How to make wine from sour jam. Raspberry Jam Wine Recipe

More and more people are choosing home winemaking as a hobby. It allows you not only to spend your free time interestingly, but also to enjoy the fruits of labor in a pleasant company. Pleasure is quite affordable. With enough ingenuity and creativity, great alcohol can be made from junk products. Why not create something exceptionally delicious. Even from fermented and candied.

What to consider for a novice winemaker

Except for the overly moldy one. If the plaque has formed only at the neck of the jar, then you can carefully remove it with a spoon, and use the remaining jam. But if after removing the moldy islands remains bad smell, wine from such jam can no longer be supplied. Candied raw materials should first be heated, dissolving the crystals. And instead of water, can you use fruit compote or juice from old home supplies? alcohol will be brighter in taste.

In the manufacture noble drink from winter preparations you need to follow a certain technology. You can make adjustments to the recipe, but there are nuances that do not depend on the type of jam:

  • Wine must ferment in special barrels. In the absence of glass bottles and jars from 3 to 10 liters can be used. During fermentation, future alcohol should be hidden from light in a cool place. Otherwise, the color will be faded, and the taste? overly tart.
  • Jam and boiled water or compote are usually taken in equal proportions. That is, for 1.5 liters of liquid, the same amount of raw materials is needed. The volume of sugar depends on the sweetness of the jam, but with the above proportions, a glass is enough.
  • For better fermentation do they put unwashed raisins in the future intoxicating nectar? it contains grape yeast. If this ingredient is supposed to be soaked, then you need to add it with water. Can I use chopped raspberries? it will also give the desired effect. Or buy wine yeast and add 50 g per 1 liter of jam. They often cause foaming on initial stage fermentation, but you should not be afraid of this.
  • The strength of wine depends not only on the time of fermentation. Do connoisseurs of stronger alcohol need to take more yeast, raspberries or raisins? about two times. Want to make it even higher? Then not two, but three components are taken as the basis in equal proportions: water, jam and vodka. This mixture is infused in a dark place for 20 days. After filtering, the resulting liquid is added to bottles of finished wine, making it fortified.

The main stages of transformation into a noble drink

How to store ready-made alcohol

  • You need to pack intoxicating drinks in clean bottles, preferably from dark glass, so that the color of the drink lasts longer.
  • The taste qualities of such homemade wines will last unchanged longer at a temperature not lower than 10 ° and not higher than 12 °.
  • To prevent corks from cracking and sugaring, bottles are stored upright, preferably with a slight slope. You can not shake them and move them from place to place, especially in different temperature conditions.

Recipe: the simplest and most unusual ways

Raspberry fast

Fermented jam from raspberries allows you to make wine in the shortest possible time. Used for manufacturing standard recipe which is described above. Raisins are used as a catalyst for the fermentation of raspberry wine. Typically, such homemade alcohol matures in 3 weeks, and after filtering it comes in cool darkness in 3 days.

Strawberry Elite

Wines and liqueurs from this berry in stores are very decent. It is worth surprising guests with a hoppy strawberry delicacy created at home. Moreover, it will not yield to the most prestigious brands in terms of taste. It is not difficult to make it: to put alcohol, use traditional recipe described above. Only water or compote should be added per liter more, but what about raisins? soak. Connoisseurs of the most exquisite options add a little currant or raspberry wine to the strawberry intoxicating drink.

Apple vintage

Recipe apple wine from fermented jam, perhaps the most popular and has been used for a very long time. This sour intoxicating drink is also loved in Europe. So, winter ciders are sometimes made on the basis of jam or marmalade. Here the recipe involves replacing raisins with a glass of unwashed rice and 20 g baker's yeast. apple jam put in a glass bottle, cover with rice and add yeast diluted with water. Then all this is poured with water, leaving a place for the wine? to go?. The contents of the jar must be stirred, a gas outlet installed and the container placed in a dark place. Important: not cool, but warm! When the turbidity settles down, and the wine stops fermenting, it is packed into bottles. unnecessarily sour drink sweetened and sent for a couple of days to ripen.

Currant luxury

Wine from black or red currant turns out surprisingly rich color and taste. Jam as a raw material makes it even better. Such wine is useful, because it retains most of the vitamins. Here you need to take 2 times more water than jam. As a fermentation enhancer put unwashed rice and a glass of grape berries. You can make currant luxury using the same recipe as for apple drink. Only grapes are put instead of yeast.

