Recipes from frozen peaches. Peaches for the winter: recipes, ideas and just culinary fantasies

Pork with peaches, i.e. Pork roulade with peaches is much easier to make than you think. For its preparation, you need high-quality pork tenderloin, canned peppers and seasonings.

Peach salad has long been on my top list of light salads. This is a win-win option for easy and original snack. The main thing - sweet juicy peaches. It is also suitable for those who care about the figure.

From beef with peaches you can create great salad or beautiful snack for the banquet table. The dish looks unusual and has a unique taste. Canned peaches are used for the dish.

Dessert from canned peaches - light dish for those who follow the figure. With a minimum of effort and time, you will prepare a gorgeous dessert. unusual taste. It's perfect for a summer evening.

I offer my recipe for making cottage cheese casserole with peaches - lush, tender, juicy, with a breathtaking aroma of fruits and vanilla - it will not leave anyone indifferent!

Delicate biscuit with a layer of curd cream and juicy fragrant peaches - it is simply impossible to refuse. Recipe for cottage cheese cake with peaches - for all lovers of delicious!

If you can hardly surprise a Russian person with a duck with apples, then chicken with peaches for our latitudes is an exotic dish. However, it turns out very tasty - I recommend trying at least once!

With this recipe, with a minimum of hassle and cost, you will cook delicious cake with canned peaches, which will be quite appropriate on children's day birthday, and on the festive table.

If you love cottage cheese and are not indifferent to baking, then you should definitely know how to cook Cheesecake with peaches. It is not only very effective, but also incredibly delicious!

Peach Dessert is a very interesting sweet fruit dish made with fresh peaches and basil. Peach dessert is easy to prepare, but it looks very original!

Spinach and peach salad - delicious summer salad, which is prepared from the most healthy ingredients. We will use walnuts, orange, grapefruit, spinach and bald peach - nectarine.

Dried peach fruits are not only gourmet delicacy, but also very useful product, which is quite easy to cook yourself from fresh peaches. Prepare peaches for the year ahead! ;)

Making peach compote for the winter is very simple, but what a pleasure to open it in winter! Whole peaches can be served to children for an afternoon snack, for festive table in the form of a dessert, use in the filling.

peach jam has a delicate taste and a fantastic aroma. Believe me, this is a real hit on the sweet table! It can simply be served with tea or curd cream. Making jam is easy.

I tell you how to cook a peach mashed with sugar - even if you have to spend a little, but it's worth it. In winter, appreciate the juiciness, aroma and originality of this blank! :)

canned peaches- a fantastic dessert. The contents of a large jar disappear in an instant in winter! So roll more! By the way, you will get not only peaches, but also delicious compote.

sand cake with peaches is prepared very easily, quite quickly and from fresh fruit. Real summer cake who gives pleasant taste, aesthetic pleasure and good mood! :)

Peach biscuit - pretty easy to make and incredibly tasty pie which will perfectly complement your tea party. The ingredients are simple, the preparation too - why not cook? :)

Rice pudding Conde - tender, juicy and airy dessert, which is easy to prepare at home from simple and affordable ingredients. Treat yourself to this traditional English dessert!

Lavender muffins with blackberries and peaches are the most delicious muffins I have ever tried. Delicate and moist texture, unique aroma of lavender, juicy peaches and blackberries... Ah!

Peaches and Blackberries Dessert is a very easy-to-prepare, tasty and spectacular dessert that will cheer you up and relieve you of blues and depression. Delicious, colorful, positive dessert!

Rustic Blueberry Peach Pie is a fairly easy-to-make pie that will brighten up a simple everyday or even festive tea party. Try it - you'll love it! :)

Recipe for Almond Peach Pie. The filling of the pie can consist not only of peaches, but with apricots it will also turn out very well.

Recipe for a tart with peach slices, almond extract and a sprinkling of flour, brown sugar, almonds and butter.

