Shortcrust pastry basket recipe. Shortcrust pastry baskets - the best dough recipes and filling ideas

A deliciously simple recipe shortcrust pastry for baskets goes great with a variety of awesome filling options! Mmm... this dessert is for all times. It fits equally organically into the context of a family or friendly tea party, children's menu, filling the buffet table. This delicacy can be filled with a variety of amazing fillings: curd, custard protein, butter cream, fruits and berries. Moreover, some housewives make such baked goods even with unsweetened mixes. So feel free to experiment in the kitchen and delight your loved ones!

Shortbread dough for baskets

You definitely shouldn’t have any difficulties preparing shortcrust pastry for the baskets. Just follow the step-by-step recipe with photos.

Cooking time – 40 minutes.

Number of servings – 6.


To do shortbread dough for baskets simple recipe, you will need to prepare the ingredients following this list:

  • butter – 100 g;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • egg – 1 pc. + 1 raw yolk;
  • premium flour – 250 g.

Cooking method

Only at first glance it seems that shortbread dough for baskets takes an incredibly long and troublesome time to make. In fact, this one is not like that at all! Try baking a dessert according to the recipe suggested here with step by step photos– and you will see in practice the simplicity and ease of creating such delicacies.

  1. Sprinkle the softened butter (for this you need to remove it from the refrigerator about half an hour before starting to prepare the dough) with granulated sugar. Using a fork, mash the food thoroughly homogeneous mass.

  1. Break into mixture 1 whole raw egg and 1 yolk. Mix everything thoroughly.

  1. Sift the flour. Add it to the butter-egg mixture. Mix.

  1. Knead the dough. You don’t need to knead it for too long so as not to “clog” it with flour. But the mass should be elastic and elastic. Cover the shortbread dough for the baskets with cling film or polyethylene. Place it in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.

  1. Distribute the shortbread dough among the molds, pressing it thoroughly against the walls of the containers. Make a couple of punctures in the center with a fork so that the baked goods do not swell. Place the pieces on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees.

That's all! All that remains is to put the filling into our charming sand baskets. This dessert, despite the fact that it has been well known since the times of the USSR, still leaves the table during tea drinking today with a bang.

Filling options

There are many options for fillings for shortbread baskets baked based on traditional Soviet cuisine. Each housewife will be able to choose the most interesting solutions from the selection below.

Protein custard (Italian meringue)

The most common option for filling such a delicate and light baking- This is an equally airy protein custard. It is also called Italian meringue. It is prepared quickly and easily, and ready dessert gives an unforgettable taste.

On a note! By the way, the standard combination to protein custard jam or jam appears, which is laid out at the very bottom of the baskets. Some housewives also replace this sweetness with their favorite jam or confiture.

The simplest cream with condensed milk

If you don’t have time for long culinary delights and you are quite unpretentious when it comes to desserts, then make the simplest cream from boiled condensed milk and butter. To prepare such a filling, simply beat these 2 components into a homogeneous mass, put it in a pastry syringe and fill the baskets. On top they can be decorated with pieces of nuts or candied fruits. It will turn out delicious and tender!

Curd cream and fruit mix

If you prefer the most delicate and light desserts, then it is recommended to fill shortcrust pastry baskets with airy curd cream and decorate this whole delicious miracle with slices of fruit:

  • grapes;
  • kiwi;
  • strawberries;
  • banana;
  • melon.

You can also use whole berries to decorate baked goods: blackberries, raspberries, lingonberries, cherries, etc.

Whipped cream and strawberries

A true classic taste is the combination of whipped cream and strawberries. So why not fill our delicious dessert? It will turn out elegant and tender, and will not cause any difficulties in preparation!

Many people remember “Korzinki” cakes from childhood. They're in Soviet time sold in all cafes. They were decorated in the form of mushrooms, flowers, strawberries or even chicken. How delicious they were... The shortbread baskets simply melted in your mouth. And he was very gentle. We would like to bring to your attention a recipe for making such cakes at home. The process is not too labor-intensive, and such a treat will bring a lot of joy to the children. So...

Dough for baskets

To prepare the dough for the baskets, we need to stock up on the following products:

  1. Butter - 150 g.
  2. Sugar - 100 g.
  3. Vanilla sugar - 10 g.
  4. One egg.
  5. Sour cream - 1 tablespoon.
  6. Flour - 250 grams.
  7. Baking powder - one teaspoon.
  8. Metal molds.

So, let's start making the dough for the baskets. To do this, beat sugar with butter and vanilla sugar until fluffy. Then add sour cream and egg, mix well.

