Hot chocolate made from chocolate and milk. Hot chocolate in photos

Hot chocolate is useful product, which has great taste and healing properties.

It contains flavanoids, an excellent natural antioxidant that helps fight the aging process. Moreover, it contains a lot of calcium, which is responsible for the strength of bones, phosphorus, which gives energy to the brain, and magnesium, which helps regulate metabolism in cells.
But the main property of hot chocolate is that it improves mood, because after eating it, “happiness hormones” are actively produced in the body. Don't forget that wonderful hot chocolate it is also a strong aphrodisiac that can increase sexual desire.

At the same time, hot chocolate can be easily prepared at home. Here are some interesting recipes for cooking hot

Hot chocolate classic

  • Dark chocolate - 100 g
  • Milk or cream (10%) - 250 ml
  • Water - 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Whipped cream - to taste
Break the chocolate and melt it on fire, add water and stir. Boil the milk in a separate bowl, pour it into the chocolate and mix everything. Then beat the mixture a little.
Garnish with whipped cream.

Hot chocolate with starch - 1
Starch is added to hot chocolate in order to get a thicker consistency.


  • 100 g chocolate (dark or milk)
  • 200 ml cream (10%-20%)
  • 300 ml milk
  • 1 tbsp without a slide of starch


Heat, stirring constantly, until all the chocolate is well melted and the mixture is smooth.
Then bring almost to a boil, pour in the diluted starch, mix, turn off the heat.

Serve hot.

Hot chocolate with starch - 2

  • Milk - 1 l
  • Chocolate - 200 g
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Starch - 3 tbsp. spoons
Stir cornstarch into 1 cup milk. Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan, add chocolate and sugar. Heat until chocolate melts. Then add milk with starch and mix, heating until the mixture begins to thicken.

Hot chocolate with rum

  • Milk (whole) - 5.5 cups
  • Cream (full) - 1/2 cup
  • dark rum- 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Chocolate (bittersweet) - 250 g
Combine milk, cream and rum in a medium saucepan. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Then immediately remove the pan from the heat and dip the pieces of chocolate into it so that it melts in hot milk. Mix all the ingredients until smooth, serve in warm mugs.

Hot chocolate with almonds

  • Chocolate (grated, semi-sweet) - 60 g
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Water (boiling) - 1/2 cup
  • Milk (boiled) - 2.5 cups
  • Coffee (instant) - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Cognac - 80 ml
  • Liquor Amaretto - 80 ml
  • Cream (for whipping) - 1/2 cup
  • Almonds (chopped roasted) - 1/4 cup
Combine sugar, chocolate and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 2 minutes. Then, whisking with a whisk, add milk, cognac, coffee, liquor and cook for another 2 minutes. Pour into cups. Whip cream, put on top of chocolate, sprinkle with almonds and serve.

Mexican hot chocolate

  • Milk - 400 ml
  • Chocolate - 40 g
  • Cinnamon - 3 sticks
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tbsp. spoon
Take a saucepan, pour milk into it, add chocolate, cinnamon and heat until the chocolate melts. Then take out the cinnamon and pour in the vanilla. Whisk until foam forms.

Spanish hot chocolate


  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Bitter chocolate (grated) - 60 g
  • Cinnamon (ground) - 1 coffee spoon without top
  • Eggs (yolks) - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 coffee spoon

Whisk the yolk with big amount milk. Pour grated chocolate into hot milk, add sugar, cinnamon and heat the mass over a fire, stirring constantly. Then remove from heat and add the yolk. Serve the drink hot.

Austrian hot chocolate

  • Chocolate (chopped) - 100 g
  • Zest of 1 orange
  • Cinnamon (ground) - 1/2 tsp. spoons
  • Milk - 1.5 cups
  • Cream (thick) - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • cinnamon sticks

Put chocolate, crushed orange zest, ground cinnamon, add 3 tbsp. spoons of milk and stirring to melt over low heat. Then pour in the rest of the milk and, stirring, slowly bring to a boil. Whip the cream with a mixer into a thick cream.
Strain the finished hot chocolate, pour into cups and put in each 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cooked cream and 1 cinnamon stick.

