Wine or tincture of chokeberry. Video: Tincture on chokeberry

Chokeberry is a very popular plant in domestic latitudes. The plant is not whimsical in growth and gives a good harvest, and its berries are very useful, as they contain a whole complex of vitamins and macronutrients. Jams, jams, juices and various alcoholic drinks are made from rowan fruits. Popular are recipes for making liqueurs from black rowan, it turns out a rich color with a refined, slightly tart taste.

pouring out chokeberry will have the richest taste if you use the fruits of the plant, harvested after the first frost. The larger the berries, the better, if there is no fresh mountain ash, you can use a previously dried one. Berries should be well washed and separated from twigs and excess greenery. Small, unripe berries are also best removed, as they are too bitter and can add excessive bitterness to the drink.

Alcohol for pouring can be different. Suitable as diluted alcohol, vodka or moonshine, and cognac, it all depends on taste preferences.

Preparation of a drink, the process is quite lengthy, different recipes require a certain time, on average, it takes from two to four months to manufacture, in some cases this figure can reach up to a year. Pouring, like cognac, with a longer exposure reveals more flavors. The drink can be stored long time without losing their taste and external presentability. The color turns out to be from bright red, ruby ​​to dark purple, depending on the proportion and saturation of the berries. It tastes bitter and tart, with an astringent base.

Liquor preparation

There are many various recipes making this drink. How classic version without unnecessary ingredients, and unusual with the addition of various auxiliary products.

Classic recipe

You will need:

peeled red or black rowan berries 1kg;

selected alcohol 1 liter;

sugar is added at will (300-500 gr.), cooking is possible without it.

Prepared fruits are poured into a glass jar, poured with alcohol or other alcohol, sugar is added to taste. The resulting contents are closed tightly with a lid and placed in a dark place. In this state, the future liquor should spend 45-60 days, the jar must be shaken, at least several times a week. After that, the resulting drink is filtered, poured into prepared containers and ready to drink. It is better to store the liqueur in a cool place, there is practically no expiration date in time.

It is interesting!

Cake, which turned out after filtering, can be reused. It is also poured with alcohol, and the second portion of the drink is obtained, in terms of taste it is not inferior to the first, it even turns out to be a little softer than the previous one.

Fragrant liqueur

To add a spicy flavor to your drink, you can use cloves, a few of their buds will completely change the smell of the liquor.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

berries of chokeberry or red mountain ash to choose from - 1.5 kg .;

sugar - 1 kg;

alcohol - 1 liter;

carnation - a few buds.

Rowan fruits are poured into a jar, crushed with a mortar, you can use a more modern method, for example, grind with a blender. After that, pour into the resulting mass required amount sugar, mix, close the neck of the jar with chintz or gauze and leave for several days at room temperature, in a dark place. After that, vodka is poured into the resulting mixture, the container is closed with a lid and sent to a dark, cooler place for 2-3 months, the drink should be shaken periodically. After the specified period, the liquor is filtered, this can be done using special paper filters or using a layer of cotton wool with gauze. eat refined taste the resulting drink can be used for three years.

Pouring with honey on cognac

For cooking you will need:

black or red rowan berries - 1 kg;

cognac - 1 liter;

honey - 5 tablespoons.

The recipe for this drink in preparation is similar to the previous one, the berries are placed in a glass container, poured with cognac, honey is added to the contents. The vessel is closed with a lid and for several months with systematic shaking, placed in a dark place. After filtering and bottled.

Pouring without alcohol

Rowan liquor without alcohol content is another option for preparing a bright drink, it turns out to be somewhat sweeter than the previous options due to more sugar required for efficient fermentation.

The composition of the ingredients is as follows:

fruits of red mountain ash or chokeberry - 1 kg .;

sugar 3 kg.;

vanilla stick and orange zest, optional.

The rowan is rubbed with sugar, placed in a glass jar, vanilla, lemon or orange zest can be added to change the aroma. The contents are left for six weeks in a dark place, the container is covered with gauze during this period. During this time, the future drink should be stirred so that it ferments better. When the fermentation is completed, the contents are filtered, poured into a bottle and infused for three months in a cool place. After this period, the liqueur is ready for tasting.

