Useful and harmful effects of cherries on the human body.

Sweet, tasty and at the same time low in calories - this combination is rarely found in berries. But when you find out how many calories in cherries, then, of course, you will begin to give preference to these wonderful fruits much more often.

How many calories in cherries 100 grams

Cherry is not only extremely tasty, but also a healthy product. Among its medicinal properties:

  • increase in hemoglobin due to the presence of iron;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels due to the content of ascorbic acid and rutin;
  • elimination of toxins and cholesterol from the body.

Cherry is also useful for those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity, intestinal or duodenal ulcers. Only 50 kcal - that's so many calories in 100 grams of cherries. That is why it is often used in unloading diets.

Moreover, like the berry itself, and decoctions from the tails of the cherry remove excess fluid from the body, which also contributes to weight loss. The decoction is prepared very simply - the tails of the cherry are poured with cold water, infused for half an hour, and then boiled for ten minutes. The broth should be drunk already cooled down.

To make it easier for you to navigate, counting, how many calories in a ripe cherry, keep in mind that one berry weighs about 5 grams.

How to store cherries and what to cook from it

Cherry is a perishable product, so it should be consumed immediately after purchase. If you can not overpower all the berries at once, freeze them or preserve them. About 45 kcal - here how many calories in frozen cherries. At the same time, all its useful properties are preserved.

Cherries can be consumed not only as an independent product - berries are added to oatmeal or rice porridge. You can also use it as a filling for pies.

If you are interested, how many calories in dumplings with cherries, then nutritionists call the figure 163 kcal. At the same time, you do not need to add sugar to the filling - sweet cherries are sweet in and of themselves. And due to its satiety, you will also not be able to eat too large a portion.

A delicious and not heavy dish is a cottage cheese pie with cherries. The calorie content of a 100-gram piece of this delicacy is only 102 kcal. To make the cake even healthier, add a little honey instead of sugar, use fat-free cottage cheese, also add cinnamon and low-fat yogurt, which speed up metabolism. Flour is enough for half a kilo of cottage cheese, just a couple of tablespoons. Egg white and baking powder are also added to it.

Updated: June 20, 2018 by: Punisher

Cherry is a fragrant, juicy, sweet berry. Many people love cherries for their pleasant taste, aroma and tempting appearance. The first mention of this berry was found in the records of historians in the first millennium BC. The city of Kerasund is the birthplace of sweet cherries and cherries. From this city, located in Asia Minor, on the Black Sea coast, the Roman commander Lucullus first brought cherries. Later, cherries and cherries began to be grown in Western Europe and Italy. The berry was first brought to Russia and Ukraine from the Crimea.

About four thousand types of sweet cherry are known in the world. All varieties of cherries are divided into two large groups - Guini and Bigarro. The calorie content of sweet cherries of Gini varieties is low, but at the same time they have excellent taste qualities. Bigarro - varieties of late and medium ripening. Bigarro varieties are excellent for freezing and processing. Given the low calorie content of cherries, this berry can be safely included in the diet.

Useful properties, composition and calorie content of cherries

One hundred grams of sweet cherry contains 85 g of protein, 10 g of fat and 10.5 g of carbohydrates. With a low calorie content, cherries contain significantly more carbohydrates than cherries. In its composition, cherries contain salicylic, malic, folic and citric acids. Ripe berries are rich in carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body (fructose and glucose). With a low calorie content, sweet cherries contain a significant amount of potassium (up to 250 mg per 100 g of fruit), iron (up to 2 mg per 100 g of fruit), ascorbic acid (up to 20 mg per 100 g of fruit) and copper. Cherries contain manganese, zinc, boron, iodine, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. The fruits contain vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins A, PP and E. True, pectin in it is two times less than in plums and apples.

With a low calorie content, sweet cherries increase appetite and have a general tonic effect. Since these berries contain iodine, they are useful in diseases of the thyroid gland. A decoction of the leaves or stalks of sweet cherries is an excellent diuretic used by doctors for kidney diseases. The fruits contain a significant amount of coumarins. By their number, it is second only to pomegranate, raspberry and currant. That is why cherries can be used by people recovering from illness and weakened people. Coumarins help improve mood. Therefore, it is enough to eat about 150 grams of cherries in the morning and your mood will immediately improve.

