How to marinate pork before smoking. Sauce for marinating fish and various types of meat

Press on the meat with your finger - the dent should disappear

Every experienced chef knows that it is necessary to pickle or salt the product correctly, since its taste depends on it. But it is equally important to be able to choose meat. If it is initially hard, old or rotten, then no brine will fix it.

Coming to the market or to the store, you should pay attention to the condition of the meat. Its surface should be elastic and quickly recover after pressing with a finger. If present bad smell the product is damaged. The same can be said if there is a film or white mucus on the surface.

As for the type of meat, then the person himself decides which one to choose. It is good to use beef, pork, chicken and lamb for smoking at home. They get a great taste when soaked in smoke.

How to salt meat before smoking

Salting meat is quite simple, and for this you do not need special recipe. It is enough to take about a glass of salt and sprinkle it with chopped pieces of pork or beef. You need to try to make sure that the layer of salt completely covers the meat. You can also add pepper and spices - this will help make the product fragrant and spicy.

To be sprinkled with a thick layer of salt

Many people prefer to take garlic for pickling. It is crushed into slices and placed between slices of meat. The amount of garlic can be any, to taste. Salting lasts from several hours to a day. The optimal time is 12 hours, since during this period the product has time to take required amount salt.

Marinade recipe for meat with honey

Marinade for smoking meat can be prepared in different ways. An interesting recipe with honey: this ingredient is in perfect harmony with pork and chicken. And seasoning contributes to the fact that the pieces acquire a pleasant taste.


  • meat - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 80 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • spices to taste;
  • crushed garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • olive oil- 130 g.

This recipe will help to marinate the product deliciously for cold or hot smoking. Pour olive oil, lemon juice into a container, add a teaspoon of salt, pepper and spices. Garlic should first be passed through a press, and then also put in the marinade. You need to take about 50 g of honey, maybe a little more. All ingredients will need to be thoroughly mixed so that they form a homogeneous mass.

Marinade for smoking based on honey

Pork, beef or any other meat should be put in a container to start marinating. It is important to make sure that the resulting mixture falls on each piece. Marinating will take approximately 8 hours. After that, the meat should be laid out on the grates and smoked at home.

Kefir marinade for meat

A recipe with kefir helps to marinate the product perfectly before smoking. You will need to take for 1 kg of meat: a teaspoon of sugar, a little olive oil, mint leaves, garlic (2 cloves) and about 200 ml of kefir. You can also add pepper to taste. It will turn out not a brine, but a high-quality marinade, with the help of which salting will be successful.

Marinade for smoking based on kefir

All of the above ingredients must be mixed together, after chopping the garlic and mint leaves. You can add pepper to taste and seasoning. You need to salt a little, about one tablespoon is enough. In the resulting mixture, you can put meat and hold for a day. Unlike standard salting, the product will turn out to be more tender. This option is suitable for both hot and cold smoking.

Brine for smoking meat

Marinade for smoking meat is easy to prepare, but it will be even easier to make a brine. It can be used for cold and hot cooking. Pour water into the pan (about 3 liters), add Bay leaf, spices and sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon, boil it all. Salt should be to taste, usually 3-4 tbsp is enough. spoons. And don't forget to pepper.

When the brine boils, you need to turn off the heat and let the pan cool. Put the meat in it, cover with a lid and send it to the refrigerator for a day.

Marinating is used to satiate meat products moisture so that during the smoking process, pieces of meat, fish or poultry do not dry out. Special marinade compositions complement the taste of smoked meats with their aromas and contribute to the appropriate softening of tough meat fibers, making the main dish more tender. By adding spices with strong ethereal aromas to the composition, a stronger “freshness” effect is achieved.

Very often, marinating in a saline solution replaces ordinary dry salting. This technology allows you to better soak the pulp, to achieve a uniform distribution of salt and aromatic components of the marinade.