It is better to sift the flour and then add it to the mixture. Mix. But you shouldn’t knead it for a long time, because it doesn’t like it. Baskets are a delicate cake, and therefore the “cups” should be crumbly. Let's wrap the resulting mass in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for about one hour. After some time, we take out the dough and, cutting off a small part of it, roll it into a sausage. Cut it into pieces, each of which needs to be rolled out into a thin flat cake. The size should be approximately the same as the diameter of the baking pan. Each such circle must be placed in a mold, pressed firmly against the walls and bottom. The bottom part can be pricked with a fork so that the basket does not become deformed during baking. We would like to warn you that the dough turns out to be very sticky, and therefore you will have to use flour. Here are ours sand baskets and ready. All that remains is to bake them.

Place the molds with the dough on a baking sheet and put them in the oven. It is better to bake at a temperature of 200 degrees. Seven minutes is enough. Baskets are delicate cakes, they cook quite quickly, so be careful not to overcook them in the oven.

Now you can proceed to preparing the cream.

Cream ingredients

As you know, baskets are cakes with cream, although today there are many ways to decorate them: with fruits under jelly, with nuts covered in honey, with berries... We will now focus on the first option. And first of all, we need to decide what kind of cream we will make. The classic recipe involves using protein. For his let's take the preparations:

  1. Whites from three eggs.
  2. Sugar - 250 grams.
  3. Water - no more than 90 grams.
  4. Citric acid - one third of a teaspoon.

Preparing cream for cakes

You can start cooking delicious cream. To make it tight, you must remember two rules:

  1. The dishes must be completely clean. The pan in which the syrup will be prepared can generally be cleaned with powder in advance.
  2. Under no circumstances should whites be mixed with yolks. The fact is that the yolk is fat, which will prevent the whites from whipping properly.

Separate the whites from the yolks and place them in a mixer bowl.

Next, pour water into the pan and add sugar, put it on the fire. You can stir it a little once to prevent it from burning. The syrup is cooked for about four minutes. You need to add a little to it citric acid. Mix everything again. You can check readiness very simply - to do this, drop a little sweet mixture into a plate with cold water. If the drop does not spread, it means it is ready.

Important! While checking the syrup, remove the pan from the heat. He needs to be light color: if you overcook it, it will turn out creamy and will be bitter, and this can spoil the cream, we want it to be white, with a dense texture.

Are you sure everything is in order? Great! At this point you can start. The peaks should be very strong. And at the final stage, with the mixer running at full speed, you need to carefully pour in the syrup in a very thin stream. The mass will begin to increase in volume right before your eyes. You need to beat for another ten minutes until the cream has cooled. It must have a dense and homogeneous consistency and keeps its shape well. Here the cream for the cakes is ready. Now there's just a little bit left to do. We need to collect our cakes. And then you can move on to tasting.

How to collect baskets?

Do you remember that there was always dark jam at the bottom of the cakes your mother bought you as a child? It seemed terribly tasteless. When making our baskets, we will, of course, follow the recipe, but we will put it on the bottom delicious jam or jam with berries. For example, cherry. If you want, add a little boiled condensed milk. Or chopped prunes. Spread the cream on top using a culinary syringe. If you want, you can then sprinkle the cake with a little chocolate or sprinkles. The amount of food taken should make twenty-four baskets. You can start tasting.

As you can see, if you wish, you can prepare the “Basket” cake with cream at home, and believe me, the result will delight you and your children, because the delicacy will be no worse than what is sold in a cafe. Your household will appreciate this cooking masterpiece. And they will ask you to make more sweets.

What other cream can you make cakes with?

We discussed how to prepare the “Basket” cake, so to speak, according to classic recipe. But you understand that there are many variations on this theme. Don't limit your culinary fantasy and try all new options.

Instead of protein cream, for example, you can make a cake with cream and marmalade, pour seasonal fruit with jelly (strawberries, red currants), decorating with cream. In general, there is room for your imagination to run wild.

Brownies with whipped cream

If you want to quickly prepare an excellent dessert, then this option will certainly suit you. Whipped cream will add a festive touch to your sweet dish. Just think how delicious the baskets will be with cream! The cake will turn out exquisite, beautiful and very tender.

When buying cream, make sure it is fresh, this is very important. In addition, their fat content must be at least thirty-five percent. At home, before pouring them out of the package, shake them well so that all the fat does not remain in the corners.

Remember one trick: the container in which you will beat the cream must be very cold. Therefore, cool the mixer bowl and cream well in the refrigerator in advance.

In addition, wash and dry the dishes very well. This is also important for final result. And it’s better to take powder, not sugar, which needs to be sifted in advance so that it is free of lumps and turns out light and airy. You need to add it in small portions, after the cream itself has whipped into a stable foam.