Hot chocolate with coffee


  • Chocolate - 250 g
  • Coffee (strong) - 250 ml
  • Whipped cream

Melt the chocolate in a water bath. liquid chocolate pour into coffee, mix thoroughly and heat the mixture. Then pour the drink into cups and garnish with whipped cream.
According to

Hot chocolate with orange peel


  • milk - 200ml
  • chocolate - 100g
  • cocoa powder - 1 teaspoon
  • instant coffee - 1 teaspoon
  • orange peel- 1 teaspoon
  • cinnamon - to taste

For decoration:

  • slice of mandarin

Nov 12, 2016

Chocolate is the most popular treat among children and adults. For a long time it was believed that only men were indifferent to him, but scientists from the UK disproved this, as it turned out, myth.

As a result of the research, it turned out that half of all the women surveyed cannot imagine themselves without a bar of chocolate, among men such a sweet tooth turned out to be more- two thirds of the total number of participants in the experiment.

I wonder what they would say if they were asked not about a chocolate bar, but about a hot drink? In Russia, unfortunately, this question would baffle many - hot chocolate is rare on our table.

Maybe because we don't know much about him?

Origin story

Sponsors of the first cup hot chocolate became the legendary Maya. True, their drink was hot due to chili pepper (one of the ingredients of the drink), but in general, crushed cocoa beans were poured with cold water.

This recipe was later slightly modified by the Aztecs by adding sweet ingredients. History has preserved evidence that it was the favorite drink of Emperor Montezuma.

A recipe close to the modern one was born already in Europe: instead of chili, sugar was used, water was heated, and even cream was added.

What drink is called hot chocolate

This is a drink made from cocoa beans.. IN different countries adapted to do it in their own way, in accordance with national traditions. For example, the French have it liquid, similar to coffee. The Italians - thick, like sour cream.

However, in both cases, this is real chocolate, in which cocoa content (beans and butter) is between 55 and 75 percent.

These figures must be kept in mind when, under the brand of chocolate in bags, retail chains offer customers a mixture of various ingredients (read the label!), Very far from those from which a quality drink can be brewed.


Hot chocolate includes three essential components, these are:

  • cocoa beans;
  • milk;
  • sugar.

Is it possible to change something in this “trio”? Can. For example, milk is sometimes substituted boiled water if you want to make the drink "easier".

And cocoa beans, which are not so easy to get, can be replaced by a bar of chocolate. Of course, not the first one that came across, but bitter, dark, of high quality.

In addition to the "three whales" on which rests delicious drink, it sometimes includes vanilla, cinnamon, nuts, alcohol.

Benefit and harm

Hot chocolate in ancient times was called "healing", doctors prescribed it to their patients from the most various diseases. According to modern experts, chocolate is really useful:

  • improves memory;
  • enhances performance;
  • useful in the cold season as a general tonic;
  • helps to overcome depression;
  • activates brain functions.

With caution, it should be used by those who have an allergic reaction to chocolate.

Besides, do not drink this drink before bed- it excites the nervous system, which means that the risk of insomnia is high.

Hot chocolate recipes: how to make at home

You can cook chocolate at home, but in order for the “first pancake” not to turn out lumpy, you need to learn a few important rules:

  • The best way to melt chocolate is in a water bath;
  • to make the drink thick, it is prepared with starch;
  • if you want to reduce calories - add water;
  • looking for new sensations - prepare a drink with different additives (with caramel, ginger, pepper, cardamom, liquor).

How to melt chocolate in a water bath (any possible options) we told.

How to make classic chocolate

You will need a 100-gram chocolate bar and 400 ml of milk.

Chocolate should be broken into small pieces and melted. After that, pour in the milk, while stirring the chocolate with a whisk.

Usually such a drink is flavored with vanilla.


For this drink, various ingredients are used, each with its own “recognizable” taste, so that in a mug of hot chocolate they make up an original bouquet.

Take as a basis classic version, while cooking add a teaspoon of honey and vanilla syrup. Grated milk chocolate and a few fresh mint leaves are used as decoration.


Difference between classic recipe and "Everest" - in additives. At Everest, it's cream and vanilla syrup. Decorates the drink "hill" of chocolate ice cream and coconut flakes.

"Winter evening"

This recipe uses white chocolate (170 g), one egg, 750 ml milk, as well as a little cinnamon and hot pepper.

Chocolate is broken, melted in a water bath. When it has melted completely, add to chocolate mass pepper, cinnamon and a beaten egg.

Milk is heated, cups are filled with it, and then chocolate mass is poured into each of them (as slowly as possible).