Marinades for hot smoking - general principles of preparation

Marinades used for marinating meat, carcasses or fillets of poultry and fish for the purpose of hot smoking can be either liquid or semi-liquid. They can be boiled or cooked without it.

There are many options and methods for preparing marinades for smoked meats, but the basic principle of preparation is the correct mixing of all components.

Marinades for hot smoking are prepared with water, wine, sour cream, soy sauce. They are diversified with spices and spices according to recipes or even selected at your discretion.

To enhance the softening effect, food acids are introduced - table vinegar, including apple, or lemon juice, mustard is often used for the same purpose.

The addition of granulated sugar or honey to the marinade not only gives the meat and fish a pleasant sweetish aftertaste, but also contributes to the formation of golden brown during hot smoking.

Food saltpeter is often added, this is done if they plan to prepare smoked meats in large quantities, for long-term storage.

Also, for longer storage, products before pickling must be soaked in a strong saline solution or sprinkled with salt and left for a day. Then they are washed well. If the pieces have taken a lot of salt, they are slightly soaked and only then placed in the marinade.

After pickling, poultry, fish or meat must be dried well, hung in a draft, and only then smoked.

Marinade for hot smoked chicken with vinegar

Ingredients for 4 carcasses:

A tablespoon of coarse garden salt;

Three tablespoons 3% table vinegar;

Half a teaspoon of ginger, coriander, allspice and black pepper (ground);

a teaspoon of sugar;

Two large bay leaves;

Two large slices garlic;

Eight juniper berries.

Cooking method:

1. If taken domestic chicken, carefully pluck it and burn it over an open fire. Take out the insides, cut excess fat and rinse well, especially from the inside. The legs and neck should also be cut off. Rinse the purchased bird well enough warm water and remove fat.

2. Then wipe the carcasses dry with a towel and cut into two halves. To do this, first cut the bird's breast with a knife, open it and cut it along the ridge.

3. Rinse each half of the chicken again, pat dry and place between two cutting boards.

4. Then apply a few blows to the top board with a rolling pin. This is done so that the joints are broken, and the bird marinates better.

5. Bring three liters of drinking water to a boil. Remove from heat and dissolve salt and sugar in boiling water.

6. Pour in vinegar, add spices, lower the parsley. Press the garlic into the marinade. Dip the juniper berries crushed with a rolling pin and cool the marinade.

7. Place the prepared halves of the bird in a large container. Pour the marinade over the chicken so that it completely covers it. Set oppression on top of the meat and put it in the refrigerator for four days to marinate. Turn chicken daily.

8. Wrap the marinated chicken halves in several layers with gauze, hang in a well-ventilated area for at least 12 hours. Drying time depends on the weather and can last up to a day.

9. After that, a well-dried bird can be smoked.

Marinade for hot smoking meat with honey


100 ml lemon fresh juice;

150 ml of high quality olive oil;

A quarter of a two-hundred-gram glass of honey;

A quarter cup of "Spice mix";

Finely chopped fresh parsley - 1/4 cup;

Three large garlic cloves;

teaspoon fine salt;

Black, crushed in a mortar, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off all the veins and fat from the pieces of meat. Rinse well and dry thoroughly.

2. In a large bowl, mix olive oil with strained freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey.

3. Add salt, crushed garlic with a knife or a press.

4. Pour in the parsley, Spice Mix, pepper to taste and stir well.

5. Put the pieces of meat in the prepared marinade and leave to marinate for ten hours.

6. After that, wipe the meat dry, remove the remnants of garlic, spices, parsley from it and smoke it according to the classic “hot” technology.

Marinade for hot smoked fish with soy sauce


200 gram glass of fresh lemon juice;

half a glass of soy light sauce;

Brown granulated sugar - 1/2 tbsp.;

Half a glass of coarse salt;

Dry wine (white) - 1 tbsp.;

Garlic - 3 cloves;

Two spoons of white ground pepper;

To taste - dried basil, marjoram or a mixture of curry and coriander.