For some reason unknown to me, peach jam is not at all popular in our area. And in vain - peach jam is also very, very tasty.

I like to discover original and non-classical combinations of products that turn out to be very successful. Sorrel and peach salad is just such a successful and unexpected combination.

Peach cake according to this recipe is a very tasty treat that will surely please everyone: you, your family and guests! All you need to do is strictly follow the recipe!

Peach compote is an excellent preparation for the winter, a refreshing drink will remind you of the taste of summer and warmth. This compote is very easy to make yourself. Meet the recipe for peach compote!

Recipe open pie with peaches. We prepare yeast dough for an open peach pie.

cubed pudding recipe white bread, fresh peaches, nuts and butter, sugar and rum sauce.

Cobbler recipe with fresh peaches, lemon zest and vanilla extract.

Recipe for making muffins wheat flour, oatmeal, peach yogurt, butter, vanilla extract and peach pieces.

Recipe fragrant jelly from peaches. This dessert can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. The basis of the dessert is peaches. It is good to add whipped cream to the dessert.

What can be cooked from peaches - 10 delicious recipes from magazine website

My sweet peach - they say in the East when they want to express admiration for a beauty. The symbol of tender youth, lazy southern bliss is the “Persian apple”, as the name of this fruit sounds in Latin. Thinking about what can be prepared from peaches, pay attention to the rules for choosing this fruit. Ripeness matters - a greenish peach removed from the tree will ripen externally, but will not add sweetness to its taste. Medium size parameters indicate juiciness and rich taste; the density of the fruit is about its ripeness: it should spring with light pressure.

Meters and cooking newbies love to use peaches in their creations. summer recipe will depend on the type of fruit. From juicy fruit, with a well-separated stone, squeeze out juices and use them in dishes as a piquant component. Varieties with hard pulp and non-separating pits have proven themselves in jams, compotes, and preservation. Peaches in syrup are a savory component of many winter culinary delights.

The peel is easily removed from the fruit when scalded with boiling water. The "cold shower" that follows will make it easy to undress the peach.

Peach Recipes

Recipe 1. Salad: peaches - tomatoes

Ingredients: in equal proportions two or three medium peaches and the same ripe tomatoes, one head of lettuce onion.

Ingredients for the sauce: a handful of pine nuts, 2-3 branches of basil, 50 g of grated cheese, 200 ml of yogurt, lemon zest, garlic clove, salt, pepper.

Preparing the dressing: fry the nuts over low heat, set aside a smaller part for decorating the dish. To the remaining most of the nuts, add the grated lemon peel, basil, chopped garlic. Achieve a homogeneous composition with a blender. Mix the resulting mass with yogurt. You can add a little olive oil. Scald the half-ringed onion. Arrange on a flat dish thin slices of tomatoes, peaches, onions. Lubricate each layer with sauce. Finishing touches: decorate the salad with the remaining nuts.

Recipe 2.

You will need 4-5 peaches, lettuce, a few sprigs of arugula, two cucumbers, a medium-sized lettuce bulb. Lemon juice, a little olive oil, sugar, salt are useful to taste.

Cut three peaches into thin slices. Grind the remaining two in a blender with the addition of sugar, salt, lemon juice and a small amount of olive oil. In a salad bowl, mix lettuce leaves (dried after washing), arugula, sliced ​​​​cucumbers and onion in half rings. Season the ingredients with peach sauce and garnish with peach slices. You can add fried bacon pieces on top if you like.

Recipe 3.

You will need two eggs, 100 g of fresh pitted peaches, 50 g of butter, 100 ml of rum, 10 ml of milk, 1/4 tsp. starch, 1 tsp. Sahara.

Peel the peaches, cut into cubes, pour rum for 15 minutes. In a deep bowl, mix milk, starch, vanillin, at the end add whipped into foam egg white. Butter heat in a frying pan, pour in the egg mixture and fry on all sides. Place the rum-soaked peaches in the center of the prepared omelette, fold the omelet in half, put it in a mold (do not forget to grease it first) and send it to the oven at 180 ° C for 7-10 minutes. Sprinkle the baked omelet with the remaining rum and sprinkle with sugar. To hit the guests in the heart, you can set fire to the rum.

