Liquid varieties of honey. Types of honey and their properties

Not every beekeeper will be able to name all elite or all dark varieties of honey. For buyers, some of this information is generally closed. And she needs to know. List with photos and videos.

Each apiary produces several varieties of honey during the season, and there are more than a hundred different varieties and types in total. Each honey plant forms one variety, in addition, honey can be obtained from honeydew. All varieties are useful in their own way, and they all have bactericidal properties. Everyone can learn to distinguish one variety from another by studying the characteristics of such a wonderful product as Bee Honey.

List of known varieties

If bees collect nectar from different honey plants at the same time, the honey is polyfloral. Any polyfloral variety is also called forbs. Monofloral honey is more valued, but its types and varieties are so different that not a single catalog contains even half of the names. Below are most of the varieties known and available in Russia.

Acacia honey

Honey from a white acacia is a record-breaking liquid and transparent. Yellow acacia adds color. Both varieties belong to the elite, having a low glycemic index. The sugaring period exceeds a year, and the benefit is to normalize metabolism. Acacia grows in Russia, Canada and Kenya, and the variety is among the most expensive, as it does not cause allergies.

Forged by adding corn syrup, which is difficult to detect.

Brown color, long candied period and tart taste are the main characteristics of buckwheat honey. It belongs to the elite, helping to treat the gastrointestinal tract and restore red blood cells. Bactericidal properties are also expressed. Honey is collected in Altai and Canada - in the second case, the color resembles a ruby.

Because of the ability to absorb starch, it is usually added.

Small-leaved linden is the main honey plant of Bashkiria. Honey turns out to be slightly less liquid than acacia.

It helps with colds, being a strong expectorant.

The variety belongs to the elite, and molasses is mixed in fakes.

chestnut honey

There are two varieties - horse chestnut and food. The second of the two varieties is elite, and it candied for 2-3 years. The benefits are due to a mild effect on the nervous system, which is not typical for horse chestnut. Bactericidal properties - record. The variety is distinguished by the place of collection - Sochi, Crimean, etc.

Forged, issuing one variety after another or adding burnt sugar.

sweet clover honey

Honey from white sweet clover is not popular in Russia, but in Canada and the USA this variety is more common. Yellow sweet clover nectar contains a lot of glucose, and the product candied in a month, unlike the competing variety with a long crystallization period. The main purpose is a diuretic. Both varieties are distinguished by a record content of coumarin, which thins the blood. The light amber hue changes during crystallization, and the consistency then resembles ghee.

Fake honey is either not candied or is rapeseed.

Fireweed is Ivan tea, and its nectar is quickly candied. The consistency becomes greasy, and the greenish color changes to a shade of cream.

Delicate and delicate taste is not lost.

Fireweed honey treats inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The fakes contain rapeseed nectar.

The honey plant is white, red and pink clover, which grows in Russia and Canada. Bees are more willing to collect nectar from white clover, but the product from such nectar candied faster - in 2 or 3 months. In this case, the amber-orange hue becomes beige. The taste remains very delicate, and the smell of herbs does not disappear.

A fake product is not able to be candied.

The variety is valued in Europe and is present in Russia.

The main specialization is the restoration of the balance of hormones.

Candied for many months, and then the color becomes pink-white.

In fakes there is molasses.

sunflower honey

Sunflower nectar serves as the basis of a bee product that is produced in Altai and in Europe, but not in America.

Sugaring is very fast and the color becomes bright yellow.

The taste is considered moderately tart, the aroma is weakly expressed.

Honey belongs to low grades. They don't fake.

Angelica, also known as angelica, is a rare honey plant in Europe and Asia. Honey is useful in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the nervous system.

Color can vary from amber red to brown. After crystallization, which must wait a year, the product darkens and becomes like a resin.

A fake is honey of less rare varieties, in which burnt sugar is added.

Raspberry nectar is used to form a product used as an antipyretic. After sugaring, the color becomes light cream with a brown or greenish tint. The smell of raspberry flowers practically does not disappear, and when falsified, raspberry syrup is used.

The variety is distributed throughout the world.

heather honey

Heather nectar is the source of a bee product familiar to many from Stevenson's ballad. The product is produced in Scotland and Asia Minor, as well as in the Caucasus and Western Siberia. A characteristic feature is the density, which does not allow the honeycombs to be easily released. The crystallization period is infinite, and the benefit is expressed by the ability to treat asthma.

Burnt sugar is added to the fake.

If the bee product is formed not from nectar, but from honeydew, then it is called honeydew. This product is harmful to bees, but very beneficial to humans.

Characteristic properties: dark color, increased density and low moisture content. The crystallization period will be long, it is not defined.

There are no fakes - we are talking about a low-grade product.

Honeydew collected from needles can be the basis of a bee product that is not candied.

Fir and spruce, that is, their needles, give the product a brown-green color, and pine - only yellow. Regardless of the color, a high potassium content will be characteristic.

No fakes have been found.

A bee product that looks like sour cream is a cream prepared by whipping.

Canola honey is used for cooking, and the shelf life is increased.

AT ready cream you can add berries and nuts.

The fake is diluted with a filler - flour, sawdust, etc.

Only one honey plant can provide a rich black color to a bee product.

This is black cumin, the nectar of which bees collect mainly in Egypt.

According to local healers, the beneficial properties are inexhaustible: the product is suitable for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and heart. It is also used as a disinfectant.

The fake is cane molasses.

Honey with royal jelly

The mammary glands of bees that have recently left the combs produce a product that accumulates in the cells-baths.

Storage is difficult, and royal jelly is added to honey, not exceeding a concentration of 1 to 100.

The benefits are inexhaustible, but the properties are not fully understood.

Fake products do not contain milk.

A mixture of different nectars is called forbs.

All varieties differ in origin and color: meadow, forest, mountain, also dark and light.

Regardless of the color, honey has a strong tonic property.

A fake is a mixture of monofloral products of several varieties.

All varieties are divided into two groups - flower and honeydew.

If products from two different groups are mixed, the mixture will no longer be marketable, but it will remain edible.

Flower varieties are called varieties formed from any nectar - acacia, linden, etc.

Forged by adding burnt sugar, molasses or starch.

The mountain forbs always contain the nectar of an elite honey plant - food chestnut, linden or acacia.

Also, any mountain variety has a unique shade that cannot be obtained with conventional mixing.

An example is Abkhazian honey, in which the concentration of chestnut nectar exceeds 20%.

Fakes are mixtures made from monofloral honey.

The variety is rare. Better to call it apple. The properties are little studied, but the ability to stimulate the immune system has been revealed.

Another product is better known: apple pulp is added to light flower honey, and the mixture is evaporated at T = 40-45°.

It turns out a cure for cystitis and any inflammation in the joints.

The main thing is not to buy an apple product instead of apple honey.

The variety belongs to those that are almost never found on sale.

The sugaring process is fast, and the benefits are due to the mildest choleretic and diuretic effect.

cook more often honey product by filling the pumpkin cavity with sugar. Perhaps the benefit in the second case will not be much less.

