Coffee scrub at home. Coffee scrubs for oily skin types

Many of us no longer imagine the beginning of the day without a cup of fragrant freshly brewed coffee. This is already an established ritual, a daily morning tradition. This wonderful drink gives vivacity and energy for the whole day, brings us into tone, driving away the remnants of drowsiness. But besides the great palatability Coffee has other beneficial properties as well.

Everyone's favorite drink has long been recommended and shown to be effective in cosmetology, since the caffeine it contains perfectly exfoliates dead skin cells of the epidermis, making our skin velvety and smooth. In addition, having an abundance of antioxidants and useful trace elements, coffee is able to maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, relieves swelling, speeds up metabolism and strengthens blood vessels.

Availability, effectiveness and ease of use

Various peels and scrubs based on coffee are well-deservedly famous all over the world. Availability, effectiveness and ease of use - these are the three main criteria for the success and universal recognition of this wonderful product. But is it worth paying a lot of money in beauty salons, if an environmentally friendly and natural coffee body scrub can be made at home, and all the ingredients that will be included in it are present in the kitchen of any woman. In addition, store products are sometimes simply crammed with various chemical elements and fragrances, which sometimes cause allergic reactions. In this article, you will learn about the benefits of natural coffee skin peels that you can do yourself without much effort and expense.

Rules for the use of coffee scrub

To achieve maximum effect and a positive result, you need to know how to use coffee for home cosmetic procedures. Take note of the following recommendations to bring only benefit to your skin, not harm.

  • It is desirable to use a coffee scrub for the skin of the face once or twice a week, for the body it is possible and more often - 2-3 times.
  • If you are the owner oily skin, then it is best to take freshly ground coffee as a basis. If the skin type is normal or dry, then coffee grounds are ideal in this case.
  • If your goal is to get rid of " orange peel”, then the coffee scrub should be applied to pre-steamed skin. Therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to take a warm shower, and apply the peeling with a massage sponge, focusing on the areas affected by cellulite.

1. Coffee grounds, sour cream and olive oil scrub

This coffee scrub (mask) is ideal for those with dry skin types. It perfectly moisturizes and saturates it with important vitamins and minerals, smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates. You will need the following simple ingredients: coffee grounds, sour cream and olive oil. We all take a tablespoon. The resulting mixture must be heated to room temperature. Add a spoonful of honey and natural scrub mask at your disposal. Keep it on your face for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water.

For owners fatty type skin, a scrub using coffee grounds and clay is suitable. This peeling will clean the pores, remove the unpleasant shine and relieve inflammation. The recipe is simple. You need to mix in the same ratio (1 teaspoon with a slide) coffee grounds and any cosmetic clay. Add some warm water so that the mixture resembles thick sour cream, and apply on the face and neck. Leave for 15 minutes. If you add sour cream to such a scrub mask, then it can be used to give tone and elasticity to aging skin.

All masks are applied with light massage movements, very carefully so as not to scratch or get irritated.

Coffee body scrubs

Coffee scrubs can refresh and tone not only the face, but also the body. Caffeine is the basis of the most luxurious treatments and creams to get rid of excess weight and cellulite. Coffee tightens the skin, fights a sagging belly, perfectly removes small stretch marks and imperfections of the epidermis, and even gives a slight tan effect. It is necessary to apply such scrubs evenly in the direction of the lymph flow: on the stomach with gentle circular movements, along the legs from the bottom up.

3. Ground coffee scrub

This is one of the simplest yet highly proven recipes. You need to take natural dry ground coffee and go to the shower. Thoroughly lather the body with your favorite shower gel (you can purchase specialized anti-cellulite for this purpose) and, without washing it off, apply coffee. Gently massage for 15-20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. You will be pleasantly surprised by the result in a week.

Such a peeling will not only remove the hated “orange peel”, but also smooth the skin and give it a pleasant smoothness and tenderness. To do this, mix 2 tablespoons of natural ground coffee and salt. Don't forget about a tablespoon of oil. It is advisable to use olive, but simple sunflower will do. Carefully treat problem areas with this mixture and then rinse.

A body scrub mask using honey and coffee is very effective. To do this, you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of coffee and the same amount natural honey. Apply this mixture on steamed skin for 15-20 minutes. However, this "miracle remedy" has contraindications if you are allergic to bee products. Then it's better to give up this method and use other components.

