If the meat is tough what to do when cooking. How to cook pork tender meat - the best recipes and culinary observations

Pork is one of the most versatile meats available. It has a pleasant mild flavor that pairs well with sour ingredients as well as aromatic seasonings and sauces. Unlike chicken, which is very tender, and beef, which becomes juicy when cooked over low heat, pork can be quite tough and, according to the conventional wisdom, must be cooked thoroughly (although this opinion has been increasingly questioned recently) . Learn to tenderize pork to make flavorful, delicate dishes from this versatile meat. Read on!


Tenderize pork before cooking

    Use a meat mallet. Pork cuts will be tough if the muscle fibers remain long and intact. Before seasoning and cooking, try breaking up the muscle fibers using a meat beater (sometimes called a "meat tenderizer"). It usually takes the form of either a heavy mallet or a hammer with teeth used for beating meat, or a tool with sharp teeth for piercing meat. The goal is the same; just beat or pierce the meat to break up the muscle fibers.

    • If you don't have any of these items handy, don't worry. Take an ordinary fork, but you can even beat off the meat with your bare hands. Pierce, pound or knead meat to break up muscle fibers and cook juicy dish.
  1. Prepare a softening marinade. Marinades - great way to make the meat more flavorful and tender. However, not all marinades are the same; to tenderize the pork, the marinade must contain either acids or tenderizing enzymes. The marinade should break down helical proteins at the molecular level. However, it is not necessary to use a large number of such ingredients; if the marinade is too acidic, the meat can become tougher due to the denaturation of its proteins, and too many tenderizing enzymes can make the meat porous.

    Salt the pork. Brining is an alternative to marinating and is especially suitable for pork loin. Brining helps the meat retain moisture during cooking. To salt the pork, fill a large bowl with water, add a pinch of salt, and stir to dissolve the salt. You can also add seasoning for the brine; common ingredients for brining pork include apple cider, brown sugar, rosemary and thyme. Don't add too much salt to the brine, otherwise the meat may be too salty.

    Alternatively, artificial tenderizers can be used to tenderize the pork. These tenderizers are usually sold in powder form, but you can also buy liquid ones. Typically, papain is the active ingredient in these tenderizers. This is a natural enzyme found in papaya. And in this case, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the meat will become unpleasantly soft.

    Cooking pork

    1. Roast pork, then bake. When it comes to pork, there is a wide range of cooking methods that can be used to produce juicy, tender meat. For example, pork chops or loin should be cooked over high heat in a well-heated pan (or grill) until crispy, then transferred to the oven (or on a less hot part of the grill and close the lid) to complete the cooking process.

      Another way to make pork tender and juicy is stewing. Braising is a slow cooking method where the meat is placed in a liquid mixture with other ingredients and simmered for several hours. Braised pork is tender, juicy and flavorful. This method is suitable if you have small, tough pieces of meat. In addition, the liquid used in the stew can then serve as the basis for making a sauce or gravy for meat.

      Smoking is a gradual cooking method over low heat, used to barbecue pork and meat is obtained with smoke. There are many ways to smoke, however, in general, you need to start a fire by placing wood in a closed container and smoke the meat. The smoke from burning firewood will saturate the meat with a unique aroma, and it will become juicy and tender, and will also have an unforgettable taste.

      • Since smoking is an expensive and time-consuming process, this method is suitable for large cuts of meat that take longer to cook (such as brisket or ham) and for large events such as barbecues and picnics.
      • Smoking is a delicate art that requires professionalism and special equipment, which can cost a lot. However, a similar effect can be achieved with a conventional barbecue grill.
    2. Simmer the meat or use a slow cooker. The gradual, moist heat of the slow cooker will help you get meat so soft that you don't even need a knife to cut it while you eat. Simmering involves cooking meat over low heat for a long time, by immersing it in a mixture of liquid and solid ingredients. Often meat for stews is cut into small pieces. As with braising, this method is suitable for cooking small, tough cuts of meat or meat with a high content of connective tissue (such as shoulder blades or ribs).