A fake is candied honey from a sunflower.

If the watermelon pulp is evaporated for several hours, a product of bright red color will be obtained.

Its name is nardek, and it is used only in cooking.

Perga is added to bee honey, but then the color turns brown.

Watermelon honey is not fake.

To any bee product, you can add a preparation from algae of a special variety.

As a result, the natural taste will not change and even intensify.

Healing qualities are also enhanced, but the color changes.

Neither propolis nor honeydew mixture can give honey a rich green color.

Within the genus Apis, there are not one, but seven species of bees. Many of them do not live in hives, but their combs are available to a person, filled with nectar in the same way as in ordinary apiaries.

After honey collection, honeycombs can be removed and sold finished product. The most famous Himalayan variety, which is described in the table.

There are no wild bees in Russia.

The cedar gives off honeydew, and the bees form a product with a characteristic shade from it.

The variety is artificial: cedar resin is added to light herbs.

The proportion can be 1 to 1.

Deception consists in imposing an opinion about the natural origin of the variety.

The product of the first rolling, obtained in any apiary, is called May.

The variety is a kind of light forbs. The period of sugaring depends on the nectar composition, but does not exceed one year.

The maximum benefit is manifested after 5-6 months of storage.

A fake is a product of a later roll.

In Australia and New Zealand, a honey plant called Tea Tree grows.

The product from its nectar is thick, it is not candied for almost a year.

Healing properties associated with antiseptic and antiviral action.

When falsifying, molasses is usually added.

Any bee product with a specific gravity of 1.450 is called dry.

There is another definition: dry honey is honey powder or granules that must be dissolved in water.

Essential oils are lost during processing.

The usefulness question remains open.

Honey plants from the coniferous forests of Siberia and Altai form a special and unique mixture with healing properties.

The product does not sugar for a long time, remaining liquid for almost a year, and the benefits are due to the high content of vitamins and minerals.

It is easy to recognize the variety by its rich color.

An obligatory sign is a coffee shade.

The variety belongs to the light forbs, formed by honey plants of deciduous forests.

The mixture always contains wild raspberry nectar, useful in the treatment of colds.

The perfect balance of ingredients is the main advantage of the variety.

Molasses is added to fakes.

Fortress, %What is addedNote
Cossack05.06.2017 Juniper, allspice
Oprichnaya5.3 Ginger, cinnamon, cloves
Streletskaya5 Rose hip
Pyatialtynnaya5 Instead of sugar - malt
Half-and-half7,8 – 8,3 More honey is added + increased aging time
Two hryvnia4,8 – 5,8

Steppe honey plants give the product a dark color, and the variety is called steppe to emphasize that the nectar is collected from wild plants.

Cultivated plantations use pesticides and the beekeeper must not make any mistake.

In general, the variety is characterized as follows: meadow forbs, often dark and always without impurities.

Honey dew, that is, fall, in natural product not contained.

Honey plants grow in fields and meadows, giving the product a light or, conversely, a very dark color.

Field variety in another way can be called meadow forbs. We are talking about dozens of nectars, but always one prevails.

Oregano nectar is useful for insomnia, and sage treats inflammation.

When falsifying, granulated sugar is added.

When pumping honeycombs, any product comes into contact with oxygen. A suspension or fog is formed, and the reaction proceeds on the surface of the droplets.

The smaller the drop, the more oxides the resulting mixture contains. For commercial combs, this problem is not typical - they are supplied in their original form.

It is impossible to falsify wax honeycombs.

The absence of a honey bribe is not a reason for the beekeeper to grieve.

For feeding, a syrup made from water and sugar is used.

The bees fill the cells with syrup mixed with enzymes. After being removed from the combs, the product quickly turns sour.

You can add a mixture of nuts to a commercial bee product that has not had time to be candied.

It usually contains almonds, hazelnuts, cashew nuts, walnuts and pine nuts.

The color of the product becomes brown, diuretic and choleretic properties increase.

The technologies used are different, and honey does not always comply with GOST.

The nectars of many plants are not useful, but harmful to humans.

These include azalea, mountain laurel, aconite, wild rosemary and some others.

Food poisoning is not ruled out.

Products of different monofloral varieties can be mixed.

Most often this is done to prepare a fake.

Sometimes even elite varieties are used.

The mixture cannot be stored for a long time, and it does not look like a natural product.

AllergyDermatitis, eczema, etc.High blood pressure
Recipe2/3 tbsp. elecampane, licorice, marshmallow root + cold water 500 mlA handful of elecampane root + 5 tbsp. melted lard1/2 tbsp. elecampane and licorice color + 2 cups boiling water
CookingInsist 10-12 hours.Keep on fire for 1/4 hour.Keep 1.5 hours in a steam bath
Application1/3 st. per day, you can with honey (heated)Lubricate for the night1/2 st. 2-3 times a day

We are talking about an artificial variety obtained at home.

The mixture usually contains honey, lemon pulp and zest.

It must be remembered that lemon reduces blood density in the same way as ginger. There will be many contraindications.

Classification of varieties

Each variety can be light or dark, floral or honeydew. The elite, moreover, include only monofloral varieties. The same applies to low grades– rapeseed, sunflower, etc. All honeydew honey, according to Russian GOST, is considered low-grade.

Light varieties

Light monofloral varieties are known more than dark ones. These include:

  • acacia;
  • Lime;
  • sainfoin;
  • Crimson;
  • Dzhantakovy (camel thorn honey), etc.

AT different countries this division is no different. The list may contain more than one hundred items.

Dark varieties

Among the dark varieties there are many rare ones. And when asked to list them, they usually name only two. They are listed at the top of the list:

  • Chestnut;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Heather;
  • Burdock;
  • Rowan;
  • Tulip;
  • Caraway;
  • Carrot.

The blueberry variety is controversial.

Elite varieties

Several varieties belong to the elite class:

  • Chestnut;
  • acacia;
  • Lime;
  • Buckwheat.

Here is the list for Russia. In some countries, coniferous varieties are also considered elite. The same applies to sweet clover honey.

rare varieties

Really rare varieties are the following:

  • Tobacco;
  • Carrot;
  • Dandelion;
  • Pumpkin;
  • apple;
  • Hawthorn.

The latter is even considered non-existent. Hawthorn is a very inefficient honey plant. And on the shelves it is difficult to find honey from the nectar of lingonberries, blueberries or strawberries.

Most of us, when asked what types of honey he knows, will answer - linden, buckwheat, May, maybe he will name a couple more varieties. In fact, there are many more varieties of sweet treats, and learning to identify them is an art that is not accessible to every professional taster. Unfortunately, this is used by unscrupulous manufacturers who sell low-quality surrogates under the brand name of a natural product. If you do not want to fall for their bait, learn to navigate the variety of honey products. And we will help you.

To collect nectar for just 100 g of honey, bees fly over 450 thousand km in total and visit about 1 million flowers. Can you imagine the scale of the work?

