With what they drink white, amber, black rum. dark rum

Black rum Bacardi Black is the most famous strong alcohol This is a premium-class drink, which is on the 1st place in the world in terms of sales in its category. Bacardi rum is the most popular alcoholic drink made from sugar cane. This rum is produced by Bacardi Limited, founded by Spaniard Facundo Bacardi. The Spanish wine merchant, having got to Cuba, where by that time numerous cheap varieties of rum already existed, through experiments with the source material and new technologies at that time, finally got a product that many people know and love today.

Don Facundo registered the Bacardi brand and built the first distillery in 1862. The bat turned its head to the left became the symbol of the company. She appeared on the labels of the company's products, because the Cubans, like the Spaniards, considered and still consider the bat as the personification of good luck and prosperity. It is still unknown whether this talisman brought good luck to the company, or whether it was the talent and abilities of the wine merchant himself, nevertheless, his company has become one of the largest alcohol corporations in the world.

The Bacardi brand dates back to 1862.

After the Cuban Revolution, the founder of the company had to move the production of alcohol to other countries, but today only 4 of them make rum - Brazil, Mexico, the Bahamas and Puerto Rico. Today, the company produces, in addition to rum, Martini vermouth, Otard cognac, Gray Goose vodka, Bombay Sapphire gin, William Lawson’s whiskey and Cazadores tequila, and the company is run by the great-grandson of the same wine merchant who created the recipe for the new Caribbean alcohol. The company distributes its products in more than 170 countries, selling over 200 million bottles of spirits annually.

Technology features

The production technology of Rum Bakardi Premium Black has changed little since the founding of the first factory. Even in those days, the drink was based on black molasses molasses, which is a dark viscous liquid obtained from sugar cane by boiling three times. Special yeast is added to molasses, causing rapid fermentation during the active processing of molasses. Braga is distilled into rum alcohol, after which it is kept in oak barrels, where the liquid acquires its original color and taste, and then is subjected to repeated cleaning and refining.

The unique quality of Bakardi rum appears in the patented processes of fermentation, distillation and filtration of the drink, and the secret technology of aging the liquid in white oak barrels, the inner surface of which is fired, brings additional originality and originality. To date, Rum Bakardi is the owner of more than 300 top awards, which allowed him to be called the most titled rum in the world.

Thanks to such a fine and careful processing of cane raw materials, Bakardi Premium Black rum, or as it is now called, Carta Negra has a rich aroma and a rich, mild taste with a long aftertaste, which clearly distinguishes spices and tropical fruits, but the main note is woody. The drink acquires its unique character due to the composition of high-quality distillates with aging periods of 4 to 8 years and the fact that the rum is aged in old American bourbon barrels.

How to drink black rum

Rum Bakardi Premium Black, 40% ABV, recommended to drink in pure form, or mixing with fruit juices and cola, without pre-cooling, serving at room temperature. You can add lime or lemon to the glass to taste. It is usually served for dinner as a digestif after the main meal. Connoisseurs and connoisseurs drink it like cognac, without mixing it with anything or eating it. It is believed that this drink is ideal for youth parties.

Bacardi black goes well with cola if you add ice to the top of the glass. In addition, there is a recipe for drinking this type of rum with pomegranate juice, the proportions of which are best selected individually, depending on taste preferences. Apart from pomegranate juice, you can use cherry and currant, as well as options for diluting black rum berry fruit drinks, for example, cranberry or lingonberry.

There is an idea that no appetizers are required for rum, but tropical fruits will not be superfluous on the table. You can serve sliced ​​oranges, lightly sprinkled with cinnamon and nutmeg.

Cocktails with Premium Black

According to the observations of bartenders, Bacardi black rum practically does not leave a hangover after drinking it, which is a big plus of the drink and is associated with production features that exclude most of the harmful fusel impurities from alcohol in the process of repeated cleaning. It is for this reason that it can easily be drunk undiluted. However, most females prefer cocktails. In order to give them the opportunity to reduce the strength of the drink, slightly change its taste properties and experiment, indulging the natural inclination for creativity, it is proposed to consider several options cocktails offered by a professional bartender:

  1. Coffee Grog. The drink can replace mulled wine in cold, damp weather, as it should be consumed hot. To prepare a cocktail, mix 30 ml of Premium Black rum with 10 ml of any cognac, add 150 ml strong coffee and 1 lemon or lime wedge. Sugar is added to taste, and the mixture is slowly heated, without bringing to a boil. The result invigorates and strengthens the body, restoring strength.
  2. Black tenderness. Mix 15 ml of Benedictine liqueur and Bacardi black rum with 30 ml of cream, put ice on top and pour cola. Those who do not like cola can not add it. The taste is very good.
  3. Black & Crane. Mix 1 part rum with 4 parts cranberry juice, adding to the resulting mixture a slice of lemon or lime, and ice. In the same way, you can mix rum with pomegranate, cherry or even blueberry juice. They harmonize perfectly with Rum Bakardi Premium Black.
  4. air mail. To prepare a cocktail, mix 50 ml of Premium Black with 15 ml of lime juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Top everything with champagne and, if desired, add ice.
  5. Cocktail B-black. One of the simplest: fill a glass with black rum, put an orange slice on top and sprinkle it with cinnamon. You need to drink everything in one gulp and seize orange slice. Although the strength of alcohol in this version does not decrease, the cocktail delivers a lot of pleasure, especially in a youth company.
  6. Barbados. To prepare a cocktail, pour into a shot in layers in succession: 15 ml of grapefruit liqueur, 15 ml of coconut and 15 ml of black Roma Bacardi black. The resulting mixture is drunk in one gulp.
  7. Mai Tai. Mix 20 ml of Carta Blanca rum, 40 ml of Carta Negra rum, 15 ml of Orange Curacao liqueur, 15 ml of almond syrup and 10 ml of lime juice. The taste of the cocktail cannot be described in words, you need to try it.

There are many more options delicious cocktails, which, unfortunately, is not so easy to prepare at home, but they can be offered today in some bars.

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum! This strong alcoholic drink has fans all over the world, exported from the Caribbean to Europe and Asia, served at the table of kings and presidents.

What is the difference between light rum and gold rum? Which is better to try to get acquainted with the drink? Let's talk about this in more detail.

A bit about the history of the drink

The famous pirate drink was invented by the Indians, but they brought it to classic taste residents of New England and Barbados. Today, almost every one of the Caribbean and in any country in the world.

Rum is the most unregulated alcohol in the world, no one controls its production. There is no specification or approved rules, that is, each manufacturer can change the creation process at their discretion. For example, in Venezuela, the drink is aged for two years, in the Dominican Republic - a year, in Mexico 8 months. Residents of Colombia do not recognize rum with a strength of less than 50%, and in most states the norm is 40%.

The simplest classification is color. To understand white or dark rum in front of you, no need to read the label. But these drinks differ not only in color.

White (silver, light)

This is the lightest drink in the series. It is created from sugar cane, which is processed the classic way in metal vats. Manufacturers do not additionally age white rum, but they must filter it to achieve absolute transparency. Most often it is supplied from Cuba.

How do they drink?

Rarely used in its pure form. Often used in cooking to flambé or soak fruit. Light rum is an essential ingredient in Mojito, Pina Colada, Cuba Libre, Pacha and other cocktails. If you want to try it straight, add some lime or mint to spic up the mild flavor.

Golden (amber)

Traditional. After classical distillation, it is aged in oak barrels for at least a year and a half. It is thanks to exposure that a luxurious golden color is obtained. This drink is slightly bitter, but conveys luxurious notes of spices, spices, caramel and fruits. The main tones of taste and aroma are determined by the method of production and the additives used by the manufacturer. Usually golden rum is brought from Puerto Rico, Mexico and Barbados.

How do they drink?

Golden rum is a versatile drink. Good neat and in cocktails. Just add ice before drinking.

Dark (black)

This drink has a rich dark or brown-amber hue. It is aged in heavily charred oak barrels and then distilled twice. On average, dark wine is aged for at least 3 years, then bottled without additional filtration.

How do they drink?

Alcohol of this quality should not be diluted with soda or soda. The taste will change, alcohol notes will appear in the aroma, the magic of a balanced bouquet will dissipate. Drink pure rum with cooling stones. Ice should not be added, water will also worsen the taste of the drink.

Roma Rules: Acquaintance and Long Relationships

For those who decide to try rum for the first time, we have a small guide that will help you discover the unique advantages of this alcohol and will not let you be disappointed in it.

