Sour cream dessert. Sour cream dessert with gelatin and fruits: different and tasty delicacies. Sour cream dessert recipe.

Jelly is a wonderful dessert, tasty and bright. Preparing jelly is not difficult at all, and what scope for creativity ... There are also ready-made dry mixes for jelly on sale, but making such a dessert yourself is much more interesting. For jelly, good quality gelatin or agar-agar is used.

Today we will prepare a sour cream dessert with gelatin. You can take sour cream of any fat content, it is even better if the percentage is less, then the sour cream turns out to be fluffy and airy when whipped. You can take berries or pieces of fruit at your discretion, but I don’t advise you to take too juicy ones, such as pineapple, because the juice can prevent the jelly from solidifying. Today I have my own frozen raspberries. For the "chocolate" layer, use cocoa. Or you can add nothing at all, sour cream dessert with gelatin will still be very tasty.

Sour cream banana jelly

You can make your own by combining fresh whole milk with skimmed or non-fat milk. Mix two cups of skim milk with two cups whole milk and you get 2% milk. Do you want milk to be 99 percent fat? Mix one cup of whole milk with three cups of skim milk. Do you want more calcium and protein in your milk? Add some skimmed milk powder.

Whole grain croutons without frying. Toast whole grain bread and cut into cubits; when they are cold, put them in plastic bag along with grated parmesan cheese, garlic salt and herbs; shake the bag until the elbows are covered with a thin layer; sprinkle croutons without frying salads or soups.

First, soak the gelatin in cold water, according to the instructions on the package.

Pour the berries with 100 ml of water and add 75 g of sugar (adjust the sweetness to your taste). Put on fire and boil for 5-7 minutes.

Dairy-free milkshake and cocoa. Mix the contents of one sachet of powder to make 1 liter of skimmed milk with five tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa, six sachets of low-calorie sweetener, and a pinch of salt; stir until fully incorporated.

For a serving of hot cocoa, beat one-third cup of the mixture with a cup of boiling water in a blender or food processor. For ice cream, add a cup of ice cubes and water. High molecular weight hamburger. Mix in three cups of raw bran, one cup of crushed bread, one cup of skimmed milk powder, plus these additional ingredients for seasoning: six tablespoons of dehydrated onion or vegetable flakes; a spoonful of dehydrated garlic, thyme or spicy, oregano or marjoram, celery salt and paprika; and a teaspoon of crushed black and red pepper.

Beat sour cream with the remaining sugar with a mixer or blender until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Divide the sour cream into three parts - leave two parts white, and add cocoa to one. We heat the swollen gelatin, stirring, until completely dissolved, but do not boil in any case. Cool a little and add in a thin stream to sour cream, stirring well, about 1/4 part. If you do not plan to add anything else to the sour cream dessert - just mix all the gelatin and all the sour cream with sugar.

Mix well and store in a closed container. To make dumplings or meatloaf, add half a cup of this mixture for every 250 grams of beef; hydrate with water, broth, skimmed milk or tomato juice. Light margarine contains half the calories regular oil because it's half water. To make your own light butter with half the calories of regular butter and no margarine flavor, simply mix equal amount soft butter and ice water.

Jelly from sour cream and cottage cheese

Place them in a blender, food processor or in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat them together; refrigerate. To get the taste and texture of sour cream without the fat and calories, drink a cup of cottage cheese in a blender or food processor until you get homogeneous mass then add yogurt with low content fat to taste, using more yogurt if you want a softer texture and sour taste.

Strain the raspberries through a sieve, cool slightly. Pour some more gelatin to the raspberry syrup, mix well.

Let's prepare bowls, glasses, glasses or any other forms for dessert. Pour the first layer into them - sour cream or raspberry. Send the jelly to harden in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

Light desserts, false spoons. Remember to use skim milk and fresh fruits. To do low calorie desserts, it is important to use skimmed milk and liquid or powdered milk. To replace the cream of milk that is used in regular desserts, a mixture of whipped white cheese diet with yogurt.

To replace creamy white protein with sweetener, vanilla essence and a dash of soda, or very carefully incorporate clear beatings into the snowpack. Sweeteners will be liquid or powder for cooking, taking precautions different from aspartame as they cannot withstand heat. In contrast, for desserts that do not require heat, aspartame is ideal, as it imparts a very natural sweet taste to the preparation.

