How to make sugar syrup at home. syrups

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Ilyeva Elena Sergeevna

cand. tech. Sciences, Assistant ONAFT, Odessa

Melnik Irina Vasilievna

cand. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor ONAFT, Odessa

Email:ivmelnik @ ukr . net

One of effective methods extraction of juice from vegetable raw materials is diffusion, the essence of which lies in the countercurrent leaching of vegetable pulp with water. Using the diffusion method, it is possible to obtain extremely high juice yields, minimizing the loss of juice in the waste. By using a diffusion plant, especially a continuously operating one, it is possible to achieve mechanization of production and get rid of time-consuming manual operations. At the same time, it must be admitted that the quality of fruit juices obtained by the diffusion method is slightly inferior to the quality of juices squeezed on presses due to their dilution with water and a decrease in the solids content by 0.7 ... 2%.

Currently, fruit and berry drinks based on mineral waters or milk, in which the proportion of the fruit part is in the range of 10 ... 90%. The use of diffusion juices in the production of such drinks is most promising for raw materials, which are characterized by poor juice yield with existing methods for extracting juices on presses. Such raw materials include plums, apricots, quinces, pears, peaches, black and red currants, blueberries, gooseberries, lingonberries, cranberries, dogwood and others. By chemical composition and organoleptic characteristics, juices obtained by pressing and diffusion methods differ little from each other, but at the same time, diffusion juices contain more aromatic, mineral substances and polyphenols, are more transparent, contain less suspensions, which makes it possible to exclude the clarification process.

A number of food industries (dairy, confectionery, bakery) are constantly in need of a variety of fruit fillers to improve the quality of their products. The canning industry offers marmalade, podvarki, fillings made on the basis of applesauce and sugar (cooking time 1.5-2 hours). Naturally, in this case, not only the nutritional value and flavor of the puree are lost, but also the color. finished product. These products are not standardized in terms of viscosity, thermal stability, such indicators are not available in GOSTs. Therefore, technological regulations for the production of various products with fillings require specific properties and a certain composition. fruit fillings. Thus, fruit syrups are an ideal supplement in terms of ease of use and dosage uniformity.

However, there is a category of fruit syrups, which, due to the high acidity in in kind, without dilution, difficult to use. These include cherry, cranberry, tkemal, dogwood, lingonberry syrup from acidic varieties of fruits and berries. The optimal sugar-acid index can only be achieved by lowering the acidity by diluting such juices with aqueous sugar solutions. At the same time, the amount of water introduced into the blend reaches 25 ... 30% by weight of the juice. Therefore, the diffusion method is especially promising for obtaining the listed syrups, since the inevitable dilution of the juice with water is necessary. The use of the diffusion method will expand the range of produced syrups by processing hard-pressed cultivated fruits and berries with high content acids, as well as through the use of wild and rare types of raw materials.

The aim of the work was to obtain fruit syrups using the diffusion method. The object of the study were fresh quince, apples and chokeberry.

For syrups good quality the use of cold leaching is proposed, and the process itself is intensified with the help of a special pre-treatment raw materials. The most effective is electrical technology, which includes microwave energy. It was revealed that in the first 2-3.5 minutes the juice output increases, and after 4 minutes it decreases. Therefore, the duration of 2-3 minutes should be considered optimal. The juice is light, non-oxidized, has a natural flavor.

The degree of equilibrium of diffusion during pulp leaching cold water is within 0.25...0.35 (25...35%). When the pulp comes in, which has undergone a short-term heat treatment, the degree of equilibrium increases to 0.7 ... 0.9 (70 ... 90%). Extraction with cold water prevents a number of negative factors such as fruit boiling, deterioration of organoleptic qualities, the formation of hydrophilic colloids, facilitates the filtration process and is a guarantee of efficiency. technological process obtaining diffusion syrups.

Fruit extraction was carried out in a fixed ball. Water was used as the extractant. When choosing the extraction parameters, based on the literature data, two factors were chosen - temperature and the ratio of "raw material: solvent"; the duration of extraction was determined experimentally.

Literature data regarding optimal temperatures extractions are controversial. So, according to some authors, it is in the range of 40 ... 45 ° C, others - about 70 ° C. We have chosen a temperature of 70 °C, which contributes to faster cell denaturation, preservation of the natural color of fruits, inhibition of the enzyme system, and faster transition of natural dyes into a solvent.