Useful cooking secrets

The best temperature for fermentation is 23-26 degrees, if it is higher, the process goes more intensively, which affects palatability drink.

At lower temperatures, fermentation stops or may disappear altogether; it is better to pour the finished drink into dark glass bottles, so it will be better stored; at the time of fermentation, the contents of the container increase in volume, so you should not fill the vessel to the top; it is better to grind rowan in small portions, since its berries are quite dense; the selected alcohol should not be stronger than 60 degrees; sugar must be chosen only white, refined, without yellowness, otherwise there is a chance that the drink will not turn out transparent.

More recipes for alcoholic drinks from mountain ash

First recipe

Pour rowan berries into the container up to the very neck;

Top them with vodka. Add some sugar and spices to taste and cover;

In order for the lid to be tightly closed, it must be well sealed. To do this, mix the flour with water to make a viscous and sticky mass. With the resulting dough, grease the junction of the lid with the pan tightly;

Put the filled vessel in the oven, preheated to a temperature of seventy degrees. It is important that the temperature is exactly this, so it is better to measure it with a special thermometer. If the temperature is higher, you will get wine; Let the drink infuse in the oven for about 60 minutes;

After a while, you need to reduce the temperature by ten degrees and leave to infuse for an hour and a half;

Then again lower the temperature by ten degrees and leave for another hour and a half. In total, the liqueur should be in the oven for 4 hours;

When you turn off the oven, do not immediately take out the drink. Let it cool completely. After which it must be put in a dark place for four days;

After a while, cover the colander with a waffle towel or gauze. Pour the liquor into it and wait until the liquid drains into the substituted pan;

When the liquid drains, tie the cloth in a knot and hang over a bowl, allowing the rest to drip off.

Pour the squeezed liquid into bottles, taste, and if necessary add fine sugar, and then cork with lids;

The finished liqueur should be given time to stand a little more, and only then you can drink.

The second recipe for making liqueurs with vodka

Sort one and a half kilograms of rowan berries. Rinse and dry well. Place the berries in a jar and cover with two cups of granulated sugar. Pour one and a half liters of vodka from above, be sure to leave a couple of centimeters of free space to the top. Cover the jar with parchment folded in three layers and tie with a thread or cover with a lid. Put the workpiece in a dark, cold place for two months. After a while, strain and close the bottles tightly. Store such a liquor at home in a cold place.

The third drink recipe with cloves, which will give the drink an aromatic note

Pour one and a half kilograms of berries into a jar. Use a wooden rolling pin to turn them into mush. Add half a kilogram of sugar and three cloves. After mixing the mass well, tie the neck of the jar with gauze and put it for a couple of days in a dark place in the kitchen. After a while, pour the mixture with a liter of vodka. Cover the jar with a lid and leave it alone for 60 days in the dark at a temperature of 20 degrees. Strain the finished drink and bottle it. You can store the liqueur for no more than three years.

Another recipe for liqueur with the addition of honey

Place half a kilogram of black rowan berries in a jar. Add 30 grams liquid honey and mix well. Then add the resulting mixture to alcohol or water (half a liter). Mix well again. Cover the jar with a lid and place in a dark, warm place for 80 days. Shake the jar well once every seven days. Strain the finished tincture on alcohol or vodka, and pour into bottles. You can store as much as you like in a dark place.

Cherry liqueur recipe

Mix a glass of chokeberry with 150 cherry leaves. Pour a liter of water and boil for about half an hour on a slow flame. Let the decoction brew for a day. After a while, strain and add sugar (300 grams). Heat to a boil and remove from stove. After cooling, add half a liter of vodka and put the drink in a dark place for seven days. To make the drink a beautiful color, add a tablespoon of citric acid to it. Thanks to cherry leaves, it becomes similar in taste to cherry.

Last Recipe

Mix 33 cherry leaves, the same number of currant and raspberry leaves, a glass of chokeberry, 800 milliliters of water. Boil the mass for half an hour. Cool, strain and add a glass of sugar and citric acid (5 grams). Add half a liter of vodka to the cooled liquor and mix well. Let it brew for at least two months.

