Chopped pie with jam. Grated pie - the best recipes for tea

Grated pie is very quickly and simply prepared from products that are almost always at hand. And he eats even faster. it great option, if you want something sweet and tasty, but there is no time and reluctance to mess around and bother for a long time.

Today I will talk about how to bake wonderful grated pies with jam in the oven and in the slow cooker. By the time pies are cooked approximately the same. The cake in the oven turns out more ruddy and crispy. In a slow cooker - soft, and when serving it is better to decorate it powdered sugar. So it will look more appetizing.

Grated pie with jam in a hurry

Kitchen appliances: deep bowl, mixer, cling film, rolling pin, grater, parchment paper, baking sheet, oven, wide dish for submission.


Cooking the dough

  1. Break 2 eggs into a deep bowl and beat with a mixer until a thick foam forms.
  2. In beaten eggs, add half a teaspoon of vanilla and 120 grams of sugar. Mix with a mixer.

  3. Add half a teaspoon of salt.

  4. Now turn off the soda. To do this, pour half a teaspoon of soda into a glass with three tablespoons of kefir, mix and add to the egg mixture.

  5. Put 200 grams of softened butter there. Cut it into small pieces, add to the bowl with the mixture and grind with a mixer until smooth.

  6. Then add 600 g of flour and knead the dough with a spoon.

  7. The dough should be of such a consistency that it does not stick to the sides of the bowl. If you don't have enough flour, add some more.

  8. Dust a clean table with flour and knead the dough with your hands.

  9. Divide the finished dough into two halves so that one is slightly larger than the other. Wrap the pieces of dough in cling film and send the larger part to the refrigerator, and the smaller one to freezer for one hour.

We collect and bake a grated shortcrust pastry pie with jam

  1. After an hour, preheat the oven to 170°C. Take out a larger piece of dough and roll it with a rolling pin into the shape of a baking sheet.

  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Roll the dough around the rolling pin and transfer it to the baking sheet. It's okay if it rips a little around the edges, touch it up with your fingers already on the baking sheet.

  3. Put 3 dessert spoons of jam on the rolled out dough and spread over the surface. You don’t need to put a lot of jam, a maximum of 4 tablespoons.

  4. Now take a smaller piece of dough out of the freezer and grate it on a coarse grater right over the pie. Spread the grated dough evenly over the cake.

  5. You should get a cake completely covered with grated crumbs.

  6. Place the cake in a preheated oven and bake for 35 minutes at 170-180°C.

  7. Rosy, fragrant pie take it out of the oven. Allow it to cool slightly, then cut into pieces and place on a serving platter. Enjoy.

On the hastily can also be cooked. And vegetarians and those who keep fasting will also not be left without baking and can make it very tasty and easy to prepare.

Video recipe for grated pie with jam in the oven

On this video good recipe grated pie with jam. Take a look so as not to miss all the nuances and details of preparation.

Grated pie with jam in a slow cooker

It will take time: 1 hour 40 minutes.
You get servings: 8.
Calories per 100 g: 360 kcal.
Kitchen appliances: mixer, deep bowl, cling film, baking paper, slow cooker, grater, steamer basket, wide serving dish.


Preparation of dough for a grated pie with jam in a slow cooker

Assembling and baking a pie in a slow cooker

  1. Line the bottom of the multicooker bowl with baking paper.

  2. Take out a larger ball of dough and knead it with your hands right in the bowl, about 4 cm thick with a small rim. Pressing with your fingers, make the thin edges of the side, while lifting the dough so that the height of the side is about 1.5 cm.

  3. Put the jam (preferably without liquid, only berries) and spread it along the bottom.

  4. Grate the second piece of dough on a coarse grater and spread it in parts on the cake so that it does not have time to melt and turn into a lump. Cover the entire pie with the dough crumbs.

  5. Close the lid and set the Multi-cook mode, 125 ° C for 1 hour. Instead of this mode, you can use the Baking mode.

  6. When an hour has passed, open the lid. Let the cake cool down right in the multicooker bowl. Turn off the heat and leave the cake for 20-30 minutes to cool.

  7. Remove the cake using the steamer basket. Place the basket on the bowl and turn it over. The cake will remain in the steamer basket. When cold, it is very easy to get it.

  8. Remove the baking paper and place the cake on a wide serving platter. You can put the kettle on and call everyone to the table.