Plasmolysis of cells begins already at a temperature of 50 °C, and at a temperature of 70 °C it ends within 2-3 minutes. The cell changes from semipermeable to permeable. The syrup from this juice has a thick consistency.

When establishing the hydromodule, based on the literature data, the ratio "raw material: solvent" was chosen - 1:1 for quince and chokeberry, and hydromodule - 2:3 for apples.

To determine the duration of extraction, the fruits (apples and quince) were crushed on a grating crusher, and the mountain ash was kneaded. Next, the pulp was poured hot water and the mass was thermostated at a temperature of 70 °C. Determined every 5 minutes mass fraction dry substances according to the refractometer (C, %), the diffusion process was carried out until equilibrium was established (at constant C, %).

The coefficient of extraction of the mass of solids during extraction was determined by the balance of solids according to the formula:

K ie \u003d a / a 1, (1)

where a is the mass of solids in the juice after extraction, kg;

a 1 is the mass of dry matter in the raw material, kg.

Similarly, the coefficient of mass extraction was calculated during the pressing of raw materials, which were previously subjected to hot extraction.

During the study, the following indicators were measured: the mass fraction of solids and titratable acids, pH and aroma number. The juice obtained by pressing was used as a control sample.

The pressing technique was as follows: first, the juice was extracted from crushed fruits at a temperature of 70 °C (hydraulic ratios 1:1 or 2:1) and a set diffusion duration. Next, the juice was extracted by pressing on a laboratory press.

For the preparation of syrups, sugar was added to the juice in accordance with the existing technological instructions, namely, until the mass concentration of solids was not lower than 68%; the mixture was stirred, heated to a boil and packaged in prepared jars I-58-250. To improve the consistency of syrups, samples were also prepared with the addition of gum in an amount of 0.2 ... 0.5%. Gum was added to cold juice, as lumps form in hot juice.

In addition to apple and quince syrups without additives and with the addition of a gum thickener, a syrup was prepared from apple (70%) and chokeberry (30%) extract-press juices. An analysis of the extraction of dry matter of raw materials in the species section showed that it is 96% for chokeberry, 95% for quince, 91% for apples, which is 35% higher (using quince as an example) compared to the juice yield (with dry matter weight) , which is obtained by traditional technology.

The results of studies of the obtained products from quince are presented in table 1.

Table 1.

Physico-chemical parameters of quince products

raw materials and product

Type of raw material and

physical and chemical indicators

Juice yield, %

Mass fraction, %

Aroma number

titer. to-be
(according to apple

Extraction-press juice

press juice

Extract juice syrup

Syrup with gum
from extract-press juice

Pressed juice syrup

From Table. 1 it can be seen that the juices obtained by the extraction-press method and by pressing are not identical. Extraction-press diluted juice contains significantly less soluble solids. Acidity indicators are almost the same in both juices obtained different ways. This means that acids and their salts are maximally converted into the extract during extraction. According to the content of aromatic substances, which are expressed by the aroma number, the extraction-press juice significantly exceeds the juice obtained by pressing (three times).

The transition of protopectin (which usually remains in the pomace) into soluble pectin and coloring matter into water solution passes during hot extraction of the pulp. As the jelly test showed, the content of pectin substances in the extraction-press juice is much higher than in the press juice. It is this technological method that causes a significant difference in appearance (brighter color) and a jelly-like consistency of syrups, which are obtained according to the proposed technology.

Syrups-fillers contain from 64% to 74% of soluble solids, the total acidity in terms of malic acidity is in the range of 0.14 ... 0.2%. Analysis of physico-chemical parameters shows that the introduction of gum into syrups contributes to the preservation of aromatic substances in the product.

Syrups have a low pH - from 3.3 to 4.0. Such syrups (according to literary sources) can be packed in large containers various kinds: flasks with a volume of 250 dm 3 , cardboard boxes with partitions made of polymer films with a volume of 10 ... 12 dm 3 , barrels with a volume of 150 dm 3 and others.

The developed filling syrups received a positive assessment during the tasting process. Syrups from juice obtained by pressing had a weak aroma, were opaque (cloudy) with darker shades of color than syrups from extract-press juice.

