Seedless yellow plum jelly recipe. A simple recipe for making pitted plum jelly for the winter

Fruits and berries


Plum jelly for the winter today we will cook one of the most correct and traditional recipes, while we will use a minimum of sugar so that the preservation is not cloying and preserves the natural fruity taste even after a long process of infusion in jars. Do you know why all the sweet winter preserves use so much sugar? This is because refined sugar is an ideal natural preservative, and for jelly it is also an excellent thickener. But the thing is, it's too a large number of sugar, which is most often used in such recipes, simply kills all the natural taste of the main ingredient. You can fight this with the help of pectin, which can be bought at any store today. It will not only keep the jelly on long term, but also make it perfect in terms of texture and shape.

In the preparation of any jelly, as well as various jams and jams have several important secrets. So, for example, practice has shown that it is best to place plums in cold water the day before cooking jelly and send them to soak in the refrigerator.: so as a result, the fruits will be nourished and become even more juicy, and the jelly itself will be much easier to cook. Also the amount of sugar plays a very important role in the preparation of sweet preserves, as mentioned earlier, it is better to use a minimum of refined sugar. Many still believe that the presence of lemon is mandatory in jams or jams, but this is absolutely not the case. Moreover, the lemon has a very bright taste, so it can easily overshadow the taste of the plums themselves. step by step photo the recipe that we presented just below will describe in detail and clearly the process of creating plum jelly for the winter at home. Thanks to such conservation in the cold season, you will not have a lack of vitamins. Let's start cooking plum jelly for the winter.



    Here is another important secret for you, which was not mentioned in the description of the recipe. It is very important for cooking not only jelly, but also other fruit preparations, to choose only the ripest plums, literally on the verge. If you are picking plums, then pick from the branches only those fruits that look like balls filled with water, and even better those that have already fallen to the ground. Of course, only if other garden lovers of plums have not yet encroached on these fruits. When buying, also pay attention to the aroma and density of the fruit.

    All collected plums are thoroughly washed in cold water, and then let them dry completely. After that, the process of removing the bones begins. Unlike apricots, it is sometimes very difficult for plums to part with their drupes, so we will cut them out. First thing sharp knife cut off the side parts from the fruit as shown in the photo.

    After that, it is enough just to cut the bone with a square on all sides. Nothing if the pulp remains on the drupe, because its amount is insignificant.

    It may seem that such pitting is wasteful, however appearance jelly is just as important as its taste, so it's worth sacrificing that tiny amount of pulp.

    As a result, from the entire initial weight of the plums, you will have a little less than two kilograms. The process of pitting in plums is one of the longest and most laborious, then everything will be easier.

    We shift the slices of plums into a voluminous basin or any other suitable enamel bowl, and pour all the prepared granulated sugar and a tablespoon of pectin into the same place. Thoroughly mix the ingredients with your hands, which would be better to wash well in advance. Why should you do it by hand? It's simple, with your hands you will better feel whether the refined sugar is evenly distributed between slices of plums. We cover the basin with the workpiece tightly cling film and put it in the fridge overnight.

    The next day, the plum will release the amount of juice we need and we will use it in the further preparation of jelly.

    The next subtlety of cooking jelly. Place a few iron tablespoons in the freezer ahead of time and let them freeze completely: this will make it easier for us to determine the readiness of the jelly in the future.

    It is also important to choose a very wide pan for cooking jelly: so the height of the workpiece inside the saucepan will be small and it will cook faster. We shift the contents of the basin into the selected pan, send it to the stove, pour about four teaspoons cold water, stir and bring the mixture to a boil. Constantly stir the ingredients in a saucepan. and as soon as the plums have become soft enough, grind them in any way convenient for you, bringing the fruit mass to a state of homogeneous puree.

    Received fruit puree return to the saucepan and continue to cook plum jelly over medium heat.

    Cook the plum mass for the next 20-30 minutes until cooked, mix it periodically and remove dense foam from the surface, otherwise the jelly will not turn out smooth and transparent.