Cooking method:

1. In large saucepan pour in 2.2 liters of water room temperature. Dilute sugar and salt in it.

2. Add soy sauce strained through a sieve lemon juice and dry wine.

3. Crush the garlic with a press or knife and send it to the marinade.

4. Pour in the spices, crush in a mortar and add white pepper and mix everything thoroughly.

5. Cut off all the fins from the fish, remove the gills from the heads, gut the abdomens and rinse well under the tap. Small fish, weighing 300 gr. and less, you can not gut.

6. Place the prepared fish carcasses in the marinade. It should be enough for all the fish to "drown". Cover and refrigerate for at least 9 hours, preferably overnight.

7. Then take out the container with the fish and keep it at room temperature for another forty minutes.

8. Dry the carcasses well from the marinade. To do this, the carcasses are tied up by the tail and hung out in a draft, wrapped with gauze. After an hour, marinated and dried fish can be smoked.

Wine marinade for hot smoked chicken with mustard


750 gram bottle of red wine;

250 ml quality vegetable oil;

100 gr. dry mustard;

A small bunch of fresh parsley;

To taste - black pepper and coarsely ground salt.

Cooking method:

1. Mix wine with oil and dry mustard.

2. Add chopped parsley, salt and pepper to your liking.

3. Rinse fat-free chicken halves with plenty of running water and transfer to a large marinating container.

4. Pour the marinade over the chicken so that it completely covers the bird. Cover and leave for eight hours in the refrigerator.

5. After the time has elapsed, wipe the halves of the bird dry from the remnants of the marinade with a towel.

6. Dry for at least an hour in a draft and smoke hot.

Marinade for hot smoking meat with saltpeter and blueberries

Ingredients for 10 kg of pulp:

Salt of the largest grinding - 700 gr.;

Seven liters of drinking water;

200 gr. granulated sugar;

Fresh or frozen blueberries - 20 gr.;

Food saltpeter - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Before marinating, the meat must be well salted. It can be filled saline solution for a day or sprinkle with salt and put under oppression for the same time.

2. Big enamel pan or a bucket fill with all the water. Add salt, saltpeter and granulated sugar.

3. Pour in fresh or frozen blueberries and bring to a boil. When the marinade begins to boil, boil it over low heat for no more than a minute so that all the loose components are completely dissolved.

4. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

5. Rinse the salted meat, if it is too salty, soak and dry.

6. Then lay the pieces of washed meat in layers in a large container. Sprinkle each layer well with chilled marinade when laying.

7. The meat should lie tightly in the marinade and be completely covered with it. Therefore, after laying out all the pieces, slightly compact them, add marinade if necessary.

8. Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for 2-6 weeks. The duration of pickling depends on the size of the pieces and even on the selected part of the carcass. So, loin and ribs are marinated for two weeks, shoulder blades for at least four weeks, and hams for up to six.

9. If the marinade begins to foam, it should be drained and boiled. Cool down and pour over the meat again.

10. Rinse well-marinated meat with a stream of running water, dry it in a draft, and only then smoke it.

Citrus marinade for hot smoked fish

Ingredients for 3 liters. strong salt solution:

One large orange;

Two medium lemons;

A tablespoon of ground pepper, cinnamon and granulated sugar;

To taste sage, rosemary and thyme;

Three onion heads;

Six large leaves of lavrushka;

Four cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse citrus fruits well and cut into slices, chop the onion into large rings.

2. Dip a small potato into boiling water and add salt until the tuber floats. After that, take out the potatoes, and lower the citrus slices, onion rings, all spices and spices into the saline solution. Boil the marinade at a slight boil for 10 minutes, and then let cool well.

3. Pour the processed fish carcasses with cold marinade and leave it in it for 12 hours in a cold room or refrigerator.

4. Then rinse the fish thoroughly under the tap, wipe dry with a towel and dry in a draft.

5. After that, you can put the fish carcasses in the smokehouse.

Marinade for hot smoking mackerel on sour cream


Four fillets of fresh frozen mackerel;

China. a spoonful of salt, grade "Extra";

150 gr. 20% sour cream;

A teaspoon of suneli hops;

Fifteen branches fresh dill.