The benefits of liquor

Pouring from mountain ash, red or black, is not only tasty, but also healthy, if consumed in the recommended quantities and not abused in doses, it still contains alcohol. The drink retains almost all useful properties fresh fruits rowan, which allows it to be used in medicinal purposes, as a prevention of various diseases.

If you take the liqueur as a medicine, no more than 30-50 grams per day, you can:

improve the protective functions of the body;

reduce blood pressure;

improve metabolic processes and the work of the gastrointestinal tract; strengthen the walls of blood vessels;

increases the acidity of the stomach.

In addition to the types of liqueurs presented, there are other recipes for this drink, experiment by adding additional ingredients. Change proportions necessary products to your taste, experimenting, you will be able to achieve an unusual and special taste, exclusive, own production than you will certainly surprise your family and friends during the festive feast.

Chokeberry tincture is special for every housewife. Someone follows classical ways cooking, and someone is trying to bring something of their own to the recipes. Noble dark cherry shades of drinks from this berry play beautifully in the rays of sunlight, they are able to decorate any table. But the main thing about chokeberry tinctures is that they retain the beneficial properties of fresh berries.


Today, in the assortment of many stores there are vodka-based chokeberry tinctures. They are prepared from natural raw materials, they must contain both rowan juice and alcohol. High-quality tinctures are quite expensive, but their taste, and especially the tart aftertaste, is appreciated by many.

Chokeberry tincture

When purchasing tinctures from chokeberry as a medicine, you need to remember that you need to drink a drink of 30-40 g per day, preferably at night.

Buying chokeberry liqueur is somewhat more difficult, this product with a high sugar content and minimal alcohol is less common. Pouring not only tastes better, it can be served at the dessert table as a light aperitif, added to tea.

Rowanberry tinctures and liqueurs with the addition of various herbs, cognac tinctures have an excellent taste, so everyone can choose something depending on individual preferences.

It's important to know!

The devastating effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the effects of alcoholic beverages on a person. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE OVERCOME! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Having brushed off the dust from the glass bottle, the owner proudly puts it on the table and offers to try the drink prepared with his own hands. It is easy to understand his pride: no matter how rich the assortment of current supermarkets is, we give preference to products with own site which are grown by hand. And chokeberry tincture on vodka, a fragrant blue-black drink made from berries taken from their bush, will seem much tastier. And more useful.

Aronia grows in almost every garden. An unpretentious shrub, reaching a height of 2-2.5 m, is not afraid of frost, does not need careful care, but already at the 3rd year of life it is able to please with a magnificent harvest. Aronia blooms in May-June, clusters with ripe large dark blue berries ripen in late August - early September. But you can harvest even after the first frost. But, unlike its no less popular relative, the red rowan, which is often grown for decorative purposes, it is tasty even before it hits with frost. Sweet, slightly tart tasting berries are perhaps the latest in our gardens, which is why they are loved by many.

chokeberry berries

Per long term aging, they absorb so much sunlight and useful substances that are able to provide the human body with vitamins all winter. The benefits of chokeberry are that it lowers blood pressure, improves immunity, fights viruses well, it is recommended to use it as an antioxidant for those working in hazardous industries. Both chokeberry and red ashberry can be stored frozen to make tinctures as needed. Berries are dried to make infusions and decoctions. Dry fruits are also ground in a coffee grinder to a powder and taken 1 tsp. with colds or thyroid diseases.

To get not only a beautifully playing and rich flavor, but also healthy drink, during its manufacture, several conditions must be observed:

  1. Berries should be of the same ripeness, whole, without signs of rot, dry spots.
  2. The raw materials should not contain such foreign impurities as leaves, twigs, pieces of bark, stalks.
  3. It is better not to heat the berries so that as many vitamins as possible are preserved in them.

It is better not to use tinctures and liqueurs for people suffering from stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, increased blood clotting and hypotension. For them, the tincture will not be useful, but harmful.

