How to cook cherry compote. Pitted cherry compote

Cherry compote is a favorite drink that has been known to many compatriots since childhood. It contains many vitamins, as well as useful substances that are so necessary for the human body. Syrup and compote were also used in medicine. It is he who often becomes the basis for many drugs, as it improves the taste of drugs.

In folk medicine, warm cherry compote is used as an antipyretic, as well as an effective expectorant. It is also used during stress, depression, because the drink has a sedative on nervous system organism. Be sure to prepare compote for the whole family for the winter. It remains to be seen how to do it right.

How many minutes to cook?

Time indicator in this case directly depends on the compote recipe. As a rule, the drink should boil for about 2-15 minutes.

How to make cherry compote?

There are several recipes for making a thick, aromatic and healthy drink.

First recipe

The second recipe is from cherries and raspberries

An interesting recipe for cooking compote from raspberries and cherries. This drink will help maintain health in winter cold, protect yourself from colds.

To prepare you need to cook:

  • 2 tbsp. cherries;
  • 1 st. raspberries;
  • 1.5 st. granulated sugar;
  • 2.5 liters of water.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Recipe cherry-raspberry compote is:

  1. All berries are sorted, washed, dried.
  2. Raspberries and cherries are laid out in jars.
  3. You need to boil water, and pour the var into jars.
  4. Berries are infused in hot water 3 minutes.
  5. Water is drained into a saucepan, you need to add sugar to it and boil for 10 minutes over low heat.
  6. Hot syrup will need to pour berries in jars, immediately twist them.
  • Just ½ teaspoon of cinnamon can make compote a gourmet drink. They should be added for every 2 liters of drink.
  • To obtain a rich assorted compote, when boiling cherries, you can add the pulp of plums or apples.
  • Ripe cherries before cooking are best soaked for 2 hours in a clean cold water. In this case, you can be sure that there will definitely be no worms in the drink.
  • Banks must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. You also need to take care of the sterilization of the lids.
  • It is not necessary to remove the pits from cherries before making compote.

You can make cherry ice for cocktails. To do this, in a special form for ice, you need to put one cherry each and pour it with compote. Put the mold in the freezer for 2 hours, after which cherry ice with a berry can be used to decorate or make a cocktail.

The following recipes will help answer the seemingly simple question of how to cook cherry compote. It turns out that such a simple drink, to which we are all accustomed since childhood, has its own nuances in preparation, on which the taste of compote largely depends. It is about how much to cook cherry compote, at what temperature and from what ingredients, we will describe below.

About how to cook cherry compote from frozen berries, you can tell in a few minutes. There is nothing complicated in this recipe, and its advantage lies in the fact that such a drink can be prepared at any time of the year, since frozen cherries are always sold in stores.


  • frozen cherries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 l.


First of all, you need to pour water into a deep saucepan, immediately add frozen berries, sugar to it and put the dishes on fire. When the water boils, cook the compote for 5-7 minutes over low heat, then let it cool completely.

Cherry and apple compote

Instructions on how to cook compote from cherries and apples are also quite short. You can use either fresh or frozen cherries in this recipe.


  • cherry - 300 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 l.


First of all, you need to wash the apples and cut them into small slices. Cherries, if fresh, are best separated from the pits, but you can immediately buy a bag of frozen berries that have already undergone such an operation.

Next, you need to send cherries and apples to a bowl with water and sugar and put it on fire. While the compote is boiling, it is not necessary to close the pan with a lid, but when the water boils, reduce the fire and cover with a lid, and then cook the fruit for another 15-20 minutes.

In this recipe, the cooking time is increased because apples take longer to cook than cherries. The finished drink must be cooled before serving.

Cherry compote - recipe with mint

The preparation of compote from cherries and mint differs slightly from previous recipes. But its taste, on the contrary, is unlike anything, because it has sourness and freshness at the same time.


  • frozen cherries - 200 g;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • lemon zest - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh mint - 2 sprigs;
  • water - 2 l.


As before, the first step is to send all the ingredients to the pan, only mint sprigs should be left aside.

When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and add mint to the drink, then boil it for another 5 minutes. You can serve such a compote with fresh lemon slices and mint, but always chilled.

Cherry and strawberry compote

Making cherry compote with strawberries is as easy as the previous drinks. The advantage of such a compote is that it can also be cooked in winter, when you want to remember summer, because frozen berries are good because they are stored in freezer all year round.

