We bake delicious pies. Cooking various types of delicious pies with your own hands at home according to simple recipes with step by step photos.

pies- this is a kind of baking, which can be made from any type of dough and start with the most various fillings. They may or may not be sweet. However, in this case Let's talk about sweet pies.

Pies of all shapes and sizes are made at home. The variety in this case is limited only by the imagination of the culinary specialist. Can be pies closed, semi-closed and open. As for the first variety, any non-liquid dough is suitable for its preparation. Half-closed pies visually resemble open pies, only their upper part is made in the form of a lattice of dough strips. V open pies top part- this is the filling itself.

The basis of such baking, as a rule, is yeast (dough and non-dough), yeast-free, lean, rich, puff, shortbread dough. Rarely use liquid biscuit dough. Its application classifies the cake into the category of bulk baking. This means that the filling is placed in a pre-prepared form and simply filled with dough. By the way, such pies are obtained, as they say, on hastily.

Another type of pies that can be cooked in haste at home are bulk pies. To create them, the preparation of the dough is not required at all. The base still remains flour, but they only add it in a dry (loose) form.

By type, pies can also be listed depending on belonging to any national cuisine peace.

A lot of simple and delicious step by step photo recipes for cooking various pies can be found in this section of the site.

Secrets of cooking at home

Recipes for making sweet pies at home are quite diverse. In each case, there are secrets of creating a truly fragrant and delicious pastries. However, one can distinguish general tips to help you bake pies.

If you need to prepare a yeast dough to make a pie, then you need to consider the following tricks:

  1. Eggs make the dough heavier, and therefore they should not be added in the case when baking should be tender and airy.
  2. Any vegetable oil will also make the dough airy, and butter will give a very delicate delicate taste.
  3. The amount of sugar used to make yeast dough should be exactly as indicated in the recipe. An excess, as well as a lack of this component, will prevent the yeast from working properly.
  4. All products for kneading dough must be brought to room temperature.
  5. Wheat flour is usually sifted before kneading. This will save it from extraneous inclusions and help make the dough more airy.
  6. Mix ingredients properly yeast pie- this is a whole science! First, dry components are mixed, and only then pre-whipped liquid components are introduced into them.
  7. You need to work with yeast dough in a warm room with the exception of the possibility of drafts (the dough will be better suited in the heat, but because of the drafts it can fall).
  8. When baking cakes from yeast dough, excessively high temperatures should be avoided. One hundred and eighty degrees will be enough. In addition, you must not open the oven door during baking, otherwise the pastry will settle.
  9. Before sending the cake to bake in the oven, it must be allowed to rise. This will take 10 to 20 minutes.

There is a little trick in cooking sponge cake. Baking will turn out tastier if milk is replaced with orange juice in the recipe.

Some types of fillings in cooking recipes also have some secrets:

  • if the raisins are rolled in flour before adding to the pie, then they will be evenly distributed in the dough;
  • so that the filling of fresh berries or jam does not boil when baking, you need to add a little starch to them or wheat flour respectively;
  • as a filling, they will turn out much tastier if they are pre-fried in a pan or baked in the oven (a microwave is also suitable for this purpose);
  • the curd filling will turn out to be especially tender if the curd is first rubbed through a sieve.

In the case when the recipe for making a pie suggests flavoring it with vanilla sugar or citric acid know that these components are best pre-diluted in a small amount water . This will distribute the flavor evenly throughout the dough.

You can give the cake an appetizing nutty flavor if you sprinkle a little ground hazelnuts on the bottom of the baking dish.

appetizing golden brown on a pie, you can create it by brushing its top with whipped yolk.

Do not rush to pull out the finished hot cake from the mold. In this state, it is easily deformed. It is better to wait until the cake has cooled down.

Of course, the secrets of making pies with your own hands at home do not end there, but you can learn more about them in the corresponding recipes on our website.

In custody…

To make the pies really tasty, airy and tender, you must always remember one rule: you can start cooking only in a good mood. Then things will go well and no difficulties will arise!