Cherry special

Drinks based on cherry jam can be supplied according to any of the above recipes. But the most interesting thing is to create a wine with hints of spices and dried fruits. Raw materials from any red berries are suitable for such alcohol. The brightest taste qualities cherry will show here. The result is an unusual rich drink that will be appreciated by the most picky tasters. It can become the basis for mulled wine and cocktails. At the beginning of production, the main recipe is used, but 2 times more sugar is needed, and raisins are not added. After about a month, the drink is filtered. To the future, as well as a little cinnamon, cloves, honey. The drink is sent to ripen in a closed glass container for another month, then re-filtered and packaged in bottles.

Assorted? Old stock?

Wine from old jam is far from always possible to make using one type of raw material. Often, closer to spring, open jars remain in the refrigerator or cellar. You can try mixing different varieties jam and get unusual assortment. The standard recipe is also used here. But recommended after mixing different jam with water, heat the resulting substance for better dissolution. And before pouring into glass containers cool down. Assorted ripens a little more than a month.

Economy option

Most homemade jam-based wines are made from fermented or candied raw materials. But for them, you can use high-quality jam. But for an economical drink that excludes the addition of sugar, it is necessary that the jam ferment fairly. Does it need 3 liters of water, 5 liters of jam, raisins? 1 glass. The jam mixed with water is boiled for 4 minutes, then cooled. Pour into glass bottles, evenly pouring raisins. Then you need to attach rubber gloves. When will they fall? in about 1.5 months? filtered wine is packed into bottles.

It's a shame if jam from berries, lovingly collected in the garden and deliciously cooked, disappears. We will teach you, dear hostesses, how to make delicious and fragrant homemade wine from jam.

Any jam, candied or fermented, will do.

Rules for making wine

  1. Take glass or ceramic dishes for fermentation. You can put wine in a wooden barrel. Metal containers cannot be used.
  2. To make the wine tasty and moderately sweet, the jam is diluted with boiled water 1:1. For 1 liter of jam, 1 liter of boiled water is taken. If the jam is sweet, you can take a little more water.
  3. We added water, mixed it and waited for a day. Mix and wait a day. We filter everything into a clean container through cheesecloth, folded several times. We've got wine must.
  4. To ferment the wort, you can add fresh ones there. Can be taken baker's yeast but wine is better. Add at the rate of 20-30 gr. for 5 liters. Below we will consider options for how to make wine in a yeast-free way.

Stages of making wine

The first stage of fermentation takes 8-11 days. It passes actively, the mixture bubbles and climbs out, so do not forget to leave free space when adding water and jam - 1/3 of the volume of the dishes.

At the end, carefully pour the future wine into a clean bowl to get rid of the sediment. Place in a dark, draft-free place.

We install a water lock on the neck - a cork with a tube to remove excess air. We wait at least 40 days for the wine to age.

Experienced winemakers keep from 3 months. The longer the period, the better quality and the taste of homemade wine. If you want to get fortified wine, then when bottling, you can add a little vodka to the finished wine.

When making wine from low acidity jams, such as strawberries and raspberries, you can add a little sour jam- let it be currant. The taste of the wine will be rich.

Recipe for wine from old jam

Let's try to make wine from fermented jam. Prepare a small container, you can enameled and follow the instructions.

  1. Place the old jam in a container.
  2. Pour 2 liters of warm boiled water into the same container.
  3. Put sugar to taste, add 100 grams of rice.
  4. The vessel must be covered with a rag and left in a warm place for 36 hours.
  5. Strain the liquid through a gauze folded five times, pour into a jar, putting a water seal. Can be used as a water seal rubber glove put on the neck of the jar. To prevent it from bursting, the fingers of the gloves must be pierced with a needle.
  6. On day 20, sterilize the bottles. You can bottle wine. To avoid subsequent fermentation, vodka should be added to bottles of wine - 50 g each. for every litre.
  7. The wine must be at least 40 days old.
  8. Pour the house wine into a clean bowl.
  9. If the wine has stood for 60 days, it is considered aged.

Well, we can not live without jam. Let then the candied jars stand for years on the far shelves of the pantries and fill the much-needed space in. But all the same, every autumn begins an epic called "It's time to cook!". Sugar is bought in bags, all the burners on the stove are tightly occupied by basins and other containers. Banks are sterilized en masse. In general, for a few days the kitchen turns into hell - however, it does not smell gray there, but much better ...

