Green tea: benefits and harms. Are tea bags healthy? Harmful properties of green tea

Even in ancient China, they knew about the miraculous benefits of green tea and often used it for medical reasons. This type of tea was the first tool, for example, against headaches and depression. Green tea has an important place in Chinese history.

It is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Unlike black, green contains minimal amount caffeine, which in overdose leads to insomnia, nausea and frequent urination. Green tea is useful because it contains a significant amount of vitamins C and P. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and is needed for normal functioning bone tissue. Vitamin P strengthens the walls of capillaries, reduces their fragility and prevents destruction, especially in the bodies of the elderly.

In order to prevent diseases, it is enough to drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily. The usual daily dose is 250-300 mg.

Dietary supplements containing green tea, which are sold in pharmacies and specialty stores, also have a beneficial therapeutic effect.

If you prefer to drink green tea with milk, then you deprive your body of incredible benefits. Milk proteins combine with the polyphenol and inhibit its healing properties.

Green tea contains healthy catechins. These are potential antioxidants - 100 times more powerful than vitamin C.

It has been scientifically proven that catechin protects cellular DNA from changes, prevents the development of cancer.

Black tea also contains catechins, but in much smaller amounts.

Benefits of green tea: reasons to drink it every day

1/ Provides the body with antioxidants.

Experts believe that antioxidants slow down the aging process and protect against heart disease, stroke and cancer cells. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants and catechins in particular.

In fact, some fruits, such as pomegranate, for example, contain as much or even more antioxidants. But if you compare prices and consumer tastes, green tea is definitely the best choice.

2/ Burns fat.

With the use of green tea, we get two benefits in one.

  • First, it promotes natural fat burning.
  • Secondly, it helps to generate energy.

In Taiwan, scientists conducted a study in which more than 10,000 people consumed green tea for 10 years. According to the results, it became clear that green tea and its variety - oolong, help burn fat. And the longer you drink tea, the more significant the result will be.

Green tea increases endurance during exercise by using catechins, which burn fat and limit immediate absorption of carbohydrates, while the body uses stored fat for energy instead.

3/ Extends life.

One of the largest trials (more than 40,000 participants) with green tea was conducted in Japan. Its results were collected and processed for 11 years.

The researchers found that people who consumed about 5 cups of green tea a day had an average lifespan of 16% longer than participants who drank less than one cup.

4/ Protects against cancer.

The extraordinary anti-cancer properties of green tea are not limited to the action of antioxidants. It is known that the drink limits the nutrition of cancer cells, and gradually they may die altogether. This effect does not apply to healthy cells.

According to scientific theory, green tea blocks the production harmful enzymes, which act as catalysts for the development of cancer cells. Brain tumor and leukemia, lung and stomach cancer, colon and esophagus disease, bladder and breast cancer, ovarian and prostate cancer - all studies on the effect of green tea on the development of these diseases show positive results.

5/ Relieves stress and stimulates the brain.

All types of tea contain a specific ingredient, theanine, known for its calming effect and stimulation of alpha brain waves.

In 2007, it became known that 4 cups of tea a day increase the efficiency of the brain and the body as a whole. Therefore, people who regularly drink green tea are more difficult to succumb to stress, and they are 44% less likely to experience symptoms of depression.

List beneficial effect from theanine it gets longer every day. It is known to have a healing effect on both the psyche and physiology of a person. Two studies in 2007 made a real breakthrough in proving that green tea repairs damaged brain cells and is a successful alternative in the treatment of multiple sclerosis.

6/ Rejuvenates and protects the heart.

Drinking this type of tea helps patients recover from a heart attack. Doctors suggest that one of the active ingredients, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), speeds up the recovery process. It also reduces the risk of developing heart failure, although experts still cannot explain the mechanism of action.

7/ Strengthens blood vessels.

With age, the arteries tend to thicken and their elasticity decreases. The process is enhanced by the accumulation of lime deposits on their walls. When the inner layer of the artery becomes denser, the distance between the vessels narrows, and blood circulation worsens. This is the cause of heart failure and stroke.

A 2009 study indicates that green tea prevents atherosclerosis, the hardening and clogging of blood vessels. The dose that is recommended as a preventive measure is 3-4 cups of tea per day. In this case, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced by 26-46%.

This drink helps in keeping the arterial ducts clean by lowering cholesterol levels and the number of platelets in the blood.

8/ Reduces pressure.

Scientists have proven that this tea lowers blood pressure. During one of the ongoing tests in 2004, it was found that people who regularly consume green tea had 65% less signs of hypertension. The recommended dose is 2 cups per day.

9/ Protects against diabetes.

The ingredient epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) regulates blood sugar levels, increases insulin activity and glucose metabolism. In 2007, it was reported that tea increased insulin activity by more than 15 times, but the addition of milk reduced the activity by 90%.