    3. Let the meat rest after cooking. If you want the meat to be juicy and tender, then let the meat stand after cooking! This is one of the most important but often overlooked points. Regardless of the cooking method, leave the meat alone for 10 minutes after removing it from the stove or turning off the oven. You can cover the meat with foil to keep the dish warm. After 10-15 minutes, the meat will be ready to eat. Enjoy!

      • If you immediately cut the meat, then all the juices will flow out of it, and it will become harsh. When you cook a large piece of pork, all the juices usually flow out of it during cooking. Leaving the meat alone for a while helps the meat reabsorb these juices and stay juicy.
    4. Slice the pork across the grain. You need to take into account how you need to cut the pork. Cut the pork into very thin slices, across the grain of the meat. If you look closely, you will notice in the cut piece the sections of individual fibers. This method allows you to further destroy muscle fibers before use. You will never regret these extra precautions!

      • After extra-gentle cooking methods such as braising and simmering, your meat will be so tender that you won't have to worry about how to cut it. However, for large, thick cuts of pork that have been grilled or oven-roasted, you need to know to cut across the grain to keep the meat as tender as possible. That is why, during large events, when pork roast is on the menu, waiters almost always make thin diagonal cuts against the meat fibers.

    Choosing soft pieces

    1. Choose meat from the loin. The loin is the long strip of meat around the pig's spine. Usually cuts of meat cut from the loin are among the tender ones so great for those looking for a soft, juicy piece pork, and a source of nutritious lean protein. Here are a few ways to cut the lumbar:

      • Butterfly chop
      • Roast beef butt
      • Chop on the rib
      • Portioned piece of meat
      • Meat for roast
    2. Select a clipping. The tenderloin (sometimes called "pork fillet") is a small subsection of the loin of a pig and is the most tender part of the pork. Tenderloin - a long, narrow strip of muscle running along the upper inner ribs of the animal. This part is one of the most expensive cuts in the carcass, because the meat here is juicy and tender. The tenderloin is often sold:

      • By her own
      • Cut into ''medallions''
      • Wrapped for cooking "roast"
    3. Choose meat from the shoulder part. The scapular part is the part of the carcass above the spine, going down the sides, and from it you can get a variety of tasty, meaty pieces that differ in texture, depending on which part of the ribs they are cut off. The pieces cut from the shoulder part (closer to the spine of the pig) are similar to the pieces from the lumbar part, because they are just as juicy and tender. Pieces cut from the lower ribs (closer to the belly of the pig) can also be quite tender if cooked properly, however tend to be fatter and take longer to cook. The shoulder blade can be cut into:

      • Dairy back ribs
      • Pork ribs with a thin piece of meat
      • Peasant ribs
      • individual ribs
    4. Select the subperitoneum. This is a very fatty piece of meat, which is located under the abdominal region of the pig. This part is familiar to many, bacon is made from it. Bacon is thin slices of underbelly meat that are fried in the oven or on the grill. They turn out juicy and tender.

      • Pork underbelly is not commonly sold in grocery stores unless it is bacon or pancetta (a type of bacon). In order to buy underperitoneum, you need to visit butcher shops or specialty stores.
    5. Choose firmer cuts if you are going to slow cook the meat. Some of the most tender cuts of pork (especially the loins) can be pricey. If you are limited in funds, then there is no need to buy expensive meat. In fact, cheaper, firmer cuts (such as from the shoulder of a pig) can usually become appetizing dish if cooked in a slow cooker. The following are examples of inexpensive pieces pork carcass, from which tender meat will turn out, with proper processing:

      • pork shoulder
        • Do not use powdered meat tenderizers. A large number of such a tenderizer will give the meat a soft texture and an unpleasant taste.

Question "How to make meat soft?" worries, perhaps, every housewife. After all, it often happens that cooked meat turns out to be hard and tough. And it does not always depend on the method of preparation or on the skill of the hostess to cook. To keep your meat dishes always soft, juicy and appetizing, you need to be guided by some tips. We will talk about this further.

