Frozen berries: what to cook from them. What to cook from frozen berries: top best recipes

Smart housewives in the summer stock up not only on conservation for the winter, but also different berries. It's no secret that some vegetables and fruits can be frozen. At the same time, they almost never lose their palatability when defrosted. In addition, it is so nice to pamper yourself with strawberries or cherries in winter. And even if you did not have time to score your freezer these delicacies, do not worry, because frozen berries can be bought at any supermarket today.

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Photo gallery: What can be prepared from frozen berries?

Freezing today is no less popular type of preparation than preservation. Frozen berries retain most of the trace elements and vitamins. If you have already frozen berries, then you know that berries cannot be re-frozen. Therefore, at one time you need to defrost as much as you need for one serving. Can't defrost quickly. Better to leave the berries room temperature then they will retain their original taste.

Frozen berries will go well with various dairy products: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. They are very healthy and tasty, so many doctors recommend including them in your diet in winter.

What can be prepared from frozen berries? Almost everything from fresh. Of course, you can just cover them with sugar and eat or cook compote from them. But then they'll lose everything useful vitamins and substances. We offer you several recipes that use frozen berries.


If you want an original and tasty dessert - prepare a sorbet. Sorbet is a fruit and berry based ice cream. Such ice cream is not only tasty, but also healthy, and most importantly, low-calorie, as it does not contain milk and egg yolks.

To make a sorbet, you will need: 1 orange, 2 lemons, 3-4 cups of strawberries, 1 cup of sugar and 1/3 cup of water.

Peel citrus fruits and squeeze the juice out of them. Rub the zest on a fine grater. In a small bowl, pour water, sugar, add zest over high heat, bring to a boil. Once the mixture comes to a boil, lower the heat and simmer for another five minutes. Then remove from the stove and let it cool. Add the prepared orange and lemon juice to the cooled mixture. Grind strawberries in a blender, add syrup there and mix everything gently.

Pour the berry-citrus mixture that you get into freezer molds and place in the freezer. Popsicles will be ready in about 6-7 hours.

If ice cream is not to your liking, then prepare a drink of frozen berries - a smoothie. The history of this drink dates back to the time of the hippies, and today smoothies in many countries are an invariable component of a healthy diet. This is a cocktail of fruits with ice or berries, to which milk, yogurt or juice is added.

In our recipe, the smoothie will include yogurt, orange juice and frozen strawberries (you can use absolutely any berries that you like). In a blender, mix a glass of yogurt (it is better to take natural yogurt), a third of a glass orange juice, 8-9 frozen strawberries isachar (to taste).

This drink is served in a tall transparent glass, which is garnished with mint or a slice of lemon (you can take an orange).


Frozen berries are an excellent base for desserts. You will need 350 grams of any berries (currants, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries), 2-3 tablespoons of sugar, 150 grams of yogurt (natural) and a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

First, defrost the berries, then beat them in a blender with sugar and yogurt. Arrange the resulting mixture in bowls and decorate with berries before serving. Dessert is ready!


if you love berry drinks, then you can prepare a fruit drink. Such a drink will be not only very tasty, but also healthy. Frozen berries preserve vitamins and useful material, so in winter drinks from them are especially useful.

Absolutely any berries are suitable for fruit drinks. In our recipe, we use blackcurrant, cranberries and strawberries. You will need about stagrams of blackcurrant, 4-5 pieces of strawberries, a couple of tablespoons of lingonberries isachar to taste. To begin with, wash the berries and pour boiling water over them (there should not be too much water). Stir until currants melt. Then add more boiling water (about 1 liter), 3 tablespoons of sugar and cover. Insist for three hours. After that, crush the berries and strain the juice. It is better to serve such a drink chilled in a transparent decanter or glasses.

If you do not want to spend a lot of time preparing fruit drink, then here is another recipe for this drink. It will take you no more than 5 minutes to prepare it. Take any frozen berries and grind them in a blender with sugar. Pour the resulting mixture with boiled cold water and then strain. Morse is ready.


Frozen berries make wonderful compotes. It is best to cook them from cherries or black currants. Then the taste is richer. If you want the compote to be not only tasty, but also to have a beautiful color, add a handful of chokeberry. One handful of berries is enough for one liter of water. You can also add mint or cinnamon to the compote of frozen berries. Don't forget sugar.

yogurt cake

You can make not only ice cream and a drink from frozen berries. Do, for example, yogurt cake. It will take you no more than an hour to prepare it. True, it is high-calorie, so if you are on a diet, then it is better not to make such a cake.