It is important to know that 6 cups of tea a day for 8 weeks can lower blood sugar levels from 15% to 20%. This effect is enhanced by the Japanese diet.

10/ Heals from diseases.

You will be surprised to know that green tea's anti-inflammatory properties make it an ideal alternative for ailments.

For example, rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease that occurs in three out of 100 women (in men, this disease is 3 times less common). There are currently no treatment options for this disease. But among effective means to reduce pain and overcome rheumatoid inflammation, it is green tea that takes first place.

If you have skin problems like acne, green tea cream will help. It also helps with dry skin, with the appearance of itching and allergic reactions. This type of tea also reduces inflammation of the inner lining of the intestine.

11/ Reduces lung damage from smoking.

Green tea reduces the risk of lung cancer, limits cell damage from cigarette smoke. It doesn't matter if it's active or passive smoking. Even with the ingress of toxins from the air, poisoning with harmful substances does not occur.

With regular tea consumption, the risk of disease is reduced by up to 25%.

12/ Protects the liver from alcohol.

Two studies over the past five years show that green tea protects the liver from damage from alcohol abuse or toxic chemicals.

The results of the experiments were so categorical that scientists plan to create a drug based on green tea for the treatment of liver diseases.

13/ Protects tooth enamel from caries

Protects tooth enamel from the development of caries and helps treatment bad smell from mouth. Unlike carbonated drinks (which always contain sugar), green tea does not contain sweetness.

In addition, it fights viruses in the mouth and prevents bad breath.

14/ Provides bone density.

Drinking just two or more cups of green tea a day helps maintain bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. The longer you drink tea, the stronger the integrity of bone tissue.

15/ Strengthens the immune system and repels cold and flu viruses.

Tea contains antigens that are also present in some beneficial bacteria. With the help of these antibodies, the body builds immune defenses and neutralizes harmful bacteria and viruses. 4-5 cups of green tea a day is enough.

16/ Moisturizes body cells.

UK experts have found that the benefits of green tea are even greater than pure water. They refute the claim that tea dehydrates the human body.

Experiments conducted by scientists show that this amazing tea has a moisturizing effect.

Green tea is included in the list of foods rich in antioxidants - substances that free our body from the harmful effects of free radicals, increase immunity, and also slow down the aging process of the body. Thanks to these substances green tea very useful for our body. He is not only excellent remedy treatment of many diseases of an infectious nature, but also good in the prevention of various diseases, including atherosclerosis and oncology.

Striking medicinal properties green tea has long been of interest to people who care about their health. Even in ancient China, such tea was included in the treatment of diseases of various etiologies. However, even today green tea is a good helper in the treatment of ulcers, lowering blood pressure, stimulates the process of removing heavy metal salts from the body, etc. Despite the mass useful qualities, green tea is still considered a medicinal plant. And, as you know, any medicinal plant, has a number of side effects. In today's article, we will talk about the benefits and harms of green tea.

Not everyone knows about it, but green tea grows on the same bushes as black, yellow and red tea. They differ only in the way the leaves are processed. Green tea is not subjected to fermentation and withering processes, which are inherent in black tea varieties, as a result of which the maximum of useful substances is preserved in tea leaves. In addition, when brewing, it releases only useful elements into the solution, leaving harmful and useless components in an undissolved state.

Composition of green tea.
Green tea is a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins, which determine its medicinal properties. Today, about 300 chemicals have been identified that are present in this unique plant. By the way, some connections have not yet been deciphered. It should be noted that the chemical composition of tea can change throughout the growth process of the tea bush, as well as after the processing of tea leaves.

Green tea contains in its composition almost all the vitamins necessary for our body (A or carotene, K, B1, B2 or riboflavin, or folic acid, B12, PP or nicotinic acid, C). However, besides them, this miracle plant contains great amount other useful substances, thanks to which this drink turns into an effective general tonic. Among them are tannins, essential oils who are responsible for the quality and aroma of tea. It should be said that in the process of processing tea leaves, more than eighty percent of essential oils are lost. Also in green tea there is an alkaloid caffeine, which, in combination with tannin, forms the compound caffeine tannate, which has a mild effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, stimulating mental and physical performance. In addition, the caffeine contained in tea, even when consumed excessively, does not accumulate in the human body. Two more alkaloids present in this unique plant, theobromine and theophylline, have a vasodilating and diuretic effect on the body.

In addition, the presence of glutamic acid in tea stimulates metabolic processes, and also leads to the restoration of the nervous system. Also, this miracle plant is a source of trace elements such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, calcium, manganese, fluorine, copper.

Thus, green tea is a storehouse of substances vital to a person for the normal functioning of the body.

