How long do they marinate. Aromatic Kiwi Blend

The basic principles of cooking pork skewers are very simple. Having chosen a piece of pork pulp of excellent quality (usually pork neck), the meat is marinated, then strung on skewers and sent to the grill. If you really want a barbecue, but you can’t go out into nature, then you can successfully cook barbecue in the grill.

Pork kebab - food preparation
For cooking pork kebab, as a rule, tender pork tenderloin(fresh, not frozen). The meat is washed, cut into portions, and then be sure to pickle, so that it becomes soft, juicy and fragrant. Young and fresh pork does not need to be soaked for a long time, as it is already very tender.

Also, when cooking barbecue, as a rule, onions are used (both for marinating meat and for stringing it on skewers). We cut the onion into half rings. Cut the lemons into slices, not too thin. When cooking barbecue, we definitely need seasonings. They are used to taste, but ground black pepper is among the must-haves.

Preparing marinade for pork skewers
The question of marinade for those who want to cook a truly delicious barbecue is paramount after the quality of the meat. In addition to spices and onions, wine (necessarily dry, white or red), beer, kvass, fresh juices from vegetables and fruits - pomegranates, tomatoes, apples, etc. are used for marinating pork. for example, kefir, or mayonnaise. In the old days, vinegar was the most popular product for marinating meat, apparently because of its availability and speed of action. However, meat marinated in vinegar tends to be less juicy, so it might make sense to try other marinades, such as lemon juice.
As for salt, it is not recommended to add it to the marinade, as it makes the meat tough. Salt shish kebab, if necessary, already on the table.

Pork kebab - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Spicy pork skewers
This recipe uses lemon as a marinade. Thanks to him, the meat turns out to be very soft, and the abundance of seasonings makes it very tasty and fragrant.

1 kg of pork;
3 lemons;
2 tsp coriander (ground);
1 tsp red pepper;
0.5 tsp ginger (ground);
1 crushed Bay leaf;
5 st. l. olive oil;
at the tip of tsp. ground cinnamon and ground cumin;
2 tbsp. l. chopped basil;
ground black pepper and salt.

Cooking method:
1. Wash and cut the meat into pieces, cut the lemon into not too thin slices.
2. Mixing seasonings (coriander, cumin, basil, ginger, cinnamon, ground pepper, bay leaf) with olive oil in a bowl, put pork with lemons in it, mix everything well and, having covered with a lid, place the bowl in a cool place for about 10 hours, but from time to time we mix its contents.
3. To prepare the barbecue, string the marinated pork pieces on skewers and cook for 7 to 10 minutes on the coals, rotating the skewers around its axis every minute to evenly bake the meat. Can also be used for barbecue grill. Garnish the finished kebab with lemon slices.

Recipe 2: Quick Pork Kebab
This barbecue is a godsend for people who do not have time to marinate meat for a long time. While you cook the coals, it will perfectly have time to marinate in onion juice. One condition - the meat must be very fresh.

2 kg pork neck;
1 kg of onion;
5 bay leaves;
1 tsp black pepper (ground);
a pinch of saffron

Cooking method:
1. Cut the meat into portions and put it in a marinating container.
2. After cleaning the onion, pass it through a meat grinder and mix the resulting mass with meat, then add pepper, bay leaf, saffron and salt, mix everything again.
3. We string pieces of pork on skewers and cook for about 15 minutes on coals or in a grill. This kebab is good with herbs and fresh vegetables.

Recipe 3: Mayonnaise Pork Skewers
Although many believe that mayonnaise should not be used as a marinade when cooking barbecue, after trying this recipe, you will very much doubt that they are right. Mustard and spices give the meat a piquancy, and lemon makes it especially tender.

2 kg. pork (neck);
3 art. l. mustard;
4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
5 bulbs;
3 bay leaves;
ground pepper, suneli hops and salt to taste.

Cooking method:
1. We cut the meat into portions and put it in a container in which our barbecue will be marinated. We put a layer of meat, sprinkle it with ground black pepper, suneli hops, grease with mayonnaise, mustard, lay a layer of onion sliced ​​into rings, also put a bay leaf and pour lemon juice on top. We leave for an hour.
2. Mix and put in a cool place, stand for about 7 hours so that the meat marinates well.
3. Before directly preparing the kebab, salt it, then string the pieces of meat on skewers and cook for about 15 minutes on coals or on the grill.

Recipe 4: Pork Skewers Marinated in Vinegar
This recipe uses vinegar and onions to marinate pork. The recipe is simple, and even novice "barbecue" can successfully implement it.

2 kg of pork;
300 gr. Luke;
a glass of vinegar 6%;
3 art. l. any seasoning for barbecue;
salt to taste.

Cooking method:
1. Cut the meat into portions, onions - into half rings.
2. In a marinating container, mix meat and onions with vinegar and spices, put in a cool place and marinate for about 5 hours.
3. Salt before cooking, then, stringing the marinated meat on skewers, fry it for about 10 minutes on coals or on the grill.

Recipe 4: Pork skewers in sour cream
Sour cream, which is used in this case for marinating meat, making it very soft and tender in taste. Even the most demanding barbecue lovers will appreciate this meat, and it is not at all difficult to cook it.

2 kg of pork;
1 liter of sour cream;
1 kg of onion;
black pepper (ground);

Cooking method:
1. Having cut the pork into portions, put the meat in a marinating container, alternating layers of meat with onion cut into half rings and sprinkling with pepper and salt.
2. Pour everything with sour cream and marinate in a cool place for about 4 hours.
3. Salt before cooking, then, after the coals are ready, string the marinated meat on skewers and fry for about 10 minutes.

Recipe 5: Georgian pork skewers
Georgian barbecue - a classic of the genre! If you want to try the "proper kebab" - this is the recipe for you. The meat is marinated with onions and spices. Such a barbecue will allow you to appreciate the beauty and richness of the taste of this dish.

600 gr. lean pork;
6 bulbs;
3 tomatoes;
ground pepper (black and red);

Cooking method:
1. Cut the pork into portions and mix with pepper and chopped rings onions, put everything in a marinating container and, putting a load on top, leave to marinate in a cool place for about 6 hours.
2. We string pieces of pork on a skewer and, alternating them with chopped onion rings, fry on charcoal or grill. Garnish the finished kebab with onions, tomatoes and herbs.

Pork shashlik - helpful tips experienced chefs

No need to cut the meat too small pieces, otherwise it will lose its juices during cooking and will be dry.

When cooking barbecue, we do not fry the meat, but bake it, so it is important to ensure uniform heat and the complete absence of flame. So that the meat does not dry out, you do not need to rotate the skewers very often. And so that it does not burn, you should place the skewers higher.

In many recipes, it is advised to string onions and tomatoes on skewers along with meat. However, while the meat is cooking, the vegetables may burn. Therefore, many experienced chefs do not recommend doing this.

If droplets of fat from the meat fall on the fire, then you should sprinkle it with marinade so that it does not dry out.

To determine the readiness of the barbecue, you need to cut a piece and see what juice will stand out from it. If transparent, then the meat is ready; if with an admixture of blood, it means that it is still too early to remove it from the coals.

Pork kebab is the most common type of spring, “May” kebab in our country. It is fried in all dachas, in plantings and in many yards on the First and Ninth of May.

Before cooking meat over an open fire, it is usually marinated to add additional interesting flavors. Consider classic ways how to marinate pork skewers. Next, a variety of basic marinade options for this type of meat will be presented.

Choosing meat for barbecue

So, you need to start, of course, with the selection good piece meat. To prepare a delicious pork kebab, any fresh meat with a minimum of bones and a small amount of fat is suitable.

Freshness is easy to determine by pressing on a piece of pork. Ideally, it should be elastic and soon return to its original shape before pressing. If the dent does not recover, it is better to discard this piece.

Another useful guide when choosing is the color of the meat. From it you can quite definitely judge the age of the animal. A darker color indicates that we are no longer a young piglet, but a full-fledged adult pig. The best choice- pork is pink on the cut with a uniform color.

You also need to carefully look at the presence of mucus and blood on the piece - in our case, this is a fat minus.

As for the fat that is inevitably present in pork, then fresh meat it is by no means yellow light, not sticky and transparent

In the best way for barbecue experiments, such parts of the pork carcass as the neck, loin, lumbar and brisket are suitable. The ideal option for a juicy and tasty barbecue is the neck. It has a good balance of meat and fat.

The loin, brisket or tenderloin is initially leaner. To give these parts of the carcass the necessary juiciness, they must be properly marinated. The shoulder blade, ribs and ham are not suitable for barbecue, although with their long pickling, a tolerable result can be achieved.

Frozen meat in the absence of fresh meat is not the best option. Although it is here that the effect of culinary fantasy can work when preparing raw materials and choosing original way pickles. The main thing in this situation is the natural defrosting of pork on the shelf of the refrigerator, and not in the microwave. In this case, the nutritional and taste characteristics of the product will be preserved. Many pros in the barbecue area use the technique of salting frozen meat, followed by aging for two to three hours in the cold.