To begin with, grind 250 grams of crumbly biscuits in a blender and melt 250 grams of butter. Mix the butter with cookies, spread evenly over the mold and put in the refrigerator. At this time, take 300 grams of the year and heat them in a saucepan. Add cinnamon, sugar and 15 grams of gelatin to the berries. Mix well and then chill. When the mixture has cooled a little, put the cream, 600 milliliters of whipped cream and 150 grams of yogurt on top of the cake, then put it back in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning the cake will be ready. It can be decorated with whipped cream and berries.

Irish muffin

Irish pastries are very famous all over the world. You can taste it in many teahouses. As a rule, it is served with fresh heavy cream (cream is similar in consistency to sour cream), which can be spread on muffins. This pastry goes best with tea. And if you have a desire, you can easily treat yourself and your loved ones to delicious berry muffins prepared by yourself.

First you need to prepare the dough for cupcakes. To do this, mix flour, salt, sugar, baking powder and soda. Beat the eggs with kefir and melted butter, add the resulting mixture to the flour. Next, gently mix the berries with flour. Divide the dough that you have into molds and place in the oven. Bake cupcakes for an hour at 180 degrees. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving. Bon appetit!

There is a lot various recipes from frozen berries. They can be added to baked goods, made into desserts and drinks. Even with ordinary sugar and cream, the berries will be very tasty and healthy.

If this year you did not have time to stock up on berries for the winter, then be sure to do it next year in the summer to indulge yourself with various goodies all winter.

Freezing is one of the easiest and most popular ways to prepare vegetables, fruits and other gifts of nature for the winter. Quick freezing of foods and storing them at a low temperature allows you to almost completely preserve vitamins. But are all products from the garden subject to freezing, and what could be the catch? Experienced summer residents and chefs of Sibmamy share their experience.

Vegetables, herbs and mushrooms

Greens in zip bags. Photo selena224

  • cucumbers usually freeze only grated, for okroshka. There are lovers of freezing cucumbers small cubes for salads.

But like this interesting way freezing whole cucumbers for cold winter soups IRRA:

“I just wash my cucumbers, dry them, pack 1-2 pieces, depending on the size, into bags and put them in the freezer. You can remove the skin right away, but in the harvesting season there is simply no time to do it. immediately skin.You can let lie down for a couple of minutes on the table and immediately grate. They are very cold, but you have to be patient. If they thaw, they will be rubber. Once rubbed - salt and leave to defrost. While they are defrosting, you can prepare the filling (potatoes, eggs, meat, etc.). I like these cucumbers in winter more than store-bought ones: firstly, they are their own and are guaranteed without chemicals, and secondly, they smell fresh and retain the taste of fresh cucumbers.

whole vegetables and large pieces. Photo IRRA

Here is another option for freezing cucumbers (when there is time) - wash and peel cucumbers, grate and arrange on a grater silicone molds. Tighten cling film and freeze. After freezing, remove from molds and arrange in bags.

Grated cucumbers in silicone molds. Photo IRRA

  • Can be frozen homemade vegetable mix, For example, chopped peppers, tomatoes and herbs.
  • Currant leaves, tarragon, mint can be frozen for tea. Brewing then is recommended not with boiling water, but at about 80 degrees.
  • Tomatoes Can be frozen whole or sliced. Whole it is better to freeze medium-sized tomatoes from your garden, when cooking they need to be rinsed with boiling water, then the skin can be easily removed, and the vegetable can be cut. Large ones can be, after peeling, frozen in pieces. You can also puree the tomatoes and freeze them in small containers. Use in soups or sauces.

Frozen tomato rings. Photo *Water lily*

  • Zucchini, pumpkins, zucchini it is convenient to freeze cut into pieces, such as you will later use when cooking. You can freeze zucchini in plates, in winter use it for squash lasagna or casseroles.
  • eggplant can be frozen raw, but frozen raw or even blanched eggplant not everyone likes it, so many people prefer to freeze them fried or baked.

Wash the eggplant, cut into wheels 1-1.5 cm thick. Salt, leave on the board until they "shine". Then fry on both sides, cool and place tightly in a suitable plastic container. To freeze. In winter, take out, defrost, sprinkle with garlic and eat.

How to freeze shredded vegetables : Ikea has double zip bags. It is very convenient to freeze in such packages. Freeze first on a board or tray so that the packages are even, not lumpy. Then put in stacks in the freezer. If there are no IKEA bags, you can spread them out on dense polyethylene, for example, from under milk, and seal the edge with an iron. On the edge of a centimeter two wide put on both sides white paper and iron it right through this paper with a hot iron.