    Now it's time to determine the readiness of our jelly, for this we will use the spoons we previously frozen. After the above 20-30 minutes have elapsed, carefully pour a little sweet mass from the saucepan into the spoon, then send the spoon back to the freezer for 5 minutes: if after that the mass will cling and reach for the tip of another frozen spoon, then the jelly is ready.

    small glass jars, selected for storage of conservation, thoroughly washed with soda, then rinsed and sterilized in a dry way.

    Now you need to fill the prepared jars with the plum mass that has not yet cooled down to the very top. It is most convenient to do this with a ladle.

    Gently wipe the neck of the jar with a clean paper towel so that there are no drops of sweet fruit mass left on it.

    Tightly and tightly twist jars of plum jelly with the same sterilized lids. It is more convenient to use lids with a twist, especially if you don’t eat the entire jar of jelly at a time.

    Preservation also needs to be sterilized already closed, putting the jars in a pot of water and bringing the latter to a boil. Do not forget to cover the bottom of the pan with a towel, otherwise the glass may burst.

    After sterilization, the jar must be cooled, wiped dry with a towel and stored in a cold place. Such blanks will stand for a sufficiently long period of time, especially if you carefully followed all the instructions.

    Plum jelly according to the most delicious recipe for the winter is ready.

    Bon appetit!

How to make plum jelly? It is very, very simple - the main thing is to cook jelly from plums according to the recipe, and do not deviate from it in anything.
The output product is very fragrant and tasty, and its consistency resembles thick jam. So meet delicious recipe plum jelly!


  • Plums - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Citric acid - half a teaspoon;
  • Water - half a glass.
  • Recipe

    1. Wash the plum and remove the seeds.

    2. Prepare a metal basin in which you will cook plum jelly for the winter. Put the plum into it, fill it with water, put it on the fire and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat after boiling.

    3. Pour sugar into the drain gradually glass by glass.

    4. Cook plum jelly for 45 minutes until it thickens and becomes viscous and transparent. Add citric acid, boil for 1-2 minutes.

    5. Pour the jelly from the plums into sterilized jars, close them and put them in a dark, cool place. In winter, there is simply no price for such jelly in combination with a fresh loaf and hot tea!

    Bon appetit!

    Plum jelly - very original and refined homemade perfect for dessert. This delicacy has a unique taste. It can safely compete with jam. This treat is simply indispensable for a light breakfast.

    Plum jelly, like any other dish, can be prepared different ways. Let's look at a few of them.

    Plum jelly. Recipe with pectin

    For the harvesting option, you can choose a plum, focusing on your taste. You can use varieties of blue or yellow honey plum. The amount of sugar can be changed depending on the sweetness of the fruit.

    To make plum jelly you will need:

    • sugar, plum - 1 kg;
    • lemon juice - 100 ml;
    • pectin - 200 g.


    1. Naturally, any fruit must first be washed and dried a little. In addition, do not forget that some fruits can be spoiled or damaged, so the plum must be carefully sorted out.
    2. The bones, of course, must be removed, and then, based on the size of the fruit, cut the plum into 2-4 parts.
    3. Put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruit to boil. V this case you can not use it, but you need to remember that it slightly sets off the sweetness of the fruit.
    4. After waiting for the fruits to boil, lower the fire and cook the jelly from the plums for about another ten to fifteen minutes.
    5. Pour the pectin, mix everything thoroughly. Then add sugar. Boil the resulting mass for one minute, stirring continuously so that the sugar dissolves as quickly as possible.
    6. Foam forms on the jelly, which, of course, must be removed. Then the mass must be mixed well again.
    7. The jars in which the jelly will be stored, of course, need to be washed and sterilized. To do this, they need to be lowered into boiling water, and then turn off the gas and leave the jars for another 5 minutes. After that, you can get them, dry them and leave to cool.
    8. Immediately pour the hot mass into jars. That's all, plum jelly for the winter is ready! Remember: such a delicacy can be eaten immediately after cooling.