But the excitement ends - and the question immediately arises: what to do with last year's jam? It's a shame to throw it away. That's right, you don't have to throw it away. After all, last year's jam is an excellent "raw material" for the production of a wide variety of alcoholic beverages.

Home wine from old jam has a light, tart taste and heady aroma, depending on which jam was used for cooking, the “notes” and “bouquet” of this noble drink will differ.

Berry or fruit jam - 1 liter
Purified water - 1 liter
Raisins - 110 grams

Step 1: prepare the jar

Before we prepare the wine, we will prepare the container. To do this, take a jar and carefully process it baking soda using a kitchen sponge for washing dishes. Then rinse thoroughly with warm running water several times. After that, you need to pour boiling water over the container from the kettle. Attention: be extremely careful not to burn your hands or other parts of your body with boiling water during this procedure. It is also important to remember that the dishes for making wine should be glass, ceramic or enameled, but in no case metal, so that there is no oxidative reaction during the fermentation process of an alcoholic beverage.

Step 2: making homemade wine from jam - the first stage

Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. At this time, we take a jar of homemade jam and, using a tablespoon, transfer it to the prepared container, pour the raisins previously washed under water there. Once the water boils, set it aside and let cool until room temperature. To make wine, you need warm boiled water. Attention: in no case should there be boiling water! warm boiled water pour into a bottle with jam and raisins. Using a wooden spoon, mix all the ingredients well and close the container. nylon cover. We put the jar in a warm place. In summer, you can leave it in the kitchen - it's always hot there, and in winter - under the battery in one of the rooms, so that the fermentation process begins in our mixture. The main thing is that the place is secluded from children.

Step 3: decanting the pulp

After 10 days, we take a jar of fermented wine ingredients and open the lid. Since all the pulp after the fermentation process will rise from the bottom to the neck of the jar, carefully remove it from the surface of the liquid with a tablespoon and transfer it to a gauze cloth, after substituting a clean bowl or pan under it so that the squeezed out thick mixture from the pulp merges there. We take out the cake from the gauze and throw it away. We wash the gauze fabric under running water and twist it by hand.

Step 4: making homemade wine from jam - the second stage

The remaining liquid from the jar is also filtered through cheesecloth and drained into the same container where the squeezed mixture from the pulp is located. The resulting product of primary fermentation is called must. Now pour the wort into a jar well washed under running water. We tightly put on a clean rubber glove on the neck of the jar, not forgetting to pierce the fingertips of the glove with a needle so that the fermentation products have an outlet. Otherwise, the rubber product may swell and break. Let's put our jar of wort in a dark place. The fermentation process lasts 40 days, but to finally make sure of this - closer to the time of making the wine, watch the rubber glove: when it, having puffed up again, falls down, then the fermentation process is completed. The color of the wine should become transparent.

Step 5: Making Homemade Jam Wine - Stage Three

Before we pour the resulting alcoholic drink, prepare a container in which our fragrant wine will be stored. It is better to take glass bottles with a capacity of 500 or 700 milliliters for storing wine. To do this, carefully rinse the bottle under running water using a dishwashing brush. Turning the container over, let the water drain.

At the end of the preparation period for the wine drink, remove the glove from the neck of the jar and very carefully, using a watering can, pour the liquid into the prepared clean dry bottles. The main task in this process is the fact that the sediment formed after the second fermentation process is not affected.

We close the bottles with corks or very small nylon caps. Ideally - wooden corks. Then we transfer the finished wine to a dark, preferably cool room. Two months after bottling, it is ready for use. Our homemade jam wine has a strength of about 10 degrees.

Before serving, we cool our wine a little in the refrigerator, and then pour it into a decanter and serve it to the table with glasses. I think that our wine product will make a good impression on your guests. Wine can be served for dessert with fruit and chocolates, as well as treat friends during the main meal - the taste of wine will not change from this!

Enjoy your wine enjoyment!
– To ferment the wort faster, you can add a little yeast to it. If you can't get wine yeast, then you can use bread yeast. But never use brewer's yeast.

- You can close the neck of the jar not only with a rubber glove, but also with a water seal. A water seal is a tube, the second end of which is lowered into another jar of water.

