Recipes for diet salads for weight loss. Salad "Brush" for weight loss - a great way to lose a few pounds

This unusual, but at the same time simple salad will soon celebrate its centenary. This American dish was invented in the 1920s. last century. Initially, the salad was a true vegetable, then fruit components were included in it.

Now you can find numerous reviews of those who are losing weight, who have tried the "Brush" - the salad has become extremely popular in dietetics. With it, you can not only remove body fat, but also strengthen the immune system. Women compete to see who can lose the most pounds using the dish. However, doctors remind that any abuse can lead to a completely different result. All experiments with cooking should be moderate.

The salad gained particular popularity after Elena Malysheva began to mention it in her weight loss programs. A nutritionist and TV presenter gave the salad a new life. Now he is well known and loved by many women who, with the help of a simple dish consisting of available ingredients, can lose kilograms of excess weight without compromising their health and family budget. By replacing one meal a day with this miraculous salad, you can achieve results that would be impossible to dream of even for those who constantly visit the gym and adhere to a balanced diet.

To begin with, we learn about the merits of a salad with an unusual name.

The dish helps those who are not ready to give up large portions, but at the same time expect to lose weight. One hundred grams of lettuce in a serving plate looks very voluminous, which creates the illusion of a large portion.. At the same time, the calorie content of such a portion is unusually small - 50-55 kcal. Lettuce has cleansing properties. It has a positive effect on digestion, stimulates intestinal motility, eliminates toxins. It is not necessary to constantly use the "Brush", 2-3 times a week will be enough to cleanse the body of decay products, make up for the deficiency of vitamins and normalize the functioning of internal organs.

The benefits of lettuce

Lettuce can be called a storehouse of vitamins and substances useful for the body. Eating a dish in food will be useful not only for those who are overweight. To strengthen the immune system, the "Brush" will also be useful.

The dish is rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates, organic acids. It helps to accelerate metabolism, increase the body's resistance to infections, relieve swelling and chronic fatigue. Any person needs vitamins, and the "Brush" is a great way to make up for their deficiency. Many women use it for fasting days. With the help of such a powerful cleansing dish, you can keep yourself in shape, and this applies not only to the figure. Lettuce helps to remove harmful substances from the body, due to which, in fact, the skin deteriorates, acne appears, and metabolism is disturbed.

According to the results and reviews of those who are losing weight, it is easy to understand that the salad copes with really serious problems with being overweight. In addition, it helps restore intestinal microflora, establish regular stools, and relieve digestive problems. Many diets offered for weight loss are not rich in variety, and it is important not only to limit calorie intake, but also to reward the body with the most diverse foods. So, the salad must definitely replenish the diet of losing weight, adhering to protein diets..

Other benefits of lettuce include:

  • easy to prepare
  • does not require exotic or expensive products,
  • enhances the effect of diets,
  • helps to compensate for the lack of vitamins and macronutrients,
  • increases mental and physical performance,
  • helps regulate appetite.

The main advantage of lettuce is that it allows you to improve your health and improve your figure without resorting to heavy physical exertion and expensive weight loss drugs.

Slimming salad recipe

Probably, there is no easier dish to prepare. Many dieting people are ready to purchase exotic products and overpay for diuretic herbal preparations, although the most effective weight loss salad can be prepared in a matter of minutes from simple products. The main ingredients are carrots, white cabbage and beets. Products are taken in equal proportions. Vegetables are chopped and mixed. This dish is seasoned with lemon juice. Some people add olive oil to the salad, but it should be remembered that this immediately affects the calorie content of the dish.

Elena Malysheva is a supporter of the low-calorie option "Brushes", although there are recipes with the addition of walnuts, seeds, raisins. It is strictly forbidden to dress the salad with vinegar, and it is highly undesirable to add salt to it. At least, it is in this form that those who plan to lose weight with its help will have to use the "Brush". For the same people who just want to diversify their diet with a vitamin salad, you can recommend a recipe with the addition of fruits, nuts and herbs.

The effect of lettuce and the possible results of the diet

The dish has a bright and juicy taste. However, not everyone likes the vegetable mix, and many use the "Brush" along with meat and fish. This is a good combination, especially since a vegetable salad can be a great side dish for other dishes. The best addition to a vegetable salad will be cereal dishes. In the diet of those who are thin, cereals should definitely appear, a side dish for which will be the universal salad "Brush".

Each ingredient of the dish has its own unique and unique effect on the body:

  • cabbage - helps to eliminate edema, contains specific antioxidants that protect cells from destruction and prevent premature aging of the body. Cabbage increases muscle endurance, helps regulate blood sugar levels, normalizes water-salt balance;
  • beets - prevents the development of atherosclerosis, stimulates the intestines, has a pronounced cleansing effect, accelerates metabolism. Helps with constipation, has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, lowers blood pressure, normalizes the intestinal microflora;
  • carrots - increases physical endurance, enhances intestinal motility, energizes. The product is enriched with complex carbohydrates necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Promotes the removal of excess fluid, improves complexion, protects against the harmful effects of environmental factors.

If you eat 1.5 kg of salad per day, dividing it into 6-8 servings, you can lose up to 2 kg in 1-2 days. To abuse the "Brush" for weight loss is still not worth it. It is best suited to complement the main dishes or as a one-day mono-diet.

This salad has one significant drawback - it does not eliminate the feeling of hunger. That is why losing weight is recommended to share a salad made from 500 g of vegetables of each type into portions weighing 200-250 g. You can use the dish every 1.5 - 2 hours. This will relieve the constant feeling of hunger and will not overload the body with extra calories.

