How to dry berries. What berries can be dried, preparation, natural drying, forced drying, how to properly store and use dried berries

Summer and early autumn is the time when nature generously showers us with its vitamin gifts. Actively ripen various fruits in our gardens, as well as vegetables in the vegetable gardens. But, all this vitamin variety cannot forever hang on a tree or lie on the beds. Summer is passing, which means that with it go and fresh fruits with vegetables from our plots. That is why we preserve various vegetables, make jam from fruits and berries. Eat Alternative option save fruits or vegetables for the winter, they can be dried. What is the big plus this method to preserve the harvest, it is that in this way it is quite possible to save most of the vitamins and other "usefulness". This cannot be achieved when preserving or cooking jam with compotes. But, you also need to dry fruits or vegetables correctly, because any process has its own subtleties. In fact, drying fruits is quite simple, but in order for all the useful substances to remain in them, you should know certain features of this process.

Dry fruits and vegetables. How to do it right? Basic moments

The drying process removes almost all moisture from any fruit, which is 85-90 percent in them. In order for fruits to be stored well after drying, it is necessary that only 15-20 percent of moisture remain in them. Dry any fruits or vegetables mainly in two ways. This is a natural way, that is, the so-called air-solar drying. The second way is artificial or thermal, for example, in a dryer.

Fruits are dried in a natural way where there is a lot of sun, and at the same time it warms well. This drying option is inconvenient because the process here is quite long in time and it needs to be constantly monitored, because it can just rain. Drying fruits artificially is more convenient. You can do this in a special dryer, in an oven, or, as many do, in an oven. Water, when using these types of drying, evaporates much faster. But, this speed depends strongly on the juiciness of fruits (or vegetables), on the speed with which the air circulates at the place of drying, and on the difference between the two types of pressure - in the fruits or vegetables themselves, and in the pressure of water vapor in the air. Also, the rate of the drying process is determined by the rate of evaporation of intracellular water. It is because of this that the fruits are dried by cutting them into thin slices. This way they dry faster. Drying fruits or vegetables should also be done in moderation. If you dry them too much, their taste can change significantly for the worse. Also, with such excessive drying, it will be difficult to restore these fruits to their original volume. For example, in the same compote.

What should be done before drying fruits or vegetables?

First of all, you need to select fruits for drying. The main thing is to choose fruits that are fully ripe, or slightly ripe. Overripe fruits are not suitable for drying.

If you dry fruits with skins, then wash them first, dry them, and then cut them into slices. Berries such as raspberries, strawberries or blackberries should not be washed. She just melts in the water. As for raspberries, it is best to choose unripe berries for drying. Before you place the berry in the oven, dry it a little in the sun. Only then dry it in the oven, where the temperature is set to 60-80 degrees.

Apples usually oxidize very quickly. This is what causes them to turn brown. The same goes for pears. Therefore, they should be soaked in a little lemon juice. Enough 5 minutes. To dry fruits faster, blanch them for 2-3 minutes. Do it in boiling water. Some berries are simply scalded with the same boiling water. It's about cherries. Also come with plums and cherries.

Dry fruits naturally

They do it in the sun. This process, of course, is not fast. First, fruits or berries (if they are large) are carefully cut and laid out on a tray, sieve or tray. Then they are simply taken out in the sun, where they will dry. In the evening, don't forget to bring the fruit tray and cover it with a cloth at night.

It usually takes 2-4 days for the fruit to completely dry out in the sun. With such drying, pieces of fruit must be turned over and lightly shake the tray on which they lie. See that the fruit does not dry out, then they will crunch. We need them to look like chewing gum.

The process of natural drying may be different. In this case, your fruits will not get wet, they will remain attractive in appearance, fragrant, and will not darken. For this, whatman paper is taken, and berries are laid out on it. In this case, you need to decompose them only in one layer. Newspapers are placed under this sheet. They are stacked in piles of 5 pieces, and such piles should be placed under the Whatman paper 6 pieces. If the newspapers get wet (usually this happens after 3 hours), then they are replaced with dry ones. So the fruits are dried again for 3 or 4 days, while periodically they are disturbed. Dry berries, if they are medicinal, then they will retain their properties for another couple of years.

Dry fruits and berries in the oven. How to do it?