- If we use sweet jam, such as raspberry or strawberry, to make wine, then it is advisable to add sour jam to such jam, such as blackcurrant or gooseberry, otherwise our wine will rather remind us of compote with alcohol.

- Highly delicious wine obtained from apple, plum or apricot jam, and if you add a little honey to one of these preservations, then the wine will have a delicate honey taste.

- Wine must be prepared from unspoiled jam, that is, our ingredient should in no case be moldy.

- The jar should be large enough to have enough space for the future wine to ferment.

- An alcoholic wine drink turns out to be very tasty if we mix several different types of jam, so we get an assortment of both taste and aroma.

- It is better to use glass bottles for storing finished wine, rather than plastic ones, as plastic deteriorates quickly, and this can also spoil the wine.
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Good afternoon, my dear readers! I have several simple recipes jam wines at home. The holidays are ahead, and by preparing such an unusual drink, you will surprise your guests quite a lot. Making this wine is very easy and fast.

Wine from jam without yeast

Perhaps this is the easiest recipe for jam wine at home. The wine is made without yeast, their role is played by raisins, because it contains everything you need. A minimum of effort and products and just awesome results!


  • Any jam - 1 l;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Raisins - 100 g.


  1. So, first of all, we choose the jam from which we want to make wine. You can take absolutely anything: apple, apricot, raspberry, cherry, plum, etc. Next, we take an empty three-liter bottle, thoroughly wash it with soda, and then scald it with boiling water to kill microbes that can spoil future wine.
  2. We shift the selected jam into the prepared bottle, fill it with warm water and add raisins. Attention! Raisins should not be washed! Thoroughly mix the contents of the bottle with a long wooden spatula. You should get a homogeneous mass.
  3. We cover our bottle with gauze and put it in a dark warm place. The ideal temperature for the fermentation process is 23-25°. If you have few dark corners in your apartment, then you can cover the bottle with a thick cloth so that no light enters. We leave for 5 days. But do not forget to stir the contents every day with a wooden spatula. At most, after 20 hours, the first signs of fermentation will already be visible - a sour smell, foam and hiss.
  4. After 5 days, we take out the bottle and remove the pulp that has surfaced from the surface, by the way, it is called the pulp. We prepare another bottle - we wash it with soda and scald it with boiling water. Through how many layers of gauze we filter the contents of the first bottle into the second. Keep in mind that you can only fill the container ¾, because. fermentation will produce foam and carbon dioxide.
  5. Now we take an ordinary medical glove and in one of her fingers, with the help of a needle, we make a hole. We put a glove on the neck of the container and tie it with a rope, right over the glove, so that it does not fly off during fermentation.
  6. Again we send the bottle to a warm and dark place for a period of 30 to 60 days, until the fermentation process is successfully completed. When the glove is completely deflated, and the wine becomes lighter and sediment appears at the bottom of the bottle, the drink is almost ready.
  7. Drain the wine from the sediment very carefully. We taste, if we consider it necessary - add sugar and vodka. The first is for sweetness, the second is for strength.
  8. We pour the wine into bottles, trying to fill them to the very neck, in order to prevent contact with oxygen. We close it tightly and send it to a cold place - a cellar, basement or refrigerator. We stand from two to five months, periodically filtering if a precipitate forms.

The homemade yeast-free jam wine recipe uses raisins.

Tip: raisins can be easily replaced with any berries. The main thing is not to wash them and crush them first.

The fastest wine from jam

Now I will tell you how to make wine from jam as quickly as possible at home.


  • Any jam - 1l;
  • Water - 2 l;
  • Round rice - 200 g;
  • Live yeast - 20 g.

How to make wine:

  1. Thoroughly wash the bottle, as in the previous recipe. We spread jam, rice and live yeast into it. Pour in warm water and mix well with a wooden spatula.
  2. In one of the fingers of a medical glove, we make a hole with a needle and put it on the container. As in the previous case, we tie the neck with a rope for reliability. We send our bottle to a dark and warm place for fermentation. The fermentation process will last 2-3 days until the time the wine becomes transparent.
  3. Carefully pour the clear liquid into the bottle, trying not to get sediment.
  4. Everything! Delicious, fast and most important natural wine is completely ready! You can enjoy.

Tip: don't mix different types jam, otherwise the wine will lose its special, delicate aroma.