Conclusions. The basis of the technology for the production of fruit syrups-fillers is the hot extraction of fruit and berry raw materials and its further pressing. The method for the production of fruit syrups will increase the extraction of extractive substances of fruits. Syrups prepared in a new way are distinguished by improved taste, aroma, and color of the feedstock compared to syrups prepared on the basis of pressed juice. The formulation of blended syrups allows the use of widely used raw materials (apples). It has been established that obtaining juice by the press-extraction method, as well as adding gums to juices from which syrups are prepared, contributes to the preservation of aromatic substances in the product. It is necessary to continue research in the direction of achieving the maximum completeness of the extraction of water-soluble substances, especially in the selection of methods for pre-treatment of raw materials before extraction and the development of an apparatus-technological scheme for the production of syrups.


  1. Skripnikov Yu.G. Production of fruit and berry wines and juices. - M.: "Spike", 1983. - 256 p., ill.
  2. Technology of preservation of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish / Ed. Dr. tech. sciences, prof. B.L. Flaumenbaum. - M.: "Spike", 1993. - 320 p.
  3. Flaumenbaum B.L., Tanchev S.S., Grishin M.A. Fundamentals of food preservation: a textbook. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1986. - 494 p.
Parameter name Meaning
Rubric (thematic category) Technologies

Syrups are concentrated solutions of sugar in water and fruit juices, syrups have a pleasant sweet taste, which makes them an indispensable corrective agent, especially in medicines used in pediatric practice.

A high concentration of sugar, reaching 65%, gives syrups the appearance of a thick, viscous liquid. At this concentration, syrups are practically saturated solutions, the high osmotic pressure of which completely prevents the growth and development of microorganisms. As a result, syrups are not subject to microbial spoilage and are well preserved both on their own and in the presence of medicinal substances in them. While aqueous extracts from medicinal plant materials are subject to rapid microbial degradation, the same extracts obtained using concentrated sugar syrup, storage stable.

Concentrated sugar solutions have reducing properties as a result of the formation of invert sugar, which makes it possible to preserve many easily oxidizing substances when dissolved in syrup. This explains the good preservation of fruit juices prepared with sugar syrup.

For the preparation of syrups, refined sugar is used, containing at least 99.9% sucrose in terms of dry matter and not more than 0.4% water. Refined sugar should not contain ultramarine, which should cause spoilage of syrups as a result of the appearance of hydrogen sulfide.

The range of syrups has always been extensive in Western European, as well as in Russian pharmacopoeias. So, at the beginning of the 20th century, 15 types of syrups were official in Russia. Today, the nomenclature of syrups has decreased to several names, and only one remains official - sugar syrup (GFH, article No. 615).

Given the dependence on the composition, syrups are divided for flavoring and medicinal purposes.

flavor syrups do not contain medicinal substances and are used to obtain medicinal syrups or as a corrective agent. Sugar syrup is also used in the tablet industry as an adhesive.

sugar syrup(Sirupus simplex). Official preparation obtained by dissolving sugar in water when heated to 60-70 ° C, boiling the solution for 20-25 minutes, followed by hot filtration under pressure. It is a transparent, colorless, thick liquid, odorless, sweet taste, neutral reaction, density 1.308-1.315.

cherry syrup(Sirupus Cerasi). raspberry syrup(Sirupus rubiidaei). Prepared by dissolving 62 parts of sugar in 38 parts of fermented clear berry juice, then rapidly boiling and filtering. They are transparent liquids with a color characteristic of cherries and raspberries, a pleasant smell, and a sour-sweet taste. The density of syrups is 1.305-1.330.

Mandarin Syrup(Sirupus Citri unshiu). Prepared by mixing 15 parts of mandarin peel tincture with 85 parts of sugar syrup. Clear brownish-yellow liquid with a characteristic aromatic odor and taste tangerine peel. Density 1.220--1.244.

Medicinal syrups are being prepared mixing sugar syrup with medicinal extracts, tinctures or fruit food extracts, applying heat if necessary. The resulting syrups are filtered through a dense cloth or filtered through a paper filter and poured into dry bottles. Syrups prepared by heating are filtered while hot. If the concentration of sugar in the medicinal syrup does not exceed 50%, alcohol is added to them for preservation.

The range of medicinal syrups includes marshmallow syrup(Sirupus Althaeae), rhubarb syrup(Sirupus Rhei), emetic root syrup(Sirupus Ipecacuanhae), licorice syrup(Sirupus Glycyrrhizae), pertussin(Pertussinum) rosehip syrup(Sirupus fructi Rosae), holosas(Cholosasum) aloe syrup with iron(Sirupus Aloes cum ferro). Pertussin is a solution of a liquid extract of thyme or thyme, as well as sodium or potassium bromide in sugar syrup, preserved with alcohol. Holosas is a dog rosehip syrup rich in flavonoids.