How to make cherry compote with unusual taste, will tell the next recipe.



IN large saucepan you need to pour out the water, add sugar, cherries and strawberries to it and put the dishes on the fire. While the water is heating, you need to periodically stir the fruit so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

When the compote boils, you need to cook it for a few more minutes, or rather - 5-7, then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and wait until the drink has cooled completely. You can serve it with ice and sprigs of mint, or you can drink it warm, especially in winter.

Ready compote can be drunk just like that, or you can use it for cooking, and add the remaining berries to it.

It's berry season here. Strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries!

We ate strawberries fresh, the children ran to the garden and tore themselves. They even froze it for the winter.

The cherry is ripe now. You can’t eat a lot of it fresh, so I decided to cook something out of it. Well, first of all, our family loves . And secondly, in the heat you want to drink a lot, and not just some water, but something tasty. So I decided to cook.


Compote of cherries and other berries

It would seem that there is nothing easier. But I remembered myself at the beginning family life, even such a task how to cook compote, gave me trouble. Therefore, especially for those who do not know how to cook compote, I decided to talk about it in detail.

How to cook compote?

For compote we need berries, water and sugar. Basically, everything.

I cook compote in the following proportions:

I pour berries into the pan by 1/4 or 1/3 (if there are a lot of berries), pour water to the top of the pan. When it boils, add sugar to taste.

Well, something like this:

500 g cherries per three-liter pan and 1 incomplete glass of sugar.

Of course, it always turns out differently. How much we add sugar to the compote depends on the type and number of berries.

I'll tell you step by step How do I make compote?

1. Prepare the berries.

I had cherries and some raspberries. I also decided to trim some apples so that there was enough for a five-liter pan.

You can use the berries you have: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, currants. You can add apricots, apples. In general, it all depends on your imagination.

You can also use frozen berries, then delicious and flavored drink will delight you not only in summer, but also in winter!

But now we have a fresh cherry just from the tree, so we wash it well in running water.

2. Wash and cut apples.

3. Put the prepared cherries and apples in a saucepan.

4. Pour water to the top of the pan.

5. Put on a strong fire, cover with a lid, bring to a boil.

Then add sugar, stir and taste. If everything suits, we keep it on low heat for another 5 minutes, turn it off, cover and insist.

I cook compote from cherries (generally compote from berries) in the evening and insist until morning, that is, I just leave it on the stove until morning.

This is how our finished compote looks like:

You can drink with the addition of ice cubes.

Or bottle and refrigerate.

We do not throw away half-liter bottles from mineral water, but pour our compote into it.

You can boil a 10 liter pot, bottle it and IN THE FREEZER! It is convenient to do this in the summer, when it is very hot, and you often want to drink a lot. We immediately prepare a lot of compote and, as necessary, namely, as the compote is drunk, take out a bottle in advance, thaw in the refrigerator and drink chilled.

I hope now you will not have any difficulties and it has become clear how to cook or other berries.

Here is my video recipe How to cook compote.

Tell us in the comments what kind of compote you like and how you cook it.

If something is not clear, you can ask a question in the comments.

I wish you a wonderful mood! Be always positive!

With love for you

Irina Zhukova

Cherry compote is a winter vitamin delicacy for children and adults.

Simple recipes that do not require special preparation will allow you to please the whole family with a fragrant drink.

Cherry in our latitudes is a very common berry.

It is universal: it is used to make jam for the winter, compotes, marmalade, freeze and use in fresh as a filling for pies, desserts, dumplings.

Juicy, with elastic pulp, the berry is not in vain so popular.

Apart from their palatability It has truly healing properties.

The benefits of cherries and cherry compotes

Sweet and sour cherries are a source of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins of groups B, E, C, as well as zinc, fluorine, phosphorus, iron, iodine - this is a far from complete list of "ingredients" of cherries.

Anthocyanin, which is rich in pulp, is considered a bactericidal substance.

Coumarin is an excellent prophylactic substance for atherosclerosis.

The use of these berries is often prescribed for anemia, and all because of the high content of iron and cobalt in the berries.

It also has a mild laxative property, which is very important for people with stool disorders.

Cherry juice or puree is prescribed for an unproductive wet cough as a natural expectorant.