With marshmallow

You will need to take 200 ml of milk, 300 g of chocolate (of which 100 g of dark and 200 g of milk). In the recipe used coffee. Which one you choose is a matter of taste, you can take instant.

Milk is boiled together with star anise. Brew coffee (50 ml). Combine coffee and milk together and throw in the same pieces of chocolate.

It should dissolve completely (if necessary, the drink, if it is not hot enough, can be heated, but not boiled).

Stir, pour into cups and throw a few marshmallows into each ( "marshmallows" it is better to take white, without dyes).

Find other marshmallow coffee recipes.

Italian thick chocolate

Grated chocolate (110 g) and a little milk put on low heat to get homogeneous mass. Then pour in all the milk that is required for this recipe (350 ml), stir thoroughly.

Add a tablespoon cornstarch , which will add density to the drink, and besides this - a little vanillin, cinnamon and salt. Cups are filled with thickened drink, decorated with whipped cream.

Serve with a glass of slightly warmed milk.


True fans of hot chocolate do not advise using ready-made instant powder as the basis for a drink. industrial production. It will not give those taste sensations that you can get by enjoying a natural product.

The only exceptions are proven brands that guarantee a natural taste (for example, hot instant chocolate from Fit Parad).

If you are just saving time by buying instant drink do it differently. Do you have a coffee machine Did you know that most of them are equipped with a chocolate making function? The device will make it to you in the best possible way.

With white chocolate

Except white chocolate(40 g) you need to take a little black (20 g), milk - 180 ml and 50 ml of high-fat cream.

In this recipe nut mass is used, which must be prepared with your own hands: hazelnuts are poured onto a baking sheet and put in the oven for several minutes. Golden color means the nuts are ready. They need to be peeled and crushed.

Pour milk into a saucepan, add nuts, bring to a boil. After removing from the fire, let it brew for an hour. Then the milk is filtered, and the nuts are used to make some kind of dessert.

Add chocolate, cream, vanillin and salt to milk, put on fire.

With chili

Sometimes this variant of hot chocolate is called "Spanish". To prepare it, you need cocoa powder (100 g), a couple of chili pods, and also vanilla, hazelnuts, almonds, anise, sugar.

All ingredients are poured with boiling water and left to infuse for two hours, then filtered and whipped in a blender.

Here's another one interesting recipe hot chocolate:


Those with a sweet tooth are always worried about the question: how many calories are in the dessert they want to try.

Hot chocolate - not too much high-calorie product, even those who are worried about their figure can afford it.

The average calorie content of 100 g is 149 kcal. If the drink is prepared with various additives and with a lot of sugar, the figure, of course, will be higher.

For example, in 100 g of hot chocolate "Makkofe" - 390 kcal.

The technology for preparing drinks is different: chocolate is prepared with hot milk (it should help melt hard pieces), cocoa powder is diluted in cold milk, and then poured into hot milk and boiled for about 10 minutes.

Top Brands

The Russian company "Art Life" supplies chocolate to the market under the name "Sweet Woman" and claims that it contains "hormones of happiness."

As a children's product, Ecologika produces a delicious Chukka drink. Hot chocolate "Tassimo" can be purchased in capsules.

Italian manufacturers are proud of their brand "Ristora", and the French - "Monbana".

Among the leaders are also the products of De Marco (DeMarco), Favorite (Favorite), MacChocolate, Fit Parade (Fit Parad), Nestle.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating mothers

Chocolate is an allergenic product, for pregnant women and nursing mothers - undesirable.

Medicine knows cases when babies were born with a rash (a sign of allergies), and the reason for this was the malnutrition of a woman during pregnancy.

According to doctors, a woman can afford hot chocolate only during the first trimester of pregnancy without causing potential harm to the child.

For infants, chocolate eaten or drunk by the mother can be dangerous not only as an allergen. The caffeine present in chocolate, firstly, has an exciting effect on the baby's body, the child does not sleep well and is naughty, and, secondly, it increases gas formation, and this is painful sensations and anxiety for the baby.

Earlier we wrote about whether pregnant women can have coffee on early dates- V .

How to drink

Thick hot chocolate is poured into small espresso cups, served with water tall glass. If the drink is not very thick, it is customary to pour it into an Irish glass.

However, if you are more comfortable with a ceramic mug or bowl, why not? The French, for example, like to pour hot chocolate into soup bowls to dip their toast and croissants into.