If you feel that your skin is dry and needs additional food, then this coffee scrub will suit you perfectly: mix 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds and about the same rice flour. We dilute this mixture to the consistency of cream with sour cream.

7. Regular coffee with milk and sugar

Like all previous methods, this peeling is easy to manufacture. You need to do regular coffee with milk and sugar. The thick that remains then is a wonderful body scrub.

8. Coffee bath

Would you like to get a little tan and give your skin a nice tan tone? Easily! You will not need to visit a solarium, and with it you will not need to get unwanted ultraviolet exposure. Natural and healthy coffee bath in this case is your faithful friend and assistant. To do this, you need to brew at least a liter of coffee and pour it into the bath. The procedure time is 15-20 minutes.

Video: “Cooking a coffee scrub at home”

As you can see, coffee scrubs are easy to make and do not require special material costs, and the effect is simply amazing. You will see and feel the results immediately, after the first or second time the skin will become soft and smooth like a child's.

Millions of people around the world drink coffee in the morning, but many of them do not even realize that such an invigorating drink is an excellent cosmetic product for the body. coffee scrub able to give the skin smoothness, tenderness and velvety. And among other things, a good coffee scrub is an excellent remedy for cellulite, stretch marks and unwanted hair growth.

Coffee body scrub for cellulite

Coffee is not just a fragrant drink, but also a natural cosmetic product that can help prevent skin aging.

The composition of small coffee beans includes a mass useful substances, vitamins and several types of organic acids.

On the basis of coffee, you can prepare an effective anti-cellulite scrub, the use of which will improve blood circulation, restore metabolism, remove toxins and increase the tone of the dermis.

There are many recipes for making natural homemade cosmetics, and we offer the simplest, but effective ones.

  1. Add a spoonful of ground coffee beans and a little water to the shower gel. Before exfoliating, take a hot shower or even a bath to open up your pores. Spread the scrub with smooth movements over the entire body, hold it on the skin for a while, and then simply rinse with water.
  2. An expensive spa treatment can be replaced by using coffee with the same amount of sea salt. For a scrub, take the indicated ingredients, pour any available vegetable oil into them and combine the resulting composition with your shower product. Treat warmed skin with a scrub and ten minutes later take a cool shower, which will not only remove the used product from the body, but also “close” the pores.
  3. Oats and coffee powder are an excellent duo, effective in combating the appearance of cellulite. Thanks to the influence of these components, the reliefs of the skin are leveled, toxins are removed, and the skin itself is nourished with oxygen and vitamins. To prepare a scrub, combine a spoonful of coffee crumbs with big amount oat flour. As a basis for such a remedy, take a good market sour cream. Apply the finished composition to vulnerable areas of the skin and rinse it off after ten minutes under a contrast shower.
  4. From a mixture of crushed grains coffee tree you can also do it with honey effective remedy for skin health. It will help eliminate not only skin defects, but also old stretch marks. To do this, mix equal proportions these ingredients, dilute the resulting composition with liquid soap and gently rub it into the skin of the body.

Home coffee therapy starts early in the morning

A morning cup of coffee not only energizes good mood and fills the body with energy. The coffee grounds left after "drinking coffee" will serve you well as an excellent home peeling. Delicate clean skin, radiant healthy complexion - these are just a small result that can be achieved with the help of miraculous coffee scrubs. We will tell you all about the benefits, rules of use and preparation of one of the most effective and popular homemade cosmetics.

The benefits of coffee scrub and the result of its application

Let's start with chemical composition, which determines beneficial features natural coffee for the skin. In fresh, freshly brewed coffee, there are more than 1200 components, and half of them are aromatic substances. We will not list everything, we will only mention those that will help us in caring for the skin of the face and body:

Coffee beans have a unique composition
  • Caffeine is the main substance that invigorates and gives a good mood. It has the same effect on the skin. Penetrating into it, it enhances blood circulation and, accordingly, the saturation of cells with oxygen. In addition, it protects it from adverse effects and cleanses well.
  • Carotenoids improve complexion, especially noticeable on gray tired skin.
  • Polyphenols are what promotes the formation of collagen and elastin in cells and resists the damaging effects of free radicals.
  • B vitamins help moisturize and nourish the skin, relieve inflammation, get rid of acne, increase blood flow in the skin.
  • Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium.
  • Vitamin E stimulates cell reproduction.
  • Essential amino acids that are not formed in our body restore intracellular mechanisms.