This fruit dryer is the most convenient, as they dry very quickly in the oven. If you decide to dry fruits in the oven, then do not immediately set the temperature to high. On a baking sheet, cheesecloth is first placed, and pieces of fruit are already placed on it. At the same time, they should be spread out evenly on the baking sheet so that they also dry evenly.

The temperature is first set to moderate, and then it is raised to 60 - 80 degrees. Do it not abruptly, but gradually. At the end of drying, the temperature must be adjusted correctly. Here, the already remaining moisture from the fruit evaporates very slowly, and the temperature fruit pieces is growing. Therefore, be sure to lower the temperature in the oven, otherwise you will simply burn the fruit. This rule does not apply to stone fruits. They are dried at a sufficiently low temperature, but at the end of the drying process, the temperature, on the contrary, is increased. In terms of time, this process usually takes 8 hours, sometimes up to 12.

Many fruits are dried in a special dryer today. This device can be bought at the store today. Dryers are different, so read the instructions before plugging it in. From it you will learn how much you need to dry specific fruits or berries. Although, of course, the drying process in such dryers is almost the same. Fruits are first laid out on a special tray, then the dryer is turned on and it works for 8-12 hours. The time may be different, you can also learn about this from the instructions for a particular model. After drying, the fruits are not immediately packaged, but allowed to cool for at least 40 or 50 minutes.

How to store dried fruits?

Drying the fruit is half the battle, then they also need to be preserved. It is best to hang them in gauze bags. At the same time, they should hang in a fairly dry room, where it is only 8 or 10 degrees. Also, the room should also be well ventilated. Not everyone has such a place. If you don’t have it either, then dry fruits can be stored differently. They are then “loaded” into plastic bags, or the bags can be paper. Boxes or any size glass jars are also suitable for storage. Packages must be closed well. The same applies to boxes with jars, because dry fruits absorb moisture very quickly if they are poorly packaged. They also absorb odors, which we also do not need.

How to dry apples?

I have already written about this in more detail. Now let's brush up on the main points of drying apples. It is best to take sweet and sour varieties for this, the taste of which is intolerant. The pulp of such fruits should not be particularly watery, and in color it should be white or light yellow. A good option, is to take "Antonovka". Also suitable for drying "Pepin", "Papirovka" and some other varieties. Sweet apples are best not dried. They boil badly enough then, and will be tasteless.

To begin with, apples are laid out depending on the size of the fruit. Then they are washed. If there is any damage on the fruit, then they are cut off. The core with seeds is also removed. Small apples can be cut only in half, or even dried whole. Larger apples are cut into slices, or you can cut them into circles. The thickness of such circles should be 5-7 centimeters. If you wish, you can peel the apples. The lobules darken very quickly. It is possible to avoid this. When you cut the apples, then immediately put them in a special solution for 2-3 minutes. It's simple saline solution on table salt. Its concentration should be only 1 percent, or one and a half. After "bathing" in such a solution, the apples can already be dried. Here you choose how to do it. In the sun, in a special dryer or in the oven. If you have chosen an oven, then dry them at 80 - 85 degrees. When drying comes to an end, and the apples lose a lot of moisture, be sure to lower the temperature to 50-60 degrees. That way your slices won't burn. Dry apples need 4-6 hours. When they dry, then scatter them on a sieve to cool the apples.

How to dry a plum?

It doesn't dry right away. First, blanch the plum for 5-20 seconds. For blanching, you need to make a special solution of baking soda. Again, its concentration should be only one percent or one and a half. This can be achieved by pouring 100-150 grams of soda into water (10 liters). When blanching, the soda solution should boil. After immersing in this solution, rinse the drain. You need to dry it for about a day or sometimes up to 2 days. First, we set the temperature to 45-50 degrees, and later, within 3-4 hours, it is raised to 60 degrees, then to 75-80. To make your plum dry and become dark and shiny, increase the temperature at the end to 100 degrees or even higher. The sugar that is present in the plum in its pulp will come to the surface and will caramelize from the temperature. This is what gives prunes their shine, although they will turn white later.

How to dry grapes?

Dried grapes turn into raisins. What is a raisin? This is a large dried grape, which is usually dried right with the pits. Kishmish is also dried grapes, but already seedless and small.