A little about the classification of honey

Sweet, amber-transparent, viscous substance with a divine aroma. Honey is often compared with ambrosia - the legendary drink of the inhabitants of the Ancient Greek Olympus. The source for its production is sweet flower nectar and honeydew, which go through a complex path from partial processing under the influence of special enzymes in the crop of a bee to aging in honeycombs.

By botanical origin, the following varieties of honey are distinguished.

  • Floral - a product obtained after processing the nectar of flowers. If it is collected mainly from one plant species, it is characterized as monofloral, from different - polyfloral. Monofloral honey is determined by the main honey plant (acacia, sweet clover, fireweed, etc.)
  • Honeydew - a derivative of honeydew or honeydew - a sweet juice secreted by the green parts of the plant. Compared to flower honey, it is a lower (technical) quality product.
  • Mixed - a natural mixture of the first and second directly in the honeycombs.
  • Blended is also a mixture, but made by people, to equalize certain indicators of natural honey.

A bee cannot be programmed to collect nectar from any one flower, it does not matter if it is a linden or a dandelion. To get monofloral honey, you need a large array of a particular flowering plant (buckwheat field, linden grove). This does not mean that nectar supplements from other plants are completely excluded, but the main flower will prevail.

When, for one reason or another, there is little flower nectar (rainy summer or, conversely, drought), the bees are forced to collect the sweet juice secreted by the leaves and stems of plants. In the flower product, the admixture of honeydew honey increases.

Among the polyfloral types of honey from the so-called forbs, there are:

  • forest;
  • mountain;
  • meadow (field).

AT forest honeys a high percentage of nectar from flowers of trees (coniferous, linden, maple), raspberries, oregano and other inhabitants of the forest. In the mountain - a lot of acacia, chestnut, subalpine forbs. Fireweed, bruise, sage, sweet clover, St. John's wort - the basis of meadow (steppe) honey.

In the classification of a sweet product, attention is often focused on the geographical location of the beekeeping farm. Knowing this, one can orient oneself in the main honey plants growing in a particular area, determine how ecologically clean the region is. The Russians are in demand:

  • Bashkir honey. Linden grows here in large arrays, wild raspberry, fireweed (willow-tea), thyme, oregano, meadow forbs. This is where many varieties of products come from. In ecological terms, the region is safe.
  • Altaic. The region is synonymous with pristine nature, ecological cleanliness, and the richest plant diversity. From here they supply forest and mountain honey, including the famous - fireweed, angelica, taiga.
  • Caucasian. Mountain honey based on acacia, chestnut and subalpine forbs is famous for its medicinal properties.
  • Far Eastern honey has an unusual delicate taste. It is based on the nectar of the Amur and Manchurian linden, Amur velvet, raspberry, lilac, hawthorn.

Brief description of 12 popular varieties of honey

What makes up the popularity of certain varieties of honey? In fact, there are not many criteria. Taste and aroma play a decisive role for gourmets who consume sweetness often and with pleasure, replacing sugar with it. Medicinal properties are important if honey is used for therapeutic purposes, as an ingredient in medicinal formulations. Not the last role is played by the price - inexpensive and high-quality varieties are sold out even faster than rare, elite honey.

In view of the above, we have compiled this popularity rating. By indicating the region, they meant the area of ​​​​mass distribution of the honey plant, its natural thickets, which make it possible to collect nectar in large quantities. This does not exclude the cultivation of honey plants in other regions.


Thickets of acacia, sophora (a related plant) are massively found in the south of Russia, in the Caucasus mountains.

The product is recognizable by its liquid, transparent consistency, not prone to crystallization. Pure acacia honey may not shrink for several years, but when solidified, it forms a white or golden yellow fine-grained mass.

The taste is light, not cloying, with a delicate floral aftertaste and aroma. The undoubted advantage of this variety of honey is that it does not cause allergies and it is recommended to give it even to small children.


One of the most common species, as linden massifs are found throughout Russia.

The color is light, translucent, after standing for a while, it acquires an amber-yellow hue. It reminds a little of acacia honey, especially when it hardens, but unlike it, it crystallizes quickly.

Its taste is soft, but pronounced, at the very beginning, a slight bitterness is sometimes felt, which smoothly turns into sweetness. It smells like linden (or linden - honey?), Which in turn helps to easily distinguish a fake. It is famous for anti-cold and bactericidal properties.


Produced everywhere where buckwheat is sown. Pure buckwheat honey in large quantities comes from beekeeping farms in Altai, central Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.

Refers to dark varieties, in appearance - dark brown with a reddish tint. Crystallizing, it brightens, acquiring a dark yellow hue and a coarse-grained structure.

It has a recognizable, rich taste with sharp notes and a pleasant bitterness in the aftertaste. Thanks to its unique smell, it is excellent in baking. It is considered one of the best in medical terms. The authenticity of buckwheat honey is easy to determine by a sore throat.


This name was given to the earliest spring honey of the first pumping. It is produced everywhere from early flowering honey plants - fruit trees, primroses, acacia, hawthorn, peonies. A sort of combined "hodgepodge" in which it is difficult to distinguish the prevailing plant.

On color - translucent, has quite liquid consistency, but pouring like water should not be - this is a sign of products that have not matured in the honeycombs, which can ferment over time.

The taste is very sweet, even slightly sugary, with a neutral smell. In comparison with later varieties, it is not so saturated, but a lot of useful properties are attributed to it precisely because it is the first.


This is one of the varieties of white honey, the best combination of excellent delicate taste and medicinal properties (in the USA, for example, it is considered a standard). Pure sweet clover honey is harvested in Altai, in Buryatia.

Fresh honey is light amber in color, frozen honey is white. The color may have shades depending on the impurities of the nectar of other plants.

The taste is sweet, with a slight bitterness and vanilla aroma in the aftertaste loop. It has pronounced analgesic properties, indispensable for insomnia.


It belongs to rare varieties, especially valuable for medicinal properties. Pure angelica honey is more common in the northern regions, where thickets of the medicinal plant are spread over vast areas.

The color is dark brown with a reddish-amber tint. Sits down slowly, acquiring a fine-grained "greasy" consistency and ductility.

It has a rich taste with a slight bitterness and a caramel aftertaste.

Floral (from herbs)

It is also called meadow or field, since there is no prevailing honey plant in it, but there is nectar of many plants that bloom at about the same time, for example, oregano, thyme, St. John's wort, plantain, sage. Produced everywhere.

The mixture includes herbs, which in their pure form serve as the basis for both dark and white varieties of honey. When mixed, they acquire a golden yellow color, more light than dark. Honey from herbs crystallizes slowly, forming a thick elastic mass.

The polyfloral composition also determines the taste - pleasant, rich, often with well-perceived fruit or herbal notes, but rather heavy, incomparable with linden or acacia honey. In many ways, the taste depends on which flower nectar was collected more.


Believe it or not, this variety is one of the leaders in sales on the honey market. Firstly, due to the availability of honey plant, it is ubiquitous, and secondly, it compares favorably with an affordable price.

Like the honey plant, the product from it is characterized by a beautiful golden yellow color, which, after crystallization, darkens slightly, acquiring an amber, sometimes slightly greenish tint.