Considering how many calories are in cherries, this berry is useful for high blood pressure. With regular daily use of about 200 grams of fruit, a stable reduction in pressure and cleansing of blood vessels can be achieved. However, it should be remembered that, despite the low calorie content, cherries contain a significant amount of water and sugars. Therefore, increasing the recommended dosage may lead to an increase in blood pressure. Doctors recommend regularly consuming these fruits for anemia, since with a small amount of calories, sweet cherries have a high nutritional value. Bound water, which is rich in berries, helps to remove toxins from the body.

Pink, red and yellow cherries can be used in the manufacture of masks for normal and dry skin types. To prepare the mask, the berry must be peeled, kneaded and rub the cherry juice into the skin. Juice helps to narrow the pores, cleanse them, and also has anti-aging properties. And if you add a teaspoon of melted fat or olive oil to the mask, then it will become more nutritious.

Calorie sweet cherry - 53 kcal per 100 grams of fresh fruit. Calories in cherries are distributed as follows: 5 kcal are proteins, 4 kcal are fats, and 44 kcal are carbohydrates. Due to the relatively low calorie content, cherries can no doubt be included in the diet of people who are watching their figure. Fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities and at any time of the day, given how many calories are in the cherry.

Features of the diet on cherries

This berry accelerates metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, with regular use of cherries, a person can lose weight without additional effort.

A cherry diet can consist of one unloading day. With such a diet, you can eat about two kilograms of cherries per day and drink about a liter of fat-free kefir. Green tea without sugar and still water can be drunk without restrictions.

With a weekly cherry diet for breakfast and afternoon tea, you can only eat these fruits. For lunch and dinner, you can eat fish, steamed meat, steamed chicken, vegetable salads. With a diet on cherries, sugar, sweets, bread, fatty and canned foods should be excluded from the diet.

The cherry diet allows not only to lose weight, but also to improve the condition of the intestines, relieve irritability, stress, swelling, relieve headaches.

However, it should be borne in mind that the cherry diet is contraindicated in acute gastrointestinal diseases, colitis, hemorrhoids, as well as increased stomach acidity and a predisposition to diarrhea.

Various reviews indicate different results from each other after a diet on cherries. Since the calorie content of cherries is low, you can lose up to four kilograms in seven days of a cherry diet.

Strengthen the effect of the diet will help exercises, morning exercises, intensive walking, jogging.

As history shows, sweet cherry is a very ancient horticultural crop that was grown in ancient Greece.

The rapid spread of cherries took place in the Middle Ages. At this time, many people first tasted cherries in the territories of central and western Europe. In addition, sweet cherries were grown in Italy, as well as Germany and southern Sweden.

The wild cherry has been preserved in the Caucasus. There, the cherry grows in the mountains in its untouched wild form.

It is known that today there are more than four thousand different varieties of cherries. According to many researchers, it was the cherry that became the progenitor of the modern sweet cherry.

Sweet cherries are also called bird cherries. It is a woody plant, usually up to ten meters tall and belongs to the "pink" family. So much attention has been paid to the sweet cherry due to the fact that its fruits have a very pleasant sweet taste.

The cherry tree has many more advantages compared to the cherry tree. So, an ordinary cherry can produce 15 kilograms of yield from just one tree, but sweet cherries can reach 35 kilograms per tree. The second distinctive feature is the taste of cherries, because compared to cherries, it is very sweet and has a pleasant taste.

In addition, sweet cherry has another pleasant property: it does not have special pauses in fruiting, it brings a harvest every year.

Cherry calories

Cherry has the following calorie content - 100 grams of fresh fruit contains 52 kilocalories. If we compare the calorie content of cherries and apples, then the nutritional value of the second is slightly lower.

There is a lot of fructose in cherries and that is why it tastes so good, and also has a pronounced sweetish taste.

It has a lot of water in it. 84,4 grams, as well as carbohydrates - 10,6 gr. Also have 0,8 gr. squirrel, 0,2 gr. fat, dietary fiber and organic acids. In addition, cherries contain a rich world of vitamins. These are vitamins B1, B2, niacin, a set of minerals and trace elements.

First of all, sweet cherries are very pleasant to the taste, and its systematic use will be very beneficial for the body. That is, on the face of both a tasty and healthy delicacy.

Cherry is a very good remedy for anemia, as it contains a large amount of iron necessary for the body. It is very stimulating, toning and gives the body a restorative effect. Cherry is also useful for all kidney diseases, as it has diuretic properties.

In addition, it can treat the liver and digestive system. Cherry has a very good property to reduce such a parameter as blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots.

Cherry is also an excellent tool for the prevention and fight against atherosclerosis and such a terrible disease as hypertension.

Diet lovers will love the beneficial properties of cherries, such as the destruction of cholesterol, as well as all sorts of harmful metabolic products.

