Chokeberry raisins. Chokeberry raisins recipe

Raisins at home can be prepared not only from grapes, but also from berries chokeberry It will also certainly appeal to many people. This delicacy is prepared on the principle of preservation healing properties and will be useful for everyone, both for healthy individuals and for sick patients. In that delicious dish there are many unique sugars, there are biologically active substances, as well as vitamins.

Let's look at how to prepare raisins from chokeberry berries. Us you will need these ingredients:

Chokeberry berries - one and a half kilograms;
Granulated sugar – one kilogram;
Clean water - 400 milliliters;
Citric acid – one teaspoon.

So, when all the listed ingredients are present at home, you can start preparing delicious raisins. First, only ripe berries should be selected, they should be sorted well, removing bad fruits, as well as stalks and leaves, after which the chokeberry is washed in running water and placed in a colander to drain the water.

Next, it is recommended to prepare syrup from granulated sugar and 400 milliliters of water. To do this, first pour liquid into a suitable saucepan, then place it on the stove and boil water, then add sugar, which should first be mixed with a teaspoon citric acid.

When the citric acid crystals are completely dissolved in the syrup, it is recommended to add prepared black berries, then bring the entire sweet mass to a boil and cook it for twenty minutes, remembering to stir with a spatula or spoon so that the delicacy does not burn.

Then, when the rowan berries are boiled, it is recommended to carefully remove them from the container where they were boiled, but you should not pour out the syrup. Then the fruits need to be thrown into a colander and left for some time in this form so that as much liquid as possible drains from them and they dry out a little.

The boiled berries should dry, after which the future raisins can be laid out on a prepared container where the fruits will be dried, for example, you can use a regular baking sheet, in addition, a cutting board and even a large candy box are suitable for drying.

Chokeberry should be placed in this container and taken to a warm, preferably well-ventilated place, while the berries should lie quite freely and loosely, which will ensure a speedy drying process, in addition, future raisins must be stirred periodically.

The process of so-called drying of the berries continues for several days until the withering of the raisins is sufficient. When it is completely ready, it should be placed in clean and always dry jars, which should be closed with tight lids and taken out for use as needed.

The syrup that remains after boiling the rowan, as already mentioned, should not be thrown away; it will be quite useful for various fruit drinks, cocktails, vitamin drinks, it can also be used as a sweet gravy for desserts, and also put into tea.

You can also make liqueur. It is worth saying that it is better to pour the syrup hot into pre-sterilized jars, after which it can be stored in cool conditions and used as needed.

For what purposes can you use ready-made rowan raisins? This product can be consumed even on a diet, but only in moderation. If we talk about its taste, the taste will vaguely resemble the so-called grape raisins.

Chokeberry raisins can be eaten as independent dish as a dessert or light snack, and also use this sweet delicacy as delicious filling for various confectionery baked goods, it is added to muffins, pies, in addition, it is suitable for cooking compotes and jelly together with other dried fruits.

You can simply eat some raisins to replenish your body’s reserves. useful vitamins and others useful substances, which are contained in chokeberry.

This sweet delicacy can be stored for quite a long time, even up to one year. For this purpose it is removed from glass containers, which is covered with a polyethylene lid. Rowan raisins should be kept in a dry place, as well as in a cabinet where there are no foreign odors, otherwise the aroma and taste of the berries may not change for the better.

Of course, anyone who has already prepared such raisins can say that raisins made from chokeberry fruits cannot be stored for a year at all, since the delicacy is very tasty, therefore, it will certainly be eaten quite quickly. Accordingly, so that the shelf with raisins does not quickly become empty, it is worth preparing more of this sweet delicacy, because it is easy to do at home.


Indeed, who would have thought that chokeberry, which has a not very pleasant sourish-astringent taste, could make such an appetizing delicacy. Many housewives who prepared these berries at home, drying them to the state of raisins, having prepared such a dish once, certainly repeat this preparation every year. Cook with pleasure!

When I was cooking and said that almost the entire harvest had been harvested, I was not entirely right, because there was still a chokeberry bush left, all hung with berries. Chokeberry (chokeberry) is extremely healthy, but not everyone likes its tart, astringent taste. You can make compotes, preserves from chokeberry, or add it to other dull fruits, for example, apples, pears to give it a beautiful color. I propose to make something unusual, delicious preparation– chokeberry raisins. We are all accustomed to ordinary grape raisins. A similar dessert made with your own hands from local berries turns out just as good. You especially can’t drag the children away from him!


  • chokeberry – 1.5 kg
  • sugar – 1 kg
  • water – 0.5 liters
  • citric acid – 1 tsp.

How to prepare chokeberry raisins:

Pour water into the multicooker bowl, add sugar and citric acid and bring to a boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. I do this using “baking” - the fastest program for this.

Sort out the chokeberries, remove the branches, rinse well and place in boiling syrup. For those who don’t have scales, I’ll tell you that 1.5 kg of chokeberry is about a three-liter jar.