Video recipe for grated pie with jam in a slow cooker

In this video, a good recipe for making a pie on a grater with jam in a slow cooker. If you watch it, it will be easier for you to understand how to cook a pie correctly.

  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator a few hours before cooking.
  • The jam that you will use for the filling is better to take non-liquid. It will leak out of the cake and burn. Take any thick jam, jam or use only berries (pieces of fruit).
  • If you want to use fresh or frozen berries as a filling, add a little starch to the filling so that they do not let the juice and spread.
  • To make the top grated layer of the pie more crispy, add some oatmeal to the dough.

How to serve the dish and with what

This cake is served for dessert with a cup of fragrant black or green tea. This delicious homemade cakes can also be offered with tea from fragrant herbs or ginger with fennel. In the morning it will be great to serve a piece fresh pie with a cup of coffee.

If you are thinking of having a snack, then compote or a glass of fruit (berry juice) or fruit drink is perfect for the pie. Lovers of sweet soda will like it with cola or lemonade.

cooking options

  • Grated jam pie dough is usually made with butter, but you can also make it with margarine. BUT lean version prepared with vegetable margarine and without the addition of eggs.
  • You can experiment endlessly with toppings. In addition to jam, jam and marmalade, they often put in the filling fresh berries and fruits. Most popular option: grated fresh apples with sugar. Also often put inside the pie chocolate chips or cottage cheese. Honey or sugar and fresh berries and fruits are added to the curd filling.
  • You can put vanilla essence, cinnamon and lemon zest in the dough for flavor.
  • The top of the pie, except for the crumbs, is sprinkled with chopped walnuts.

I hope you make wonderful pies with my recipes.. Write your additions to them and comments. The main condition for the preparation of any pie (except for the availability of food and desire) is a good mood and good mood. Cook with love!

grated pie with jam is made from shortcrust pastry(or at least similar to shortbread), which is grated on the top layer of the pie - hence the name (note that some recipes suggest grating the dough for the bottom layer - the base of the pie, but it seems to us that this is " extra labor costs). Such a cake is similar in quality to cookies, it is dry, and can be stored for several days.


  • Margarine - 200 grams (we prefer Creamy, you can generally replace margarine with butter)
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 1 cup (about 200 grams)
  • Salt - 1/3 of a teaspoon
  • Baking powder for dough - 10 grams (this is about 1 teaspoon), can be replaced with 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda
  • Jam or jam - 1.5-2 cups (the amount depends on how thin or thick the jam is)
  • Sour cream - 200 grams, can be replaced with mayonnaise, but the dough will be fatter (in general, it is the presence of sour cream or mayonnaise among the ingredients that distinguishes this dough from ordinary shortbread and makes it more tender; if desired, you can not put sour cream or mayonnaise at all, but then reduce the amount of flour for at least 0.5 cups or even a whole)
  • Wheat flour - 4.5-5 cups (about 750-800 grams)


Cut the margarine in a large bowl with a knife into small pieces, put the bowl on the stove on a low heat level and, stirring, melt the margarine to a liquid state.

Remove the bowl from the stove, add sugar, salt, baking powder or soda there and mix everything. In a glass, "shatter" the eggs, mixing the whites and yolks (it is convenient to do this with a fork), pour the eggs into the same bowl and mix again. Put sour cream or mayonnaise in the same bowl and mix again until smooth.

Now gradually (in a glass, and after 4 glasses - in half) add flour to the bowl, kneading the dough.

Stir the dough first with a spoon, and then knead with your hands until the dough comes off your hands and from the walls of the bowl and a soft lump forms.

From the resulting dough, we will trim about one third or a little more. From this third we make several (3-4) lumps of dough, lay them out on a plate, and put the plate in the refrigerator, and preferably in the freezer. We will then rub this part of the dough on a grater. The dough on margarine with the addition of sour cream or mayonnaise is very soft and quite fatty, if it is not cooled (it does not have time to freeze), it will be very difficult to grate. If suddenly you don’t have the opportunity to cool the dough, then, firstly, it’s better not to add sour cream or mayonnaise to the dough, and secondly, add another half a glass of flour or a little more to the part separated for rubbing and knead this part of the dough again.

We grease the baking sheet with margarine OR cover it, put the remaining most of our dough in the middle of the baking sheet and roll it out with a short rolling pin over the entire area of ​​​​the baking sheet. If you do not have a short rolling pin (and the sides of the baking sheet interfere with using a regular one), you can roll out the dough using a wooden “masher” for mashed potatoes or a clean empty cylindrical glass bottle.