The most useless option is the meat of repeated freezing. The shish kebab from it is guaranteed to turn out to be juicy.

Summarizing, we can conclude that the choice of meat is the most important stage in the preparation of kebabs. The culinary "witchcraft" with marinades should be started only after buying a suitable piece of pork.

It is better to choose meat, of course, in the market. Only there it will be possible to fully examine, touch, sniff and feel all the other delights of trade.

Sliced ​​like a barbecue

So, the meat is purchased. Before marinating pork skewers in an original way, it must be cut correctly. This passing moment for many barbecue lovers should be taken more seriously.

In order for the barbecue pieces not to end up raw or overcooked, they need to be cut according to a certain system.

The principles of cutting are as follows:

  • you need to use sharp knives for cutting, the cuts of the pieces should be even, otherwise the protruding edges will hang down during the frying process, burn and spoil both the taste of the dish and the mood of everyone around;
  • cutting dimensions - 4 * 4 cm in thickness and length, another option is rectangular, elongated pieces for fixing on a skewer along their length;
  • before cutting, it is better to immediately remove excess fat, all kinds of films and veins, while a little fat is useful for greater juiciness;
  • cut pork across the fibers - this is necessary in order to avoid "shrinking" of the pieces.

How to pickle

Sooner or later, but it will definitely come to the most creative part of cooking kebabs - marinating meat. Here, of course, one cannot do without knowledge of typical techniques, tricks and nuances that have been developed in barbecue practice for decades. The main thing is to realize why meat is marinated at all.

If the above rules for choosing meat for barbecue are observed, then pickling is carried out with a dual purpose. Firstly, the meat is thus given a wide variety of flavors and aromas, plus additional juiciness, if necessary. Secondly, pre-marinated meat cooks faster.

If the kebab is fried contrary to all the rules from the first piece of pork that caught my eye, then pickling will be needed for the third goal. Using the right ingredients (acids, enzymes, dairy products) will help break down the structure of the meat, making it more tender, digestible and easier to digest.

In order to properly and tasty marinate pork skewers, you need to follow the following simple rules.

Composition of marinades

You need to make marinades from three main parts: active ingredients (enzymes, dairy products, acids), all kinds of seasonings to taste, vegetable oils. The active part of the marinade will properly influence the meat structure. Seasonings will make up the aromatic and flavoring "bouquet" of the barbecue. Oils are needed to seal the surface of the pieces, which will avoid the loss of juice during frying. In addition, vegetable oil is an ideal conductor and enhancer for spices and seasonings.

The most popular barbecue marinade ingredients are:

  • onion;
  • salt;
  • ground black and red pepper;
  • dried sweet or;
  • dried basil, coriander, thyme;
  • chilli;
  • dry mixes - turmeric, suneli hops, curry, garam masala;
  • adjika;
  • zira;
  • Bay leaf;
  • lemon juice;
  • kefir;
  • mayonnaise;
  • table wine.

Of course, the list of common marinade ingredients is not limited to these products and spices. Each experienced "barbecue" has in his repertoire a lot of author's finds, interesting "chips" that make this dish unique.

At the same time, it must be remembered that meat should be salted either before the immediate start of frying, or already in finished form. The best salt is coarse grinding.

It is also desirable to forget forever about the existence of such a gastronomic misunderstanding as regular vinegar. In extreme cases, you can use its wine variety.

For additional softening of frozen pork, classic mustard is great.
Recently, beer and sparkling water have been very popular among "barbecue" people. These drinks are used to soak meat. The presence of gas bubbles helps in the destruction of meat fibers, additional softening of raw materials.

How long to marinate pork skewers?

Marinate the meat for at least 4-6 hours. Frozen raw materials - at least 12 hours. The most extreme minimum when using express marinades is 2 hours.

What dish to marinate in?

In order to marinate pork for barbecue, you should use only glass, ceramic or enamelware. Aluminum and plastic are strongly discouraged. Upon contact with such surfaces, the products may react and draw in something harmful from the composition of the dishes.

It is better to cover the kebab soaked in the marinade with a lid for better absorption of seasonings.

Standard and popular recipes

Let's get to the recipes. Let's start with the most obvious ones. Meat, onion and black pepper - what could be easier?! This simple composition was the most popular in our country 40 years ago during the Brezhnev stagnation, when there was not only no food abundance, but was not even expected.

  • half a kilo of onions;
  • one tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • black peppercorns.

All that is required for this marinade is to chop the onions in any manner, and then chop in a blender bowl. The goal is onion gruel. Along the way, you need to heat a few peas of black pepper in a dry frying pan, and then crush them with the flat side of the knife.

Sprinkle pre-prepared meat pieces with vegetable oil, salt, season with crushed black pepper. Next, put onion gruel on pieces of pork, thoroughly “massage” each piece.

Time for marinating meat in onion gruel - 2 hours

With lemon juice

The above recipe can be enhanced. Take the same ingredients in the same amount. The nuance will be the use of lemon juice. To do this, additionally take two lemons per 2 kg of pork.

Lemons should be cut in half and their juice squeezed onto pieces of pork prepared in advance, while mixing well and “massaging” the meat. Then you need to repeat all the same operations. As a result, marinated kebab will acquire a pleasant citrus flavor.

With tomato juice

The third option is using onion gruel. Instead of lemons, you can take a couple of tomatoes. Grind them in a blender bowl along with two or three cloves of garlic and a little parsley. pour out tomato puree into pieces of chopped pork, then "massage" them.


Fermented milk products, such as yogurt or kefir, act on meat much more slowly than aggressive acids. They do not harden the outer surface of the meat. The principle of operation here is different. Calcium, found in dairy products, triggers enzymes that break down protein. There is a kind of "aging" of meat.

You will need (for 2 kg of pork):

  • two glasses of fatty kefir;
  • half a kilo of onions;
  • salt,
  • black peppercorns.

The cooking technique completely repeats the first recipe. Next, kefir is poured into a mixture of pieces of pork and onion gruel. Sugar is added. Everything must be mixed thoroughly. Let it brew for an hour under normal conditions, then place the entire volume of marinated meat in the refrigerator. Kefir will begin to saturate the future barbecue for a long time and persistently.

It is advisable to keep the meat in the marinade for at least half a day, ideally - a day

Kefir. Version 2.0

You can also soak pork skewers in kefir with the addition of herbs, garlic and hot chili peppers. You will get a very aromatic and spicy dish.

You will need (for 2 kg of pork neck):

  • two large onions;
  • two glasses of kefir;
  • on a bunch of fresh herbs: dill, garlic arrows; green onions, basil;
  • one tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • hot chili pepper;

There will be no onion porridge in this recipe. Bulbs should be cut into large rings. Chop the greens as you like. Garlic shooters can be replaced with regular garlic. Cut chili pepper in half, remove seeds, finely chop.

Put all the ingredients in a saucepan with prepared pork, mix. Salt, sugar, season with ground black pepper. Then pour the future barbecue with kefir. To cover with a lid. You can pickle in kefir from half a day to several days.

Based on mayonnaise

Another simplest way pickling. Suitable in case of temporary time pressure.

You will need (for 1 kg neck):

  • 250–300 g of mayonnaise;
  • two or three large bulbs;
  • salt, any spices to taste.

Pour the prepared pork with mayonnaise. Chop the onions into a half ring, add along with your favorite spices to a bowl with barbecue. Mix thoroughly. Withstand an hour or two and send to the grill.

Option quick marinade- mayonnaise sauce

Based on mineral water

This method is also great for express pickling. Water rich in carbon dioxide additionally tenderizes the meat in a short time.

You will need (for 2 kg neck):

  • one liter of mineral water;
  • a couple of large bulbs;
  • two or three bay leaves;
  • one teaspoon of dry rosemary;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Add salt, ground black pepper to pre-cut pork, like “on a barbecue”, dried rosemary. Cut the onions into a half ring, knead by hand, send to the meat. Crumble the bay leaf with your hands, sprinkle it with the future barbecue.

Pour the dishes with all the ingredients with mineral water. It is better to take highly carbonated species. Cover the bowl with a piece of cling film and marinate for 1 to 4 hours as needed.

This basic recipe can be enhanced with any suitable spices.

On table wine

A great option for a delicious barbecue marinade. Any dry red wine will do. White wine lovers can also not despair and use their favorite varieties.

You will need (for 1 kg of pork neck):

  • five to six small bulbs;
  • a glass of dry red wine;
  • a couple of sprigs of fresh rosemary;
  • two bay leaves;
  • half a teaspoon of ground red pepper;
  • salt.

Season the pre-cut meat in the right way with spices. Chop the onions into rings, knead a little to better extract the juice. Add to the dishes with the future barbecue. Put a sprig of rosemary in there.

After about twenty minutes, pour pork with dry red wine, add bay leaves

Marinate at room temperature or send to the refrigerator if the picnic is scheduled for the next day.

With pomegranate juice

Great marinade recipe. Pieces of pork, soaked in sour pomegranate juice, acquire a great taste and aroma. In addition, the finished kebab will get an appetizing, reddish color.