Cooking method:

1. Thaw the mackerel fillet in the air, wash and wipe dry.

2. Mix sour cream with chopped dill, add salt and suneli hops.

3. Spread each fillet well with the prepared sour cream mixture and wrap with a film.

4. After five hours, remove the film, wipe the fish and smoke.

Hot Smoked Marinades - Cooking Tricks and Useful Tips

When preparing the marinade, all its liquid components are first mixed and bulk ingredients and greens are introduced into the resulting mixture.

To make it easier to remove marinade residues from pieces of meat, fish or poultry carcasses after pickling, it is best to tear the greens with your hands and crush the garlic with a knife.

To meat and fish products marinated evenly, the marinade should cover them completely, and in the process of marinating, pieces of meat and fish carcasses should be periodically mixed or turned over.

The minimum marinating time in any marinade is at least three hours at room temperature.

There are few people who can indifferently walk in the market or in the store past products that salivation can cause even in well-fed people. What can we say about when smoking takes place at home, and the smoke from the process and the smell finished product better than any gong, they call all the neighbors to a meal!

Smoked meat attracts like a magnet

However, in order for all stages of smoking to be completed with a bang, you need to know how to properly make an ambassador before smoking. After all, it is at this stage that most of the palatability, therefore, in order for the smoking to be successful, and the meat or fish to end up with a beautiful color, pleasant aroma and surprisingly tasty, they should be done correctly.

Video on how to smoke meat:

Ambassador as a stage of smoking

Before proceeding to the sacrament of smoking, do all the necessary preparatory procedures: thoroughly wash and salt the products, which will then go “into the smoke”.

The ambassador before smoking products is primarily needed in order to be ready after their final processing. In addition, they help kill the helminths and other bacteria living in them, as well as stop putrefactive processes. The salting procedure is most relevant if you prefer to enjoy cold smoked products. The concentration of the salt solution will always depend on whether you intend to feast smoked meat or fish immediately after their preparation, or delicacies are prepared for the future.

In the first case, it will be enough to withstand meat or fish in a mild salt solution for several hours.

A much more saturated salt solution, the concentration of which allows you to keep on the surface a raw egg or a potato, is necessary so that the ambassador before smoking is made as long as possible.

Smoking masters insist that in a concentrated salt solution flavored with various fragrant spices, the meat was salted for at least a day. For fish, such a long period of salting is not required - a few hours is enough. Remember what more piece fish or meat, the longer it should be in the salt solution. And do not forget to press them in the dishes with oppression so that the products do not float up and are salted evenly.

Industrial production of smoked products uses various technological methods. In order for the salting of meat for smoking not to “eat” the entire appetizing color of the product, a color stabilizer, sodium nitrate, is added directly to the brine.

Salting recipes

Each housewife has her own salting of meat or fish before smoking, tested over the years and experience, which they came to through long experiments with large quantity existing recipes ambassador.

However, so that it is not part of the brine, there are basic salting recipes, which are based on three methods of this process:

  • dry salting method;
  • wet way;
  • combined (mixed) salting method.

These methods are used to a greater extent when preparing meat for smoking is required. Options with fish will be discussed below.

Dry Ambassador

The dry method of salting meat or, probably, the easiest way to prepare for smoking, which is why it is so widely used.

Large wooden or enameled containers are suitable as dishes, on the bottom of which a large layer of salt is poured, and pieces of meat (lard), also previously rubbed with a mixture of salt and spices, are placed on top.

The secret of well-salted meat is easy to master. Meat slices should be stacked as closely as possible to each other, and pressed from above with oppression. In order for the meat to be salted evenly, the pieces must be constantly turned over, they should be interchanged. The total dry salting time is approximately 2.5–3 weeks.