Store syrups in filled to the brim and well-corked bottles in a cool, dark place.


Dill water 0.005%

Fennel oil 0.05 g

Purified water up to 1 liter


Storage: dill water - 30 days.


Manufacturing and storage fragrant waters in a pharmacy (excerpt from the instruction ʼʼManufacturing liquid dosage forms in a pharmacyʼʼ, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 21.10L997 No. 308):

Mint water 0.044%

Peppermint oil 0.44 g

Purified water up to 1 liter

Manufacturing: under aseptic conditions, the indicated amount of the corresponding essential oil is vigorously mixed with water for 1 min until smooth.

Storage: mint water (packing of 200 ml) - 10 days (packing of 500 and 1000 ml) - 15 days.

Control questions:

1. Are syrups concentrated solutions of sugar in water and fruit juices?

2. Are syrups a corrective, especially in medicines used in pediatric practice?

3. Does a high sugar concentration, reaching 65%, make syrups look like a thick, viscous liquid?

4 For the preparation of syrups, sugar of the highest purification is used - refined sugar containing at least 99.9% sucrose?

5 flavor syrups do not contain medicinal substances and are used to obtain medicinal syrups or as a corrective agent?

6 Medicinal syrups cook mixing sugar syrup with medicinal extracts, tinctures or fruit food extracts?

7 The range of medicinal syrups includes marshmallow syrup (Sirupus Althaeae), licorice syrup (Sirupus Glycyrrhizae), pertussin (Pertussinum), rosehip syrup (Sirupus fructi Rosae), holosasum (Cholosasum), aloe syrup with iron (Sirupus Aloes cum ferro) ?

8 Is Pertussin a liquid extract solution of thyme or thyme?

9 Production and storage of aromatic waters in a pharmacy (excerpt from the instruction ʼʼManufacture of liquid dosage forms in a pharmacyʼʼ, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 21.10L997 No. 308)?

10 Dill water 0.005%

Fennel oil 0.05 g

Purified water up to 1 liter?

11 Preparation: under aseptic conditions, the indicated amount of the appropriate essential oil is vigorously mixed with water for 1 min until smooth.

12 Storage: dill water - 30 days.

13 Mint water 0.044%

Peppermint oil 0.44 g

Purified water up to 1 liter?

14 Preparation: under aseptic conditions, the indicated amount of the appropriate essential oil is vigorously mixed with water for 1 min until smooth.

15 Storage: mint water (packing 200 ml) - 10 days (packing 500 and 1000 ml) - 15 days?

MANUFACTURING OF SYRUPS - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "MANUFACTURING OF SYRUPS" 2017, 2018.

ECO cuisine: how to cook natural syrup do it yourself

Delicious fruit syrups are a great addition to desserts and pastries (pancakes, ice cream, soufflés, fruits, etc.), coffee and soft drinks. They are sold in stores, but it will be cheaper to make them at home. How to prepare syrup?

In fact, syrup is a concentrated solution of sugar. The trick to making homemade syrup is to do not overdo it with the concentration of sugar and cooking time otherwise you will get caramel instead of syrup. So, how to make syrup at home?

lemon syrup

Perhaps one of the easiest fruit syrups to make is sweet and sour lemon syrup. To make lemon syrup, we will need:

  • 1 liter lemon juice
  • 650 g sugar

It is recommended to use freshly squeezed lemon juice. After straining it, pour the juice into a saucepan and add sugar. Stirring constantly, bring the syrup to a boil and boil for a quarter of an hour. Pour hot syrup into bottles and let cool, only after that the bottles can be closed.

chocolate syrup

Sweet tooth will surely love it chocolate syrup. To make cocoa syrup, we need:

  • 625 ml water
  • 500 g sugar
  • 500 g cocoa
  • 2 g salt

Mix sugar, cocoa and salt, add 125 ml of water. We heat the remaining 500 ml of water. Pour the sugar-chocolate mixture into a saucepan and, stirring constantly, pour in hot water. We put on fire and cook for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir. Cool, pour into suitable dishes. Store the syrup in the refrigerator.

mint syrup

mint syrup good to add to latte: the refreshing taste of mint goes well with fragrant coffee with milk. To make mint syrup, we need:

  • 1 st. water
  • 1 st. Sahara

Pour water into a saucepan, put sugar, bring to a boil and cook until sugar dissolves, stirring constantly. Add mint, stir and remove from heat. Cover with a lid and leave for half an hour or an hour, then filter, cool and pour into a bottle.