Cook for 20 minutes after the berries boil. I cook on “baking”; on other programs it takes a long time to boil. Just in case, I cook with the lid open and look, but there have been no “escapes” yet))

After 20 minutes, I put the berries in a colander placed on another pan to collect the syrup. We wait until the excess liquid drains.

After this, place the berries in one layer on a baking sheet, tray or wide flat dish covered with paper. Paper is needed to absorb excess moisture. It is very convenient to use for drying candy boxes. Dry for several days room temperature. I put the trays on top of the kitchen cabinets so that the children don’t eat ahead of time)) After a day or two, you can change the paper under the berries. You can mix the berries once a day. I just shake the tray so that the chokeberries don't stick together and stick to the paper. Drying the berries can take from 3 to 7 days, depending on the temperature in the house. If you want it faster, you can dry it for several hours in the oven at 40 degrees. I haven't done this, so I can't say exactly how long it will take.

You must understand the degree of readiness yourself so that the raisins are not overdried, otherwise they will be hard. But it should not be very wet, otherwise it may become moldy in the box during storage.

Store finished raisins in clean, dry jars with lids. It is possible in glass, better in cardboard. I store them in birch bark boxes.

The remaining syrup, I got about one and a half liters, is poured into bottles and stored in the refrigerator. We use syrup to prepare compotes, jelly, pour it over pancakes, cottage cheese and ice cream, soak it sponge cakes for the cake. And if you dilute the syrup with vodka in a ratio of approximately one to one, you will get a delicious liqueur that you definitely won’t buy anywhere, an amazing aroma and bright taste will captivate your guests at any occasion.

Gorgeous chokeberry (chokeberry) raisins in a slow cooker are ready!

Bon appetit!!!

We thank Oksana Baibakova for the multicooker recipe!
Panasonic 18. Power 670 W.

Mid-autumn. It's time to collect chokeberries and make preparations for the winter. Connoisseurs call chokeberry, or chokeberry in scientific terms, a storehouse of vitamins.

This plant is surprising in that it practically does not get sick, produces a harvest of berries every year and is equally considered fruitful, ornamental and medicinal.

Chokeberry contains a lot of vitamin P, sugars and ascorbic acid. The collected berries contain substances that prevent the proliferation of microbes, so they do not spoil for a long time. For winter preparations, the ripest and largest berries are taken from chokeberry.

Infusions and extracts from chokeberry are prescribed by doctors for iodine deficiency and hypertension. You can make your own from chokeberries delicious medicine. One kilogram of washed and dried berries is ground with 700 g of granulated sugar and stored in the refrigerator in glass jars.

Probably many housewives make preparations for the winter from chokeberries in the form of additives in compotes. But few people have heard how to make raisins from chokeberries.

For 1.5 kg of berries we take 1 kg of sugar, 1 lemon and 2 glasses of water. Dip the berries into boiling syrup, after squeezing the lemon into it, and cook for 20 minutes. Then we take a colander, drain the syrup, and dry the berries until tender, spreading them out on sheets of food paper. We use the syrup several times to re-cook the berries, adding a little lemon juice and sugar to it. Try it, raisins will turn out no worse than grapes.

We don't lose anything. We use the syrup remaining after preparing the raisins to prepare New Year's liqueur. Add 2 cups of berries and 2 cups of vodka to the syrup. We pour everything into a glass jar, close it with a plastic lid and keep it in a dark place at room temperature for about those months. Then we filter the wine material, pour it into a decanter and admire the color of the liqueur.

There is something to surprise guests at the New Year's table.


Cooking time: 30 minutes

Description: Tastes like natural raisins, plus delicious and healthy drink.

Ingredients for Chokeberry Raisins
  • — 1.5 kg
  • - 1 kg
  • - 2 stacks.
  • - 1 tsp.
Recipe "Chokeberry raisins"

Boil syrup from water, sugar and citric acid, put berries in it and after boiling, cook for 20 minutes. Place the berries in a colander to drain the liquid. Then place them on a board, a sheet of plywood, a baking sheet or in candy boxes. Dry in room for several days, stirring occasionally. Place the resulting raisins in glass jars, covered with nylon covers.
Pour the remaining syrup into jars; you can close them with regular lids and store them in a cool place. I usually use it when cooking jelly and compotes, or simply dilute it with water and use it as a drink. The benefit of chokeberry is that it is good for the heart and reduces blood pressure.

Mid-autumn. It's time to collect chokeberries and make preparations for the winter. Connoisseurs call chokeberry, or chokeberry in scientific terms, a storehouse of vitamins.

This plant is surprising in that it practically does not get sick, produces a harvest of berries every year and is equally considered fruitful, ornamental and medicinal.

Chokeberry contains a lot of vitamin P, sugars and ascorbic acid. The collected berries contain substances that prevent the proliferation of microbes, so they do not spoil for a long time. For winter preparations, the ripest and largest berries are taken from chokeberry.