Pomegranate juice can be obtained by pressing from a fresh fruit or purchased ready-made in a store.

You will need (for 2 kg neck):

  • half a liter of pomegranate juice;
  • five to six small bulbs;
  • salt, ground black pepper, suneli hops, coriander to taste.

Divide the bulbs in half. Grate half or chop with a blender. The other is cut into rings.

Put the meat prepared in the standard way in a suitable container. Add seasonings, salt. Pour pomegranate juice, carefully "massage" the pieces of pork.

Put both types of onions in the marinade. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover the container with a lid or cling film. Keep in the refrigerator. perfect time exposure - two days. During this time, the future kebab can be mixed several times for uniform pickling.

The above recipes are a simple base. Based on them, you can create your own recipes by adding your favorite ingredients, spices and seasonings.

Shish kebab - the recipe for a delicious and juicy shish kebab is stored in its marinade. In order for the barbecue to be soft and juicy, it is necessary to choose a marinade that would soften the meat, but at the same time not kill its taste. Grilled meat is very ancient dish With interesting history. Many people believe that meat fried on a spit was pumped into our kitchen from the cuisine of the peoples of the Caucasus. However, this view is fundamentally wrong.

In fact, almost all the peoples of the world cooked meat strung on a skewer and baked in the heat of a burnt out fire. In the distant past, warriors took pieces of meat with them on long campaigns. To prevent the meat from spoiling, they threw it into a leather bag with wine, and during a halt they fried it on bayonets or spears.

Recipes for delicious and juicy kebabs in nature

The origin of the very word "kebab" is associated with the language of the Crimean Tatars, in which the word "shish" means a skewer, and "shish kebab" is translated as something on a spit. In Turkey, for example, which is very close to the culture of the Crimean Tatars, this dish is called shish kebab, where fried meat is called kebab. Thus, shish kebab is meat fried on a spit.

Speaking of harm fried meat for the human body, it means talking about carcinogens, namely benzopyrene. This substance is found in tobacco smoke and is part of the fumes that form when fat gets on hot coals.

Rising up, it falls on pieces of meat and settles on them. No less harmful to health is a dark overcooked crust, whether it be red, white meat or even fish. The carcinogenic elements contained in it can also provoke the onset of cancer.

How to cook juicy meat - step by step recipes

It was from ancient times that the tradition of marinating meat began. However, some lovers of fried meat claim that real barbecue is not marinated, but only sprinkled with various spices after frying.

For the preparation of fried meat, pork is usually used. Charcoal grilled meat is so popular for a reason. Contrary to the seeming simplicity, it is not easy to cook pork meat on coals.

Experts recommend cooking with chilled pork. If you don't have one, buy frozen. Novice cooks defrost meat by dipping it in water. We do not recommend doing so. It is better to put the pork on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Slow defrosting will preserve flavor and beneficial features. Some chefs advise salting frozen meat and leaving it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Re-freezing is not recommended, as juiciness is lost.

How to choose the right pork for barbecue

First, carefully examine the piece of meat. Fresh pork is pink in color, and when pressed with a finger, the pits are aligned. IN without fail use the sense of smell. The fresh product is characterized by a pleasant and sweet smell. If the pork smells of rot, mold or ammonia, of course, you can’t buy it.

Which part of pork is best for cooking

Ask the seller to cut off a small piece. Bring it to the fire from a match and smell it. The smell of roasted pork is a sign of freshness.

Which part of the carcass to give preference to, you decide. The ham, neck, loin, shoulder blade and kidney part of the carcass are ideal for barbecue. It is an indisputable fact that fried pork meat turns out to be the most delicious, juicy and aromatic, but beef, lamb or chicken breasts are an alternative.

Pork skewers: marinade and its composition

Marinade - a mixture of acid (vinegar, natural juices, wine), vegetable oil, salt and seasonings, in which raw meat, poultry, fish are soaked (marinated) before cooking to give them a soft texture and flavor.

Ketchup, vinegar, soy sauce, kiwi, mayonnaise, cognac, coffee, mustard, sparkling mineral water, yogurt, various spices, pomegranate juice, onion, garlic - all this can become the ingredients of your marinade. But the marinade should not be too much. Since the meat will give its juice during the marinating process, the amount of liquid will increase even more - this must be borne in mind.

Marinade for pork barbecue: 6 types

Many cooks are ardent opponents of vinegar, believing that it only spoils the taste of the dish. In their recipes, they suggest replacing it with other products such as kefir, mayonnaise, sour cream, mustard powder, cranberries, pomegranate juice and tomatoes.

Fried meat cooked with lemon juice is no less popular. If you like Chinese cuisine, then try marinating the meat in a mixture of soy sauce, dry wine, garlic, ginger, pepper and honey. Marinade for pork skewers is no less important than good meat.

Different recipes use a variety of marinades for pork - here are kefir, and mayonnaise and wine. The meat can be grilled, lightly oiled, seasoned with salt and pepper. But it will become juicier if you put it in the marinade for an hour or overnight.

  1. Basic marinade: vegetable oil, vinegar, spicy crushed herbs, Dijon mustard;
  2. Russian marinade: as a base for the marinade, you can use ordinary kvass in combination with onions and honey;
  3. Sour-milk marinade: yogurt, garlic, turmeric, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon;
  4. soy marinade: soy sauce, garlic and Chinese five-spice blend;
  5. lemon marinade: lemon juice and zest, olive oil, fresh mint and oregano. Lemon juice is an excellent alternative to vinegar; even fairly tough meat can be marinated in it;
  6. spicy marinade : yogurt, cayenne pepper, lime or lemon juice.

Top 5 Chicken Marinades Recipe

Each housewife has her favorite marinades for cooking the most tender chicken in own juice. Here are 5 recipes for marinade for chicken, you can choose any you like.

  • Simple marinade. 50 ml. sunflower oil, combine with the same amount wine vinegar. Add salt and pepper to the resulting mixture. Pour the chicken fillet with the prepared marinade and fry after 30 minutes;
  • Marinade on beer. Season the treated chicken with salt, pepper and sprinkle with oregano, combine with chopped onions and place in a large bowl. It remains to add beer and leave the meat to marinate for 10 hours. This chicken kebab is combined with fried potatoes and greenery;
  • Nut marinade. First, prepare a mixture of grated garlic, chopped onions, crushed nuts and vegetable oil. Marinade rub the pieces of meat and leave for half an hour. Salt the chicken again before frying;
  • Marinade on kefir. Put the pieces of meat in a bowl, add grated garlic, salt, pepper, onion rings and fill with kefir. After stirring, the chicken should marinate for 2 hours;
  • Marinade on mayonnaise. In the evening, grate the chicken cut into pieces with salt, pepper and garlic, grease with mayonnaise and put in a saucepan. Marinate until morning.

The pickling process is very important: the taste of the future dish depends on how successful the marinade turns out. Below you will learn how to marinate pork meat so that the meat is juicy and tender, and the secrets of cooking will help to make it really tasty and gourmet dish:

  • For pickling, it is better to use an enameled, glass or ceramic pan. It is not recommended to use aluminum and plastic containers for these purposes, since during the marinating process, meat can absorb harmful substances emitted by dishes;
  • To prevent the meat from becoming tough, control the amount of "sour" ingredients in the marinade - vinegar, wine, juice should not be too much. Acid and vegetable oil are added to the marinade in equal amounts;
  • To soften hard pieces of meat, add sliced ​​​​pineapple, kiwi, papaya to the marinade - these fruits have the ability to soften the protein, but in this case, you need to marinate the meat for no longer than 2 hours;
  • If the meat has been frozen, mustard will help keep it juicy. It is enough to add mustard to the finished marinade, smear the pieces of chopped meat and leave for 1-2 hours;
  • If you cut the meat into large pieces, it will take longer to marinate it. You need to cut the meat across the fibers so that the pieces do not “shrink” during cooking;
  • Products filled with marinade should be in the refrigerator;
  • If the barbecue is cooked in the summer, then the meat should be cut into more large pieces. So it will be more juicy;
  • For outdoor marination, you can mix all the ingredients in plastic bag, releasing air from it;
  • To make the product better saturated with marinade, pierce it with a fork in several places;
  • To make the meat soft, mineral sparkling water can be added to the marinade;
  • It is better to replace ordinary table vinegar with wine or fruit.

The duration of marinating depends on several factors: the stiffness of the meat, the time that you have before the “X” hour, and also on the presence in the refrigerator right products. If time is running out, choose a recipe for a more “vigorous” marinade, and if you add onion to it, do not cut it into rings, as usual, but rub it on a grater.

In such a marinade, the meat should be kept literally for 2-3 hours, otherwise it will be bitter.
Does not require long preparation and poultry meat. Chicken kebab you can start frying already half an hour after laying the meat in the marinade.

How to make a fire for roasting meat

How to fire up the brazier, what kind of wood to use

If you like barbecue, love and fire up the barbecue.