Frozen flat packs. Photo Mirage

  • Can also be frozen ginger, horseradish. You can also freeze ready-made horseradish, it is preserved better than in jars.
  • Sorrel you need to sort, rinse and dry, fold the sheets in neat piles. The same should be done with spinach.
  • Almost all mushrooms it is advised to freeze boiled, except for white ones. Chanterelles are especially important to boil, otherwise after defrosting they will be bitter. Especially good for freezing butter and mushrooms, mushrooms should be boiled for 30 minutes, then mixed with vegetable oil and freeze.
  • Dressings for soups and second courses: in winter it is very convenient to break off a piece - and into the broth!

1. Cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, parsley, dill, bell peppers, green onions - this is for cabbage soup and borscht (boil the beets separately, grate them and freeze them too).

2. Carrots, dill, parsley, onions, green tomatoes - this is for the rest of the soups.

3. Zucchini, carrots, tomatoes (in winter, fry minced meat or chicken with onions in a pan, sprinkle with rice and this frost on top).

Berries and fruits

  • Can be frozen currant, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, gooseberry, blueberry, lingonberry and other berries. First wash, then dry on a cloth, but not in the sun. Then pour into plastic bags or containers - and into the freezer. Berries are not injured, will be ready to eat.
  • Plums, apricots: it is better to remove the bones from them and freeze them in halves in one layer, then pour them into containers or bags.
  • sweet cherry and cherry can be frozen directly with the bone.
  • Almost all frozen berries go great in fruit drinks and pies. Of course, they are different from fresh - a little watery, but the taste is very rich. You can eat just like that.
  • You can still not completely freeze the berries, but wipe them and freeze puree.
  • Strawberries, victoria, strawberries, raspberries you can freeze it simply in a container, and it is also advised to sprinkle it with sugar, then it does not lose its shape when defrosted. But only sugar this case sugar should not be 1:1, but much less. In jam, sugar acts as a preservative, and when frozen, the preservative properties of sugar are not needed. For taste only.
  • TO lubberry sauce. Punch strawberries with sugar with a blender and pour into bags inserted into disposable cups. When it freezes, take it out of the cups, and you get such strawberry popsicles. After defrosting, it tastes exactly like a freshly made sauce. Can be eaten with cottage cheese casserole, with pancakes, pancakes.
  • You can freeze sweet apricots, melons, plums ground in a blender in small containers. In winter, you can eat with pancakes or make smoothies.


hello, I freeze the frying for borscht already ready: I ​​take the beets on a grater, then I cut the pepper in half rings, then I take the carrots on a grater and finely chop the onion and fry it all, add the tomato and until cooked, then cool it and put it in bags in portions so that one is enough portions for borscht

In addition to the above, I freeze green onions. For example, in car. puree later: yummy!
I do freeze bread. When there is little left and no time to make crackers. Then defrost in the microwave: it turns out as soon as speckled. And my mother began to freeze lemon balm. In winter, it also gets into tea, the aroma and taste are awesome, not to be compared with dried.

In summer, many housewives try to stock up on the maximum number of preparations for the winter, so that in winter you can even eat foods that are very hard to find in frosty times. To do this, they preserve vegetables and fruits, prepare salads for the winter, roll up fruit drinks, and also freeze various berries. But if you can open a jar of preservation and start eating right away, then eating frozen berries is not so pleasant. And here the question immediately arises of what to cook from frozen berries so that they do not lose their vitamins, and their taste becomes much more pleasant.


From frozen berries, you can make a wonderful refreshing drink - fruit drink, which you can drink at least all day. And you can cook it from whole strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, or a mixture of these berries. These berries, in the amount of one glass, you just need to pour to the bottom of the pan and pour 3 cups of boiling water. Then you will need to wait until the berries in boiling water are defrosted and the juice is released, and as soon as this happens, all that remains is to add sugar to the pan and mix everything thoroughly. Naturally, you can take more berries, but in this case, you just need to proportionally increase the amount of boiling water.

But when reviewing recipes from frozen berries, you can see that there is another way to make fruit drink. In accordance with it, the frozen berries must first be crushed in a mixer, then add sugar to taste, and then pour cold boiled water, mix and let it brew so that the berries release juice. Before use, you can add a pinch of cinnamon or a mint leaf to the fruit drink.


To prepare compote, you need to take any frozen berries, throw them into a pot of water and put to boil. At the same time, in order for the compote of frozen berries to turn out to be very tasty and have a rich aroma, it is necessary to observe the proportion, according to which 2 full handfuls of berries must be taken per 1 liter of water. Compote is usually cooked for half an hour, and 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add a teaspoon to it citric acid, a pinch of cinnamon or mint. And when the compote is ready, it remains only to cool it and serve it to the table, and everyone can put sugar on their own, focusing on their taste sensations.


