What is vegetable oil and how is it different from regular oil? Vegetable butter benefits and harms.

Many people believe that the spread is a low-quality analogue of oil, but they are mistaken. In fact, this is a very useful and low-calorie product with a high nutritional value.

Spread and its types

This combined oil substitute only came into wide production in 2003. The name comes from the English word "spread", which literally translates as "smearing". Since 2008, in Russia, a spread is understood as a food product that is made from milk and vegetable fats (at least 39% of the total mass). The substitute has a plastic consistency and is easily smeared on bread.

There are three types of spread:

1. Vegetable fat.
2. Vegetable and creamy.
3. Creamy vegetable.

Each of these substitutes differs in the content of milk fat. In the first form of the product of this substance should be less than 15%, in the second - from 15 to 50%. The most high-calorie is the creamy-vegetable spread - this is a product with a milk fat content of more than 50%. In dietology, all three types are allowed.

It is impossible to ignore such a thing as the return of the spread to the state of the oil. If desired, you can make a full-fledged fatty product from a substitute, but this is impossible at home.

The difference between spread and butter

What these two products have in common is that they are made from milk cream. If natural fats are used for manufacturing (at least 64%), then it will be butter. Spread is a combined product. It should at least half consist of vegetable fats.

For the manufacture of a substitute, oils such as palm, sunflower, coconut are used. Most often, the spread includes all three types, but sometimes manufacturers save on quality, limiting themselves to one of the cheapest ingredients. It should be noted that from the concentration of coconut and palm oil the consistency of the product depends, and the enrichment of the substitute depends on the sunflower polyunsaturated acids. Often an olive is added to the composition.

Spread production is based on the hydrogenation of oils. This method allows you to exclude the ingress of trans fats into the composition of the substitute. No more than 8% concentration of these substances is allowed, otherwise the product will be unsafe for the body. In the future, it is planned to reduce this figure to 5%. As for butter, cream contains about 10% trans fats, so its excessive consumption, especially in summer time, Absolutely forbidden.

Spread is a food product created artificially. However, it is enriched not only with vitamin complexes and microelements, but also with phospholipids.


One of the main advantages of a butter substitute is that, due to the low concentration of milk fat, it practically does not contain such a harmful substance as cholesterol. When creating a spread, many manufacturers use transesterification technology, thanks to which the final product is enriched with positive acids, for example, Omega-6. This substance is necessary for the body to normalize activity. of cardio-vascular system and lowering cholesterol levels.

It should be noted right away that the spread is the only fatty product allowed for the first and second degrees of obesity. It cannot be said that it has few calories, but their number is much less than in the same butter. Also, this substitute is able to improve metabolism, removing excess acids from the body. Spread is allowed even if strict diets. In addition, it is useful for the prevention of many heart diseases, such as ischemia.

The results of numerous studies have repeatedly demonstrated the organoleptic properties of the product, due to which the substitute does not cause allergies and is quickly absorbed in the body.

vegetable cream type

This type of butter substitute has a slightly sweet taste. By consistency, it is plastic, therefore, it is well smeared on bread. In addition, the product has a high biological and nutritional value and is widely used in dietetics.

The vegetable-cream spread indicator, which distinguishes it from all other types, is a combined composition. A real quality substitute must necessarily include oils such as palm, coconut and soybean. Cow's milk used only in fat-free form. This spread also includes emulsifiers, natural dyes, flavors and sorbic acid.

Most of nutritional value substitute is assigned to fats - up to 82%. The rest is equally divided between proteins and carbohydrates. As for calories, it should not exceed 670 kilocalories per 100 grams. The shelf life of the product depends on the method of its creation and varies within 120 days. It is recommended to store it only in the refrigerator.

Vegetable fat spread

The composition of this type of food substitute includes fats of both vegetable and animal origin. Also, the product contains a small amount of butter, so there is practically no cholesterol in it. The spread indicator of vegetable-fat origin is its minimum calorie content. Per 100 grams of product the energy value will be about 360 kcal. As for the chemical composition of the substitute, it is similar to ordinary margarine.

This type of spread is the lowest calorie, but it is also the least nutritious of all the others. The fact is that there are practically no milk fats in it. In production, they are replaced with oil from sunflower seeds or from soybeans. Thus, the amount of trans fats, which impair metabolism and prevent useful substances from being fully broken down and absorbed into the blood, is minimized.