  • Do not start with dark pure rum, you need to prepare for its taste, fall in love with an unusual bouquet of alcohol from molasses. Ideally for a first acquaintance, the “spiced” category is suitable, for example Black Mask Original Spiced. Soft, yet spicy taste, which will envelop the palate.
  • Take the right glass: a cognac tulip or a thick-walled glass, narrowed at the top, works well. So the aroma will be concentrated in the upper part, and the balance of aromatics and taste will become what the manufacturer intended it to be.
  • Pour 50-70 milligrams of rum into a glass, drink in small sips, try to stretch the taste on the tongue to feel more notes.

Rum can have dozens of additional flavors, such as cinnamon or chocolate nougat. Manufacturers are constantly experimenting with natural supplements and aging methods, varieties of oak wood and saturation of molasses. Do not stop at one variety, experiment and try new things.

Always yours, Fragrant World

Rum is known to us from old movies and fairy tales, the drink was consumed exclusively by pirates. In the modern world, such alcohol is gaining more and more popularity. Some lovers of strong drinks try to feel like robbers. Sometimes modern stories do not end as rosy as one would like to imagine. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to have knowledge regarding correct use Roma.

Roma classification

  1. White rum. The drink looks like a clear liquid, and alcohol is also slightly aged. As a result, the taste is not felt as strongly, unlike similar rums. More often the drink is added to various cocktails.
  2. Golden rum. Alcohol refers to medium-aged rum (from 2 to 4 years). The drink has a pleasant aroma and extraordinary taste. Due to long exposure in oak barrels, alcohol acquires the proper color. Caramel and spices are also added to the composition.
  3. Black rum. The aging of the drink varies within 5 years. The taste of alcohol will not leave connoisseurs indifferent. The aroma of caramel and sweet molasses is clearly felt in the drink. The color of the rum is achieved through oak barrels, in which the inside was previously burned.
  4. Strong rum. It is considered the most "vigorous" drink. Often rum is combined with non-alcoholic cocktails, but there are also true connoisseurs who do not like to dilute the product. The strength of the drink is read from 50 revolutions and above.
  5. Flavored rum. The composition already includes various flavoring components. More often, natural ingredients are added to such rum. exotic fruits. The drink is perfectly used in cocktails and is no less pleasant in its pure form.
  6. Elite rum. The drink is very different in taste from its counterparts. This is achieved through long aging in oak barrels. The fermentation period is from 5 years. Rum has a unique aroma and tart aftertaste.

General rules for drinking rum

  1. Wine glasses, glasses and glasses are considered to be traditional dishes for drinking rum. Thick-walled stacks are also great.
  2. The container is filled with rum not to the brim (approximately 2/3), drunk in several approaches in 1-2 sips. Rum is not drunk in one fell swoop, as it is customary to drink vodka.
  3. The filled glass needs to be warmed in the hand and slowly enjoy the potion. Rum is not drunk in its pure form chilled. The temperature of the drink should be approximately room temperature.

Rules for drinking white rum

  1. Few people drink white rum in its pure form. In the alcoholic world, it is generally not customary to consume such a drink in its original state.
  2. Mostly white rum is a part of many cocktails and punches. Sometimes the drink is diluted with Cola or added to coffee and hot chocolate.

Rules for the use of golden rum

  1. It is customary to drink such rum in its pure form. Due to the unique palatability the drink is especially good to drink in a warm state.
  2. If you try to cool the rum, you will only spoil the pleasant caramel note. warm drink can be diluted a small amount ice, jerky, cheese or fruit.

  1. Black rum is usually drunk in its pure form. A similar opinion has developed due to the unique taste of an alcoholic beverage. Experts say that you should not dilute rum with additional ingredients.
  2. There are some exceptions - an alcoholic product goes well with hot chocolate and coffee. Rum is also popular among lovers of high-quality cigars; the drink is drunk in its pure form with expensive tobacco.
  3. True connoisseurs of pirate alcohol claim that the product does not need to be cooled or ice added. Rum can be consumed with citrus slices or exotic fruits bite.

The use of pure rum

  1. Rum is consumed in its pure form by those people who really understand high-quality alcohol. The drink can also be served as an aperitif a few minutes before the main meal. Alcohol is served in thick-walled glasses.
  2. Rum has a high strength, so it is not recommended to drink a drink in an amount of more than 200 ml. per day. Otherwise, the body begins to get drunk and is no longer able to feel the true taste. elite alcohol. Taste the rum in small sips.