Thanks to all these wonders, as a result of using a coffee scrub, we have: elastic tightened skin; good complexion; lack of cellulite "orange peel". Who's to say it's not enough?

The Best Coffee Scrub Recipes

Of course, it is not advisable to use pure coffee grounds. In order for the scrub to be truly effective, additional components are included in it. They depend on the type of skin, the presence or absence of allergies, and, in fact, the goal you want to achieve.

If you also normal skin and you want to cheer her up, please her coffee scrub with honey and olive oil. The proportions are 1:1:2. As a result, get excellent cleansing and elasticity.

Problematic skin can be treated scrub-mask of coffee, cinnamon and cane sugar . For it, both coffee grounds and just ground coffee are used. Equal amounts of coffee, sugar and cinnamon are added to the container, and then slightly diluted mineral water. Clean skin is covered with a scrub composition and lightly massaged. After the massage, you can leave it for another 10 minutes as a mask. After such a procedure, pimples and black dots disappear.

Coffee scrub with cinnamon is suitable for problem skin

Suitable for dry and sensitive skin scrub with almond oil. Mix a tablespoon of coffee grounds and brown sugar, pour a mixture of 100 ml of almond oil. As a result, the skin will receive not only all the benefits of coffee, but also almond oil - cleansing, nourishing, moisturizing and a good complexion.

Almond oil will make the scrub even more useful

For combination and oily skin, it is good to prepare a scrub consisting of coffee, sea salt, white clay, curdled milk and fir oil. Mix a teaspoon of ground coffee with the same amount of white clay and yogurt. Drop 2-3 drops of fir oil essential oil into the mixture: the texture of your homemade scrub will be very pleasant, and the aroma is truly magical! Apply a thick layer and leave for 5 minutes to nourish the skin with nutrients. Then massage your face and body with gentle circular motions and rinse off with warm water.

Multi-component scrub is very effective

The constant fight against cellulite will be more successful if you use a special coffee-orange scrub. Here is one of the recipes. In the composition - coffee (thick or dry ground - 100 g), cognac (30 ml), honey (4 tablespoons), sea salt (50 g), sweet orange essential oil (10 drops). Apply to the problem area with massage movements and leave for no more than 5 minutes. If you feel a burning sensation and the skin is slightly reddened, then the remedy is working. Wash off with shower gel.

Coffee-orange scrub will help fight cellulite

With the help of coffee scrubbing of the skin of the body, you can get rid of not only cellulite, but also keratosis, roughness and stretch marks.

Subtleties of application

Like any cosmetic care product, coffee scrub requires knowledge of some of the subtleties of its application:

  1. Use fresh coffee. It is better to buy it in grains and grind before preparing the scrub. The finer the grind, the less chance of injuring the skin.
  2. If you are using grounds from brewed coffee, let it cool before using.
  3. Only roasted coffee is suitable for scrub. If you buy ground coffee for cosmetic purposes, make sure that it is without aromatic and other additives and finely ground enough.
  4. Categorically not suitable for instant coffee scrub.
  5. Apply the mixture only to dry, clean skin. The exception is sugar scrubs. They are more aggressive, so they can only be used on wet skin.
  6. Use a facial scrub regularly 1-2 times a week, for the body no more than 1 time in 7-10 days. Body scrub is not suitable for delicate facial skin. Also, when using it, avoid getting the mixture on the neck and décolleté.

Coffee scrub will transform your skin

Indications and contraindications

Thanks to the tonic effect and the content a large number useful substances scrub with coffee is universal. And as an excellent cleanser, it is suitable for everyone and at any age. You can not use coffee scrub only for those who are allergic to coffee in any form, complex and severe skin diseases. It is not recommended for owners of thin sensitive skin. Experiment, use every opportunity to always look young and attractive.

973 0 Hello, in this article we will talk about coffee body scrub, how to prepare it at home with your own hands. And also about what recipes are suitable for the sauna. Coffee has long and firmly entered our lives, and many of us simply cannot imagine our morning without a cup of freshly brewed coffee. fragrant drink. And how many of you, dear ladies, use coffee for other purposes? For example, to take care of your skin.