Raspberry syrup

Fragrant raspberry syrup Pairs well with ice cream and delicate soufflé. If you want to make raspberry syrup, you will need to take:

  • 6 art. raspberries
  • 0.75 st. Sahara
  • 0.5 st. water

Mix raspberries, sugar and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for about 6 minutes, stirring constantly. The berries should become soft. Remove the syrup from the heat and leave for 15 minutes. Then we wipe the mass through a sieve, squeezing out all the juice. We put in the refrigerator for an hour.

Strawberry Mint Syrup

Such a syrup will be an excellent basis for a refreshing soft drink. To prepare syrup with strawberries, mint and ginger, we will take:

  • 350 g frozen strawberries
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 st. white balsamic vinegar
  • 1 st. crushed mint leaves
  • 0.5 st. minced fresh ginger root

Remove the zest from the lemons and squeeze the juice out of them. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cook until sugar dissolves. Add strawberries, mint, ginger, lemon juice and chopped zest. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally so as not to burn. Remove syrup from heat and add balsamic vinegar mix. Let the syrup stand overnight at room temperature, strain and refrigerate.

Making syrup at home is not that difficult. Don't be afraid to experiment, because you can make syrup from a variety of fruits, berries and herbs!

According to organoleptic indicators, syrups must meet the following requirements.

Appearance transparent - transparent liquid without sediment, turbidity and foreign particles. Slight opalescence is allowed, due to the characteristics of the raw materials used; opaque - an opaque viscous liquid, the presence of suspensions or sediment of fruit pulp is allowed, without seeds and foreign inclusions that are not characteristic of the product.

Mass fraction of solids in syrups - does not go beyond 50.0±1.0%.


Shelf life of syrups, days, not less than:

v glass container: 60 - without preservative, 90 - with preservative, 120 - hot filling, 180 - pasteurized.

In other types of containers: 30 - without preservative, 40 - with preservative.

The use of syrups in the beverage industry.

The raw materials for the manufacture of carbonated drinks are natural raw materials and synthetic flavors, dyes, sweeteners.

Natural raw materials include syrups, extracts and infusions. In the food industry, fruit syrups and extracts, infusions of eucalyptus, laurel, lemongrass, leuzea, wormwood, juniper, quinine, and kola nut are used. syrups by appearance subdivided into:



Depending on the raw materials used and the purpose, syrups are divided into groups:

on fruit and berry raw materials;

on vegetable raw materials;

on aromatic raw materials (essences, essential oils, citrus infusions, aromatic additives);

special purpose.

According to the processing method, syrups are divided into:

with the use of preservatives;

without the use of preservatives;

hot filling;


Syrups based on fruit and berry raw materials are obtained by adding 50 to 65% sugar to natural fruit and berry juices. At the same time, the name of the syrups corresponds to the type of initial fruit and berry raw materials from which they are obtained: apple, pear, tangerine, dogwood, cherry, cranberry, blackcurrant, strawberry, etc.

Syrups based on aromatic raw materials are produced by adding appropriate flavorings to aqueous solutions of sugars, essential oils, citrus tinctures, aromatic additives, dyes and acids that imitate natural syrups in appearance, color, taste and aroma. These include syrups Pear, Cream soda and many others. Artificial syrups are used in the sale of sparkling water.

When assessing the quality of syrups, only the appearance is determined organoleptically. From physical and chemical indicators determine the mass fraction of solids, which should be at least 50%. Syrups are stored in dark, dry rooms at a temperature of 0-22 ° C and a relative humidity of 75%. Guaranteed shelf life under these conditions is 60 days in glass containers without preservatives, with preservatives - 90 days, hot filling - 120 days. and pasteurized - 180 days. In other types of containers, the warranty period of storage is only 30 days. without preservatives and 40 days. with a preservative.