Drinking rum with ice

  1. Most often, rum is drunk with ice by the fair sex. Cold slightly reduces the strength of the drink.
  2. The main rule in this use is not to overdo it with the amount of ice. As described above, the taste of rum is irrevocably lost and often becomes a little vile.

The use of rum in the basis of cocktails

  1. The composition of various cocktails includes white rum. The drink was originally aimed at being able to be mixed with other components.
  2. In its purest form, alcohol is, to put it mildly, unpleasant. Rum has a discreet aroma and taste. All the colors of the drink are revealed precisely in the composition of cocktails.

Drinking Rum with Coca-Cola

  1. In clubs and bars, rum diluted with cola is quite popular. Girls often add a couple of pieces of ice.
  2. A common cocktail is called Cuba Libre. To prepare an alcoholic drink, great skill is not needed. It is enough to combine 1 part of rum with 2 parts of Cola.

Drinking rum with water or juice

  1. Rum can be diluted with a small amount of mineral still water. The drink becomes not so strong, and the taste and aroma remain almost unchanged.
  2. Quite popular is the way of combining rum with citrus fresh juices or coconut milk. Some people prefer to add some crushed ice.

Rum "Bacardi" is considered one of the most popular drinks of our time. Depending on the type of alcohol, there are some differences in its use.

  1. "Superior". The most common type of white rum, which is often included in cocktails. Drinking the drink in its pure form is not accepted.
  2. "Reserve". The drink is more pleasant, unlike white rum. Alcohol has an amber hue, an exposure of about 5 years, a fortress of 40 revolutions. Rum is usually consumed in its pure form, sometimes a slice of citrus and a couple of ice cubes are added.
  3. "Black". No less popular is black rum. Connoisseurs prefer to drink it in its pure form. Also, some lovers of pirate swill use it with Cola or citrus fresh juices.
  4. Bacardi 151. Rum is characterized by excessive strength, which is about 75 revolutions. Some gourmets drink the drink in its pure form. There are those who do not dare to take such actions, so they prefer to mix rum with juices or Cola.
  5. "Gold". Golden rum is aged for over 2 years. The drink has a mild taste and pleasant aroma. Alcohol is easy to drink in its pure form, as well as with the addition of juices and soda.
  6. Daiquiri, Mojito, Pina Colada. The listed drinks are already a mixture of various components. Products can be safely called cocktails, which are based on Superior rum.
  7. "Solera 1873". Rum has an amber color, which is achieved through long exposure (from 3 years). The drink is consumed exclusively room temperature in its purest form.
  8. "Anejo". It belongs to the elite varieties of rum, the aging of the drink is about 6 years or more. It is advisable to drink clean.

Rules for the use of rum "Captain Morgan"

  1. "Silver Spiced". A common type of rum used in cocktails. The drink has a transparent appearance, and the fortress reaches 35 revolutions.
  2. "Original Spiced Gold". Rum has a characteristic light golden color, also has pronounced notes of vanilla and exotic spices. Drink clean.
  3. "100 Proof Spiced". One of the strongest rums (50 rpm). The taste is pronounced vanilla and assorted tropical fruits. It is accepted to use in its pure form.
  4. "Black". Black variety, aging varies between 3-5 years. The drink is often drunk in a clean, with crushed ice, lemon slices.
  5. "Tattoo". Rum has a unique tart taste. Connoisseurs drink the drink undiluted.

Ice and citrus slices are not added to high-quality rum. The drink in cocktails is served in thick-walled glasses with lime and similar additions. Consider each way of drinking rum. Some varieties can be diluted as an exception.

Video: cuba libre cocktail recipe (rum and cola)

Thanks to technological progress and modern industry, rum has long ceased to be a low-grade drink associated with Jamaican pirates and cheap alcohol. Different kinds rum is well known to connoisseurs of strong drinks - white rum, gold or amber, red, brown, spicy, flavored, aged, unfiltered and even black rum. But true connoisseurs of history know not only color characteristics, but also the production features of Ernest Hemingway's favorite drink.