And one more piece of advice. Start whipping the cream at the lowest speed, gradually increasing it to the maximum, and finish in the reverse order.

Do not make the whipping process itself long, as inclusions may appear on the surface of the cream, which will spoil it. appearance. You can finish when, having stuck a spoon into the mass, you see that the hole does not close.

Of course, you can also use thickeners or gelatin. They are introduced during whipping. Using all these tricks, you will get excellent results. Well, let's move on to practice?

Cooking with gelatin

To prepare “Baskets” cakes at home, take the following ingredients:

  1. Heavy cream - 600 ml.
  2. Gelatin - 20 grams.
  3. Powdered sugar - three tablespoons.
  4. Vanilla sugar - one packet.

Beat cold cream with powder and vanilla sugar until peaks form. Dissolve gelatin in water according to the instructions written on the package. Very quickly you need to mix a couple of tablespoons of cream with the resulting solution. Next, whisking, slowly add it into the cream. Our cream is ready. It is better to cool the mixture a little before use. And then put them in baskets. Ready-made cakes are stored in the refrigerator. By the way! Remember that cream absorbs extraneous odors very well.

And further. Cakes can be decorated with marmalade homemade or buy ready-made.

Baskets with butter cream

The cakes are very tasty. To prepare, take one hundred grams of butter and four tablespoons of condensed milk.

Mash the butter until it becomes thick sour cream and start beating with a blender, mixer or whisk. You should get a fluffy white mass. Next, you need to slowly pour in the condensed milk and continue whisking for another ten to fifteen minutes. The cream will be homogeneous. It needs to be cooled a little and then you can put it in baskets. It is recommended to decorate the finished cake with slices of fresh fruit.

Combining cream fillings for “Korzinochka” cakes

In fact, each cream can be used either independently or combined with other fillers. For example, first put the protein mass in a basket, and then make an oil rose with a leaf on top. It will turn out beautiful and tasty.

If you made gelatin, you definitely need to decorate it with some kind of cream on top.

And another option is possible. But you'll have to tinker with it a little longer. Place cream, for example, protein cream, in a basket, combining it with fruit in a gelatin shell. Berries are picked according to the season. Strawberries and raspberries, even currant branches, look very beautiful in such cases. The cake is not very sweet, because the cream is combined with fruity sourness. And there’s no need to talk about the beauty of such baskets. They turn out very bright. A real culinary masterpiece.

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to buy sweets in stores and cafes - if you wish, you can prepare a wonderful dessert yourself at home. We hope that the recipes given in our article will definitely be useful to you, and you will decide to make baskets for the first time. This cake from childhood will surely please your children. Enjoy your meal!

Housewives who want to pamper their loved ones delicious dessert, we can recommend preparing such a win-win option as a basket cake. The cooking process is simple, the result is a delicious delicacy that children will really like.

Cake basket at home

To get a dessert whose taste is familiar to everyone since childhood, there are certain secrets in its preparation. So, in order to bake a delicious basket cake, the recipe requires observing the following points:

  1. When preparing the dough, the oil must be very cold, this is a must.
  2. The kneading must be done very quickly so that the oil does not have time to heat up from your hands. This is achieved by using a blender or knife, which is used to chop the butter mixed with flour.
  3. Then add the egg and salt - and the dough is ready.
  4. It must be kept in the cold for at least an hour.

To understand how to bake cake baskets, you must follow all the rules for preparing the dough. It should be sandy, the base does not like long kneading, so you need to mix all the ingredients carefully and quickly. Before you start cooking you need to purchase metal molds for baking baskets and foil.


  • flour – 250 g;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • vanilla sugar–2 tsp;
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soda –1 tsp.


  1. Beat sugar, vanilla sugar and softened butter until fluffy.
  2. Add egg and sour cream, mix, add flour.
  3. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  4. Form the dough into a sausage, cut into small pieces, and roll out.
  5. Place in molds. Bake for 7-8 minutes.
  6. Fill the basket with filling.

One of the most common and favorite dessert options is basket cake with protein cream. The filling gives the delicacy a unique taste that brings pleasure not only to adults, but also to children. You can put a teaspoon of cherry, plum or some other jam at the bottom of the basket, which will add additional piquancy.


  • egg white – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 250 g;
  • water – 85 ml;
  • citric acid - a pinch.


  1. Roll out the dough, cut out circles and place in molds. Bake for 7-9 minutes.
  2. Pour sugar into the water, stir, put on fire, bring to a boil. Cook the syrup for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Beat the whites with a mixer until a thick foam forms. Pour in a thin stream sugar syrup. Beat for another 10-15 minutes.
  4. Fill shortbread pastry baskets with cream.