By the way, various pastries - very good addition to this drink. Also suitable for ice cream fruit purees(for example, banana or strawberry), juices, cognac.

If the treat is being prepared for guests, you can pour a little grated chocolate, marshmallow, cut into pieces.

Do you want to enjoy the taste of a wonderful drink that will not only bring you pleasure, but also give vivacity, energy, and a good mood? Then prepare hot chocolate, a home-made cocoa recipe from which you can learn from this article. Making a drink at home is quite simple, so take some time and please your loved ones with the perfect delicacy prepared by yourself from natural products.

Today, the drink is very popular among both adults and children. And he has not only with nothing incomparable taste but also health benefits.

Scientists have proven that due to minimal thermal effects and completely natural composition, in a home-made drink, much more substances useful for the body are stored than in a solid chocolate bar.

Among them are vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, as well as flavonoids, which positively affects the work of the cardiovascular, as well as nervous systems. After all, everyone knows that hot chocolate is the first assistant in the fight against stress, depression, anxiety and psycho-emotional instability.

Prepare hot chocolate according to the recipe of one of our regular readers, and you will see that it is not difficult to make it at all, and the time spent on its preparation and very little effort are worth the result. Moreover, you can prepare a drink from the components available to all. So, the recipe with a photo of a thick drink:

Before, I always thought that hot chocolate cannot be made at home, that there are a lot of steps to be done and this drink is very difficult for a simple housewife with basic culinary knowledge. Whenever I had the opportunity, I ordered this warming, nutritious and tasty delicacy in cafes and restaurants.

But when I came across this recipe, I decided to try it, I was very pleased with the result, but what pleased me, it exceeded all my expectations.

Drink Ingredients:

    • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. lodges;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. lodges;
    • starch - 1 tsp;
    • water - 2 tbsp. lodges;
    • cream - 300 ml (can be replaced with homemade milk).

In a saucepan in which you will brew this wonderful drink, mix sugar, cocoa powder, starch.

To make the drink tasty, and most importantly, healthy, buy only good quality cocoa powder.

Then add 2 tablespoons cold water, stir.

Two tablespoons may not be enough, then you can add another one or two spoons and stir the contents of the pan well.

Boil the cream in a separate container. If there is no cream, you can take homemade milk, it will be just as delicious.

Whisking constantly, slowly pour the hot cream into the pan with the cocoa and other ingredients. Mix well.

Put the pot on the fire. Over medium heat, stirring constantly, heat the hot chocolate. Under no circumstances should you boil.

Pour hot drink into cups and serve with delicious homemade cookies. I am sure that having made this wonderful treat at least once according to this recipe, you will delight your loved ones with its taste all the time.

Another cooking recipe:

How to make hot chocolate with rum?

If hot chocolate with cocoa prepared according to the previous recipe is perfect for both small and adult members of your family, then the drink made according to the recipe below is not suitable for children, as it contains alcoholic ingredient- rum. This drink will great addition for friendly gatherings, as well as relax after a hard day's work.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • milk (preferably homemade) - 1 liter;
  • heavy cream- 100 grams;
  • bitter bar chocolate- 200 grams.
  • dark rum - a couple of tbsp. spoons.

Place all ingredients except chocolate in saucepan. Put the container on the fire and bring its contents to a boil. Then take the pot off the stove.

Break up the chocolate and drop the pieces into the hot liquid to melt completely. Then stir until smooth and serve.

Is it true that making hot chocolate, a recipe at home from cocoa, is quite simple, very easy and fast? All you need is a little of your time and desire.

Hot chocolate is unique drink, which is able not only to warm, but also to invigorate, endow with a good mood. There is good news for lovers of this drink, as you can even prepare it yourself at home using step by step photo recipes. If everything is done correctly, you can feel a light but original bitterness, notes of your favorite spices and spices, as well as creamy milky tenderness. Speaking about the drink, immediately there are associations with enveloping, sweet and very intoxicating bliss. No need to compare it with some Snickers and other sweets that you eat in a hurry. As for hot chocolate, you will drink it slowly, enjoying every sip of a wonderful drink. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the most reliable and proven treat ideas.