Recipe 4.

You will need a chicken carcass, four peaches, a can of canned olives, a glass of chopped walnuts, a glass of 15-20% cream, any seasoning for chicken (for example, curry), salt, vegetable oil.

Marinate the chicken: salt, pepper, seasonings that you like. After 2 hours of marinating in the refrigerator, move the chicken to the pan and fry until lightly browned and half cooked. Cut the peaches randomly: into slices or cubes, add the halves of the pitted olives. Place chicken with peaches in a container, pour cream, add pickle from canned olives, sprinkle with chopped nuts and simmer for 40-50 minutes.

Recipe 5.

You will need medium ripe peaches. Flour 2 cups, kefir 0.5 l, soda 1 hour. l. topless, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. l with sugar top.

Whisk the eggs in a bowl. Add salt and sugar while continuing to beat. Enter kefir and, stirring, add flour. The resulting liquid mass in consistency should resemble very thick sour cream. Peaches cut into slices. Heat a 1:1 mixture of unflavored butter and vegetable oil in a frying pan, place three peach slices side by side and cover with a spoon liquid dough. In the same way, continue to form the rest of the pancakes. After frying pancakes on one side, turn them over. To decorate the finished dish, you can use whipped cream and serve with sour cream and honey.

Recipe 6.

You will need 1 kg of peaches, 1 liter of sour cream, 40 g of gelatin, 1 glass of water, three-quarters of a glass of sugar.

Dilute gelatin in water, let it swell for 30-40 minutes, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Cool to a temperature of 30-35 ° C (you can try it with your hand - this is almost body temperature). In a mixing bowl, beat sour cream with sugar. In the prepared form, close the bottom with peaches, cut into medium-sized slices: you can randomly or in a circle. Add chilled gelatin to sour cream, knead well with a mixer and pour into a mold. Dessert freezes in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. form with ready meal dip for a few moments in hot water and turn on a flat plate.

Recipe 7.

One tablespoon of dry instant yeast, one glass of sugar, three eggs, one glass of milk, 4 glasses of flour, 200 g margarine, 1 tsp. salt, vanillin on the tip of a teaspoon. Filling - 1 kg of peaches, 0.5 cups of sugar, 1 tbsp. l starch.

Dilute dry yeast warm water in the amount of two tablespoons. Add 1 tsp. Sahara. Put in a warm place for half an hour. Whisk the eggs in a container, add warm milk, salt, sugar, vanillin. Gradually, while stirring, add the flour. It should combine with yeast and when the mass reaches an average consistency in density, you can add melted margarine. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough - it should be thick, like dumplings. Leave in a warm place for two hours to let the dough rise. Once (after an hour, punch it down).

Roll out the risen dough to a thickness of 1.5 cm and spread the filling on it: slices of peaches sprinkled with sugar and sprinkle with dry starch (so that the juice from the fruit does not spread). Bake at 180°C for half an hour.

Recipe 8.

You will need sugar 1.0 kg, ripe and hard peaches 1.0 kg, 1 glass of water, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, pinch of cinnamon powder, 100 g of almonds.

Remove the skin from the fruit, alternately lowering them into boiling and cold water. Cut the peeled fruit into slices. Prepare the syrup: Dissolve sugar in water while heating. Cool the syrup and pour it over the cooked fruit, leave for a day. During this time, gently stir the workpiece several times. After a day, bring to a boil and set aside again. Stir and after another day, repeat the heating. Let the future jam stand for another day and cook for 10 minutes. At the end, add lemon juice, cinnamon, almonds. Turn off the boiled jam and arrange in sterilized jars. Store in a cool place.