How to make meat soft, juicy and tasty?

Let's start with how to prepare it. You can make meat boiled, grilled, frying pan, grill or grill, stewed, salted, smoked, baked and so on. But in each of these options, its softness also depends on the product itself.

The word "meat" means protein product animal origin. It can be pork, poultry, lamb, beef, game, and also fish. But still, in this case I would like to talk about beef.

Before you make the meat soft, I would like to draw your attention to the correctness of its choice. If you are planning to roast meat, then you should buy chilled. Of course, it is best to do this in the market with a familiar butcher, rather than in a store where stale beef is most often sold. For frying, tenderloin is perfect.

Before you cook soft meat, it must be properly marinated. To do this, take a piece and thoroughly wash it in cold water. After that, you need to let the water drain and coat the meat with pepper and salt. Then we put it in an earthenware or glass bowl and cover with a lid. We leave it in this form for about 40 minutes. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not add a bite for softness, as this will only spoil its taste.

After that, cut the meat across the fibers. Best in thick slices, as this will help keep it juicy. If you decide to cook meat in a regular frying pan, then its optimal thickness is considered to be from 2 to 3 cm.

To keep the meat soft, you can beat off individual pieces with a kitchen hammer. This should be done with light blows around the perimeter, while placing it on a wooden board. When one side is beaten off, you should start beating the back side, starting from the center and moving to the edges. In this case, a piece of meat should increase in area, this will indicate the correct beating. But if you use tenderloin for cooking, in this case it is better not to beat it.

Now the pieces of meat must be salted and pepper again. It is better not to use for pepper or any other spices. Then you need to heat the pan with vegetable oil and start cooking. To form delicious crust do not cover the pan with a lid.

Marinades for meat

  • 1 finely chopped onion, a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, dry white wine - 3 tbsp. spoons, a couple of mint leaves (fresh), 2 cloves of crushed garlic, rosemary. Marinate the meat with this mixture for a day.
  • 2 onions cut into rings, olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons, 1/8 l 4 slices, chopped small pieces garlic, Bay leaf, rosemary, thyme. Marinate the meat for about 3 hours.
  • 1/8 l vegetable oil, a couple of drops 3-4 tbsp. spoons of cognac, pepper, salt. Marinate 12 hours.
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons, 6 tbsp. spoons of ketchup, red pepper, 3 tbsp. spoons of mustard, greens (finely chopped). Marinate 12 hours.
  • For 500 g of thinly chopped meat: in 3 tbsp. spoons of water dilute 1/2 teaspoon of soda. Marinate the meat for about 2 hours in the refrigerator.

In addition, there are many other ways to marinate meat that will help make it extraordinarily soft, juicy and tasty. Which one to choose is up to you!

Preparation of soft juicy meat(pork) - general principles and features of this process

Before cooking:

In order for the pork pulp to become soft, you can use a special meat mallet. Having broken the muscle fibers of the pieces of meat with this mallet, the cook will achieve the main thing, in the process of cooking the flesh will not become hard and will not absorb excess oil.

In order for the pork to turn out soft and tender during cooking, it is recommended to marinate the pieces of pulp. In this case, the marinade should be medium acid. Since if you overdo it with components containing acid, the meat will become even more rigid and unsuitable for eating.

Pork can be marinated using vinegar, various wines, citrus fruits, and sour-milk products in the filling.

Salting can also help tenderize the pork. When salted, the pork pulp retains moisture inside itself, due to which, when frying, the meat pieces become juicy and tender. Additional seasonings such as rosemary, thyme and apple cider will give the meat a special piquancy and taste.

During cooking:

In order for, for example, the chops to turn out soft and juicy, they need to be fried over high heat until golden brown and then place in the oven to complete the cooking process.

You also need to know that it takes only a few minutes to cook the meat over high heat, otherwise it will cook only on the outside, and the inside will remain raw.

In the process of stewing, pork also becomes tender and appetizing, due to the fact that it is placed in liquid consistency, supplemented fragrant ingredients and cook for several hours.