Useful properties of berries for people with cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, arthritis, kidney disease. The astringent effect of mountain ash helps to cope with intestinal disorders, diarrhea caused by infectious or viral diseases. Aronia helps with iodine deficiency, it is recommended for hypothyroidism, goiter, and other pathologies arising from a lack of iodine in the body.


There are many ways to prepare tinctures from chokeberry.

Quick tincture. The simplest of the recipes is from the "in haste" category:

  1. We fill a three-liter jar to the "shoulders" with ripe fresh or frozen berries.
  2. Pour high-quality vodka into the berries or, if possible, home-made moonshine, filling the jar to the neck.
  3. We close with a tight nylon lid.
  4. We put our tincture in a dark place for 14 days.
  5. After 2 weeks, pour the infused beautiful liquid into glass bottles and tightly cork them.

Berries can be reused, refilled with vodka or moonshine: the quality of the second tincture will be no worse.

Delicious chokeberry tincture

Mint and Clove Tincture: An unusual spicy touch will add mint and cloves to the drink. To prepare rowan tincture on vodka according to this recipe:

  • 10 kg of berries need to be mashed or chopped with a blender;
  • pour 2 kg of sugar into the chokeberry;
  • add 10 clove buds and 10 sprigs of fresh mint or 10 g of dried leaves;
  • put the mixture in a glass container and leave for 2 days to infuse;
  • then add vodka or moonshine, cork the container and place in a dark, cool place for 3 months;
  • after 3 months, the tincture can be filtered and bottled: it is ready for use.

When preparing a drink according to this recipe, you need to take into account that the glass container should be from 10 to 25 liters. A tincture is prepared at the rate of 1:1 chokeberry and alcohol, the amount of sugar depends on how sweet you want the drink to be.

This chokeberry tincture is being prepared, the recipe of which has been popular for several decades, for a long time, but the result will surprise you and your guests.

A tincture of chokeberry with honey will become tasty and healthy:

  • 1 liter of berries pour 1 liter of vodka;
  • add 5 tbsp. l. honey and 5 g of oak bark, crushed into powder;
  • after mixing the ingredients, tightly close the container and keep in a dark place for at least 4 months, then strain and bottle.

You can make a tincture of dried chokeberry. Grind the berries into powder, pour into a container, filling it 2/3, fill the rest with vodka or moonshine, insist for 3-4 months.


From the chokeberry, very tasty liqueurs are obtained.

They differ from tinctures in high sugar content. Preparing liqueurs is a little more troublesome, so please be patient.

Pouring from chokeberry berries

Pouring classic:

  1. We fill a metal or glass container with berries at the rate of: 1 kg of chokeberry and 0.5 kg of sugar per 1 liter of vodka.
  2. After mixing the products, put the mass in the oven and hold for 1 hour at a temperature not exceeding 70 ° C.
  3. Having reduced the temperature to 60 ° C, we withstand 1.5 hours;
  4. After this time, we again reduce the temperature by 10 ° C, leave for another 1.5 hours. Then turn off the oven.
  5. Do not remove the liquid from the cabinet, it must completely cool in it.
  6. Then we place the container with our liqueur in a dark place for 4-5 days.
  7. Only then can it be filtered and bottled. Let the liqueur brew for a week, and then boldly serve it to the table.

Pouring "Beauty". To prepare a liqueur without heat treatment, you need to fill in 2 kg of berries, 1 kg of sugar, add 1.5 liters of vodka.

Close the container tightly and leave in a dark, cool place to infuse for 2 months. Then strain the liquid and pour into bottles. The pour is ready. It should be stored in a cool place or refrigerator.

There are many more recipes for making drinks from this berry that are healthy and tasty. So take the opportunity to surprise your family and guests with an unusual drink.

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In the article we discuss recipes for blackberry tincture. We talk about useful properties chokeberry on alcohol. You will learn how to prepare the tincture and what are the contraindications for its use, recipes for liqueurs.

Chokeberry (chokeberry) is a perennial deciduous shrub or tree up to 3 meters tall. Aronia fruits ripen from late August to late September and have a pleasant sweet-tart taste.