Thanks to the sweet cherry, a person can get rid of neuroses. It helps relieve swelling. Another useful property of cherries is to stimulate the body's metabolism and normalize weight. In addition, cherries can reduce pain in diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism.

Cherry is also used for a wide variety of cosmetic masks. For example, a cherry mask cleanses, nourishes and moisturizes the skin of the face well.

There is a small contraindication - people with problems with intestinal patency should not use this product.

The harm of cherries is small, but it is worth mentioning. Cherry has a slight laxative effect and in small doses it is not so noticeable. But consumption in large quantities can cause diarrhea. Also, do not use cherries for diabetics.

People who suffer from gastritis or ulcers will not feel harm from eating cherries, unlike all kinds of other types of berries. Since the percentage of fat in cherries is very small, there will be no harm from eating cherries for overweight people. On the contrary, the berry cleanses the intestines well and does not contribute to the accumulation of fats.

Since cherries contain flavonoids, its use is extremely wide. Cherries can strengthen the walls of the body's blood vessels, as well as cleanse the body of all kinds of toxins. Cherry can also be recommended as a remedy for allergies. Moreover, if you regularly consume cherries, you can stop the development of various tumors and even restore the overall hormonal metabolism.

Cherries also have other anti-inflammatory properties. Scientists have done a number of experiments and proved that eating 20 sweet cherries can remove inflammation of the connective tissues.

With the onset of summer, juicy burgundy cherries appear on the shelves, which attracts buyers with a “sugar” taste. Cherry is of great benefit to the human body, but if used improperly, it can be harmful.

Before a cherry meal, you need to learn all the secrets of the “royal” berry, get an answer to the question of how many calories are in fresh cherries.

Berry composition

A delicious summer berry is popularly called the “queen of stone fruit”, because it holds the record for the content of useful vitamins and minerals. In it, you can find almost all the elements from the periodic table of Mendeleev. The composition of the berry is as follows:

  1. iron;
  2. potassium;
  3. magnesium;
  4. copper;
  5. calcium;
  6. phosphorus.

Cherry also contains a large amount of B vitamins, as well as vitamins PP, K, E, A. Tocopherol, that is, vitamin E, slows down the aging process that occurs in the body.

Thiamine and riboflavin have a beneficial effect on immunity, metabolism. Sweet cherries contain acids, for example, ascorbic and ellagic. An extensive list of beneficial effects of the product on the body is determined by the presence of carotenoids and anthocyanins in the composition.

INTERESTING! Seventy percent of carbohydrates are represented by fructose, which is perfectly absorbed by the body.

How many calories does

100 grams of the product contains 1.1 grams of protein, 10.6 grams of carbohydrates and 0.4 grams of fat. The calorie content of fresh cherries is at a low level: approximately fifty kilocalories per 100 grams of berries. It is difficult to give an exact figure, because the calorie content is affected by the growing conditions of the plant.

Due to the fact that cherries have a low calorie content, they can be eaten during weight loss.

Product benefits

Cherry appears in the spring to recharge the body tired after the winter and fill it with the necessary elements. During vitamin deficiency, this is an indispensable product.

Useful properties have a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism. The use of berries has a positive effect on blood circulation. The combination of tocopherol and retinol helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and prevent blood clots.

Pectin prevents the movement of cholesterol, not letting it into the blood. Red cherries are indicated for use by people suffering from high blood pressure.

Due to the high content of iodine, the berry is necessary for those who have problems with the thyroid gland. If a person is accompanied by problems with the intestinal system, the pulp of the berry will help to improve the activity of the organ.

Thanks to ellagic acid, the risk of developing cancerous tumors is reduced. The substances contained in the berries create obstacles for the active activity of dysentery and Escherichia coli, as well as for infections that cause accumulation of pus.

Cherry is of great benefit to the female body. The fair sex is recommended to use berries in two specific situations:

  1. In case of problems with the reproductive system - if a woman cannot conceive and bear a baby, she needs to purchase berries;
  2. At the onset of menopause, cherries alleviate the condition of a woman.

Cherry has useful properties for men: it helps to stabilize potency. It is useful to eat during the recovery period after medical intervention. It allows you to recover faster after injuries, serious illnesses and operations. Berries cause appetite, cheer up, anesthetize and reduce swelling.

The use of cherries during stressful situations is shown, as it relieves nervous tension. Berries are used to make masks for the skin and face. They eliminate inflammation, help get rid of puffiness. Small calories allow overweight people to include the product in the diet.