Pork can also be smoked, simmered over low heat - the result is a tender, soft and mouth-watering meat dish.

Important! Cooked meat must be allowed to "rest". Since if immediately after cooking the meat is cut, all the juice will flow out of it and it will become hard and tasteless.

The best recipes for cooking soft and juicy pork

Recipe 1. Steak - how to cook pork tenderloin


Pork pulp - 1 kg.

Kefir - 0.5 l.


Garlic - 5 cloves.


Cooking method:

In order for the steak to cook and become soft, appetizing and juicy, it is necessary to marinate the meat in advance. For this, chopped pieces of meat are recommended to be placed in kefir with chopped onions, peppers, spices and salt. Pieces of pork placed in kefir must first be beaten off with a special mallet.

After the meat is well marinated, it will need to be put in a pan with very hot oil.

Then the meat must be fried on both sides until golden brown over high heat (not for long), then reduce it and bring the dish to readiness.

The browned crust will keep the juices in the meat and make it soft and juicy.

Recipe 2. Roast in sweet and sour sauce or how to cook pork tenderloin


Pork pulp 0.5 kg.

Canned pineapple - can.

Pepper (Bulgarian) - 2 pcs.

Water - 40 ml.


Starch - 30 gr.

Soy sauce - 30 ml.


Sauce Ingredients:

Sugar - 70 gr.

Ketchup 60 ml.

Vinegar - art. a spoon.

Cooking method:

The meat must be cut into medium pieces and put in a prepared marinating container.

Then you need to add to the meat soy sauce, yolk, starch, water and salt. Next, you need to mix all the components together and send the meat to the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

When the meat is ready (marinated), it must be sprinkled with starch on all sides and put in heated oil in a frying pan. Next, the pork must be fried until a crust forms and put out of the pan into a clean bowl.

After you need to fry the pepper, ginger for a few minutes, and then add pineapple to them. Cook all ingredients for no more than 5 minutes.

Separately, you need to prepare the sauce. To do this, pour sugar into a cup, add vinegar and ketchup. All components must be mixed and added to the roast of pepper, ginger and pineapple. You also need to add to all these ingredients starch, previously diluted in water.

Put the meat in the sauce, mix all the ingredients and fry for a few more minutes.

A dish of the most tender and juicy pork in sweet and sour sauce is ready.

Recipe 3. Pork with apples. How to cook pork tenderloin


Pork - 650 gr.

Fat - 60 gr.


Apples - 2 pcs.

Flour - 40 gr.

Cumin - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

Pork must be thoroughly washed, salt, pepper, roll in flour - whole piece and place on the pan.

Then the pork must be fried in hot fat on all sides, and then put in a roaster along with the fat that remained after cooking in the pan.

Next, you need to sprinkle the meat with cumin and pour ¾ with water. Next, the duck with pork should be set on fire and left to stew. If during this process the water begins to evaporate, then it will need to be added.

After that, you need to peel, cut the apples into pieces and, before the end of cooking, add them to the meat in the ducklings.

When the meat is cooked, it will need to be removed from the duckling, and flour diluted with water should be added to the remaining apple liquid. Then applesauce it will take a few minutes to boil.

When the meat subsides a little, it will need to be cut into pieces, pour over the prepared sauce and embellish with herbs.

Recipe 4. Pork baked in the oven. How to cook pork tenderloin


Pork pulp.




Salt, pepper, seasonings.

Cooking method:

On top of the selected piece of pork, it is necessary to make cuts with a knife, this is done so that the meat, when cooked, turns out to be soft, juicy and appetizing.

Then the meat must be salted, put garlic in the cut places, sprinkle the pork with spices and coat with mustard. You can also add mayonnaise to the mustard - the meat from this will be even tastier. On top of the mustard, you need to lay the chopped onion and leave the pork to marinate, thus, for 3-4 hours.

Recipe 5. Pork in French. How to cook pork tenderloin


Meat (pork) 0.5 kg.

Cheese - 250 gr.