Wet Ambassador

Wet salting of meat occurs in a similar way, with the only difference being that after laying the pieces of meat, they are poured with saline of the desired concentration. It is achieved by dissolving 100 grams of salt mixed with spices and 10 grams of sugar in 1 liter of water. A very important point in this process is the temperature of the brine, which should be below room temperature and not exceed +4 °C. With this method of salting, the preparation of meat for smoking will be more successful if the meat chunks are interspersed with onion rings or garlic cloves, fragrant berries juniper, hot pepper. Salt solution should be poured into a container with meat in such an amount that the meat “drowns” in it completely. In the case when, after laying the oppression, the brine begins to “run away” over the edge of the dish, its excess must be removed.

The wet salting period is much longer than the dry method, and is 10-30 days. This is due to the fact that wet salting of meat is mainly used for salting large hams and loins, due to the weight of which, more time is required for salting. When the salting period has come to an end, the meat must be thoroughly washed and left to air dry, pre-wrapped with a cloth that protects the piece from midges and street dust.

mixed way

It implies the following technology. The meat is first carefully rubbed with a mixture of salt and pepper, then kept for several days in a bowl, as in the dry salting method. Then brine is added to it and pressed with oppression.

Depending on the pieces of meat and the composition of the brine mixtures, the period of mixed salting of meat can be from 5–6 days to 3–5 weeks.

Wooden container for salting

According to experts in their field, better recipes salting are those that use wooden tubs. This is explained by the fact that the tree from which such a container is made is capable of giving meat some of its natural properties during salting and additionally saturating it with aroma.

Make sure that the wooden container in which you intend to make an ambassador before smoking meat pieces is not made from a tree that can release resin (for example, pine). The ideal option wooden barrel is an oak container. The barrel itself requires a kind of disinfection before use: first it is washed well, and then pre-soaked juniper branches are laid on the bottom. Stones heated on fire are placed on them. The hot steam from the stones, combined with the aroma of juniper, will rid the barrel of foreign odors and disinfect it. At the end of the procedure for preparing wooden containers, it should be rinsed again with water and wiped dry.

Types of marinades

If for the first time you decide to treat yourself to delicious smoked meats own cooking and demonstrate to everyone the pinnacle of your culinary talent by cooking fish or meat yourself, then the problem of how to make a marinade will not puzzle you much - just open cookbook or a page on our website. The number of marinades presented goes off scale, but each of them is based on salt, sugar and spices. Over time, focusing on your taste preferences, you will select or make up your own special marinade, in which the number of constituent ingredients and their types will vary, based solely on your taste preferences.

Fish Ambassador

Unlike meat, fish is not salted before smoking in a mixed way.

If we talk about the dry method, then the ambassador is carried out in the following way:

Layers of well-washed fish are sprinkled with a salt mixture (salt, spices, fragrant herbs). Moreover, the salt mixture should be poured in such a way that there are no empty spaces between the fish. Fish should be checked after 3-4 days. If she started up the juice, then the salting of the fish before smoking is over. It should be removed from the solution, rinsed well and dried again. natural way. When the soul demands smoked fish as soon as possible, then the ambassador before smoking can be accelerated in time. To do this, you need to place the fish for several hours in a saline solution, and then dry it and send it to a smoke cabinet or pit.

Remember that for people suffering from kidney disease, the dry salting method may not be suitable. After it, the product turns out to be very salty, and the fish itself is dry.

Wet salting of fish allows you to adjust the salting strength, depending on which you will get a highly salted, medium salted or lightly salted billet for further smoking.

In addition to dividing salting methods into wet and dry, they also distinguish: simple salting of fish, Dutch, homemade, fast, salting of frozen fish, salting of red fish, etc.

essence simple salting consists in the use of ordinary salt, the amount of which should be from 15 to 20% of the weight of the carcass. The most delicious will be simply salting the fish using a large table salt. The procedure takes 7-13 days. You will need about 3 days to directly salt the fish, and the remaining days to keep it out of the brine. This is necessary in order to become more tender in its consistency. In addition, the salting time of the slave depends on its weight and type. For fish trifles, a week is enough for you so that the fish can be sent to the smokehouse. For a heavier product, the exposure time is increased to 10 days.

