespoon of extract will require 2 tablespoons of liquor. You can also use almond liqueur.

7. Vanilla seeds

Break open the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds. Instead of one teaspoon of vanilla extract, you will need the seeds of one pod.

8. Homemade vanilla syrup

To make vanilla syrup at home you need:

  1. Open the vanilla pod, remove the sticky part from it.
  2. Boil syrup from water and sugar in a saucepan.
  3. Add the vanilla seeds and the sticky part of the pod and cook for 15-20 minutes.

The resulting syrup can be successfully used instead of vanilla extract. At the same time, the amount of sugar needed in the recipe needs to be reduced.

9. Homemade Vanilla Extract

Yes, you can make this ingredient yourself. Although the main ingredient is vodka, both bourbon and rum can be used. How to make vanilla extract at home:

  1. Take three dark vanilla beans and crack open them.
  2. Place the pods in a sterilized jar, pour a glass of vodka into it so that the pods are completely immersed in it.
  3. Keep the jar in a cool and dark place for a month. Take it out from time to time and shake it.
  4. If the extract has been standing for more than six months, it is recommended to remove the pods and replace them with new ones.

Now you know what you can replace the vanilla extract with if necessary. Choose whichever method you like best.

Vanillin and vanilla sugar are a powder that is made up of many ingredients. Small amounts of natural vanilla give them their main aroma and taste. Vanilla itself is a very expensive seasoning, but in order to be able to use its beneficial properties, smell and taste, which improve the aroma of rich dishes, vanillin and vanilla sugar were made available for our table from it. Vanilla sugar can be made with your own hands.

Vanillin types

  1. There are several types of vanillin. One of them is crystalline. It has a real vanilla flavor. Crystalline vanillin retains its beneficial properties for a long time, even after high processing temperatures. It is used for baking, making confectionery and ice cream.
  2. There is a kind of powdered vanillin. It is smaller, contains more various reinforcing additives in its composition and has a sharper smell. This type of vanillin is suitable for making chocolate. The aroma of such vanillin is already felt at room temperature. It dissolves more easily in water. Such vanillin can have a variety of berry and fruit flavors.
  3. Liquid vanillin is a mixture of vanillin dissolved in alcohol. It is used to make beverages, confectionery and dairy products.

How is vanillin used?

Vanillin is used in perfumery, liquor making and cooking. In cooking, vanillin should be used in an amount that depends on the cooking time, cooking temperature, and the consistency of the dish being prepared. Too much vanillin can add bitterness to the dish. In the preparation of rich flour dishes, vanillin is usually chosen with high temperature resistance. Vanillin is added to these dishes while mixing all the dry ingredients of the dish. Or they can be added at any stage of preparation, having previously been dissolved in fat.

Usually, 4 to 9 grams of vanillin is added per 1 kilogram of dough. In the manufacture of chocolate, vanillin is usually used in the form of crystals or powder. If you want to enhance the flavor of milk-based products, use vanillin in liquid or powder form. Here, 0.5 to 2 grams of vanillin and vanilla sugar should be used per 1 liter of products.

The action of vanillin

  • Vanillin dissolves well in alcohol, hot water and ether.
  • Vanillin is used to enhance the flavors of dishes, flavoring ingredients.
  • It helps to hide or soften unwanted flavors in a dish.
  • Vanilla aroma remains on the hair and skin for a long time, acting soothingly.
  • Vanillin gives drinks a mild taste and pleasant aroma. With it, you can improve the aroma in the house.

What is vanilla sugar?

Vanilla sugar is nothing but vanilla pods mixed with sugar or powdered sugar. Sugar takes over all the smell of vanilla on itself, and then the vanilla is removed from it. It is more convenient for use in culinary production, as it contains practically no additives. If vanilla sugar is stored for too long, the vanilla flavor may evaporate. It is used for the preparation of cream, creams, fruit compotes, dairy dishes. Vanilla sugar is very suitable for muffins, cocktails, coffee. It must be added at the very end of cooking so that its aroma does not disappear too quickly.

How to make vanilla sugar with your own hands?

You can make your own vanilla sugar. To do this, take 1 kg of sugar, powdered sugar and 1 natural vanilla pod. Try to buy only the longest pods. They are considered the most valuable. Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise. Take out all the seeds, they must be crushed in a mortar and add powdered sugar there. After mixing, pour the mixture into granulated sugar, mix again and put the pod in the same place. Vanilla seeds can be added directly to cream or cream, and only the pod can be used to make vanilla sugar. Store the resulting sugar in a carefully closed jar in a dark, cool place. Leave to infuse for 4 days and you can enjoy real vanilla sugar.