Salad is suitable for those who are fond of fitness. Athletes say that with the help of salad, you can significantly improve endurance and performance, increase anabolism and strengthen immunity. Especially useful in winter, when the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits is limited.

Lose weight with the help of wave dishes is real. And the numbers of losing weight are truly impressive. Some manage to lose up to 15 kg per month. However, nutritionists warn that such weight loss can adversely affect health. It is better to use the "Brush" for weekly fasting days, which will allow you to lose from 4 to 7 kg per month painlessly for the body.

People with urolithiasis will have to refrain from eating lettuce. There are no other contraindications to the use of lettuce, but moderation should be remembered. Excessive consumption of even the most healthy food can negatively affect your well-being and lead to digestive problems.

Those who season the salad with lemon juice should be aware of the high acidity of the dish. If the salad causes irritation, it is better to fill it with vegetable oil. Losing weight with a vegetable salad with the addition of oil dressing will be less fast, but more gentle. In an effort to become the owner of a slim figure in a short time, do not forget that you can harm your health. First of all, you need to remember the safety measures not to lean on the miraculous salad, even if it gives good results and is easily accepted by the body.

"Brush": reviews of losing weight

Most losing weight calls the salad almost a lifesaver. Affordability and ease of preparation attract many women seeking to get rid of extra pounds in a short time. Nutritionists also respond positively and recommend including it in the diet to all those who monitor their weight.

"Delicious way to lose weight"

I actually love vegetables, so the "Brush" was an amazing discovery for me. With the help of this salad, you can lose weight quickly and without much hardship. Many do not like the vegetable taste, and some women who lose weight on this salad eat it with disgust. But my weight problems were not that great. I just planned to lose 5-7 kg. With carrot and cabbage salad, I managed to do this in a month and a half. Often I didn’t make a salad, but chose one day a week, made a bowl of vegetable mix and ate it when I wanted to. The dish is very juicy and sweet, despite the fact that I didn’t make any special dressings. I once dressed a salad with apple juice, and I liked this option more than dressing with lemon juice. The dish seemed even tastier, and the result of the diet was just as effective.

“If there are no stomach problems, then a great way to lose weight”

I was delighted with this salad and recommended it to everyone left and right, but it turns out that it is not suitable for everyone. A friend with high acidity could not eat "Brush". During pregnancy, too, should not lean on the salad. In all other cases, the dish will be very useful. With the help of the "Brush" or "Tassel" I managed to lose 14 kg in three months. I ate "Brush" like this: two fasting days a week and sometimes added salad as a side dish to mushrooms, poultry, fish fillets. Vegetable salad complements other dishes well. I don't even know what this salad goes with. Now I'm experimenting with recipes and trying to improve the "Brush" so that I can eat at least every day and with different tastes.

“I can’t imagine my diet without the“ Brush ”

Acquaintance with the dish was not the most successful. The salad seemed too watery and not very tasty, because salt and spices are not added to it. But for the sake of a beautiful figure, I decided to endure. The first two kilograms I lost really motivated me. I tried to use the "Brush" as an aspen dish for fasting days, but it was hard, the feeling of hunger did not go away, even when the stomach was full of vegetables. I acted differently: I began to eat salad for dinner, and in the afternoon I ate everything I wanted. This made it possible to adjust the chair, solve the problem with frequent constipation and swelling. Now I continue to use the "Brush" daily and can no longer imagine my diet without this dish. My weight is stable. For six months, about 18 kg was gone, but I was not zealous with diets, so I consider this result to be very good. I lost more than half of my weight in the first two months. Now I just support the result with a wonderful salad.

Salad Brush for weight loss deservedly occupies a leading place in the ranking of the best salads for weight loss and bowel cleansing. If you decide to lose weight or just arrange a fasting diet for yourself, the Brush for Weight Loss salad will help you. The recipe for this salad may vary, depending on the ingredients. But they all contain a minimum of calories. Let's find out the details about brush salad and look at the recipes.

Lettuce Brush was invented by famous naturopaths at the beginning of the 20th century. Its creator is called Paul Bragg or Herbert Shelton. In fact, vegetables used to be eaten raw, and only then, over time, they began to cook them. It turns out that Brush Salad came to us from the distant past, when our ancestors ate healthy food. What can not be said about modern man.

Salad Bowel Brush

Why is the Colon Brush Salad So Effective? The main secret of the Brush salad is that it is prepared exclusively from raw vegetables or fruits. Thus, vegetables go through the intestines and, like a broom, sweep away everything in their path. Remains of undigested food, waste and toxins.

Salad "Brush" will help:

  • Renew intestinal microflora;
  • Get rid of certain bowel diseases;
  • Deal with constipation;
  • Edema may go away;
  • The complexion will become healthier.

Our intestinal microflora cannot eat boiled and fried foods. Therefore, when you eat thermally processed food, it is hard to digest and starts to rot. On decay, pathogenic microflora is formed. Our native microflora enriches the body with essential vitamins. Pathogenic - emits only decay products, from which the body begins to hurt.

Lettuce Brush + Lipocarnit

The big benefit of lettuce brush for weight loss is that it will not only help you lose weight, but also cleanse your intestines! Reviews and results speak for themselves if used with the remedy - these are natural capsules that help fight excess weight.

Lettuce Brush for the intestines will help to clean out all the impurities from the intestines, so that our intestinal microflora “settled” there again. Here is such a process of work of the lettuce Brush, in a nutshell.