Aronia is grown as an ornamental, fruit and medicinal crop. For therapeutic purposes, the leaves and berries of the plant are used, from which compotes, jams, jams, tinctures are made.

Blackberry tincture is an alcoholic drink with a special taste and aroma that is easy to prepare at home.

It will decorate any family holiday, but more often it is used exclusively for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

It has contraindications, which should be read before use.

What is useful blackberry tincture

Aronia berries have a lot medicinal properties, which they completely retain when insisting on alcohol. Aronia is valuable because:

  • removes radiation from the body;
  • improves the rheological function of the blood;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • increases the acidity of gastric juice;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • improves the protective and immune properties of the body;
  • contributes to the speedy recovery of chronic diseases;
  • compensates for the lack of iodine, ascorbic acid, manganese, iron, selenium, potassium, copper, calcium, B vitamins, as well as E, K, P, PP, etc.

Thanks to high content anthocyanins in the fruits of chokeberry, nutritionists recommend their use to those who constantly want to eat.

Tinctures, compotes, decoctions of chokeberry fruits contribute to weight loss by dulling the feeling of hunger. Taken before lunch or dinner, they will help you not to overeat.

Blackberry tincture - contraindications

Tincture of alcohol or vodka is contraindicated in:

  1. disorders in the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. problems in the circulatory system;
  3. low blood pressure;
  4. pregnancy and lactation;
  5. reactions of individual intolerance to chokeberry.

In other cases, tincture of chokeberry will benefit and improve well-being. Therefore, stock up on aronia berries, choose a recipe and insist.

How to prepare tincture of chokeberry

To prepare chokeberry tincture, follow these principles:

  1. Harvest or buy chokeberry fruits immediately after the first frost - at this time they become as sweet and tasty as possible.
  2. Rinse chokeberries well under running water. Free them from cuttings, stalks, spoiled. To prepare the tincture, choose only large ripe berries - small berries are usually very bitter.
  3. Use chokeberry fresh - so the tincture will be ready faster. If there is no time after picking the berries to immediately make a tincture, then put the berries in a wooden box and leave them at a temperature not higher than +1 degree. So they can be stored for 5-6 months without losing their taste and useful qualities.
  4. Before use, crush the berries with a rolling pin, which will allow them to give up all their medicinal and taste properties completely without a trace.
  5. If you take dried berries for infusion, chop them first. Keep in mind that dried chokeberry is infused for at least 17 weeks.
  6. Insist in a dark secluded place at a temperature of 15-25 degrees. With an increase in room temperature, there is a high probability of souring the drink. It is also wrong to insist in the refrigerator - the berries saturate the infusion for an extremely long time, the cooking time increases several times.
  7. Do not expose the tincture container to direct sunlight.

Recipe for chokeberry liqueur


  1. 0.5 kg fresh berries chokeberry;
  2. 0.5 liters of alcohol with a strength of at least 40 degrees;
  3. 1 stack Sahara.
  1. Pour the berries into the container alternately with sugar - a layer of berries, a layer of sugar.
  2. Pour in alcohol and close the lid tightly.
  3. Leave the container for at least 6-8 weeks in a dark place.
  4. After 6-8 weeks, strain the tincture to remove the berries.

Homemade chokeberry liqueur


  1. 1 kg of aronia berries;
  2. 0.5 l of vodka or alcohol.
  1. Prepare a glass resealable container.
  2. Pour the berries into a container.
  3. Fill with alcohol and seal the container.
  4. Insist in a dark place for 3-4 weeks.
  5. Strain the tincture. Dilute with water or sugar syrup taste.

Blackberry liqueur recipes

There are original recipes for chokeberry liqueurs, in which additional components play a special role. They give unique shades to the taste of tincture, and also carry their own beneficial properties.

An example is recipes with the addition of honey, lemon, cherry leaves, etc.