By using table knife with a rounded tip, we make sides of the dough so that the jam does not flow out: with a knife we ​​shift the dough from the edge of the baking sheet to the middle, and on the other hand we support the dough with our finger in the opposite direction ( check out our video recipe!). ATTENTION! Don't forget to trim (with scissors, of course) any protruding edges of the baking paper if you're using it: the paper shouldn't touch the walls of the oven.

We evenly spread the jam (in our photo) or jam over the entire surface of the dough, up to the sides (remember: the dough sides are soft, try not to crumple them).

We take out the cooled dough from the refrigerator and rub it on a coarse grater, sprinkling jam on it. This can be done by holding a flat grater directly over the cake and moving it evenly over the surface of the cake.

We put the cake in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees (heating level above average, but not maximum) at medium height or higher. We bake for 8-10 minutes, after which we reduce the heating level to 160-170 degrees (this, if you don’t have a thermometer in the oven, the level is below average, but not the minimum) and bake for another 20-25 minutes. The readiness of the sand cake is determined by the color: the cake will brown to a yellowish-brown color.

Many are familiar with grated pie stuffed with jam. But the filling can be varied and replaced with apples, jam or cottage cheese.

Grated pie with lemon and apples

A simple recipe for a grated pie with apple and lemon filling that gives baked goods pleasant sourness. It will take 2 hours to cook. The calorie content of the pie is 2600 kcal. Makes 8 servings.


  • pack of oil;
  • four ;
  • 350 g flour;
  • lemon;
  • stack sour cream;
  • tsp loosened;
  • sugar - 1 stack.


  1. Sift flour with baking powder and add melted butter with sour cream, half a glass of sugar.
  2. Peel apples and lemons, grate. Pour a glass of sugar to the fruit and mix.
  3. Divide the dough into two unequal parts. Roll out a large piece and place on a baking sheet. Put the second part in the refrigerator.
  4. Put the filling on the dough and rub the rest of the dough evenly on top.
  5. Bake the cake for 40 minutes.

You can add some spices, such as cinnamon, to the filling for grated apple pie.

It takes about 50 minutes to cook a grated pie with jam. In total, 8 servings are obtained with a calorie content of 3500 kcal.

Required Ingredients:

  • pack of oil;
  • two eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • four stack. flour;
  • tsp loosened;
  • jam.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Soften the butter and beat with sugar using a mixer.
  2. Add eggs, continue beating.
  3. Pour the flour with baking powder in parts, knead the dough.
  4. Separate 1/3 of the dough from the whole dough and put it in the freezer.
  5. Spread the rest of the dough with your hands along the bottom of the baking sheet and pour the jam on top.
  6. Remove the rest of the dough from the cold and grate on the cake using a grater.
  7. Bake the cake for 25 minutes.

Serve hot pastries for tea.

Grated pie with cottage cheese

Delicious shortcrust pastry pie with tender curd filling. How to cook a grated pie with cottage cheese is described in detail in the recipe.

There comes a time when you need to prepare something quick for tea. Or you just want something sweet and quick. Going to the store is usually neither the strength nor the desire. There is only one thing left - to cook something with your own hands. A quick jam pie is the perfect way out in such a situation. There is always some kind of jam in the house. Flour - even more so. It remains to turn on the imagination and do creativity.

Any housewife knows: baking is not always an easy process. It is good because the bulk of the ingredients that should be involved in the work are always at hand. It remains only to decide what kind of cake will be prepared. Variations usually concern only the filling. The test is easier to decide. Having decided on the filling, rolling up your sleeves, it remains to begin the process.

sand cake with quick jam

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

Classic express - pie with apple jam. Cooking it is quick and easy even for novice housewives.


The jam in this recipe can be adequately substituted for any jam.

Grated pie with jam in a hurry

Grated pies of this kind are called because part of the prepared dough is frozen and grated on top of the pie, forming a beautiful patterned crust.