Dutch way of salting

Everyone ate herring, but not everyone knows that fish was salted according to the Dutch method, which is considered the most delicious among gourmets. To do this, in a barrel (the material of the container is not important) is laid in layers fresh fish with removed gills, each row of which is covered with coarse salt. In less than a week (usually 5 days are enough), you will enjoy a delicious, truly delicious herring lightly salted. Such fish is no worse than the one offered to you in the markets or in fish stores.

Red Fish Ambassador

Regardless of what you need salted red fish for (putting it on sandwiches, making rolls out of it, smoking, etc.), the principles of salting will not differ much from each other.

Before salting red fish, its carcass must be cut, since usually all varieties of red fish are represented by large species (chum salmon, salmon, salmon, trout).

If you need an express ambassador of red fish, then experts advise not to philosophize. You just need to rub the pieces of fish with a salt mixture (you can also use frozen) and leave them under oppression for a while. Classic recipe salting in this case looks like this: 1 tablespoon of a mixture of salt and sugar per 1 kg of semi-finished product. The time of this method takes a little more than a day - it is necessary to keep the fish in salt for 24 hours without placing it in the cold, and after that, the fish should be in the refrigerator for an additional few hours.

Dear salmon and trout "love" another fish ambassador: salt with sugar at the rate of 3:1 (measured with a tablespoon) per 1 kg of fish.

Spicy salted fish

Spicy salting of fish involves the use of a mixture of salt and sugar, diluted herbs and seasonings. Due to them, the fish fillet acquires a peculiar taste and smell, depending on the composition of the seasonings used.

Video on how to salt fish before smoking:

Enjoy your meal!

As you can see, there are a lot of recipes for salting products, but they all “echo”. The base is salt, you can add herbs, sugar, your favorite spices to taste. The main thing is to do everything with your soul, gently placing each piece in a container for salting. Having gathered spices, the rays of the sun and your desire to cook deliciously, smoked meats will turn out great!

Which explain in detail how to marinate meat for smoking. The marinade will saturate the dish with moisture, make it juicy, give it a special flavor, and its preparation will take no more than a day.

What ingredients are needed to make a marinade?

List of products that may be useful for making marinade:

  • Saline solution;
  • star anise;
  • turmeric;
  • vegetable oil;
  • basil;
  • water;
  • dried hawthorn berries;
  • White wine;
  • marjoram;
  • Cahors;
  • spices;
  • fragrant herbs;
  • saffron;
  • fruit vinegar;
  • spices;
  • lemon balm, dried or fresh;
  • thyme;
  • crushed ginger;
  • dill;
  • mustard powder;
  • Bay leaf;
  • celery;
  • various dried herbs, as well as their mixtures.

Sometimes saltpeter is mixed into the marinade or brine. It is needed in cases where you need to marinate a large amount of meat, and then store it for a long time. Saltpeter, as a rule, is placed in a proportion of no more than 2-3% of the volume of table salt.

Use the ingredients in the recipe that you like. Below are the best options pickles and marinades to help prepare the meat for smoking. All of them are designed for five to six kilograms of products.

Gourmet wine marinade

Record a simple marinade for.

For cooking you will need:

  • 3.5 cups of vegetable oil;
  • Cahors - 3.5 cups;
  • Little mustard powder;
  • basil.

Salt and pepper should be based on preference. Before cooking, it is necessary to soak the raw materials in brine for 9-11 hours. Choose a hot smoking method with this marinade. This sauce is suitable for smoking pork, veal, rabbit and all birds (ducks, goose, quails, chickens).

Fragrant and juicy smoked pork in fragrant fruit marinade

Products you will need:

  • Mandarin - 1 pc.;
  • 4–7 tsp grated thyme;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • cardamom;
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste.