Recipe 9. Five-minute jam from unripe peaches

You will need sugar 1.5 kg, 1 kg of pitted fruit, one glass of water. Dissolve sugar in boiled water. Dip the halves of peaches with unpeeled skin into the resulting syrup. From the moment of boiling, boil the fruits for 5 minutes. Arrange in sterilized jars, roll up and store in a cool place.

Recipe 10. Smoothie peach

It will take for one cocktail lover 50 g of ice cream, 1 peach, 150 ml of pineapple juice, 3 ice cubes.

Beat the chopped peach in a blender, mix with ice cream. Pour into cocktail Pineapple juice and enter ice. Woo uniform consistency(the ice should all break). Cocktail glass can be further decorated. Get a great refreshing vitamin drink for the whole family or a high-calorie breakfast.

Vitamins and biologically active substances, mineral salts and pectin, sucrose, magnesium and potassium acids, phosphorus, selenium - a list useful substances seems endless. Peaches are useful for those who have digestive problems, they strengthen memory and immunity. Peach cakes, marzipans, peaches canned in syrup, sweet and sour sauces with their participation - all this is a great occasion to please yourself and organize a small holiday for loved ones.

Peaches recipes - fresh and canned - will appeal to everyone who is looking for unusual tasty dishes. After all, peach goes well not only with fruits, but also in dishes with meat. In recipes with photos on the site you can find such original dishes. Sweet peaches on their own, without any additives, great dessert. The most famous peach dessert is "Peach Melba": slices of fresh peach with vanilla ice cream and raspberry sauce. The authorship of the recipe belongs to the French gastronome Auguste Escoffier. For the first time, the dessert was prepared for the opera singer Nelly Melba. juicy peaches can be served with cream cheese (for example, mascarpone), sweet cottage cheese with cream and vanilla sauce (you can limit yourself powdered sugar). If you really want to, then cook peaches for the winter. Canned peaches perfectly retain their taste and aroma. Peaches are from China. The most common variety is round, slightly elongated fruits with velvety skin and juicy yellow flesh. By the way, peaches with white and pink flesh are sweeter.

What could be tastier than a piece fragrant pie with gentle fruit filling for a morning cup of coffee? Surely, the peach tart recipe will come in handy if you are thinking about how to surprise your loved one early in the morning. A little about the details. milk and

chapter: Tarts

Watermelon Peaches Smoothie Recipe for Lovers healthy desserts. It is very easy to prepare, but there is one trick: pieces of peach and watermelon pulp should be slightly frozen and only then chopped in a blender. Do not be too lazy to add juice to fruits

chapter: Fruit cocktails (smoothies)

The combination of juicy, sweet peaches with slightly sour apples unexpectedly turned out to be so advantageous that this jam recipe got into my top blanks. The recipe for peach jam with apples for the winter is not much different from most of the preparations that

chapter: Jam

Try this peach and raspberry jam recipe. Considering that raspberries will dominate in combination with any fruits and berries, there should be very little of it in peach jam. To make the jam thick, but not cloying and

chapter: Jam

Peaches are good in jam and on their own, but in combination with some berries it turns out even tastier. I propose to repeat my recipe for peach jam with figs, which does not need to be cooked for a long time, so the peach slices retain their shape. The density of the jam

chapter: Jam

Recipe braised turkey will appeal to everyone who loves the combination of meat with fruit or fruit juice. orange sauce to meat it turns out moderately spicy due to the addition nutmeg and black pepper. By the way, you can add less vinegar. If instead of f

chapter: Stew

The principle of making plum-peach jam is so simple that even an inexperienced cook can handle the recipe. The main thing is to strictly follow all the steps described, use only ripe, juicy fruits and have any kitchen gadget that

chapter: jams

The recipe for making jam from peaches with apricots will remind you of a sunny summer in winter. Delicate taste, thanks to peaches, a bright, incredibly colorful color thanks to apricots and a thick texture make jam a mega-popular winter sweet. Propor