Dry the grapes when they are ripe. The berries should be firm. Again, grapes are sorted before drying. Rotten berries are removed. If the clusters are large, then they are divided. Grapes are also first "bathed" in a boiling soda solution. Soda is taken here only 5 grams per liter. Keep it in this solution for 3-5 seconds. You can prepare an alkaline solution. It is prepared from potosh (10 g) and 5 grams of lime. All this is also per liter of water. The solution also “when bathing” the grapes should boil (the time here is still the same - 3-5 seconds). Next, the grapes are immediately washed. The grapes are dried for a long time, 15 or even 20 days. At the same time, it is laid out on a wooden base, or on a lattice. When the upper berries of the grapes dry up, do not forget to turn the bunches over. If you decide to dry the grapes in the oven, then set the temperature there to 65-75 degrees. As for drying grapes in a natural way, it is best to do this in the shade. So it will be tastier, and the quality of such “shadow” drying is much higher.

But in this video you will be shown a very simple and convenient way to dry fruits. Look for sure.

I came in handy, I share with you, my paws))))

For drying, it is better to choose slightly unripe fruits. Drying berries can be made with or without bones. Dry they can in the oven or in the sun.

Basically, drying process is considered correct if the correct temperature regime. Temperature is an important aspect in the drying process, as it takes place in three stages: 45-50 * - this is drying; 70* C - removal of the main mass of water; 80*C - bringing the product's moisture content up to 20-25% and its sterilization.

Dried fruits from apricots and apricots - Dried apricots

Dried grapes - raisins and sultanas

Raisin- This is a large, dried grapes with seeds, A sultana are small dried grapes without seeds. For drying, choose ripe and dense grapes. First, sort it: remove rotten berries, and divide large clusters into several parts. The best thing dry grapes in the shade, after lowering it for 3-5 seconds in a solution of baking soda heated to a boil (5 grams of soda per 1 liter of water) or 3-4 seconds in a boiling alkaline solution (10 g of potash and 5 g of lime per 1 liter of water). Then immediately rinse it thoroughly under running water. Put the processed berries on a wooden or lattice base and dry for 15-20 days. As the top berries dry, turn the bunches over. In the oven, the grapes are dried at a temperature of 65-75 * C. Grape, which is dried in the shade, it turns out better in quality and tastier.

Another important task is to further

dried fruit storage

The best thing dried fruit store in gauze bags in a suspended state at a temperature of 8-10 * C in a dry, well-ventilated room. If there is no such room, place dried fruits in tightly tied or sealed plastic or paper bags, in boxes or in glass jars with a tight-fitting lid. After all, dried fruits absorb not only moisture from the air, but also extraneous odors.

Dried fruits retain the entire complex of microelements. They contain fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, antioxidants, iodine and iron. Iron is useful for anemia, and magnesium for normal functioning nervous system.

Dried fruits

- this delicacy is high-calorie, consists of almost only carbohydrates (fructose and glucose). But at the same time, nutritionists recommend during the diet to satisfy the need for sweets by eating dried fruits in order not to rush to sweets and chocolate. Nutritionists have proven that the use of dried fruits in a small amount has a suppressive effect on appetite, has a general strengthening effect on the body and diversifies the diet, and vegetable fibers improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Dried fruits can be used even for weight loss, if they replace any meal. On average, you can eat 100 grams of dried fruits per day. Also, dried fruits can be used in the preparation of almost any dish.

Home-dried wild strawberries are used to make cakes, desserts, and drinks. By adding a few berries to tea, you can enjoy not only the wonderful taste, but also the aroma of a forest glade.

IN traditional medicine an infusion of dried berries and leaves is used internally for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and as a general tonic, as well as externally for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, acne.

In order for the berries to be preserved for a long time, it is very important to properly prepare them.

Strawberries are not washed before drying, they are simply cleaned of debris.

How to dry strawberries in the oven

If you have preferred oven, the cooking process will be as follows.

The oven is heated to 35°C. The fruits are evenly spread in one layer on a baking sheet, placed in the oven. Within an hour, the berries will dry out.

After that, the temperature in the oven can be increased to 60°C and the strawberries can continue to dry in the oven. This will usually take a couple more hours.

This is the most affordable way to dry these berries for the winter at home.

How to air dry strawberries

The drying process of strawberries fresh air will take a little longer and require some effort.

The fruits must be laid out in one layer, but loosely, on some natural fabric.

Strawberries should be outside all daylight hours. As soon as dusk sets in, the berry should be brought home.

The duration of drying the berries in the fresh air will be 2-3 weeks.