There are many different recipes for salad brush for weight loss. For example: a recipe from Elena Malysheva or a recipe from Margarita Koroleva. We have prepared for you the most popular recipes for making the Slimming Brush salad, which cleanses the intestines. Similar recipes receive a lot of feedback about the results of losing weight.

Any recipe includes exclusively raw products. Nothing can be boiled or fried. All kinds of seasonings - remove. Salt included.

Classic Salad Slimming Brush

A standard salad that you can find on all sites on the Internet. It's easy to prepare. You will need:

  • 300 g of raw beets;
  • 300 g orange carrots;
  • 300 g apples (sweet or sour, to choose from).

Salad Brush "Raw food"

There are several variations of this salad. One option was invented by those who are not raw foodists, the second option was from real raw foodists.

The difference is that raw foodists do not chop or mix anything, but take and eat it as a whole or cut it into more convenient pieces. And adding olive oil or thermally processed nuts to the salad is not at all raw food. Reviews and results of raw foodists speak for themselves.

So the recipe would be:

  • 200 g of raw ordinary beets;
  • 400 g of white cabbage, preferably not young;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 100 g of pine nuts (you can almonds).

Salad brush with celery for weight loss

Many people combine celery with weight loss. Although celery is an ordinary green, like any other. You can also lose weight on spinach.

To prepare the Brush with celery, you will need the following products:

  • 500g celery and better stalks;
  • 0.5 kg of fresh green cucumbers;
  • One third of a glass of lemon juice;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • Lettuce, dill, parsley.

Grate celery and cucumbers or chop in a blender. Add chopped herbs, lemon juice and oil. So the salad is ready. Brush for weight loss. The recipe is quite simple!

Salad with apple and celery "Broom"

Delicious apple salad is very easy to prepare. To do this, take:

  • 0.6 kg of apples (red, green);
  • 0.5 kg of raw beetroot;
  • 200 g of celery root;
  • Lemon juice and olive oil 1 tablespoon each.

Grate the ingredients to a fine consistency and add oil with lemon. Mix. Salad Brush for weight loss with apple flavor is ready!


As products for this salad, you will need dried fruits, pomegranate and grapefruit. Namely:

  • 2 medium grapefruits;
  • 100 ml of ripe pomegranate juice;
  • 0.5 cups of prunes;
  • And the same amount of dried apricots.

Pre-soaked dried fruits must be cut into thin slices, pour pomegranate juice and add grapefruit, cut into small pieces by hand.

Fruity with bran

Bran is a very good fiber for colon cleansing. They are also rich in useful elements. This salad will do the trick.

  • Medium sized apple;
  • Orange - 1 pc.;
  • 2 pcs. ripe kiwi;
  • 1 tbsp bran (meal in packs from the store is suitable);
  • 4 tbsp fat-free yogurt or kefir;
  • 1 tsp lime honey (any honey).

After the apple is grated to small pieces, add chopped fruit to it. Pour bran in advance with yogurt or kefir to get wet, for 5 minutes. Next, mix: fruits, soaked bran in kefir and honey. You can eat brush salad.

Feel free to add your own twists to any salad. For example, replace one vegetable with another, or vice versa add. It all depends on your preferences. The main thing to remember is that the main secret of this salad is fresh ingredients. And what exactly these products are not so important.

Look at a small photo gallery of a ready-made brush salad. Photo recipes prepared specifically for the diet.

Video recipe for salad for weight loss "Brush"

And here is a more detailed video description. Making a salad brush for weight loss is much easier than you thought? Look at the video and prepare yourself a healing salad Brush for intestines and weight loss.

Reviews and results

We recommend that you read some of the reviews and results of people who have tried the action of the Slimming Brush salad. If any of the reviews and results inspire you to try the effect of the salad on yourself, be sure to write about it in the comments. You can send your feedback with the results to the support service.

Karina is 45 years old.

I love all the salads! I learned a similar recipe a long time ago from my mother, when I was still studying at the institute. For the first time I tried not myself, when problems with the intestines and stomach began. Improper nutrition makes itself felt, over time. I ate salad "Brush" only in the evening, instead of dinner.

And although there was no goal to lose weight, minus a few kilograms was a pleasant bonus for me. The bowel disease also gradually disappeared. Did everything as indicated in the recipes. Sometimes I added other vegetables that were in the refrigerator. After recovery, I completely revised my diet. Now I often eat salads as snacks.

Tatyana is 28 years old.

Extra pounds never tormented me, but I always wanted to lose weight by 5 kilograms. I tried different ways, but the weight eventually returned. It's not a problem, but it's annoying. Any diet is flour for me. I can't stand it for long. She liked to make snacks with buns with tea and cakes. I found a recipe for Brush salad on the site and tried it. The results are phenomenal. Salad Brush, in different variations, I eat 2 times a day: before lunch and for dinner. Sometimes I add boiled fish to salads. The intestines began to work better and the weight does not return.

Katya (young mother).

Pregnancy made my stomach, so the task was to get rid of it. I tried the salad Brush for weight loss. The recipes were different. I did this: I was hungry for one day, on the water. Then for 2 days I ate only salads. For 3 days minus 2.5 kg. I think this is a good result.

Dina (housewife).

Previously, excess weight was in excess. A salad brush was advised to me by my friend, she also took it from her, she is an NL manager, so she understands weight loss. She never offered me to lose weight or buy products until I asked her myself. My "treatment" lasted 5 days. Bought 1 can of Energy Diet Chicken Soup, and 1 can of dessert.