Infusions and extracts from chokeberry are prescribed by doctors for iodine deficiency and hypertension. You can make your own delicious medicine from chokeberry. One kilogram of washed and dried berries is ground with 700 g of granulated sugar and stored in the refrigerator in glass jars.

Probably many housewives make preparations for the winter from chokeberries in the form of additives in compotes. But few people have heard how to make raisins from chokeberries.

For 1.5 kg of berries we take 1 kg of sugar, 1 lemon and 2 glasses of water. Dip the berries into boiling syrup, after squeezing the lemon into it, and cook for 20 minutes. Then we take a colander, drain the syrup, and dry the berries until tender, spreading them out on sheets of food paper. We use the syrup several times to re-cook the berries, adding a little lemon juice and sugar to it. Try it, raisins will turn out no worse than grapes.

We don't lose anything. We use the syrup remaining after preparing the raisins to prepare New Year's liqueur. Add 2 cups of berries and 2 cups of vodka to the syrup. We pour everything into a glass jar, close it with a plastic lid and keep it in a dark place at room temperature for about those months. Then we filter the wine material, pour it into a decanter and admire the color of the liqueur.

There is something to surprise guests at the New Year's table.


Cooking time: 30 minutes

Description: It tastes like natural raisins, plus a tasty and healthy drink.

Ingredients for Chokeberry Raisins
  • — 1.5 kg
  • - 1 kg
  • - 2 stacks.
  • - 1 tsp.
Recipe "Chokeberry raisins"

Boil syrup from water, sugar and citric acid, put berries in it and after boiling, cook for 20 minutes. Place the berries in a colander to drain the liquid. Then place them on a board, a sheet of plywood, a baking sheet or in candy boxes. Dry in room for several days, stirring occasionally. Place the resulting raisins in glass jars, closing with nylon lids.
Pour the remaining syrup into jars; you can close them with regular lids and store them in a cool place. I usually use it when cooking jelly and compotes, or simply dilute it with water and use it as a drink. The benefit of chokeberry is that it is good for the heart and reduces blood pressure.

Chokeberry raisins in their own way taste qualities It is in no way inferior to traditional grape wine, and in terms of the amount of benefits it contains, it is many times greater. These raisins are especially rich in vitamins P and group B, fluorine, iron and iodine. It has antioxidant, antiallergic properties, reduces high blood and intracranial pressure, and also helps in the treatment of many diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive organs, as well as endocrine and cardiovascular systems. So why not make one like this? valuable product at home, especially since it is absolutely easy to do.

How to make raisins from chokeberries?


  • – 2.9 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1.7 kg;
  • filtered water – 950 ml;
  • – 20 g.


When starting to prepare raisins, we first sort out the chokeberry berries, getting rid of dubious specimens. Now, from water, the amount of granulated sugar and citric acid indicated in the recipe, cook sweet and sour syrup, waiting for all the crystals to dissolve. Immerse the prepared, washed rowan berries into the boiling homogeneous mixture and, after boiling again, cook for twenty minutes, maintaining moderate heat.

Now drain the chokeberry into a colander and leave to drain for a while. After this, lay the berries in one layer on sheets covered with parchment and leave them to dry and dry in a warm place, stirring them from time to time.

You can use not only raisins, but also the syrup in which the berries were boiled. By diluting it with water, we get an incredibly healthy drink or a base for jelly. And if you pour it in pure form casseroles, pancakes or puddings, their taste will become richer, and the benefits of the meal will multiply.

Chokeberry raisins with lemon juice in an electric dryer


  • chokeberry - 1.6 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 550 g;
  • filtered water – 950 ml;
  • lemon – 160 g.


Chokeberry raisins can also be made using an electric dryer. The time required for drying the berries is in this case much less, and the likelihood that they will deteriorate before they dry out is reduced to zero.

The principle of processing berries before drying is identical to that described above with minor changes. For the syrup in this case, we will use smaller proportions of granulated sugar and instead of citric acid we will add juice squeezed from lemon.

Mix water with granulated sugar and lemon juice, let all the crystals dissolve and the syrup boil, and immerse the prepared chokeberry in it. Just as in the previous case, cook the berries for twenty minutes, and then pour them into a sieve and leave them to drain for a while. Then we lay the rowan on a tray with small holes and dry it at a temperature of 40-45 degrees for eight to ten hours or until ready.

Pour the syrup remaining after cooking into clean containers, cover with lids and store in a cool place until use.

In a similar manner, you can prepare chokeberry raisins in the oven, using it instead of an electric dryer. To do this, place the berries prepared and boiled in syrup on a baking sheet lined with parchment and dry at a temperature of forty to fifty degrees with the door ajar, stirring occasionally.

How to store chokeberry raisins?

Properly prepared and dried chokeberry raisins do not require any special storage conditions. It is enough to put it in dry glass jars, cardboard boxes or wooden boxes, cover with a lid and place in a ventilated place with low humidity and no foreign odors.