IMPORTANT! You can not eat cherries with a bone, because it contains hydrocyanic acid, which is a serious danger and causes poisoning.

Harm to the body

Cherries should not be consumed by people with certain medical conditions as they can cause serious harm in some cases. Even healthy people should not get carried away with the consumption of sweet berries. An excessive amount of cherries can cause a breakdown in a healthy body. You should not buy berries for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • urolithiasis - the berry provokes the development of a diuretic effect, which in turn leads to the movement of stones;
  • an allergic reaction to red berries;
  • gastritis - if the disease occurs at a high level of acidity, after eating cherries, health worsens. Pampering with a berry with a chronic ulcer that is at rest causes a period of exacerbation of the disease;
  • chronic bowel problems, especially if one of the symptoms is diarrhea;
  • colic, flatulence - acids and fructose, which are part of the berry, cause an exacerbation.

Varieties of a red tint thin the blood, so people suffering from an increased risk of bleeding should approach the use of such berries with caution. White cherries are suitable for them, which brings the same benefits to the body, but contains much less oxycoumarins and coumarins. It is believed that white varieties can be used by allergy sufferers.

Be wary of meals with cherries suffering from diabetes. The berry has a high glycemic index. With excessive use of fructose, it can provoke the development of an attack, so it is better to exclude the product from the diet or eat it only after consulting a doctor.

It is not recommended to pamper children under the age of two years with a sweet berry. It can cause intestinal upset. If a woman is breastfeeding, she should not introduce red cherries into her diet, it is better to look at varieties with a yellow tint.

Correct use

To get the maximum benefit from the berry and eliminate harm, you need to use it correctly. The day period in which the cherry was eaten is of great importance. There are two options:

  • use in the morning;
  • consumption in the evening.

What else is useful cherries for the body?

A morning meal that includes cherries will only benefit. Eating during this time period is especially recommended for overweight people. A diuretic effect, as well as soft stools, will help you lose those extra pounds. At the same time, the berry will not affect the diet, since the answer to the question of how many calories are in fresh cherries contains a small value.

Women trying to benefit the reproductive functions of the body and skin should include cherries in the evening menu.

To avoid the occurrence of gases, the berry is advised to eat thirty minutes after a full meal. It should be eaten gradually, enjoying each berry. Don't eat the whole handful at once. At one time, you can eat three hundred grams of the product, but for children, one serving is one hundred grams. For a day, adults should not eat more than a kilogram, and children - more than three hundred grams.

ATTENTION! The most important rule for eating cherries is to thoroughly wash the berries. Chemicals that were used to process the product during cultivation remain on the skin, as well as dust and dirt accumulate. It is recommended to leave the cherries in cold water for a short time so that the harmful substances are completely gone from the berries.

Recipes with cherries

The health benefits and harms of stone fruit are obvious. Known recipes for the preparation of medicinal decoctions of cherries. The raw materials can be stalks, leaves, flowers and the berries themselves.

Decoction of leaves and flowers


  • flowers;
  • leaves.


Leaves and flowers are crushed. A teaspoon of the product is poured with boiling water (250 ml) and put on a slow fire for 15 minutes. Then the broth is removed from the stove and left for a while to cool the liquid. At the final stage, the broth is filtered.

Expected effect

The decoction prevents the development of inflammatory processes, has an antiseptic effect. It is useful to take it for acute respiratory diseases and dry cough.

Mask for face and skin


  • berries
  • sour cream.

Preparation and application

The pits are removed from the berries and then rubbed. A tablespoon of the product is mixed with an identical amount of sour cream and mixed. The resulting mask is applied to the face and kept for 15 minutes.

Expected effect

The skin is moisturized and nourished, it becomes fresh and rested. Cherry stops aging, the pulp relieves the skin of keratinized particles.

Cherry is not only a tasty and sweet berry, but also a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for our body. From their own experience, many are convinced that cherries should be included in the diet to be saturated with useful substances. Masks from berries are also useful.


Dietary properties of cherries:

Cherry is a large tree of the Rosaceae family. The fruit is a spherical, oval or slightly heart-shaped, up to 2 cm in diameter, black, red, white, yellow true drupe. The fruits taste very pleasant, juicy and sweet.

Cherry is a valuable berry also because it ripens early. It grows wild in the forests of Europe, Iran, Asia, Africa. On the territory of the CIS - in Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus and southern Russia. But mostly, of course, cultivated cherries from gardens are used.

Fresh fruits are used for food, the color and shape of which are determined by varietal affiliation.