Pure sunflower honey is pleasant on the palate with tart notes and a fruity plume. You can recognize quality products by a slight sore throat.


Another type of white honey from a plant common in Bashkiria, Altai, in the middle lane, Belarus.

Immediately after pumping, it has a light yellow color, sometimes with a greenish tinge. Sets quickly, forming a creamy-white elastic mass, reminiscent of cream in density. It crystallizes unevenly, forming clots.

It is characterized by a delicate texture and soft delicate taste, for which it is even called "children's".


Not the highest quality, but inexpensive variety of beekeeping products. Thickets of heather are found in Belarus, the Carpathians.

The color of heather honey is from dark yellow to red-brown. When solidified, it forms a jelly-like mass, after stirring it regains a liquid consistency.

The taste will appeal to lovers of bitter species with noticeable tart notes.


A rather rare and valuable variety in its pure form is produced in Siberia from a plant of the same name of the legume family.

When fresh, it is very light, translucent with a greenish tinge. It does not crystallize for a long time. The shrunken mass has a creamy consistency and a fine-grained structure.

The taste of sainfoin honey is pleasant, fragrant, with herbal notes and a subtle aroma of roses. Pollen, which enters the honeycomb along with nectar, adds value to the product - it enhances its healing properties.


The main supply region is Siberia, the Caucasus, where the plant is cultivated as a honey plant and can bloom up to 4 times a year.

Externally, phacelia honey is very light, transparent yellow, crystallizing, it becomes almost white with a greenish tint, similar in texture to soft honey. elastic dough. Fresh, if you don’t know, you can confuse it with an acacia or linden counterpart.

Thanks to a large number fructose, the product has a sweet and spicy taste with light tart notes, heady aroma.

Every man to his own taste

Experienced beekeepers note that the best varieties of honey for everyone are their own. When choosing a treat, we are guided by our own taste preferences, and our body subconsciously strives for what it lacks.

When giving a tasting assessment, take into account the taste, color, aroma, texture of the product. In the aggregate of these signs, the leaders are:

  • herb honey;
  • lime;
  • acacia;
  • sweet clover;
  • hyssop;
  • clover;
  • lavender;
  • crimson;
  • mint;
  • phacelium;
  • sainfoin.

Some especially appreciate honey, which retains a liquid consistency for a long time. This is important if the product is mainly used for baking, for other culinary purposes. Examples of such varieties are acacia, angelica, chestnut, heather, alfalfa, most honeydew varieties.

Sweet treat colors

The honey palette is surprisingly extensive and depends on the pigments and minerals that fall into it along with nectar and pollen. The main color is amber-yellow, translucent. But there are varieties, both very dark and light, which, when solidified, resemble white lard or cream. It has been proven that color has nothing to do with taste - there are many first-class products among white varieties, and, for example, dark amber chestnut, heather honey is considered low-grade.
The most valuable types of white or almost white honey:

  • acacia;
  • sweet clover;
  • fireweed;
  • clover;
  • crimson.

Some less valuable varieties of honey products obtained from the nectar of rapeseed, colza, alfalfa, and cotton also acquire a white consistency.

Of the dark varieties, the most common are:

  • buckwheat;
  • taiga (coniferous);
  • chestnut;
  • angelica:
  • hyssop honey.

Dark varieties of the product are considered not as tasty, but they are often more aromatic and healthy. They have more iron and other trace elements, proteins, amino acids, plant pigments.

Useful properties of different varieties of honey

Now we will say a seditious thing - it is impossible to determine which kind of honey is the most useful. A real natural product, from the nectar of whatever plants it is obtained, has a similar composition.

It consists of 75% carbohydrates (glucose, fructose and sucrose), a small amount of proteins and starch breakdown products, organic acids, trace elements, vitamins. Experts believe that the usefulness of honey is determined by the enzymes that are secreted by the bee while the nectar is in its crop. The longer he is there (from 20 minutes or more), the better. That is why, the farther the bee flies for nectar, the more healing honey is obtained.

The value of honey is due to its chemical composition, which is very similar to blood plasma. Almost in the same concentration as blood, it contains magnesium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, and potassium. It is no coincidence that this is almost the only product that is absorbed by 97%, and it is absorbed immediately, without needing to be broken down with the help of digestive enzymes.

Among the variety of types of honey, those collected from medicinal plants, since biologically active substances enter them with nectar. And also with additives of other bee products. So, the most useful honey.

  1. Cellular. Natural packaging allows you to save a maximum of useful components, including propolis and pollen, deposited on the walls of the combs. These substances help to strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole. Chewing honeycomb is very useful for teeth, gums, oral disinfection.
  2. With pollen. Incredibly useful for children, as it contains growth factors, affecting the endocrine system. Normalizes metabolism, stimulates the release of bile and other digestive enzymes. Helps cleanse blood vessels from low-density cholesterol.
  3. Pine (taiga). Indicated for people with asthma, chronic bronchitis, prone to frequent colds. Well restores ability to work, saves from chronic fatigue.
  4. Mustard. An ideal treat for colds and viral infections. Has choleretic properties.
  5. Nardek. Watermelon honey is the best helper in the fight against influenza, bronchitis, and throat problems. Suitable for cores, help clean blood vessels, increase hemoglobin.
  6. with propolis. The light bitterness that propolis gives to honey helps to cope with SARS and influenza, promotes tissue healing and body cleansing at the cellular level.
  7. Uterine. Honey contains royal jelly - a substance consisting of 400 biologically active components. With the help of a useful product, they strengthen the immune system and normalize blood pressure, protect against stress and stimulate metabolism.
  8. Zabrusny. This is the name of scarce honey with lids, with which bees close the honeycombs. They contain natural wax, propolis, pollen. The product is characterized by antibacterial, cleansing, preventive properties.
  9. Bortovoy or honey of wild bees. Contains propolis, royal jelly, pollen, wax, very seasoned and useful. Recommended for cleansing the body of toxins, healing the liver, gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Black maple. Rare honey from the Tatar maple, an analogue of the May vitamin product. It is shown to pregnant women as an antiemetic.

The list of useful types of honey can be continued - linden and buckwheat, bird cherry, almond, fig, cedar ... Enjoy a sweet treat and be healthy!

Types of honey and its varieties are very diverse. Honey can be dense or liquid, vary in color from whitish, almost white, to amber-dark, according to palatability and aroma. Numerous varieties of honey are divided according to the type of honey plants and the collected nectar. Also, honey can be honeydew and flower (this is a division by origin), while pure or mixed.

Types and varieties of honey, their beneficial properties are actively used for medicinal purposes in folk medicine, in particular, apitherapy. There is a lot of information in various printed and electronic publications about what varieties of honey are, how they are classified by type, honey collection area and honey plants.

Varieties of honey depending on the type

Steppe or meadow type of honey

  • Altai honey - meadow and field. In the honey collection there are such plants as coltsfoot, dandelion, burdock, sweet clover, buckwheat, alfalfa, sunflower, willow.
  • Bashkir meadow is a huge variety of honey plants, trees and shrubs: honeysuckle, hawthorn, elm, bird cherry, linden, alder, gout, cow parsnip, sage, fireweed, motherwort, Ivan tea.
  • Honey in central Russia is divided into fruit and meadow varieties. Fruit varieties of honey are collected from fruit trees and shrubs: currants, gooseberries, apple trees, pears and others growing in the middle lane.