How to make Vanilla Muffins?

Take 400 g of flour for pancakes, 1 teaspoon of soda, 250 g of sugar, 150 g of butter, 2 tbsp. spoons of vanilla sugar, 2 eggs and 0.5 sour cream. Mix flour, soda and sugar. Melt the butter and pour in the same. Add eggs, vanilla sugar and sour cream. Mix all this gently. The dough needs to be divided into paper forms, you get about 14 pieces. Bake them at 180C for 15 minutes until they are golden brown.

What are the benefits of vanilla and vanilla sugar?

Vanilla with its smell has a calming effect on the body. The smell of vanilla will help in the treatment of some serious diseases. It will tame anger, eliminate feelings of anxiety and irritation. The smell of vanilla can relax, help with insomnia, relieve anxiety, have a stimulating effect on the body and cheer you up. Vanilla, which is the main component of vanillin and vanilla sugar, is an antioxidant, antidepressant and anti-carcinogen.

Vanilla sugar can be replaced with vanilla essence (instead of 20 g of vanilla sugar, 12.5 g of vanilla essence will be required) or vanilla extract (10-15 g of vanilla sugar will replace 1 teaspoon of extract). But if you don’t have any of the above at hand, you can generally ignore vanilla sugar as an ingredient: the dish will turn out without it, however, it will not please you with a subtle vanilla flavor.

What is better to buy: vanilla, vanillin or vanilla sugar?

If you at least occasionally bake something at home or prepare desserts, you probably buy vanillin, vanilla sugar or vanilla. Or are you still thinking about it. How are these supplements different from each other? What to buy and what not to buy? Let's see, smell and decide - and all within the framework of one small article!

Vanilla- this is a beautiful plant, the pods of which have an amazing aroma, and therefore are highly valued. I think that at least once in your life you have smelled natural vanilla or products that contained it. Well, if not, I strongly advise you to buy and try. Natural vanilla has only one drawback: it is very expensive. A bag with a vanilla pod weighing 2-4 grams costs 70-100 rubles! Typically, vanilla can be found in mid-range supermarkets and above.

Vanillin is the main component of vanilla, responsible for the characteristic "vanilla" aroma. Roughly speaking, this is a concentrated aroma of the very essence of vanilla. Of course, it can also be obtained from natural vanilla, but then it will cost a lot of money. Therefore, vanillin is usually synthesized in laboratories. And it is called flavor identical to natural vanillin. However, vanillin is not always labeled as “flavoring identical to natural” in bags sold. Sometimes you can read "ethyl vanillin", which is essentially the same thing.

It is worth noting another feature of vanillin: it is a very “strong” additive. The recommended dose of vanillin per 1 kilogram of dough is only 1 gram. If you add it too much, then the baking will have a specific bitter taste, and the aroma can become frankly intrusive. Well, in creams and desserts that are not baked, crystalline vanillin is generally not recommended to be added.

Where is the best option vanilla sugar.

Vanilla sugar can be obtained in two ways. First, mix natural crushed vanilla with sugar or powdered sugar. Secondly, mix artificially obtained vanillin with sugar. Vanilla sugar, prepared in the second way, is more common and cheaper. But the first option is worth buying: with natural vanilla. A bag of such natural vanilla sugar costs 25-40 rubles for 10-15 grams. The most common brands that produce such an additive are Dr. Oetker, Kotanyi. At the same time, Dr. Oetker also has a budget option, with vanillin instead of natural vanilla.

Vanilla sugar is characterized by a relatively low concentration of vanilla, so that it can be used already in much larger quantities than vanillin. On the other hand, it ends rather quickly. And here we come to another option - vanilla sugar, prepared by yourself.

From a purchased vanilla bean, it is quite possible to make it yourself. From one vanilla pod, you need to carefully clean the contents, add it to a couple of tablespoons (about 40 grams) of sugar or (better) powdered sugar and leave it in a closed container for a week. If you want a more intense concentration, you can use more vanilla or less powder. If less intense - add more powder.

Vanilla sugar is used in the preparation of various sweets. It is easy to use, durable, does not lose its taste under the influence of high temperature and gives the baking a unique flavor. To save time, a modern housewife should always have a bag of vanilla sugar on hand. Let's find out how it is prepared and what can replace vanilla sugar.