The diet was:

  • In the morning I ate salad Brush and Dessert;
  • Lunch was Energy chicken soup;
  • She also had dinner with a salad, but according to a different recipe;
  • During the day, as a snack, I made Dessert from Energy for half a serving.

For 5 days, every day I ate no more than 400 grams of brush salad. I spent 1.5 cans of a cocktail, but then I finished it. Every day I measured the weight lost, only minus 4.5 kg.

Salad Brush for weight loss did not suit me. Barely lasted 1 day on it, from morning to evening. I didn't even go to the toilet. Thought it would be the same. Clearly, there is no effect.

Cooking Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva, a well-known TV presenter and doctor, also recommends the Slimming Brush salad as a means to cleanse the intestines and get rid of excess weight. Recommends using a recipe without olive oil. Salad Brush for weight loss from Elena Malysheva consists of the following products:

  • White cabbage, carrots, beets - all 500 grams each;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

The cooking method is no different from previous recipes. Finely chop the vegetables (blender or grater). Mix everything, squeeze out the juice. Put a bowl of salad in the refrigerator - this will be the entire daily diet.

Be sure to drink water throughout the day, it will help remove toxins from the body. Drink about 2 liters. The brush salad recipe from Elena Malysheva has reviews and results. Although they are not unambiguous:

  1. some write that they have lost weight,
  2. others - often ran to the toilet,
  3. the third - were dissatisfied, because of the constant desire to eat.

Malysheva herself recommends using a salad to do fasting days and alternate the Brush with a protein diet. For example: one day boiled chicken, the other - salad Brush for weight loss of any recipe. Losing 5-10 kg with such a diet is not a problem, according to Malysheva.

The method of losing weight from Margarita Koroleva looks a little different. She has a different take on diet. The Queen's recipe is simple. Weight loss is carried out in 3 stages for three days each. According to the Queen, minus 9 kg is guaranteed to you.

  • Stage 1: white rice, linden honey, water;
  • Stage 2: alternating chicken breast and fish;
  • Stage 3: vegetables, honey and water.

Be sure to drink 2 liters of water per day. It helps to remove waste and toxins from the body.
Honey should be eaten in 1 tsp. apart from everything. Vegetables can be cooked in the oven, double boiler, cook in a saucepan. And rice, meat and fish should only be boiled. Do not under any circumstances fry.

The essence of the recipe is to cook yourself food for 6 times a day. But, in order not to fill up to satiety, but simply not to feel hungry.

How to use

How often and when to eat salad brush for weight loss? Salad can be eaten not only as a diet for weight loss. Natural live vegetables and fruits will enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals very well. Add brush salad to your daily life, and you will get only health.

Sometimes it is not easy to introduce Brush lettuce into the diet, as evidenced by the reviews and results of some people. Raw vegetables and fruits may not be to your taste at first, but this is a matter of habit.

Every day, for dinner, eat brush salad and you will not know bowel problems. And the extra pounds will eventually leave you. You can replace any meal with a salad.

For dinner, you can eat not only lean vegetable salad. Combine it with boiled chicken breast or boiled fish. There is practically no fat in these products, so the result of losing weight will not be long in coming.

So, brush salad can be used in three cases:

  • In order to lose weight;
  • To get rid of intestinal diseases;
  • For unloading days.

Diet Brush

We offer you two options for the Brush diet for 7 days (your feedback and results will be sent to us in support). The first option is made up of ordinary products and salad. The second is the Slimming Brush salad combined with the Energy Diet cocktail.

Regular Diet Brush.

  1. Monday: salad + 500 g boiled fish + 2 slices of rye bread;
  2. Tuesday: salad + 3 boiled eggs (with 1 yolk) + vegetable soup + orange;
  3. Wednesday: salad + 0.5 kg of sweet apples;
  4. Thursday: salad + 0.5 kg of boiled chicken breast + 2 slices of rye bread + grapefruit or orange;
  5. Friday: repeat the recipe of the first day;
  6. Saturday: salad + 300 g boiled beef + apple or orange;
  7. Sunday: salad + oatmeal with skimmed milk + 2 slices of rye bread + 500 ml of skimmed kefir, possibly yogurt.

Divide each day into 5 meals. Start the morning with a salad, for dinner, eat only salad, any recipe. Weight loss due to diet: 3-5 kg

Special Diet Brush.

  1. Every day you will eat no more than 400 grams of Brush salad (without adding oil) according to any recipe + any of the Energy Diet cocktails 5 times a day.

As a cocktail, you can buy chicken soup or a banana cocktail. And maybe both. For 7 days of the diet, 2 cans of Energy are enough. Reviews and results of people show weight loss: 5-7 kg.

How much can you drop

As we wrote above, weight loss with a regular diet on Brush lettuce can vary between 3-5 kg. A lot depends on your metabolism and other things.


The calorie content of any dish is calculated from the energy component of all the ingredients that are included in the salad.

For example, a 300 gram serving of carrot, beetroot, cabbage (no oil added) salad would have 99 calories.
If you eat 5 servings a day, then about 500 calories.

Benefit and harm

Salad Brush for weight loss consists of fiber. It is indispensable for our body, because our internal microflora feeds on it. Bacteria (our microflora) eat fiber and supply us with vitamins and minerals in return. This happens in a healthy organism, whose body is not inhabited by pathogenic microflora. Pathogenic bacteria breed on rotting food, and release only toxins and decay products into the body. From this, a person gets sick (cancer, diabetes, decreased immunity).