What are the benefits of coffee-based body scrubs?

No matter how many lovers of this break their spears ancient drink and its opponents (of which there are clearly fewer), both in beauty salons and at home, our women have long been using it to maintain the beauty of their skin, making scrubs based on it. Even scientists, based on numerous studies, have identified beneficial effect coffee on the skin After all, coffee beans, in addition to caffeine, are rich in fatty acids, vitamins, stearins. Among positive qualities cosmetic products with caffeine are the following:

  • Antioxidant- prevents photoaging and inflammation of the epidermis.
  • Anti-cellulite- enhances blood circulation, improves metabolism, helping to fight orange peel.
  • Restoring– improves general form and skin condition due to the ability to influence the production of collagen and elastin in it.
  • Protective– prevents Negative influence sun rays.
  • anti-aging- reduces and reduces wrinkles, moisturizes, removes excess fluid, helping to relieve swelling.
  • Tonic and cleansing- due to the removal of dead cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, the face is smoothed, the color becomes even.

After using a coffee scrub, the skin will delight you with its condition: it will become silky, soft, moisturized and get a shade of light tan. With regular use, it becomes a wonderful tool for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, which prevents the appearance of varicose veins.

Which coffee is better to use for cellulite

You can find coffee scrubs on sale, but a homemade cellulite remedy is much better. It is always better and more useful, because you are sure of its composition. Our experienced beauties recommend choosing coffee good quality, preferably varieties such as Robusta or Arabica . Don't forget to check the expiration date. You can grind it yourself or take it ready, already ground, from a pack. If you want to prepare a rejuvenating remedy, take green coffee.

You can also do body scrub and coffee grounds. The main condition is that only the thick is needed that remains after brewing natural and strong coffee, without any additives. No sugar or milk needed. To get a suitable thick, the drink needs to be boiled a little, and not just poured with boiling water.

Remember that surrogates and coffee drinks for the preparation of scrubs are categorically not suitable. They will not bring anything but harm to your health. Instant coffee is simply useless.

How to make a coffee body scrub at home

You don't have to be a beautician to make a coffee scrub. The main rule is to observe the proportions of all the ingredients that make up the scrub. Coffee particles are only an exfoliating component, you can choose the base for this product yourself, taking into account your skin type. Shower gels can serve as the basis, dairy products, honey. You just need to know what properties these products have and how they will be useful to your skin.

Very often, essential oils are added to this beauty product, which will enhance the effect of its use. Your body will be pleased with the addition of emollients, for example, vegetable oils (olive, peach, almond, apricot or other).

And be sure to check the coffee grind: you can use medium or fine, large can harm the skin.

If you have already read how to make the basic composition of a coffee scrub, then you can experiment with the ingredients, choosing the composition that you and your skin like the most.

Don't forget to test your new product for allergies.

How to apply coffee scrub

In order for the effect of using a coffee scrub to please you, you must follow the established procedure:

  • You can apply the composition after taking a hot shower or bath so that the skin is steamed. When you use a coffee body scrub in the sauna, do it after your first visit.
  • Do not wipe the body, let the skin be damp.
  • Gently spread the prepared composition over the body, going from bottom to top.
  • Gently massage for a few minutes, don't rub.
  • Wash off the scrub with warm water without soap / gel with a soft sponge.
  • After the procedure, moisturize the skin with your favorite product.
  • Do not scrub more than twice a week.

Homemade coffee scrub recipes

There are quite a few ways to make coffee scrubs, but the principle of their preparation is the same: mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous gruel. Therefore, further I simply give the compositions of different scrubs.

Basic composition recipe: 1 st. l. add medium-sized coffee to a washing agent (gel, milk) or liquid soap, coat yourself with your beloved.

Coffee scrubs for oily skin

  • coffee scrub with added sea salt: 2 parts coffee powder, 1 part finely ground salt (if available, replace with Dead Sea salt), a quarter cup of kefir.
  • With grape oil: 2 parts coffee, 1 part runny honey, 3 parts oil grape seeds(as an option - St. John's wort / calendula herb oils).
  • With blue clay: the same amount of coffee and clay (dilute with water or mineral water, as indicated on the package), a quarter cup of kefir. The consistency should be like liquid sour cream, so you may need more kefir. To enhance the effect, wrap problem areas, such as thighs and buttocks, with a film for an hour. You can take clay of any color, and replace kefir with water.