Chokeberry tincture on vodka with honey


  1. 0.5 kg of fresh aronia berries;
  2. 0.5 l 40% vodka;
  3. 1 table. a spoonful of natural liquid honey.
  1. Prepare a glass container with a lid for infusion.
  2. Place all ingredients in a bowl and shake well to mix.
  3. Seal the container and leave to infuse in a dark place.
  4. Shake contents weekly.
  5. After 12 weeks, strain the finished tincture.

Blackberry tincture on moonshine with lemon


  1. 0.5 kg of fresh aronia berries;
  2. 0.5 l of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees;
  3. 3 lemons;
  4. 1 tbsp sugar:
  5. 1 tbsp boiled water.
  1. Prepare a glass container that can be tightly closed with a lid or stopper.
  2. Put whole chokeberry berries, sugar, water, juice of three lemons into it.
  3. Pour the moonshine into the contents and shake well.
  4. Cover the container with a lid, store in a dark place for 3-4 weeks.
  5. The finished liqueur is filtered to remove the berries.

Chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaves


  1. 0.5 kg of fresh aronia berries;
  2. 0.5 l of vodka;
  3. 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  4. 1 tbsp boiled water;
  5. 10-12 green cherry leaves.
  1. Prepare a glass container with a lid.
  2. Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
  3. Cover and store in a dark place for 3-4 weeks.
  4. Shake the contents weekly to improve the quality of the infusion.
  5. After 3-4 weeks, strain the finished liqueur.

Blackberry tincture with cloves


  1. 0.5 kg of aronia berries;
  2. 0.3 l of vodka, alcohol or moonshine;
  3. 2 pcs. spicy cloves.
  1. Fill a glass container with crushed chokeberry and cloves.
  2. Cover the container with gauze and put it in a dark place for 24-48 hours.
  3. Fill the contents with alcohol, tightly seal the container.
  4. Insist in a dark place for 8 weeks.
  5. Strain the finished drink.

If your tincture is prepared with moonshine or alcohol with a strength above 50 degrees, dilute it with water or sugar syrup before use.

What to remember

  1. Tinctures, compotes, decoctions of chokeberry fruits can reduce weight, as they dull the feeling of hunger.
  2. Aronia tincture is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, low blood pressure, allergies.
  3. Alcohol tinctures from chokeberry should not be given to children.

One of the most popular low-alcohol drinks in Russia is homemade liqueurs.

Experienced housewives It is easily prepared from different seasonal berries and ripe fruits, but black chokeberry liqueur is considered traditional.

This is not only very tasty, but also a very healthy (in moderate doses) drink that will decorate any feast.

The drink is characterized by a dark woody color and a wonderful aroma that cannot be confused with others. alcoholic drinks. Rowan liqueur is an excellent aperitif, good with sweet desserts. Drinking homemade rowan liqueur is a pleasure! Delicious, fragrant, moderately sweet, pleasing to the soul and easing the heart, it is considered the ideal "feminine" drink. cook it for home cooking easy peasy.

Pouring from chokeberry at home - general principles of preparation

You can prepare a drink from fresh or dried ripe berries chokeberry. She is considered a champion in the content of specific substances of organic origin, which are called tannins. That is why rowan juice is very tart in taste.

To make the berry fit for consumption without a large number sugar, you need it remove from the bushes slightly frozen after the first light frost. If the chokeberry is harvested earlier, then before preparing the liquor, the berry must be artificially frozen. For example, keep in the refrigerator for two to three days. After such a “frosty conclusion”, the character of the berry becomes softer: it loses a fair amount of natural astringency.

It is very important to choose and prepare raw materials correctly. Pouring from chokeberry at home is being successfully prepared only from selected, ripe, large berries . After going through the mountain ash, you need to free it from the "legs" and leaves, and quickly rinse with cool water. Rowan very poorly tolerates prolonged exposure to water, so you need to wash the berry through a metal colander or a rare sieve.

The technology is very simple and consists in separating the juice, fermenting and mixing with quite strong alcohol and sugar. You can dilute the juice with high-quality vodka, properly diluted with pure alcohol, cognac or good moonshine.