Honey, which is collected from apple and pear trees, cherries, sweet cherries, peach trees, is yellow with a reddish tint and delicate aroma, sugary-sweet taste, contains fructose (42%) and glucose (31%). This honey is early, the period of the main honey collection begins at the end of spring.

Honey collected from meadow herbs, amber, very tart and fragrant, has excellent healing properties. Sage, St. John's wort, sweet clover, thyme, oregano are the main honey plants of meadow varieties.

  • Central Asian steppe varieties belong to the steppe species and are collected from plants such as fireweed and sunflower.

Mountain view of honey

  • Caucasian honey. Its main property is slow crystallization, it remains in liquid form for a long time, it is collected mainly from chestnuts and acacias.
  • Gornoaltaysky honey. Typical honey plants are burdock, squirrel (saussurea).
  • Kyrgyz varieties are Toktogul, Issyk-Kul, Chon-Kemin, Susamyr honey. Honey plants are plants growing high in the mountains, approximately at an altitude of 1200 to 3000 m. The famous camel thorn, edelweiss, sage, hawthorn, oregano, mint, currant, clover grow here. This is an expensive type of honey, in particular, camel thorn honey is highly valued for its healing qualities, it is used for sore throats, shortness of breath, and in the treatment of coughs in children and adults.

Forest type of honey

This type of honey includes the following varieties:

  • Taiga honey. Its main honey plants are angelica, pine and cedar conifers. This honey does not crystallize, has a shade of brown with a greenish tint and a slight sour taste.
  • Altai honey is collected from such plants as goutweed, hogweed, forest raspberries, and angelica.
  • Pre-Ural honey is whitish in color, tender, collected from strawberries, lindens, raspberries.
  • Bashkir honey has a yellowish tint or brown, its main honey plants are fireweed, oregano, cow parsnip, raspberry, angelica and linden.
  • Honey from the central part of Russia. The main plants for honey collection are maple, willow, willow-herb, ash, wild raspberry, wild strawberry, hawthorn, oak. It has a rich taste depending on the shade. The more delicate the taste, the lighter the honey, for example, willow honey is light and very delicate.
  • Far Eastern honey is collected from the Amur and Manchurian linden, lilac, cherry. It crystallizes quickly, the crystals are large and soft, quickly soluble at the same time. Very light.

Types of honey and its varieties depending on the origin

  • Honeydew honey is obtained from honeydew. This is a sticky juice that stands out on the leaves of trees, shrubs, on tree bark, young shoots. These types of honey and its various varieties are produced from honeydew collected in dry, warm weather during the summer months. Pad is collected from coniferous, deciduous trees and shrubs.

This is a forest type of honey, includes the following varieties: linden, ash, oak, willow, acacia, spruce, fir, fruit, etc. Honeydew honey is richer in sugar and amino acid content than flower honey.

  • Flower varieties of honey are pure and mixed, polyfloric. Polyfloric varieties of honey are harvested by bees during the flowering of meadow herbs: cornflower, oregano, sage, clover, thyme and many other herbs from meadows and fields. This honey, whose hue varies from light, golden to dark, depending on the set of herbs present in it, is beneficial for health, and is also used as a remedy in apitherapy.

Varieties and properties of honey used to treat diseases, depending on the variety and honey plant

Honey in the human body is absorbed by 97% and, bypassing the digestive system, enters the bloodstream immediately. It can be stored for a long time, but it can not be heated above 40 degrees. The composition contains many vitamins B, C and P, important organic acids (folic, nicotinic), minerals, trace elements (potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, iodine), which are so necessary for human life.

It contains hormones and aromatic substances in optimal amounts for humans. Due to this, it is actively used in apitherapy: it is used for wound healing as a bacteriostatic agent, it is used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Honey can be used as an aid in the treatment of bronchitis. It is used as a dietary product. In cosmetology, it is included in numerous creams and face masks due to its ability to moisturize the skin.

  • Buckwheat honey has a very tart taste and bright aroma, when eaten it causes slight irritation in the throat. It is honey of a bright, almost reddish hue. Buckwheat honey jars look very beautiful in the photo. It contains a lot of iron, so buckwheat honey is very useful for anemia and anemia.
  • Rapeseed honey is a honey with an unexpressed bitter taste, very light, almost white, small crystals fall out easily and quickly, therefore it has some similarities with lard. Rapeseed honey contains a lot of glucose, it is used to increase potency.
  • Linden honey is very fragrant, contains a large amount of glucose and fructose in equal proportions, is used as a diaphoretic for the treatment of colds, coughs, and for the prevention of heart disease.
  • Willow honey. The main honey collection occurs in early spring. Honey of golden hues, crystallizes quite quickly. It is used for colds, to reduce body temperature, has a choleretic effect, it is used in the treatment of hepatitis.
  • Carrot honey is obtained from seed and wild carrot plantations. The main harvest of such honey occurs in July, when white flowers appear on the stems of carrots. Carrot honey has shades of dark brown, it contains carotenoids, it is used for anemia, with a decrease in immunity, especially in children, and for inflammatory diseases of the eyes.
  • Cucumber honey is collected during the flowering period of cucumbers, the productivity of cucumber honey collection is small, only 30 kg per hectare. This variety of honey is rare, although cucumbers are very good honey plants. Honey is yellow-amber in color, not at all bitter, delicately fragrant, used to treat urinary tract, as cholagogue used for constipation.
  • Motherwort honey is used as a remedy for diseases of the nervous system, as a mild hypnotic, good for the treatment of neuroses, and also as a wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • mint honey very high quality, fragrant. Mint as a plant for honey collection is very productive. It blooms from early summer to mid-autumn. Mint honey belongs to the varieties of meadow honey; honey is collected almost all summer from meadows and fields. It is used for diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, colitis, etc.), for the treatment of inflammation of the gums and teeth.
  • Thistle honey is a high-quality product collected during the flowering of such an unpleasant honey-bearing weed as thistle, usually adjacent to euphorbia. It has indications for the treatment and prevention of stomach and intestinal ulcers due to its antiseptic properties.

For example, for the treatment of stomach ulcers, you need to prepare a mixture of thistle honey with pollen: for 20 g of honey, take two tbsp. tablespoons of pollen and grind thoroughly in a mortar. Take 1 tsp. three times a day for three weeks before and after surgery. Mostly take thistle honey for surgical interventions.

  • Acacia honey is extracted by bees in acacia plantations. It has a delicate syrupy consistency of light shades, almost does not crystallize. Traditional healers recommend this variety of honey as a means for a general increase in the tone of the body, with diseases of the digestive system. It is hypoallergenic and therefore can be given to children.
  • One of the best varieties- raspberry honey. When freshly harvested, it has a light golden hue, easy to crystallize. The period of its honey collection begins with the beginning of summer.