Benefits of green tea.
Green tea is truly valuable product. Due to the unique set of nutrients and vitamins in its composition, green tea has an effective diaphoretic effect. It helps well with fever, fever, inflammatory processes. Due to the diaphoretic effect, the process of removing toxins and microbes from the body improves. Green tea is especially useful for people with diseases. genitourinary system and kidneys.

The use of this product favorably affects the digestive system as a whole. It improves the functioning of the duodenum, gallbladder, liver and pancreas. In addition, it has a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, the arsenal of useful qualities of green tea also includes improving memory and attentiveness, normalizing the metabolism in the body, as well as strengthening and restoring the depleted nervous system. By the way, green tea (not strongly brewed) is an excellent remedy for depression, increases resistance to stressful situations. Since ancient times, this drink has been taken to increase tone, vivacity and good mood. It can be taken for headaches. A cup of the miraculous drink will eliminate it in no time. But this is provided that the cause is fatigue, overexcitation, stress, etc. If the headache does not disappear after a long time, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Since the cause of a headache can be serious deviations in health.

Green tea also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system (if used regularly), reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis, increasing the elasticity of arteries and capillary strength, reducing the risk of developing internal hemorrhages and preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques. In addition, the use of this drink reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, and also stimulates the process of assimilation of ascorbic acid.

Green tea infusion effectively reduces arterial pressure on the initial stage the development of hypertension, reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood, which contributes to a significant improvement in the well-being of patients with atherosclerosis. According to studies conducted by Japanese scientists, the constant use of green tea reduces blood pressure by 10-20 units. But at the same time, tea should be brewed in a special way: first rinse the green tea leaves boiled water. This is necessary to reduce the concentration of caffeine in the plant. Next, you need to brew six grams of leaves with 200 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for ten minutes. Take this tea after meals three times a day. At the same time, the amount of fluid consumed during the day should be reduced to 1.2 liters (including tea). This is necessary in order not to overload the cardiovascular system.

Regular consumption of green tea reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis and reduces the risk of myocardial infarction by half. It not only prevents the deposition of fats and lipids on the walls of blood vessels, but also contributes to the destruction of already deposited fatty layers. In addition, it improves blood composition and stimulates the activity of the liver and spleen, reducing the risk of kidney stones.

A long time ago, green tea began to be used to treat dysentery. The catechins contained in it have antimicrobial properties against dysenteric, typhoid and coccal bacteria. The death of dysentery sticks occurs already on the second or third day of taking green tea infusion. V this case the drink should also be brewed in a special way: crushed green tea (50 g) pour a liter hot water and put on fire. After boiling, boil the liquid for an hour on low heat, after which the drink should be filtered.

With various poisonings (alcohol, drugs, nicotine), it is also recommended to drink green tea with the addition of milk and sugar.

Green tea has anti-cancer effects. This is possible thanks to the polyphenols contained in its composition. They have the ability to purify the blood and remove carcinogens from the body, which strengthens the body's immunity and reduces the likelihood of cancer cells.

In moderation (no more than two cups a day), not strongly brewed green tea has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman. According to the results of research by Japanese scientists, women who regularly consume this drink before pregnancy had stronger (in terms of health) children.

It is worth noting that green tea is considered a drink of youth and longevity. It is not for nothing that most centenarians, whose age is more than ninety years old, give this wonderful and aromatic drink a special place in their diet.

Also, this tea has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Rinsing the mouth with this drink prevents the occurrence of caries and inflammation of the gums. In addition, green tea is considered excellent cosmetic. In particular, to improve the tone of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, it is useful to wipe it twice a day with ice cubes made from green tea infusion. Also, the infusion of this unique plant can be used to cleanse the skin, used as a hair rinse when bold type(To increase efficiency, you can add lemon juice), prepare various masks for the skin (especially for dry and fading). With the help of tea baths, you can significantly improve the tone of the skin of the whole body. To do this, pour six tablespoons of leafy green tea with half a liter of boiling water, insist and strain. Then pour the resulting tea infusion into a bath with warm water. You can add rose and jasmine petals or their essential oils. Such a bath stimulates the process of cell renewal. One procedure per week is enough.

According to research conducted by scientists, the use of this drink reduces cravings for alcohol. This explains the fact that in China and Japan, countries where people prefer green tea, there are significantly fewer excessive drinkers compared to Western countries. To reduce cravings for alcohol, it is necessary to brew green tea in the ratio of one teaspoon of tea leaves to a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to drink a drink without adding sugar. The leaves that remain after the sleeping infusion are not thrown away, but chewed. In this case, the effect does not occur instantly, but after several months of regular use.

In addition, it has recently been revealed that green tea has the ability to neutralize the negative effects of radiation from the screen of computer monitors. It is also an antidote for poisoning the body with the isotope strontium-90, which poisons the atmosphere as a result of nuclear explosions. This drink helps to remove heavy metals from the body, which enter our body along with food, water and air.