Three main types of rum by production technology

The specificity of the regional production of this drink leaves its mark on its taste. Depending on local characteristics and recipes, the final product may have different characteristics. But there is still something common for all regions - technological stages, without which no production process can do: from processing sugar cane with subsequent distillation to fermentation, blending and aging. Production technology determines the following types of rum:

  • industrial,
  • agricultural,
  • tafya.

Industrial method (rum industrielle)

Gives up to 90% of all rum produced in the world. It features highly efficient performance and zero waste. The final product is made on the basis of molasses, the sugar from which is removed in advance. Sugar crystals obtained during the production process are refined, packaged and sent for sale. The remaining molasses is distilled, fermented and distilled.

Non-stop distillation makes the taste both lighter and richer, which, along with the waste-free production cycle, provides the industrial method with the highest popularity. The initial strength of the drink reaches 80%, but by adding water from an environmentally friendly source it can be reduced to 40%. The final formation of taste occurs during aging in oak barrels.

Agricultural (rum agricole) method

The most expensive production method that does not involve the extraction of sugar from sugar cane juice. Its low prevalence is due not only to high cost, but also to the lack of obvious advantages in taste. In addition, the possibility of application is significantly limited by the harvest time.

A distinctive feature is the natural fermentation without the addition of chemicals or artificial yeast and double distillation. The agricultural method is still popular in Haiti - the second home of sugarcane - and in a number of French-speaking islands.

Tafya (rum tafia)

It is the least common method, as a result of which the product is obtained by processing molasses products. This drink is significantly inferior in taste to industrial or agricultural types of rum and is considered the least quality. Tafya is not exported and is intended exclusively for local consumption. At the dawn of the history of rum, the entire drink was produced in this way - by distillation of waste molasses into moonshine still, dubbed "the death of the devil" because of its high strength.

Varieties of rum by color

In addition to the technological features of production, the color characteristics of rum varieties are distinguished. Like other strong alcohol, the drink acquires various shades during the aging process. Initially, after distillation, it is colorless. The color scheme includes several varieties:

  • light coloured,
  • gold,
  • dark.

light rum

There are other designations - white or silver. The variety got its name due to the colorlessness of the final product, which persists even after aging. Since it is carried out in metal vats, the aging process does not affect the drink and is not able to give it any shade. Although the vast majority of white rums enter the market unaged, some producers still use short-term aging (up to eighteen months) for this variety and use oak barrels instead of metal containers.

In the latter case, after exposure, additional filtration is applied in order to preserve the desired shade. Light varieties of rum are characterized by a light taste, color transparency and are particularly soft, which makes them a popular base for a variety of cocktails.

golden rum

Compared to the light variety, it has a more pronounced taste and, due to the rich shades of gold, can be referred to as "amber". Golden rum differs not only in taste characteristics, but also in ripening time and degree of filtration. The amber hue is obtained through 1.5-2 years of aging in oak barrels, in order to preserve which manufacturers deliberately avoid filtration.

The end result is a medium-bodied drink, the color of which can also be acquired through the addition of certain spices or caramel. The saturation and degree of golden hue also depend on the type of oak barrel used for aging.

dark rum

By color scheme distinguish brown, red and black rum. Dark varieties are characterized by notes of spices, molasses and caramel, a special burning and fragrant, full-bodied thick taste and an unusually rich aroma. Red rum can be not only a dark variety, but also a separate specific product made on the basis of Indian sugar cane and red banana juice.

Received by method double distillation the product achieves its taste and color intensity during an average of three years of aging in heavily charred oak barrels. Due to its multifaceted taste and high strength, it is an invariable basis for the preparation of punch, grog and various gastronomic delights.

Correlation with the color characteristic of the variety in without fail displayed on the label:

  • for light varieties, the definitions white/silver/blanc or light are used;
  • golden species are designated as golden/paille/amber or oro;
  • the dark variety is labeled black/dark/negro.

In addition to the indicated varieties of rum, a spicy variety of this drink is distinguished. In the prevailing majority it is produced on the basis of amber, but lighter / darker varieties can also be used. Taste is achieved by adding to the product additional spices, aromatic herbs, roots, fruit essences. The drink obtained in this way has the additional designation spiced or flavored on the label.

Varieties of rum by strength

Varieties of this noble drink differ significantly in strength. The degree of alcohol depends on technological specifics and established local traditions. For example, the French-speaking islands put on the market a product with a strength of 57%, and most of the English colonies prefer a high alcohol content - up to 75%. Average rates are 40% - 80%.