Many varieties of honey have a pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness and a delicate aroma. The degree of sweetness depends on the ratio of carbohydrates and their quantity. Varieties with different botanical origins have characteristic flavors.

Rapeseed honey is very tart and sugary, dandelion honey has a harsh taste, heather and cornflower varieties have a bitter aftertaste. Pleasant taste have varieties of honey willow, parsnip, mountain ash, sage.


The grade of honey is determined by many organoleptic characteristics. But the indication of the type of honey does not mean that it is absolutely pure and is made from the nectar of the very plant whose name it bears. In each variety there is always a share of another variety. Each type of honey has its own characteristics, depending on the ratio in its composition of amino acids, minerals and polysaccharides - glucose, fructose and sucrose.

Honey is a beekeeping product with a rich content of glucides (glucose, ozans, glucosides). It consists of: water, levulose, mineral salts, maltose, sucrose, glucose. Any honey is an energy food product. The therapeutic value of this product is due to the action of the antibiotic from the bee body, the nature of the sugars and the presence of pollen with royal jelly. But honey is different. Therefore, today we will talk about the types, varieties of honey and its medicinal properties.

honey classification

Types of honey. There are three types of honey: mixed, flower, honeydew.
Flower honey is classified according to its composition: monofloral and polyfloral.

Monofloral flower honey is processed by bees from the nectar of flowers of one variety of plants (white locust, sunflower, linden, buckwheat). Absolutely monofloral honey varieties are rare. Polyfloral is made from flower nectar collected by honey bees from various plants. Polyfloral varieties: meadow, forest, mountain, fruit, steppe.

Honeydew honey is produced by bees in a dry summer from the excrement of insects (worms, psyllids, aphids), i.e. not from nectar, but can also be obtained from the nectar of sugary substances of plants (honey dews). In the first case, honeydew honey is obtained of animal origin, in the second - of vegetable origin. It was known about honeydew in ancient times, it was valued on a par with honey. Modern chemical analysis has shown that pad has more minerals than honey. But its bactericidal properties are low.

Varieties differ in taste, aroma, composition, color. But most importantly, each variety of honey has certain medicinal and beneficial properties. Light honey is easier to digest, and therefore more suitable for nutrition and treatment of children. Dark varieties have high medicinal qualities which have a strong effect due to the large amount of mineral salts. These varieties are suitable for the treatment of many chronic diseases due to the content of copper, manganese, iron.

Varieties of honey, properties

meadow honey

The color of meadow honey is light yellow, sometimes yellow-brown. It is also called "forbs", "team". This variety of bees is made from the nectar of meadow plants, and therefore it is classified as polyfloral. Honey has the aroma of meadow herbs and a pleasant taste.
Main medicinal properties
. Calms the nervous system.
. Helps with indigestion caused by nervous overexcitation.
. Effective for headaches, palpitations, insomnia.

Acacia honey

This variety has a transparent, almost colorless color. It becomes white as milk in the process of crystallization, and the consistency resembles cottage cheese with grains.

Medicinal properties of the variety
. It has a general strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance, reduces the side effects of drug therapy.
. It has a calming effect on neurasthenia, insomnia; induces deep sleep. Acacia honey is a harmless sleeping pill.
. Regulates bowel function, eliminates constipation, is an antispasmodic for flatulence, intestinal spasms and antiseptic for diarrhea.
. Useful in diseases of the genitourinary system. Honey water solution treat urinary incontinence.

Buckwheat honey

The color varies from brown-green to dark brown, a reddish tinge is possible. It differs from other varieties with a characteristic and easily remembered aroma, as well as a pronounced taste. At the time of crystallization, it resembles a mushy mass. Buckwheat honey is superior to acacia honey in terms of enzyme activity, the amount of amino acids, iron, and vitamins.

Medicinal properties of buckwheat honey
. Strengthens the heart muscle.
. It helps with cholelithiasis, a tendency to stone formation, with kidney failure, colic, liver diseases.
. Replenishes the deficiency of iron, folic acid in anemia, chronic blood loss, vomiting, diarrhea, monotonous and irregular nutrition, dieting.

Linden honey

The color of linden honey is white, sometimes completely transparent, or light amber, less often greenish or yellowish. It has a strong and delicate aroma of linden flowers and a recognizable specific taste. Within 2 months, it crystallizes, turning into a pasty mass with large or small grains. Linden honey is one of the best honey varieties.

Medicinal properties
. It has a healing effect in the treatment of burns, purulent wounds.
. Has bactericidal properties.
. Used in the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, asthma.
. Helps with weakened heart muscle.
. They treat gynecological disorders, kidney disease, kidney failure.
. Effective in liver diseases.

sunflower honey

The color of honey is rich golden, the aroma is sweet, the taste is harsh. Crystallization quickly sets in, during which large amber crystals appear, sometimes with a greenish tint.

Medicinal properties
. Surpasses other honey varieties in the content of vitamin A.
. Pronounced bactericidal properties.
. Helps with first and second degree burns, has wound healing properties.

barberry honey

The color is golden yellow, the taste is delicate. It is produced by bees from the flowers of the common barberry berry bush.

Medicinal properties of barberry honey
. Valuable hemostatic agent.
. Stimulates appetite, helps in the secretion of gastric juice.
. A good antiscorbutic and vitamin remedy.
. It has antipyretic, choleretic, diaphoretic effect, as well as hemostatic, blood-clotting properties.
. It is a uterine remedy that causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Pregnant women do not take!
. Treats sore joints, ligaments, menisci. Used for gout.

Budyakovy honey

Colorless, greenish or light amber. Fine-grained during crystallization. Budyak honey is collected from pink flowers of a weed that has prickly stems and gray-green leaves - budyak, or thistle.

Medicinal properties
. Helps with colds affected by the mucosa respiratory tract, temperature.
. Prevents the occurrence of convulsions caused by fever, acts as an antipyretic.

Cornflower honey

The color is greenish-yellow, the aroma of honey resembles the smell of almonds, the taste is peculiar, bitter. Cornflower honey is processed by bees from blue cornflower (field) - a beautiful honey plant.

Medicinal properties of cornflower honey
. It is used for inflammation of the urethra. It has a choleretic, diuretic effect.
. Antipyretic, diaphoretic, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory agent.

heather honey

The color is dark yellow or red-brown, the aroma is weak, the taste is tart, bitter. This variety is very viscous and crystallizes slowly. The bees make heather honey from the nectar of pink small flowers of common heather, a branchy evergreen shrub.

Medicinal properties
. Used for gout, they are good for treating joints.
. Compensates for the lack of vitamins, helps to get rid of dystrophy, malabsorption of vitamins, loss of vision. Useful during pregnancy.
. Relieves angina attacks.

mustard honey

Usually golden in color, at the time of crystallization becomes yellowish-cream. Collect mustard honey from yellow large flowers of white mustard.