An elementary way is to simply mash the berries, put them in prepared dishes, add sugar, various additional ingredients to taste and pour alcohol over two-thirds of the entire height. It is necessary to stand the liquor for at least a month (and ideally six months) in an ordinary living room, periodically shaking vigorously. Carefully strain the ripened liquor through a gauze or cotton filter, pour into bottles.

You can add spices, leaves of fruit bushes, zest of citrus fruits to the mountain ash. Honey can be used instead of sugar. If you want to increase the degree of the drink after filtering, you can “strengthen” it with a small amount quality vodka.

The second method of preparing the liquor is rather controversial, as it involves blanching the berries at a temperature not exceeding 70 degrees. However, this method has a significant plus: it will be possible to try a dark brown noble drink quickly.

To be guaranteed to get a delicious chokeberry liqueur at home, you need to choose the right dishes. A ceramic container or glass bottle is ideal. These materials are acid and alcohol resistant.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Classic"

A wonderful chokeberry liqueur at home turns into a fabulous drink. A pleasant light drink will warm you up after a hard day.


A kilogram of black rowan berries;

Three hundred grams of sugar;

A liter of quality vodka.

Cooking method:

Pour the prepared berries into a glass jar.

Pour vodka over the rowan so that it covers the berries a little.

Add sugar - optional.

Cover the container, put in a dark room for two months.

Shake the berries from time to time.

Strain the liqueur, pour into clean containers, cork and send for storage.

You can keep the liquid for as long as you like. Time will do her good.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Spicy"

Cloves add a warm, spicy flavor to homemade chokeberry liqueur. Drink lovers will love it oriental cuisine.


One and a half kilograms of chokeberry berries;

A liter of high quality vodka;

Half a kilo of sugar;

Three carnation inflorescences.

Cooking method:

Carefully crush the prepared berries with the end of a rolling pin or a wooden pusher.

Pour sugar into the prepared raw materials, add clove buds.

Transfer the raw materials to a jar, cover with a gauze cloth, put away for two days in a dark, warm room.

Pour the berries with high-quality vodka, cork with a regular nylon cap.

Infuse the liquor for at least three months in a warm room.

Strain the drink through a gauze or cotton filter, pour into a storage container.

The drink will not fizzle out for at least three years.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Honey"

A magnificent, soft, light and healthy drink will please honey lovers. If you put chokeberry liqueur at home not on vodka, but also on cognac, you can get additional shades of taste.


Half a kilo of mountain ash;

Half a kilo of cognac;

Two large spoons of honey with a slide

Cooking method:

Pour the prepared berries into a glass container.

Melt honey in a water bath and pour into a jar in a liquid state.

Seal the container with a regular lid, leave for two to three months.

Store unlimited time.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Lemon fast"

original recipe chokeberry liqueurs at home can be prepared in just two weeks. delicious drink brings real pleasure.


One and a half kilograms of berries;

A liter of vodka;

Three hundred grams of sugar;

Lemon peel.

Cooking method:

Fill a wide, but low heat-resistant container with berries to the neck.

Fill with high quality vodka.

Add spices if desired lemon peel and sugar.

Mix half a glass of water with two tablespoons of water, knead a dense "dough".

Cover tightly with a quick dough lid.

Put the container in the oven, heated to seventy degrees (not higher), simmer for exactly an hour.

Reduce the temperature to sixty degrees, withstand the raw materials for another hour and a half.

Reduce the temperature again to fifty degrees and warm the liquor for an hour and a half.

Ryabinovka must be infused for at least four hours in total.

Turn off the oven, wait for the drink to cool completely without removing it.

Keep the container with the liqueur in a dark room for four days.

Strain the drink, squeezing out the pulp.

Sprinkle the liqueur with sugar to taste, pour into bottles and cork.

You can try the liqueur in a few days.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Rowan-cherry"

The magical aroma of ripe cherries brings summer bliss to this liqueur. Cherry fresh leaf and citric acid complement the ingredients of the classic recipe. If the amount of rowan seems not enough, you should proportionally increase the amount of ingredients.


A glass of chokeberry;

Full plate of cherry leaves;

A liter of pure water;

Three hundred grams of sugar;

Spoon without a slide of citric acid for transparency;

Half a liter of vodka.