The benefit of brush salad is that vegetables enter the body in their original state, without being thermally processed. This eliminates the breeding of pathogenic microflora, provides nutrition to the necessary bacteria and nourishes the body with minerals.

What are the benefits you get if you eat brush salad:

  • Elimination of intestinal diseases;
  • Getting rid of constipation;
  • Stabilization of blood sugar levels;
  • Cleansing of tooth enamel from plaque;
  • Improving the color of the skin and face;
  • The disappearance of chronic fatigue.

But in addition to the advantages of a salad brush, it can also do harm if you have any serious illnesses. In this case, you can not do without the help of a specialist. Be sure to consult a doctor or an experienced friend if you are afraid of something. If you do not have any, write to us, we will help!


In what cases the salad Brush for weight loss can harm the body? In no case do not start self-treatment with salad, with such health problems:

  1. Pathological disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Increased flatulence;
  3. During and after treatment with antibiotics;
  4. stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  5. Stones in internal organs (gall bladder, kidneys);
  6. Diabetes;
  7. Any exacerbation of diseases.

And also, if you lead an active life and are at work for a long time. On such a diet, not only comfort is important, but also a state of rest. Because not only the process of losing weight occurs, but also the cleansing of the intestines and the whole body, which is fraught with nervous breakdowns. Therefore, if your work is too energetic and mobile, it is better to take a week off.

Doctors' opinions

Leading nutritionists endorse eating natural fruits and vegetables. Fiber helps cleanse the intestines, get rid of toxins and toxins. In addition to the Slimming Brush salad, nutritionists recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water per day (15 minutes before meals and 1 after).

Doctors are also in solidarity with nutritionists, but warn against a large consumption of cabbage. The fact is that it can cause increased flatulence. Doctors recommend chewing food very carefully - this will help improve the functioning of the stomach.

Dr. Malysheva believes that after the "Brush" diet, it is necessary to adjust the correct diet so that excess weight does not return again.

Help your body deal with excess weight, waste and toxins. Eat salad Brush for weight loss. Choose recipes to your taste so that the process of losing weight is more comfortable.

After the Brush diet, carefully return to the standard way of eating. And it’s better to completely remove confectionery and white sugar from your diet - a real poison for the body.

Remember, health is the most valuable thing you have! It is better to take care of it in advance than to bite your elbows later.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, everyone wants to look good. Not every one of us has enough time and willpower to go to the gym all year and stick to a diet. If there are not too many extra pounds accumulated, then an elementary increase in the diet of fresh vegetables can help you. The ideal option would be a salad "Brush" for weight loss. We will take a closer look at the reviews and results within the framework of this article, but first I would like to note that this is a simple and affordable tool that will definitely give the desired result.

History of the famous lettuce

He has a lot of names, these are "Broom", "Scrub", "Dietary", "Vitamin" and many others. However, it is best known as the "Brush" salad for weight loss. Reviews and results are published on specialized sites almost every day. All new people become adherents of a healthy lifestyle and an optimal diet, and it all starts with a simple and tasty salad.

It will probably be interesting for you to know that America is the birthplace of the recipe. Back in the 20s, this salad was invented, which has already become almost a classic. Initially, it included only vegetables, in later modifications it also included fruits. However, the most important property, thanks to which he deserved the attention of the public, is his low calorie content. There are only 50 kcal per 100 g of the product (which take up a significant amount of space on your plate). Such a diet contributes to a smooth weight loss. This is what caused the fact that among Americans, who are completely overweight, the Brush salad for weight loss has become very popular. Reviews and results confirm that even without changing your usual daily routine, you will slowly but surely put yourself in order.

Indications for use

In fact, it is necessary to have it on the table for everyone and every day. Whether or not you're overweight, your body needs the fiber, vitamins, and minerals that come from fresh vegetables. Therefore, be sure to adopt such a simple and affordable recipe as the "Brush" salad for weight loss. It is best to ask a professional nutritionist for reviews and results, he will surely tell you a dozen or two real cases when people, having only added this salad to their diet, were able to get rid of the hated extra pounds.

But not only excess weight is an indication for use. If you want to improve metabolism and remove toxins from the body, improve the intestinal microflora and get rid of constipation, significantly improve digestion, then the "Brush" salad for weight loss will serve as an excellent service. Reviews say that this salad also helps get rid of swelling, which means that soon enough you will look much better.

The benefits of lettuce

This dish speeds up metabolism, normalizes the digestive tract and effectively cleanses the intestines. Each serving contains a significant amount of fiber and complex carbohydrates. Due to this composition, the salad is extremely necessary to use during a variety of diets, when the body suffers from a lack of various substances, this is especially important with a protein diet. But that's not all. Salad "Brush" for weight loss (reviews compare it with a panicle, as it removes all unnecessary from the body) contains a huge amount of vitamins that a person needs every day and all year round.

famous recipe

Surely every reader is already very interested in how to cook this tasty and healthy salad. Everything is very simple here, all these ingredients are in every home, and they are quite inexpensive on the market. You will need white cabbage, beets and carrots. The quantity is arbitrary, so you can focus on your own taste. In the original, it is proposed to take 0.5 kg of cabbage, carrots and beets. All vegetables need to be finely chopped into strips; for this purpose, you can use a food processor, grater or knife. Lemon juice is used for dressing, but even if you add a little olive oil, the calorie content will increase very slightly. But it is undesirable to add vinegar and salt, even in small quantities.