A simple recipe for wine from fermented jam at home

Did you find that your favorite jam fermented? Do not rush to get upset, there is a recipe that is simple, unusual and very tasty! Having prepared wine from fermented jam, you will see that a spoiled delicacy can also be used in a very original way.


  • Fermented jam - 1.5 l;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Here we need a larger container, ideally 5 liters. But if you do not have this, then use two three-liter bottles. Carefully prepare the containers - wash them with soda and scald with boiling water.
  2. In a large bowl, I have a saucepan, mix warm water with fermented jam. Add granulated sugar and raisins there, and mix well until smooth. We pour the future wine into bottles, filling them by 2/3 of the total volume, providing free space for fermentation.
  3. We take two new whole medical gloves and make holes in one of the fingers with a needle. We put gloves on the container, for reliability we tie the necks with a rope. We send the container with the future wine to a warm and dark place, and wait for the fermentation process to end. On average, this period lasts several weeks. You can find out about the end of the fermentation process by deflated gloves.
  4. With the help of gauze folded in several layers, we filter our wine. We add another half a glass of sugar, pour it into bottles, close it tightly and send it to a dark place for several months.
  5. After the specified time, we take out our wine and filter it very carefully. The sediment must not be allowed to enter the bottles in which the wine will be stored. We try to pour in such a way that there is no free space left in the bottles and be sure to close them very tightly with corks.

Tip: do not use moldy jam to make wine!

Wine from jam with yeast in 2 weeks

And now I will share with you a recipe for wine from jam with yeast at home. If you have the most ordinary dry yeast, then with their help you can also cook very delicious drink. And in a short amount of time!


  • Jam - 1 l;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Round rice - 1 tbsp.;
  • Dry yeast - 7 g.

Recipe for making homemade wine from jam in 2 weeks:

  1. Let's start by preparing the dishes. Thoroughly wash the three-liter bottle with soda and pour over with boiling water.
  2. Pour a glass of round rice and dry yeast into the prepared container. Pour in warm water and mix well. Next, add the jam, by the way, you can use the fermented one, and mix well again.
  3. In one of the fingers of a new medical glove, we make a hole with a needle. We put it on the neck of the bottle and wrap it with a rope on top. We clean in a dark, warm place for 10-14 days. During this time, a precipitate should fall out, and the drink itself should become transparent. After we send our bottle to the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
  4. We carefully filter our wine and taste it. If required, add sugar. Pour the wine from the jam with yeast into bottles and tightly close the lids. The drink is completely ready to drink.

Tip: always mix future wine with wooden objects. Do not allow wine to come into contact with metal objects!

Apricot Jam Wine

I propose to cook delicious apricot jam fortified wine with thin, summer scent these fruits. I will share a proven way to make wine from apricot jam.


  • Apricot jam - 1 l;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Sugar - 100 g.

We put the wine:

  1. As always, the container must be washed with soda and poured over with boiling water.
  2. We spread the jam in the bottle, pour warm water, add sugar and mix well. We cover with gauze or a nylon lid and send it to a dark, warm place.
  3. We observe the wine - when all the pulp rises to the top, and the fermentation process is over, we take out the container. On average, the process takes from 7 to 14 days. We remove all the pulp, filter our wine a little and add a little more granulated sugar.
  4. We put a medical glove on the neck of the bottle, with a small hole made in advance in one of her fingers. We tie a rope on top.
  5. We leave the bottle in a warm place for about 3 months so that the wine ferments well. Carefully filter the drink through several layers of gauze.

Tip: it is possible that the wine will be ready earlier than the time indicated in the recipes (depending on temperature regime). Do not forget to periodically taste the wine, because we do not need vinegar.

Raspberry wine made from jam, liquid marmalade or jam

How to make wine from raspberry jam- a very simple technique of my grandfather.


  • Raspberry jam - 1 l;
  • Water - 1 l;
  • Raisins - 110 g.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare a container - wash it thoroughly with soda and scald with boiling water.
  2. Put the jam into the bottle, fill it with warm boiled water and add the raisins. Mix thoroughly. We cover with a nylon lid or gauze and send it to a dark, warm place for 10 days.
  3. After the specified time, we take out the bottle and remove the pulp that has floated to the surface. Then we filter the drink through several layers of gauze and pour it into the container again.
  4. We pierce a small hole on one of the fingers of a medical glove and put it on the neck of the container. We tie a rope around the neck over the glove. We put the container in a dark place for 40 days.
  5. When the glove has deflated and the liquid inside has become clear, our drink is ready. Very carefully pour into bottles, avoiding sediment getting into them. We tightly close the bottles and send them to a cool place for several months. During this time, the wine will infuse, and acquire an unusually bright and rich taste.

