Sour plum jam. Plum jam with cocoa

You can prepare plums for the winter different ways and pamper your loved ones with sweet treats in the form of jam or compotes or please them with original savory snacks- sauce or pickled fruit. Any preservation is a worthy variety to the assortment of jars with supplies in the pantry.

What to cook from plums for the winter - recipes

Plum preparations for the winter that can be prepared not only in a sweet version. A variety of recipes will allow you to get rid of surplus harvest by creating unusual, sometimes spicy or salty snacks.

  1. Canned plums for the winter in the form of jam or simple compote, as a rule, do not require additional sterilization, so cooking will take a minimum of time.
  2. Any variety of plum goes well with other fruits, so you can combine them and create your own original variations of the preparation.
  3. Even without cooking, plums can be stored all winter; it is important not to neglect adding sugar, as it acts as the main preservative in the preparation.
  4. Plum dishes for the winter, the recipes of which involve twisting with pits, do not last long. Present in kernels a large number of hydrocyanic acid, therefore within six months the preservation will become unsuitable for consumption.

Plum jam - a recipe for the winter

There are several ways to prepare plum jam for the winter. A mass containing small pieces would be ideal. Fruits are rich in pectin, so it is not necessary to add gelling ingredients; the jam will reach the desired consistency during storage. Jam made from yellow or white honey plum is delicious.


  • plums - 5 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 4 kg.


  1. Wash the plums, separate from the pits, cut into 4-6 pieces.
  2. Add sugar and leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. Cut the lemons into cubes and add to the plums.
  4. Cook until boiling, skimming off all the foam.
  5. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes, pour into jars and seal.

Compote of plums and apples for the winter

A simple plum compote for the winter can be supplemented with various seasonal fruits; apples or pears are ideal. The drink is prepared without additional sterilization and stored for more than a year, provided that the plums are pitted. Use better fruit blue, sour varieties. The amount of these ingredients is calculated to fill 1 3 liter jar.


  • plums - 500 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • water - 2.5 l.


  1. Wash and peel the plums, cut the apples, removing the seed box.
  2. Immerse the fruit in a sterilized jar, pour boiling water over it, cover, and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Pour the broth into a saucepan, add sugar, boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Fill the jar with syrup and seal.

How to prepare tkemali from plums for the winter?

Extraordinarily delicious Georgian adjika from plums for the winter - tkemali. To make the sauce, they use the plum variety of the same name, but if none are found, other sour fruits will do - unripe Hungarian plums, sloe. The main ingredients are ombalo spices, which can be replaced with dry peppermint.


  • plums - 5 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • hot peppers- 3 pods;
  • garlic - 4 heads;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • utskho-suneli, dried dill and mint, ground coriander - 1.5 tbsp. l.


  1. Wash the plums, place in a large bowl, and fill with water.
  2. Cook until the skin separates and the plums are soft.
  3. Rub the fruit through a sieve.
  4. Add salt, sugar, dry spices, pureed pepper and garlic.
  5. Boil the mixture for another half hour.
  6. Pour into jars and seal.

Plum in its own juice for the winter

Preserving plums for the winter in this way will not require much time and patience. Prepare a large container for sterilization that can hold at least 3 0.5 liter jars. Whether to remove the seeds or not is at the discretion of the cook; during the pasteurization process, the contents of the containers will decrease in volume, but there is no need to add plums.


  • plums


  1. Wash the plums and fill the jars with them.
  2. Cover the bottom of a large pan with a towel, place the preparations, fill with water up to the “shoulders” of the jars.
  3. As the fruit boils, it will release juice. The contents of the jars should boil for 5-8 minutes.
  4. The plums are sealed in juice for the winter and put under a blanket to cool slowly.

Pickled plums with garlic for the winter - recipe

Extraordinary spicy preparation- stuffed plums with garlic for the winter. Original taste lovers will definitely like this kind of preservation unusual combinations in food. The appetizer can be served with strong drinks, or filled with fruit in salads or main courses. It is better to roll up the preserves in small 0.5 liter jars.