Features and technology for preparing a drink

Before you learn how to make hot chocolate at home, you need to carefully select a recipe, clarify the basic rule and cooking technology. Oddly enough, but making hot chocolate at home is as easy as shelling pears, the main thing is to choose good recipe with photo. Chocolate can be used to make many sweets, cakes, but homemade drink will be out of competition, and therefore it is necessary to learn how to cook an amazing and invigorating masterpiece.

Despite the fact that there are recipes based on cocoa, it is impossible to cook real drink from a similar ingredient. Please note that this is a very thick, fatty, viscous, and also nutritious dessert. It is cooked in milk with the addition of bar chocolate or shavings. To give some piquancy, mystery to such delicious dessert, you can add spices, vanilla, pepper, cinnamon, sugar and other ingredients.

Making hot chocolate at home requires the use of only high-quality products. Regarding the main ingredients, it must be bitter, natural, without various additives and fragrances. However, many recipes suggest using the milky look. Keep in mind, knowing how to make hot chocolate at home, you will never use porous varieties!

How to make hot chocolate at home - proven tips:

  1. For cooking, you need to use it correctly steam bath or microwave. It is very important that the delicacy does not lose its own useful properties. Please note that the mass must not be allowed to come into contact with water, otherwise everything will curl up and become unusable.
  2. To make the consistency of the dessert thicker, egg yolks, sour cream and even starch are added during cooking. To do this, they are thoroughly mixed with milk.
  3. Heavy cream will help to ensure the density of the drink. If you beat them, then it will turn out real dessert which can easily be eaten with a spoon. Children will especially like it.
  4. For a variety of flavors, you can use various additives, mainly liquor, cream, cognac and water. To reduce the calorie content of such a dessert, it is enough to add water, which will significantly enhance the taste and aroma of chocolate. With the help of cream, the delicacy will turn out to be tender and very velvety.
  5. With the help of spices and spices, you can get a bright, spicy aroma. Most often, ginger root, various varieties of pepper, cardamom and cinnamon, as well as vanilla are used for the brewed drink. As for chili peppers, they deserve closer attention, they transform the drink, making it sharp, spicy and quite tart.

Best Recipes

Top Hot Chocolate Recipes:

Coffee and milk. One of the most striking examples of a drink is hot chocolate with milk and coffee. This combination is the most popular and beloved. For cooking you need 100 grams natural chocolate, about 200 milliliters of milk and freshly brewed coffee. Preparing a drink is very easy. The cocoa bean product must be dissolved in a water bath, add coffee and milk, mix thoroughly and enjoy the taste. Note that with the help of such a drink, you can even lose weight if you add cinnamon powder.

Drink with cinnamon, honey and milk. For cooking, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • chocolate - about 60 grams;
  • milk - 240 milliliters;
  • flower honey - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • vanilla essence - 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.;
  • rum - at least 5-6 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons.

Dessert specifics:

Pour milk and rum into the container, add sugar, cinnamon and vanilla essence. After that, mix thoroughly.

Send to the stove, pour in the rum and you can immediately add pieces of natural chocolate. After a few minutes, remove the cinnamon stick and pour the drink into glasses. Garnish with whipped cream and serve with marshmallows. It turns out satisfying, nutritious and incredibly tasty!

Drink with cream and white chocolate. Even if you are not a fan of this type of delicacy, but in such a drink it will be just perfect. Surely this is the merit of additional components, namely nuts and cream.


  • hazelnuts - about 50 grams;
  • cream - 60 milliliters;
  • white chocolate - 50 grams;
  • dark chocolate - 20 grams;
  • milk - 180 milliliters;
  • salt and vanilla - small pinches.

Cooking technology:

  1. Mark the nuts in a pan, put in the oven for ten minutes. Do not let them burn, for this you should constantly stir them. Readiness is indicated by the presence of a golden color. After that, you need to remove the husk and crush.
  2. Pour milk into a saucepan, add nuts and bring to a boil. Remove from stove and leave warm for literally one hour.
  3. The milk needs to be strained, but don't get rid of the hazelnuts, you'll need them for another dessert. Next, add chocolate pieces, cream, salt and vanilla.
  4. After boiling, pour into cups. If you want beautiful bubbles to appear on the surface, then the drink is poured from a certain height.

As you can see, the proposed dessert is exquisite, unique and uniquely delicious. Therefore, do not forget also that it needs to be served beautifully to the table.

Thus, preparing a drink is easy. A fresh bun or a puff pastry croissant will be a chic addition to it. In addition, fruit and berry puree is perfectly combined, which will make the dessert unique. Bon appetit everyone!