  • To build a fire for cooking meat, it is advisable to use wood, not ready-made coals. Thus, the pork will turn out more fragrant and soft;
  • Not all wood is suitable for roasting meat. There are tree species in which there are a lot of resins: spruce and pine. The resin, which such firewood is rich in, in the process of smoldering will transfer the taste to the meat, which will spoil it;
  • Alder firewood - perfect option. It is recommended to use birch firewood and firewood from fruit trees (apple and pear). Combustible material is suitable for a high brazier, as hot coals are obtained from it;
  • Barbecue is cooked not on burning wood, but on coals. They provide optimal temperature for frying. As a result, the meat does not burn or dry out, but is cooked in its own juice;
  • The coals in the grill should not burn, they should smolder. If during frying a fire breaks out or the coals smoke heavily, it is either slightly poured with water, or knocked down with a special spatula;
  • So that the meat does not dry out on the coals during frying, it is sprinkled with homemade wine, water or beer;
  • If the brazier is low, it is easy to reduce the heat. Put the onion that was used in pickling on the coals, or use water. You can achieve the effect in another way, pushing the coals to the sides;
  • Do you want the meat to have a unique flavor? Use grapevine for frying. If it doesn't exist, don't fret. Suitable linden, birch, oak or fruit trees. If there Vacation home or cottage, there will be no problems with firewood.

How to cook barbecue: the secrets of the perfect grilled meat

It seems that there is nothing complicated in cooking - you cut the meat, keep it in the marinade and fry it. People who hold this opinion are mistaken. Such actions lead to disappointment caused by a dry, tough and tasteless dish. Each stage of meat preparation requires the right approach.

Pine forest, river bank, the sound of water, the crackle of a fire and the smell of barbecue!!! This is life!

Few of us are well versed in the choice of meat. The first main rule is to choose only fresh meat. What kind of meat to choose you need to know everyone. There should be no bruising on the meat, as harmful bacteria actively develop in them.

Tips for choosing the right meat

Traditional barbecue is made from pork or lamb, but some fans of fried meat do not always know how to choose it correctly. After all, it’s so insulting if it turns out to be tough, fatty or sinewy, although it would seem that the meat was quite decent in appearance!

Freshness of meat - appearance, smell, color, texture

  1. There is only one rule: the meat should be fresh and young. It's easy to determine. A quality piece does not have mucus on the surface, it is free of blood and foreign fluid;
  2. The surface must be damp, but not wet. Feel the selected raw material, make sure that it is not sticky. When pressed, a transparent juice will stand out from a composition suitable for barbecue;
  3. Equally important is the structure of the meat. Dense elastic specimens are suitable for frying. Look at the shade of the cut, a good dish will come out of a bright red piece;
  4. Click on the selected instance with your finger. If the resulting hole quickly levels out, the piece holds its shape, you can safely buy it. In cases where freshness is in doubt, the indentation will level out slowly;
  5. Pay attention to the streaks of fat. If the raw material is not intended for consumption, the fat usually has a gray-yellowish tint and a sticky surface. Sometimes it is hazy with matte overtones;
  6. Meat that has good freshness is firm. This means that the piece was not frozen several times. When defrosted again, the product loses its attractiveness and looks more loose;
  7. It is easy to identify a stale product: it is wet, sticky, with cloudy secretions and bad smell. The aroma of good raw materials will not cause you a negative reaction.

Fresh, chilled and frozen meat

  • Meat is considered paired if about 3-4 hours have passed since the moment of slaughter. As a raw material for barbecue, this type of meat is the most unsuitable. After frying, the piece will be rubbery, it is extremely difficult to chew. The meat will have to be pre-aged before frying;
  • Chilled meat is also suitable. His taste is beyond praise. Subject to storage conditions (temperature from 0 to 4 degrees), the kebab will turn out tender, juicy and very pleasant in taste. Use vinegar to prepare a marinade for chilled meat should be very careful;
  • The repeated procedure for freezing meat for barbecue is unacceptable, the composition becomes loose and tasteless. It is easy to distinguish such a product: touch it with a fingertip, remove your hand. If a dark circle has formed at the point of contact, the meat can be eaten. When the product is frozen 2 or more times, there will be no stain.

Repeatedly frozen meat can be identified by bloody smudges on the packaging. When pressed, a clear juice will stand out from the piece, while a darkish circle will remain on the meat. If the meat has been thawed and refrozen several times, the raw material will be too wet. Good meat moderately moist

How to identify old or young meat

  1. Ask the seller about the age of the meat. The older the animal, the darker the color of its meat. This means that the muscles will make the dish rubbery;
  2. If the color is too dark, the animal is many years old. To make it easier to determine the age category of raw materials, you need to take a thin layer of meat and try to tear it. A suitable product is easily torn;
  3. Judge by shade. A fryable copy is not glossy, but not matte either. It has a uniform shade and natural color. Beef - red, lamb - reddish with white stripes, pork - pink;
  4. The most juicy kebab is obtained from young meat. It needs to be fried and marinated less, moreover, such a product, even for the most inexperienced chef, comes out excellent.

How to choose pork for barbecue

  • Many people prefer pork. First of all, it is important to know that the animal product should not be too fatty;
  • If you purchased a ham, then you should not expect softness from the meat, this part will make it too dry and you need to marinate for a long time;
  • For cooking, it is recommended to take the neck meat, which is located on the neck and along the ridge. In this case, the fat streaks are evenly distributed. You will end up with a juicy specimen;
  • The only question remains how and how much to marinate each part. You should not buy meat from the back seat - it is tougher and does not like to be overcooked on fire. In this case, the marinade will not help, the meat will turn out dry and tough;
  • You need to buy meat without breaks, trimmings. Otherwise, the product will marinate and fry unevenly;
  • Choose soft pink meat with a dry surface without foreign odors. A darker shade of the surface is a sign of the pig's advanced age. Try to buy fresh or chilled meat;
  • No less popular in this matter are tenderloin, ribs and loin. Meat cut along the ridge from the back is also suitable for frying, just remember to cut off all the fat. Dry meat is obtained by taking a ham. In this part of the carcass, the minimum percentage of fat.

How to choose lamb for barbecue

  1. Traditionally grilled meat is made from lamb. This meat is especially revered in the Caucasus and in Central Asia. Lamb is lower in calories than pork and more tender than beef. The most juicy, tender and fragrant dish will be made from lamb up to 60 days old;
  2. Lamb will turn out to be extremely tasty if it is cooked from the pulp taken from the hind legs. A tenderloin or loin is also ideal. Ribs are reluctant to fry, but if you like to gnaw on bones, they will do too. It is important to remember that a lamb dish is eaten immediately, then it becomes tasteless;
  3. Lamb bones should be white (this is a sign of young lamb, in lambs the bones are slightly pinkish);
  4. The surface of the lamb should be shiny and slightly moist (there should be no blood discharge);
  5. There should be fat on good lamb minimal amount(veins should be clearly visible on the meat itself);
  6. The color of lamb should be as uniform as possible;
  7. Good lamb always has a coarse-grained meat texture;
  8. You can tell the age of lamb by the ribs. If you visually compare two pieces of meat with bones, then the greater the distance between the ribs, the older the animal was. In addition, the color of the bone is also an indicator of the quality and age of the lamb.

Good in the woods for a picnic. Forest, friends, tent, grilled meat on coals, a bear… A bear?!?

  • Arriving home with a piece of pork or lamb, you need to thoroughly rinse the meat under the tap in the kitchen. For cutting, it is better to use a special wooden board with a chute, through which the meat juice will subsequently drain. To prevent the wood from absorbing this juice, rinse the board before cutting cold water. But a knife for cutting meat is better to take a large and sharp enough;
  • Lay a piece of meat on a board and start carving, cutting off small pieces in thickness and length. It is necessary to cut across the fibers. It is easier to cut along the fibers, but then the fibers will get stuck between the teeth;
  • One serving consists of about five meat pieces. Having chosen a ham or lamb loin as the basis for frying meat, try to cut the meat into pieces weighing about 30-50 g.
  • If you took not a tenderloin for cooking, but another part of the meat with bones, then first remove all the bones, and then cut into portions. Barbecue and pork neck is also popular. Gently rinse the neck, cut it into pieces 3-5 cm long and thick.

Remember: meat cut finely will be dry, but big chunks may not fry at all.

Not every cut off piece is suitable for frying. True professionals pay special attention to the shape of the workpiece. Ideally, if the pieces are cut into cones. This will make it easier to put them on the skewer and will contribute to a good frying in the future.

How much barbecue per person

I'm actually on a diet! Because I have three skewers with fried meat, but without bread!

On average, it takes 375 g per person. raw meat, without bones. From this amount, one standard skewer of ready-made barbecue will be obtained, on a skewer it is about 30 cm of ready-made meat! For example, if you are cooking:

  • For 1 person, you need 375 g of boneless pork;
  • For 6 people, you need 2 kg. 250 g boneless pork;
  • For 10 people, you need 3 kg. 750 g boneless pork;
  • For 15 people, you need 5 kg. 625 boneless pork.