Cherry juice is also used in the treatment of such diseases:

  • arthrosis;
  • anemia;
  • bronchitis;
  • prevention of strokes and heart attacks;
  • diseases caused by streptococci, staphylococci.

IN traditional medicine bark, stalks, cherry leaves have also been used.

In the complex treatment of hepatitis, a decoction of the leaves is used.

A decoction of the bark is used in the treatment of diarrhea and colitis.

A decoction of the stalks has a diuretic and astringent effect, which allows it to be used for gout, hypertension, and urolithiasis.

Cherry compote is no less useful.

Its low calorie content (57 kcal per 100 grams of compote) allows it to be consumed by people who are obese or dieters.

In the children's diet, it is necessary to include a drink from fragrant berries cherries.

Rich vitamin composition will help strengthen children's immunity in the winter-spring period.

Don't forget to remove the bones before making compotes.

They are unsafe for humans due to the high concentration of amygladin (the "predecessor" of hydrocyanic acid) in them.

Fresh cherry compote for the whole family

First prepare the cherry:

  1. Remove stems and leaves. It is also desirable to remove the bones. A special device will facilitate the task by removing the bones without wasting juice and effort on your part.
  2. Rinse the cherries under running water, shaking them gently to prevent the juices from dripping.
  3. Transfer to a 5 liter container. Normal is best enamel pan. It is not recommended to cook these fruits in aluminum containers: they will paint the walls of the dishes.

Rinse a glass of berries, clean from the stalks.

If using gooseberries, use scissors to cut off the dry stems from the top of the gooseberries.

When sorting through strawberries, try to tear off the leaves carefully, without damaging the base, so that the berries do not drain the juice ahead of time.

Pour the prepared berries with sugar and mix thoroughly in the selected bowl.

Pour in three liters of boiling water and cook after boiling for 5-7 minutes.

A few minutes before the end of cooking, add mint leaves.

They will spice up ready drink will add a touch of freshness to it.

Winter option: cherry compote recipe in jars

To prepare a fragrant winter liquid treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 kilograms of cherries;
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • 4 liters of water.

Such compote is rolled up in liter glass jars.

Prepare them:

Peel the cherries from the stalks and leaves, rinse in a colander under the tap.

Place the berries tightly in prepared jars, without reporting 5–7 centimeters to the neck.

You don't need to squeeze the berries.

Pour 150–200 grams of sugar into each jar on top of the berries.

You can shake the bowl a little so that the sugar is evenly distributed.

Next, pour the contents with boiling water over the shoulders, that is, 1 centimeter below the edge.

We install several cans in a large diameter saucepan and pour warm water(not boiling water).

We set the whole structure on fire and wait for it to boil.

We cover the jars with lids, which before that we dip in boiling water for several minutes.

You do not need to take out the lids, let them lie in the water.

One by one, we take them out of the container and cover the jars with cherry compote.

Sterilization (boiling) of jars lasts exactly 15 minutes.

After this time, carefully take out one jar, roll up the lid with a special device and turn it over.

When all the cans are rolled up, we set them upside down on the floor or other hard surface and wrap them in a blanket.

Completely cooled compote can be transferred to the cellar or pantry.

Another version of the cherry drink is detailed in the video:

Exquisite cherry compote: Turkish version

This drink diversifies festive table will surprise guests with its exquisite taste.

It should be served in appropriate dishes: low, wide glasses.

You can decorate the edge of the glass with "snow" by dipping the greased lemon juice glass in powdered sugar.

Take these ingredients:

  • 250 grams of ripe cherries;
  • 3 cloves (dry);
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife;
  • half a glass of water;
  • 1 teaspoon honey.

The recipe is for one serving.

Multiply the number of ingredients by the number of guests.

Wash the berries and put them in an enamel container.

Sprinkle with sugar, add vanilla, cloves and pour boiling water.

After boiling, boil the compote for 5 minutes.

After it cools down a bit, add honey and mix well.

Get tips and get ready delicious drink for the whole family:

  1. Taste the berries before rolling. Cherry happens different varieties: sour and more sweet. The more acid in the berry, the more sugar should be put in the drink.
  2. This fruit contains a large number of vitamin C - ascorbic acid. Therefore add to canned compote citric acid no need.
  3. You can also make drinks from frozen berries. They are immediately poured with boiling water and boiled without defrosting first. Cooking time will increase slightly - up to 7-10 minutes.
  4. If your children will eat berries from compote, do not be lazy and remove all the bones. It is necessary to wash them before this, and put a bowl under your hands. The juice will drain into it, then it can be poured into compote and boiled.