Cooking jelly from frozen berries is also not difficult. This hearty, appetizing and fragrant drink can be made from any berries, literally in no time. You just need to put a pot of water on the fire, and as soon as the water boils, throw the berries there in accordance with the proportion - 2 handfuls of berries per 1 liter of water and sugar at your discretion. And a little later, 10 minutes before the end of cooking, all that remains is to add starch to the pan in a thin stream, which will first need to be diluted with water. Now it remains only to cook the jelly during the remaining time, not forgetting to stir it, and delicious drink will be ready for use.


If the recipes for compote, jelly and fruit drink from frozen berries are very easy to prepare, then in order to make wine from frozen berries you will have to work hard, but the result will be simply amazing. To make such a wine, you must first defrost the berries, and then pour them into three-liter jar so that they slightly do not reach the middle of the jar. Then pour 400 grams of sugar into this jar and pour warm boiled water into it so that it does not reach the top by 3-4 cm. Stir the mixture in the jar thoroughly with a wooden spoon, pull an ordinary medical glove with a pierced finger over the top of the jar, and set the jar in a warm, dark place for 20 days.

After the allotted time, you can try the future wine, if it is too sour, you can add another 200 grams of sugar there and send it to ferment again, after stirring the sugar so that it completely dissolves. And now you will need to constantly look at the bottle with the glove, because as soon as the glove stops puffing up, it will need to be strained through cheesecloth, folded twice, into the pan, then wait another day, and pour the wine into bottles with screw caps. Everything, the wine is ready to drink, but it is better to let it brew for a year, so that its taste will especially please you.

Turns out very tasty cherry wine. You can find out more by following the link provided.


But from berries you can cook not only flavored drinks. All children and adults will also love the frozen berry pie, which can be enjoyed with tea. You can make dough for such a pie in the same way as usual, most importantly, around the entire perimeter of the rolled out dough, you will need to make small sides that will not allow the juice from the berries to flow out after baking. Having rolled out the dough, you can take on the berries, which will need to be mixed with sugar and spread evenly over the entire surface of the pie. That's it, you don't need to do anything else - just put the cake in the oven to bake for the same time and at the same temperature as usual.


Very delicious dessert for the whole family there will also be frozen berry jelly, which is very easy to prepare. To make it, the first step is to sort out half a kilo of berries, rinse them and leave to dry. In parallel with this, 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin will need to be diluted in a glass cold water and also set aside for 2 hours.

After the allotted time, we dissolve the resulting jelly in a glass in a water bath, but in no case bring it to a boil. In the meantime, we divide the berries into two unequal parts - set aside the smaller part to decorate the dessert, and grind the larger one in a mortar to a puree state. After that, we give the berry puree a little to settle and extract the juice, and then pour it into a separate bowl, and pour 2 cups into the puree itself boiled water and put it on fire. As soon as the mixture boils, we throw 100 grams of sugar to it and cook until it is completely dissolved.

Now there are mere trifles - the cooled broth will need to be filtered through gauze, add to it the set aside juice that previously stood out from the berries, and the set aside gelatin mixture. Mix everything and pour over silicone molds, the bottom of which is pre-covered with frozen berries. We send the dessert to the refrigerator, and in half an hour the jelly will be completely ready for use.

Also, read about

no problem, it's better fresh vegetables and no fruit. And vitamins in them, and microelements, and micronutrients. But now the season ends, and we either cook jam, prepare salads and other preparations for the winter, or go to the vegetable department of the supermarket for vitamins ... Jams and pickles, of course, are good, but, unfortunately, there are few useful things left. And those fruits and vegetables that are on the shelves all year round are also in doubt - who knows where and how they are grown ... But there is one way out - home freezing.

Freezing is perhaps the most profitable and convenient way of canning. Judge for yourself - with this method you do not use vinegar, salt, or high temperatures, which destroy almost all vitamins. True, when freezing, a certain amount of vitamins is also lost, but these losses are incomparable with boiling and pickling. There is one more minus - the color and shape of the products, alas, are lost. But if you don't care what the berries from your garden will look like, then this article is for you.

Of course, someone who has a huge freezer is lucky. But even in an ordinary refrigerator, a lot of useful greens, mushrooms and other sweets from the dacha will fit.