You have a salad "Brush" for weight loss. Reviews (those who have tried it remain connoisseurs of this dish forever) about it are only positive. It is tasty and fresh, bright and juicy. Such a salad can become a daily side dish for your favorite dish, be it meat or fish, any cereals. Daily use as an addition to the main dish increases vitality, strengthens the immune system and improves digestion.

Salad for fasting days

Every day you can and should eat this salad, in addition, it is extremely important for your health. But in order to quickly and effectively lose weight, it is also necessary to spend fasting days. Salad "Brush" for weight loss is best suited. The recipe, reviews of which confirm its excellent taste, as well as excellent health after its regular use, is designed specifically to ensure that you regularly (once or twice a week) exclude everything from your diet except this salad. Then weight loss, vitality and beautiful skin are definitely provided to you. You will need to chop one and a half kilograms of vegetables in the morning (0.5 of each type), and then divide the resulting amount into about 8 servings, that is, you can have a snack every hour and a half, and hunger will not torment you. In one day of such unloading, you can lose about 2 kg.

Reviews of fasting days

Many women have already tried the "Brush" salad for weight loss. Reviews and how much you can lose if you spend one day every week exclusively on salads, they are willing to provide on specialized forums. So, most of them say that in just one such day you begin to feel much better, that is, the body is quickly freed from all harmful things. And if you make it a rule to spend every three days on such a salad, then in a couple of months you will simply not be recognized. However, this is only one side of the coin.


Among those who tried the "Brush" salad, there are those who were dissatisfied with the result. These people report too frequent visits to the toilet, indigestion or bloating. In fact, this is possible if you have not read the list of contraindications in advance. It is, and we will definitely bring it, but a little later. However, it is noteworthy that similar unpleasant phenomena are observed in those who switch to eating only one salad. But this is not necessary, it is enough to replace potatoes, pasta and multi-layered salads with "Brush", and choose low-fat varieties of fish or meat as the main dish, and the result will appear very soon. Another disadvantage, judging by the reviews, is that it is difficult to eat a salad. But since we are talking about a fasting day and cleansing the body, then you should not eat up.


It is not recommended to use such a salad for pregnant women, since a large amount of fiber can cause uterine hypertonicity. However, we are talking about a large amount of it, and little by little fresh vegetables must be added to each meal. It is not recommended to spend fasting days on the "Brush" for people suffering from severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as those prone to diarrhea. In addition, if the salad is seasoned with lemon juice, people who are prone to allergic reactions, as well as those who have increased stomach acidity, should be more careful with it.


We have already said a lot about such a wonderful dish as the "Brush" salad for weight loss. Reviews and results, before and after photos regularly appear on the web, more and more people understand that not miraculous pills, but only a change in diet, will solve the problem of excess weight once and for all. Daily use of the brush as a side dish will help get rid of 2-5 kg ​​per month. One fasting day will reduce your weight by 1-2 kg, and since it is recommended to arrange no more than one (in rare cases two) such days per week, you can lose 4-8 kg per month.

However, there is another diet option that uses the Brush salad for weight loss. Reviews and results (we already gave the recipe above) indicate that this option is the most effective, in addition, it is much easier to maintain such a diet than any other. You will need to alternate protein days (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese) with days spent on the "Brush". As a result, you lose 10 kilograms in 12 days.

Summing up

Salad "Brush" is a unique dish. Delicious and healthy, it will not only saturate the body with the necessary vitamins, but also allow you to get rid of all that is superfluous. We are talking about body fat, toxins. But if the last two leave the body on their own, then in order for fat reserves to leave faster, it is necessary to increase physical activity.


  • Beets - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cabbage - 0.5 -0.8 kg (½ medium-sized head).
  • Olive oil - up to 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, pepper, herbs and lemon juice - optional.

We lose weight quickly

With the onset of spring, we all want to transform and get rid of the kilograms accumulated over the winter months. One of the popular and effective means in the fight against excess weight is brush salad.

This light and juicy appetizer of fresh vegetables is unique because it helps not only to lose weight, but also helps to remove toxins from the body, effectively cleanses the intestines, it is not surprising that it bears such a name.

A lettuce diet The brush helps to get rid of 2-3 kg in a short time, it is especially recommended after holiday overeating and even after childbirth. Reviews about this salad are very laudatory. The brush helps to quickly get in shape and fully restore the protective and metabolic functions of the body. The secret of this magical dish is simple: properly selected and only fresh vegetables, and the main ingredient is beets.

The brush salad recipe was invented almost a hundred years ago by the famous naturopaths Bragg and Shelton, the founders of the raw food diet. Then the Brush salad was eaten not so much for weight loss, but for cleansing the body.

Such food was considered optimal for the human diet, since it corresponded to the maximum with that which our distant ancestors ate when heat treatment of products was not yet used.

The classic Brush salad, the photo and recipe of which is most often found, is made from raw beets, cabbage, carrots and seasoned with olive oil. Its calorie content is only 67 kcal / 100 g, so Brush salad may well become the main dish during the diet.

Many people ask themselves: how to use brush salad? To make the results as tangible as possible, nutritionists recommend having a fasting day on this salad.

In this case, the brush will help you get rid of 1-2 kg per day immediately. Brush salad, prepared according to any recipe with a photo, must be divided into several servings (usually 2 or 3) and eat them throughout the day, all other products for this period are strictly excluded.

Diet of Elena Malysheva

Many people know the diet of Elena Malysheva, designed for a week, the main dish in it is the Brush salad. The principle of such nutrition is the unlimited use of salad throughout the entire period, every day different additives are added to the main dish: grain bread and low-fat fish, vegetable soups and boiled eggs, apples, boiled chicken fillet and veal, oatmeal and yogurt.