For lovers of desserts with a rich citrus taste, there is such an option as a basket cake with fruit and jelly. You can place orange curd at the bottom - this is something you can buy ready-made or prepare yourself. Alternatively, you can use lemon, tangerine or some other cream.


  • ready-made shortbread dough – 550 g;
  • gelatin – 1 sachet;
  • orange curd – 150 g;
  • tangerines – 4 pcs.;
  • kiwi – 1 pc.;
  • grapes – 100 g.


  1. Bake baskets. Place orange curd in them.
  2. Place fruit on top.
  3. Prepare jelly and pour it into the cake basket.
  4. Place in the refrigerator until completely set.

The custard has a unique taste and is deservedly popular even among discerning gourmets. Therefore, such a basket cake with cream will be a win-win option that can be prepared and served at the holiday table. They can be decorated with fresh berries: strawberries, currants, raspberries. You can pour a teaspoon of jam onto the bottom of the basket.


  • ready-made shortbread dough – 550 g;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 2 tsp;
  • egg (yolk) – 2 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar – 2 tsp;
  • milk – 250 ml.


  1. Bake baskets.
  2. Add sugar, flour and vanilla sugar to the yolk and mix.
  3. Heat the milk, but do not boil. Pour it into the mixture in a thin stream.
  4. Place the mixture on the fire and cook for several minutes until the cream begins to thicken.
  5. Fill the cake basket with cooled cream.

Dessert with whipped cream is a real culinary masterpiece that can decorate any festive table. A fruit basket cake will delight family members and surprise invited guests. The delicacy becomes especially relevant in the summer, when fresh berries. With their help, you can prepare dessert differently every time.


  • ready-made shortbread dough – 550 g;
  • cream – 420 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin – 1 tsp;
  • peach – 1 pc.;
  • kiwi – 1 pc.;
  • strawberries – 6 pcs.


  1. Bake baskets.
  2. Beat the chilled cream with a mixer. When they rise, continue to beat, add powdered sugar and vanillin.
  3. Cut the fruit into thin slices.
  4. Fill the cake with a fruit basket.

Sand base combined with tender cottage cheese has an indescribable taste, such a filling will not only add piquancy to the dessert, but will also bring benefits. Therefore, shortcrust pastry baskets are very popular among housewives. The dessert can be decorated with grated chocolate or coconut flakes, put a slice of fruit.


  • ready-made shortbread dough – 550 g;
  • cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • butter – 180 g;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.


  1. Bake baskets.
  2. Soften the butter, add sand and vanilla sugar, beat.
  3. Mash the cottage cheese and add to the total mass.
  4. Stuff the baskets.

An interesting dessert option is the basket cake. It can successfully replace a cake that has a similar component, and will allow lovers of oil-based sweets to enjoy. You can use any canned or fresh fruit for decoration.


  • ready-made shortbread dough – 550 g;
  • butter – 220 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 can.


  1. Bake baskets.
  2. Soften the butter and beat with a mixer.
  3. Add condensed milk. Continue beating for 10 minutes.
  4. Stuff the baskets.

To one of the most simple options dessert is one that uses lemon for the filling. This component is capable of imparting a refined and spicy taste Therefore, this delicacy is very popular among both adults and children. Baskets with cream can be decorated with any berries that will go perfectly with the delicate filling.

First you need to make the dough for the baskets. Take the butter out of the refrigerator for an hour and a half before preparing the remaining ingredients.

Sift flour into a bowl, add sugar, eggs, vanilla sugar and softened butter cut into pieces.

The butter must be soft and not melted, otherwise the dough will seem watery, and there is a great temptation to add flour, but this cannot be done! If shortbread dough is “beaten” with flour, when finished it will not be tender and crumbly, but dense and hard.

Knead into a soft, homogeneous plastic mass. Cover with film and let sit for 5-10 minutes just on the table. If it sits longer, the shortcrust pastry baskets with protein cream will not turn out so tender.

Grease tart or muffin tins butter. This step is optional, just to be on the safe side. And if you have Silicone forms, then you don’t have to lubricate it at all.

Roll out the dough into a layer 5 mm thick and cut out circles slightly larger than the mold. Place a circle of dough on the mold, press it in and trim the edges. Place the molds with the dough on a baking sheet.

Place the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 180°C and bake for 12–15 minutes.

Before baking shortbread baskets, you can cover them with a circle of foil, pour some beans or peas inside and only then put them in the oven. In this case, the bottom of the baskets will definitely not rise, that is, more filling will fit inside the cake.