Are you going to visit someone and feel uncomfortable empty-handed? Do not rush to buy sweets and cakes in the store. Bake your homemade cakes.

How do you start the day: with a full breakfast or a cup of fragrant coffee? Of course, no one canceled coffee, the population of our country loves it. But you won’t be full of coffee alone, the body must be recharged with energy. We invite you to try Friendship porridge. She prepares in a slow cooker.

You will find cabbage salad recipes for the winter. If you are not too lazy now, then in the winter everything will come in handy!

A cherry vitamin drink is much healthier than factory juices and sodas.

Pamper your loved ones with compote of cherries - a source of vitamins and microelements.

Experiment with the composition: add cloves, vanilla sticks, essences (natural flavors) of rum, amaretto.

The addition of alcohol - liqueurs, tinctures - will make ordinary cherry compote an exquisite holiday drink.

This is a proven, very tasty and simple recipe for cherry compote for the winter. It will take you only 30 minutes to spin such a cherry compote.


for 3 liter jar compote

Cherry- 500 grams (3 cups)

Sugar- 1 glass

Water- 2.5 liters

Mint(optional) -1 sprig per jar

How to cook cherry compote for the winter

1 . Rinse the berries (with or without seeds) well, peel the stalks.

. Put a pot of water on the fire. Sterilize jars (you can just wash thoroughly and scald with boiling water). Divide cherries into jars. For each three-liter jar 3 cups cherries (about a third of a jar)

. A sprig of mint will add a refreshing aftertaste to the cherry compote. This is optional, mint can be omitted.

4 . Add 1 cup of sugar to the jar of cherries.

. Pour boiling water over cherries with sugar in half a jar. Cover and leave for 10-15 minutes.

. Then take out the mint (if you made cherry compote with mint) and add more boiling water to the neck.

. Roll up or twist jars of cherry compote. Leave to cool down with lids (you can “under a fur coat”). That's all!

Store compote for the winter in the cellar.

Delicious cherry compote for the winter is ready

Cherry compote for the winter recipes

So it's time to start stocking up for the winter. Spins, salads, vegetables and fruits. It's so nice to open in the cold delicious dishes, how the perfect complement to common table. But not only do you want to eat delicious food in the winter cold, you also want to try a piece of summer, so it will turn cherry compote for the winter. Pleasant aroma and unforgettable taste of a juicy fruit, will perfectly cheer you up in the snow and cold. BUT beneficial features cherries, such as blood thinning and the fight against anemia (anemia), will only give more strength and vigor in cold weather.

The first thing to do before cooking cherry compote for the winter, buy it good cherries. Since there are a lot of varieties of them, you need to think about whether you want to get a sour or sweeter drink. You can also buy more additional ingredients, adding even more saturation to the cherry compote. It can be sugar and cinnamon, ginger, and any savory herbs and seasonings that you like. It goes well with cherries and berries such as strawberries, currants and raspberries. Of course, spin a few cans with different compotes- the most ideal solution, so get berries, jars, lids and sugar, and let's start making amazing preparations.

How to cook delicious cherry compote:

  • When preparing cherry compote, you should know that you do not need to add citric acid to it, since this ingredient is already part of the berry.
  • If you want a delicious cherry drink with a rich aroma, it is better not to separate the cherries from the pits, since the berry itself is tasty, but all the juice and sourness will come out of the pulp if it is broken.
  • If the compote is designed for long-term storage, the bones will have to be removed from the fetus, they shorten the shelf life of the drink.
  • If you choose to cook cherry compote with cinnamon, be sure to take sticks. Since the loose seasoning will ruin the color of the drink, it will turn cloudy and brown.
  • Do not put too little sugar, the cherry will release juice, compote will be sourer in winter, so do not be afraid to oversweeten.

Cherry Compote Recipes

Cherry compote - quick and easy

  • Ripe red cherries - calculate the amount so that in a 3-liter jar the berry occupies a third of the container.
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 cups per three-liter jar.
  • Water.

Containers for compote must be sterilized, washed well. We sterilize the lids together with the jars. In the meantime, someone is preparing the container, you can do the cherry. It is necessary to wash the cherries, sort out the wormy and bursting ones, throw the berries into a colander, let them drain.