The classification of rum into light, medium and heavy is common, but it covers not only the strength of the alcoholic beverage, but the richness and specificity of its taste characteristics. The following varieties are distinguished exclusively by the alcohol content.

Rum is an alcoholic drink wrapped in associations with pirates, adventure and long journeys. This drink began to be prepared in the 17th century during the time of pirates, slave traders and colonizers. The drink actually gives free rein to the creation different flavors, because there is no exact manufacturing technique as such. The main thing that distinguishes rum from any other alcoholic drink is that it is a raw material based on sugar cane or sugar molasses, with the main manufacturing steps. In all other respects, the rum recipe is quite blurry and absolutely any ingredients can be added to it, which will either add brightness to the taste or make it impossible, it's just a matter of technique.

Rum is popular in almost all corners of the world, but they drink it everywhere in their own way. In some countries, they prefer exclusively rum, without unnecessary additives, while in others it is the basis of all kinds of cocktails, the most popular of them is Mojito, read: Rum Mojito Recipe. By the way, mixing rum with anything has been invented almost since the creation of this alcoholic drink. Then it was diluted, however, only with molasses or cider. But now there are much more mixing options, so you involuntarily ask yourself: “What is the best rum to drink? And most importantly, how to drink it correctly?


white rum

White rum, which is also called silver and white rum, unlike its counterparts, has less bright taste. Most often, this type of rum is used as the basis of cocktails, while bartenders try to lighten the drink as much as possible so that it looks spectacular and looks good, attracting the eye.

On the basis of this rum, one of the most famous alcoholic beverages, punch, is made. The punch itself is very strong drink, although it includes mostly non-alcoholic components in the form of water, tea, sugar and lemon juice, which are diluted with white rum. It is customary to serve punch hot, although it is also actively sold cold in bottles.

Amber rum

This type of rum got its name for the color, which is very similar to the color of amber. Also, amber rum is more mature than white rum. The taste depends on the additives during blending, most often caramel is added. Also, if the rum is aged in oak barrels, the rum has a slightly chocolate flavor. Use it both in pure form and in cocktails. If we are talking about its pure form, then it is taken chilled with a few ice cubes. Residents of the Caribbean islands drink amber rum instead of wine, diluting it with pure water in a ratio of one to one.

black rum

This type of rum is aged longer than gold, sometimes in specially charred barrels to bring color to the drink. Its taste is more pronounced and rich than that of the species mentioned above. Such rum is served in special “old-fashioned” glasses, most often after a meal. Occasionally, black rum is mixed with other ingredients, usually they prefer to drink it in its pure form or add it to various culinary specialties. When served in its pure form, a couple of pieces of ice are necessarily added to the drink, sometimes decorating the glass with a slice of fresh lemon. Also, black rum goes well with cigars.

If the rum is not aged too much (in the period from 4 to 7 years), then it is usually eaten with an orange sprinkled with ground cinnamon, sometimes it is served with other fruits to emphasize the taste. Also, this alcoholic drink can be served with coffee or hot chocolate. This type of rum is not a cheap pleasure.

In addition to the types of rum listed above, there are also others, it all depends on the degree of expression of taste, blending, aging and manufacturing scheme. The cost of this alcoholic drink also depends on these factors.

Black rum cocktails

Rum ice cream


  • 50 ml black rum
  • 150 gr. ice cream,
  • 5 gr. bitter chocolate,
  • 5-6 pcs. ice cubes.

Blend ice cream and black rum in a blender. Put ice in a glass and fill with the resulting mixture from a blender, and sprinkle with chocolate on top.

Pacha Ibiza


  • 50 ml black rum
  • 160 gr. crushed ice.
  • 25 ml sugar syrup
  • 2 cherries,
  • 2 kiwi,
  • 2 tbsp cherry jam,

In a blender, beat black rum, jam, chopped kiwi, sugar syrup and ice. Pour all this into a glass, and decorate with cherries on top.

black cherry


  • 50 ml dark rum
  • 400 gr. ice cubes.
  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 50 ml pineapple juice
  • 2 tsp cherry jam,
  • ¼ lemon

At the bottom of the glass, put a quarter of a lemon and jam, Throw ice cubes to the top, pour Pineapple juice and black rum. Stir gently and place a pineapple wedge on top.