chapter: jams

Delicious, moderately sweet canned peaches - excellent winter dessert. Slices with velvet skin are saturated with the taste of sweet syrup with a slight sourness. Canned peach slices can be used to create cakes, muffins, sweets

chapter: canning

I offer a crumbly recipe bulk cake with peaches, which can be served both warm and completely cooled. Please note that there are no eggs in the dough, but, as you can see in the photo, the pie pieces keep their shape perfectly after cutting. The main thing is not

chapter: pies

Peaches are so tender that they do not tolerate long cooking. But what if you want to cook for the winter peach jam? The solution is simple - use pectin. If you add a certain amount of pectin to lightly boiled peach puree, then after

chapter: Jam

The recipe for a simple preparation of ripe, juicy peaches will help you diversify winter menu. There are probably no people who would not love peaches, and compote prepared on their basis is a real winter treat. In addition to tasty and fragrant infusion (with pr

chapter: compotes

A simple recipe for strawberry compote with peaches for the winter. It is easy to imagine how delicious this compote smells. And believe me, the taste is not inferior to the aroma. The recipe gives the exact ratio of strawberries to peaches, but you can change it in favor of fruit or yago

chapter: compotes

Fruit salad in portioned melon plates - not only tasty and healthy, but beautiful dish, which will be an excellent decoration of the festive table. Often for cooking fruit salads bananas and oranges are used, which, when combined

chapter: fruit salads

Upside-down pie can be prepared with different fruits. In this recipe for the filling, we chose ripe peaches, which were previously peeled. In principle, you can leave the skin on, but without it, the cake turns out just more beautiful. Don't Forget the Caramel

chapter: Pies Tatin (Tarte Tatin)

Cottage cheese casserole is just a godsend for those who want to feed homemade cottage cheese. The smell of peaches permeates curd mass and fill the whole room with the scents of summer. Looks cottage cheese casserole appetizing, and thanks to the addition of bran it will become e

chapter: Curd casseroles

Fruit and vegetable salad with soft cheese will appeal to experimental chefs who do not like monotony. The recipe can be changed according to your taste and the availability of products. For example, if there are no plums, you can take grapes, and replace peaches with melons. Do not want

chapter: Cheese salads

Today we’ll talk about sweet and healthy, and specifically about peaches, because you can use them not only as very healthy and tasty fruits, but also all kinds of dessert dishes Canned and fresh peaches are easy to make.

Often, peach sweets do not require a recipe; you can simply add cream, cottage cheese, other fruits, or sweet syrup. Peach compotes, preserves and jams are very popular. Even among culinary specialists, puff pastry pies with these fruits are also popular.

And what is even more surprising, these fruits can also be added to side dishes, for example, to meat and poultry, and you can learn to cook all this yourself without going to expensive restaurants. Some simple recipes for dishes and fresh and canned peaches I would like to advise you in this and the next article.

Easy fresh peach recipes

Peach Pie Recipe (easy to make)

  • Peaches - 4 pieces.
  • Sugar - 6 tablespoons.
  • Wheat flour - 0.5 cups.
  • Butter - 100 grams.
  • Egg - 2 pieces.
  • Baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Vanilla is on the tip of a knife.

Cooking stuffing. Pie peaches can be peeled, cut into equal slices. Put them in a pan, sprinkle with sugar and add vanilla, 1-2 tablespoons of water.

Fry the peaches over low heat, cover the pan with a lid. As the fruit warms up, it will begin to secrete juice, which, together with sugar, will turn into syrup. Fry the peaches in syrup for 3-5 minutes until half cooked. We spread the peaches on the bottom of the form, pour peach syrup.

Dough. Mix butter with sugar, grind until white. Add eggs and stir until homogeneous mass. Then mix with sifted flour and baking powder (you can use slaked baking soda). We mix everything well. The dough should be fairly thick. Spread the batter on top of the peaches.