Fruit and berry extracts are obtained by concentrating juices, including their evaporation under vacuum or freezing to a solids content of 44-62% (usually without added sugar). The product has a thick consistency, rich color, corresponding to the color of the original juice. Only clear fruit and berry juices with a minimum content of pectin and a well-defined aroma are used to produce extracts. High-quality extracts are obtained, as a rule, from varieties of fruit and berry raw materials with a pronounced aroma of apples, grapes, raspberries, cherries, currants, citrus fruits. Extracts produced from sulphated juices, as well as from juices of wild apples and pears, are evaluated only as the first grade.

Depending on the quality indicators, extracts are produced of the highest and 1st grades. In terms of organoleptic characteristics, almost the same requirements are imposed on the extracts of both varieties in terms of appearance, taste and smell, and color. However, the extract of the 1st grade may have a less pronounced aroma and taste, a darker color, and no more than 0.3% of an easily filtered pectin and protein precipitate is allowed.

The produced extracts contain at 20 ° C dry matter (in%), not less than: grape - 62, cranberry - 54, blackcurrant - 44, the rest - 57. The total acidity of the extracts (in terms of malic acid) ranges from 1.8% to grape extract up to 20% in cranberry, and mostly 4-6%. This guarantees a good preservation of this product at temperatures from 0 to 20°C and a relative air humidity of not more than 75%.

To conduct an organoleptic quality assessment, the extracts are preliminarily diluted with water in the following ratios: grape - 1:4.5; cherry, pomegranate - 1:5; apricot, plum, apple, pear and blackcurrant - 1:5.5. More acidic extracts are diluted with water in ratios of 1: 6.5, 1: 7.5 and 1: 8.

Guaranteed shelf life for extracts in aluminum tubes and barrels is 1 year, in containers of other types - up to 1.5 years.

Kohler is an aqueous solution of caramelized sucrose, obtained by heating granulated sugar to 180-200 ° C, that is, to a temperature exceeding the melting point of sucrose. The density of the finished color scheme is 1.35, the dry matter content is 79-80%. Store color in wooden barrels.

It is used to produce drinks that have a brown or light brown color.

The main components of modern carbonated drinks are steel food colorings(caramel - E150 or carotenoid red-yellow plant pigments - E120, 162) and flavors in the form of essences of synthetic aromatic substances. Sugar substitutes such as sorbitol (E420), aspartame (E951) or xylitol (E967) are also used.

Production technology.

To obtain carbonated water, water cooled to 4°C and carbon dioxide from a cylinder are simultaneously fed into the saturator, bringing the pressure in the saturator to 2 atm.

To obtain carbonated drinks in bottles, a certain dose of blending syrup (a mixture of all components of the drink, with the exception of carbonated water) is added to the bottles, which is then diluted with carbonated water. After bringing to the required volume, the bottles with the drink are hermetically sealed with crown caps. No more modern enterprises have a different preparation scheme: blended syrup is mixed with cold water and saturated with carbon dioxide in large containers, after which it is bottled, which are immediately sealed.

The stability of drinks increases with the introduction of preservatives - sodium benzoate, sorbic acid.

Packaging, labeling, storage.

Carbonated soft drinks are poured into bottles of 0.33 and 0.5 liters and hermetically sealed with crown caps. Bottles with drinks are placed in boxes made of wood, cardboard or polymeric materials, as well as in metal boxes and baskets.

Dry drinks are packaged with a net weight of 20 g in double bags; the inner bag can be made of parchment, sub-parchment or cellulose film, the outer bag can be made of writing paper with a colorful print. Marking soft drinks must contain all the necessary data provided by the standard, necessarily indicating the date of manufacture and shelf life. During transportation and storage, the optimum temperature should be 2-12°C.

Consumer properties of carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks should be transparent, without sediment and turbidity, have a color corresponding to this type of drink. The taste and smell should be pleasant, characteristic of fruits and berries. Loss of transparency, the appearance of turbidity and sediment may indicate the development of microorganisms, chemical reactions.

Dry non-fizzy drinks. Complete dissolution of the tablet or powder should occur in no more than 2 minutes. The sensory properties of the resulting drink must fully correspond to its name, the dry matter content is 5.0-6.0%, the acidity is from 2 to 3.5 ml of 1 N. alkali solution per 100 cm3 of drink.

Dry effervescent drinks The content of solids in drinks made from powders is 5.5-6.5%. The content of salts of heavy metals, arsenic, preservative substances is not allowed.