When calculating the approximate amount of meat needed for one person, several important factors must be taken into account. The role is played even by such seemingly insignificant details as the height of the brazier, whether there are special garden barbecue braziers, as well as a brazier suitcase and its presence.

  1. Will other dishes be served with the barbecue, or will you take only greens and one or two vegetable salads with you? If, for example, Olivier salad, Caesar salad, sausage and stuffed peppers are served with barbecue, in this case, 375 g of fresh meat per person will be enough. If, in addition to barbecue, you decide to take a few cucumbers and tomatoes to nature, then 375 will definitely not be enough. In this case, it is necessary to purchase 500 - 600 g of fresh meat per person;
  2. What needs to be considered is the duration of the gatherings. If you are going to spend 5-7 hours in nature, the above 375g per person should be enough. And if you are going to spend the whole night in nature, a kilogram may not be enough;
  3. When calculating meat, you must also take into account the type of strong drinks that you choose. Many of them will stimulate the appetite;
  4. When choosing fresh meat, it is necessary to rely on the fact that, in the process of frying, it will lose some percentage of its total mass. So, for example, pork, during the preparation of barbecue from it, loses about 25% of its mass. In other words, if you put 200 g of pork on a skewer, you will end up with 150 g of the finished product.

Mmm! But still, barbecue is tastier if it is eaten in a circle of friends!

So, the meat was chosen, now it's up to the marinade. The easiest way to buy spices for him is at the same market where you bought the meat. Marinade recipes, as you know, are a topic for a separate discussion. There are probably as many of them as there are barbecue lovers.

Vendors usually know about a dozen recipes for marinade mixes and will be happy to suggest which ingredients to choose. A versatile option: hot paprika, black pepper and dried pepper pods. Piquancy will add white peppercorns, juniper berries, rosemary sprigs.

It is best to marinate the meat in a dry way. To do this, pour the already chopped meat with spices, salt, add olive oil and leave in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. If there is not much time left, you can speed up the process to 2-3 hours by pouring meat and spices with mineral water, kefir, wine or any other drink with high acidity.

  • The easiest way to marinate meat is "onion marinade". Onions and pork meat are taken one at a time: the meat is cut coarsely or shifted in layers with onion rings, or the onion is grated (or chopped in a combine) and this whole kebab composition is sent under pressure for a couple of hours or overnight;
  • You can marinate the meat with lemon and mineral water. You can already write odes about mineral water - it truly “works” and makes pork meat juicy and soft, which is necessary condition. Only mineral water is better to take like Essentuki, Borjomi or Narzan, well, here it is detailed recipe marinade (personally verified). Pork meat 1.5 kg. cut coarsely, cut 5 onions into half rings, cut 3 lemons into 4 parts, 5 peppercorns, a couple of tablespoons of salt, 4 bay leaves - wrinkle with your hands, put under a press and leave for half an hour. Then pour 600 ml. mineral water and leave overnight in the cold. During the day, meat can be fried;
  • Delicious pork skewers are obtained on kefir - while a lot of onions, salt and pepper plus kefir are also added to the pork, but this method is suitable for long marinating overnight;
  • The popularity of meat marinated in tomato juice is also increasing. Pork pulp and tomato juice one to one - 1.5 kg. 1.5 liters, 3 onions, salt 1 tablespoon, black pepper, bay leaf, basil 1 teaspoon - everything is the same as in the previous barbecue marinade (add onions, spices to pork and so on - leave for half an hour under oppression), and then already pour tomato juice and marinate for a couple of hours.

Very fresh meat does not need to be marinated. Just salted, peppered - and on the coals. The main thing is to pour wine over it during the frying process. We cut a kilogram of meat across the fibers into small pieces (thickness about 2 cm, length - about 8 cm), lay them out on a large cutting board, salt, lightly sprinkle with vigorous Georgian ground black pepper, red pepper and a little ground paprika, for color. Then carefully turn each piece over and repeat the same procedure.

The ingredients for the marinade are prepared in advance - five onions cut into rings and washed fresh cilantro, in which only the roots are cut off. Pepper, water, onion, cilantro - all this will give off their aromas a little bit and emphasize the natural taste of meat. This is the main thing in barbecue, so no seasonings with a strong aroma are needed. And for chicken, you can use them and even need to give a pleasant taste to the meat.

How to salt a barbecue: how much salt per 1 kg. need meat

If the dish is supposed to be fatty, then you can add salt immediately after soaking, if it is dry, add salt closer to the start of cooking so as not to overdry the meat.

How much salt per 1 kg. pork meat

For cooking barbecue for 1 kg. meat add 1 teaspoon of salt. Moreover, experts advise first to add only natural spices and onions to the chopped meat, and sprinkle with salt before stringing on skewers.

If the marinade is used with products in which it is already present (soy sauce, ketchup, adjika), then salt can not be added separately.

How to salt barbecue? There are different opinions on this matter, because salt draws precious juice from meat and it is advisable to add it at the very end of marinating, however, if there is good coarse sea salt in the kitchen, then the marinade can be salted immediately. In this case, the grains will melt slowly, giving salt to the meat gradually and gently. The only thing is that you need to stir everything periodically to distribute them evenly.

Work is doubly harder when all the friends have left to fry meat in the forest.

Mix for any dish is better to do it yourself. You just need to take a little of each spice, those that you especially love, and grind it in a coffee grinder. You can also crush the spices in a mortar. List of spices for marinade preparation:

  • Any of the peppers (black, red, green, white);
  • Mustard;
  • Nutmeg;
  • Coriander;
  • Caraway;
  • Marjoram;
  • Saffron;
  • Dried herbs (parsley, dill, cilantro);
  • Ginger;
  • Basil.

In order for the seasonings to better reveal their aroma, they can be heated for a couple of minutes in a dry frying pan and only then ground into a mixture.

The perfect seasoning for pork skewers

All types of pepper are suitable for fried pork meat. To give piquant taste crushed red pepper will do. Paprika will not only make the meat fragrant, but also cover it with a golden brown when frying.

Choosing spices and seasonings for barbecue pork

When frying on coals, you can use juniper berries, cumin, which will make pork meat especially fragrant. Another option is to use marjoram and thyme, the aroma of which is revealed gradually. Pleasant sourness and a yellow tint to the meat will be given by curry seasoning, turmeric. They should be added to a small amount.

Marjoram, coriander and sage will add a delicate and delicate flavor to pork skewers. Sage is added at the end of a stir-fry or to make a condiment to be served with cooked meat.

Garlic sets off the taste of fried pork well, but in large quantities it is able to kill the aroma of meat. To prevent this from happening, when frying, it can be combined with ginger and nutmeg, when creating seasoning for cooked meat - with dried herbs. Of these herbs, parsley and sage are well suited.

Seasonings for lamb skewers

Lamb has a specific smell, and seasonings for it are chosen that can neutralize it or change it for the better. Best deal with it spices.

You can add rosemary, dill, parsley, cilantro, oregano, thyme, savory, mint to the marinade. Additionally, you can put sage in it. A pleasant aroma of charcoal-roasted lamb will be given dried berries barberry, lemon or orange peel.

You can also add citrus juice to the marinade. Garlic does a pretty good job at neutralizing odors, but it needs company to help balance its smell and taste. It can be lemon, rosemary, almonds.

Spices such as zira, turmeric, coriander, are considered classic for lamb skewers. grain mustard. The complex dry seasoning hops-suneli is ideal for lamb, it would be a good idea to serve adjika to it.

A trio of rosemary, ginger and cloves is considered successful, they do not lose their aroma even with prolonged heat treatment, which is subjected to lamb. Garlic, ginger, spicy herbs and all kinds of pepper can be used both for marinating lamb before frying, and when serving ready-made fried meat from it to the table.

How to fry barbecue on the grill or on coals

Spring! Warm! The weather whispers: “Take a barbecue and go to a clearing in the forest!” Here's what you need to get rid of winter stress!

Everything you need for frying meat is available. It's time to start preparing it. We kindle a fire. It is recommended to do this in advance, since the kebab is cooked not on fire, but on "gray" coals, which give stable, even heat.

  1. Remember to make sure you have enough coals or firewood to fry all the meat, otherwise the second and subsequent batches of kebabs may turn out to be overdried;
  2. As soon as the coals become whitish, you can start roasting the meat. We plant pieces of meat. While the fire is merrily burning, we do not sit idle, but are engaged in putting meat on skewers. Do not be surprised, but a lot depends on how this will be implemented;
  3. Lean pieces of meat must be alternated with fatty or even pieces of fat, then the kebab will turn out juicier and tastier.
    Press the pieces of meat close to each other;
  4. Leave about 5 cm from the pointed end of the skewer. Fry. We spread the skewers with meat in a dense layer on the surface of the grill (thus minimizing the supply of oxygen to the coals). Put all the skewers on the prepared coals on the grill at once. Put them on an even edge, as you will often need to turn over;
  5. Flip the skewers at least once every 20 seconds. Check readiness by cutting the meat deep to the skewer. If the juice that comes out is clear, the meat is ready. Don't overcook the meat;
  6. Make sure there is no fire. Fat rendered from pieces of meat, falling on hot coals, can cause a fire, if this happens immediately extinguish the fires of the flame, you can use it for this plain water, vinegar or marinade in which the meat was cooked. If the fire is not extinguished, then the outside of the meat will burn, but inside it will remain raw;
  7. Ready fried meat should not be immediately removed from the skewer, let it reach a little, a couple of minutes will be enough.