Most wanted spice

Vanilla sugar is a product that is a mixture of granulated sugar and vanilla powder. Vanilla is considered one of the most sought-after spicy substances and belongs to the category of expensive spices. It turns out that vanilla is a sprawling long vine. Vanilla powder is obtained from its fruits. But extracting vanilla is not so easy: an exotic plant is very capricious in its care. The biggest difficulty in growing a "fragrant" vine is the pollination of its flowers. To get vanilla, you need to go to Madagascar, Mexico, Central America, China or Indonesia. It is there that this exotic plant grows.

Vanillin types

Often housewives try to replace vanilla sugar with vanilla. However, in Food Industry, in order to save money, a spicy product is often replaced by a cheaper analogue. It's called vanillin. In terms of aromatic properties, it practically does not differ from vanilla. But taste qualities baking, in which real vanilla sticks are added, is much higher than that of buns with the addition of vanillin. In addition to the food industry, vanilla is widely used in the production of perfumes, cosmetics and many other products. medicines. Vanillin is used specifically in cooking. There are 3 types: powder, liquid, crystalline. The first kind, vanilla powder, is used to make vanilla sugar; it is also used in the manufacture of chocolate. Liquid vanillin is widely used in confectionery industry: it is added to sweets. The third type of spicy product is used in baking.

Vanillin in cooking

For the preparation of bakery products, vanillin or sugar based on it is used more often. A sachet of vanilla sugar usually contains 2 g of the product. It should be remembered that in large volumes the spicy substance gives the dish bitterness. 4-9 grams of vanillin are usually added to 1 kg of dough. In dairy products, to improve their taste, add 0.5-2 grams of vanilla sugar. Spices are added to dishes and pastries at the very end of their preparation so that the aroma does not disappear too quickly. Vanilla powder is used not only to enhance flavor, but also to soften unwanted flavors in dishes. Vanillin dissolves perfectly in hot water, ether, alcohol, and it gives soft taste and incomparable aroma to drinks.

How is vanilla sugar made?

You can easily make vanilla sugar at home. The recipe for its preparation is as follows. You need to take 2 vanilla pods and 1 kg of granulated sugar. It is better to buy long vanilla pods, as they are considered the most valuable. Sugar must be poured into a deep container, and vanilla cut into small pieces. The two ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and tightly closed with a lid. The container must be placed in a cool dark place (you can in a closet). It is necessary to “infuse” sugar for at least 3 weeks, after which it can be used as needed.

Vanilla sugar recipe: method number 2

If there is no bag of vanilla sugar at home, and there is no time to cook it, you can use its substitutes. So, how to replace vanilla sugar? For these purposes, ordinary vanillin is usually used. A pinch of vanilla can replace 2 small spoons of vanilla sugar. But in order not to always look for the answer to the question of how vanilla sugar can be replaced, it is better to cook it yourself and use it as needed in the future. In the 1st recipe, sugar and vanilla must be infused for 3-4 weeks. Next method does not require such time.

You need to purchase a long natural vanilla pod, a bag of powdered sugar and granulated sugar (1 kg). Remove all the seeds from the vanilla pod and crush them thoroughly. After that, you need to add powdered sugar to them and mix everything well. The resulting mixture must be poured into granulated sugar and put a vanilla pod there. The container should be well closed and stored in a dark place for 4 days, after which you can enjoy fragrant vanilla sugar.

What can replace vanilla sugar?

Baking with the addition of vanillin always turns out fragrant. But often the spicy substance is not at hand. What can replace vanilla sugar? For these purposes, you can use vanilla essence: 12.5 grams replaces 20 grams of vanilla sugar. You can add a unique flavor to pastries by adding 1 small spoonful of vanilla extract to the dough. But more often, housewives use ordinary vanillin for cooking. Some people add cinnamon or cardamom instead of vanilla sugar. But in this case, the resulting dish will not please the owners of the house with an incomparable vanilla flavor.

What is the benefit of vanilla sugar?

Many people say that vanilla sugar is vanillin. But this is wrong. Vanilla only forms the basis of sugar and thanks to this it has mass useful properties. First of all, vanilla aroma has a calming effect on human body. The spicy smell can help get rid of many diseases. Vanillin helps with insomnia, convulsions, allergies, arthritis, fever, hysteria. Vanilla aroma tames anger, reduces feelings of anxiety, irritation, helps to relax. Vanilla stimulates the body and uplifts the mood. It is also an antioxidant, antidepressant, helps to activate brain activity and normalize digestion. Few people know that vanilla is also an aphrodisiac. From all of the above, it can be seen that it not only gives an incomparable flavor to dishes, but also benefits a person. But in order for the taste of the cooked food to be on high level, it is better to use natural vanilla and sugar based on it.