The vegetable-fat spread contains such groups of vitamins as A and D, as well as phytosterols and vital minerals. The product has received the widest application in dietetics, as it contains many times fewer calories than butter. In addition, the substitute is recommended in the prevention of serious heart disease associated with obesity.

Return of this type of spread is not possible, since its chemical composition is significantly different from oil. The shelf life of the product varies within five months.

Creamy vegetable variety

The quality of this type of substitute directly depends on the fat content. The composition includes mainly oils of vegetable origin. That is why this product is so rich in polyunsaturated acids, which allow you to normalize the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

Creamy-vegetable spread is used less often than other types of substitutes in dietology, since its fat content significantly exceeds 50%. Sometimes the figure reaches 85.5%. This type of substitute is produced only by interesterification, due to which a large number of trans fats. The creamy-vegetable spread tastes slightly sour. Consistency is noticeably firmer than other types. The ratio of milk fat in the product can reach 11%.

The composition of the creamy-vegetable substitute includes many biological fibers, as well as pectin and inulin, which are extremely beneficial for the body. The first strengthens the ionic bond of metals, and the second normalizes digestion. Shelf life in the refrigerator - up to 3 months.

Calorie content of creamy-vegetable spread

The energy value is determined by the amount of fats included in the substitute. Both vegetable and animal oils are taken into account. The ratio of these components is approximately 3 to 1. That is why this spread is a vegetable product.

The substitute can have both 50% fat and 80%. The most common creamy-vegetable spread contains about 72%. There are manufacturers who produce a product with a fat content of 85.5%.

The calorie content of such a spread is from 900 kcal. Recommended for people with high blood lipids.

The benefits of a creamy-vegetable spread

This substitute is allowed to be included in the daily diet, as it helps to normalize the work of almost all internal organs person.

Its main advantage lies in the low content of cholesterol, which leads to the destruction of the walls of the arteries (the result of the disease can be an ischemic stroke or myocardial infarction).

Creamy-vegetable spread contains special fatty acid that improve the activity of the central nervous system. It also contains a whole complex of vitamins such as A, D, E and K.

It must be clarified right away that not any of these products are completely natural. And although, it would seem, the very name “vegetable-creamy” contains the answer - not everything is so simple. food industry works to improve the quality of products, improving taste qualities and appearance, increasing shelf life. It's time to figure it out!

Features of vegetable fats

Manufacturers of cheese and dairy dishes create something new almost every year. However, in our case, it was not without rebranding. Making a mixture of fats is not a new technique. As well as the procedure for obtaining oil from seeds, which determines the type of component of non-animal origin. To understand the issue, you should understand what vegetable fats are.

Production methods

There are three main production methods:

  • Press cold. The seeds are crushed. Oil is squeezed out of the resulting paste by a press.
  • Press is hot. Here the paste is brought to a high temperature and only then the spin is made. The heated substrate releases more oil.
  • Extraction. Seeds are poured with a gasoline-like mixture, which washes away fat from them. Drain off the liquid and evaporate.

No less important is the type of flora the raw material belongs to. What determines the composition of the oil is the content of various vitamins and minerals in it. Olives, for example, are rich in a substance that contributes to the normalization of cholesterol status.

Flax contains a large amount of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Corn is rich in vitamin E.

Types of cleaning

Any oil is refined. On this basis, it is customary to distinguish the following types of product.

  • Unrefined oil- filtered, solid particles and fat-soluble contaminants are removed from it. Although smaller fractions of various parts of the seeds remain, giving it the taste and aroma characteristic of the original plant. An obvious candidate for salad dressing.
  • Refined oil, in addition to filtering, it undergoes additional purification steps. This affects its mechanical and culinary properties. It keeps longer and is better suited for frying.

The benefits and harms of vegetable fats

Any vegetable oil has a very useful ingredient are polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances are in great demand in the creation of new cells in our body. Their role is important in the processes preventing the development of atherosclerosis. In general, they are noted beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system. They help reduce inflammation, improve the flow of nutrients to tissues.

There are types of vegetable fat that can be harmful to health. These are trans fats. This method of production is extremely profitable, and a product is created with useful logistical properties, with a long shelf life.

However, its true quality is manifested in the body. Such fat interferes with the work of enzymes, disrupts the work of the cellular ensembles of our body, forcing them to receive less nutrition, inhibiting metabolic processes in general. Prolonged consumption of such products leads to serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, obesity, and even reduces immunity. These substances are extremely dangerous for the child's body.