On some days it is allowed to eat fruits, mainly citrus fruits. It should be noted that the number of additional products is strictly normalized and cannot be exceeded. Malysheva took the classic Brush salad recipe as a basis, but all the vegetables for it are taken in equal quantities. According to her recommendations, it is better not to season the dish with anything at all, but if you wish, you can add a little olive oil, lemon juice or still mineral water.

The second, no less effective way for losing weight, is a 10-day diet with alternating protein and carbohydrate days. On a protein day, one egg and boiled chicken are eaten, on a carbohydrate day - up to 1.5 kg of brush salad.

Today, the Internet and books about proper nutrition are full of all kinds of brush salad recipes and flattering reviews about them. So that the taste does not become boring, and the diet is as varied as possible, dried fruits, apples, onions, lemon juice, etc. are added to the salad. You ask yourself: how much can you lose by eating brush salad? It all depends on the chosen diet and initial weight, on average, the indicator varies from 2 to 5 kg in 7-10 days.


Before you use the salad Brush for weight loss, decide how much you personally need per day. The indicated amount of ingredients corresponds to approximately 2 servings, sufficient for an average consumption on a fasting day.

  1. Chop the cabbage in any convenient way (the smaller, the better), squeeze it with your hands until juice appears.
  2. Grate beets and carrots (raw only) and mix with cabbage in a deep bowl.
  3. Drizzle the salad with olive oil, drizzle with lemon juice and salt if desired. Greens and peppers will make the dish tastier.

This Slimming Brush salad recipe has received the most positive reviews. One serving contains only about 120 kcal. Calorie content can be reduced further if the amount of oil is reduced, but it should not be completely excluded, since it helps to better absorb vitamins and cleanse the intestines.

The brush salad recipe from Elena Malysheva, although it does not include oil, is also useful for the intestines. The dish is prepared from an equal amount of the same vegetables that are seasoned with lemon juice. For effective weight loss, the doctor recommends eating 1.5 kg of brush salad per day, dividing it into 8 meals. Photos, reviews and results speak for themselves: only 485 kcal per day, that's how much is contained in the indicated amount of Malysheva's Brush salad, help to lose up to 5 kg per week.

To lose weight faster, eating this salad, be sure to drink more water, herbal drinks or green tea, you can with lemon, but, of course, without sugar. But black and coffee should be abandoned for the duration of the diet. By the way, since the composition of the Brush includes a lot of raw beets, this salad should be discarded by people suffering from diabetes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and urinary tract.

It is not in vain that the salad brush for weight loss received such a name, because its main property is that it, like a broom, copes with everything superfluous in the body. Thanks to its ingredients, it perfectly removes toxins and toxins, and also helps to get rid of 1-2 extra pounds in one day. The main benefit of lettuce is that it contains a fairly large amount of fiber. But, as you know, fiber helps to cleanse the intestines, restore its normal functioning, get rid of toxins that fill the human body.

The main advantage of this salad is that it consists exclusively of fresh vegetables, sometimes apples and nuts are found in its composition. The main usual ingredients - beets, carrots, cabbage - vegetables that have the so-called negative calorie content, which means that the body spends more energy and calories on their processing than they contain.

Vitamins and minerals, which are part of vegetables, help not to sag the skin with too rapid weight loss. Also, people who regularly consume these vegetables have a healthy complexion and generally beautiful appearance, because the beneficial substances in vegetables improve digestion and blood circulation.

But, unfortunately, this salad cannot be called hearty. Two hours after eating, you can feel very hungry again, so we recommend drinking more warm water and green tea during the fasting day on the brush.

How to cook a salad brush for weight loss - 15 varieties

This is the simplest, classic version of this salad. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, and only three products are included in its composition: cabbage, carrots and beets. If desired, it can be seasoned with oil or lemon juice. The salad turns out to be bright, tricolor, due to which it got its cheerful name. Remember that we use only raw vegetables for salad preparation!


  • Small beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cabbage - 400 gr.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp.


We rub beets and carrots on a coarse grater.

We chop the cabbage.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Drizzle with olive or sunflower oil if desired.

Enjoy your meal!

Another version of a delicious and healthy salad. With the addition of walnuts, the classic "panicle" takes on a whole new taste. Salad becomes more satisfying and high-calorie.

In order for it to turn out quite juicy, it is recommended to add a few tablespoons of water to the salad.


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • White cabbage - 300 gr.
  • Walnuts - 6 pcs.


We grate beets, carrots and cabbage on a grater for Korean carrots.

Mix vegetables, decorate with halves of walnuts.

Sprinkle with lemon juice if desired.

For those who do not like raw beets and carrots, we have prepared a recipe for a delicious, healthy brush of carrots and dried fruits! Such a salad will not be as effective for weight loss as salads based on raw vegetables, but it will just as easily cope with the removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Doctors recommend to arrange fasting days on such a salad every 1-2 weeks.


  • Carrot - 2 pcs.
  • Raisins - 0.5 cups.
  • Pomegranate seeds - ¼ cup.
  • Dried cranberries - ¼ cup.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.


We rub the carrots on a grater.

We clean the apple and cut into cubes.

Mix apple, carrots, raisins, cranberries and pomegranate seeds, pour over lemon juice.

It turns out incredibly tasty and fragrant salad, good for health and figure!