There are several freezing rules:
. Fresh and mature, dense, not deformed products are suitable for freezing;
. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed and dried before freezing - if this is not done, all your freezing will stick together into an unappetizing lump;
. Most vegetables need to be blanched before freezing. Blanching is a short-term boiling in boiling water or steaming, followed by rapid cooling. Blanching destroys oxidative enzymes that cause off-flavors and discoloration.
. Frozen foods should be stored tightly in containers with lids or in plastic bags. The denser the products are packed, the less moisture will evaporate during storage.
. Containers and bags must be sealed.
. It is desirable to freeze products in small batches - so that they can be used at once. So, instead of a huge package of vegetables or berries, it is better to make several small ones at once. Re-freezing your freeze is not worth it, it will just be a transfer of the product.
. The temperature in the freezer should not exceed -18ºС, in this case, the products can be stored for up to a year. Freeze can be stored at temperatures from 0 to -8ºС for no more than three months.

You can freeze almost everything - from greens to mushrooms. Do not freeze only turnips, radishes, radishes. When using frozen herbs, you do not need to defrost them, and other products require half the cooking time. The ideal way to cook frozen vegetables is with a double boiler.

Greenery. Dill, parsley, sorrel, onion feathers, cilantro, celery, etc. before freezing, thoroughly washed, dried (this is important!) And cut. The prepared greens are put into bags, squeezed so that air comes out, the bags are tightly tied. Another way to freeze greens is to freeze in small portions in water. To do this, wet greens are tightly packed into ice molds, poured with water and frozen. The resulting ice cubes are poured into a bag and stored in the freezer. Use without defrosting, throwing 1-3 cubes into the finished dish.

Cucumbers. Cut into slices or slices, tightly packed in small molds, sealed and frozen. Frozen cucumbers are stored for no more than six months, using for salads.

Tomatoes. Small cherry tomatoes can be frozen whole, while large tomatoes are cut into slices and treated in the same way as with cucumbers. You can freeze tomato puree.

Bell pepper. Peppers for stuffing are frozen whole, cutting off the “lids” and removing the seeds. Prepared peppers put one into another and freeze. True, with this method they take up a lot of space. Peppers can also be frozen in another way by cutting them into cubes or strips and placing them tightly in plastic bags. In this case, the pepper must be blanched for 10-15 minutes and dried.

Eggplant. Before freezing, eggplants are blanched for 5-10 minutes, allowed to drain, cut and frozen.

String beans wash, clean, dry, cut into pieces of 2-3 cm and freeze.

Green pea frozen in bulk, after washing and drying. Peas are poured onto a tray, frozen and poured into a bag, tightly tied.

corn milky ripeness is husked from the cobs and frozen in the same way as peas.

White cabbage frozen in the form of straws, it is laid out in bags, the air is removed and tightly tied.

Cauliflower. The upper leaves of fresh cauliflower are removed, the head of cabbage is divided into inflorescences. blanched with addition a small amount citric acid for 3 minutes, cool and dry on a towel. Packed into bags and frozen.

Broccoli- very tender, so it is not necessary to blanch it. Broccoli is divided into inflorescences, washed, dried and laid out in bags.

Brussels sprouts frozen after a short blanching (2-3 minutes), loose on a tray.

Zucchini and squash before freezing, cut into cubes, remove the seeds, boil for 10-15 minutes, put in a colander, cool. Lay out in bags, remove air from them, tightly tie.

Carrots and beets washed, peeled, cut into small cubes or rubbed on coarse grater and frozen in small batches in bags.

pumpkin frozen in the same way as zucchini. It is cut into cubes, removing the seeds, blanched for 10-15 minutes, cooled and put in bags. Pumpkin can be grated on a coarse grater and frozen in small batches.

Apples. Sweet and sour varieties of apples are suitable for freezing. Apples are thoroughly washed, peeled, and the core is removed. Cut into circles or slices and dipped in acidified or salted water so as not to darken, but not more than 20 minutes. Spread the prepared apples on a tray and put in the freezer. When the apples are slightly frozen, remove the tray, quickly separate the slices from each other and put them back in the freezer for the final freezing. Place frozen apples in plastic bags and tie tightly.

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. These berries are thoroughly washed, dried and frozen in bulk on trays. Berries are poured on a tray in one layer. Frozen berries are best stored in containers - so they do not wrinkle and retain their shape when defrosted.

Currant, gooseberry, etc. The berries are washed, dried and frozen, scattered on a tray. Ready berries Pour into plastic bags and tie tightly. Any berries can be frozen in the form of puree.

Apricots, peaches, cherries, plums. Be sure to pit, freeze in flat containers along with the released juice. The resulting briquettes are stacked in bags.