Place the finished baskets in the molds on a wet, cold towel for 5 minutes (to make it easier to remove the cakes), and then shake them out of the molds, overturning them, and cool.

While the baskets themselves are baking, let’s make the cream, preparing everything first necessary ingredients For filling.

Since our goal is to make cakes like in childhood, we will prepare baskets with protein cream according to GOST, that is, with custard protein. Making this cream is not a simple process. The main difficulty is cooking the syrup. It is important to catch the moment when a drop of boiling syrup cold water will take the shape of a plastic ball, and will not turn into caramel or spread.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan and add water. Cook the syrup while stirring over medium heat. On average, this takes about 8-10 minutes after boiling.

Beat the cooled egg whites until foamy, and then, continuing whipping, add the hot syrup in a thin stream.

At this stage, it is very important to make sure that the syrup is as hot as possible (ideally, straight from the heat), and the whites do not have time to “beat”. I advise beginners to put the finished syrup in boiling water so that it does not have time to cool while the whites turn into foam. With experience, you will learn to guess the timing and combine both processes.

By the way, this cream is very similar to.

To give a beautiful color you can protein cream add a little food coloring. Just take it dry so that it doesn’t accidentally affect the consistency.

Now we form the pies. Place a spoonful of jam or marmalade in each basket.

Step-by-step recipe with photos and videos

Elegant openwork baskets with Easter cakes and painted eggs are an indispensable attribute of Easter celebrations. Today I propose to prepare an edible version of an Easter basket - from yeast dough. So beautiful and unusual pastries will be a nice gift or decoration for a holiday table.

Prepare Easter basket from the dough is easy. Just yeast dough makes it easy to experiment with the shape and size of the basket. You can bake small portioned baskets or one large one. The basket retains its shape well, is not capricious in terms of storage conditions, and in itself will become a pleasant homemade treat for your morning cup of tea. Shall we begin?!

Prepare your ingredients.

Mix water and milk and heat to a temperature of 36–37 degrees. Place a drop of milk on the back of your hand to make sure the milk is not too hot. If the milk is practically not felt on the skin, the temperature is appropriate.

Dissolve salt, regular sugar and vanilla sugar in warm milk.

Sift 300–400 grams of flour. Add yeast - mix dry yeast with flour or dissolve in warm milk (according to the manufacturer's recommendations).

Add warm milk mixture to flour. Pour in vegetable oil and add 1 egg.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and knead the dough. Add as needed while kneading the dough. wheat flour until the dough stops sticking to your hands.

Knead the dough for 5 minutes. Then form it into a ball, place it in an oiled container and cover with a towel or cling film.

Leave the dough for 1 hour for it to rise.

When the volume of the dough doubles, the dough is ready. You can start preparing the basket.

Divide the dough into two parts. We will work with one, and let the second one continue to rest under a towel.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of approximately 0.5 cm. And cut into strips. Choose the width of the strips based on the size of the basket and the desired pattern. Mine is about 0.7-1 cm. The main lines of the basket are thicker, and the weaving itself is done with thinner strips of dough.

Prepare a “mold” for the basket. This can be any heatproof bowl or baking dish. I have a small aluminum cauldron. Wrap the selected form with foil and grease with vegetable oil.

Place so-called basket guides on the surface of the mold - vertical strips of dough that will become the base of the basket. Press the dough on top to level the bottom of the future basket.

Lightly knead the remaining dough strips (you will get a dough rope) and weave them into the vertical “guides”, placing them horizontally.

Weaving strips of dough, move gradually from the base of the basket to the edges. Brush the prepared dough basket with beaten egg.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15–20 minutes until golden brown. If your oven refuses to bake the basket evenly, cover the browner areas of the basket with foil or baking paper soaked in water.

To make sure the basket is ready, pierce the dough with a wooden toothpick in the fluffiest part of the basket.

Grease the still hot basket with water and cover with a towel - this way the dough will remain soft.

Cool the basket and remove the pan first and then the foil.

Roll out the other half of the dough and cut into wide strips (about 1.5–2 cm).

Weave a wide braid from strips of dough - a rim around the edges of the basket. You can use the imprint on the baking paper on which the basket was baked as a guide.

Brush the dough with egg and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 12–20 minutes until golden brown. Lubricate the finished rim with water and cover with a towel.

Use the remaining dough to form the handle of the basket. To maintain proportions and shape the handle, use the same mold as when baking the basket.

Bake the handle like the rest of the basket until golden brown. Then brush with water, cover with a towel and cool.

When all the parts of the basket are ready, all that remains is to fasten them together with wooden toothpicks.

Easter dough basket is ready!