Another version of the sweet and tasty "panicle". If you use it for weight loss, it is advisable to exclude any vegetable oil from the composition, because prunes and dried apricots have a fairly high calorie content. Also, we do not recommend eating such a salad for weight loss in the evening, because for weight loss, nutritionists advise to exclude the use of carbohydrates after dinner.


  • Pitted dried apricots - 5 pcs.
  • Pitted prunes - 5 pcs.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cabbage - 300 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp


Soak dried apricots and prunes in hot water for half an hour.

We grate the beets and carrots, finely chop the cabbage.

Mix with dried fruits, add lemon juice and spices if desired.

Introducing another diet brush recipe. Due to the presence of celery and a bunch of cilantro in the composition, the salad is even more effective for weight loss, because these two components have amazing fat-burning properties. In addition, it has healing properties for the intestinal microflora, helps to cope with edema.


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • White cabbage - 3 leaves.
  • Celery stalk - 1 pc.
  • Fresh cilantro - 1 bunch.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cold water - 1 tbsp.


Separate 3 leaves from cabbage, finely chop.

We rub carrots and beets on a coarse grater, you can use a special grater for carrots in Korean.

Slice the celery stalk.

Finely chop the cilantro, squeeze a teaspoon of lemon juice.

We mix all the necessary ingredients, add lemon juice, oil and water (if desired, the salad becomes more juicy with water).

This salad will be appreciated by those who want to lose weight, but cannot imagine their life without meat. It can also be used by those who sit on the "drying", that is, they want to get rid of excess fat while maintaining muscle mass, but in this case, you should give up oil and spices.


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cabbage - 300-400 gr.
  • Chicken breast - 300 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp
  • Spices - to taste.


Boil the chicken breast, add salt and pepper if desired.

We grate beets, carrots and cabbage on a grater for Beijing carrots.

Cut the chicken into small pieces.

Mix the ingredients, season with lemon juice and oil.

We got a delicious protein salad!


  • Carrot - 1 large.
  • Apple - 1 pc.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Spices - to taste.


We rub carrots and an apple on a coarse grater.

Cut the avocado into small pieces, and chop the garlic finely-finely.

Mix the ingredients and add spices to taste.

Try to enjoy eating, think about the pleasant. It has been proven that with a positive attitude, extra pounds go much faster.

Here is another non-standard version of this salad for you. We do not advise you to get involved in it for those who want to throw off a large number of extra pounds. And for those who just want to “unload” after the holidays, but cannot endure constant hunger, this option will come in handy.


  • Grapefruit - 1 pc.
  • Dried apricots - 7-8 pcs.
  • Prunes - 7-8 pcs.
  • Walnut - 5 pcs.
  • Pomegranate juice - to taste.


Soak dried apricots with prunes in hot water for half an hour.

At this time, we break the grapefruit pulp with our hands and squeeze the juice of pomegranate seeds.

Then mix all the ingredients and decorate with walnut pieces.

Sprinkle salad with grapefruit juice.

We get a very tasty meal!

The salad got its name due to the large variety of vegetables in the composition. Instead of the usual beets and carrots, we need carrots, onions, tomatoes, celery and bell peppers. This dish, rich in protein and fiber, is recommended for those who want to increase muscle mass and burn subcutaneous fat. You can safely eat it at any time of the day, because the number of calories in this salad is close to zero.


  • Celery root - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Beijing cabbage - 400 gr.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - to taste.


We cut all the vegetables into small pieces, finely chop the cabbage.

Mix and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Enjoy your meal!

Add an apple to the classic version of the salad, and the salad will acquire a completely different taste. We present to your attention another sweet version of the "panicle".


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • White cabbage - 400 gr.
  • Apple - ¼ part or half of a small one.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Vinegar - 0.5 tsp


We rub beets and carrots on a grater.

Finely chop the cabbage.

Grate or cut the apple into small pieces.

If desired, add salt, vinegar to taste.

Delicious sweet salad for weight loss is ready! Enjoy your meal!


  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Black radish - 1/4 pc.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Greens to taste (dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions, etc.)
  • Lemon or orange juice.


Grate all root vegetables.

Grind the garlic, finely chop the greens.

Then mix all the ingredients and add citrus juice.


  • Seaweed - 500 gr.
  • Carrot - 500 gr.
  • Lemon juice - a teaspoon.
  • Greens - to taste.


Using a special grater for Korean carrots, three carrots.

Then mix it with seaweed and add lemon juice and herbs to taste.

Such a salad should not be salted or peppered, because a special flavor will be obtained due to the presence of seaweed in the composition.

To make the salad different sharpness and piquancy, we advise you to add a little chili pepper to its composition. Due to the fat-burning properties of pepper, the salad will not only cleanse the intestines of toxins, but will also help to quickly lose extra pounds.


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cabbage - 400 gr.
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.


As in previous recipes, you need to grate all the vegetables. Finely chop the chili pepper.


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Green radish - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 1 clove.
  • Vegetable oil and vinegar - to taste.
  • Salt - to taste.


Finely grate all the ingredients, chop the garlic. Mix and season as you wish (oil, salt or lemon juice).


  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Red cabbage - 300 gr.
  • Red apple - 2 pcs.
  • Pomegranate seeds - 0.5 cups.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tsp
  • Olive oil - to taste.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch.


We clean the apples from the peel and cut into small strips.

Grate beets and carrots for Korean carrots.

Finely chop the cabbage and squeeze it until it releases juice.

We mix vegetables and an apple, season with a sauce of oil, lemon juice and vinegar and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and herbs. Beautiful red salad is ready!