What could be better on a cold winter night than sitting in a cozy chair and watching a movie with a cup of hot chocolate? This excellent drink will fill you with a charge of vivacity and energy, and also help to warm up.

Recipe 1

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Fatty milk - fifty milliliters.
  • Dark chocolate without any fillers - two hundred grams (2 ordinary bars).


Perfectionists may say that chocolate at home must be cooked in a water bath. And in general, you can’t use slab chocolate, but cook, as in coffee shops, from cocoa beans. But if you can't find them, or are they out of stock? Don't worry, buy good chocolate Don't just save.

Without unpacking the chocolate, break it. Heat the milk to fifty degrees. After that, pour the chocolate little by little and stir at the same time. You need to stir until the chocolate melts, but do not boil.

If you want chocolate to keep its temperature, then you should pour it into ceramic cups that have thick walls. If you want to admire the color, glass goblets are suitable. And you can make foam with a cappuccinatore from a coffee maker.

The drink turns out to be quite sweet and rich, in this case it is worth pouring a glass of water. This will help to reveal the taste of the prepared drink and finish it with pleasure.

Recipe 2


  • Potato starch - two to three tablespoons (without top).
  • Sugar - one to two tablespoons.
  • Milk or bitter chocolate - two hundred grams.
  • Milk - one liter.


Dissolve starch in one glass of milk. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, put on medium heat, and then add chocolate and sugar to it. Heat until chocolate has melted. Then add starch with milk, mix thoroughly and heat until the mixture begins to thicken. Remove from heat and serve hot.

French chocolate

For four cups of water, you need one hundred grams of dark chocolate, which must be broken in advance. To start in a cup with warm water lower the chocolate, and as soon as it melts a little, put it on a small fire. Once the mixture is smooth, add three more cups of water. Now, over low heat, bring to a boil, while stirring (this will take about ten minutes). Remove from heat, whisk with a whisk and serve hot. Add sugar to taste.

Viennese chocolate

Started the same as french recipe, but you should add two or three more fresh yolks, mix well, put on a burner with a small fire and wait until the mixture thickens, just do not wait until it boils. After that, while hot, pour into cups and add one tablespoon of "cream fresh" (similar to homemade thick sour cream, you can replace it with it).

mexican chocolate


  • Vanilla extract - one tablespoon.
  • Cinnamon - three sticks.
  • Chocolate - forty grams.
  • Milk - four hundred milliliters.


Pour cinnamon, chocolate into a saucepan, pour milk and heat until chocolate dissolves. Take out the cinnamon sticks and pour in the vanilla. Whisk until foam forms. Serve in cups.

Austrian chocolate


  • Cinnamon sticks - to decorate.
  • Powder - to make hot chocolate.
  • Heavy cream - four tablespoons.
  • Milk - one and a half cups.
  • Cinnamon - one second teaspoon.
  • Chopped zest - one orange.
  • Chopped chocolate - one hundred grams.


In a small saucepan, put the cinnamon, zest, chocolate, add three tablespoons of milk and start melting over low heat, while stirring. Pour in the remaining milk and bring to a boil slowly while stirring. Whip the cream in a mixer until thick cream. When hot chocolate is ready, pour into mugs. In each of them put a cinnamon stick and one tablespoon of cream.

Creamy hot chocolate


  • Cream - one second glass.
  • Vanilla extract - three-fourths of a teaspoon.
  • Milk - three and a half glasses.
  • Boiling water - one third of a glass.
  • Salt - one pinch.
  • Sugar - three-fourths of a glass.
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder - one third of a glass.


Pour a pinch of salt, sugar, cocoa into the pan. While stirring, pour in boiling water. While stirring, bring everything to a boil (this will take about two minutes), it is important to watch so that it does not burn. Add three and a half cups of milk and heat, but not to a boil. Remove from heat and pour in vanilla. Divide everything into four cups, add cream and cool a little before serving.

Hot Chocolate Recipe by Laura Bush

Mix six tablespoons of sugar with six tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa and a pinch of salt. Add two and a half cups (approximately 600 milliliters) of milk and heat. Add one-two teaspoons of vanilla, two and a half low-fat cream, and, if desired, a pinch of cinnamon powder. Bring everything to a boil. Stir and pour into cups. Top with grated orange zest, cocoa powder and whipped cream.

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