Medicinal properties of the variety
. Natural pain reliever: reduces muscle pain, involuntary muscle contractions; relieves joint pain, muscle spasms.
. Mustard honey is useful for indigestion, as well as bloating.
. Mustard honey is used for colds, it has a warming effect.
. It is also effective in female inflammatory diseases, cervical erosion.

sweet clover honey

The color is light amber or white. Melilot honey is first-class. It has a very subtle, vanilla-like aroma. This variety of bees is harvested from the bright yellow flowers of the sweet clover.

Medicinal properties
. Women's and men's inflammatory diseases, functional disorders of the genital organs, sexual neurasthenia, mastopathy are successfully treated with it.
. Sweet clover honey helps with sprains, tendons.
. It has a curative effect on inflammation of the respiratory tract.
. Water solution sweet clover honey will relieve restless sleep.

blackberry honey

It has no color, as water is transparent. This variety is very tasty. Produced by bees from the flowers of the blackberry bush.

Medicinal properties of blackberry honey
. It has a general strengthening effect.
. Useful for diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, colitis.
. Used for diabetes.
. It has a disinfecting, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect.
. It is a cleansing agent for dropsy, liver diseases, jaundice, skin diseases.

snakehead honey

Light, transparent, pleasant taste. Honey bees produce snakehead honey from the violet flowers of the essential oil annual plant of the snakehead (mother liquor), which grows wild in large quantities in the Crimea. The snakehead is a valuable honey plant containing high-sugar nectar with a lemon smell.

Medicinal properties
. It is used for paralysis, trauma, nervous disorders, the consequences of a stroke.
. It cures various infectious diseases, the consequences of poliomyelitis.

willow honey

The color is golden yellow, during crystallization small grains with a creamy tint are formed. Bees produce this variety from the flowers of trees and shrubs (about 100 species of willow).

Medicinal properties of this variety
. Remedy for the treatment of feverish conditions, neuralgia.
. Astringent for diarrhea.
. The healing properties of willow honey include its choleretic, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory effect.

clover honey

Transparent, colorless. One of the best honey varieties. Crystallizing, it turns into a white solid mass.

Medicinal properties
. It is recommended to use clover honey for rheumatism, lung diseases, anemia, gout, atherosclerosis.
. The anti-cancer effect of clover honey was revealed.
. Relieves coughing fits, whooping cough symptoms.

Lavender honey

Golden color, delicate fragrance. Lavender honey belongs to the category of first-class. It is collected by bees from light blue or bluish-violet flowers of the essential oil perennial lavender plant.

Medicinal properties
. Relieves headaches, symptoms of insomnia, nervous tension.
. It has simultaneously analgesic, antiseptic, soothing effect.
. Treats skin diseases, prevents the penetration of bacteria.
. Regulates the functions of organs.
. It is used for amenorrhea, hormonal disorders, restores the menstrual cycle.

Burdock honey

The color is dark olive, the smell is sharp spicy, very viscous. Produced from small dark pink flowers of hairy burdock.

Medicinal properties
. It has a choleretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, wound healing effect.
. Stimulates mineral metabolism.
. Improves the insulin-forming function of the pancreas.
. It is used for gastritis, mild diabetes, constipation, rheumatism.

alfalfa honey

Shades are various - from amber to colorless. Quickly crystallizes to a consistency heavy cream, becomes white. It has a specific taste and pleasant aroma. Collect alfalfa honey bees from purple flowers of alfalfa.

Medicinal properties
. Helps cleanse the colon of toxins, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
. Helps with disorders of the respiratory system, bronchial and asthmatic conditions.
. Effective in diseases of the arteries, most heart diseases.
. Useful for menopause.
. Increases the body's resistance.

Raspberry honey

Light, has a pleasant aroma, the taste is very delicate. Bees collect raspberry honey from flowers of garden and forest raspberries.

Medicinal properties of the variety
. Useful for anemia, atherosclerosis, diseases of the kidneys, stomach, hypertension.
. Phytoncides of raspberry honey are detrimental to staphylococcus, bacteria and viruses.
. It has an antipyretic effect.

So we talked about the types and properties of honey. Medicine, and especially traditional medicine, actively uses its pharmacological and biological features. However, honey as a medicine and vitamin product is recommended for people of all ages. So eat it to your health!

You can buy Honey of any variety in our , as well as,

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Types of honey

One way or another, any bee variety of honey has antibacterial properties, but some of them have such qualities more pronounced. Others boast a high content of metals, or vitamins. Let's consider some of them in more detail.


One of the most valuable species, buckwheat bee honey is collected from the flowers of the same name. It has a very sweet, up to astringency, taste and smell. The crystallization of its dark mass always proceeds in homogeneous mass, and not necessarily coarse-grained. It is very rich in iron, which is why it is extremely useful for the process of blood restoration.


Another representative of incredibly useful varieties, linden honey is highly valued by people. Many people even believe that there is no better medicine. But, unfortunately, there is no absolute potion of immortality. It has a fairly light color, boasts a greenish tint, and even belongs to the white honey variety. But certainly a pleasant, mild smell. As for the taste, it is unlikely to find a sweeter one. This product is very nutritious, therefore it quickly restores organic depletion. A chic bouquet of vitamins has ensured widespread use in traditional medicine.


White honey is a rather rare variety with many fakes. Its sources are white locust, the same clover, sometimes even linden, and some others. Some of the varieties become white only after crystallization. Therefore, it can have several names. What I want to note is that it cannot be “pure”, at least it is almost impossible to achieve the absence of impurities. Therefore, it often has at least some shade.



The bitter taste of chestnut honey does not diminish the actual value of the product. The cloying smell of flowering chestnut remains, which is why it often evokes nostalgic memories of July on cold winter evenings. But not only the aroma, but also the color of it matches the fruits of the tree. This is one of the few species that can maintain its liquid state for much longer than the rest, to be more specific, up to two years. This dark variety has a wide variety of vitamins and microelements, including metals, therefore it is widely used for medicinal purposes.


The uniqueness of fireweed honey is provided by the legendary base - a herb used for a long time as a remedy for various diseases. The product of bees not only retained all the properties of the plant, but also multiplied and strengthened them. Rich in vitamin C, it is a first line remedy in the fight against colds.


The generalized name for honeydew honey is associated with the collection of honeydew by bees, not pollen. Such varieties have different colors, but certainly dark, up to black. And although they are not suitable for constant use by bees, they are not only harmless to humans, but also especially useful.


Perhaps the most interesting variety of honey is angelica. It has an exquisite taste, intoxicating aroma and excellent healing characteristics. Basically, it has a dark color, but can even be red. In medicine, the main use was found as a spasmalgotic for stomach problems.

Honey with royal jelly

Honey is diluted with royal jelly to enhance the properties of both ingredients. No additives or chemicals, just two natural ingredients. This mixture has the ability to save a person from many ailments. Mixed with a ratio of 1 to 150.


Floral bee honey, by definition, comes from plants that have pollen. Such a product almost always has a pleasant aftertaste and spicy smell. It is actively used both in folk and modern medicine.


It is surprising that such an unpretentious plant as sweet clover, which is considered an ordinary weed, can cause such amazing honey. This is an early autumn flower. It can be produced from yellow medicinal flowers and white ordinary ones. In any case, it has high-quality antimicrobial properties, accelerates the healing of wounds, and prevents their suppuration.