  • plums - 400 g;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 3 leaves;
  • cloves - 3 buds;
  • vinegar - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • peppercorns and allspice - 5 pcs.


  1. Wash the plums, remove the seeds without damaging the integrity of the plum.
  2. Peel the garlic, wash and dry.
  3. Place 1 clove of garlic into each plum.
  4. Place bay leaves, peppers and cloves in sterilized jars.
  5. Fill with stuffed plums.
  6. Combine water, salt, sugar, vinegar in a saucepan and boil.
  7. Pour the hot marinade into the jars, cover, and leave for 10 minutes.
  8. Drain the marinade, boil, pour in the plums again, seal for the winter, and put in a warm place to cool.

Plum juice for the winter

It turns out delicious canned juice from plum for the winter. To save space and use less cans, in the process of preparing water is used minimal amount. The drink turns out to be very concentrated, so it can be confidently diluted with water when serving.


  • plums - 5 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.


  1. Wash the plums, remove the pits, and pass through a juicer.
  2. Add sugar and water.
  3. Cook over medium heat, letting the juice simmer for 25 minutes.
  4. Pour into sterilized containers and seal.

Chocolate covered plums for the winter - recipe

An extraordinary treat that will be appreciated by the younger audience of eaters - canned plum in chocolate for the winter. The process of making the delicacy is no different from making thick jam, but pieces of dark chocolate are added during cooking. You should not skimp when choosing chocolate; it must be bitter and of high quality, the final result depends on this.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • sugar - 800 g.


  1. Wash the plums, separate the seeds, and grind the pulp through a meat grinder.
  2. Put the puree on low heat, add sugar, simmer, removing the foam.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Add the broken chocolate and wait until it melts completely.
  5. Pour into a sterilized container and seal.

Pitted plum jelly for the winter

It turns out incredibly tasty canned jelly from plums for the winter. You can achieve the desired consistency by adding gelatin, pectin or gelatin. You can taste and evaluate the quality of the preparation the very next day, but during storage the delicacy will become thicker and more jelly-like. To ensure that the jelly turns out transparent, you must not neglect to remove the foam during cooking.


  • yellow plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 600 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g.


  1. Pour gelatin over ½ tbsp. warm water.
  2. Wash the plums, remove the seeds, rub the pulp through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar and let it cook.
  4. Boil for 10 minutes, removing foam.
  5. Set aside, after 5 minutes add the swollen gelatin, stir.
  6. Let it cook until it reaches the boiling point (do not boil!), then immediately remove from heat.
  7. Pour into jars and seal.

How to freeze plums for the winter in the freezer

The simplest and most hassle-free way to preserve all valuable properties and taste qualities fruit - freezing plums for the winter. As a rule, halves are prepared, but if the plums turn out to be too large, they are cut into 4-6 parts. In winter, they are used to make compotes, sauces, preserves, decorate or fill homemade baked goods.


  • plums


  1. Wash the fruits and dry well.
  2. Remove the pit and cut in half if necessary.
  3. Place in one layer on a tray and place in the freezer.
  4. When the workpiece has hardened, distribute it portionwise into suitable containers and store it in the freezer.

Dried plums in the oven for the winter

Prepare dried plums for the winter there are two ways. A piquant spicy version is described below, but using this technique you can also make sweet preparation, soaking the fruit in sweet syrup and under pressure for 4 hours. Both spicy and sweet preparations are stored in glass containers, hermetically sealed.


  • plums - 2 kg;
  • rosemary - 3 sprigs;
  • dry thyme and basil - 2 tsp;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • quality olive oil- 150 ml.