Green tea is great for those who want to get rid of extra pounds. This is due to its ability to reduce appetite, in addition, it normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Besides regular use this healing drink regulates the level of norenaline, which is responsible for the process of fat formation.

Recipes for the use of green tea for various ailments and diseases.
For indigestion, it is recommended to take strongly brewed green tea for two to three days. Due to the bactericidal action, the drink has a detrimental effect on pathogens in the stomach and intestines. In addition, this tea improves intestinal tone.

For colitis and gastritis with hyperacidity it is recommended to use not strongly brewed green tea drink.

For conjunctivitis and others inflammatory diseases eyelids should be rinsed with strong brewing of cold green tea.

For colds and respiratory diseases, it is recommended to drink an infusion of green tea of ​​medium strength with the addition of lemon and pepper. However, in diseases accompanied by high fever, it is better to refuse green tea altogether, since the load on the kidneys and heart increases dramatically.

Iced green tea helps with sunburn. It is recommended to simply soak a cotton pad in tea infusion and blot the affected skin with it. It is also effective as a hemostatic agent, strongly brewed green tea it is recommended to wash fresh cuts and wounds.

An infusion of this plant can be used as a rinse for rhinitis. To do this, brew a teaspoon of crushed raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist for twenty minutes and strain. You can rinse with a syringe, but without a needle. The procedure is carried out six to eight times during the day. Green tea is effective as a gargle for sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, as well as inflammatory processes on the gums and tongue (2 teaspoons of the plant per glass of boiling water).

In case of vitamin deficiency, it is also recommended to drink green tea infusion, prepared at the rate of 3 g of crushed raw materials per 100 ml of boiling water. Insist for ten minutes, then add a teaspoon of rosehip syrup. Use the infusion in a warm form after meals, 200 ml three times a day.

Green tea with the addition of milk helps to strengthen the exhausted nervous system. It is also good to take it with polyneuritis and as a prevention of kidney and heart diseases.

Contraindications and harm of green tea.
As already noted, this miraculous drink, like any other plant, has some contraindications. In general, a cautious approach is needed to herbal medicine, in particular to the use of green tea. You should not abuse this drink, everything needs a measure.

In the case of a particularly sensitive stomach lining, green tea should not be drunk, as it can easily cause indigestion. It is also not recommended to drink a drink in a strongly brewed version, only in exceptional medicinal purposes. In other cases, with a strong concentration of tea, the drink should be diluted with water.

People suffering from iron deficiency anemia should not drink green tea at all. It impairs the absorption of iron by the body, which causes iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, you should not drink green tea with food rich in iron. Also, this drink reduces the efficiency of assimilation of folic acid. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy.

It is also contraindicated for people with increased excitability, since it has an exciting effect on nervous system, against the background of which there may be sleep disturbance and loss of strength for no apparent reason. That is why this drink should not be carried away at night, as well as those who suffer from increased excitability and tachycardia.

Women should not abuse green tea during menstruation, childbearing, and immediately before childbirth and during lactation, it should be excluded from the diet altogether.

Also harmful green drink and people suffering from low blood pressure (hypotension). And with hypertension in an acute form, tea can not be drunk at all.

In the presence of any disease in a chronic form, a green drink should be consumed with extreme caution, since it can cause an exacerbation of the disease, as a result of which the patient's well-being can deteriorate sharply. In particular, with stomach ulcers, green tea helps to increase the acidity of gastric juice.

Alcohol and green tea should not be combined, as this produces aldehydes, and this is fraught with overload for your kidneys, which is absolutely scientifically proven!

You should not drink green tea with medicines, as it reduces the effectiveness of their action.

Remember that you should only drink freshly brewed tea, as the amount of purine compounds and caffeine in the drink left for later increases significantly. Such a drink is dangerous for hypertensive patients, as well as those suffering from gout and glaucoma.

Summing up the above, we can say that the benefits of green tea are undeniable. In moderation and in the absence of contraindications, it has a therapeutic and healing effect.

Our body is a whole system of complex mechanisms that work smoothly, like a clock. However, without our support, the body cannot cope. It is the care and respect for the immune system, body functions and general life activity that helps us live longer without experiencing any health problems. It is said that a person, in fact, consists of a liquid. Therefore, our body needs several liters of fluid per day so that all organs can function properly. However, what kind of liquid we eat, largely determines the state of our health.