Coffee scrubs for dry skin

  • Gentle: 2 parts coffee, 1 part honey, 1 part sour cream with a fat content of at least 20% (choose from natural ingredients), 1 part olive oil, rosehip oil - 10 drops.
  • With peach oil: 2 parts coffee, 1 part fatter sour cream (do not forget about the naturalness of the products), 1 part peach oil or any other.
  • With almond oil: 2 tbsp. l. coffee, 50 ml. almond oil, 2 tbsp. l. honey, you can use brown sugar.

One of the most common coffee body scrubs remains anti-cellulite. Basic Recipe: 2-3 tbsp coffee, the same amount of olive oil (coconut, jojoba, peach).


  • 2 parts coffee, 1 part olive oil, 1 part sea salt, 3-4 drops of ginger oil.
  • 2 parts medium coffee, 1 part honey, 1 part favorite vegetable oil, two pinches of black ground pepper, 5 drops of any citrus essential oil.
  • 1 part coffee, 2 parts green coffee or almond oil, a few drops of rosemary or juniper oil.

Coffee scrubs for normal skin

  • With honey: 2 parts coffee, 1 part olive oil, 1 part honey.
  • With sour cream: 2 parts coffee, 1 part honey, 1 part sour cream.
  • "Morning coffee": 100 gr. melted cream soap base, 1 tbsp. dry cream, 2 tbsp. coffee, 1 tsp almond oil, 5 drops of coffee flavor, 3 drops of vanilla flavor.

Coffee scrub for stretch marks

  • 1 part coffee, 5 parts apple cider vinegar, of course, natural, 5 percent.
  • 2 parts of coffee, 2 parts of white clay, add water to the state of thick sour cream.

Scrub for those who want to lose weight: 6 art. l. natural yogurt without any additives, 2 tbsp. coffee, 1 tbsp. cognac. Or coffee and pepper bitters in a 1:1 ratio.


As for the other cosmetic product, contraindications exist when using a scrub with coffee. This is an allergy to any ingredient in the scrub, skin diseases, or even minor damage (pimples, scratches, wounds).

Where to find and how to store coffee grounds for scrub

If you use coffee grounds for a scrub, be aware that there are fewer useful substances in it, but it smells more pleasant and does not color the skin so much.

It is better to take the thick of freshly drunk coffee, but in the absence of such, you can make blanks: freeze or dry in the oven. If there is no desire to mess around, remember that in the normal state, the thick is stored in a jar for no more than five days. The place should be cool, dark and dry.

If you don't brew coffee enough to make a scrub, you can look for grounds in coffee shops and small establishments that make coffee all the time. It happens that they sell coffee grounds to those who wish.

Coffee body scrub - reviews on the application and recipes from a personal piggy bank.

Where to buy natural coffee body scrub

For body and face:

  • Scrub for face and body coffee ORIGINAL, ECOLAB — Ingredients: Coffea (Coffee) Seed Powder (Ground coffee), Maris salt (Sea salt), Saccharum officinarum (Brown Sugar) ( Cane sugar), Argania Spinosa (Argan) Oil (Argan Oil), Prunus Persica (Peach) Oil (Peach Oil), Coffea (Coffee) Seed Oil (Green Coffee Oil), Vitamin E (Vitamin E), Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A) ( Vitamin A).
  • Scrub for face and body coffee and CHOCOLATE, ECOLAB
  • COFFEE & SALT SCRUB "COFFEE & CARAMEL" FOR THE BODY SPA DELIGHT (Spain) — Ingredients: salt from the Dead Sea; sweet almond oil; Arabica coffee; shell walnut; vitamin E; caramel.
  • SCRUB "CHOCOLATE-COFFEE" WORKSHOP OF OLESIA MUSTAYEVA — Ingredients: sugar; ground coffee; cacao butter; cocoa mass; shea butter; grape bone oil; fucus extracts; kelp extract; horse chestnut extract; horsetail extract; ivy extract.
  • COFFEE SCRUB AROMA ROYAL SYSTEMS(Russia) — Ingredients: salt; sweet almond oil; coffee powder from Arabica seeds; nutshell powder; dead sea salt; tocopherol.