  1. Wash the plums, dry them, remove the pits.
  2. Place the halves on a baking sheet lined with foil.
  3. Sprinkle with salt.
  4. Mix honey with 50 ml of oil and pour over the plums.
  5. Fresh rosemary chop with a knife, mix with dry herbs, sprinkling plums on top.
  6. Place in an oven preheated to 110 degrees, close not all the way, leaving the door slightly open.
  7. Dry the plums for 3 to 5 hours.
  8. Transfer to a sterilized container, alternating layers of plums with garlic slices and herbs.
  9. Heat the olive oil (do not boil!) and pour it into the jars.
  10. Seal the plums for the winter and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

Plum pureed with sugar for the winter

Canned plums with sugar for the winter without cooking are stored throughout the cold season and do not spoil, thanks to the sugar layer that seals the preparation and allows oxygen to enter the jar. It is also important not to quickly distribute the puree into the container until the sugar crystals have melted. Plums prepared in this way retain their valuable properties and will be an excellent treat for tea in winter or an excellent filling for a quick pie.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg.


  1. Wash the plums, dry them, remove the seeds, and beat with a blender.
  2. Pass through a sieve, discarding any remaining peel.
  3. Add sugar and mix.
  4. Fill the jar without filling 2-3 cm to the edge.
  5. Fill the remaining space with sugar and seal immediately.
  6. Store exclusively in the refrigerator.

Nature is generous with plums. Blue, yellow, red, black. Such a rich harvest certainly needs to be preserved. Plum jam - great option make delicious preparations for the winter from plums.

It would seem what combinations of products can be in plum jam. Actually, plums and sugar - and cook for your health. But no, each variety of plum requires special treatment, and if you add new ingredients and a drop of love to plum jam, then all winter you can surprise and delight your household and guests with tea with a variety of plum jams, all different from one another.

The number of plums indicated in the recipe ingredients are pitted plums. You can adjust the sweetness of the jam yourself: if the plums are sweet enough, the amount of sugar can be reduced, and vice versa. It’s good to add a little to the jam made from sickly sweet plums. citric acid or lemon juice.

We have collected almost all the recipes on how to make silava jam, so that you have the opportunity to choose those that suit your taste.

Classic plum jam

1 kg plums,
1 kg sugar,
½ cup water

For jam, plums that are pitted well (for example, Hungarian plums) are suitable. Sort and rinse the plums well. Remove the seeds and cut the halves into slices. Add sugar (if the plum is sour, add more sugar), add water, stir and leave overnight so that the plum releases juice. Then cook over medium heat, stirring and skimming, for 35-40 minutes. Readiness is checked by a drop of syrup on the plate - it should not spread. Ready jam Place in sterilized jars to the very top and seal.

Jam from yellow plums

1 kg yellow plums,
750 g sugar.

Place the washed pitted plums in boiling water, boil for 5 minutes until the skin softens and rub through a sieve. Place the resulting puree in an enamel bowl and put on fire. Boil for 10-15 minutes, then start adding sugar half a cup every 2-3 minutes, stirring well and boiling until it dissolves. When all the sugar has been added, boil the jam for another 15-20 minutes and place it hot in sterilized jars. Roll up.

Plum jam with cinnamon and orange

1 kg plums,
3 stacks Sahara,
1 orange,
cinnamon sticks - to taste.

Remove the pits from the plums. By using sharp knife Remove the zest from the orange, cutting it into strips. Cover the plums with sugar and leave for several hours. As soon as the plum releases juice, add zest and cinnamon to it and cook for about 30 minutes. Before putting the jam into sterilized jars, remove the cinnamon and zest. Roll up.

Plums in syrup

1 kg plums,
1.2 kg sugar,
1.5 stack. water.

Wash the plums, dry them, remove the seeds and cut into slices. Cook from sugar and water thick syrup, dip the plums in it and let it brew for 6 hours. Drain the syrup, boil and pour over the plums again for 6 hours. Repeat the procedure again. Then put the bowl with the plums in syrup on the fire, let it boil, reduce the heat and cook, skimming off the foam, until tender. Readiness is checked by dropping a drop on a dry plate. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

Yellow plum jam with wine and nuts

5 kg plums,
2 - 2.5 kg sugar,
400 ml white table wine,
½ tsp. ground cinnamon,
2-4 cardamom grains,
50-100 g almonds.