"Vanilla Muffins"

This delicious fragrant dessert can be cooked in 20 minutes. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 125 gr. butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 gr. flour;
  • 1.5 small spoons of baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 75 ml of milk.

First you need to mix the sugar and butter. The oil needs to be room temperature. Next add the eggs and mix well. After that, add flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar, salt to the mixture and mix it all. V last turn pour milk. You should have a thick, sticky dough. We prepare baking dishes and put paper baskets there. Fill each basket halfway with dough. Next, put any filling (chocolate, pieces of fruit or berries) and fill it with dough. Bake Vanilla Muffins at 175°C. When the pastry is browned, it can be removed from the oven. "Vanilla muffins" are elastic, and the filling goes well with the dough. The pastries are really fragrant and very tasty. And if you put Vanilla Muffins in an airtight container and leave them overnight, then the next day they will be even tastier. Vanilla dessert is great for a family holiday or a children's party.

Vanilla sugar It is a white powdery product with a strong spicy aroma. Due to the fact that vanilla is expensive, they began to mix it with granulated sugar, as a result of which such a culinary product was called vanilla sugar.

Three varieties of vanilla sugar

Crystalline vanilla sugar. It has a natural vanilla flavor. The advantage of such vanillin is that, with any processing, it retains its properties for a long time. useful material and vitamins. It is used as an additive in ice cream, various confectionery and other dishes.

Powdered vanillin. It has a miniature size and a powdery consistency. It has a little more additional additives, and also has a stronger smell. This powder added to chocolate. This type of vanillin is sold with different flavors: for example, fruit or berry. Such vanilla sugar melts easily in a warm liquid and has a sharp flavor at a low temperature.

liquid vanillin. It is a mixture of alcohol tincture and vanillin. The product is used to create various drinks, bakery and dairy products. It contains a large amount of carbohydrates, a little calcium, magnesium and copper.

Application of vanilla sugar

Vanillin is used in the preparation of various liqueurs, in cooking and perfumery. In the culinary field, vanilla sugar must be added strictly according to the recipe in a certain amount. If the amount of added vanillin exceeds the norm, then the dish will acquire bitter notes of taste. When baking, put vanillin, which is highly resistant to temperature indicators. It is poured into the dough or placed in the mass during baking, while previously diluted in fat. The calculated data are as follows: up to ten grams of vanillin is placed per kilogram of dough. When making chocolate, it is usually necessary to add crystalline vanillin or powdered vanilla sugar. Liquid vanillin is mixed into dairy products, and very rarely powdered. Here, up to two grams of vanilla sugar is used per liter of product.

The action of vanillin

  • Has good solubility in liquid, such as alcohol, warm water and its other types;
  • It is used to improve smell and taste;
  • The fragrance stays on the skin and hair for a long time;
  • Used as a home fragrance.


  • Has a calming effect due to the aroma;
  • Good for insomnia, has a relaxing effect;
  • Vanilla is considered an antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic.


Excessive consumption harms the walls of blood vessels, worsens their condition.

Cooking at home

Making your own vanilla sugar is pretty easy. It will take one kilogram of granulated sugar, a bag of powdered sugar and a real vanilla pod. The longer the pod, the more useful and more valuable it is considered. The pod is cut into thin strips, the seeds are removed, and then these strips are crushed to a mushy state, adding powdered sugar as a result. Then all the components are mixed well and poured together with sand into a jar, a whole pod is placed on top. You need to insist the product for at least five days, under a tightly closed lid in a dark place. Seeds can not be thrown away, they can be added to the face cream. The calorie content of such a product is 394 kcal.

vanilla pie recipe

Very tasty pie with vanilla and lemon cream. To prepare it, you will need: dough, wheat flour (two cups), baking powder (one teaspoon), eggs (three pieces), sugar (half a cup), butter (to lubricate the mold), vanillin.

For butter cream: butter (about fifty grams), powdered sugar (one sachet), vanilla extract (a few drops).

For lemon cream: lemon (one piece), egg (one piece), sugar (about fifty grams), butter (one small spoon).

First you need to beat the eggs, then stir in the flour, baking powder, and vanilla. After thoroughly mixing this mass, you need to place the dough in a specialized form and bake for half an hour.

  • Vanillin - recipes, Culinary social network Povarenok.ru
  • Group "Our sweets", beauty portal myCharm.ru