Tip: try to use purified water for making wine, then the taste of the drink will be much brighter.

I suggest you watch a video recipe for making wine from jam:

That's all, my dear readers. Now you have some easy homemade jam wine recipes. No more throwing away old stocks of jam, they have been put to good use. I wish you warm and cozy evenings with a glass of delicious wine!

To make homemade wine from jam, the recipe is easy to pick up. It will perfectly complement festive table and will give everyone present an unforgettable taste and aroma. If everything is done correctly, you get a tart and pleasant drink, reminiscent of the sun and summer.


It often happens that during the period of summer preparations, jam is prepared more than necessary. During the winter, it is not possible to eat it, and the jars remain gathering dust in the pantry for an indefinite amount of time. If the jam has stood closed for several years, the mass in the jar candied and in most cases is then thrown away.

But do not rush and throw away a product in the trash, which can still be put into action. Of course, you should not eat it as regular jam, but you can make delicious homemade wine from it. To do this, you just need to find suitable recipe. It is worth mentioning that wine can be made from a candied mass, but if mold has appeared on its surface under the lid, such jam will no longer be suitable for wine.

To make homemade wine from jam, you will need to stock up on sugar, boiled water, and you will also need a suitable container. Its dimensions should be such that after the start of the reaction, when the wine has already fermented, there would be enough space inside for the contents. The dishes should be washed with the addition of soda, after which it should be poured over with boiling water.

Homemade jam wine

We dilute the wine with water, the amount of both should be the same. Sugar should be added as follows: for 3 liters of a mixture of water and jam - half a glass of sand. Then the container must be closed and placed in a warm, dark place so that no one touches it. When the pulp separates from the contents and rises up, strain the mixture through cheesecloth.

Pour the filtered, purified liquid into a well-washed container. Add another half cup of sugar to it. Then the container is closed again and placed in its original place, where it will have to stand for several weeks - 3 months is considered the optimal period. At the end of this period, the wine is poured into prepared bottles, washed with a solution of soda and scalded from the inside with boiling water. For transfusion, you can use a thin tube made of rubber. In this process, the main thing is to be careful to leave the sediment intact. Then the bottles of wine are sent for storage or used for their intended purpose.

In the assortment of any hostess, who, in principle, welcomes the creation of stocks for the winter, there are usually several varieties canned berries or fruits. Therefore, when looking for a suitable recipe, it is appropriate to save different options for yourself.

It's important to know!

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The recipe for a raspberry drink requires the preparation of the following ingredients:

  • 1 liter of raspberry jam;
  • 2.5 liters of water, previously boiled and cooled;
  • 150 g raisins.

raspberry drink recipe

Pour water into a saucepan and heat slightly. AT warm water pour the jam and fold the raisins without rinsing them. Pour the liquid obtained after stirring into the bottle so that the mixture takes up no more than 2/3 of the volume in the bowl. Now put on a rubber glove on the neck of the bottle - it is best to purchase a simple medical one at the pharmacy. Then the dishes are placed in a dark place for fermentation for about a month. After that, the resulting homemade wine must be filtered, while pouring into a clean container, close tightly and leave for about 3-4 more days. During this time, the wine should separate from the sediment. Pour the resulting liquid into smaller bottles, while trying to be careful that the sediment from the large bottle would not fall into them.

A properly prepared drink will turn out fragrant and tasty, it clearly feels the notes of ripe berries and the taste of summer.


A delicate and beautiful-looking wine drink will turn out from strawberry jam. The ingredients are the same as in the previous case, only the jam is not raspberry, but strawberry.

Wine drink made from strawberry jam

First, soak the raisins in a small amount water. Mix the jam with the remaining water, then prepare the dishes for infusion and combine all the ingredients in it. The container should be such that a third of the volume in it remains free. Cover the mouth of the bottle with a sterile medical glove, then put everything in a quiet place and wait for the rubber cap to fall to one side. This means that fermentation is over. Strain the wine into a new container and keep it for another 3 days. Then pour into small bottles and put away for storage.