Calories per 100 g: 408.64 kcal


  1. Get a comfortable large bowl. Pour in sugar. Grind it with a whisk with chicken eggs until foam;
  2. Dissolve margarine over moderate heat. Add baking soda to it. To stir thoroughly. Enter the resulting mass into a bowl with chicken eggs;
  3. In the resulting mixture, add in a thin stream twice sifted wheat flour. Mix well. The result is shortbread dough;
  4. Take a sharp knife. Cut the dough directly in half;
  5. Flatten one part into a thin layer. Put the second part in the freezer;
  6. Line a baking dish (not round) with parchment paper. Place the dough on it so that it goes beyond the edges;
  7. Distribute the selected jam over the surface of the laid out dough;
  8. Remove the frozen half of the dough from the freezer and grind coarse grater on the surface of the jam;
  9. In an oven overclocked to 180 ° Ϲ, put the form with the pie;
  10. Bake until golden brown on top.
  11. Portion and serve.

simple and beautiful cake, which can be prepared with any jam or jam, will appeal to all sweet teeth.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Calories per 100 g: 276 kcal


  1. Disband butter. Leave to cool. Pour sugar into the same bowl. Punch with a mixer at low speed;
  2. Add vanilla and beat in eggs. To stir thoroughly;
  3. Put the soda quenched with vinegar into the egg mixture. Stir;
  4. In a thin stream, add the double-sifted flour. Knead the dough;
  5. The dough will not come out tough. It must be put in the refrigerator;
  6. During the time that the dough is cooling, it is necessary to prepare a form - a connector with a diameter of 22 cm. Line the bottom of the form with parchment paper;
  7. Take out the dough. Cut it into two pieces. One must be larger than the other. The proportion is approximately 2 to 1;
  8. Dust the work table with flour. Roll out a large piece of dough in a circle, with a diameter equal to the shape in which the cake will be baked;
  9. Gently transfer the resulting circle of dough into a baking dish. With your hands, easily press it into shape so that it fits snugly to the bottom. Make small borders along the edge;
  10. Prick in several places with a fork. Place thick jam on the surface of the dough;
  11. The second (smaller) part of the dough is also rolled out and cut into strips. At the same time, for beauty, you can use a curly knife;
  12. Lay strips on the surface of the jam to get a lattice with regular windows;
  13. Move the mold to an oven preheated to 220 ° Ϲ;
  14. Bake the pie for about half an hour;
  15. Pull the pie out oven. cover up kitchen towel. Let stand 6 minutes. Cut into slices with a sharp knife and serve.

This cake is very good not only with tea, but also with milk. The dough is tender, crumbly and just melts in your mouth.

Lenten pastries, although lean, but taste and appearance does not differ from the modest one for the worse. And those who have tried real monastery pastries at least once will confirm that they are much tastier than usual ones.

Cooking time: 55 minutes

Calories per 100 g: 250 kcal


  1. Sift the flour twice into a wide bowl convenient for this purpose. pour baking powder into it. Stir;
  2. In another bowl, pour the norm of granulated sugar indicated in the recipe. Pour in vegetable oil. Stir gently Enter vanilla sugar. Mix again;
  3. Brew tea in a glass. Give the tea leaves a good brew;
  4. While the tea is infused, add granulated sugar to the jam;
  5. Strain the infused tea from the brew. Pour it into the sugar mixture;
  6. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly until smooth;
  7. Combine both mixtures in one bowl. flour in sugar syrup enter in batches. Mix well;
  8. Wash apples well. Peel the skin, remove the core. Cut the apple into thin slices;
  9. Put half of the dough into a multicooker bowl, which must first be greased with vegetable oil;
  10. Spread ¾ of the prepared apples over the surface of the dough. On them - the rest of the test. On him - the remaining apples;
  11. Set the multicooker to the “Baking” program for 45 minutes (for powerful multicookers) or 80 minutes (for low power multicookers);
  12. At the end of the cycle, turn off the multicooker. Remove the cake from the bowl after 5 minutes. Then portion and serve.

If suddenly there was a phone call and friends categorically declared. What are already on their way to you, then this recipe will help you out.

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Calories per 100 g: 300 kcal


  1. Melt the butter in a saucepan on the stove. Cool down;
  2. Combine butter and sugar. Beat with a mixer / blender;
  3. Add to mixture one at a time. chicken eggs while continuing to beat;
  4. Pour the double-sifted flour, baking powder and add milk in a thin stream. Do not stop the whipping process;
  5. Then grease the prepared form with vegetable oil;
  6. Move the dough into a mold, add jam;
  7. Cook the cake at 200°Ϲ. At the end, reset the temperature to 180°Ϲ. Check the readiness of the cake with a wooden skewer.