We put a pot of water on the fire and boil. We put a berry in each jar, as already mentioned, about a quarter of the total volume. Now pour sugar, and pour already boiled water on top. Now immediately you need to tighten the jars with lids. Before hiding the cherry compote in a dark and warm place, the jars should be shaken well so that the sugar mixes and dissolves faster in the liquid. Or make as shown in the recipe with step by step photo. We hide the twists and cover with a blanket.

Cherry compote with cinnamon

  • Cherries - on a jar of 3 liters of 300 grams.
  • Cinnamon - on a stick - two per jar.
  • Sugar - a glass (200 grams) per jar.
  • Water.

We sort out the cherries, the bones can be left, or you can remove them. You need to wash the berries, throw them in a colander. Now we wash the jars and sterilize the lids. When the cherries are dry, arrange them in jars. Put a stick or two cinnamon to them - the spice will give an incredible aroma, as well as reinforce useful material berries.

We put a pot of water and boil, then pour jars with cherries. Let the liquid brew for a while, about half an hour, then drain it back into the pan. Add liquid as much as it has boiled away. Now we put it on fire again, put sugar. Delicious and rich cherry compote recipes which can even be completely different from one another, it will turn out delicious regardless of whether you make syrup, or just pour boiling water into jars. After boiling, turn off the heat, stir the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the syrup over the cherries, roll up the lids of the jars. The spins need to be well wrapped up, and put in a dark place where no one will disturb the compote until the right moment.

Cherry compote - assorted

  • Cherry - per jar of 200 grams.
  • Red currant - half a cup per jar.
  • Strawberries - half a glass in a jar.
  • Sugar - a glass on a jar.
  • Water.

So, how to cook compote from cherries, strawberries and currants to make it tasty and sweet. We will have cherries as a basis, which you will try before buying. They must be sweet and better than small sizes. Currant in any case will make the compote sour, even if strawberries, sweet cherry and sugar will suffice. Therefore, you can put it in jars less. Sterilize the jars, wash and dry the berries, sort them out. Put cherries, strawberries and currants in jars, fill this fragrant mixture sugar.

We put water on the fire and boil, then pour it into jars with berries. Now you can spin the compote. Shake the jar well so that the sugar dissolves and the berries release the juice. Banks cover and hide in a quiet and dark place.

Compote of cherries and apricots

  • Cherry - a glass per jar of 3 liters.
  • Apricots - 10 pieces per jar.
  • Sugar - 250 grams per jar.
  • Water.

Cherries need to be sorted out, setting aside bursting and rotten ones. Rinse them under the tap and drain them in a colander, letting the water drain. In the meantime, wash and sort the apricots too, cut into 2 halves, removing the seeds. You need to cut it carefully so that the fruit is not torn, because it will dissolve in water, spoil the beautiful appearance, the drink will be as if with villi. Put strawberries and apricots in jars.

Put the pot on the fire, bring the water to a boil. If you close, for example, 10 cans, you need up to about 30 liters of water, pour 250-300 grams of sugar for each liter. The water should boil after you put the sugar in the water again. Stir, let the syrup cool a little, and only then pour it into jars.

Pour water into a large saucepan and put the jars to sterilize. Compote in the container will boil for about half an hour. Then the jars need to be tightly twisted, put on the lids (upside down), and wrapped in a blanket, hidden in a dark place.

Cherry compote with liqueur

  • Cherry - 300 grams per 3 liter jar.
  • Sugar - a glass on a jar.
  • Vanilla sugar - 3 sachets.
  • Cherry liqueur - 50 grams.
  • Water.
  • Mint - fresh leaves, 2-3 per jar.

Many hostesses who are just starting to learn the art of cooking are wondering: how to close cherry compote, where to start. It's simple, you should start with a purchase good products, jars and lids.

We sort out the cherries, put aside those unsuitable for conservation, wash them under a tap with cold water, then put in a colander, let the dirty water drain. Now take out the seeds from the berries, please note that when buying fruits, look for large berries so that they do not spread after the core is removed.

Now the cherry compote itself will be cooked. It is necessary to put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil and put vanillin, sugar. Boil again until the sugar melts, and add alcohol, reduce the heat. Now cadite cherries, cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

Sterilize jars and lids, fill containers with slightly cooled compote, put mint leaves on top. Banks with cherry compote twist it, and put it in a quiet and warm place until winter.