The best barbecue marinades - top 10 recipes

Summer is just around the corner, which means it's time for picnics and outdoor recreation. Grilled meat is still the main character! No field trip is complete without a traditional barbecue. You can go to a barbecue with family and friends at any time of the year, the main thing is that the rain does not put out the fire or the coals in the grill.

Top barbecue marinades: 10 recipes

There are no specific seasons for preparing a wonderful pork dish. Both in winter and summer, fragrant fried pork meat will decorate any table. A delicious dish is obtained from pork, the meat is soft, with fat melting from the heat, dripping on vegetables, distributing incredible aromas. Such a spectacle can be seen by picking up not only a good piece of meat, but also choosing the most delicious marinade.

Pork skewers marinated with mustard - recipe for 500 g of meat


  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp. If desired, you can take mustard with peas, it is more tasty;
  • cilantro, greens, finely chopped - 1 tbsp;
  • Black and red pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp or to taste

Cooking method:

  1. This versatile marinade pork skewers great for both grilling meat and barbecue;
  2. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, mix well;
  3. Spread the prepared pork well with marinade, mix until each piece is covered with dressing;
  4. Leave for 3-4 hours in a cool and dark place, under cling film. Bon appetit!

Pork skewers in mineral water - recipe for 4 kg. meat


  • > Onion - 1 kg.;
  • Dried tomatoes and dried paprika - to taste. The mixture can be bought at the store;
  • Mineral water, carbonated - 1.5 liters;
  • Black pepper, ground - 1 tbsp. l. You need a lot of pepper, as the mineral water interrupts its aroma;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the meat, wash, cut and dry;
  2. Cut the onion into rings, thin, mix well with meat, leave for an hour, a second, so that the pork is saturated with onion juice;
  3. Then add coriander, ground black pepper, mix well, add the dried mixture of vegetables (tomatoes and paprika), mix again;
  4. Now pour the main part of the marinade into the meat - mineral water. Pour the meat so that the water slightly covers the pieces of meat;
  5. Marinate for about 8 hours, it is better to leave overnight. We wrap the container with shish kebab with cling film, store in a dark, cool place. Bon appetit!

Pork kefir skewers - recipe for 1.5 kg. meat


  • Kefir - 0.5 l.;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tsp;
  • >Onion - 5 pcs.;
  • Suneli hops - 1/2 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepared meat should be mixed with black pepper and suneli hops, left for half an hour;
  2. Then grate the onion on a fine grater, half the indicated amount. Add to meat, mix well;
  3. After a few minutes, pour kefir, mix well so that all the pieces are covered, add the onion, chopped into rings, powdered sugar;
  4. Stir again, leave the meat for 5-6 hours. You can leave it for 10 hours, it will only taste better. Bon appetit!

Pork skewers marinated in onions - recipe for 1 kg. meat


  • Onion - 4 pcs.;
  • Coriander beans (dried cilantro) - 1/2 tsp;
  • A mixture of spices for meat - 1 tsp;
  • Black peppercorns - 8 peas;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate half of the onion, half - cut into rings, not very large, better thinner;
  2. In the prepared pieces of meat, washed and dried, finish off the onion, chopped into rings, mix very well, leave for an hour;
  3. Then add marinade to the meat, consisting of a mixture of spices and pepper, grated onion. Mix well, cover the bowl with cling film. Leave in a dark cool place overnight. Bon appetit!

Pork skewers on red wine - recipe for 1 kg. meat


  • Onion - 6 pcs.;
  • Red dry wine(can be semi-sweet) - 350 ml .;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Black and red ground pepper - 1 pinch each;
  • Rosemary - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the meat well and cut into cubes, dry;
  2. We rub the pork with seasonings and spices, add the bay leaf. Mix very well and leave for an hour;
  3. In the meantime, peel and cut the onion into rings or half rings, as in the end it will be convenient for you to put it on a skewer. Add to the meat, mix so that the onion gives juice, and the pork barbecue marinade gets its “barbecue” flavor;
  4. We leave the meat with onions and seasonings for a while in a dark and cool place, and after 1 hour you can pour the pork with wine and mix again;
  5. The meat should be marinated for about 12 hours, if possible, let it marinate longer. Bon appetit!

Marinade for barbecue with lemon - recipe for 1 kg. meat


  • Lemon - 3 pcs.;
  • Onion - 500 g;
  • Seasonings and spices: red and black pepper, ground, curry and turmeric, coriander peas - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix chopped and washed, dried meat with spices and mix well with your hands;
  2. Then you need to add the zest of 2 lemons. This is easy to do - peel the lemon with a fine grater, add to the meat and mix;
  3. We supplement the marinade for pork kebab with onion, cut into rings, mix well with meat and spices. It is better to cut the onion into not very thick rings so that it gives more of its juice to the meat;
  4. Leave for an hour, then add the juice of 1 more lemon. Marinate for about 5 hours, you can leave it overnight. Bon appetit!

Pork shish kebab on cognac - recipe for 1.5 kg. meat


  • Cognac - 4 tablespoons;
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil - 200 ml;
  • Red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • Suneli hops - 1/2 tsp;
  • Thyme - 1/2 tsp;
  • Rosemary - 1/2 tsp;
  • French and Italian herbs- 1 pinch;
  • Carnation - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Let's start preparing the marinade for the prepared meat. It is necessary to mix the juice of 2 lemons with sunflower oil in a separate bowl;
  2. Add herbs, grinding them well with your hands or in a mortar, knead with a pestle. So they will release the aroma and saturate the meat with it faster;
  3. To make the pork kebab marinade spicy, add cognac, then red ground pepper. Mix everything well;
  4. Now we rub the pork well with the marinade, pour it over and wrinkle it with your hands to be sure that each piece has received its portion of “hoppy” dressing;
  5. It is recommended to leave the meat for at least 2 hours. Bon appetit!

Pork skewers marinated in sour cream - recipe for 2 kg. meat


  • Pork - 2 kg;
  • Sour cream - 500 ml;
  • Mustard - 2 tablespoons;
  • > Onion - 1 kg.;
  • Garlic - 2 heads;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pork into portions, put in a saucepan, salt, pepper, leave for 15-20 minutes;
  2. Mix sour cream with mustard and finely chopped garlic. Cut the onion into rings;
  3. Add everything to the meat and marinate for at least 5 hours in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!

Marinade for barbecue with mayonnaise - recipe for 2.5 kg. meat


  • Pork - 2.5 kg;
  • Onion - 1 kg.;
  • Mayonnaise - 500 ml;
  • Bay leaf - 10 pcs.;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the meat, blot with a towel and cut into pieces, the size of which approximately matches the size of two matchboxes laid on top of each other;
  2. Onion cut into large rings. If you need to marinate the pork as soon as possible, and also if you are cooking beef skewers, you need to grate half the onion;
  3. Sprinkle the meat with spices, mix with your hands;
  4. Put onion in the meat, pour mayonnaise, mix;
  5. If you grated onions, then it is enough to hold the pork in this marinade for 2 hours;
  6. If all the onions were cut into rings, the pork needs to be marinated for 6 hours. Bon appetit!

Marinade for barbecue with vinegar - recipe for 1.5 kg. meat


  • Pork meat - 1.5 kg;
  • Onion - 3 pcs.;
  • Vinegar 70% - 2 tsp;
  • Water - 200 ml;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Seasoning for barbecue - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the meat well, dry it kitchen towel. Remove films and veins, cut into pieces of about 50 g;
  2. Peel the onions, cut into not too thin rings;
  3. Add seasonings and onion rings to the meat, mix;
  4. In a separate container, mix the oil and vinegar essence, dilute this mixture with water. Pour the meat, mix;
  5. Cover the container with meat with a plate, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the diameter of this container. Put a jar of water on top;
  6. Put the whole structure in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours. Usually pork is marinated according to this recipe, but this marinade is also suitable for any other meat. So it can be called universal. Bon appetit!

Video: The secret of the perfect barbecue

Spring is here, and with it the barbecue. I don’t know how it is in other regions where the heat comes earlier, but we have massive barbecue trips on the May holidays - people go to picnics and summer cottages, and it’s almost impossible to imagine without fragrant juicy meat on skewers or wire racks. And today I will tell you a few proven recipes, I hope they will be useful to you.

It seems to me that the love of meat fried on fire is some kind of primitive instincts that almost everyone has. Probably, our ancestors also enjoyed the meat of mammoths, fried at the stake, otherwise how can one explain the truly hypnotic effect of these pieces on a person. After all, even having felt the smell of a barbecue being prepared, you are already eager to taste it. It is no coincidence that there is an expression "barbecue basin pleases the eye."