Mayonnaise - 250 gr.


Cooking method:

Pork flesh must be cut into medium pieces. Next, you need to beat off the meat, pepper and salt on both sides.

Then you need to peel and chop the onion in half rings, grate the cheese.

You can decorate the dish with olives, a sprig of greens and serve.

How to cook pork tenderloin culinary tricks and helpful tips

The tenderest part of the pork is the tenderloin. This piece will make a delicious, savory and juicy dish, pork will simply melt in your mouth.

In order for the pork meat to be cooked soft, it must be coated with mustard and left in this form for half an hour.

Pork can be marinated in purchased mineral water - a chic and tasty dish will come out.

For greater softness to pork during cooking, you can add sugar, a spoon will be enough.

Juicy and tender pork will turn out if you put it in cold water with the addition of starch for 2-3 hours.

The most important thing in preparing any pork dish is that the meat is young and fresh.

7 ways to tenderize beef

How to marinate beef for tenderness?

There are many ways to cook beef. This is healthy and tasty meat, but it does not always turn out soft for housewives. If you have a couple of hours before cooking, you can marinate beef for tenderness according to our recipe. And below I will tell you how to cook beef soft and without pickling.

Marinade for beef (for softness).

Method 1. Beef marinated with vinegar.

For 1 kg of beef. Meat cut into pieces or a whole piece. Marinate 1 hour.

  • 1 onion (cut into half rings)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar 9%
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • ground pepper to taste
  • half a glass of water and a little sunflower oil
  • ATTENTION! do not salt the meat - marinate without salt! Salt already when cooking.

We leave the beef in the marinade for 1.5 -2 hours. Next, we beat the meat with a hammer and cook according to the recipe.

Method 4. Beef marinated in beer.

For 1 kg of beef. We take:

Salt, pepper. Knead the meat or coat and marinate in the refrigerator in a saucepan or in a bag for 1 hour. Then fry on a fire or in a pan. The beef will turn out incredibly soft!

Method 5. Beef marinated in sea buckthorn juice.

Even not very successful beef can be cooked very soft and juicy. We cut the beef into steaks, pieces 2 cm wide and the size of a palm, then to fry.

  • 1 glass of sea buckthorn juice
  • salt, pepper to taste

Salt the meat, pepper it, and put it in a bowl. Pour the meat with 1 glass of sea buckthorn juice (sour, best). We stand the meat for 40-60 minutes. Then heat up the pan with a small amount sunflower or olive oil. Fry from 2 sides for 5 minutes, for the formation of an appetizing crust. Then close the lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer until tender, about another 40 minutes. Turn the pieces once, in the middle of stewing.

The beef will come out very juicy and soft! And sea buckthorn juice will add a unique note to your dish!

Method 6. Beef marinated with kiwi.

In general, for the softness of meat - you need acid. But vinegar, if the meat is overcooked, can have the opposite effect and the meat will become tough, like a sole.

Marinade for 1 kg of meat.

  • kiwi - 2 pcs. peel and grate
  • 1-2 onions we cut into half rings
  • salt and pepper the marinade

Parsley goes well with beef. Coat the meat well in the marinade, put in a container with a lid and refrigerate for 2 hours. Then cook according to the recipe, in pieces or a large piece in the oven.

The meat will be amazingly tasty and tender!

Method 7. Beef marinated with tomato (tomato marinade).

For 1 kg of beef. Meat cut into pieces or a whole piece. Marinate 1-2 hours.

Make the marinade:

  • tomato paste 2 table. spoons
  • garlic 4 cloves pass through the press
  • 2 medium onions cut into half rings
  • sweet pepper 1/2 pc. chop on small cubes or thin straw
  • pepper with black and red pepper
  • add 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 pinch of suneli hops
  • and finely chopped greens (parsley, basil, thyme)

Coat the beef with marinade, put in a saucepan or container with a lid and keep in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

How to cook tender beef.