We put the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake for 25-30 minutes. Peach pie can be served upside down and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Enjoy your meal!

peach jam recipe

  • Peaches - 1 kilogram,
  • sugar - 700 grams.

To make delicious homemade peach jam choose the softest ripe fruit and remove the skin from them. To do this, pour boiling water over the fruits several times and cold water alternately.

Cut the peaches into cubes, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 30 minutes. Then we put the container with them on the stove and bring to a boil, after which we reduce the heat to a minimum.

Cook peach jam for 49 minutes to an hour with constant stirring. You can check the readiness of the jam drop by drop. It shouldn't spread.

When making jam, you can add lemon juice, cinnamon, almonds. We spread the jam in sterilized jars, close the lid and leave to cool. We remove to a cold place. In winter you will drink fragrant tea with the most delicious and healthy peach jam.

Jam recipe - five minutes of peaches

This recipe is very simple and popular among women.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kilograms.
  • Fruit cut without stones - 1 kilogram.
  • Water - 1 glass.

For the most fast food jam, cut the peaches into slices, dry. Make syrup from sugar and water, boil it, put the fruit in hot syrup. Boil 5 minutes. Pour the jam into jars, roll up the lids, let cool.

Meat with canned peaches

Meat, but very peaches tasty dish, although unusual. It is not difficult to prepare it. And it almost always turns out fragrant, juicy, tender. Perfect for a romantic dinner and pairs well with a glass of white wine. As a side dish for meat with peaches, you can serve boiled rice and fresh salad.

  • Veal pulp - 500 grams.
  • Onion - 3 pieces.
  • Peaches (canned) - 300 grams.
  • Sour cream - 150 grams.
  • Ground coriander - to taste.
  • Black ground pepper- taste.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

Wash the veal flesh, dry it, cut into thin, but large pieces. Fry on vegetable oil with the addition of salt and pepper until golden brown. Pour in water and simmer for about 30 minutes.

Cut the onion into half rings and add to the meat. Add sour cream, coriander and peach juice from a jar. Simmer for about 30 more minutes. Canned peaches cut into slices and put to the meat. Stir and simmer for another 15 minutes. The dish is ready!

Chicken with fresh fruit

  • Chicken breast - 1 kilogram.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pieces.
  • Canned peaches - 6 pieces.
  • Sunflower oil - 15 grams.
  • Sour cream - 1 cup.
  • Tomatoes - 2 pieces.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.

For cooking in a pan, fry finely chopped bell pepper until softened. Add chopped chicken, fry until golden brown.

Add finely chopped fresh fruits, tomatoes, garlic, salt, pepper, spices. Pour all this with sour cream and simmer until cooked under a closed lid. Chicken with fresh peaches is ready. Invite guests to the table!

But we do not end there, in the next part of the article, with the rest of the ten most best recipes and also , or for example and .

6 recipes - PEACHES (blanks for the winter). 1. Canned peaches are a fantastic dessert. 2. Peach jam. 3. Peach jam. 4. Peaches in own juice. 5. Peach compote for the winter. 6. VIDEO - RECIPE Peach slices in syrup for the winter. 1. Canned peaches are a fantastic dessert.

The contents of a large jar disappear in an instant in winter! So roll more! By the way, you will get not only peaches, but also delicious compote. Ingredients: Peaches - 1.5 Kg Sugar - 450 Grams Water - 2-2.5 Liters three-liter jar. Peaches take dense, medium size. A jar holds an average of 18 peaches. How to cook canned peaches? 1. Wash the peaches thoroughly. You can peel the skin and remove, but not necessary. If you decide that it would be better without the skin, then dip the peaches in boiling water and the skin will come off more easily. We will preserve whole peaches. But, if desired, you can roll up the halves. In this case, cut them in half and select the bones. 2. Place the peaches in sterilized dry jars. Pour boiling water over and wrap for 15-20 minutes. Then pour the water back into the pot. 3. Put the drained water on fire. It must be brought to a boil. At this time, pour sugar into jars. 4. When the water boils, pour the peaches with sugar and roll up with sterile lids. Wrap jars of peaches for two days, and then put them in a dark place. Canned peaches are ready! Enjoy your meal! 2. Peach jam.