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Small field berries can be dried with twigs, gathered together with leaves in bouquets. They need to be washed in cool water, tied in bunches and hung with the berries down in a ventilated shaded place. When the strawberry bouquets are dry, you can break them up and put them in jars for storage.

How to dry strawberries in an air grill

In the air grill, drying takes place in a special mode at a temperature of 45-60 degrees and an average blowing speed.

When using an air grill, it is not you who is responsible for the process, but the device. Grab your groceries and go about your business.

The drying time in an air grill is several times less than in an oven, since air circulation is extremely active. However, the air grill is not designed to drain moisture, so leave the lid ajar in any way convenient for you, for example, by inserting a toothpick or skewer.

The minus of the air grill is the size of the container, which is significantly inferior to the size of the oven. It will take several passes to dry. About 0.8-1.2 kg of berries are placed in the air grill, although after drying the finished product, 0.3-0.5 kg comes out.

The undoubted plus of the air grill is the speed of operation (3-4 times higher than that of the oven) and the absence of heat in the kitchen.

How to dry strawberries properly? They are placed in a 2-3 cm layer on a sieve and begin processing at 40-45 degrees, at the end of drying at about 60 degrees.

How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer

The range of electric dryers is quite wide, and therefore their principle of operation is different. It is worth reading the instructions carefully, since the drying time of strawberries can vary from 6 to 12 hours.

We spread the berries on clean pallets in one layer, preferably without touching each other.

Turn on the operating mode of the electric dryer, set the temperature within 50-55 degrees. Periodically check, if necessary, rearrange the pallets.

Properly dried berries do not stick together, easily crumble and separate from each other, do not secrete juice and do not stain hands.

Dried strawberries have a dark red color, its grains become shiny.

Keep ready berries can be in bags made of natural fabric. But it is best in tightly sealed dark glass containers. It is this container that will best prevent damage to raw materials by codling moth and other pests.

The shelf life of berries is no more than two years. At the same time, if the raw material begins to dampen, it is recommended to re-dry it.

Fruits and berries contain about 85-90% water. To preserve them, it is necessary to remove water so that in dried fruit it contained no more than 15-20%.

The two most common drying methods natural(solar-air) and artificial(thermal).

Fruit is dried in the sun mainly in areas with dry, hot summers. This method is time consuming, although simple.

Artificial drying is more convenient and reliable, since fruits are dried in ovens, ovens or special dryers. The rapid evaporation of water in this case depends on the total surface of the fruit, the speed of air circulation and the difference between the vapor pressure on the fruit surface and the water vapor pressure in the air stream. The rate of drying also depends on the rate of entry of intracellular water. That is why the fruits are cut into thin slices to reduce the drying time.

Drying should not be excessive, as there is a risk of impairing the taste of the finished product and the ability of dried fruit to restore its original volume, for example, when preparing compotes.

At home, you can dry fruits and berries that do not lose juice during prolonged drying - apples, pears, black currants. Cherries and plums are less suitable for drying. Quite mature and strong fruits and berries are dried. To speed up drying and prevent browning, fruits and berries should be blanched for 2-3 minutes in boiling water. Sweet cherries, cherries and plums are only scalded with boiling water.

How to choose the right drying temperature

In the initial period of drying, too high a temperature is undesirable, since overdrying of the outer layers of the product is possible, the formation of a crust, which will prevent the continuous evaporation of water and slow down drying. Therefore, it begins at a moderate temperature, gradually increasing to 60-80 ° C. Of particular importance is right choice temperature during the final drying period, when the moisture evaporates very slowly and the temperature of the product rises. The drying temperature should be reduced so that the fruits and berries do not burn. The exception is stone fruits, which are dried at a low temperature, and at the end - at an elevated temperature.

To obtain dried fruit and high-quality berries, it is necessary to continuously ventilate the drying cabinet from the water vapor formed during drying.

How to dry fruit if there is no special dryer

If there is no special drying cabinet, drying can be carried out either in a combined way(in the sun and in the stove), or in the stove, oven, on the stove. Drying in an oven or a Russian oven gives a good yield of dried fruits - up to 30-35 kg per 100 kg of fresh raw materials. It must be remembered that with this method of drying, metal baking sheets cannot be used.