Help you with cooking various kinds our sweet pies step by step recipes with photo. They will not only describe the cooking process in detail, but also illustrate it through a photo for each stage.

Chepalgash is an incredibly tasty and satisfying cottage cheese cake, once you try it, you will not be able to forget about it. In this recipe, we will not only talk about how this dish of Chechen cuisine is traditionally prepared, but also share some tricks and secrets. After all, it is not enough just to knead the dough and add cottage cheese to it, the true taste of chepalgash is revealed in details and it is simply vital to know about them.

2582 0 60 min. 10 people

If you seriously understand, then this pie is not at all considered charlotte, in its classic form. Such a pie has been known since Soviet times, for its simple and quick cooking. Often, hostesses cook it when there are a lot of apples left, or for guests who have suddenly appeared. Charlotte of this kind will become simply an indispensable trump card in the sleeve of any hostess, especially if you know a few secrets of its preparation.

1553 1 60 min. 8 people

Very easy to prepare and light pie which will surprise you with its delicate taste. Let the presence of semolina in the composition of the pie not scare you, since it does not make it worse at all. The recipe is quite interesting and unusual, worth a try. Surprise your family members unusual cake own cooking, and our instructions with step by step photos will help you with this.

722 0 60 min. 6 people

Pies with pieces of fruit or with fruit filling conquer sweet lovers with their unique taste. Whether it's cherries, apples or plums, it doesn't matter, the result always exceeds expectations. In our recipe, we'll show you how to make a plum pie that you and your family can't put down. In addition, the recipe has step-by-step photos that will help facilitate the cooking process.

741 0 60 min. 8 people

Tarte Tatin is excellent french dessert. The preparation of this pie is slightly different from the usual ones, because tarte Tatin is an upside-down pie, and its appearance confirms this. It does not require any unusual ingredients to prepare it, and time too. Plum tatin can be served at any celebration or simply during a conversation with close friends. It has a very sweet taste, so not only adults but also kids will like it.

1544 0 50 min. 10 people

You can cook such a wonderful Austrian dessert with blueberries, strawberries, nuts, cream, apples. This recipe will consider the option with the addition of cherries. After all, it is this berry that gives the strudel a special delicate taste with sour notes. Cherry strudel would be a great ending family dinner and just tea parties with friends. It does not take much time to prepare it, so the pie will be the best treat during the arrival of sudden guests.

1567 0 60 min. 4 people

Absolutely any kind of baking with peaches tastes great. Peach pie will decorate the table at any time of the year. In the summer we get fresh fruits, and in other seasons, canned ones will come to the rescue. This type of pie would be a great addition. holiday table, a wonderful treat for children or just during a friendly tea party.

It makes no sense to ask if you like homemade pies. Many will answer in the affirmative. Men mostly like to eat them, but not to bake them. If your husband is a happy exception to the rule, then consider yourself very lucky.

As a rule, women are engaged in baking. It has been so for a long time when they got up with the first roosters. After all, it was necessary to provide for the family not only fresh bread but also delicious pies and piping hot. But these are pleasant chores, since we, loving our relatives, cook for them with pleasure.

Now you do not need to heat the stove and walk with a yoke on the water. And our assistants in baking pies were ovens and multicookers. It remains only to decide on the recipe. Choose what kind of dough your cake will be made of, as well as what will serve as a filling for it.

Pie dough can be used, yeast, and others. And the filling for pies is so diverse that you can bake them often and never repeat. It may various fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, as well as meat, fish and much more.

A meat pie will help feed your spouse hearty and tasty. Well, for a tea party with a friend, a refreshing lemon pie. With a cup of tonic green tea the very thing.

In America, the recipe of their favorite American is considered national pride. apple pie. We love to cook fragrant charlotte. This great recipe pie, especially since you can whip it up if guests come unexpectedly.

A national treasure and a kind of culinary brand have become Ossetian pies. His proper preparation It is considered the experience of the hostess and the presence of her culinary talent. Why not a challenge to aptitude?

Be sure to pamper your loved ones best pie own production. You can find a step-by-step recipe and photos of delicious pies with fillings for every taste below.

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