The stability of drinks is different (per day): unpasteurized and without preservatives - 10; pasteurized - 30; with preservatives - 20; dry fizzy drinks - 30 .

  • Acoustic vibrations, their classification, characteristics, harmful effects on the human body, regulation.
  • Analytical methods in the adoption of SD, basic analytical procedures, features of the classification of analysis methods, classification by functional feature.
  • Safety of technological equipment: classification, safety requirements and main directions of safety
  • Biotechnology as a science can be considered in two temporal and essential dimensions: modern and traditional, classical.
  • Syrups are concentrated solutions of sucrose in water (up to 64%) and fermented berry juices, as well as mixtures with solutions of medicinal substances, tinctures and extracts. These are thick, transparent liquids, which, depending on the composition, have a characteristic taste and smell.

    Syrups are indispensable components of medicines for children, the main purpose of which is to correct bad taste some medicinal substances. For these purposes, sugar, invert, sugar-treacle, sugar-invert, sugar-invert-treacle syrups are used. Invert syrup is obtained from sugar syrup by inverting (hydrolysis) of sucrose by heating the sugar syrup in the presence of an acid (catalyst); if necessary, the acid is neutralized. Invert syrup is a mixture equal amount glucose and fructose; sugar-treacle - a mixture of sucrose and molasses, etc.

    Syrups, depending on the composition, are divided into flavoring and medicinal. Flavoring syrups are used exclusively as a means of correcting taste qualities main active ingredients medicines. These include sugar syrup, as well as all fruit and berry syrups. Sugar syrup is widely used in the tablet industry as a gluing agent for the preparation of granules. Fruit and berry syrups are used as flavoring agents in the technology of children's dosage forms.

    sugar syrup(Sirupus Sacchari). In pharmaceutical plants or factories, sugar syrup is prepared in steam-heated copper-tinned syrup boilers with an anchor stirrer. When preparing small amounts of syrups, steam enamelled cast-iron bowls are used, which are closed with a wooden lid, and mixing is done with an ordinary wooden oar. Sugar syrup is a transparent, colorless or slightly yellow, thick liquid, sweet in taste, odorless neutral reaction, the density of which is 1.308-1.315 g / cm 3, the refractive index is 1.451 -1.454. Store sugar syrup in filled to the brim and well-corked bottles in a cool, dark place.

    cherry syrup(Sirupus Cerasi) and raspberry syrup(Sirupus rubiidaei). Syrups are prepared as follows. Raw materials are sorted, mature and intact fruits are selected, fallen twigs, leaves and stalks are removed. The sorted berries are further turned into a mushy mass using a roller crusher.

    fresh berries raspberries and cherries contain up to 82% water, up to 10% sugar and up to 2.7% organic acid (in terms of malic acid). In addition, they include pectins, tannins, colorants and ascorbic acid.

    To obtain stable syrups from berry juices, pectin substances must be removed from the latter, otherwise they will cause gelation when boiled with sugar and then cooled.

    Pectin substances (protopectin, pectin, pectin acid) are close to carbohydrates. Hydrolysis of pectin produces methyl alcohol, acetic acid, arabinose, galactose and galacturonic acid. We can say that pectin is a polygalacturonic acid with methyl alcohol residues.

    In the presence of sugar 65-70% and acid (pH 3.1-3.5)
    there is jelly. At the same time, the gelling ability of pectins increases
    increases with an increase in their molecular weight and methoxyl
    groups (CH 3 O). ,

    They are widely used in the food industry for the production of marmalade, jelly and marshmallow.

    Crushed berries (together with seeds) are placed in wide-mouthed glass bottles, filling them 2/3 of the container, falling asleep from above a small amount sugar (1.5-2%), the cylinders are closed with stoppers with two holes and left to ferment at 20-25 ° C for several days. Fermentation is considered complete if carbon dioxide (CO 2) bubbles cease to be released from the tube, one end of which is lowered into the water, and the other end is placed through the cork into the cylinder. The mixture is stirred from time to time by shaking the balloon.

    If the fermentation has not ended, then a precipitate will appear in the sample of the product from the added alcohol - pectin substances. Alcoholic fermentation proceeding in the cylinder contributes to the clarification of the juice. After fermentation, the berry mass is filtered through a linen filter bag, and the residue is passed through a frame or manual screw press with a differential head.

    The juice is left to stand for 2-3 days, and then carefully drained from the sediment, filtered and syrup is immediately prepared.