To avoid steaming products, the door of the oven or oven should not be closed tightly - as it dries, it should be gradually closed. It is important to monitor the temperature, since drying is carried out sequentially in three phases 1-45-50°C (withering); 2-70°C (removal of the bulk of the water); 3 - 80°C (bringing the moisture content of the product to 20-25% and sterilizing it). The air at the end of drying should not be too dry, its relative humidity should be slightly higher than at the beginning of the drying period.

How to make your own fruit dryer

The simplest dryers can be made at home. The material for such a dryer can be roofing iron, dry thin boards, plywood. The height of the dryer is 80-100 cm, the width and length are 65-70 cm. The front wall is made in the form of a door, hung on hinges so that the cabinet can be opened to insert drying sieves. Inside the cabinet, bars 3x3 cm in diameter are nailed to the side walls, at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other. Reiki serve as skids for drying sieves. If the cabinet is made of tin, then the sieves are installed on skids attached to the side walls of the cabinet.

A cone-shaped roof is arranged in the upper part of the cabinet with a hole in the center for the exhaust pipe and damper. An iron sheet is attached to the bottom of the cabinet with a wire with gaps between it and the walls of the cabinet (5-8 cm).

Hot air passes through the gaps due to natural ventilation, and the sheet protects the lower sieve from overheating. In the lower part of the walls of the dryer, slots or holes are made for the inflow of fresh air, and on the back wall at the top and opposite the lower sieve, there are two cartridges for thermometers.

The dryer is placed above the stove on bricks laid flat, with gaps of 3-5 cm for air flow. The sieves are made from strips of canvas stretched over a frame, tinned metal mesh, and willow sanded rods. It is important to remember that the sieves must be installed alternately, pressing them against the back wall, then against the front wall and leaving a gap of 10 cm on one side or the other for the flow of hot air.

How to dry apples

For drying, the most suitable apples are sweet-sour intolerant taste, with non-watery pulp, white or light yellow in color (Antonovka ordinary, Cinnamon, Papirovka, Pepin saffron, etc.). Dried sweet apples are poorly boiled soft and tasteless.

Apples are sorted by size, washed, diseased are removed, the core and rotten places are cut out. Small fruits are cut into halves or 4 parts or dried whole. Medium and large apples are cut into slices or circles 5-7 cm thick. Apples can be peeled.

Drying of apples should be carried out at 80-85°C. At the end of drying, when the apples lose 23% moisture, the temperature is reduced to 50-60 ° C so that the apple slices do not burn. Duration of drying is 4-6 hours. Dried apples are cooled on sieves.

How to dry plums

Before drying, the plums are blanched for 5-20 seconds, immersed in a boiling 1-1.5% solution of baking soda (100-150 g of soda per 10 liters of water), and immediately washed hot water. Dry for 24-48 hours, first at 45-50°C, after drying for 3-4 hours, the temperature is raised to 60°C, and then to 75-80°C. To finished product was a dark, shiny color, which is so valued in prunes, it is necessary to expose the plums to a higher temperature - 100 ° C and above before the end of drying. At the same time, the sugar in the pulp comes to the surface and burns (caramelizes), resulting in a shiny coating that turns white over time (like prunes).

Strawberries are rich useful substances and vitamins, they are used in cooking, home medicine.

To please yourself and loved ones even in winter delicious berries, many dry them. In order to preserve all the useful properties and durability of strawberries as much as possible, you need to be able to dry them properly.

Preparatory work before drying strawberries at home

Preparatory stage is the most important starting point. After all, the further fate of the berries will depend on it. Before drying strawberries, you should carefully approach the collection of berries. When the harvest is harvested, careful selection follows. best berries. Unripe, green, overripe and rotten berries should be excluded so that the whole workpiece does not deteriorate because of them. Berries with traces of blows and other damage are also not suitable. Selected fruits should be thoroughly washed under running water and remove the tails or leaves.

How to dry strawberries outdoors

It is known that dried berries retain more useful components than those that are processed into jam or jam.

There are several ways to dry strawberries: with the help of an oven, fresh air and auxiliary appliances. How to dry strawberries at home is up to you, but first, check out each of the methods.

Drying strawberries outdoors is a laborious process that requires a significant investment of time. In general - not the easiest and most convenient, but natural way. Selected and peeled fruits must be laid out in a loose layer on a clean surface, for example, on cloth or paper. The place where they will be located should be chosen well-ventilated. The sun should get there, but in such a way that its rays are not directed directly at the berries.