  1. Cooking lean pastries, for juiciness, add berries or jam to it;
  2. Ordinary milk can always be equally replaced with coconut or soy;
  3. Chicken eggs can be replaced with starch. It needs to be diluted into cold water in a ratio of 1:2;
  4. You can also replace the egg with banana puree;
  5. Do not use unrefined oil for baking - its smell will permeate all pastries.

Try to cook the pies presented in the recipes above, and pleasure for you and your guests and household will be guaranteed. Add something of your own to them, listen to your imagination, and the light will see new recipe which will pleasantly surprise many sweet tooth. The hostess will be rewarded with their satisfied smiles and words of gratitude.

I don’t know why, but in my childhood, store-bought cookies were divided into three types: shortbread, hard (biscuit) and fruit gingerbread. The gingerbread was something special, fresh milk was very tasty with them.

I didn’t even pay attention that the gingerbread cookies were not quite the first freshness. I didn’t like biscuit cookies at all, well, how could you eat a “plank” of almost bland and tasteless dough?

But shortbread Yes, it was popular. And if you spread them with honey or jam! I am sure that the bad boy, in the fairy tale "On a military secret", ate shortbread cookies with jam. I still imagine a barrel of jam and a basket of cookies! I wonder what kind of jam they gave him? Not raspberry, there are bones. This is what I judge for myself. We usually had a squeak, currants or plums.

Already tried by adults great option the same “barrels of jam and baskets of cookies” - a pie, or cookie, made from shortcrust pastry with currant jam. also an option, but grated pie is something!

Shortcrust pastry is probably the easiest thing to make quickly. It is quite dense, does not stick to hands, bakes quickly. Let's bake a grated pie with jam

Grated pie. Step by step recipe


  • Flour 4 cups
  • Butter 200 gr
  • Vanillin 1-2 gr
  • Egg 2 pcs
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Baking soda 0.5 tsp
  • Vinegar 0.5 tsp
  • Currant jam 1 glass
  1. Soften the butter a little, not melt, but soften. Leave it at room temperature in the kitchen or cut into pieces and put in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. It can leak a little, on the surface. You can knead it with a fork, and it will become like not a cream.
  2. Mix butter, vanilla and sugar. It is convenient to do this with a mixer. You will get a creamy mass.

    Mix butter, vanilla and sugar then add eggs

  3. Add eggs and mix again.

    Mix butter, sugar and eggs

  4. Soda extinguish with vinegar and pour into the mixture. Mix.
  5. Sift flour. This is necessary so that there are no lumps, and whole grains do not get caught. Note: set aside 0.5. a glass of flour. She'll be needed later.

    Add 3.5 cups of flour to the butter and sugar mixture

  6. Add 3.5 cups of flour to the butter and sugar mixture. Mix thoroughly. If your mixer is equipped with special spiral dough attachments, the task is simplified to a minimum.

    Mix thoroughly

  7. If everything is done correctly, the dough will become elastic, dense and will not stick to either the mixer attachments or your hands.
  8. It is believed that shortbread dough should lie down in the cold and mature. I don't know, haven't tried it. Use without refrigeration.
  9. Divide the dough into two parts. About three to four.
  10. Leave the larger part - as is, and to the smaller part - add the remaining 0.5 cups of flour and mix until smooth.
  11. On a baking sheet (about 30-35 cm in size) put a sheet parchment paper, or special baking paper. Put on paper larger piece dough and with dry hands, stretch the dough into a thin layer so that it completely covers the baking sheet. The thickness of the dough layer should not exceed 15 mm. And, of course, don't make it too thin either.

    Place a larger piece of dough on the paper and with dry hands stretch the dough into a thin layer.

  12. Next, open a jar of homemade currant jam. Of course, you can't try it without it. And spread all the jam on the dough.

    Spread all the jam on the dough

  13. Do not be afraid, there will not be much, most likely, it will not be enough. Kidding. It will be just right.
  14. Next, roll the ball out of the second part of the dough. Pick up an ordinary grater with large cells, and do what gave the name to this pie (grated pie) - grate the dough, and sprinkle the jam with it in an even layer.

    Grate the dough, and sprinkle the jam with it in an even layer.

  15. OK it's all over Now. All difficulties are behind - we bake a grated pie.

    Put the grated pie in the oven

  16. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and put the grated pie to bake for 20-25 minutes.
  17. Ready grated pie cut sharp knife for rhombuses. Big or small, you decide. After cutting, leave the grated cake to cool so that the jam hardens a little and does not flow.