Cover the pitted plums with sugar and leave overnight. Stir the plums with crushed cardamom and cinnamon, pour in the wine and simmer over low heat until the syrup thickens. Add ground almonds and boil for another 5-7 minutes, place in sterilized jars and seal.

Plum jam with walnuts and cognac

1 kg plums,
1 kg sugar,
150-250 g walnuts,
2-3 tbsp. cognac

Cut the well-washed and dried plums in half and remove the pits. Chop the walnuts not too finely and fry in a dry frying pan until fragrant. Combine plums, nuts and sugar, put on fire and cook until boiling. Remove from heat for 5 minutes, then pour in cognac and return to simmer. As soon as the jam boils, place it in sterilized jars and seal.

Plum marshmallow

3 kg plums,
2 kg sugar,
4 lemons,

Remove the pits from the plums, place the plums in a saucepan and add a little water. Boil over low heat until soft and puree with a blender. Add sugar, stir, put back on the heat and cook until the sugar dissolves. Meanwhile, scald the lemons, remove the zest, squeeze out the juice and add everything to the pan with the plums. Reduce heat and cook the marshmallow for 1.5 - 2 hours, stirring so as not to burn, until thickened. Line a rectangular pan cling film, pour out the marshmallow, cool and put in the refrigerator for a day.

Plum marmalade

2 kg plums,
1 kg apples,
1.2 kg sugar,
2 stacks water.

Peel ripe soft fruits, cut them, add water and boil until soft. Add sugar, stir and cook over low heat for 2 hours, stirring constantly so that the thick mass does not burn. When the jam begins to pull away from the sides of the dish, place it on a flat dish moistened with water, smooth it out and leave to cool. After this, the marmalade mass must be dried in an oven heated to 50°C with the door open. Cut the finished marmalade into pieces, sprinkle with fine sugar and put in a cool, dry place.

Chocolate plum jam

2.5 kg dark plums,
2 kg sugar,
3-5 tbsp. cocoa powder,
½ cup water.

Remove the seeds from the plums and cover with sugar for an hour and a half, until the juice is released. Place the bowl with the plums on the fire, add water if there is not enough juice, and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Mix cocoa powder with sugar and add to the plums. Stir, reduce heat and cook, stirring, for an hour. Place in sterilized jars and seal.

Chocolate plum jam in another way

1 kg plums,
1 kg sugar,
1 bar of dark chocolate (80-90%),
2 tbsp. cognac or liqueur,
1 tsp gelatin.

Remove the pits from the plums, cut into 4 pieces, add sugar and leave overnight. The next morning, put the container with the plums on the fire, bring to a boil, add gelatin and boil for 20-30 minutes. Break the dark chocolate into pieces, melt it into jam and cook for 5 minutes. Pour in the cognac, place in jars and roll up.

Plum chocolate paste with nuts

2 kg plums,
1.5 - 2 kg sugar,
200 g butter,
200 g walnuts,
100 g cocoa powder.

Chop the nuts. Remove the seeds from the plums and grind the fruits through a meat grinder or puree with a blender. Boil the plum mass over low heat for 10 minutes, add butter, sugar (set aside 1 cup for cocoa) and nuts and cook, stirring, for 30 minutes. Mix cocoa with sugar, add to jam, stir and cook for another 10 minutes. Roll up. For recipes with cocoa, it is better to take sweet plums with dark pulp. If the plums are sour, increase the amount of sugar. Walnuts can be replaced with hazelnuts.

Plum jam without sugar. Place the washed, pitted plums in a saucepan and place over low heat. Stirring constantly, cook under the lid until juice appears. Then remove the lid, bring to a boil, simmer for an hour and leave to cool for 8-9 hours. Repeat this cycle (cook for an hour and cool) five times. When the jam begins to pull away from the walls, place it in sterilized dry jars, let cool, then cover parchment paper, tie with twine and put in a cool place.

There are varieties of plums that taste great, but absolutely do not want to part with the seeds. Make jam with seeds, just remember that you can store it for no longer than a year.

Plum jam with pits

1 kg plums,
1 kg sugar,
1 stack water.