    Another preparation option

    Do you only have yellow plum at home? Jelly can also be made from this fruit without any problems. How exactly? We will tell now.


    Plum - one kilogram;
    . sugar - 600 g (can be replaced with one liter of plum juice);
    . sugar - 500 g.

    Step-by-step recipe for preparing the workpiece:

    1. Add water to the prepared fruits (per 1 kg of plums 150-200 ml of liquid) and, stirring, cook the resulting mass over moderate heat until the fruits soften.
    2. Then it must be rubbed through a sieve.
    3. Next, you need to add sugar and cook until tender, but no more than twenty minutes. In this case, the mass of jelly will decrease by about one third.
    Depending on preferences, you can also use it. To do this, strain it, then boil it, while not forgetting to remove the foam. After adding sugar, cook it over high heat, bringing it to readiness.
    4. Having spread the hot jelly into jars for storage and hermetically closing them, we send them to a cool room for further storage.

    with gelatin

    Now we will tell you how to prepare plum jelly with gelatin.

    We will need:

    500 g plums;
    . 5 sheets of gelatin;
    . 2 cinnamon sticks;
    . sugar (50 grams will be enough);
    . water (200 ml);
    . 175 ml Riesling;
    . 2 cloves.

    Cooking jelly at home:

    1. Cut the plums and take out the seeds.
    2. Grind the pulp of the fruit and put it in enamel pan.
    3. Fill the plum with water, and then add cloves, sugar and cinnamon, cook for 10 minutes until tender, or until the fruit disintegrates.
    4. From the prepared mass, you need to get about 5 glasses of juice, for this you need to strain it through many layers of gauze.
    5. We dilute the Riesling with water, while we calculate so that approximately 500 ml of liquid comes out.
    6. Pour this mixture into the jam and mix everything very well.
    7. We take a little base for jelly and fill it with gelatin. Leave it to swell for 10 minutes, and then dissolve in a water bath.
    8. Mix gelatin and juice.
    9. We send the finished plum jelly to jars.
    Spices, of course, do not need to be added at all, but they are necessary if you want to achieve a unique flavor.

    Jelly with apples


    750 g plums;
    . apples (one kilogram);
    . 0.5 tsp butter;
    . 7.5 cups of sugar;
    . 60 g pectin;
    . 3 art. water.

    Cooking at home:

    1. Peel apples. Then we remove the core.
    2. We take out the seeds from the plum, mix it together with apples and fill it with water.
    3. We boil everything, and then, having lowered the fire, close the pan with a lid and cook the fruit for another ten minutes. In this case, apples and plums must be kneaded.
    4. Next, we need gauze folded in 3 layers. We filter the fruit mass through it. Five glasses of juice should come out. If there is not enough liquid, you can add a little water.
    5. Put the juice on the fire and add sugar, pectin and oil.
    6. Reduce the heat to medium power and boil the juice for about a minute.
    7. Pour the finished jelly into sterilized jars.

    Plum jam jelly


    Six and a half glasses of sugar;
    . 50 g pectin;
    . one and a half glasses of water;
    . plums (two and a half kilograms);
    . ½ tsp butter.

    Note that such plum jelly can be closed for the winter.

    Cooking delicious homemade treats:

    1. We prepare banks. Wash them thoroughly, dry and sterilize. Lids also need to be sterilized.
    2. Remove the seeds from the plums and pass the pulp through a meat grinder.
    3. The resulting puree is transferred to an enameled pan, poured with water and boiled, then, after reducing the heat, cook the puree for another 10 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly.
    4. In another pan, through three layers of gauze, filter the resulting mass. You should have about 5 cups of liquid. If it is not enough, you can add a little water.
    5. Add butter. The jelly should boil.
    6. Then add sugar and after a minute remove the pan from the stove.
    Bon appetit!