Mushrooms. Strong, non-wormy porcini mushrooms, boletus are suitable for freezing, boletus, champignons, mushrooms, chanterelles. Mushrooms should be stored on the same day they were harvested. Before freezing, the mushrooms are carefully sorted out, cutting off the damaged parts, and washed in several waters. Prepared mushrooms are dried on a towel. Mushrooms can be frozen raw, fried, boiled and in the form ready soup. For the “raw” method, large mushrooms are cut into several parts, small ones are left whole, laid out on a baking sheet and frozen. Frozen mushrooms are transferred to a container or bag. If you are afraid to freeze raw mushrooms, then they can first be boiled, fried or stewed. Boiled mushrooms are thrown into a colander, cooled and laid out in containers. Do the same with fried mushrooms. stewed mushrooms can be frozen along with the fragrant liquid in which they were cooked. And you can cook a semi-finished product mushroom soup: boil the light mushrooms, pour the cooled broth along with the mushrooms into the containers in which the food bags are enclosed, and freeze. After that, remove the bags from the containers and store the soup in neat briquettes.

Vegetables can be frozen individually, or you can cook any assortment. Paprikash, Hawaiian or Mexican mix, ratatouille, paella - you can make it all yourself. Prepare the necessary vegetables, peel, wash, cut into cubes. Blanch all vegetables. Rice or beans, if used, pre-boil until half cooked. Here, for example, are several options for such mixtures. The most important thing is that it is up to you to decide what and how much you put there.

Rice, green pea, corn, peppers, onions, carrots, champignons.
Paprikash:Bell pepper, zucchini, green beans, tomatoes.
Mexican Blend: carrots, green beans, peppers, corn, eggplant, red beans, green peas, onions, celery.
Village vegetables: potatoes, corn, broccoli, peppers, carrots, onions, green beans.
Vegetables "Spring": cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green peas, carrots, potatoes, onions.
Paella: eggplant, peppers, rice, peas, corn, carrots, zucchini, onions.
Guvech: eggplant, peppers, onions, tomatoes.
Hawaiian Blend: green peas, corn, pepper, rice.
Lecho: tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, carrots, onions.
Greens for salads: cucumbers, dill, green onion, parsley.
Greens for soup and second courses: dill, parsley, basil, green onion.
Vegetable stew: cauliflower, carrots, green onions (with a head), dill, green peas.
Dressing for borscht: sweet pepper, green onion (with a head), hot pepper, dill, parsley, garlic.
Mushroom soup: champignons or porcini mushrooms, carrots, potatoes, onions.
Sorrel soup: sorrel, potatoes, carrots, onions.
Borsch: beets, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions.
Vegetable mixtures are cooked without defrosting, steamed or stewed in a pan with the minimum amount oils. Frozen soups are put into boiling broth or water and boiled for a short time.

Frozen berries and fruits can be eaten just like that, or you can cook interesting dishes and drinks.

New Year's shake

1 cup frozen berries
1 bottle of champagne
1 bottle of white wine
sugar to taste

Pour berries into a wide glass decanter, put sugar to taste, pour champagne, let stand for 1-2 hours. Then pour in the wine, cool. Pour into wide glasses with berries.

ice dessert

Cooking: grind any berries or a mixture of berries in a blender with sugar, pour into yogurt jars and freeze.

Cooking: slightly defrost frozen berries, beat with a mixer or blender until fluffy.

If you need to defrost fruits or berries, it is best to do this gradually by placing a container or bag from the freezer into the refrigerator. This method avoids sagging.

Keep summer in the refrigerator and be with vitamins all year round! This is what home freezing is for.

Larisa Shuftaykina

Outside the window snow, white and cold. And it's time to dilute the white colors of winter with bright droplets of berries that were honestly waiting in the wings in the frosty darkness of refrigerators. A small handful of raspberries or strawberries scattered over the surface of the cottage cheese will brighten up the saddest morning, awakening memories of the sunny days of the past summer. And a new use for frozen vitamins will definitely tell you your imagination ... and these tips.

Surely, in the refrigerator of any summer resident, a couple of kilograms of berries are stored for the winter: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, currants ... Traditional compotes, jelly and tea with raspberries on winter days are undoubtedly tasty and very healthy. But frozen berries can also be the highlight of the most original and unusual desserts!

Lenten Pie with Frozen Cherries
Lean pastries always useful and relevant - not necessarily as an attribute fast days and months. And the frozen cherry pie is one of those gourmet delicacies that will please everyone. To cook it, you don’t even need to go to the store once again: this set of products, as a rule, can be found in the kitchen of any housewife.

Recipe from the magazine "Good advice", publishing house "Burda".

You will need
For test:
Flour - 350 g
Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
Vegetable oil - 5 tablespoons
Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
Soda - on the tip of a knife
Salt - a pinch
Ice water 6 tbsp. spoons
For filling:
Pitted frozen cherries - 250 g
Sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons
Potato starch - 1 tbsp. spoon

How to cook
Sift the flour with a slide, make a depression in the center and pour soda, sugar and salt into it. Mix. Add oil and water. Knead the dough, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.