Homemade apple wine from jam will turn out fragrant and light, has a sweet and sour taste. To prepare it, the ingredients you need are:

  • a liter of jam from any apples;
  • fresh yeast - 200 g;
  • a glass of unwashed rice;
  • boiled and cooled water - 2 liters.

Prepare a container, wash it and dry it. It needs to be transferred there. apple jam and pour rice. Dilute the yeast in a small amount of water, pour it there. Mix everything, slightly warm the water and pour it so much that it takes up ¾ of the container. Stir again. Put on a medical glove on the neck of the container and pierce one of its fingers with a needle. Place the container in a warm, dark place to infuse.

Infusing homemade apple wine

In the future, the preparation of the drink will consist of careful observation of the fermentation process. Readiness is determined by the fact that the liquid becomes transparent, and the sediment goes to the bottom of the jar. It is necessary to drain the liquid as carefully as possible, it is better to use a rubber tube.

Taste the resulting wine. If it seemed a little sour to you, you can add sugar, counting 20 g per liter of liquid. Then mix everything well and leave for another 3-4 days to infuse. After that, the drink can be considered ready.


Recipe for a wine drink currant jam as a result gives finished product with a beautiful color, wonderful aroma and content of a considerable amount useful substances. To prepare it, stock up on a liter of currant berry jam - any will do: red, white, black or assorted jam. Also prepare grapes - 200 g, a glass of rice, 2 liters of water.

Currant jam for wine drink

Boil and cool the water. Rinse properly the container in which you will infuse the wine, you can sterilize it in the oven. Fold inside the jam, grapes, unwashed rice. Pour everything boiled warm water. After mixing the ingredients, tie a rubber glove on the neck of the container and place everything in a calm, warm place for 3 weeks. It is highly desirable that the fermentation of wine takes place in a room devoid of light.

The process is considered complete when the liquid becomes clear and the glove falls off. Now quickly, trying not to disturb the sediment at the bottom of the container, pour the resulting drink into clean bottles.


To get a delicious cherry drink, prepare the following products:

  • 1 liter of cherry jam;
  • 1 liter of warm boiled water;
  • 100 g raisins.

Rinse the fermentation container with a solution of soda, dry. Mix water with jam, add, without washing, raisins, stir and close the lid. Now in a dark place it is necessary to hold such a container for about 10 days.

Cherry jam with water

When the pulp comes to the surface, it is necessary to remove it and strain the preparation for wine through gauze folded in several layers. Pour this liquid into another jar. Tie her throat with a glove - this must be done so that the liquid reaches readiness. It will not be possible to get a quick result - it will take about 40 days. You will understand that the wine has “reached” when the inflated glove slowly begins to go limp. Ready drink becomes quite beautiful and almost completely transparent.

Pour the resulting storage liquid into smaller bottles, cork each of them. Some drink the wine immediately afterwards, but it is better to age it in a dark place for another 8-9 weeks. When the agonizing wait is over, you will get a wonderful drink with a slight cherry scent.


You can try to make homemade wine from fermented jam or from a candied mass. On the liter jar of candied jam, take 120 g of raisins and a liter of boiled water.

We put the contents of the jar in a three-liter container and add warm water. Add raisins and stir everything. Close the cork and place to infuse for 10 days in a dark room. After this period, strain the contents into another container, put a glove on your throat and remove it again for infusion, as in the previous versions. After about a month and a half, everything will be ready for transfusion into small bottles. They are tightly corked and cleaned in the dark for a couple of months until fully cooked.

Container for wine infusion

Fermented jam is used like this. Mix in a bowl one and a half liters of jam and the same amount of water, half a glass of sugar, 50 g of raisins. If the volume of dishes is small, reduce the volume of the bookmark - a five-liter jar is needed for the indicated amount. We put on a rubber glove on top, make a puncture on it with a needle.

Keep the fermentation mixture in a suitable room for 2 weeks, then open, strain and add another half a glass of sugar. The wine is not ready yet - pour it into another bottle and leave it in a quiet place for another 3 months. Then the drink is poured into smaller bottles, trying to prevent sediment from getting there.

Any of these activities will help you no longer throw away seemingly unnecessary blanks.

Now you can not be afraid that your work will be in vain.

And some secrets...

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