Cooking method:

Mix the berries with cherry leaves in a wide saucepan.

Pour the raw material with water, bring to the first boil bubbles.

Boil on low heat for half an hour.

Leave to infuse for a day.

Strain, add sugar, heat again.

As soon as the first bubbles of boiling appear, turn off the stove, cool the broth.

Pour in good vodka, throw citric acid, cover with a clean lid and put the container in a dark room for a week.

Strain, bottle and store.

Pouring from chokeberry at home is made quickly and simply. You can taste!

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Summer Garden"

This version of chokeberry liqueur at home is very easy to prepare. A delightful bouquet of aromas of raspberries, cherries, currants makes you dizzy. Citric acid allows you to achieve transparency of the drink.


A glass of rowan;

A bunch of cherry leaves;

A bunch of currant leaves;

A bunch of raspberry leaves;

Liter of water;

A teaspoon of citric acid;

Half a liter of high-quality vodka.

Cooking method:

Mix the leaves of fruit bushes and chokeberry berries.

Pour in water.

Bring the raw materials to a boil and boil for half an hour. Cool down.

Pour sugar, citric acid, vodka into the workpiece.

Remove for insisting at least two months.

Strain, bottle, put away for storage.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Orange-Vanilla"

The festive, jubilant aroma of chokeberry liqueur prepared at home according to this recipe makes this drink indispensable on the festive table.


Three hundred grams of chokeberry berries;

Five liters of purified vodka;

A glass of sugar;

A stick of natural or a bag of powdered vanilla;

Peel from one lemon;

Three cloves;

Half a glass of fresh liquid or melted honey;

Half a bottle of vodka.

Cooking method:

Mash the berries with a rolling pin in a glass jar.

Pour in sugar. Add your favorite spices and cloves if desired.

Pour vodka into two-thirds of the container.

Remove the blank in a dark warm room for a month.

Strain the brew.

If desired, add another half bottle of vodka or diluted alcohol.

Full ripening will be completed in three months. The filling will become transparent, acquire a rich ruby ​​​​color.

Pouring from chokeberry at home "Frosty"

Berries frozen by natural frost make it possible to prepare a fantastic drink. Pouring from chokeberry at home can be prepared not only modern way- in bottles. Interesting traditional recipe will delight supporters of originality, although it will take a very long time to wait for the first test.


A kilogram of mountain ash;

Half a glass of molasses;

Pure water;

Cooking method:

Pour berries into a ceramic barrel.

Heat the molasses to a liquid state and add to the rowan raw materials.

Completely fill the mountain ash with water, cover tightly with a lid, put in a dark, warm room.

When the raw material ferments, pour a glass of high-quality vodka into it, shake it, mixing the contents of the barrel, and cover it loosely.

Repeat the procedure after the secondary fermentation, and then pour in a glass of vodka and shake the barrel until the fermentation is completely completed.

Seal the barrel tightly and put it in the cellar.

With the onset of summer, expose the container with the liqueur to direct sunlight. The fermentation will start again and the keg will start to roll on its own.

Remove it in the cold and wait for it to cool.

Repeat the procedure again.

After the second cooling of the container heated in the sun, pour the liquor into bottles and cork tightly.

Pouring chokeberry at home - tricks and tips

  • To get the most intense taste of the liqueur, you need to make punctures in the berries with a thick needle or toothpick.
  • Pouring on chokeberry is not only delicious, but also healing drink preserving the properties of fresh berries. It strengthens the immune system, lowers "bad" cholesterol, normalizes digestion, lowers blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels, restores their elasticity.
  • cherry leaves can be added at will to any variant of the liqueur. You can make a great drink with apples or lingonberries.
  • To prepare the correct alcohol solution, you need to mix 400 grams of water (preferably boiled) and 600 ml of medical alcohol. You can add it to recipes instead of vodka.
  • Get more interesting taste you can, if you dry the berries of the chokeberry in the oven. The temperature should not exceed seventy degrees. It is important not to overdry the berries - they should only wilt a little.