Then roll out the dough into 2 layers. Put the first one in a greased form, making the sides. Mix thawed cherries with sugar and starch and place on a sheet of dough. Cover the spread out cherry with the second sheet, pinch the edges.

Pierce the pie in the middle with a fork in several places, grease the top with vegetable oil and sprinkle with a little sugar. Bake in the oven at +180°C for 35 minutes.

The whole cooking process takes 1 hour 10 minutes, and the indicated amount of products is enough for a pie for a family of five.

lazy cheesecake
This dessert will be appreciated by both adults and children: it looks attractive and bright, and besides, it is fragrant, tasty and satisfying in summer. Cheesecake doesn't take long to make. Moreover, it is quite possible to attract a child to its layer-by-layer unfolding in cups - that's a double benefit)

You will need
Cookies (any) - 9 pcs
Frozen raspberries - 150 g
Corn starch - 2 tbsp. spoons
Sugar - 30 g
Cottage cheese soft (Philadelphia, Almette) - 300 g
Cream 30% - 100 g
Cold water - 250 ml

How to cook
Grind cookies (you can use a blender). Frozen berries in a saucepan (cauldron) slightly warm over low heat. Strain the juice that stands out, add half the water to it, then the starch and mix everything thoroughly.

Add the remaining water to the berries, add sugar and put on fire again. When the mixture warms up well, pour the juice with starch into it in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Ready jelly to cool.

Whip the curd cheese, adding a little cream - we get the curd cream.

Put crushed cookies on the bottom of the glasses. top layer curd cream, on it - raspberry jelly. Repeat the procedure: put alternately a layer of cookies, curd cream and berry kissel. Decorate with mint leaves, berries, cream - and the lazy cheesecake is ready!

Strawberry ice cream cake
Such a cake, no doubt, will decorate the Sunday family table and will be remembered by children for a long time. It will not require expensive and scarce products, and berries harvested since the summer will find a very good use!

You will need
Frozen strawberries - 500 g
Cream 35-38% fat - 400 ml
Egg yolks - 4 pcs
Powdered sugar - 175 g
Jam, syrup or jam for garnish

How to cook
In strawberries, without waiting for defrosting, add 100 g of powdered sugar; grind in a blender (should get a puree). Beat the yolks with 75 g of powdered sugar in a water bath until they become thick and white. Cool, stirring continuously. Whip the cream well, add the yolks and about 4/5 of the strawberry puree.

Cover the chosen shape with foil. Pour half of the berry-creamy mass into a mold and refrigerate for 30-35 minutes. Then put the remaining strawberry puree in the middle and pour the second half of the berry cream on it.

Put the finished cake in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, after which you can transfer it to a dish and decorate with jam, jam or syrup (or whatever fantasy tells you).

Smoothie with frozen berries
The funny name belongs to a thick smoothie of berries, fruits or vegetables combined with milk or yogurt, juice or eggs and many other foods. This invention is American, it has taken root with us quite well, but even today not all housewives know about it.

A short "characteristic from the place of work" smoothie:
it is healthier than juices and fresh juices, because it includes live fiber from vegetables or fruits.
gives scope for imagination: every time you can make smoothies different, not like yesterday.
It takes very little time to cook: I took out the berries, removed the seeds / seeds from the fruit, put all the products into the blender - and you're done.

Try it, you will like it! Cooking is a matter of minutes, and you will get a lot of pleasure and benefits.

You will need
Banana - 1 pc.
Frozen raspberries - 50 g
Frozen blueberries - 50 g
Milk (yogurt, kefir, water) - 100 g

How to cook
Peel and cut banana into pieces. Put a banana, berries in a blender, add yogurt (or milk, kefir or water). Turn on the blender. Smoothie is ready! You can pour into glasses and decorate with mint leaves or circles of the same banana.

Some Tips
It is very beneficial to take a banana as the basis of a smoothie, especially a little overripe. Banana will give smoothies a pleasant softness, thickness and elasticity, besides it is sweet and satisfying.
Smoothies based on milk or water will not be sweet. If you like sugary drinks, add sugar or honey to your blender directly to your liking.
For a heartier smoothie, add a handful of nuts, seeds, or bran, whatever you like.
Juices can be used instead of dairy products

Yes, you ask, what is the difference between a smoothie and a simple fruit cocktail? Only in consistency: this drink has a thicker consistency,

Fruit icecream
Do you think our people don't eat ice cream in winter? No matter how! And eats ice cream, and snow, and icicles ... if in doubt, ask the children) An excellent alternative to icicles in your family can be no less cold, but much more tasty dish- berry ice cream Also frozen, by the way.