Rinse the plums and blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain the water. Boil the syrup from sugar and water until it becomes thick, viscous and golden. Carefully place the plums in it and cook over low heat. When the syrup boils, remove the plums from the heat and leave overnight. Then put the container with the plums back on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes, skimming off the foam and stirring gently so as not to damage the fruit. Leave it overnight again. For the third time, bring the plums in syrup to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat and place in sterilized jars. Roll up.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Best Recipes

During this time, I came up with several favorite options. I won’t say that I cook them all every year, but I definitely cook 5-6 types - some go perfectly with pancakes or pancakes, and some are indispensable for baking. And there are also those that are simply good for tea.

Classic simple recipe

Everyone has probably tried this plum jam - this is how our grandmothers most often cook it. The preparation scheme has remained virtually unchanged for decades, as has the ratio of products: for 1 kg of plums, take the same amount of sugar and 100 ml of water.

What do we have to do:

  • wash, peel the seeds from the fruits;
  • put in a deep bowl;
  • add sugar and water;
  • cover with a lid and leave overnight so that the plums release their juice;
  • In the morning, bring to a boil, then keep on fire for 3-4 minutes, turn off;
  • cool and repeat boiling - do this 2-3 more times;
  • Place in sterilized jars and close with lids.

Store in a cool place if the lids are nylon. Under iron, this delicacy does not spoil in the kitchen cupboard.

Five minutes

This jam is the easiest to make and does not require much time.

Products need to be prepared:

  • plums – 2 kg
  • vanilla – 10 g
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. To make jam, it is recommended to use not quite ripe fruits. Rinse them thoroughly under running water, cut them into two parts, and remove the seeds with a knife.
  2. Cover the prepared fruits with granulated sugar and leave overnight.
  3. This time will be enough for the plums to release juice.
  4. In the morning, place the container with plums on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the jam into pre-steamed glass containers and roll up.

Plum jam without seeds (halved)

The resulting delicacy can be used in winter for baking or served with pancakes.

Components needed:

  • plum (prunes) – 1 kg
  • sugar – 1 kg
  • water – 500 ml.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut into two parts and remove the seeds.
  2. Prepare the syrup by placing water and granulated sugar in a saucepan. Place the container on the stove.
  3. Stir the syrup all the time until it boils.
  4. Pour plums sweet water and wait 4 hours.
  5. After the time has passed, bring the jam to a boil, pour into jars and roll up.

Plum jam with cocoa and butter

Get original and delicious jam from plums with bright chocolate taste you can by supplementing the fruit with ingredients such as butter and cocoa.

List of ingredients:


  1. Remove the pits, place the plums in a saucepan, add sugar (0.5 kg). Wait 12 hours for the berries to release their juice.
  2. Add the remaining sugar and cocoa. Mix everything and set the pan on fire. Cook for an hour, stirring the jam all the time.
  3. Place the finished dessert in glass jars, order.

Plum jam with chocolate and cognac

For lovers of the combination of chocolate and fruit, I recommend it even more interesting option- with the addition of cognac. It turns out for real delicious dessert. This recipe is my favorite this year.

Recipe information

  • Cuisine:European
  • Type of dish: jam
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calorie content: 220 kcal


  • plums - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • vanilla sugar - 16 g
  • bitter (dark) chocolate – 100 g
  • cognac - 2 tbsp.


Wash the plums, cut them into quarters, remove the pits.

Add 0.5 kg of sugar, mix and leave overnight in a cool place.

The next day, add the remaining sugar (0.5 kg) and vanilla sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for 10-12 minutes. Leave the jam until it cools completely and boil again. And we repeat this 3 times!

Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

Add it and cognac to the jam and let it boil.

Place the finished jam into clean and dry jars.

Store in a cool place.

Plum jam with walnuts

This recipe is also original. It’s hard to even call it jam; most likely, it’s an exquisite stand-alone dessert that can be served with tea even for the most sophisticated guests. My girlfriends always ask me to open the jar when they come to girls' get-togethers.