    A small conclusion

    Plum jelly is a very tasty treat that can be prepared in many different ways. We have considered many options for creating such a delicacy. We hope that you will be able to make plum jelly at home. Good luck!

    Plums are an excellent base for making delicious sweet and sour jelly. This delicacy does not require large expenses, since the simplest ingredients available to everyone are used for its preparation and will not take much free time.

    Recipe #1

    In order to get plum jelly, first of all, you need to prepare the plums themselves (2 kg), for which you should pick them in your garden or buy them on the market. Wash the fruits, peel and cut into small pieces.

    Place a container of water on the stove and bring to a boil. Pour granulated sugar (1.2 kg-1.5 kg, depending on individual sweet tooth) into the boiling liquid and boil for 3-5 minutes. Strain and set aside the plum pieces.

    Gelatin must be dissolved in strained juice. This can be done by dissolving it in cold boiled water and leave for 30 minutes. In this case, it is very important to observe proportions. So, if you take 20 g of gelatin per 1 liter of water, you get the so-called "trembling jelly", and if you dilute 40-60 g of this substance in 1 liter - "dense jelly", easily cut with a knife.

    After half an hour, dissolve the swollen gelatin in a water bath. At the same time, it must be constantly stirred until completely dissolved, but in no case should it be brought to a boil, otherwise it will not thicken.

    Add plum pieces and let cool room temperature. It is not permissible to cool the plum-gelatin mass in freezer, since gelatin in this case crystallizes. After complete cooling, for a better distribution of pieces of plums, stir the jelly with a spoon, pour into molds and refrigerate. In order to enjoy delicious plum jelly, you need to get the mold out of the refrigerator and place it in the fridge for a minute. warm water and then simply invert onto a plate, shaking a little.

    Recipe number 2

    Clean plums (2 kg) cut into two halves, removing the seeds. Fold the slices into an enameled container in layers, while sprinkling each layer with instant gelatin (30 g) and sugar (1.3 kg) and leave overnight. In the morning, when the plums release their juice abundantly, put the future jelly on the stove and boil. Pack the frozen treat in a sterile container. A delicious sweet and sour delicacy is ready, it will be a wonderful addition to a cup of hot tea. Bon appetit!

    Step-by-step instructions for several options delicious jelly from a juicy plum for the winter - every family will need this set of knowledge. The recipe does not require much time and effort to prepare it. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, and in winter there will always be a jar of beautiful and fragrant thick jam on the table.

    This product has its own subtleties in cooking:

    • The jelly may start to sugar. To avoid this, just drop a few drops of lemon juice into each jar with the product.
    • Sour plum varieties will require the addition of 300 g of granulated sugar more than normal.
    • Refined is not recommended. A plum mixed with such an ingredient will be able to give juice in required quantities only after 10 hours.
    • You can determine the readiness of jelly in a simple way. Put a spoonful of jam on a chilled plate. If the slide does not spread over the plate, you can start laying out thick jam by banks.
    • Rolled up jars must be turned over, put on the floor and wrapped in a blanket until the product cools down.

    Important! High-quality plum jelly can be used to make pies and rolls, eat "bite" with pancakes and pancakes.

    Selection and preparation of plums

    The plum should be ripe and juicy. It is better to use sweet varieties of fruits, for example, Honey. In such jelly, you will need to add a minimum of sugar.

    For processing and using berries in cooking jam you will need to remove the seeds and skin of the fruit. To do this, the fruits are poured into a saucepan, dipped in boiling water for 5-10 seconds. Then the berries are lowered into chilled water. After such heat treatment the skin and bones will easily separate from the pulp.

    The peeled fruits are washed under running water and cut each half into 2 parts. The plum is ready to make jam, it remains to choose one of the options for its preparation.

    Plum jelly recipes at home

    Let's analyze in detail several ways to cook healthy and delicious product for the whole winter.

    Easy winter recipe

    Even a teenager can prepare such a composition on his own. You will need to prepare:

    • yellow honey plum;
    • granulated sugar - 500 g;
    • plum juice - 1 liter or you will need to add another 600 g of sugar.