Recipes delicious marinades so many, and the authors assure that each recipe is the best, and the meat turns out to be the most tender, that the thought involuntarily comes that the kebab is just such tasty dish which pairs well with a variety of dressings. So feel free to try the recipe you like from my post, and enjoy. Or you can try all the different flavors, marinating differently each time. I am for experiments!

Of course, kebabs can be cooked in the oven, but what can be compared with meat baked on the grill? Spring sunshine, young leaves on trees, happy faces of friends and juicy treats - what could be better?

What meat to choose for barbecue

The generally accepted opinion that the best meat for barbecue is pork neck, and here it is impossible to disagree. Although true experts also talk about the hind leg of a pig, the neck is still the most popular option.

Someone thinks that the classic is lamb skewers. But, here's what's interesting, when we rested in Abkhazia, the owner of the house where we lived regularly arranged barbecue picnics for us - chic feasts. At the same time, he himself is a professional barbecue fryer, did not welcome lamb, said that it is considered dirty meat, because the sheep eats everything. But, since vacationers definitely wanted to eat a ram, he prepared both options. I can say that pork kebabs were juicier and tastier. ABOUT lamb skewers I will write later, and today all the recipes for pork neck kebabs that I or my friends have tested.

How to choose the right pork neck? There are a lot of tips on various blogs, such as pressing on the meat and something else. But I will tell you my method - I just come to the market, where I usually buy meat, and there is always a fresh, beautiful neck. I buy it, do not press anything, do not check, do not conduct chemical tests, as various experts advise. By appearance meat and so it is clear if it is old or weathered. But in the market they always give me a good piece of the neck, in my opinion, nothing needs to be complicated. If you are buying meat for the first time, then just tell the seller: “Give me a good piece of neck for barbecue” - and they will give you everything.

If you came to the market for meat, then at the same time go to the counter with spices, which are sold by weight. You can tell the seller that you need spices to marinate so much meat. The seller usually professionally throws in various spices, it turns out a very tasty set for barbecue!

Preparing the pieces. What should be the pieces of meat so that the barbecue does not turn out dry

The ideal size of pieces of meat for barbecue is about the size of a box of matches. That is, not a very large parallelepiped of a slightly elongated shape. If there is fat, then cut off the excess, leaving only a thin strip. They say that “a large piece pleases the mouth”, but this is not the case with barbecue, because the meat will be raw inside, or you will have to fry it for a long time and there is a danger of overdrying. Since shish kebab is often eaten from a skewer, a piece should be enough for just one bite. Try to cut so that nothing hangs from the piece, as it will simply burn.

How to marinate kebab correctly

For the marinade, use an enamel, glass or ceramic container. By no means aluminum. Since it is a heavy metal, and poisonous, and when interacting with an acidic environment, it oxidizes, spoils the taste of barbecue, and maybe add harmful substances to your body.

In order for the onion to give more juice, some prefer not to cut it, but to grind it in a blender.

If the pickled meat is in the refrigerator, then about an hour before cooking, you need to pull it out and leave it at room temperature. Then you can fry the kebab faster, and it will be more juicy. After all, to cook cold meat, you need more time, and there is a danger of overdrying it.

There is an opinion that salt should be added at the very end of pickling, or even salted already on a skewer. Because salt draws the juice out of the meat and it will turn out drier if marinated with it. But here everyone decides for himself. In this article I give such and other recipes. I myself add salt at the last moment usually.

A classic set of spices for barbecue: 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of ground cumin and 2 teaspoons of ground coriander. You can also add ground or chopped bay leaves.

In many barbecue recipes, you do not need to write the number of ingredients, it is clear that we take a piece of meat that we bought at the market, and it can be more or less. Add salt and seasonings to taste, and enough marinade to cover the meat completely.

How to barbecue on the grill

What to choose - a skewer or a grill? I don't think there is any fundamental difference. We fry any meat on the grill - it's faster and easier. Although it’s nice to eat shish kebab from skewers, I immediately remember how I was on a picnic as a child and ate from a skewer.

So that the meat does not stick to the skewer or grate, you need to wipe them with vegetable oil or lemon juice and ignite for a couple of minutes.

Don't turn the meat too often. It is better to let it grab on one side, then turn it over and let it fry on the other. This is how it tastes the best.

To check the readiness of the meat, pierce it with a knife. If blood stands out, then it is still raw, if the juice is clear, then the meat is ready. If nothing comes out, you may have overcooked your dish.

When the kebab is ready, you can put it in a saucepan and steam for a couple of minutes on the fire. This makes it even more tender.

How to marinate pork neck skewers so that the meat is juicy

How to marinate the neck so that the meat is juicy?

First, I will write what, probably, everyone knows. The meat should be fresh, chilled, not frozen - this makes the most delicious kebabs.

Although, I confess that I also made it from frozen - from buckets of pickled kebabs, which are sold in the supermarket, it turns out delicious too. Apparently, I'm not an esthete) But still, the best result is when I bought fresh meat myself and marinated, besides, there is nothing very complicated about it.

I think the best marinade is just onion, salt and pepper and let stand. My friend is a professional kebab, her dad has a kebab, and she marinates perfectly, in her own juice. Enough onions, salt and pepper to make a wonderful, juicy barbecue from the neck. But, if you want to try something more original, then I suggest you other marinade options.

In general, the most delicious kebab that I have tried, I cooked for my birthday, and it was the easiest. Now I will tell you how to do it.

Secret Ingredient good marinade- onion. Need to take equal amount onions and meat, in any case, by volume, by weight, onions are lighter. That is, about half a kilo of onions per kilogram of neck, and then see for yourself that the volume is approximately the same.


  • Salt,
  • Pepper,
  • pork neck - 1 kg,
  • onion - 300-500 gr.
  1. Cut the pork neck into pieces, not too large, about the size of a matchbox. Cut an equal amount of onion into rings.

2. I don’t know exactly about salt, but many people recommend salting at the very end, I did. Add pepper, mix well.

3. Someone crushes the onion with salt, then puts meat in it. I mashed the meat with onions well. Experiment here for yourself.

4. Close with a lid or cling film. Put in the refrigerator overnight. Already before cooking - salt to your taste. Put the meat on skewers or on a wire rack.

5. Fry on the grill until cooked.

How to soak meat for pork skewers in vinegar? Marinating pork for barbecue

Although I write above that my favorite marinade is salt, pepper and nothing more, but for many in such kebabs there is not enough piquancy, and they consider the kebab marinated in vinegar to be the most delicious, this is the so-called Soviet taste from childhood. So I will share this recipe.


  • Pork (neck) - 1.5 kg,
  • Onion - 700 gr,
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 ml,
  • Salt - 1.5 tsp,
  • Pepper - 1 tsp

The most delicious barbecue is obtained by using apple or wine vinegar.

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces of 3 cm.

2. Cut the onion into rings.

3. Now we put it in layers in a pan. Meat - onion - a little vinegar - salt, pepper. Pour a little vinegar on the eye, in general, about 50 ml should be used up. Repeat layers.

4. Leave for an hour in a warm room. Then mix and put in the refrigerator.

5. For greater effect, you can do a press.

6. So, the next day, when the meat is marinated, we string it on skewers or put it on a wire rack.

7. And fry on the grill until cooked.

Should I string onions on skewers? Everyone decides for himself. Someone says that it is absolutely impossible, since onions spoil the meat when frying. Some people love fried onions. I cook without onions.

How long to marinate pork skewers in mayonnaise? Duration and stages of marinating meat

Pork skewers in mayonnaise is perhaps the recipe around which there is the most controversy. Someone condemns. As one of my friends with Georgian roots said, “putting chicken wings in mayonnaise is bad manners”. Needless to say, after that we didn’t invite her to picnics, we don’t need arrogance, the main thing is that it was tasty. I really think that the best option for dryish chicken meat is mayonnaise. But many also use it for pork.

I have no prejudice against mayonnaise when frying. I think that mayonnaise copes with its role much better than sour cream. After all, mayonnaise is, in fact, vegetable oil. That is, it contributes to the creation of a crispy crust. And sour cream is, in fact, milk, that is, water. What can she do to help? I can’t forget the experiment of the brilliant chef Oksana Putan, when on one baking sheet the chicken was smeared with mayonnaise, and on the other with sour cream, the second turned out to be pale and unpresentable. And if you are afraid of chemicals, then make your own mayonnaise, it's very simple.


  • Neck - 1.3 kg,
  • Onion - 600 gr,
  • Spices - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Mayonnaise - 300 gr.
  1. Wash the meat and pat dry with paper towels. Cut into medium pieces, transfer to a bowl.

2. Add salt and spices (to taste, for example, a barbecue set).

3. Rub one onion on coarse grater or grind with a blender. Its juice will saturate the meat.

4. Cut the rest of the onion into thick rings.

5. Put mayonnaise, mix well.

6. Cover the meat with a lid and refrigerate overnight.

7. Fry the meat on the grill for about 30 minutes, turning regularly.

After 30 minutes, the barbecue is ready.