What is vegetable oil?

It is clear that the composition of the mixture is the percentage of animal and vegetable fats. The more vegetable additives, the less creamy product. And vice versa. If you are very strict in the classification, you can distinguish certain varieties.

Types of "butter spreads"

If we approach the classification, we can distinguish certain varieties.

  • Vegetable butter is the sweetish equivalent of a butter product. Palm, coconut and soybean oils are often found in its composition.
  • Vegetable-fat spread is usually made with increased requirements for the absence of cholesterol in it. Least calorie.
  • Butter-vegetable oil consists of animal fats flavored with vegetable fats. Its taste is sour. Enriched with polyunsaturated acids.

To distinguish them on the counter from the cow is quite simple. Natural butter will never cost a little.

A small price is a reason to study the label and ask about the composition. Often the product contains a significant content of vegetable fats. Since 2004, manufacturers have been required to name such products in a special way. For example, " creamy product" or "spread".

However, do not rush to call vegetable-butter oil harmful or beneficial. Samples containing harmful fats must have a warning on their label. For example, the words "trans fats", "partially hydrogenated" or "hydrogenated".

Fortunately, vegetable butter, or spread, without these health-threatening components, is now not uncommon. Many manufacturers are trying to promote these types of products, emphasizing the absence of trans fats in their composition. Messages about this, as a rule, try to place in the most visible place of the package.

First, the word "spread" is usually used to refer to a mixture of predominantly vegetable fats. This vegetable butter and differs from the spread. Secondly, in a broad sense, the word "spread" refers not only to oils and fats, but also to all viscous food mixtures that can be spread on bread. Translated from English, it means to stretch, smear. In relation to milk and vegetable fats, it will be correct to use a double word - "butter-spread".


Now it is clear that butter, which includes mixtures of vegetable fats, is quite complete product. And it has the right to exist. The food industry is not yet able to completely abandon the use of extremely dangerous trans fats for humans.

Healthy vegetable butters and spreads are already on the market. At the moment, such a product is quite affordable. There is a basic rule that will protect you from eating foods containing hydrogenated fatty components. It is necessary to carefully study the list of components presented on the package.

For information on how to distinguish butter from spread, see the video below.

great post considered strict - at this time, the consumption of animal foods such as meat, milk, eggs is not allowed. Many fasting, especially those who do it for the first time, often narrow their diet very much and refuse many foods that are healthy for the body. This may result in poor health or, for example, gastritis. So before you start fasting, you need to think very carefully about how and - most importantly - what to eat during fasting. Do not forget that the period of Great Lent falls in the spring, when our body more than ever needs proper and balanced nutrition.

Recently, there are many products that, due to their useful properties, can replace animal products. However, for example, soy products are not a fully-fledged replacement for dairy products that are familiar to us. In addition, the taste soy products often leave much to be desired, and useful substances there are not so many of them.

To make the diet more balanced during fasting without extra effort helps spreads(from English to spread - "spread") - nutritious foods that combine the delightful delicate taste and almost all the beneficial properties of butter.

Spreads have a balanced composition and are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidic), which have a beneficial effect on our body, and also contain beta-carotene, which is not only a provitamin A, but also has antioxidant properties. The composition of the spreads includes vegetable oils, which guarantees the almost complete absence of cholesterol. In addition, the softer consistency of the spread allows it to be used in cooking more widely than butter. At the same time, the main thing is not lost - high-quality spreads have the taste of butter.

In 2010, the GC " Milk product » introduced a new product in its assortment — vegetable-fat spread « Lenten» 57% fat.

"Lenten"- this is useful product without components of animal origin. It contains only high-quality vegetable fats, so Lean is ideal for healthy eating and posts.

Spread "Lenten" does not contain cream and any animal fats, while it has not only useful properties but also delightfully gentle creamy taste- and all this thanks to a unique recipe developed by the technologists of the Dairy Product Group of Companies.

Currently, Lenten can be purchased at chain of hypermarkets "Auchan".

Dairy product group of companies was founded in 1999 and is currently one of the leading manufacturers of butter and dairy products in Russia.

Caring for the quality of products, and hence the health of the nation and its younger generation, has been and remains the main mission of the company since its foundation.

At the enterprises of the Dairy Product Group, only natural and environmentally friendly raw materials are used. Production facilities are equipped modern equipment, highly qualified and experienced specialists work here, providing strict control over compliance with production technology and selection of raw materials.