Extremely valuable and useful acacia honey can be white, virtually colorless, or yellow in color. Completely without bitterness, the taste is not sharp, just like the smell. A rare property of this product is a long-term resistance to the crystallization process. It is simply an excellent food for diabetics and children, as it is absorbed by the human body fantastically quickly.


Sunflower honey very quickly says goodbye to its extremely tasty liquid form. At the end of coarse-grained crystallization, it becomes light, occasionally with impurities of a green glow. Most of all, the benefit of such a substance will be in the treatment of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. In addition, it perfectly removes toxins from human body serves as a good diuretic.


Bee honey collected from mountain forbs is considered to be the purest. This includes nectar from rather rare flowers, giving a special healing power product. The result of such a mix is ​​a different color, aroma and taste. But being natural, it treats colds well.


Wild bee honey is a truly original nutrient. It has a wide variety of vitamins. The peculiarity of this variety lies in a special approach to its collection. Honeycombs are not unpacked for six months, in order to acquire greater density and aroma of the product. In other words, high concentration.


In fact, there is no pollen on the cedar, and even a narrow-minded person knows about this. In this case, to create honey, bees collect cedar honeydew to create this wonderful mixture. People can also cook it according to separate recipes using the same honeydew and other types of honey. In any case, the product is very popular and quickly sells out due to its invigorating abilities.


May honey is actually any fresh honey harvested since the beginning of spring. It turns out that this is not a specific variety, but several of them. They have a special relation to themselves, not only because of their freshness and specific healing power. There is a symbol of the beginning of life, the end of winter. It is readily purchased for the treatment of colds.


Honey, preserved in honeycombs, has its own healing power, different from the squeezed counterpart. In this case, a huge role is played by the wax itself, which stores particles of propolis and pollen. It is good to chew for gum health and powerful immune system. As a rule, in this state it is noticeably more expensive than in liquid.


Many people would like to see how bees knock out nectar from pine trees, but this cannot be, due to the absence of the latter in coniferous trees. Therefore, this variety belongs to honeydew honey. The peculiarity of this substance is a high concentration of potassium.

Herb honey

Nothing invigorates like honey from herbs. Is that the agenda from the military registration and enlistment office. But honey is still nice. Most often it is golden in color, and it is valued about the same, in particular for health. The general tonic effect of the substance enriched with vitamins and a variety of microelements literally saturates the body with energy.


Black honey can be only in two cases. It is either a honeydew product or it is made from black cumin flowers. In the latter version, it can only be collected in Egypt. The cost for it is akin to the height of the pyramids, due to the uniqueness and special healing indicators.


An intoxicating drink is especially popular among the Slavic peoples. It is prepared on the basis of honey, but it no longer differs in medicinal properties. But this does not affect the wonderful taste.


An amazing product is used to strengthen the immune system. green honey contains a special substance - spirulina. This substance enhances the healing properties of honey.


The color of pumpkin honey matches the plant from which it is collected. It does not keep its liquid form for a long time and soon crystallizes. The diuretic effect is not very pronounced, but it is actively taken for problems with organic filters: kidneys and liver.


In fact, apple honey is prepared by a person. In another, prepared liquid honey, crushed and peeled apples are sunk. It is made by adding a small amount of water and then heating it. In the finished state, the mixture is very useful for arthritis and cystitis.


A special ingredient that allows you to get such an unusual color is usually perga. This product has huge reserves of vitamin A, which is especially important for vision. In addition, there are special healing micro and macro elements of pollen.

dry honey

Being devoid of moisture, the substance loses its sharpness of taste and smell, but retains many properties for a longer time. Dry honey largely depends on the variety from which it was created.


Tea tree honey, according to many scientists, can even cure staphylococcus aureus, where even some antibiotics cannot cope. It has very strong antimicrobial properties. The product is light, with a slight aroma.


Although it does not cause particular addiction among people, nevertheless, sugar honey is still being produced. It belongs to non-natural varieties. The product crystallizes very quickly, with rather large grains. There is little useful in it and it is used as a substitute for sugar in baking.


Brown walnut honey is actively used in pharmacology. It is used to make drugs against sclerosis, worms and general strengthening drugs. In its pure form, it is valued precisely because of its firming and tonic properties.


Sometimes, when there is a lot of honey, but little by little, they are simply mixed. The resulting product becomes difficult to define, but it takes on interesting qualities of its constituent ingredients. Sometimes meadow honey is also called this, since it also has a lot of things mixed in it.


Lemon honey is made exclusively at home. It is a powerful remedy for colds. In addition, it brings out the smell and taste characteristic of citrus, which is why it is loved by housewives around the world.


Field honey is considered one of the best and most valuable varieties. It is usually either practically colorless or light yellow. Winged workers collect it from field plants (hence the name). Depending on the honey plant from which it was collected, the product has the appropriate beneficial properties. Sage, for example, treats inflammation on the skin, and nightshade saves from rheumatism.


Steppe honey, which is collected from herbs, has a lot of useful properties that it absorbs from all the plants that serve as its source. Its medicinal properties and nutritional qualities are very high.


Forest honey is considered one of the elite varieties. His unique properties allow the use of the product in the treatment of many ailments. It has a specific tart taste and a color palette from light yellow to light brown.


Sweetness collected from wild-growing honey plants located in the taiga-forest zone - that's what taiga honey is. Among all varieties, it is considered one of the highest quality. It gives out a special aroma, as well as a rich color of a coffee shade.

Beesweet is not always an amber or bright yellow color, there are also varieties of a darker shade. They differ not only in color, but also in special properties.

Dark varieties

  • buckwheat;
  • heather;
  • burdock;
  • chestnut;
  • tulip;
  • rowan.

Dark varieties include honey enriched with iron. As a rule, it is the metal that affects the color of the product. The most famous species are buckwheat and heather.

White varieties

  • lime;
  • acacia;
  • crimson;
  • sweet clover.

Some of them can acquire a characteristic color only after crystallization.

rare varieties

  • tobacco;
  • carrot;
  • dandelion;
  • pumpkin.

Not always bees collect honey exclusively, or at least mainly from the selected plant. The matter is aggravated if it is also not often found in nature. And they rarely meet.

Elite varieties

There are so-called elite types of honey, which are made from flowering plants, or rather, their nectar. In any case, they are rich in fructose and glucose, which make up four-fifths of the mass of the entire substance. Here you can meet both dark and white honey.

Medicinal varieties

Of course, any honey has its own healing properties, but some types of honey store a more pronounced healing property. Many products are enhanced in order to make the effect of their use more powerful. By and large, only non-natural varieties are not classified as medicinal varieties.

What kind of honey is the healthiest?

The very opinion that some honey can be more useful than another under any circumstances does not have a grain of truth. In fact, it all depends on the specific situation. Indeed, as already known, in case of a lack of potassium, it is best to eat pine, and if a person has lost a lot of blood, then he should use buckwheat.


Food of the gods

Varieties of honey