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At all times, women have sought to take care of themselves to maintain and preserve beauty and youth. Recipes of natural homemade cosmetics have been passed down from generation to generation, improved. One of the most beloved and effective ingredients used in the preparation of various scrubs, masks and body wraps is coffee. What are its benefits for the skin and how you can use it to prepare various skin care products at home, we will talk in this article.

What is useful

In fact, it is difficult to underestimate the benefits of coffee. Thanks to its caffeine content, it:

  • Helps smooth and rejuvenate the skin, remove excess fluid from the body and improve blood circulation;
  • Is one of best products used for weight loss, as it has a fat burning effect and reduces the appearance of cellulite;
  • Effectively fights stretch marks, restores skin tone and elasticity.

In addition to caffeine, coffee contains antioxidants that help keep skin looking youthful.

What kind of coffee do you need

However, not every coffee is equally useful as a cosmetic product. Must refrain from using instant drink, because it will not bring you absolutely no benefit, on the contrary, it can even harm you. It is best to prepare masks, scrubs and wrapping mixtures from ground coffee, and it is advisable to choose a fine or medium grind for better exfoliation of dead skin particles and to avoid traumatizing it.

Use of grounds

If you prefer to buy coffee in beans and cook it yourself in a Turk, you can prepare a cosmetic product based on used coffee pomace (grounds). In order for the coffee grounds remaining after the preparation of the drink to be suitable as such a means, please observe the following rules:

  • Brew coffee without additives (milk, cream, sugar, spices, etc.);
  • Use cake only natural coffee;
  • For maximum efficiency, the drink is brewed for several minutes; do not just pour boiling water over it;
  • Coffee grounds have a certain expiration date - they can serve you no more than 5 days when proper storage: should be kept in a cool dark place, in a closed container.

Application rules

So, you have decided to prepare a coffee mixture and use it to carry out a skin care procedure. For maximum effect, your body must be carefully prepared. So, here's what you need to do first:

  • Make sure you are not allergic to this product. The main principle of any medical procedure is do no harm. Our goal is to care for the skin of the face and body, however, if the use of coffee is not possible due to individual intolerance, you will have to find another product for this purpose;
  • Before starting scrubbing or wrapping, it is necessary to thoroughly steam and cleanse the skin. The pores should be as open as possible for better absorption of the beneficial substances contained in the coffee mixture. That is why many people love to use such a scrub after visiting a bath or infrared sauna;
  • The duration of the procedure is at least 10 minutes.

To fight cellulite:

  • To prepare an anti-cellulite scrub, choose black or green coffee, coarse grinding, without any artificial flavors and additives. Instead of ground coffee, you can take coffee grounds and prepare the necessary mixture;
  • Massage of problem areas is performed as follows: you intensively rub your legs and buttocks from the bottom up (this is how the lymphatic pathways pass) to remove excess fluid from the body; massage the tummy with circular movements;
  • The coffee scrub procedure must be carried out at least 2 times a week for the appearance and maintenance of a sustainable result;
  • To enhance the effect of the procedure will help the subsequent bath with essential oils grapefruit, juniper or orange.

If you want to get rid of stretch marks:

  • Take finely ground coffee, green is best; mix it with sea salt in a ratio of 2:1 and add enough water to make a mixture with the consistency of sour cream. It is allowed to add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • Slow movements in a circle, apply the resulting mass to problem areas;
  • Leave the mixture on the body for about 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  • It is advisable to carry out this procedure no more than once every two weeks, for better regeneration of the skin.

With the help of a coffee scrub, you can get rid of unwanted body hair. It is done like this:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Dilute the mixture cold water to the consistency of sour cream;
  • Pre-steam the skin well by taking a hot bath;
  • Apply the mixture in circular motions to the areas where hair removal is required. Rub it in for about 5 minutes;
  • After the scrub procedure, wrap the treated areas cling film without washing off the scrub. Sit quietly for half an hour;
  • To obtain the effect of such hair removal, it is necessary to carry out at least 5 procedures with an interval of 4-5 days.

Precautionary measures:

  • If you suffer from varicose veins, have pressure problems, or cardiovascular system, then the use of the coffee component as part of home care cosmetics will have to be abandoned;
  • Diseases genitourinary system, serious skin rashes, tumors are also contraindications to the use of coffee as a cosmetic product;
  • Even in the absence of the above restrictions, you should not get carried away and use coffee scrubs more than three times a week.