    Work is performed in the following order:

    • prepared plum is poured with water at the rate of 200 ml per 1 kg of fruit;
    • put the pan on the stove and boil the fruit over low heat, stirring constantly;
    • the berry softened and began to divide into fibers, rub the mass through a sieve;
    • a full portion of sugar is poured into the resulting puree and boiled for at least 20-30 minutes, bringing the mass to normal density;
    • when the total mass drops by a third, plum juice or sugar is added.
    • bring to a boil and spread finished product on prepared jars and hermetically close them.


    This recipe is prepared according to a certain scheme:

    • the finished plum is passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a fine sieve, water is added and boiled over medium heat for 20-30 minutes;
    • lay out the resulting slurry liter cans into a container and add 1 kg of granulated sugar to each;
    • put the pan on the stove and over medium heat, stirring constantly, bring the mass to a boil;
    • over low heat, stirring, bring the marmalade to the required density and lay out in jars.

    Hermetically sealed glass containers are placed under a blanket.

    with gelatin

    For cooking you will need:

    • plum - 500 g;
    • sheets of gelatin prepared in advance - 5 pcs. cinnamon - 2 sticks;
    • granulated sugar - 50-60 g;
    • purified water - 1 glass;
    • carnation - a few buds;
    • dry wine - 150-175 ml.

    The job is simple:

    1. Grind the chopped plum with a knife or in a meat grinder and put the gruel in a saucepan.
    2. Pour water, add spices and sugar and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
    3. Filter the mass through gauze and add wine diluted with water to the juice for every 500 ml of jelly.
    4. A little mass is taken, laid out in a separate bowl and gelatin is added. After the sheets swell, put the saucepan on water bath and bring the mixture to complete dissolution of gelatin.
    5. Gelatin is added to the juice and the finished product is distributed among the jars.

    Advice! Wine and spices can be omitted, but with them the jelly becomes with an exquisite taste.

    With pectin

    This recipe allows you to reduce the amount of sugar and bring the density to the state of marmalade. Cooking:

    • prepared plum - 500 g;
    • sugar - 100 g;
    • pectin - 25 g.

    Cooking process:

    1. The plum is passed through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender.
    2. A little water is added to the prepared puree and simmered for 5-7 minutes.
    3. Strain the juice through a sieve and add sugar and pectin to it.
    4. Stir the mixture and put on fire. Cook, stirring constantly, 5 minutes.
    5. Pour into jars and seal tightly with lids.

    with currant

    Guests will love this dessert. Bright color and nice interesting taste- for these reasons, it is recommended to cook jelly according to this recipe. You will need:

    • plum and currant - 500 g of each berry;
    • purified water - 400-600 ml;
    • pectin - 250 g;
    • peppermint - 3-5 leaves to taste;
    • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

    • currant berries are separated from the twigs, washed under running water;
    • add currants and plums to the pan;
    • pour sugar into the pan, mix thoroughly;
    • the berry let the juice go, put the pan on low heat and cook for 15-20 minutes;
    • remove the mixture from the heat and leave to cool completely;
    • put the chilled jam on slow fire, stirring, cook for another 10-15 minutes;
    • remove the pan from the fire;
    • finely chopped mint leaves;
    • mint and pectin are added to the slightly cooled mass, brought to a boil and boiled over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

    hotter thick jelly put into jars and sealed tightly.


    To preserve plum jelly, no special conditions are required. It can be lowered into the cellar or basement, or put on a shelf in the pantry. Main condition long-term storage- lack of sunlight. Such products housewife it lasts for a long time, but it is better to eat it within 18 months.


    By preparing a delicious, thick plum jelly for the winter, you can provide your family with a healthy, fortified product. Jelly or homemade marmalade can be added while cooking various pies, cakes and rolls. Children will be happy to dip pancakes and pancakes into a fragrant, thick mass with a pleasant taste.