Perhaps the most useful drink is tea, namely green tea. for our body? Firstly, this drink contains a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins. Iodine stimulates the thyroid gland. Potassium is good for the heart and blood vessels. Fluoride is essential for teeth and gums. Also in tea there are elements such as silicon, phosphorus, sodium and manganese. However, despite the well-known health benefits of tea, many are not sure if green tea is healthy. Scientists say that tea is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Most healthy tea- it is green, because its use allows you to remove harmful substances, toxins and toxins from the body. Since tea is consumed hot, the body gets rid of harmful fluids with sweat. What else is green tea good for? Drinking tea helps a person get rid of stress and depression. For some time, depression has been considered a serious illness, so it is important not to bring the body to such a state. Drowsiness, chronic fatigue, lethargy during the day, indifference to the outside world - all these are symptoms of depression. If at least one of these signs applies to you, you are already on the path to the disease. Green tea helps calm the nervous system. The antioxidants contained in it relieve stress, promote better blood circulation, and improve sleep. Drink weak green tea at night - and you are provided with a good healthy sleep (in this case, it is better to use honey).

Many women are interested in the benefits of green tea. Most of them are attracted by allowing you to lose extra pounds. How does it happen? Daily use green tea allows you to eat a little less, because the body not only quenches thirst, but also feels full. Due to the beneficial properties of tea, it is included in many diet programs, but main secret quite simple - replace black tea, coffee and sweet drinks with weak green tea.

What else is green tea good for? One of the main benefits of green tea is its ability to tone and invigorate. A cup of green tea before going to work or school will relieve you of lethargy, cheer you up for the whole day, while you will not feel hungry until lunch and will not snack several times. Your body will only thank you.

However, do not forget that green tea should be brewed in a special way in order to preserve its beneficial properties. One minute is enough to brew green tea. Do not confuse green tea with black tea, which requires a long steeping time. If you overexpose the tea in the teapot, it may have a bitter taste. After you have made tea hot water foam should form on top. This foam contains many useful substances, so stir the tea in a teapot, only then pour it into cups.

So we figured out the benefits of green tea. Great helper for weight loss, and just a storehouse of vitamins and minerals! Drink tea with pleasure, and then every day you will start in a good mood.

Is green tea healthy? And if yes, to whom and to what extent?

This drink has been used since ancient times to relieve depression and headaches, and modern people also note its ability to burn fat, lower blood pressure and the level of bad LDL cholesterol in the blood. Today the Forest Fairy blog will take a closer look at the beneficial properties of green tea for the human body, right ways its brewing and individual cases in which its use can be harmful to your health.

Before you find out what the real benefits of green tea are and what contraindications there are for it, check out these interesting facts:

The benefits and harms of green tea for the body. What does this drink contain?

Green tea is a rich source of potassium, vitamin C and some B vitamins, which dissolve well in water and are absorbed by our body. Another important component of green tea is the antioxidant flavonoids, including proanthocyanidins who are actively fighting age-related diseases, diseases of the circulatory and digestive systems.

More about useful properties ah green tea will tell you this table and the information below.

Indicator Unit rev. For 100 g. For 1 cup
general information
calories kcal 1 2
Squirrels G. 0.22 0.54
Fats G. 0.00 0.00
Carbohydrates G. 0.00 0.00
Dietary fiber (fiber) G. 0.0 0.0
Sugar (including glucose and fructose) G. 0.00 0.00
Minerals and electrolytes
Iron mg. 0.02 0.05
Magnesium mg. 1 2
Potassium mg. 8 20
Sodium mg. 1 2
Zinc mg. 0.01 0.02
Copper mg. 0.004 0.010
Manganese mg. 0.184 0.451
Vitamin C mg. 0.3 0.7
Thiamin (vitamin B1) mg. 0.007 0.017
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) mg. 0.058 0.142
Niacin (vitamin B3 or PP) mg. 0.030 0.073
Vitamin B6 mg. 0.005 0.012
Other substances
Caffeine mg. 12 29
Antioxidants Proanthocyanidins mg. 4.2 10.4

Figure Source: US National Nutrient Database for standard reference. The numbers characterize regular, water-brewed green tea and may vary slightly depending on the variety and growing conditions of the product.

Antioxidants in green tea and their effect on the body

Green tea is different high content plant antioxidants - flavonoids and catechins, the most active of which is epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. This is a very powerful antioxidant, which, according to many scientists, can slow down the growth of cancer cells and the aging of the body. Together with other antioxidants found in green tea, including proanthocyanidins, it also helps:

  • Facilitate digestion and speed up the metabolism in the body;
  • Lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • Freshen breath and eliminate bacteria that cause cavities and other oral diseases.

Attention: To date, not enough clinical studies have been conducted to allow green tea or its extracts to be used with complete confidence in the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular disease. For example, studies that confirmed the ability of green tea to reduce the risk of developing liver cancer were carried out only among the Chinese and Japanese population.

And yet, current data on how green tea affects different people with their individual characteristics, remain quite limited. Before using it for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult your doctor and follow the recommended dose.

Caffeine in green tea - good or bad?

A cup of green tea contains an average of about 30 mg of caffeine. For comparison: black tea contains an average of 55 mg, Red Bull - 75 mg, and regular coffee– 90mg caffeine per 250mg cup. How does this affect a person?