Required Products:

  • sugar – 600 g
  • ground ginger – 10 g
  • peeled walnuts– 150 g
  • cinnamon – 10 g
  • plums – 2 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash and dry the plums. Cut into two parts, remove the seeds.
  2. Grind the nuts using a grater.
  3. Place the plums in a container and sprinkle sugar on top.
  4. Place the pan on the fire and wait until the jam boils. Add cinnamon, ginger, mix everything. Let it cook for another hour.
  5. During cooking, do not forget to remove the foam.
  6. When everything has cooled down, add the nuts, stir and roll into jars. .

Prunes make it even tastier. In addition, you don’t have to remove the seeds - I like it this way too.

Apple and plum jam

The jam turns out amazing, without a cloying taste, with a subtle aroma of cinnamon, so it’s sure to please both those with a sweet tooth and those who don’t have a sweet tooth.

The following components are needed:

  • water – 100 ml
  • apples – 1 kg
  • plums – 500 g
  • granulated sugar – 1.2 kg
  • ground cinnamon – 10 g.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the skin, cut into two parts, and separate the core. Cut into cubes.
  2. Wash the plums, remove the pit and cut into cubes.
  3. Mix the fruits, add water, add sugar and cinnamon.
  4. Place on the stove and wait until it boils. Cool, wait 6 hours, and then return to the stove. Boil for 5 minutes, remove for 6 hours and cook again for 5 minutes.
  5. Place the resulting delicacy in sterilized jars and roll up.

Plum jam with orange

This jam has a specific sweet and sour taste and a bright citrus aroma. will become great dessert, and pies with such filling turn out simply delicious!


  • plums – 1 kg;
  • raisins – 250 g;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • lemon – ½ part;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.


  1. Wash the plums, cut into 2 parts, remove the pits.
  2. Pour over raisins warm water to swell.
  3. Rinse the lemon and orange and cut into quarters.
  4. Place all the fruits in a container, add sugar and raisins. Mix everything.
  5. Place the pan on the fire, cook for 1.5 hours, stirring constantly.
  6. Place the resulting dessert in prepared jars and roll up.

Yellow plum jam

Yellow varieties of plums give the jam a bright color, and orange will add an original flavor.

What you will need:

  • yellow plums – 1.5 kg
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.


  1. Wash and dry ripe plums. Remove the seeds.
  2. Wash the orange and scald with boiling water. Cut into large cubes along with the peel, removing the seeds. Pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Mix plum halves with orange puree in an enamel container. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and leave for 30 minutes. This time is enough for the fruit to release juice.
  4. Place the pan on the stove, turning on medium heat. Wait for the jam to boil, turn the heat down, and cook for a few minutes until tender. During cooking, stir and skim off the foam.
  5. Place in sterile jars and order.


Plum thick jam ideal for baking pies. In addition, it can be used as baby food or dietary product, since it contains a minimal amount of sugar.

Required Products:

  • ripe soft plums- 1 kg;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • water (if necessary) – 100 g;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife.


  1. Wash the fruits, remove the seeds. Grind through a meat grinder.
  2. Place the puree in a container, add water, and add sugar.
  3. Stir everything and place on the stove. Wait until the jam boils, keep it on the fire for 15 minutes, stirring all the time and skimming off the foam.
  4. Finally add acid.
  5. Place jam in jars and roll up.

Jam with butter

For getting delicious jam You must use ripe plums and natural fatty butter. Wash the plums, divide them in half, remove the pits.

Then we proceed like this:

  1. Place the fruit in a saucepan, cover with a lid, and set over low heat.
  2. Stir the jam with a wooden spatula. When the juice forms, remove the lid and cook the delicacy for another 40 minutes.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid, and leave for 5 hours.
  4. Repeat the boiling cycle with stirring several times. IN last time add sugar at the rate of 0.5 kg per 1 kg of fruit.
  5. You can check the readiness of the jam like this: place a drop of dessert on a saucer. If it does not spread and easily moves away from the container, then the jam is ready.
  6. Rearrange sweet dessert into jars, pour melted butter on top (layer - up to 1 cm). This will prevent the jam from molding. Roll up the jars with tin lids.