The products of the Molochny Product Group can be found in stores from Murmansk to Transcaucasia, from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin. Products under the brand "Dairy Product" are present in the assortment of all major federal retail chains, such as Auchan, "Underground", "Pyaterochka", "Penny", "Dixie", "Magnet" and many others.

Your health is in your hands!

Many consider oil and spread to be homogeneous products, which is not true. Products differ in composition, useful, harmful properties, the effect on the body. Since 2004, GOST means that the spread is not butter, the product is not included in this category, but has its own requirements for taste and appearance. hallmark oil is the price (not less than 200 rubles per pack). A substitute costs two or three times less.

What is spread

A food product based on milk and vegetable fats (from 39 to 95%) is called a spread. Translated from of English language the word spread (read "spread") means smearing or stretching. The product is not margarine or butter, as it is not made from natural cream, but based on fats. Additionally, flavors, flavors and vitamins are used to make a substitute.

Prior to the appearance on July 1, 2004 of the GOST of Russia “Spreads and melted mixtures. General technical conditions ”(GOST R 52100-2003) the product was called together with the word oil: “light”, “soft” or “combined”, etc. With the adoption of GOST, the spread got its name, a product category, which must be indicated on the packaging. This is the general name for all spreadable products (including mixtures of vegetables, cottage cheese or other products), the word "spread" is rarely used.

A quality product can be distinguished by taste and appearance, to which certain requirements are imposed. According to GOST “Spreads and melted mixtures. General specifications "(R 52100-2003) oil spread must:

  • be plastic, even when chilled to keep property of the lung spreading on bread;
  • have a color from completely white to yellowish, glossy;
  • have a slightly shiny, shiny, dry cut;
  • to be uniform consistency;
  • have a taste and smell of sweet-cream, sour-cream, cream or the taste of aromatic additives;
  • milk and cream that have not passed the veterinary and sanitary examination and are not documented are not allowed to manufacture the spread;
  • the composition should not contain antioxidants: butylhydroxyanisole, tert-butylhydroquinone, butyloxytoluene, gallates.


The substitute consists of vegetable and milk fats (its type depends on their percentage: vegetable-creamy, vegetable-fat or creamy-vegetable). Chemical composition consists of saturated fatty acids (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) and vitamin A, does not contain cholesterol large quantities. The composition of the ingredients consists of:

  • milk fat;
  • natural or modified vegetable oils: coconut and palm;
  • milk or cream;
  • food additives(preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers) and antioxidants (E310-E313, E319-E321).


The spread is distinguished by the percentage of fat per product with a low (from 39 to 49.9%), medium (from 50 to 69.9%) or high (from 70 to 90%) percentage of fat content. There are three types of this product:

  • Vegetable-creamy. Sweetish substitute for a creamy product (more close to it) with a high nutritional and biological value. By consistency, it is plastic, soft, well smeared on bread. The product is combined in composition, so it includes: palm, coconut, soybean oils, emulsifiers, natural dyes, flavors, sorbic acid. Fats make up to 82% of the total nutritional value. Calories: less than 670 kcal per 100 grams. The shelf life of the product is within 120 days.
  • Vegetable fat. The composition of this product substitute: fats of vegetable, animal origin, vitamins A, D, phytosterols, minerals, a small amount of butter. The latter indicator affects the fact that there is almost no cholesterol in the product. The substitute contains a minimum of calories: 360 kcal per 100 grams. Vegetable-fat butter substitute spread is used in the prevention of heart disease associated with obesity.
  • Creamy vegetable. The composition is enriched with vegetable oils. Slightly sour solid product is rich in polyunsaturated acids, which allow to normalize the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, biological fibers, pectin, inulin. The fat content is up to 85.5%. Shelf life - up to 3 months in the refrigerator.


A well-made spread according to all the rules of GOSTs leads to improved health. To positive qualities butter substitutes include:

  • low calorie;
  • a small percentage of cholesterol (replaces a creamy product for people who monitor indicators);
  • high nutritional value;
  • a product surrogate can be included in the diet when losing weight on a diet;
  • the composition contains vitamins (E, D, A,);
  • the composition is rich in minerals;
  • quality compositions are enriched with acids (Omega-6);
  • substitute improves health;
  • regulation of digestion;
  • slowing down the aging of the body;
  • does not contain harmful preservatives;
  • preventing diseases;
  • It has long term storage.