Caffeine is known to have a stimulating effect on the brain, giving a sense of strength and uplifting mood. However, the antioxidant EGCG and L-theanine in green tea neutralize the effects of caffeine to some extent and make this drink much safer. L-theanine is one of the few amino acids that has been shown to reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, relax, improve learning, and boost immunity. Therefore, a cup of green tea can always be drunk in the evening without fear of insomnia.

Note: with the usual method of brewing tea, we get quite a small amount of L-theanine. To completely release it into a drink, the first brew of green tea is drained, after which the leaves are boiled at a high temperature of water up to 127 ° C.

Here you also need to pay attention to the fact that caffeine contributes to dehydration and is considered a good diuretic. There are studies that have shown that the catechins in green tea prevent the caffeine from dehydrating the body. However, many people have noticed that after drinking tea, they begin to run to the toilet more often. Therefore, just listen to your body and do not abuse this drink if it has the same effect on you.

Finally, we note that many scientists consider the caffeine in green tea to be safe and have even given it GRAS (certainly safe foods and ingredients) status. In any case, today green tea remains the safest and most beneficial of all caffeinated beverages.

Green tea: raises or lowers blood pressure?

Due to the caffeine content, the question often arises: does green tea increase or decrease blood pressure? We have already mentioned above that L-theanine neutralizes the effects of caffeine, but the amount of this amino acid in the drink directly depends on the method of brewing it. It also contains catechins, which have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. What is the effect of green tea in general?

All the experiments carried out gave one result: green tea lowers blood pressure. The cumulative benefits of green tea for hypertensive patients are obvious! A general meta-analysis of studies showed that the systematic consumption of green tea for 3-6 months contributes to a decrease in systolic and diastolic pressure by about 3 mm Hg. Art.

Does Green Tea Really Help You Lose Weight?

No global studies confirming the benefits of green tea for weight loss have yet been conducted. However, there are a number of facts that testify in favor of this assertion:

  1. Green tea has the ability to speed up metabolic processes, which makes the human body burn calories faster without any exercise.
  2. Green tea is not able to suppress appetite, but it allows you to temporarily increase the endurance of the body. The polyphenols in its composition accelerate thermogenesis (the production of heat by our body to keep all its systems working) and promote the use of calories as energy.
  3. The catechins in green tea help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent obesity by preventing glucose from being stored in fat cells.
  4. Caffeine, which we talked about above, interacts well with polyphenols and also increases the rate of fat burning.

Slowly but surely, green tea helps to lose weight by causing the body to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass.

Possible harm of green tea to the human body

Moderate regular consumption of green tea is considered generally safe, but there are still some limitations and contraindications for it.

So, green tea can be toxic to the liver if the recommended consumption rates are exceeded (10-29 mg of tea per 1 kg of body weight per day). In addition, too high doses of green tea, which contains a lot of antioxidants, can begin to act as a pro-oxidant and damage healthy cells in the body.

Heartburn and indigestion are common consequences of overconsumption and/or improper brewing of green tea. This harm can be prevented by brewing the drink with water well below boiling point. Ideal - in the range of 71-82 degrees Celsius.

Also, green tea may be contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia. Consuming green tea can create an iron deficiency in your body, which greatly affects people who are anemic. This harmful property of tea can be neutralized by adding lemon to it.
  • Allergy. Extremely rare, but still, some people have an allergic reaction to Chinese green tea: swelling of the throat, difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips, tongue and / or face, fever.
  • Sensitivity to caffeine. With excessive consumption or hypersensitivity to caffeine, green tea can cause a person to be anxious, have a palpitation of the heart, irritability, sleep problems, etc.
  • Pregnancy. Green tea is not recommended for consumption large quantities pregnant women, especially in the early stages. Caffeine, tannins and catechins in its composition can lead to birth defects.
  • Taking medication. If you are taking any medications, be sure to check with your doctor about your green tea intake.

Of course, the benefits of green tea depend on the amount you consume. Experts recommend drinking from 10 to 29 mg of green tea per 1 kg of body weight per day. Thus, for a person weighing 60 kg, the recommended dose is in the range of 600-1740 mg (from 2 to 6 cups), and for a person weighing 85 kg - in the range of 850-2465 mg (3-9 cups). However, given the existing contraindications and research data, it is better not to bring the amount of tea drunk per day to the upper limit. According to several studies, a dose of 6 cups of green tea is too much for normal daily consumption. side effects This may include frequent urination (and consequent dehydration), diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, and loss of appetite.

Be healthy!

Even in antiquity, especially in Eastern countries, tea was an important element of culture. This amazing drink was used as medicinal product, which was attributed magical properties. Today, tea is drunk all over the world, preparing it according to different recipes, drinking hot, cold with lemon, milk and other additives. A huge number of varieties of the product itself for brewing are also known - these are black, green and even earthen tea. At the same time, it is the green drink that is considered the most popular and, according to many, the most useful, which is described in more detail in this article.