If by the time the first layer sets, your mixtures have thickened - it's okay, they can be quickly slightly warmed up in the microwave. Pour the second layer in the same way, again send the jelly to the refrigerator. While the second layer hardens, warm the gelatin a little and add it to the "chocolate" mixture and to the remaining sour cream. Thus, we will fill all the forms with layers. Sour cream dessert with gelatin is ready, please to the table!

To ensure consistency between mousses and puddings, adding unflavored gelatin or its variant with dietary taste perfect. To increase the volume, white to snow. You can use fresh fruit or diet syrup, as well as jams and low-calorie jellies, to cover desserts or simply color them.

Sometimes you need to add a spoon cornstarch or white flour as it helps to combine the preparation and prevents fluid loss. The cocoa, desserts, and diet vials that are bought in the preparation box are useful for coating cakes and mixing with fruit, as they are very rich and very easy to make.

Jelly turns out very tasty, tender and beautiful. Bon appetit!

In today's dynamic world, there is not enough time to prepare all sorts of goodies. Sour cream dessert with gelatin, supplemented with bananas and chocolate is one of those magic recipes that won't take you away a large number of time. This recipe is from step by step photos so simple that even a man or a child can handle it. Despite such ease of preparation, sour cream dessert turns out to be very tasty and tender, and fruits perfectly complement it.

Three-layer jelly with sour cream

mix white cheese with yogurt, egg yolk, lemon zest, sweetener and lemon juice. Dissolve gelatin in orange juice, bring to a boil, bring to a boil and then cool. Mix with previous preparation, incorporate whipped egg whites into snow with wraps, and stock up in the refrigerator.

Sour cream dessert - general principles of preparation

At the same time, cut the kiwi into pieces, bananas in tajadits, one of the peeled apples or cut into cubes. Mix them with pure grapes and place in 6 broadband glasses mixed with previously prepared cream. Decorate with the remaining hide in tayadites.

Cooking time about 20 minutes.

Serving size for 6 people.

Ingredients for Sour Cream Dessert:

  • Gelatin - 2 tablespoons;
  • Cold water - 500 ml;
  • Sour cream - 500 grams (15% fat);
  • Sugar - 100 grams;
  • Bananas - 2 pieces;
  • Bar chocolate - a few squares.

Sour cream dessert recipe:

1) First, prepare the gelatin. Its preparation is very standard. Take a small saucepan, put 2 tablespoons of gelatin there and fill it with 2 glasses of cold drinking water. Let's leave it for 40-60 minutes. Then put the pot on slow fire and, stirring constantly, we will achieve the complete disappearance of grains of gelatin. Set aside, let it cool for now. Photo 1.

Mix lanko cheese along with yogurt and lemon zest. Dissolve gelatin in lemon juice and bring it to the fire until it dissolves. Mixture with the above drug. Whisk egg whites a pinch of salt and include them in the previous preparation with a wrap. Add peeled strawberries and cut into medium.

With this recipe look

Arrange in a moistened bath pan and chill in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours until firm. Reheat and decorate with clean and dry woods. Sprinkle with powdered sweetener when serving for a snowy effect. Mix white with yogurt, egg yolks, sweetener. Mix 250 g strawberries and mix with orange juice, raisins and gelatin powder, bring to the fire until it becomes boiling. Let cool and mix with the above preparation. Finally, turn on the beaten egg whites with wrapping motions.

2) Take a jar of sour cream and mix with sugar. If you use sour cream with a higher fat content, add a little milk. Photo 2.

3) Knead until the grains of sugar disappear. Can you put it in place of sugar? powdered sugar, then it will be easier to mix until a homogeneous mass.

Bird's milk with sour cream

Pour into 8 pre-moistened molds and refrigerate until firm. Reheat and serve with remaining strawberries. Mix chopped cookies with strawberry jam and a line by pressing on the bottom of the removable pan. Dissolve uncolored gelatin powder in half a cup hot water and let it warm up. Mix yogurt with cheese and strawberry pieces. Gradually add warm gelatin, add sweetener and mix well. Pour over cookie cutter and refrigerate for about 30 minutes to dip.

Pour sour cream with sugar into gelatin. If possible, they should be at the same temperature.