Plum jam - recipe for a slow cooker

If you have a device such as a multicooker at your disposal, you can prepare delicious plum jam with a minimum of effort and time.

Required Products:

  • plums – 1 kg
  • water - 50-70 ml
  • sugar – 0.5 kg.


  1. Wash the fruit, divide into two parts, remove the seeds. Weigh the finished plums so that you have the required amount.
  2. Fill the multicooker with plums and sugar, mix everything, pour in water.
  3. Wait 15 minutes for the plums to release their juice.
  4. Cover the device with a lid and set the “quenching” mode for 40 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, remove the resulting jam. Place it in sterilized jars and order.

Tip: To give the treat an amazing aroma, you need to add spices such as cinnamon or vanilla.

Some subtleties and secrets

In order for plum jam to always be successful, you need to know some features of its preparation and storage:

  • Keep plum preparations not difficult. Once the jars have been rolled up, they need to be placed upside down and left to cool. There is no need to cover it with anything. When the jam has cooled, take it to the basement or pantry (any dark place where it is not hot).
  • Sometimes it happens that already at sunset the plum jam begins to ferment. Don't get upset and run to throw away the treat. It is necessary to open the jars, pour their contents into a container, add granulated sugar (50-100 g per 1 kg of jam). Place on the stove to let the dessert simmer for 5-10 minutes. Be sure to skim off any foam during cooking.
  • If, when cooking plum jam, it turns out to be too liquid, you can strain the delicacy. The syrup should be cooked separately and pour over the fruit. required quantity. The remaining syrup will make a very delicious compote or impregnation for biscuit.
  • You can simply simmer for a long time over low heat to evaporate as much moisture as possible, but just be careful not to burn.
  • For thickness, you can add pectin. Thanks to this ingredient regular jam the consistency will become like jam or jelly.
  • Addition breadcrumbs- It is advisable to use it for desolation before consuming jam. The resulting delicacy is perfect for filling pies. Rusks can be replaced with flour or starch, but then you need to add them during cooking and do not overdo it - after cooling, the thickness will increase.
  • To get a transparent delicacy for the winter, use only white varieties of plums. In this case, the fruit should not be completely ripe.

Finally, I offer a video recipe for delicious plum jam:

The most popular preparation made from plums is seedless plum jam. It turns out very tasty, and winter period will definitely remind you of the taste of summer, just like . like this winter preparation can be used as an additive to porridges, as a filling for pies and puff pastries. This delicacy will be a great treat for friends.

You need to carefully select the right fruits to amazing jam. Each variety of plum requires a special approach. Therefore, there are many recipes for preparing this preparation.

Today we will look at 5 simple recipes making jam from pitted plums for the winter. I also recommend great recipes.

Five-minute pitted plum jam - Step-by-step recipe


  • Plum – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water – 0.5 cups.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the plum under running water.

2. Clean it from seeds. Cut in half and remove the bones.

3. Pour it into large saucepan, cover it with granulated sugar for about 4 hours.

4. After that, we add water to it and mix everything well.

5. Place on the stove over high heat and bring to a light boil. Then reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes.

6. Remove any foam that appears.

7. Turn off the heat and leave until cool. Then we do the same action 2 times.

8. At this time, we sterilize the jars. We wash them with soda and pour 50 ml into them. water, set the mode to 700-800 W. Processing continues until the water boils out of the jars, approximately 5 minutes. Carefully remove the container and turn it over onto a clean towel to dry. Wash the lids and let them boil for 10 minutes.

9. Then pour the hot sweet preparation into jars and screw them on. Cover with a warm blanket until completely cool.

10. Then we put it away in a storage place. Bon appetit.

A simple recipe for plum jam in a slow cooker


  • Plum – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.
  • Water – 1/3 cup.

Cooking method:

1.Pre-rinse the plum under running water.