To make the beef soft, for example in goulash, we need time. We defrost beef "on our own", no defrosting in the microwave. Cut the meat into pieces and rinse. Put the meat in a frying pan or stewpan and pour enough water to cover the meat. DO NOT SALT!(unless otherwise stated in the recipe, for example with sea ​​buckthorn juice you can also salt when pickling) Simmer on low heat for 1 hour. Next, cook according to the recipe.

You can salt the meat after 1 hour of marinating. To absorb the salt.
Meat cooked in this way will definitely be soft.

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(module Marinades for meat)

We decided to devote today's article to one of the main components of the diet - meat. It's no secret that in Russia there is a cult of juicy and tender meat, so today we will share the secrets on how to make it soft.

1. Bow

In the cuisine of many countries, one of the main companions of meat is onion. Undoubtedly, it not only favorably complements its taste, but also makes it softer. There are two main ways. You can simply pickle him along with onions in proportion 1:1 . The second way is regular roasting. along with onions, the most important thing is not to overexpose the dish on fire.

2. Mustard

She will give the dish spicy taste and smell, while it doesn’t matter what kind of mustard you use - you can also dry it. All that is needed is coat the meat 1-2 hours before cooking, and then blot with a napkin. In case you are making goulash - fry with it, it will not get worse.

As part of the sauce, dry mustard looks very appetizing!

3. Wine and vodka

The famous barbecue wine marinade probably tried everything. Few people know that meat is marinated for softness even in champagne- comes out very badly. If you only have vodka or cognac on hand, add a glass straight into the pan. If you do not intentionally set fire to the contents, then nothing bad will happen, and the alcohol will disappear without a trace, making the meat very tender. Optimal time pickling - 1-2 hours.

4. Vinegar and cabbage pickle

A familiar taste comes from Soviet Union does not require explanation, we only note that the main thing is not to overexpose the meat in an acidic environment - it will become rubber. As an alternative, we will offer lemon juice, but it requires very little, and 2 hours of exposure will be enough.

5. Citrus

Fruits such as pineapple, orange, grapefruit and other citrus fruits will not only give the meat a Mediterranean taste, but also make it juicier. Of course, what we need is not their pulp, but the juice that you can coat the pieces meat in advance or water them in the process of cooking. Pieces of pineapple can be used in baking. Lying on them, the meat will become softer and more tender. If you keep the meat in the juice for more than 4 hours, it will become too sweet and tasteless.

Nice yellow tint and juicy sweet taste!

6. Dairy products

Kefir or mayonnaise marinade at the moment is a classic in Russia. To get the desired effect, you need a little more time than with more aggressive products, but the result will still please you. Put the pork in kefir for 6 hours and at the exit you will get a product ready for frying.

7. Pomegranate juice

It is difficult to attribute this fruit to any group. Marinating meat in pomegranate juice gives him distinct sweetness and softens it up a lot. A nice bonus will be a nice red tint in ready meal. Processing time similar to citrus marinade- no more than 4 hours.

Pomegranate will provide a bright juicy color and taste of meat!

8. Carbonated drinks

Carbon dioxide, actively released from the liquid, softens tough meat well, including beef. Of course, you should not use sweet lemonades, but first of all, pay attention to mineral water and, in particular, medical treatment. Extra charge beneficial trace elements never hurt.

9. Strong tea

Not everyone knows that very strong tea can greatly help the hostess in the kitchen. Even pickled in black tea poultry meat, including chicken breasts . It will become very pliable, but will continue to hold its shape. Don't worry - the meat won't stain or take on the taste of tea, but it will absorb healing antioxidants.

10. Vegetable oil and soy sauce

Poultry meat is the best option for soy marinade. Be careful - he is extremely good gives taste to the point where it becomes over-salted. If you are preparing for barbecue - dilute it in proportions 1:1(the second component is water), and for frying in a pan, soak the pieces in a mixture of soy and vegetable oil 20 minutes.

Softening Marinade Recipes

It's no secret that all of the above products can be combined in one bottle and use their benefits to achieve the best result. We present you a list of favorite marinades for the main types of meat.