One of the best means for the prevention and treatment of cellulite at home, as well as to improve the elasticity of the skin of the face and body, is coffee soap.

It is easy to prepare at home according to the following recipe: take a couple of pieces of baby soap, grate them, pour in 30 ml of olive oil and melt in a water bath. Next, add 3 tablespoons of sea salt and 4 tablespoons of ground coffee or finely ground coffee. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour into moulds. Place in refrigerator. The soap should dry within two hours. Then take it out of the molds and wrap it in cling film.

This natural soap will be a great tool for daily care, and also suitable as a gift to a loved one.

Suitable for gentle and effective cleansing of oily skin coffee grounds and honey scrub. To prepare it, take a teaspoon of each component: honey, coffee pomace, natural yogurt, olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face for 8-10 minutes, like a mask, then rinse it off with gentle circular motions;

Problematic skin with rashes can be cured, using a mask of coffee, honey and cinnamon. The components are mixed in equal proportions, the mass is applied to the face for 6-7 minutes and washed off with light massage movements. Be careful not to damage inflamed skin and aggravate rashes;

Ideal for nourishing and moisturizing the skin coffee scrub with sour cream. Add fresh sour cream and olive oil to finely ground coffee, take everything equally. Stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained, apply on the face, leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off the mixture warm water. This mask will help you cleanse and even out the skin, as well as improve its color;

Another scrub that will make your skin soft and silky - with coffee and coconut oil. Take coffee pomace (1 tsp), natural yogurt (3-5 tsp) and coconut oil (2 tsp), mix and apply on the body in a circular motion. You can leave the mixture for 10 minutes to achieve an even greater moisturizing effect;

Now let's talk about anti-cellulite scrubs based on coffee. A classic scrub is prepared by mixing coffee grounds with water at room temperature, until the consistency of porridge. This mixture is applied to problem areas, massage is performed for 15-20 minutes; then rinse everything with warm water;

To achieve better glide, add shower gel to the coffee mass. You can also add some sea salt there, which also has an anti-cellulite effect;

Honey scrub using coffee pomace: mix coffee and honey in a ratio of 1:2 and massage the body for 10-15 minutes;

Salt scrub for anti-cellulite massage: take coffee (1 tablespoon), sea ​​salt(1 tablespoon) and olive oil (5-6 drops). It is preliminary recommended to thoroughly steam the body in the bath, then treat the desired places with this mixture and rinse after 10-15 minutes;

The following recipe should be used with caution as it may cause an allergic reaction. It consists in adding to the coffee grounds of the tincture hot pepper(5-6 drops) and olive oil (also 5-6 drops). The mixture is applied to the body in the form of a wrap and lasts for about an hour. If you feel discomfort, for example, an unpleasant burning sensation, then it is better to wash off the product immediately to avoid burns;

Take a few drops (literally 5-6, no more, so as not to cause a negative skin reaction) of grapefruit, orange or tangerine oils, add them to the prepared coffee grounds (about 100 grams), apply to the skin and massage the problem areas for 10 minutes;

Cereals are also often used in the fight against cellulite. Mix 4 tablespoons of well-ground cereal with 2 tablespoons of coffee pomace, add a spoonful of sour cream or yogurt, mix well and perform an intense massage session for 10 minutes. Then take a warm shower;

coffee grounds can also be used for cooking nourishing masks for the scalp. Take 1 sachet of gelatin, dilute it in water, add a little over half a tablespoon of coffee grounds and a little hair conditioner. Apply the mixture to your hair, leave for 30 minutes, then wash your hair thoroughly. This mask will give shine to your hair, make it obedient and smooth;

Another recipe useful for hair - egg yolk mask The ingredients are as follows: cognac - 1 tbsp., hot water- 1 tbsp, olive (or linseed) oil - 1 tsp, egg yolk - 2 pcs. Mix everything thoroughly, apply to your hair, put a plastic bag on top and wrap your head with a towel. Keep the mixture for at least 30 minutes. After applying this mask, your hair will become silky and shiny, their growth will increase and the roots will be strengthened. The procedure must be carried out at least once every 5 days.