2. Remove the seeds from it and cut into slices.

3. Pour 1/3 cup of water into the multicooker bowl.

4. Add plum to water.

5. Then add granulated sugar, do not mix the ingredients. Close the multicooker lid and set the “Jam” mode for 1 hour.

6. After the jam boils, open the lid. This is in about 10 minutes. Mix the whole mass so that the sugar does not burn and settle to the bottom. This action must be done for a whole hour.

7. Sterilize the jars in the oven. We wash them with a cleaning agent, dry them well with a kitchen towel, if you have dried them well, place them bottom up, if they are still wet, place them bottom down. Turn it on to 100 degrees and every 7 minutes increase the temperature by 10 degrees, increase until we reach 150 ° C. Then carefully remove the jars and place them on kitchen towel dry. We sterilize the lids in boiling water.

8. After cooking, pour the jam into dry jars, roll it up and leave it on the table until it cools.

9. Then we put it away for storage or serve it for dessert - for testing.

Enjoy your tea.

Plum and apricot jam without seeds


  • Plums – 1 kg.
  • Apricots – 1 kg.
  • Granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

1. We carefully select the fruits, choose dense fruits.

2. Wash them well under running water and cut them in half, remove the seeds.

3. We do the same steps with apricots as with plums.

4. After which you can cut the plums and apricots into slices (or you can leave them cut in half).

5. Place the fruits in an enamel bowl and sprinkle granulated sugar on top. Leave the ingredients for 3-5 hours so that they produce juice.

6. Place a bowl of infused fruit on the stove over medium heat, bring it to a boil, and reduce the heat to low. During cooking, foam will appear, remove it.

7. Remove the pan from the stove and let the jam cool completely.

8. After cooling, put the jam on the stove again and wait for it to boil. We repeat a similar action 2 times.

9. We sterilize the jars in advance and put the finished treat into them, roll up the lids.

10. When it cools down, put it away for storage. Preferably in a cool place.

Delicious plum jam with orange


  • Oranges - 1 pc.
  • Plums (large) - 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

1. First, let’s sort out the plum, rinse it under running water, and dry it with napkins. We remove the seeds using a handle, rinse the handle thoroughly, pierce the fruit from the side where the stalk was attached, a little effort and the seed pops out on its own.

2. Whether to remove the skin or not is up to you to decide.

3. Then carefully remove the zest from the orange.

4. Remove more white partitions, they will add bitterness to the jam.

5. Place the processed plum into a deep saucepan and add grated orange zest and pulp.

6. Fill the ingredients with granulated sugar and leave for an hour so that the plum releases juice.

7. Turn on the stove to medium heat and place the pan on the stove. Cook until boiling, then reduce to slow fire. Cook for 15 minutes and stir occasionally, skim off any foam that appears. Remove the jam from the heat and leave until completely cool.

8. After it has cooled, put it on the fire again, wait for it to boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes, skimming off any foam that appears.

9. At this time, we sterilize the jars in any way.

10. After the time has passed, the sweet delicacy is ready, pour it into jars, close the lids, let it cool and remove.

Bon appetit.

How to make thick plum jam with gelatin

Jam with gelatin will allow us to get a thick final product in a short time. With this recipe, we won't need to boil it several times. The main thing is not to overdo it with gelatin, otherwise we may end up with jelly.


  • Plums – 1 kg.
  • Gelatin – 30 gr.
  • Granulated sugar – 2 cups

Cooking method:

1. To prepare jam, take dense fruits, wash them, cut them in half, remove the seeds from each fruit and cut into slices.

2. Let's take a big one enamel pan, put the fruits into it.

3. Mix granulated sugar with instant gelatin and add plums.

4. Leave the mixture in this form for a couple of hours, ideally overnight, during which time the juice from the fruit will be released.

5. After time has passed, put the pan on the stove over medium heat. We bring the ingredients to a boil, we will not cook them, it is enough for us that they boil.

6. Pre-sterilize jars and lids.

7. Pour the finished jam into jars and seal.

8. Then turn it upside down and cover with a warm blanket until it cools completely and put it in a storage place. It is advisable to put it in cool places.

Video recipe for plum jam with walnuts

Enjoy your meal.