What is in green tea and how many calories?

Surely, almost everyone will agree with the statement that green tea is not only pleasant to taste, but also a very healthy drink. The positive effect on the body of this product is determined by its richest chemical composition. This drink is a real treasure for a person, because it contains a huge amount of various vitamins, minerals, acids and other organic compounds.

  • Concerning vitamin composition, then many products can envy green tea, as it contains vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B3), C, E, K, P, etc. There is especially a lot of vitamin C in tea, which is a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulating agent. It should also be noted that green tea is rich in minerals, among which you can find zinc, iodine, fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese, etc.
  • There is an opinion that green tea does not contain caffeine at all, which cannot be said about the black drink, but in reality this is absolutely not the case. Green tea is a powerful source of caffeine and has the same stimulating properties as coffee, but acts on the nervous system. this drink much softer. This is explained by the fact that in addition to caffeine, tea contains many other alkaloids, for example, tannin, which, together with caffeine, forms theine, which is more useful for the body.
  • It is also important that tea is also rich in other useful substances, such as catechins, essential oils, amino acids, essential proteins, organic acids, tannins, etc. At the same time, the calorie content of this product is insignificant and is about 5 kilocalories per 100 grams of tea.

Useful properties of tea for men and women

It was previously noted that green tea has great benefits for the human body, due to its rich component composition. This drink has specific properties that allow it to be used as a prophylactic, and sometimes remedy from some diseases. Scientists say that drinking a cup of hot green tea in the morning can provide energy for the whole day, while reducing the effects of stress on the body and improving the barrier properties of the immune system.

Benefits of tea for high blood pressure

The largest number of studies on the effect of green tea on the body were carried out in large exporting countries of the product, mainly China, India and Japan. One of the main areas, in which the influence of this product is great, is the cardiovascular system. Thus, you should figure out whether green tea increases or lowers blood pressure and what is the physiology of the process.

It is necessary to start with the fact that all experiments were carried out on healthy people, for this reason it is difficult to say that a particular drink allows you to normalize abnormal blood pressure. A particular tea indirectly affects the level of pressure, since after its use the overall picture does not actually change.

The peculiarity of the influence of the drink on cardiovascular system is that the caffeine contained in tea accelerates the work of the heart, respectively, increases the volume of liquid tissue passing through it. In this case, the enzymes of the drink act on the vasomotor center in the brain, due to which the vessels dilate. Thus, changes in pressure practically do not occur.

Benefits for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a complex disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. It is impossible to recover from this disease, since it is a chronic process caused by metabolic disorders. With diabetes, it is extremely important to pay attention to the foods you eat, as diet is the main way to control sugar levels and, accordingly, well-being.

As for green tea, it would be absurd to claim that it can be used to cure a specific ailment, but this drink can do a good job for a person with diabetes. The fact is that it is green tea that increases the body's sensitivity to insulin, and accordingly prevents the development of dangerous conditions with high level Sahara.

Medicinal properties for gastritis and pancreatitis

Gastritis and pancreatitis are quite complex diseases in which the main treatment is diet. Nutrition in this case is a key tool for regulating metabolic processes, which directly affect the patient's condition with one of these diseases. It should also be immediately noted that green tea in the described situation is far from always possible.

Indeed, a particular drink has a positive effect on digestive processes as it improves the production of digestive enzymes. Thus, drinking a cup of tea every day can improve the release of bile into the intestines, which is especially important for pancreatitis. As for gastritis, you need to be careful in this situation, since the substances contained in both green and black tea increase the acidity of the gastric juice and can aggravate the situation. For this reason, drinking green tea during an exacerbation of gastritis is not recommended.

Effect on the prostate

One of the most unpleasant diseases for the male body is prostatitis or inflammation of the prostate gland. This gland is responsible for the excretion of ejaculate through the urinary canal and, in case of inflammation, there is a violation of the genitourinary function. This disease is quite difficult to treat and in most cases becomes chronic.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, one should be especially attentive to the state of one's own health, including the diet. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to which the drink can reduce the risk of developing the problem described. However, most men do not know whether this drink is diuretic or not, which should be considered first.

Due to the fact that tea has a pronounced diuretic effect, it should be abandoned during an exacerbation of the disease. This information can also become an automatic answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink green tea at night. Given all of the above, we can conclude that green tea can indeed be an excellent prophylactic against prostatitis, but you should not count on it in case of an exacerbation of the disease.

How green tea affects weight loss

Sometimes you can come across the dizzying information that green or some other tea allows you to reduce weight, that is, lose weight. Such information should not be taken seriously, however, there is still some truth, albeit not significant, in this. The fact is that this drink allows you to literally cleanse the body of a large number harmful substances that clog blood vessels, kidneys, intestines and interfere with the normal course of metabolic processes. If you drink green tea from time to time, then you can normalize the exchange of fluid in the body, expelling excess water from it. Such an action fragrant drink can affect the figure - this effect has something in common with drying, that is, the acquisition of muscle relief.