Compotes, jams, jams are prepared from cherries. Fruits can be frozen and dried. The juice is used in the alcoholic beverage industry.

For medicinal purposes, the fruits are used due to the content of delicate fiber in them for intestinal atony, spastic colitis and other diseases accompanied by sluggish peristalsis.

The effectiveness of cherries in hypochromic anemia is due to the large amount of iron and vitamins in it. Cherry fruits are used for hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, reflux esophagitis.

Pro-vitamin A (retinol) contained in sweet cherries is responsible for the formation and development of all tissues, from bones and skin to the retina. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is involved in the metabolic process, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) promotes protein synthesis, stimulates the liver, heart and brain. The composition of sweet cherry fruits also includes vitamin PP (niacin), which stimulates the process of cell respiration.

Cherry fruits of different ripening periods differ markedly in chemical composition. Fruits of late ripening accumulate up to 18% Sugars (mainly glucose), 1.3% acids, 0.2% (dark-colored fruits) tannins, 0.7% pectins, 100 mg% P-active catechins, 15 mg% vitamin C. Sweet cherries contain such biologically active substances as coumarins, oxycoumarins (helping to reduce blood clotting, preventing the formation of blood clots), amygdalin.

No less important are the micro and macro elements contained in the cherry: copper, manganese, zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Cherry is especially useful for diabetics, since 75% of its carbohydrates are fructose, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Cherry fruits are widely used for baby food in the form of juices, compotes, purees and fresh berries.

Like any other fruits and berries, it is preferable to eat it raw, especially considering that the cherry season is short. But if you wish, you can cook more than a hundred dishes from it: pies, soups, salads, sauces for meat, and, of course, jam.

Confectioners use the sweet berry for the production of candied fruits, and also alcoholize it, then adding it to desserts and sweets.

Fans of alcoholic beverages make fragrant wines from ripe yellow cherries, but they are inferior in quality to drinks made from cherries and plums.

Fasting days are arranged from cherries, they say that on a cherries diet you can lose a few extra pounds.

How many calories are in cherries?

The calorie content of fresh cherries, however, like all berries, is low and amounts to:

50 kcal per 100 grams of product

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) fresh cherries in gr. per 100 grams:

Proteins - 1.1

Fats - 0.4

Carbohydrates - 11.5

Recipe? Recipe!

What can be cooked with this berry? Here are some recipes:

Cherry juice:

First way:


1 kg of cherries.

Cooking method:

For the preparation of cherry juice, it is recommended to use ripe, intact fruits. Dry the washed cherries a little and grind them with a fruit mill, the rollers of which are set to partially grind the seeds. The resulting mass should settle for several hours. Then squeeze the fruits manually or using a home press. Filter the resulting juice, pour into prepared jars or bottles. Then sterilize for 10 minutes and close tightly.

Second way:


1 kg of cherries.

Cooking method:

Rinse ripe cherries and pass through a juicer. Bring the juice to a boil and pour it hot into prepared bottles or glass cylinders, which must be filled to the top, corked with boiled corks and immediately filled with paraffin. Store juice in a cool dark place.

Cherry compote:

First way:


1 kg of cherries.

For syrup: ½ l of water, 300 g of sugar, 5 g of citric acid.

Cooking method:

Cherry compote is best prepared from cherries of only one variety and color. Put the fruits in prepared jars and pour an equal amount of syrup. Top up with boiling water. Sterilize for 15 minutes, twist and turn the jars upside down. Red cherry compote will become tastier if you pour it with cherry syrup.

Second way:


1 kg of cherries, 350 g of sugar, 650 ml of water.

Cooking method:

Place the prepared berries tightly in sterilized jars, while shaking them periodically. Prepare syrup, heat to 60 °C and pour over cherries. Cover jars with compote with varnished metal lids, place in a container with hot water. Sterilize half-liter jars at a water temperature of 100 ° C for 15–20 minutes, and liter jars for 30 minutes. Roll up the jars and turn them upside down, leaving it to cool completely.

Amber white cherry jam:

1 kg white cherry, 1 kg sugar, 1 lemon

Sort white cherries, rinse, remove pits. Cover with sugar and leave for 6-8 hours until the fruits release juice. Put on low heat, stir constantly so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring to a boil (but do not boil!), removing the resulting foam from the surface. Remove from heat and let cool completely. During the day, bring the jam to a boil and leave to cool completely 2-3 more times. Then add thinly sliced ​​lemon slices, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for about 20 minutes. Ready jam immediately pour into sterilized jars and roll up the lids.