How to marinate pork skewers in vinegar and mayonnaise? In fact, there is a recipe that combines mayonnaise and vinegar. Here's how a friend of mine does it. At the beginning, a liquid marinade is prepared: 9% vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 4. The meat is mixed with onion, cut into rings, then poured with marinade. So leave for the night or five hours. Then, about one hour before frying, vinegar marinade merges, and mayonnaise is added to the meat. The shish kebab turns out unusually soft and juicy.

Marinade for pork skewers with lemon and mineral water

If you don’t have much time before a picnic, I recommend you try this option - marinade with lemon, onion and mineral water. The meat is ready for frying in 1-4 hours, no longer, because if left overnight, it will be bitter due to the lemon. Mineral water gives softness, and lemon - a pleasant shade of taste.


  • Pork - 1 kg,
  • Onion - 250 gr,
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.,
  • Seasonings to your taste (for example, barbecue mix) - half a tablespoon,
  • Salt - 2 tsp or to taste
  • Mineral water - 0.5 liters
  1. Cut the pork neck into large pieces, about 2-3 cm wide and long.

3. Cut the onion into rings.

4. Cut the lemon into circles.

5. Put the meat, lemon, onion, seasonings into a saucepan and salt to taste.

6. Stir and pour half a liter of mineral water into it.

7. Let stand in the refrigerator for two to four hours.

8. Put on skewers or put on a wire rack.

9. Fry on the grill until cooked.

Barbecue on kefir. How to soak pork skewers on kefir to make it juicy?

Kefir barbecue is also a classic and popularly recognized option. Some say that it turns out the most tender. And it's not hard to do it. Just meat, onions, spices and pour yogurt. This marinade is enough for half an hour.


  • Meat - 2 kg,
  • Kefir - 1 liter,
  • Onion - 500-600 gr.,
  • Spices for barbecue
  • Salt,
  • Ground black pepper
  1. We cut the meat into small pieces.

2. Cut the onion into half rings or large pieces.

3. Crush the onion with your hands, mash it so that it starts up the juice. Do not salt, just pepper. Pepper well the meat and onions separately. Add other spices to taste, for example, ground bay leaf, or leaves, as you like.

4. When the onion and meat with spices are mixed separately, we combine everything together and mix.

5. Pour everything with kefir so that it covers the meat completely, mix well again.

Shish kebab marinated in kefir is not recommended to be put in the refrigerator, it is better to keep it at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

6. Leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours. Now the meat needs to be salted, that is, about an hour before cooking. Alternatively, you can salt directly on skewers.

7. And that's it, we can fry. Delicious kebabs ready.

How to marinate pork skewers in mineral water?

This is also a popular way to marinate meat for barbecue. It turns out very tasty. Above, I write about the recipe for mineral water marinade with lemon. But I decided to write separately about the mineral water marinade, since it is still different, and you can safely leave it to marinate overnight.


  • 1.5 kg of meat (neck),
  • 3 bulbs
  • Bay leaf,
  • pepper mix,
  • Salt,
  • Mineral water,
  • Seasoning for barbecue

For the marinade, it is best to choose highly carbonated mineral water.

  1. Meat cut into pieces

2. Cut the onion into half rings. Salt the onion a little so that it starts up the juice.

3. Salt the meat a little too. Shake the onion well with your hands, add three bay leaves crushed into pieces, mix with meat.

4. Sprinkle with a mixture of peppers, seasoning.

5. Fill with mineral water.

6. Cover the meat with cling film. You could send it to the refrigerator for six hours or overnight, or you can leave it at room temperature for one and a half to two hours.

7. Then string on skewers and fry until cooked on the grill.

Marinated in tomato juice. Recipe for barbecued pork in tomato juice

Very delicious option marinade are tomatoes or tomato juice. Kebabs are juicy, soft, delicious.


  • Meat - 2 kg
  • Tomato juice - 0.5 - 1 l
  • Onion - 300-500 gr.,
  • Salt,
  • Black pepper, coriander, basil, suneli hops (to your taste)
  1. We cut the meat into pieces. We cut the onion, it can be rings, half rings or finely. Salt, add spices.

2. Pour everything with tomato juice so that it covers the meat completely. We mix the meat. Leave for 1-3 hours, or longer.

3. We string on skewers.

4. Now you can fry. The barbecue is very tasty.

Video barbecue recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

The recognized master of barbecue is Stalik Khankishiev. I suggest watching a video where he talks about all the intricacies of marinating and frying meat. True, the recipe shows this using beef as an example, but, of course, pork is also suitable.

Stalik believes that the most important thing is not the marinade, but the right choice of meat and the right frying. One cannot but agree with this!


  • Meat - 1.5 kg,
  • Onions - three large onions,
  • Black pepper - 1 tsp,
  • Ground zira - 1 tsp,
  • Ground coriander - 2 tsp
  1. We cut the onion in half rings. Sprinkle with salt and shake it with your hands so that the onion gives juice.
  2. We cut the meat into small pieces. We add spices. For one and a half kg of meat, about 1 tsp. with a slide of black pepper, 1 tsp ground zira and 2 tsp. coriander.
  3. Marinate the meat for about two hours. Then we string it on skewers, removing the onion from the meat (it will burn anyway).
  4. During frying, Stalik recommends spreading grass - thyme (or rosemary) on skewers with meat, to give a very wonderful aroma to the barbecue. Fry until done.

So, I have given in this post a lot of the most different recipes barbecue. Experiment with them. What's your favorite proven recipe? Write in the comments!

You can marinate kebabs in vinegar, kefir, tomato and pomegranate juice, in wine, in lemon with basil, with apples, cherry plums and red currants ... In general, everything that has high acidity is used.

General information

  • Beef and lamb are cut into small cubes, pork can be cut into larger pieces, it takes the marinade well.
  • Lamb is the most difficult to cook, it has a specific smell. It is not easy to choose good meat and marinate it so that it tastes good.
  • Onions and herbs for the marinade should be slightly mashed with your hands so that all this gives juice.
  • Meat is marinated in enameled, glass or ceramic dishes.
  • When the layers of meat are laid, they need to be covered with a plate and put a load (you can put a jar of water).
  • The amount of ingredients needed is usually determined by taste and by eye.

Barbecue in kefir



  • 1 kg ;
  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • 2-3 medium bulbs;
  • salt, pepper, cilantro - to taste.


We put a layer of meat, onions, cilantro in the dishes, salt, pepper, pour kefir. Then again a layer of meat, a layer of onions and so on. Marinate overnight in a cold place.

The meat will turn out to be very tender, so this cooking method is suitable if children go with you to nature.

Skewers marinated in lemon and regan (basil)

And regan - two names for the same fragrant herb, which is great for making salads, as well as for pickling barbecue, although not everyone will like its sharp taste and smell.


  • 1 kg tenderloin;
  • 1 lemon;
  • basil, onion, salt, pepper - to taste.


Put a layer of meat, a layer of onion, a layer of basil in a saucepan, add salt and pepper. We take one lemon, squeeze the juice out of it, throw the lemon itself into the meat. Then the next layer: meat, onion, basil, lemon. We put in the refrigerator for eight hours. If you store such meat for more than a day, the barbecue will have a pronounced lemon flavor, which not everyone will like.

Shish kebab in tomato juice

Artur Potosi/


  • 1 kg ;
  • 2-3 medium bulbs;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • tomato juice (enough to lightly coat the meat).


Put meat and onion in a saucepan, add salt and pepper. We mix everything with our hands, pour it with tomato juice, put a load on top and send it to the refrigerator for 6–8 hours.

Pork in white wine

Val D'Aquila/


  • 1 kg tenderloin;
  • 2-3 medium bulbs;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • ½ cup dry white wine.


We put all the products in a saucepan, mix thoroughly with our hands, pour (the cheaper it is, by the way, the better). We put under the load in the refrigerator for four hours.

Beef in red wine

boB Rudis/


  • 1 kg tenderloin;
  • 2-3 medium bulbs;
  • garlic;
  • salt, red ground pepper - to taste;
  • ½ cup dry red wine.


We put the meat in a saucepan, add the onion, cut into rings, and chopped garlic, add salt, pepper, pour wine. Leave for 3-5 hours in the refrigerator.

Caucasian shish kebab (from lamb)



  • 1 kg lamb loin;
  • 2-3 medium bulbs;
  • garlic;
  • salt, black and red ground pepper - to taste.


Put the meat in a saucepan, add salt and pepper, mix with grated onion and chopped garlic, pour over lemon juice. We put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Chicken skewers in grape vinegar



  • 500 g salmon;
  • 2 lemons;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fresh ginger
  • salt, sugar, black ground pepper - to taste.


First, prepare the marinade: mix lemon juice, a little lemon zest, pepper, salt, chopped ginger, sugar, water.

On wooden skewers we string pieces of fish and cherry tomatoes, put them in the marinade for two hours. We fry such skewers on the grill, grill or brazier.

When frying the kebab, sprinkle it with a marinade diluted halfway with water. This will make the meat very juicy.