You can add these ingredients with any spices and spices of your choice. In order to make a marinade, you need to squeeze the juice from the tangerine, and twist the kiwi in a meat grinder. Mix everything, add dry and ground chili, cumin, favorite spices. Pour over the meat and marinate for at least 3 hours. Don't worry about the sweet taste. The finished product will have light fruity notes. Why put them in a marinade? They will make the meat more tender and juicy.

Preparing a delicious brine for smoking birds

Brine for smoking meat is designed for the carcass of one bird. Boil water and then cool it to room temperature. In water, dilute 0.5 tbsp. l. salt, a few bay leaves, 2 cloves of crushed garlic, a little ground pepper, 2 tsp. powdered sugar, citric acid 1 tsp If desired, add spices such as basil, coriander or cilantro. The brine should not be boiled. Leave the meat to soak in brine for 2-3 days. From time to time, swap the carcasses: put the top ones down, and the bottom ones up. When the carcasses are marinated, make cuts in them, into which you put small onions and lard. Before smoking them, let them dry, and during cooking, on the contrary, constantly moisten them in a solution. .

Marinade to prepare chicken and other poultry for smoking

In order to make a marinade for smoking meat at home, you need to mix:

  • 250 grams of mineral water;
  • 1 st. l. citric acid;
  • 2-3 medium-sized onions, which need to be chopped;
  • paprika 35–40 g;
  • table salt 0.5 tbsp. l.

Cut the carcass in half, wash and wipe well. Next and leave for forty minutes. After this time, remove extra salt with a dry napkin, immerse the carcass in the marinade for several hours, and put oppression on top.

Then rinse the meat under running water and dry with a dry cloth. This recipe for marinating meat for smoking is also suitable for all varieties. white meat. Smoke cold method. On average, it takes about 5-7 hours. After smoking, it is undesirable to store the product for more than 7 days.

Universal ketchup sauce

All components are taken in the same amount:

  • The wine is white;
  • ketchup;
  • vegetable oil;

Add some pepper, mustard powder, table salt and crushed garlic. Mix all the ingredients and pour the meat with the resulting mixture, putting it in a container before that. When the marinade for smoking meat drains, collect it and pour over the meat again. Marinate for about 8 hours.

Kefir marinade

To marinate meat for smoking on kefir, you will need:

  • Half a glass of kefir;
  • 60 g of olive oil;
  • 2 tsp honey;
  • some mint;
  • 1-2 small onions, which should be twisted in a meat grinder.

Pepper and salt, based on personal preference. . Marinate for at least 9-11 hours.

Sauce for marinating fish and various types of meat

To make marinated meat for smoking, you need:

  • 130 gr. any vegetable oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey;
  • various spices to taste;
  • greenery;
  • 2 medium-sized onions, which need to be finely chopped;
  • salt, cumin to taste.

Integral steps home smoked are salting and marinating. The procedure not only enriches the taste and makes tough meat softer, but also helps to destroy bacteria and helminth eggs, block putrefactive processes and extend the shelf life of the finished product. This is important for raw materials that are planned to be cold smoked.

marinade recipe for smoked meat

Marinades for smoked meats may include salt, sugar, water, vegetable oils, vinegar, alcoholic drinks, sour fruits and berries, fresh and dry herbs, spices and spices. For smoking a large number meat and long-term storage, saltpeter is added to the sauce - 2-3% in relation to the volume of salt. By adding sugar to the marinade for smoking meat, you can achieve a crispy crust.

You will need:

  • a mixture of peppers;
  • laurel leaf;
  • soy sauce;
  • salt.


  1. To prepare for smoking 1 kg of fat, you will need a head of garlic, which must be peeled and passed through a press.
  2. Add a mixture of peppers, a couple of bay leaves, 50-70 g of salt and 3 tbsp. soy sauce.
  3. Achieve uniformity and use as directed. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 days.

chicken marinade recipe

Chicken and other poultry meat can be dry-marinated using salt and pepper because it is soft and easy to process.