    In a syrup boiler, it is heated to 70 ° C, sugar is poured in the appropriate proportion and the syrup is allowed to boil, removing the foam. After that, it is filtered through several layers of gauze. Cauldrons should be enameled or nickel-plated; in other cauldrons, berry syrups may lose their flavor (copper) or acquire a dirty tint (tin).

    Cherry and raspberry syrups can be prepared from the highest quality food extracts (GPC). In this case, 4 weight parts of the extract are mixed with 96 parts of sugar syrup.

    Raspberry syrup of bright raspberry color, with a pleasant smell and sour-sweet taste. Cherry syrup is transparent, dark cherry in color, with a pleasant characteristic odor (benzaldehyde) and a sour-sweet taste. The density for both syrups should be in the range of 1.305 -1.330 g/cm 3 . Store in a glass container in a cool, dark place.

    Mandarin Syrup. For its preparation, tincture of mandarin peel is used. In this case, 15 parts of the tincture are mixed with 85 parts of sugar syrup.

    It is a clear brownish-yellow liquid with a characteristic aromatic odor and taste of tangerine peel. Its density is 1.220-1.244 .

    Marshmallow Syrup It is a thick transparent yellowish liquid with a slight specific odor, sweet taste. Its density is 1.322-1.327 g / cm 3. It is used as an expectorant in mixtures. Store it in bottles with a capacity of not more than 200 ml in a cool place.

    rhubarb syrup. Prepared by dissolving 1.25 parts dry rhubarb extract in a mixture of 2 parts 90% alcohol and 3 parts dill water. The filtered solution is mixed with 95 parts of sugar syrup and allowed to boil. Rhubarb syrup is a brown-red liquid with a peculiar smell and taste; miscible with alcohol, forming a clear solution. With water gives a clear or slightly opalescent solution. Density 1.310-1.344 g/cm 3 . With ammonia should give a characteristic reaction to anthraglucosides. Rhubarb syrup spoils easily, so it is poured while still hot into small flasks, which are immediately corked and the corks are filled with paraffin. Store in a cool dark place. It is used per os in children's practice as a mild laxative.

    Licorice Syrup. Prepared by mixing 4 parts of a thick extract of licorice with low heat with 86 parts of sugar syrup, after which 10 parts of 90% alcohol are added. Licorice syrup is a yellowish-brown liquid with a peculiar taste and smell. Density 1.29-1.31 g/cm3. Keeps well in a cool place. It is used as an expectorant and mild laxative per os or in mixtures.

    Pertussin(Pertussin). A solution of 12 parts thyme or thyme liquid extract and 1 part potassium or sodium bromide in a mixture of 82 parts sugar syrup and 5 parts 96% alcohol. Sugar syrup is loaded into a cast-iron enameled tank and potassium bromide is dissolved in it with stirring. Then a mixture of liquid extract and alcohol is added, stirred again for 15 minutes and left to settle for 24 hours. After settling, the liquid is filtered through a triple layer of gauze and poured into flasks of 100 g. taste. Density 1.22-1.27 g/cm 3 . Store in a cool place. It is used in children's practice as an expectorant and cough softener for bronchitis and whooping cough.

    Rosehip syrup(Sirupus fructuum Rosae). Produced from an aqueous concentrate and inverted sugar syrup (to stabilize ascorbic acid). In an enameled syrup boiler with steam heating and an anchor stirrer, granulated sugar and water are loaded, according to the prescription, and after adding citric (or tartaric) acid, they are heated for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 90 ° C. During this time, about 30% of the sugar is inverted. After some cooling, the syrup is pumped to the filter press. The filtrate is collected in a measuring tank, from where it is lowered in certain portions into the mixer. Rosehip concentrate comes from the mernik there. After mixing, the mixture is pumped by a pump into a measuring tank, from where the syrup enters the pouring apparatus (in bottles of 100 and 200 g), and from there to the packaging conveyor and then to the packaging. The drug is a reddish-brown syrupy liquid without suspended particles. The taste is sweet with a taste and smell inherent in rose hips. Dry matter 71-73%, ascorbic acid not less than 4 mg per 1 ml, sugar not less than 50%. Density 1.37 g/cm 3 . It is best to store at a temperature not exceeding 12 ° C. Daily dose 1-3 teaspoons for hypo- and avitaminosis C in pediatric practice.