Harm from drinking green tea to the body

Despite the fact that green tea has a huge number of fans and lovers around the world, and also has a huge number of useful properties, its use is not always beneficial. There is a huge amount of research, according to which it is proved that green tea, under certain conditions, can be harmful to the body. Thus, drinking strong green tea in large quantities, you may encounter symptoms such as:

  • nausea, dizziness and headaches;
  • tremor in the limbs;
  • pain during urination;
  • diarrhea;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • release of gastric juice into the esophagus, etc.

Contraindications for the use of the drink

As already noted, green tea does not always have a positive effect on the body. There are specific conditions in which it is better to abstain from this drink. For this reason, consider the main contraindications to the use of this type of tea:

  • anemia, since with this disease green tea interferes with the absorption of iron in the body;
  • kidney stones, since the drink can help to remove them from the body, which can be extremely dangerous;
  • neurological diseases, especially irritability, in which caffeine is “like a red rag for a bull”;
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, etc.

As for the common question as to whether green tea is possible for pregnant women, not everything is clear here. This drink contains a number of substances that are harmful in large quantities during pregnancy, but if you drink a cup of green tea from time to time, then nothing bad will happen. It is also best to avoid it during the first trimester, as green tea tones the uterus, increasing the risk of fetal rejection.

How to brew and drink green tea?

The process of brewing green tea is somewhat different from brewing black tea. A particular procedure can be treated differently and get different pleasure from it. In some countries where the cult of tea is widespread, the brewing procedure has characteristic specific features and is a kind of ritual or sacrament. At the same time, in order to cook delicious and healthy drink you don't have to delve into the magical aspects of brewing green tea.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a container for brewing - it should be a teapot, which is closed with a lid. It should be doused with boiling water so that the dishes are heated, after which the tea itself is poured into it. The leaves should lie down in the teapot for some time and open up under the action of the steamed teapot. The dry mixture must be poured not with boiling water, but with water at a temperature of 70-80 degrees. After 3-4 minutes the drink is ready and can be used as in pure form, and with additives, which will be discussed in more detail below.

green tea recipes for weight loss

Green tea is often used as an aid in the fight against overweight. Some even purchase and use green tea extract tablets, but the most striking effect and pleasant taste there will be a freshly brewed drink, the main recipes of which are described below.

How to cook with milk

To create palatable and original drink for weight loss, you need to prepare tea and milk itself. It is necessary to start the cooking process by heating the milk, which must be taken in a volume of 0.5 liters. Milk should be heated to a temperature of 80 degrees, after which 2 teaspoons of green tea leaves should be added to it. The drink should be infused for ten minutes, and then the liquid mixture will need to be filtered. The resulting drink must be drunk throughout the day in small doses between meals.

with ginger

This drink consists of combining two parallel preparations of products. First of all, it is necessary to brew green tea according to the instructions. Next, you need to prepare fresh ginger root 2 by 2 centimeters and grate it. Grated ginger should be mixed with 2 slices of lemon and pour the resulting mixture with a glass of water. The mass must be brought to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, strain, and then mix with already ready-made tea, then tasty and useful tool from excess weight ready.

jasmine recipe

The process of making green tea with jasmine is very simple, since today you can find a ready-made dry mixture of green tea leaves and jasmine on sale. This composition should be prepared according to the instructions, pouring hot water and keeping for 3-4 minutes. You can also add fresh flowers jasmine, dropping them into the teapot at the same time as the tea leaves.

Green tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Today there is a huge amount of controversy as to whether it is possible to drink this drink during pregnancy and lactation or not. As already noted - this is ambiguous, however, there is evidence that says that the enzymes present in green tea impair the absorption of folic acid. Concerning breastfeeding, then this drink contributes to the production of milk, so it is recommended to take it during impaired lactation.

Which tea is healthier - black or green?

It should be noted that tea itself is all green, there is no specifically black tea in nature. Black tea is obtained in the process of keeping green leaves under certain conditions, for this reason it is difficult to say that black and green tea in many respects are excellent in their properties and composition. Also, a large number of people have a question whether tea bags are useful and whether they can replace leaf tea. Tea bags are in most cases finely ground leaves, which is done so that the drink brews quickly. This does not make it less useful, but it is difficult to say what is really in the bag, for this reason it is better to give preference to teas in the form of leaves.

Video about the benefits and harms of green tea

The benefits of green tea are extremely high for the body, which makes this drink actually healing. The video proposed for viewing explains what the essence of the positive effect of green tea for a person is. At the same time, after reading the video, you can get a lot of valuable information regarding when and how to drink this amazing drink.