Marinades for beef

Beef in kiwi

  1. Cut the beef into pieces of the required size.
  2. Finely chop the onion, press the garlic, and cut the kiwi into round slices.
  3. Line the bottom of the plate with kiwi slices.
  4. Mix the onion and garlic, and put the meat on a plate, brushing each piece well;
  5. Put the second layer of kiwi on top and keep the meat for 1 hour.

Unusual view for Russian cuisine

Beef in Onion Cream Sauce

  1. This marinade is meant to be pan-fried, so make small chops out of the beef.
  2. Finely chop the onions and bring butter up to room temperature.
  3. Mix the future sauce well and let it stand for 1 hour, add water and mix.
  4. Place the chops in the mixture for another 1 hour.
  5. Fry in a pan without adding vegetable oil until tender.

Enveloping sauce for the most delicate taste of the dish

Soviet style beef

  1. Cut the meat into chops (thin slices).
  2. Mix all marinade ingredients. In no case do not salt!
  3. We put meat in it for 2 hours.
  4. We beat off with a kitchen hammer and fry in a pan or wire rack.

Traditions that have passed through the centuries do not lose their relevance!

Marinades for pork

We decided to prepare for you unusual, but at the same time simple recipes.

Pork in kefir-lemon mixture

  1. Lemon should be cut, peeled and pitted.
  2. Onion, along with lemon, pass through a meat grinder or grater.
  3. Add kefir, salt, spices and pepper to the mixture.
  4. Marinate meat for at least 4 hours. The optimal time is 8-12 hours.
  5. Grill meat on skewers.

Kefir leaves behind delicate taste, a appearance remains the same.

Pork with soy-spicy additive

  1. Finely chop the onion, add it to the sauce, along with the bay leaf.
  2. Let it brew for 15 minutes, then add the chopped meat.
  3. Determine the "strength" of soy sauce by taste. If it is extremely salty, marinate for 2 hours, if there is little salt, then 4 hours.
  4. Grill on a grill or skillet.

Spicy enveloping sauce

Pork oriental

  1. Grate the onion, add all the spices to it, salt, pepper, let it brew a little to destroy the enzymes.
  2. Add the mixture to kefir, then immediately place the pork there.
  3. Marinate for 3-4 hours, start frying.

The strongest taste of spices will leave a pleasant sensation

Marinades for chicken

By tradition, we present you simple, but unusual options for a gastronomic explosion in your home.

Chicken in spicy honey sauce

  1. Press garlic, mix mustard and honey.
  2. Slightly smear chicken, salt and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Fry in a pan.
  4. Coat with garlic and serve.

Sweet chicken crust favorite treat Europe!

sweet chicken Curry sauce will leave a pleasant aftertaste

Chicken with marinade inside

  1. Press the garlic, prepare a syringe with a large needle.
  2. Inject inside the chicken (along the bone) lemon juice and wine. Ideally, the chicken should swell.
  3. Place in soy sauce for 15 minutes.
  4. Fry in a pan, this will release a lot of water.
  5. Grate with garlic and serve.

Outside is the most regular dish, revealing its colors after the first bite
  1. To make meat soft, salt it after preparation, or shortly before its completion. Salt is good absorbs moisture which will be detrimental to the dish.
  2. Always choose a specific marinade recipe based on the products from the list in the article - so you avoid mistakes. Too long pickling will lead to the opposite effect.
  3. When cooking, the meat will turn out soft if you add it to already boiling water, and in the future, adjust the fire so that the water boils slightly.
  4. Always hot when beat off the pieces at both sides. The pieces will become thinner and fry faster, while retaining excess water in their structure. Of course, this technique is not applicable when frying steaks.
  5. The main secret of juicy and soft steak is to choose the right ratio of piece thickness and frying time. Even with the “no blood” option, they are always not fully fried, allowing the meat to rest for some time outside the pan. The temperature inside the meat will even out, and the flesh will be fried to the end.
  6. When cooking chicken first put it out, and only then fry to get a crust.