When the place is chosen, you can safely leave the strawberries to dry all day until dark. With the onset of dusk, the berries are brought into the room. In the morning of the next day, the berries will need to be taken outside again and a convenient place should be chosen for them. So strawberries will dry for about 2-3 weeks. You can determine the degree of readiness of berries by their appearance. Properly dried strawberries have a rich burgundy color, shiny grains, they are easily separated from each other.

It is best to store dried berries in cloth bags. The fabric should be chosen natural so that the berry breathes. The bags themselves are placed in a dark, dry place. Best before date dried strawberries- 2 years. They can be consumed later if they were stored correctly, but the taste and useful properties of the fruit will begin to fade. Therefore, it is better not to delay and apply strawberries within the specified expiration date.

How to dry strawberries at home: choosing a convenient way

It is much easier and faster to dry strawberries with improvised means. How to dry strawberries at home:

1. Using the oven- This is one of the most common ways of drying berries. To do this, preheat the oven to 35 ° C. While the oven is heating, the berries are neatly laid out on a baking sheet in an even layer. Then the baking sheet must be placed in the oven and left there for approximately 1 hour. During this time, the berries will begin to dry. When the time runs out, without removing the berries from the oven, the temperature will need to be increased to 60 ° C and continue to dry them for a few more hours (2–2.5). With any method of drying, the finished berries look the same. As soon as your color becomes saturated and dark, and the berries themselves stop sticking together, then drying can be considered complete.

2. Using an air fryereasy way transfer responsibility to the device. For drying, a special mode is set, in which there is airflow, and the temperature reaches 45–60 ° C. By placing the harvest of berries in such a device, you can not worry about their fate and calmly go about your business. Due to the active air circulation in the air grill, the drying time of the berries is reduced several times compared to the oven. The only feature that should be taken into account when using an air grill is that the outflow of moisture is not taken into account in the machine. Be sure to provide it in any possible way, leaving the lid slightly open. Airfryer minutes is a small surface area. A large supply of berries will have to be dried in several passes. In total, it will fit in the unit, depending on its characteristics, from 0.8 to 1.2 kg of strawberries, and the output of dried berries will be 0.3–0.5 kg. Well, the pluses include the speed of work and the absence of heat from the drying process.

3. How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer. Today, you can pick up all kinds of dryers from a huge range. They may differ in cost, characteristics, principle of operation. Therefore, the drying time of strawberries can vary between 6-12 hours. But each model is individual, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the instructions for a particular unit in advance. Berries should be laid out on clean pallets so that they do not touch each other. The temperature in the dryer should be set to 50–55 °C. You will have to keep an eye on the berries in the electric dryers, checking their readiness. By the berries it will be noticeable that they are ready. Then it will be possible to transfer them to bags or glass containers and store them in the right place. Glass container better protect the dryer from pests.

To the forest for berries: how to dry strawberries for tea

To drink fragrant and healthy strawberry tea in winter, which saves you from many troubles, you need to take care of harvesting berries in a timely manner.

You should go to collect them in the summer, at the end of June, can be the whole of July depending on the climatic conditions. There are many varieties of berries, so you can find growing both in the field and in the forest. Harvest fruits should be in dry weather, it is desirable that it be warm. Early in the morning you should not go in search, as the dew will not have time to disappear.

When drying strawberries, take care of a good ventilated place. Check the berries periodically for mold. As soon as they darken and become crumbly, you can collect them in a container.

When it's time for tea, add 1-2 tablespoons of dried berries to black or green tea to give a refined taste, aroma, as well as increase immunity. You can diversify the drink with decoctions of strawberries, as well as the leaves of the plant.

Useful leaves: how to dry strawberries for tea

Not only fruits, but also strawberry leaves are rich useful properties. They make fragrant and healing tea subject to proper preparation.

1. Collected strawberry leaves should be laid out in the shade and dried.

2. Each leaf is rolled into a tube between the palms so that the juice begins to stand out.

3. Ready tubes should be laid out on a baking sheet with a layer of 5 cm, cover natural fabric slightly damp and leave in a room with a temperature of about 27 ° C for 6-8 hours. In this position, fermentation should begin.

4. When a bright berry aroma appears, it means that the chemical reaction is over. The leaves will need to be dried in the oven at 90 ° C for an hour.

5. finished leaves dried in the same way as berries in a cool, dry place.