Negative consequences Spread consumption occurs if the product contains cholesterol, trans isomeric acids and trans fats (hydrogenated). Overuse can lead to diabetes, problems with blood vessels and the heart, infertility, Alzheimer's disease, oncology (in difficult cases). Doctors strongly recommend using the product if the percentage of trans fats is not more than 8%.

Spread manufacturers solve this issue by replacing oils with palm or coke oils, which do not contain dangerous fatty substances. Doctors focus on the content of sunflower and soybeans in the product, which pose a health hazard after processing. Compound safe product do without these types of product. Substitutes obtained by enzymatic interesterification from several fats are recognized as harmless.

What is the difference between spread and oil

The GOST states that the spread does not belong to the “oil” category. This is due to the difference between them in a number of properties:

  • Fats. Creamy is made from natural fats (percentage ratio of at least 64%), the spread - half consists of vegetable fats.
  • Additives. As part of the substitute, you can find palm, coconut, sunflower oils (together or one type). The cream product is dominated by saturated fat. In 2005, the WHO (World Health Organization) recommended reducing saturated fat to avoid the risk of heart disease.
  • Production method, corresponding trans fat indicator. The spread is based on hydrogenation, which excludes or minimizes trans fats in the composition (this also distinguishes the product from margarine). Permissible safe rate for the body - no more than 8% concentration. In a creamy product, trans fats occupy about 10% (excessive consumption, especially in summer, is prohibited).
  • Calorie content. Distinctive feature in the store will be that the substitute is on average 100 kcal less calories than oil product.
  • Package. Most easy way understand what kind of food is on the counter. It must be indicated on the front or back whether the product is oil or spread (often the word "oil" is indicated in large letters on the package, and "spread" on the back in small print). For the latter, the variety is indicated on the package.


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(from the English. Spread - smearing, stretching; spread is read) - a kind of food products based on a mixture of vegetable and milk fats with mass fraction total fat from 39 to 95%. Usually, a composition is selected in which, when chilled, it spreads more easily than natural butter.

At the same time, spread is not margarine. The difference is that margarine has virtually no milk fat and unlimited trans fatty acid content, making it an unhealthy food.

The spreads are dominated by unsaturated fatty acids (also monounsaturated and polyunsaturated). Butter contains mostly saturated fats. The World Health Organization in 2005 recommended reducing the intake of saturated fats to reduce the risk of heart disease.

The main advantage of spreads is that they have no or almost no cholesterol, which means there is a chance to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and, accordingly, heart attack and stroke.

If the word “spread” has not yet become familiar to the consumer, then the product itself, in one form or another, has been on our table for a long time. Many oils of various brands, including well-known ones sold on the country's market, are nothing more than a spread, because they contain impurities of non-dairy fats.

The name "creamy-vegetable spread" means that milk fat (cow butter) predominates in the composition of the product, and less than half of vegetable fats in it. In vegetable and creamy spreads, the opposite is true: less vegetable fats - more milk fats.

Spreads are divided into three subspecies:

  1. with a content of more than 50% milk fat - creamy-vegetable spreads;
  2. from 15 to 49% milk fat - vegetable and creamy spreads;
  3. in the complete absence of milk fat - vegetable-fat spreads.

Thus, the first subspecies of the spread is closest to natural butter, and the latter is almost pure margarine.

Global nutrition trends are associated with the creation of functional foods that improve health when they daily use. The functional components include vitamins, alimentary fiber, minerals, trace elements, bifidobacteria, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats. One of the important directions in the development of functional products is the use of vegetable oils and fats in the nutrition of the population.

It is very important what is the composition of vegetable fats used in the spread. Fats from a balanced blend of oils contain virtually no trans isomers and can be used in conjunction with milk fat.

For example, fats from mixtures of palm and coconut oils practically do not contain trans-isomers and can be used effectively mainly in combination with milk fat. But these same fats mixed with hydrogenated vegetable fats already contain from 16 to 26% trans-isomers. There are also artificial analogues of milk fat of the highest quality (mostly imported). Such fats contain only 6-7% trans-isomers.

Now technologies for making spreads have become very popular. As shown by foreign industrial experience, as well as the results of domestic scientific research, the spread is nothing more than a healthy food product with high consumer properties, and it is on this basis that it is worthy and fair competition.