Gentle and fragrant jam from peaches this is a great way to prepare peaches for the winter, especially since crushed and overripe fruits can be used for jam. Products Peach - 1 kg Sugar - 1 kg Water - 1 cup Citric acid - 3 g How to make peach jam: Peel the peaches, but jam can also be made from unpeeled peaches. Bones are removed from the fruit and cut into pieces. Make acidified water - add citric acid. Prepared fruits are boiled in acidified water (1 cup per 1 kg of fruits, 3 g of citric acid) so that they do not darken, 10 minutes. Then sugar is added (at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of fruit). Cook peach jam over low heat with constant stirring in one step until tender (30-40 minutes). After cooling, the jam is transferred to jars. Close the peach jam with lids or parchment paper. 3. Peach jam.

chic recipe fragrant jam from peaches. Simple, delicious, fast. Products Peach - 1 kg Sugar - 1 kg Water - 400 ml Citric acid - 0.5 tsp This amount of products produces 1 liter of jam. How to make peach jam with slices: Sort the peaches, rinse. Can be cleaned upon request. Cut peaches into slices. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, mix sugar and water in a bowl. Put on fire, bring it to a boil. Then carefully put the prepared peaches into it. Boil. Cook peach jam over low heat for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, add citric acid. Peach jam is ready. Enjoy your meal! 4. Peaches in their own juice.

Recipe for peaches in their own juice for preservation for the winter. Peaches really float in their own juice, only a few tablespoons of water and a spoonful of sugar are added. Products For 1 jar (1 l): Fresh peach with dense pulp - 5-6 pcs. Sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon Water - 4 tbsp. spoons Tip: If you can't peel the peaches, submerge them in a colander or wire basket in boiling, acidified water. citric acid and quickly cool in cold water. Peel off the skin easily with your hand. How to cook peaches in your own juice: Rinse the peaches, peel them. Then cut the peaches in half and remove the pits. Rinse the jars with soda, rinse well. Arrange the peaches on tin or glass jars cut side down, sprinkle with sugar. Then pour a spoon into each jar hot water(you can taste up to 4 tablespoons). Place the jars in the tank with hot water and sterilize. Sterilization time for peaches in their own juice in 1 liter jars at temperatures up to 90°C - 35 minutes, in 1/2 liter jars - 30 minutes. Close the jars with lids. At the end of sterilization, cool the jars of peaches in their own juice. Peaches in their own juice are ready! 5. Peach compote for the winter.

Many no longer close compotes, but simply freeze berries and fruits, and then cook fresh compotes. But it seems to me that in the compote "from the jar" there is something very homely, cozy, perhaps from childhood ... Products Based on a 1-liter jar: Peach slices - 200 g Sugar - 150 g "from a can" (as well as plum, apple-pear, cherry) differs from freshly brewed! Therefore, I closed a few jars of my favorite compote and will share this simple recipe peach compote. I close jars of 1 and 2 liters. How to prepare peach compote for the winter: Pour boiling water over the lids, wash the jars thoroughly. Wash the peaches, cut into slices. Divide into jars (about 1/3 of a jar) Pour boiling water over the jars, cover with lids, leave to cool for about an hour. After an hour, drain the peach water into a saucepan. Pour in sugar (calculated as 150 g of sugar per liter of water). Bring the syrup to a boil. Reduce heat and, without removing from heat, pour syrup over peaches. Cover hot compote with a lid and roll up. Turn upside down and put peach compote in pre-prepared heat (wrap in a blanket or something similar) for 1-2 days, until completely cooled. Put away on the shelf in anticipation of winter! 6. VIDEO - RECIPE Peach slices in syrup for the winter.