Option 1: sorbet (sorbet)
Sorbet is a frozen dessert made from fruit puree, juice or syrup. As a rule, dairy products (cream, milk or sour cream) are not added to it.

You will need
Frozen berries (raspberries, currants, strawberries ... any) - 300 g
Sugar - 50 g
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon
Water - 30 ml

How to cook
In a blender, put berries, sugar, lemon juice and water. Mix. Pour the finished mass into special flat molds or plastic disposable cups. Insert wooden sticks into the middle of the mass and fix with foil or thick paper with a slot. Send to the freezer for 2-3 hours.

Option 2: five-minute ice cream
But in this dessert we will add milk cream - and we will get a completely different ice cream ... well, other calories, of course)

You will need
Cream with maximum fat content (35%) - 150 ml
Frozen berries (raspberries, blueberries, currants, strawberries, you can together) - 300 g
Sugar - 100 g
The quantities shown are for 4 servings.

How to cook
Put frozen berries in a blender, add sugar. Grind on low speed, then gradually pour in the cream. When the product becomes homogeneous, the ice cream is ready.

The dessert is ready to eat immediately, it can be served immediately. And you can send it to the freezer, where the ice cream will be perfectly preserved for 5-7 days.

Tiramisu with frozen berries
This layered dessert Italian descent has long been loved by our sweet lovers. Like all popular dishes, tiramisu gradually acquires new features, enriched with unusual original additives. Today we present a recipe based on the same mascarpone cheese, savoiardi biscuits, coffee and sugar.

You will need
Frozen berries (cherries, raspberries, strawberries ...) - 0.5 cups
Curd cheese Mascarpone - 150 g
Cream 35% fat - 100 ml
Cookies Savoyardi - 10-12 pcs
Chocolate - 30 g
Powdered sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
Vanilla sugar - 0.3 tsp
Coffee (natural or instant) - 100 ml

How to cook
Mix cream and mascarpone cheese thoroughly. homogeneous mass, add vanilla sugar. Cream can be whipped beforehand (but you can not whip). Add powdered sugar(to your taste - so that the resulting cream is not too sweet).

Cook strong coffee with sugar (any - soluble or natural, according to your preferences). If natural, then strain. If tiramisu is prepared for adults, you can add 1-2 tbsp. spoons of coffee liqueur. Defrost the berries, drain the juice as much as possible.

In prepared glasses (wine glasses, bowls, glasses or crystal bowls), put a layer of Mascarpone cream with cream on the bottom. Savoyardi cookies (whole or crushed into pieces - depending on your idea and the size of the dishes) quickly dip one side into coffee and immediately put on the first layer of cream cheese cream. We spread the berries squeezed from the juice on the cookies.

Further, in the same sequence, we alternate again cream cheese cream, cookies and berries. Above is a layer of cream. Ready dessert send for an hour or two in the refrigerator. Before serving, the dessert is decorated using chopped chocolate or cocoa powder, a cocktail cherry, and mint leaves.

More about tiramisu
Instead of frozen cherries, you can successfully use raspberries, strawberries, or wild berries for dessert.
Berries in tiramisu can be put not whole, but in the form of mashed potatoes, whipping them in a blender.
Instead of savoiardi cookies, you can bake a classic biscuit.
The shape of tiramisu is different. And this dessert is not necessarily prepared in portions - tiramisu cakes are very popular.

Frozen berry mousse
Mousse is an interesting dessert, the highlight of which is a peculiar, slightly unusual foamy texture. It is prepared quickly and also a little unusual for a fruit dish. Let's put it this way: this is a funny airy berry-semolina porridge.
This fruit mousse will be very popular with children. And even those kids who do not like semolina, they certainly won’t refuse such a “decoy”.

You will need
Frozen berries (any) - 1 cup
Semolina - 2-2.5 tbsp. spoons
Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons
Water - 0.5 l
For decoration - cream, candied fruits or mint leaves

How to cook
Defrost berries. Drain the juice that stands out (they can be poured over the finished mousse). Grind the remaining berries in a puree, pour hot water, pour in a thin stream while stirring semolina, bring to a boil and cook for 7-8 minutes. Add berry juice to the finished fruit porridge and cool.

Beat the cooled mass until a thick foamy state (it will approximately double in volume). Pour the finished mousse into prepared bowls, glasses or wine glasses and refrigerate for an hour. Before serving, decorate the dessert with whipped cream, berries, mint leaves, candied fruits.

And finally, the video delicious pie with frozen red currant from Alina Kolomoets